@Boston Celtics

Boston Celtics-Dallas Mavericks NBA Finals preview: 3-point shooting & guarding Luka Doncic

Boston Celtics-Dallas Mavericks NBA Finals preview: 3-point shooting & guarding Luka Doncic

it’s the first of two crossovers with the lock on Mavericks podcast talking about the Celtics three-point shooting guarding Luca donic and Kyrie Irving and more right now on the lockdown Celtics podcast Blockbuster Brad holiday Dr in the mix and three from KP no we not on the next fling competition like Al on Yannis juic and big de still be Town finest been a r going up in the rafs watching SE gaining locks on after car on the breakdown clut like a tip from D white on the breakdown John on the mic document and domination m p back B all SE Nation J how start a raising B how we finish locked on Celtics P home of the winners hey there welcome back to the lockdown Celtics podcast right here on the lockdown podcast Network with’s your team every day and I got you covered every day Monday through Friday plus bonus podcast on the weekend if you missed the bonus podcast this past Saturday go check it out it’s uh all about defending Kyrie defending Luca and all of that which are topics that we’re going to get into right now so make sure you’re subscribed wherever you get your podcast watch your show on YouTube get into the comments section there defend the Celtics against all of these Mavericks fans just all over the place by the way I’m John corales if you’re a mths fan you don’t know who I am used to play a long time ago now I’m covering the Celtics as a Boston uh as a a beatwriter for our Boston Sports Journal Today’s show was brought to you by LinkedIn jobs it help helps you find the most qualified candidates you want to talk to faster post your job for free at loock onba that’s lockdown NBA to post your job free terms and conditions apply Nick angstead is host of the lockdown Mavericks podcast and we get into two episodes here the first one today he’s asking me questions about the Celtics from a Dallas perspective all right I’m here Nick anged host of locked on Mavericks with John corales host of locked on Celtics uh John besides the the team in yellow and and and purple that you don’t like to talk about these are the two biggest shows on lockd on NBA and we meet here in the finals now the two teams left I’m excited about this this is just old hat for you at this point though it’s a lot of fun man you know I’m used to podcasting about games into June late you know late May so you know welcome aboard welcome aboard I work on my conditioning I I to work on my vocal exercises to make sure that I could still podcast into are you gonna need a sub halfway through the second segment I may I may I also want to say that I wore the green Mavs hat today for all the Celtics fans yeah no that was nice that was nice I I can’t wear green because I have a green screen behind me and if I do that it looks like I have no head no head so yeah oh man yeah this is the one thing that we can agree on is green because the Mavs fans love the Mavs green and Celtics that’s all you guys do so it’s yeah it’s a nice it’s a nice Hue I will give it to you it’s a nice Hue all right today we’re getting into questions about the uh the Boston Celtics I’ve got some I’ve got some things I’ve got some questions about what the Celtics do and so we’re going to ask all that in the next episode we’ll do two of these the next one John will ask me questions about the Mavericks so we’ll learn all about that and in so we’ll decide who’s going to win basic basically what we’re gonna do my first why will be the Celtics okay anyway oh my first one and why I think it will be the Mavericks so you did an episode recently that I thought was really good about how the Celtics have to defend and guard Luca the answer that you came up with is ex L what the Thunder did the Thunder played Luca they played LCA one-on-one they didn’t go over the extra traps the doubles and things like that they didn’t even they didn’t even Blitz that much but they did sometimes and then everybody else stay at home and try to like close off the passing Lanes the Clippers would do this early in you know Lucas playoff career and all that my question is do you stand by that you you still feel good about letting Luca try and beat you one-on-one yes yes because it’s still it’s still about the other guys and you know look yeah you beat you beat the Thunder um but I think the Boston Celtics defense is better and more versatile and it’s I think it’s more capable of shutting down the other the other guys so that’s that’s why I sit it this way like I I know that Luca is gonna do what he does like I understand what he’s capable of what Luca wants to do is is make everybody around him better and I can’t have that so what what choice do you have you there aren’t many people like one of the one of the Mavs one of the many many many Mavs commenters who have flooded the lockdown Celtics YouTube yeah so and I’m gonna have to have you to explain the raccoon Squad stuff to my my folks in a second but somebody was like oh Creative Real creative we have like we haven’t heard this before was like five there’s only so many ways there there’s only so many right there’s only five so you can Blitz him and and I’ll tell you what they’re gonna do all of it yeah they are going to do all of it it depends on when and where you have to mix you can’t just play him one-on-one right you you gotta you do that mostly and if you run a pick and roll you gotta run the drop coverage and lure him into if he hits 60% of his two-pointers then so be it so be it the Celtics just played a team in the Pacers that hit 60% of their two-pointers you got to live with something what I can’t live with is Luca 89 10 assists because yeah Luca with 35 and nine assists well those nine assists a lot of them tend to be three-pointers and the other ones are lobs so they’re all very high efficiency shots so that 35 that he scored is really like 60 or so or 50 or so and so that that’s that’s where I get into like if he’s accounting for 50 to 60 points of the offense well then Kyrie if you if you’re doing this and you’re not worried about KY then Kyrie comes in and he accounts for another 2025 points to the offense you’re up to 85 now all you need is 25 points from somebody else and you’re up to 110 you average 111 against um uh uh the the Timberwolves and so like that’s enough for you to win if you can if you can maintain the defense I need Luca to account for less than that I need Luca and Kyrie to combine for like 50 points and maybe a few assists I need them to account for less and that’s where the Cel like I I my confidence level is in the Celtics putting up points and I need to figure out a away for the Mavs to score less points score less points you know I mean but like not but like less than 110 like 10 100 to 105 that to me is the magic number stop him a couple times one of my one of my things about about how the Celtics will guard Luca is in the March 1 match up at least and in the the matchup in the regular season they allowed any switch and if they’re gonna allow any switch my thing is does Luca all of a sudden start playing some guys into submission to where you go hey I don’t know if we can play pton Pritchard if L if Luka is on the court I don’t know if we can play you know like Horford’s looking pretty old and he’s he’s running past him every time I mean I’m curious if if that happens then all of a sudden they start taking things away because that started to happen to the Thunder a little bit so the number one thing that I talked to Joe moua about was not adjusting to the result and that’s that’s a very difficult thing to do you have to adjust to what what’s deviating from the game plan versus following the game plan and them still hitting shots anyway so part of the game plan and part of the the the plan to defend Luca donic to me is defending with with your offense I’m saying that this is GNA be my favorite phrase over the next two weeks defend Luca with your offense by putting him in every action by forcing him to defend and either you’re going to he you Canna say hey well he is defending well okay great make him work really hard and then maybe he Fades a little bit because if you’re single covering him and you’re making him work really hard on defense that’s a hell of a workload for playoff minutes 43 44 playoff you know somewhere in that low 40 minutes range by the fourth quarter that anybody’s gonna get tired so it’s not a shot at Luca it’s just if you’re working that hard on both ends of the floor you’re gonna fade and that’s the that’s what I hope for anyway so part of part of my plan is the both end thing so if if you are putting him in all the actions and if he is working hard to defend then you deal with it if if he’s not working hard to defend and he’s blowing by you then great now you’re drawing help and you’re kicking and you’re shooting there’s gonna be a ton of three-pointers and all of that stuff and and so so be it like you’re just going to score a bunch of points and then you deal with him on the other end but I’m not going to worry about if they are single covering him majority of the time not going to worry about him hitting hitting tough shots I’m also gonna try not to feed him Payton Pritchard you know like that’s I’m gonna try they did in that last game they fed him they fed him right away and I was like oh man this may not go well for you but like if if you’re drawing him into tough twos yeah and it’s not three-pointers and it’s not kickouts to Corner threes for other guys if you’re just drawing him into tough twos and he’s not racking up assists then I will live with it I will live with it and fall into the the concept of it’s a 48 minute game and as long as you are ahead when that 48th minute elapses versus the first 47 minutes and 59 seconds all that all that matters is that final second so deal with it for however long you have to deal with it and then figure out a way to make your run and and hopefully he gets tired or hopefully something happens or that that fatigue leads to a mistake and maybe a few turnovers in the fourth quarter that are uncharacteristic um that that you can capitalize on that that’s that’s the thing and you know what the the other part of that you know living with it is it’s a seven game series so if the plan doesn’t work in a couple of games it’s still okay if you look at the numbers if he’s outperforming the expected shot you know points per shot you deal with it and you say it’s a seven game series can he do it four out of seven times you got you got to figure it out so that that’s where I’m like leaning on it’s a it’s a long-term play and it’s just I feel like the Celtics have enough horses to to pull it out in the end the Mavs are the ones with the horses I just want you to to know that that’s like that’s the thing that’s thing champ is the yeah I I I don’t think this is a ridiculous plan I mean the coach of the year in the NBA came up with like like this is the plan that the Thunder that the Thunder uses so if anybody’s in the comments going oh what a ridiculous stupid thing like there are no true answers against Luca he has the most answers of any offensive player in the NBA and so to to try that like I think that that’s an admirable reason and I think that there are so many other worst ways that you could try to defend Luca it’s not stopping Luca it’s can you have him make two or three fewer assists and hit two or three fewer buckets that’s eight to nine points that are going away via assists or or I would say six I’m sorry six to nine points are going away via assists and like six points going away via scoring if you could just take combine that 12 points just take 12 points away that right there boom you’re done you win like and it’s just two buckets two assists that’s it that’s that eight points I’ll take the eight points away I’ll take it coming up let’s get into uh I’ve got a question about Kyrie you you said something about Kyrie yesterday that I found fascinating about the Kyrie and Boston Celtics relationship we’ll talk about that and more coming up today’s episode is brought to you by LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn helps you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to faster we know that if you’re a small business owner or if you are a hiring manager you don’t have time to sift through all the different resumes that you get there’s so many people trying to find jobs right now you know that you want to find exactly the right qualified candidates you you know that you got to find somebody that fits your culture that fits everything that you want LinkedIn helps you do that in a more efficient and easier way hiring is so easy when you have that many qualified candidates so easy in fact that 86% of small businesses get a qualified candidate within 24 hours 86% 24 hours that’s not a long time you have that time 2.5 million small businesses use LinkedIn for hiring so post your job for free at loock NBA that’s lockon NBA to post your job for free terms and conditions they will apply my first shot my first M thanks everybody for hanging out with me on lock on Mavs lock on Celtics the crossover the NBA Finals crossover oh feels feels good to say that on the podcast asking questions about the Boston Celtics we talked about defending Luca guarding Luca Jon’s plan to defend Luca and to fail miserably let’s talk about Kyrie let’s talk about Kyrie Irving yeah explain for this is going to be review for a lot of Celtics fans and this is what you feel internally as Celtics fans probably this you’re going to explain be the feeling of Kyrie Irving explain the relationship with Kyrie Irving and why it is where it is right now because I went back and watched that March 1 game he got booed every time he touched the ball yeah every single time it’s still gonna be that way look I I understand like Boston fans there’s there’s lingering animosity because he said he was gonna sign here and two children yeah yeah he was like um and I was there I was there at the there was a big fan event where like he was in it was at the TD Garden it was an open practice and he sat there on a director’s chair and he’s like I’ll come back if you’ll have me and the whole place who right right yeah and I was like oh damn like all right and that was it he had everybody hooked he made a commercial that said you know uh something like my dad’s the reason where I wear why I wear number 11 uh I want to be the reason why no one else does and like it’s a it’s him and like everything was great oh man it was so good line to be fair was a great line you know and then then it just fell apart and and for his own personal reasons he says it was because I think it was his grandfather that died which is fine you know like as a free agent personally I’m like whatever you you can make your decision but fans are like pissed and that’s that that’s what it is and and and once you become a sports villain somewhere you remain a sports villain even though sure I think like it’s done it’s done like his his history between leaving Boston and getting to Dallas tells us that it was never going to go well like congratulations to Dallas for making it work like that’s amazing to me that that worked out a lot of people were wrong about that count me in the in the pile that’s fine but nothing about between Boston and Dallas told me like that was going to work out if he stayed that was probably gon to go poorly either way it’s just like Rajan Rondo I mean he’s never welcomed back in in anything that involves the Dallas Mavericks ever again just it just never will and so yeah I understand that yeah uh other thing is porzingis so the Kyrie storyline is definitely one that’s gonna be brought up a lot porzingis is storyline what does he bring to the team and if he doesn’t play let’s say game one or let’s say he’s he’s just coming back uh what does he do for Boston or what what do they do without him basically like what does he bring what does he take away if he’s not there so what he brings is a just a great Outlet on offense um and that that’s super super important and rim protection on defense I guess we should start with the defense because that’s the most important part uh because Luca is gonna get to the rim Kyrie’s gonna get to the rim and and getting to the rim is the thing that that blows up all all the opposing defenses right it’s it’s getting into the paint getting to the rim and the kickouts and and generating high efficiency offense by getting past that first line of defense so instead of like Al Al is great but you know he’s a little bit slower and you know it’s going to be tougher for him and not just tougher for him but when he starts that means Luke cornette is coming in behind him or maybe Xavier Tillman or maybe O’Shea brassette which would not be a great scenario so porzingis at the very least gives you a a a rim protector that you can just count on you know he’s a huge dude long arms he he just makes things difficult no matter what and secondly agree with that yeah he does make things [Laughter] difficult he makes it so Al Horford is the backup and not Luke Cornett and not Xavier Tillman which is a big deal so you can get through 48 Center minutes just by playing 24 and 24 minutes of those two guys and that’ll be good and you hope that it can be more and maybe you go double big sometimes in case you need it depending on on Dallas’s alignment if if porzingis is is you know if he has his cardio up and offensively like I said the outlet he’s Jason tatums and Jaylen Brown’s number one assist Target on the season they they both hit him more than anybody and that’s like pick and rolls you Blitz him you Blitz one of those two guys you just dump it off to him you can hit him in the post uh they have multiple actions to get him high posts where he has thrived this year and so that that’s a big deal because I think some of the plan is going to be to maybe throw to especially at Jaylen because he has a more questionable handle so he might want to test that and if he can throw that like a little hook pass up to porzingis to get himself out of trouble that’s a big big deal because if you do throw two at him and he hits porzingis then you’re in rotation and then if you turn your head he can make it a given go and and cut back door on you and porzingis has done really really well find finding Jaylen Brown so him as an offensive Outlet whether it’s popping all the way out to the three-point line or whether it’s at the nail or or somewhere in the middle of the paint has been very very important for the just general flow of the offense he’s really turned into like an overqualified role player at this point which is a lot of what the select players who were stars elsewhere came and now now have become but like his onoff numbers there’s not a big difference there’s like a two-point difference between when he’s on and when he’s off the court I mean he is not making it doesn’t seem like he’s making a a huge difference but it’s it’s a depth piece like you said before Celtics were actually better record-wise when he didn’t play in the regular season than when he did play they’re 21-4 when he didn’t play 43 and 14 when he did play uh so yeah it’s interesting to see porzingis in this role now where when he was in Dallas he thought he was better than Luca and thought that he should be the number one and that Luca should be the number two I mean up until the very end of it and so it is it’s interesting to see that that piece I’m interested to see he I’m interested to see if he plays because in Dallas one of his big things that he would just always say over and over again is how much of a rhythm player he was and how much of a you know he needed to get his shots and needed to get his shots in certain moments because he needed to get Rhythm and carile changed Luca’s whole like minutes structure and rotation to give porzingis more time how has he been coming back from injury cuz he’s he’s done that several times he’s only played seven games in a row twice this season uh how has he been in the first couple games coming back from from injury yeah he’s been he’s been fine like it’s funny I hear you talk about I listen to your show and you know I hear you talk about porzingis like yeah I I’ve been paying attention to you my friend um so it’s it’s like you’re talking about a different guy you know and it’s like if I were talking about Kyrie and Boston comparing be a totally different guy it’s different circumstances but also not that different right like I I think the thing with porzingis so he went from Dallas he went from New York to Dallas so he was the guy and he was like the next big thing the unicorn in New York and then he goes to Dallas it’s like okay change your scenery but I’m still that guy and then he goes to Washington it’s like oh God there is nothing here this is Baron Wasteland andan of the DMV he has to he has to come like he had to come to Jesus moment and credit to him for doing that right like and and the same with kyri with kyuso will do that to you that’s right that’s right if you’re sitting there playing with Kyle kosma and you’re s like oh my God what am I doing there’s like 40 people at these games this arena is one of the worst Arenas in their courtside seats are all tables where people can come and like have dinner and they’re not paying attention to theame just brutal like I hate that Arena uh but my wife is from Wasington originally so we always want to go so I’m always at that place he said we want to he said we want to go that’s right we want to go yeah we want to so I’m like all right I’ll make it into a business trip and we go so we uh but going there and playing there there’s like that’s you go one of two ways you either double down and being like I’m going now I’m in Washington I am gonna be the absolute takeover guy or it’s like okay what got me here why why am I in this situation what the hell happen to me and when Boston comes calling and says hey look here’s here’s your situation you don’t have to be the number one guy we’re not bringing you in to be the number one guy you’re playing with Tatum and brown like okay that I think that snapped things into place and so he Rhythm guy like no I don’t think he’s a rhythm guy anymore he he’s learned to just get his shots when he gets them sometimes he gets seven sometimes he gets 17 um and coming back from injury I the Celtics have been so cautious even with this one I think he probably could have come back sooner but they’ve been so cautious with him that he yeah they that’s right they and and they didn’t need him right because you have white and holiday and Horford you can get by just fine um but he’s he’s been great like he’s been great and I expect him if he comes in like maybe a little bit of rust getting used to the the speed of things and maybe his going to be a little bit off but he dials it in pretty quickly the wild thing about him is that he will play in an NBA Finals game before he’s played in a conference final before he’s played in Conference Finals game so like Derek Livy has played more playoff games than porzingis has already like that is porzingis only plays the first and fourth rounds that’s you know what that’s a pretty good he only plays the first and fourth games of of runs too coming up let’s talk about the Boston Celtics superpower it’s their three-point shooting and the Mavs have their work cut out for them trying to limit in the same way way that the the Celtics want to limit Luca the Mavs have to limit the Celtics three-point shooting we’ll talk about how they could possibly do that coming up today’s episode is brought to you by eBay Motors passion Drive patience the formula for winning championships Celtics know about that Mavs do too it’s also what keeps you your ride or die alive eBay Motors is everything you need to maintain your vehicle level it up to Peak Performance things like superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether you’re 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just a little zest on there um the Boston Celtics superpowers their three-point shooting they’ve been absolutely incredible shooting the three go back to that March 1 game that we talked about which is kind of a rare game where both teams had all their players players available like porzingis played that game you had the Mavs with with Gafford and PJ but the teams the Mavs at least look so different from that game to now but in that game the Celtics hit 21 threes the Mavs only hit nine and that was kind of the game like boom it just like got completely taken away from them the Celtics were 38-1 when they shot over 39% from three this season 6 and 11 when they shot under 32% from three dude the Celtics live and die by the three cuz that’s the thing we used to talk about with the Mavs when it was you know was and just a bunch of dudes before they had before they actually had centers and guys like that do they live and die by the three I mean no more so than everybody else I mean I can’t imagine that there are a lot of teams whose records are good when they shoot less than 32% from three like I I don’t know what the the rest of the league is what’s what’s Dallas oh the Mavs beat teams when they like they they had multiple games against the Timberwolves the Thunder where they shot like 26% from three they beat the Nuggets the regular season they shot low I mean they have have broken out of the live and die by the three and my my my cardiac arrest has than has thanked them for it because man but yes the the the short answer is like yeah three-point attempts are very important to the Celtics but Missoula has been adamant that there’s no edict about you must shoot this many three-pointers it’s you have to take the best shots available yeah and the math tells you that you get to the rim first but if you get to the rim and you’re contested the efficiency of a contested layup drops below the efficiency of an open Corner three so you do not want to just take layups or get to the rim against a contest when you get there you want to kick it because that is a higher efficiency shot it’s a higher percentage shot and so that’s that’s number one so the Celtics generate the corner three and then they’re just very good at attacking the rotations attacking the Closeouts and it just it just results in a lot of Threes they don’t take a ton of mid-range although they are more willing in the playoffs to do so Jaylen Brown especially Jaylen is kind of becoming a mid-range Master not to the level of a Kevin Durant yet not to the level of a Chris Paul or anybody like that but at a level where it’s it’s it’s at a high enough rate where you can say okay yeah Jaylen in the mid-range we can live with that that’s a that’s a good shot um but yeah they they I expect them in this series to take between 40 and even 53p pointers a game I said on my podcast I I wouldn’t be surprised if if this game goes if this series goes seven that there could be three or four games where Boston hits 50 or or shoots 53 pointers just because I think the way you attack that Dallas defense is is if you’re putting Kyrie and Luca at the point of attack and you’re getting by them you’re forcing the help because you’re playing into Dallas’s desire to protect the rim and if if your bigs are there to stop the the rim stop the restricted area stuff then that opens up the kickouts and even if you say hey well Lively is athletic enough to get out to that corner well then the swing is to a good three point shooter and if you X out and get to that person then the second swing is to a good three-point shooter and like the if you close out to that guy and he drives then the kick to the other corner is to a good three-point shooter that’s the thing with the Celtics everybody is capable you know Tatum and brown are are capable Tatum needs to get the three-point shooting to like it’d be nice if one of these series he can actually have a good three-point shooting series because if Tatum like if Tatum comes down and hits his first two three-pointers of the game forget it like chalk it up that’s going to be it’s going to be a 30 plus point game forget it it’s the same exact thing with Luca the same thing that’s exactly what happened in game five against the triols he hits his first two threes and you go oh it’s done it’s over that’s it forget it foret it because now you’re overreacting to the best player on the other team hitting those shots and for now everyone’s gonna get these open shots I think this could be a really big holiday and white series just because the those kicks are going to be to those guys they’re going to have plenty of open shots we could see 15 Corner three-pointers and those guys could be hitting a ton of them if the Celtics are getting a lot of corner threes that’s going to be really tough for the Mavs to keep up that that’s going to be very difficult yeah I don’t think they’ll be able to score with them if they just allow them to get those open Corner threes every single time I mean Drew holiday is shooting a th% on those this season um if if so what the Mavs did against the Thunder and I keep comparing him to them because they’re the other team that was top five in offense and defense that the Mavs played and they played a similar kind of style they they make a ton of Threes they don’t take as many as Boston but they were one of the best they were the the best three-point percentage shooting team in the regular season the maps ran them off the line like they made it a a a point like after game one where the Thunder just made a bunch of Threes on them same thing they did with clippers too they ran them off the three-point line and then just ushered them into either the help like you said or SGA just had to hit a million mid-range like tough contested mid-range shots where just him versus PJ him versus Derrick Jones Jr over and over again and like I think the Mavs would be okay if you’re doing that to Drew holiday and Derrick White like guys take as many tough mid-range shots over and over again as you want but if the Celtics if the Mavs do are successful in running them off the three-point line where they’re not getting 50 three-point attempts what happens then this is this is where I think the early attack is super important because you can’t fall into the habit of starting your attack with 12 13 seconds on the shot clock Celtics have to play at a good Pace have to play at a faster Pace because yeah they’re going to run you off the line sure so do it again run another action get into the paint again and force them to run you off the line again and then if they do drive it and see is eventually if you get two three cracks at a drive and kick either the drive is going to finally work because Lively is all over the place Gafford is all over the place and they might be able to get from point A to point B fine maybe they get back to point a again but yeah back and forth back and forth that’s going to be a lot to ask and again maybe they maybe they do it in the first quarter keep at it are they going to do in the second quarter are they going to do in the third quarter that’s going to be the the thing the Boston Celtics offense has to just wear the Dallas Mavericks down so I’m not worried like you can sit there in the first half and Boston could be down in game one in the first half doing all this stuff and people be like oh John it’s not working like just just wait just wait because you got to come out they got to do it again in the third and the fourth So my answer to that is get the ball up over half court with 18 on the clock run your offense get into the paint drive and kick or whatever and force them if they run you off the line don’t just settle for the mid-ranger just yet because the mid-range shot is always going to be there they are going to give that up anytime you want so you don’t have to it’s not like when they say early offense you come down and if they dip below the three-point line you take that because you’re never going to get a three-point look like that that clean against that defense fine I get that but a mid-range shot is always going to be there anytime you want it so don’t just take it with 12 on the shot clock with 12 on the just drive it and see put that pressure on them drive it and if you have to do that little dribble down the the the Baseline kick it or like that’s when Cutters start to come into play Because when guys are in rotation and you drive again then somebody cutting because somebody’s going to be lost like that’s where you take advantage of of a defense So my answer is keep at it start early play with good pace and just keep attacking over and over again my my question was if the Celtics can’t create those threes what happens you said try again that’s that’s your answer try again like like start it over and try try to get another CU yeah I think that Mavs also H have struggled with the teams and like the Celtics when they struggle against the Celtics the Celtics made the Mavs chase the ball and like they made them enough passes that the Mavs rotating defense couldn’t catch up with where the ball was and an open three was eventually made and like the Mavs just struggled that over and over again their defense is completely better than where it was March 1st it was the eighth game after the trades but that is where they have struggled in the past is trying to catch up to the ball and Chase in all that kind of stuff it’s the personnel and that’s where I’m like banking on it because the strength of your defense is Gaffer and Lively like those guys being Rim protectors like that’s a big strength of your defense and I want to I’m going to make those guys work I’m gonna put those guys to the test like I’m gonna put your cardio to the test on top of putting Luca and Kyrie to the test because yeah we’ve heard about how well they’re guarding and yeah that’s great they’re guarding better how much how much of the shot clock are they really gonna guard better that’s where like Boston has to play fast I want to see Boston put up 90 95 shots in this in in this series because that’s that’s where their strength is going to lie that offense is too damn good and yeah the Dallas defense is good but it’s not so good that it’s going to be able to handle 19 seconds of a shot clock of just ball movement pressure pressure pressure pressure I think it’s going to crack at some point and again I go back to all the Celtics need or for it to crack a few times so they can get those shots off to hit some threes to get some easy shots and make it so the fourth quarter comes around and there are guys with spaghetti legs and maybe maybe it’s it’s Lively or Gafford maybe you know maybe it’s not Luca but maybe it’s other guys that are just like Gast and and you can’t execute the exact same way I’m only looking for five to 10 plays in the game that go Boston’s way because of this and that’s where you win and I think that’s where the Mavs have the benefit of the multiple days off between games I mean this series if it goes seven John you and I could be doing shows together for a month basically it takes that long but but yeah I think that’s where the the weeks of these two mugs basically yeah if you’re a map fan or a Celtics fan that listens to each of us during the day hey welcome starts right now let’s go it starts right now we’ve got another episode where John will be asking me Mavs questions that’ll come out tomorrow and whatever feed you’re listening to this to unlocked on Celtics on podcast on YouTube lock on Mavs on podcast or on YouTube guys thanks for listening to locked on MAV Celtics crossover peace out boom

We’re starting our week-long preview of the NBA Finals with part one of our double-barrel crossover podcasts between Locked On Celtics and Locked On Mavs with a look at how the Celtics defense will operate against Dallas, the Celtics 3-point shooting and why they’ll go at it a lot, and why repetition is going to be Boston’s best weapon to get the shots they want. 

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  1. Yes, Celtics live and die by the three, but if they only lost 11, shooting <32% in an 82 game season, thats 1 loss in every 8 games. I'll take that 24/7/365.

  2. Let's go, Mavs!! Mavs in 6!!
    Locked On Mavs and Locked on Celtics are both excellent listen.

  3. Bring on the Pillsbury doughboy and the antisemitic one. Bosto n will prevail. I imagine my comment will be taken down, but whatever.

  4. How do you know you are really a crazy fan? When you watch the same podcast on Locked on Mavs and Locked on Celtics! 😮 Go Mavs!

  5. 😂😂 Here we go again, Mavs underdogs which means they will win in 6. Hey Jayson Tatum, JB “you’re not that guy pal, you’re not that guy”

    Kyrie/Luka+paint advantage= Mavs in 6

  6. Mavs fan here! 😀 I wish you all a great series!
    I just hope for all of us to share a healthy amount of banter, watch good and close games, for the refs to stay out of this shit and for all the players to bring their best game into this!
    Let's go! I'll be waking up at 3 am for all the games since I'm from the other end of the world.

    I want to hear your thoughts on this. I think you fans are making a mistake pissing off Kyrie almost a week before first game. I'm not here to say you're wrong for hating Kyrie for what you say he did to you …. Damn that center court logo stomp by Kyrie was brutal, LOL!
    This just reminds me of a series Dallas played with GSW 2 years ago. They were all really, really kind to Luka. Talking to him, joking with him all the time, they even picked him up when he fell. Green said it afterwards it was all just not to piss him off. GSW were a tier above the Mavs and even they didn't want the shit to hit the fan. Yet here you are, all guns blazing 5 days before the match. 😀

    What you think?

    Let's make our predictions. Mine is Mavs in 6. 🙂

  7. Thank you, John, for defending KP! As a KP fan, I remember how happy Nick was when the Mavs won because of KP. I also recall his frustration when KP was on the injury list. I believe that someone who has played the game himself has more understanding for other athletes. So, grateful to you, John! 🤝💚

  8. What I dont get… HOW do you force Luka into tough, contested 2's while NOT allowing 3's (means go over the Screen every time) AND take away corner 3's (means no help defense) AND take away lobs (means deep Drop is needed). Thats just not possible. I understand thats the plan… thats allways the plan for every defense ever. BUT HOW? Thats just not possible!

  9. That 3p% stat is a little cherry picked.

    Yes, Boston is 6-10 when shooting < 32% from three. When shooting <32%, Dallas did beat Denver (on a buzzer beater when they were +22 on the boards and Jokic was 6/16 from the field), but they were only 8-11 overall.

    <30 3P%, Boston is 4-8 and Dallas is 4-10

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