@Toronto Raptors



ladies and gentlemen I’mma say this one time and I’mma say this right now and I want us to be on the same page I gave Doo a year we knew it was chaotic was a lot of changes we get it I’m not going to be as understanding this year I’m not going to be ridiculous let’s be clear on that I’m not going to be anal I’m not going to be ridiculous but I am going to apply pressure I have to because I want to win I want to win I’m sorry I want to win I want to see a definitive system too I want to see we have to have an identity his offense his defense has to have an identity I have to be able to look at our team and even without even without looking at the game I have to have an idea of what we’re going to do regardless you knew what the you knew what certain teams were going to do some teams now you know what they’re going to do they have an identity they have a system for production and to deal with problems and continue to to to mature and grow and you watching guys mature and grow into their game we need that we have too many young pieces no one’s like I keep saying no one’s coming to save us and we don’t need anybody to no team needs a savior but teams do need a system they do need a coach with a system to make sense of their games especially now with so many young players coming in the old heads are on their way out these kids don’t know what to do you’re not going to let them run the NBA and do what they want you’re not it’s too much money at stake too much it’s moving back towards coaches having more power having more presence I want to see what his system looks like I want to see every player developing and building their game around that system you know what I mean it’s it’s that simple for me we can’t have players just running up and down the court hooping you don’t get a lot done that way you don’t get a lot of goals attained and a lot of things achieved that way because at the end of the day you need directions and directives and [ __ ] purposes for everybody’s energy and efforts and talents so that you can win games I hate losing I need to see more winning I need to talk about more winning last year I understood what it was going to be it was chaotic decisions were being made and a lot of teams are going to be making those type of decisions this summer or in that that realm this summer so we’re not without company but the successful teams during the regular season in the playoffs all have some they have a system or some type of outline of a system some type of logic some type of idea of what and then everybody builds their method based off of that as opposed to guys saying yo I’m just working on my game nah work on your game because it’s going to fit your role in the system because we’re going to need because this is how it’s going to be run and your game has to be productive as it’s being run or as it’s being ran don’t come up with your own answers so open book test a lot of guys need to understand their games have to be developed around the system and we have to find out what that system is immediately we just can’t have even if you have a bunch of good players they still have to be structured and their games have to make sense and be moving in the same direction for victories especially in the playoffs guys need something to build their game around you know what I mean and teams like as long as guys can build their game around the system the personal successes and the team successes are more assured that way they’ll be motivated to come to work because it’s not as daunting they don’t they’re not walking around blindfolded trying to figure out what works no just in this system with these plays develop your game around the opportunities that you see you’re going to have on a regular basis that’s it and that’s in every regard crashing the boards shooting passing moving without the Bas basketball you know what I mean just being a basketball player like you want to be able to be utilized in every sense of the word because you don’t know what play is going to change everything for you or what player your Superstars might have a rough go of it you may need somebody to come off the bench and really put some points on the board get some rebounds get some assists and contribute a team like a full team contribution is going to be needed now you can’t just say we got a strong top five we watch Denver Denver got a strong core for they couldn’t get past the Minnesota Timberwolves who had just a few more pieces and then Denver couldn’t get past Dallas because Dallas had ball handlers that could destroy their defense it’s little things but you don’t get to those spaces and have those moments of clarity where you see all right damn if I could do this and this opportunity maybe we want to went further just getting closer to solving a problem we need a system to get us in a place where we can see how close we are to achieving the ultimate goal that’s the truth that’s what the system is for to get us a step closer every day to winning a championship that’s it I know everybody’s like yeah but that’s that seems so far away for everybody else yeah it seems impossible for a lot of people I don’t think it’s an impossibility for the Raptors there’s just a lot of work that needs to be done a lot of a lot of eyes that got to be dotted and a lot of tees that got to be crossed it’s work that needs to be done it’s not impossible just has to they have to get it done they have to figure out how to get us as close to that as possible every year and it’s going to take a system Darko is great with people cool we understand that sociology degree the whole nine yards been a coach for 18 20 something years cool now let’s see what works you know what works come up with a system where you utilize more of what works and tell guys to create their game around the system do not create your system around what they’re doing you tell them what you need them to be when you go get a job regardless of your degree you’re not telling the manager that hires you what you’re come to do they’re hiring you and they’re bringing you in and they’re telling you this is what we need you to do right now your position that you went to college for might not even be open but we need you to do this lesser thing for a little bit learn your way around the office and then when that opportunity opens up for you then you can move in you might want to be a starter you might feel like you should be a starter but until a starting role opens up for you I need you to come off the bench and give me everything you got within my system within this new reality that you exist in you know what I mean and a lot of it has to be on Coach he has to be anal about your listen I need you to do this this is these are the plays this is the system this is the reason why we’re on the court this is how we’re going to beat them I need you to create your game around your opportunities in this thing we’re doing and I think that’s what has to motivate guys the opportunities that they’re going to get within the game plan a lot of guys going into games not just on our team but other teams as well looking for opportunities within the game not so much within the game plan because you can get 30 points we could still lose by 20 because it wasn’t within the game plan and other teams don’t mind you scoring 30 if it if it’s not in the game plan you just took away from the production that we could have got from two or three other guys if you get 30 within the system it still enables other guys to have their opportunity to be productive and to help your performance become one of those performances that helps us win everything helps everything else you know what I mean you can’t just think about it in terms of what I can do it has to be part of the structure it has to en it can’t take opportunities away from guys that’s why having Scotty is so important because his style of play plugs in and can clean up anybody else’s inadequate inadequacies even the team as a whole we need rebounds he can get us 15 rebounds we need 12 assists he can get us 12 assists we need 20 points he can get us 20 points we need a three now he can get us a three we need somebody to go off the dribble he’s moving into the posting up part like whatever we need done he can do it now he needs a team that can hold their own to make sense of his performances now it’s not going to be Scotty and the Raptors it’s gonna be the Raptors and Scotty because Scotty is going to be the one that cleans up all the messes because he has the ability to you don’t need him to be in the front you don’t need him to be in the front at all he can be the Super producer that just makes the Beats I just help you make the hit song I’m just here to make sure everything works right the Master Mechanic plug this hole fix this over here screw this in tighten this up we got a rebound helps our defense he could do it all why would we just put him in a place and be like you’re the number one that limits him that limits him allow him to float around and be whatever the game dictates he should be if it means we need rebounds crash the boards if it means we need scoring score and everybody still has an opportunity to be a part of the performance they still have their opportunities to perform because his game doesn’t necessarily take away from anybody else’s when it’s put in that perspective you make him a number one it may take away from somebody else’s performance or that opportunity that they could leverage which may stop him from having leverage in a situation just have him clean up everybody’s mess whatever the team needs Scotty will be able to do it so it’s it’s one of those situations where create the system make sure everybody builds their game around those roles and just look at sky like hey yo whatever whatever we need just do whatever we need his performances don’t get in anybody’s way he’s not going to go for 40 he doesn’t have to he can produce 40 points get you 25 points and 12 assists couple of steals that end up as fast break points couple threes free throws like you just want him to be productive at the highest level within your structure and enable other guys to still be productive also without standing there watching they have to be active participants and his style of play enables guys to be active participants because he’s not a volume dribbler he’s not a volume shooter he’s an allaround basketball player who just happens to be 6’1 powerful athletic and and wants to win you have to you have to create your system where he gets his chance to be him and everybody else gets a chance to be themselves also genuinely no compromise and that’s a coach’s job create the system and then have them create their game around your system you know what I think he knows what works I I want to see I want to see him put it together and fast I ain’t got time I don’t we started off last season so good we look real good in the beginning and then things just started falling apart nah we ain’t got time I’m not trying to have another experience like I did this year like we don’t have like we don’t have to let’s see what the system look like the players need a purpose for their abil their abilities you know what I mean everything has to have a reason they’re too young to be left alone to their own devices they’re too young to be like all now I trust you no I need this is it Master the game plan I wish we had the triangle offense I know everybody was like you know triangle works 11 championships use some of it use something from it give me give me I need a system I need a system you know what I mean and that’s that’s what’s going to get us where we’re going crazy as it may sound Celtics got a system even though I don’t like it Dallas got a little system too any anywhere Jason kid goes everybody like the team is built around image Giannis was built to be Jason kid you got Luca and Kyrie built same thing that’s a system it’s identity trait but you know like I said the Celtics have a system even though I don’t like it that much but I know where it originated from I’m only pissed off about one it’s the Celtics and two the three-point shooting everybody’s going to copycat that and I’m not trying to watch games next season where everybody shooting 50% of their shots at threes just to think they got some type of edge you know what I mean so I need our team to to really get to the point where we could close our eyes before the like just when we hear our team playing against another team just the day of the game just to know do you have a vision of what it’s going to be like already we know we know we know where the opportunities going to be we know who’s going to have a we see it and I’ve been on this little Chicago kick the last couple days I don’t really talk about Mike like that but I got everything all his DVDs VHS I got all of them on me right now every Michael Jordan DVD every Chicago but I got him I watch him for entertainment purposes but the last couple of days especially yesterday when I wasn’t feeling well I was kind of sick I’m just watching the six seasons that they won championships and I’m like they had a system same thing with Kobe same thing with the Lakers they had a system like you just you keep you go as far as you can with the system as long as you have a structure and you make use of everybody’s abilities you got a shot the goal is to win as many games as possible not to show how smart you are or how how good of a player coach how you gotta win you got to win as much as possible as big as possible that’s a fact as a team and an individual should have take care of itself but first everybody has to understand you’re out there for a purpose you’re out there for a reason there’s a plan there’s an intention behind everything you’re supposed to be doing and you build your game around the opportunities you’re going to get around that plan and that’s it and when it’s your time like you got to you got to hit shots that’s your job put the ball in the basket use the back Ball by any means necessary put the ball in the basket regardless of the circumstances regardless of the situation your goal is to put the ball in the basket anything that you create anything that you do the end result has to be the same ball in the basket that’s it producing points it’s not complicated let not CU I’m not I’m determined to have a I want us to have a good SE I’m determined to talk about winning that’s the only thing I want to understand I don’t want to talk about no we got to wait no I’m not waiting he had a whole season he got enough information about what does not work he know what don’t work he watched it now let’s see we gonna get the Personnel but his his job is to get that listen get that system get that game plan polish that thing off let everybody know this is what we doing your opportunities are going to come from here in these possibilities you have to find the opportunities build your game around what we’re doing and he might have to dig deeper into his mental you know uh State and come up with even coming up with the opportunities for guys well your opportunity is here here here here and here the other ones are going to be created off the cuff open floor filling Lanes you know that type of thing miscellaneous opportunities but we this is where Y and build your game around these opportunities cuz they your responsib like the Deep leave no stone unturned you know what I mean and we got to we got to be resourceful I don’t want to talk about losing I don’t want to understand losing I get it I already I get losing I don’t want to keep talking about losing as if it’s a healthy part of the diet as a competitor you take the good with the bad but it should be more good you want more good you participate for more good you expect more Good The Bad makes the good better but too much bad you like [ __ ] this is this a way of life where’s the progress if you’re taking 40 steps back you have to be strong enough physically to take 80 steps forward because there’s uncertainty walking backwards and being forced backwards there’s a lot of learning being n you should be ready to when it’s time for you to go forward you should be able to be very intentional and intens ified in your approach to make progress cuz you you dealt with the losses you should be fired up and motivated to be more I don’t know man I I feel like the pressure’s on them it might not be a lot of pressure it ain’t the hot seat but dude I need to be able to see something that I can put my hands on and say all right that’s what we are I like that I don’t want to hear the 5sec rule no I don’t hear that [ __ ] that’s not an offense that’s not what is that that’s a theory that’s not a system when the Pacers do it it’s more systematic where’s the system attached to it where’s like we I need to I want to see more production I want to see progress I want to win I want to talk about winning I want to enjoy winning I want to I want to laugh I want to have fun losses are part of it but there’s no reason for us not to win nobody’s perfect that’s it nobody’s perfect like none of these teams like Celtics ain’t perfect [ __ ] Dallas ain’t n nobody perfect and even when you get to the playoffs you’re less than perfect now health is wealth the healthier team is going to go you know as far as this system enables them to go and you might stumble into the finals the only season that counts is the the playoffs but but when you have a young team the regular season is when you earn your stripes and you build your identity so we got to build our identity let’s start let’s start we got some big shoes to fill let’s start getting to it man do what we got to do but he has to I want to see a I want to see what our system look like I don’t want to hear that 5sec [ __ ] and we got to know I want to see the system I want to see what it looks like don’t give me that we need more we need better play no no you don’t need better players you need players that are continuously getting better you saying you need better players to saying the players that you hired and are paying aren’t good enough and you’re not even giving them opportunity to improve no they have to improve I’m paying you I’m not paying you to stay the same you could stay in the hood and play basketball outside if you wanted to stay the same apparently you want more and we want more for you you have to figure out how to motivate these guys I need more and I need you to this or I’m sending you up out of here don’t come back to the arena there has to be ultimatums for some guys be ready or you’re gone it’s your only job that’s your only job be ready to do what we need you to do within this system or you got to go everybody don’t get the The Long Leash everybody outside of starting five should be or you know Grady dick part of the starting five also you got to let people know listen I need you to be productive you know what I need from you I need that if I can’t get that then you got to go you’re going to get an opportunity to prove yourself and you have a deadline we’re not going to keep just paying you and prolonging the inevitable there has to be pressure on the player just like it is on the coach we want to win and winning ain’t got to be fun for you it don’t it’s work but it’s it’s

#NBAChev #Subscribe #TorontoRaptors #DarkoRajakovic #MasaiUjiri #BobbyWebster #100ksubs #ScottieBarnes #RJBarrett #ImmanuelQuickley #JakobPoetl #KellyOlynyk #Ochaiagbaji #GradeyDick

Coach Darko Rajakovic’s system has to take shape this season.


  1. I agree, honestly last year’s wins came mostly with Siakam and OG on court. They were practically garbage after they left. No team should be completely crippled from injuries to one or two starters.
    We don’t have a system. I need everyone in the organization to really bring it this year. From front office, coaching staff, star players, starters, bench, development staff and 905 players. There are holes everywhere.

    I suspect that this coming season will be even worse than last season. It is not realistic to expect everyone in the organization to hit out of the park all at once.
    If things don’t work out it is on Masai, coach Budenholzer js still available. You don’t have to go for experiment every single. Sometime you pay for the proven commodity and consistent value.

    There is no need to tie up more money or time to Trent jr, Bruce Brown. It is okay to move on from Boucher and Poetle if we can find value.
    Asides from the core 4(Barnes, Quickley, Barret, Dick) and maybe Olynick as backup Center. Everyone else is useless. We need to revamp the entire bench roaster. Bring productive role player.
    How is that nicks were able to utilize Achuiwa better but we couldn’t?

  2. Raptors need to make the rite moves this free agency, are future is relying on the rite free agents. 2024 free agents 3 point sninpers off the bench mob 4.0
    #1 6 foot 9 Jalen Smith clip 61-144 42.4% 3pt $5 million
    #2 6 foot 9 Obi Toppin clip 102-253 40.3% 3pt $5 million
    #3 6 foot 7 Sam Hauser clip 197-465 42.4% 3pt $1.9 million
    #4 24 Yo Isaiah Joe clip 147-353 41.6% 3pt $1.9 million

  3. He needs to use guys to their best ability and not just how he “thinks” the team should play. We saw it last year trying to make Precious a decision maker/playmaker & everyone isn’t built to handle that. Simplify roles and PLEASE fix the defensive scheme.

  4. Darko have no system he trash all nba teams are making move with new Coaches. Massai is to stobern to realise he make a mistakes hiring darko everyone says is a development coach he havent develop no one . We had the worse season in Raptors history ,fuk massai and stubernes

  5. As Raptors fans we gotta be patient and just focus more on developing and then get the system going similar to what OKC did. People were ready to fire J Kidd last year and he's about to beat Boston in the NBA Finals. We needed a development coach first and he's what we got right now. We learned how truly weak the East is this year, those playoffs were sad. Raptors can turn it around in no-time and be a top 6 seed.

  6. Development versus getting the right players, so far best result has always been getting the players that fits the system. Dallas got Lively PJW, because it works in the system. They didn't needed them to figure out for years of development, they are ready because that's what they are and Dallas knew who they were.

  7. There's still talks of tanking next season if it's not coming together from the beginning of the season. I'm not feeling that idea.

  8. We may have had the craziest rosters of all time for a season, and not just becasue guys were getting injured.

    If a major move is done, Darko wants to incorporate the new guy properly.

    You'd have to treat 2023-2024 as Darko's "G-league Ignite" season. Same thing goes with Gradey. Last season was about getting ready for this upcoming season.

  9. Imagine coaching a team for 82 games plus summer league and pre-season and not have a system… What are you really expecting? That Darko will miraculously create a system for these guys? And Defense? 😂 hey, look up who our defensive coordinator is and then say “defense” again 😂🤣😂🤣

    JB bickerstaff doesn’t have a job, if you want to win and get the most out of your players, he’s the man for the job.

    I’m excited to get a top 3 pick in the 2025 draft, and Darko will help us achieve that.

    You asking for too much from Darko unfortunately.

  10. The Raptors and Scottie sounds good to me. Darko had his chance to settle in and understand how this team works. Next season I'm expecting a season run for the play offs or at least the play-in. Caring about losing should not be the mindset of a franchise that has won a chip

  11. I don't know yet with the Raptors yet, I still think there is a lot of work from Masai and Bobby to fill out the roster before we can judge coach Darko

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