@Detroit Pistons

Could Monty Williams Get Fired By The Detroit Pistons?

Could Monty Williams Get Fired By The Detroit Pistons?

lot of Pistons fans have a lot of questions about Monty Williams um and my question to you is could the Pistons move on from Monty uh given that we have a new president of basketball operations and everything that’s transpired over the past week or so yeah could they I I think so um 14 wins um I think there you obviously somebody new coming in I obviously I obviously think you have to consider everything on the table after a season like that right um now if you’re Monty you could make the case didn’t have the best roster to work with and there’s the obviously elephant in the room that he still owed like $60 million but as I reported a bunch if Tran wants to move on that it’s that money is no object for gors so uh I think they need to decide one is does Monty is his is his heart and and and and soul into coaching this young rebuilding team um I think they need to determine if what they maybe saw as coaching uh issues could that have been he could that have not been a thing if the roster was better yeah uh those are all things I think they need to determine uh but I definitely I definitely think it’s a it’s a possibility sure I I don’t think it’s uh I don’t think it’s I’m 5050 on he on if he’ll be back or not so I guess I could say that okay I know there’s like some things you can’t say and I I respect that and I understand that um but the question I would have is would they go for a a veteran coach or would they try to go younger my gut would be that they would go younger um that doesn’t mean that that coach wouldn’t have experience I think they could get a would still have a youngish coach that has experience for example ex like James bgo has been a coach before but I think he’s he’s not even 50 um he’s in his late 40s I believe early 40s or something like that uh but yeah I think where this team is and it kind of just also depends on where on what Tran’s plan is which we haven’t spoken to him yet he hasn’t had his press conference yet um which uh for one reason or another like obviously could be read into this question you’re asking me or not right so they’re still figuring certain things out out but uh I think that whoever comes in depending on what Tran’s plan is like if if he wants to evaluate the young guys here before making decisions I could see them going with a younger coach if they want to even just still keep a couple young guys and move a couple and add some veterans I could still see like a upand cominging or a coach that like bgo who has experience but is still young uh just to have like maybe more modern IDE and and and and philosophies so um yeah I I don’t get the sense that they would go older and by older I mean like a somebody who’s been Co a head coach for 10 plus years I think it would be somebody who’s either been a coach before but is still relatively young or somebody maybe even getting their first coaching job I could throw a name out there and I don’t know if it’s like if they do decide to move on I think Jamal McMillan would be a good option to look at person if you want to stay in house yeah I’ve got to know Jamal uh great guy uh obviously comes from a coaching pedigree um very I think uh well respected in the league like I said really good guy um been a pleasure getting to know him over the last year I just would wonder if like I assume if Monty left I don’t know if they would I don’t know how many people from his staff would remain right like that’s kind of theh the tricky part but um I think it all kind of comes down to uh who he has relationships with who he doesn’t have relationships with uh he’s got his quote unquote dream job so I imagine he’d want to get somebody he’s been fond of as a coach for a while assuming that that’s not Monte there’s a case that is Monty so uh yeah I but I I think Jamal has a bright future ahead of him for sure yeah I mean got to cover him like a lot with with the the other JB I do have and I mean they were top two seed in the G league with they didn’t like quote unquote have like a superstar like their best player at the time was jont Porter and uh did pretty well in the G League when he wasn’t gambling but yeah but uh made a lot of money maybe he was bet in the G League game since you put in 20 games I don’t know can you bet on g-league games in the apps I don’t I’d have to ask Brody I’m not sure he maybe he would know yeah I’ve never I’ve never uh I’m not a gambler I don’t but I’ve never checked to see if I could bet on the Motor City Cruise versus the Charlotte swarm or whatever the hell yeah you got it right yeah is that it yeah there we go I just found out today that new orleans’s g-league team is the uh the um Birmingham squadrons never had heard of that team before they got some pretty sick jerseys I’m not even going to lie I love the name it’s a sick name the Birmingham squadrons that’s a hard name I’m a fan of that yeah I mean some some of the names are like what but some of the names are like lowkey fire I like squadrons squadrons is tough yeah for sure for sure [Music] oh [Music]

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  1. From my perspective the ONLY MISTAKE Trajan could make at this point is to KEEP Monty around another year. Monty was a freaking disaster. The "roster" didn't make Monty play Killian, and Livers, and ANY VET instead of developing our young core, and the roster didn't create Monty's substitution patterns and minutes distributions. Monty had ONE FREAKING JOB last year – develop and evaluate the young core – and he completely blew it off.

  2. Can we just get better players? I'm not a fan of Monty, but I'll leave him for another year, or maybe just half, and see what he does with a new roster.

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