@New York Knicks

Knicks 2023-2024 Season Recap & Offseason Moves | The Shot Clock Show

Knicks 2023-2024 Season Recap & Offseason Moves | The Shot Clock Show

today we welcome in the governor the mayor the lieutenant of the Nick fan base the second best Nick fan that I know to me CP the franchise I appreciate you thank you for coming on bro anytime man anytime hope you’re doing well listen we can’t do a Nick recap or a preview of the next season or an offseason without talking to this guy because he’s got all the info so there was no other show I was going to do obviously I know every one of you wanted to hear some Nick stuff from me and we had to get this guy on to do that so before we dive in let’s do RIP shout out to Bill Walton and his family obviously that’s sad news one of the legends of the game and CP did you ever ever chance to like interview him or come across him in any way unfortunately not never met him was never in the same room as him but um you know obviously a legend of our game a legend of from a media side from a from a NBA player side uh just just a true legend of the game and so he’s gonna be sorely missed for sure yeah I think he’s one of the first guys to go from being a great player to a great analyst to a great color guy like he’s one of the first guys to come into the media space from being a great player and then be great in both Industries yeah so he was kind of a Pioneer in that way no question and and he did it his way on his terms which which I respect a whole lot about guys like he crafted his own brand you know it was never polished it was never button up he said what he felt but he called the game he called the great game and so yeah like like I said it’s a huge loss um for for the basketball world man huge giant yeah and he was kind of Charles Barkley before Charles Barkley kind of in a way he brought that kind of humor to the to the broadcast um so let’s dive in let’s Dive Right In when you watch the Celtics on a scale of one to 10 how annoyed are you when you watch them knowing how vulnerable they are that if the Knicks were healthy that they actually could have been in the finals 10 on a scale of one to 10 10 being the most annoying 10 I I watch these Eastern Conference Finals these Conference Finals and it’s it’s again I call this off postseason for the Knicks the biggest what if for the Knicks I said that look they they’re still gonna have a good run but at the end of it you’re G to be wondering what if and that was just based off of Julius Randall injury then as you kept going you lost Bo boan bogdanovich you lost Mitchell Robinson you lost o anobi and you’re still fighting so it it’s It’s just tough man because these Celtics they are vulnerable I wouldn’t say they’re easy but they are vulnerable and this Nicks team the team that we saw in January that went 14- two that was clicking on all cylinders based on the impact of the anobi trade it just lefts you thinking like damn this team could have went to the finals I truly believe it so I didn’t get a I didn’t get a number from one to 10 how annoy 10 10 I also think that even without Randall they would have had a chance to beat Boston if the rest of the guys didn’t get hurt you would have needed bogy I think and Mitch and and OG and all those guys to be able to beat them but I think even without R Randall they would have had a chance with Randall for sure yeah I think offensively they could have provided that depth if boan Bach donovic could have been you know close to himself I think he was playing a little bit better in that Philadelphia series and then um unfortunately gets rolled up on by uh by Nicholas patum yeah had McBride who was shining bright in that Philadelphia series and if Brunson is still him you know I think they could have given a good a good fight I think they could have given Boston a good run man just unfortunate those injuries Sports yeah it’s part of the game you know part of the game it would have been I think it’s gonna be tough for the front office in this off season because they didn’t get a chance to evaluate the team that they would have had this year to say okay hey if they had Randall if they had OG if they had Brunson hey if they got swept by Boston they would have said okay maybe we need a second star to go along with Jaylen but if they had played Boston seven games or even gone to the finals then they would might have been like okay maybe we just make a tweak here and there and this team’s good enough to win an NBA championship but I don’t think they got that answer this year and that I think was the most unfortunate part of the Season yeah that that’s why I say what if and Julius is is the big factor in it because last year he’s dealing with the ankle injury so ineffective the year before that they didn’t make the playoffs the year before that he was you know a dear in the headlights just not the guy that took them to the playoffs although a lot of people want to give him credit for and and he deserves it but you’re still left thinking like damn like is this enough do we have enough as we move forward into the offseason that those are the questions that Leon Rose and worldwide West those are the questions they’re going to have to answer so before we get to that a quick thing on the Pacers series game seven did you feel like that they shouldn’t have brought OG back because he wasn’t ready or were you under like oh let’s bring him back Willis readed let’s give the motivation and the inspiration to the team or were you in the camp of it was kind of too desperate to bring him back and it just didn’t make any sense well he only played five minutes so I don’t I don’t think it it hurt them per se I think it was worth the shot to see how he felt out there what he looked like and then when he got out there his gate was you know nowhere close to to what it should be so I think Tom Tibido did the right thing he saw it we all saw it on the TV like yeah he’s not right so he gave him the quick hook but I think in a game seven when you it’s do or die right now the team has their backs against the wall it’s got to be all hands on deck and you know Josh Hart made his effort OG wanted to give it a try and he did he came out with the the five miraculous points but uh you know the they did the right thing by keeping him out after that because he clearly wasn’t the same guy yeah I agree and I think overall there were some people who said that you know the Pacers got seven basically and I rewatched actually the game I can’t believe I actually did it but I rewatched the first three quarters of the game because I wanted to see I was at the game it’s a different perspective when you’re there you’re emotionally into it you’re kind of in a different space I wanted to watch it from a different lens and see okay how many open shots they get because when I was live I felt like they got so many open looks and obviously shooting 67 % in 76 in the first half I think it was you know that you’re going to win most games doing that but I felt like the Knicks really helped them because of the fact a they I thought they were tired and I don’t know if you felt this too but I really felt like game five was an anomaly game four six and seven they look tired in all three of those games yeah and I think that played into the game seven them Pacer shooting well and getting such open looks but some people thought that with OG out there they’re basically playing Five on four and that led to the Pacers getting seeing the ball going in the basket early getting open looks and that was the reason that spearheaded them having such a good shooting game do you yeah play into that or not really listen man me and you we were we were at game four Knicks against Philly and the way they left that game I was like damn I don’t know how much they have left for even that series and so you know I tell fans all the time every single year so the playoffs is as much of an endurance test as it is about talent and skill you’ve got to be able to get through physically and mentally just to move on game after game round after round this is after game 82 when you’ve went through the entire marathon of a regular season and so I’m with you man I just felt like mentally physically these guys really didn’t have much to give you saw that out there in their effort you saw it with their mental mistakes you know common mistakes that guys like a Jaylen Brunson doesn’t make they can’t inbound the ball just like you know just C certain things you just watch with the team and and having watched the team over the course of a season you know that’s uncharacteristic of them so at that point I just felt like you know it was time the right the Pacers were hitting at a record pace and the Knicks you know with OG going out and then Brunson going out it was just time time too much and I think the game that they screwed up was game three yeah that was the game they had to get if they were gonna win that series because once OG got hurt and I was at game two and I said to my brother I said we weren’t even that happy because we saw him blow a tire and you knew at that point he was it was most likely he wasn’t G to come back in that series at least yeah and I was just like without OG this is gonna you I know we’re up 20 already and you have to win only you know they have to win four or five games but that’s one of your most that’s one of the guys you can’t afford to lose aside aside from Jaylen he’s probably the next guy you can’t afford to lose and I think game three was the game they had to get up nine with nine minutes to go if you’re short-handed I always say when you’re the underdog or you’re the short-handed team you can’t blow games no you have to win games that that are there for you for the taking and I felt like losing that game that was the beginning of the end to the series with the injuries that they had with the fatigue and everything else set in um so with that said I I want to get your because there’s been so much obviously on tibs right with the injuries and what side people are on did he play the guys too many minutes did he not play the guys too many minutes I’m gonna tell you my opinion but I want to get yours first what side of the line are you on with tibs are did he play the guys too many minutes which led to some of these injuries or do you feel like it was more of a fluke thing and he had no choice but to play the guys he was I think I think it was a fluke thing the ladder man I’m going with the ladder a lot of fans I’ve been debating with about it and you know fans feel like they can just say well it’s obvious that he’s playing these guys too many minutes well yeah you know what type of measurement is obvious I’m looking for objective facts that say playing guys too many minutes can lead to this injury that I don’t see the direct correlation you can get a h Str injury in the beginning of a season you can get a hamstring injury in the end of the season look at Tyrese halber M you know close to the second half starts he pulls up with a bad hamstring injury right is that overused who knows you know Josh har with the abdominal we see how many times we see baseball players in the beginning of a season go out with an oblique strin is that is that overused is that going too hard it’s just hard to really know what what what I do know is based on the guys that were on the team those were the guys that needed to play the major minutes once you made the RJ and quickly trade for OG and precious you lost depth right then you lose Julius next guys’s got to step up that’s Josh Hart you know in a perfect world Josh Hart’s coming off your bench right if Julius Randall is healthy and so it was it’s it’s a next ManUp situation everybody that played had to play and you really didn’t have that many options left on the bench I mean people like you know play the guys on the bench they they played so well in the game four blowout and I’m like you know no I’m not looking for dayquon Jeff and yeah I’m not looking for Jacob toppen to save our season here like it was just a little unrealistic to expect much from those back end of the rotation guys I think for me I’m like it right in the middle um from this standpoint I think for the most part you had to play you’re not playing the end of the bench guys let’s just be no offense to Jacob toppin or je they’re not real basketball players okay they’re G Leaguers slash at the end of the bench guys we’re not talking about them the one mistake I think he made was not playing Burks earlier in the playoffs and I think he proved it in the Pacers series that he was capable of playing in the playoffs and he was a guy that he had on the team a few years ago was a key contributor to that whatever that was 2020 team yeah and I my opinion was when bogie got hurt he should have taken Bogie’s M that was my only complaint everything else I have no problem with what he did I have no issue playing the minutes but if he takes Bogie’s minutes there you still have an eight-man rotation he’s a scorer Off the Bench which you actually needed and he would have replaced bogy in doing that role and then he could have played 15 minutes you could have taken a few minutes off Hart’s plate you could have taken a few minutes off OG’s plate and then even Brunson who got banged up a few minutes off his plate so that would be my only thing and do I know that doesn’t lead to the injuries I have no idea I don’t think we’ll ever know and that’s why I think people will say oh they got hurt because tips right we have no idea would happen I don’t think any of us know the real answer but I think at the end of the day the guys that they could have played who were NBA basketball players in the playoffs Burks was the one guy that I thought not before Bogie’s injury but once bogie got hurt he should have been out there taking his minutes and then who knows what happens after that and then I don’t think anyone could have complained yeah and I think that’s my standpoint do you how do you feel about that t listen man anybody who watches my show knows I’m the Burks guy I’m bur the big money Burks I’m the president of the hive but also just knowing tibs or or knowing his tendencies since he’s been here he’s a guy that likes chemistry he likes trust he wants to be able to trust and Burks did not earn his trust when he got here he gave him every opportunity to show him that he belonged in the rotation and Burks was just out there just playing in his own world every time he had a bad game like yo this guy’s out there playing one on five this is not the guy who I expected to come in here and contribute and so I understood why tibs took him out of the rotation McBride was playing well he was on a rocket he deserved those those minutes and so when when Buon bogdanovich goes down I was thinking to say I’m like is bur’s gonna play but I don’t you know I can understand tips not going there because he was so bad but then he he uh he proved us all wrong came back in in uh in the Pacer series and you’re right like tibs is big on trust if he doesn’t trust you he’s not gonna play I think we’ve seen that with guys in the past fornier obviously you know for a couple years and we saw in the playoffs last year when quickly had a bad couple of games he kind of got buried in that Miami series and yeah and even Grimes to some extent too because he was hurt yeah um I agree with that I’m more of like the human being I know Burks was traded mid-season that’s always a tough scenario coming to a new team with a new role having to fit in with new guys his family didn’t move from Detroit I know these are excuses I don’t want to make excuses but as a coach I’m always trying to figure figure out what I would be doing is okay there’s reasons that Burks didn’t play well he’s not washed up he’s only 31 he had a great first half the season for Detroit which is why he traded for him so I just would have been okay being out of the rotation the playoffs but then once boy goes down hey play him in the second quarter I always say you don’t lose the game in the second quarter which I firmly believe if he doesn’t play well then you don’t play him and that’s that would have been my only thing but overall I don’t blame tibs I think for the most part he had to do what he had to do the only thing for me was Burks but I agree I understand what you’re saying about the trust thing and I can’t I can’t kill him for it that just would have been what I did yeah so with that said I think the biggest to me from this season was us the Nick fan base right because I think everyone realized in the media you saw X players who have podcast talking about how great the Nick fan base was how they’re like a European soccer fan base and how it’s like they’ve never seen anything like it so do you take full responsibility for that as the governor of the Nick never never never man I definitely can’t do that but I can say that uh unequivocally this this is the the best fan base in sports that that’s just hands down um the way that they get involved you know some people don’t like the celebrations outside the garden I say I love it you got One Life to Live go ahead and do it if if you’re paying you know $1,500 for for seats in the 400 sex as a MSG after a win go ahead and get your money’s worth you know what I’m saying like make that all part of the experience and so n man it’s it’s uh you know the way this fan base is is supporting this team generationally it’s not just the young people it’s it’s uh people from the 70s who seen those championship teams and the people from my era which is the 90s you know that seen this team and everyone has the same sentiment that this team really brought that energy back to to New York that was sorely missed for a long time like you had teams that that had a nice little season right the the Knick tape teams in 2012 13 Carmelo had a great year they won 54 games and uh the team last year but this team for some reason it just really defined and embodied that grit and grind that that New York was all about and so it was great to see the F base really rally around them and I think one thing that people don’t realize about New York they think we’re like this bougie City that’s like we have Glitz and glamour okay we have a little bit of that as a city but we’re really a hard noosed Blue Collar like we if we have won a championship in 50 plus years we’ll love you if you leave everything out there on the floor look at like all the Nick Grace eings fre well Houston all these guys who have been it uh Carmelo he won one playoff series he comes to the Garden they shower him with with an Applause like yeah we just want to know you left it all out there and you did everything you could for us as a fan base because we give everything to to you as players and I think that’s what people don’t realize from people outside New York like how great the Nick fan base is because we just want to know that you give everything you have and I think for us you know we’re so hungry for that championship and I think you know this I love all sports baseball basketball football everything but this isn’t basketball town when when the Knicks are great there’s nothing better than the guard yeah no question about it uh you know if when you look at some of the greats who are you know Immortals in this town they’re not the superstars they’re not the Divas they’re the guys who get it out the mud those are the guys who we remember forever man because it’s it’s a great story right like the the Jaylen Brunson story is a great story Josh divon chenzo like this is why we love those Nova Knicks you look at pre atua him coming through like this whole team when Julius went down there was no lottery picks yep in in their run and McBride like everyone has that story where they’re just grinding their way through to the to the to the Pinnacle man and and that’s the story that New Yorkers really rally around Underdog Story guys written off at some point and now they’ve come and they found a home and they’re doing big things for the Knicks so I’m gonna ask you this I’m gonna put you on the spot everyone’s questioning is Brunson the best nick of all time yeah which it listen it’s early he’s only been here a couple years where do you put him with the greatest Knicks of all time is he ahead of carmelo for you is he behind Carmelo where do you put him in the rankings greatest Nick and like during their time their time only when they were on the Knicks I’ll put him third behind who I’ll put him third behind Walt and behind Ying putting him third third I’ll put Melo a close fourth Bronson already has has had you know much more success um than than Melo so far but you know I think melo’s teams were just poorly constructed but I think Brunson has and will have a better Nick career than Carmelo uh based on one his play and to the competence of the front office I think he’s in a better spot than Melo was for sure so last thing on this past season we’ll get the free agency Brunson said he didn’t think the season was a success because they didn’t get close to the championship and they didn’t get close to the title when you get a chance to reflect as the governor okay you and perk right how do you kind of describe this next season do you think it was a success how do you view it yeah without question the success I mean I love his his mindset and his attitude because he wants better for himself and better for the team he’s a he’s a leader Natural Born leader uh you you look at he’s Cut From a Different Cloth his family great family you know levelheaded leaders themselves go-getters and so uh you know that mindset is what we need here but to me you look at what they did it was an outstanding season you know to get the second seed to fight through get to Indiana yes they didn’t get there they didn’t get to the Eastern Conference Finals but but look at the team who was decimated by injuries I said this plenty of times there’s no other team in the NBA that could have gotten through the playoffs and to the point where the Knicks did like like the Knicks to to survive those type of injuries there there’s no other team that no would have gotten to game seven I don’t even think like to get to game seven against Indiana no and Indiana is a good offensive team they’re a great home team like to get to that position with Bronson and basically you know what’s left of Josh Hart and you know the guys that they had out there they were playing McBride and precious no offense to them they’re they’re really good complimentary players but they’re playing them big minutes down the stretch of games because that’s what they had left yeah no question um to get the second seed they made two trades in the middle of a season they made two trades in the middle of the season the first one left a big gash in the bench but then you had internal development from Miles McBride you go out you make the uh the next trade for for buan and they’re terrible but NE nevertheless they’re still able to get the number two seed because the OG trade was so impactful for them and so to to me man when you look at the career year that Brunson had Randall making his third All-Star team even though he wasn’t there for them the internal developments of a miles McBride look at what precious atua did in that month of January to help contrib B contributions that I think get under overlooked in my opin um Isaiah hartenstein taking another step when he gets the bag this year this off season he’s got tibs to thank he’s got Brunson to thank and and the whole team for for making him a better player even chenzo I looked at brunson’s Contract last year as the best contract in the sport I look at D cenzo’s mid-level exception contract as the next best and I think MCB will be the next no man I thought there there were several wins for this team both as individual players and for Coach tibs as a coach um that you know this is without question a successful season I I agree you and I think you know a lot of that Brunson gets so much credit obviously because he had such an incredible season and I think he should get a lot of credit for that especially what he did in the postseason with the team they had left but like you said so many guys and part you gotta give credit to tibs because I think he’s evolved his coaching style a lot this year especially his offensive system is different he’s willing when was in the past was he ever be willing to play Josh hard before yeah that’s like completely against anything he’s done in the past playing a small ball lineup at times because he had to do it and I think you got to give him a lot of credit Bruns a lot of credit and like you said Dante career year hardstein career year those guys were incredible so my first question as we get to look to next year and we look forward what do you do with Julius Randall um you personally would you trade him would you look to trade him would you only trade him if you got a player that you felt like was a big upgrade in you know especially in the scoring department or how do you view him as a fit next season and going forward it it has to come at an upgrade there’s only two players that I trade Julius Rand for right now it’s Giannis and as much as I hate to say this next one because fans you know get emotional that he that you know he uh K KD he bailed on the Knicks the first time he had a chance but I think he’s a perfect fit on this team I’m just I just keep it real fans I’m like yo you guys got to put the emotions to the side we’re just talking basketball here if that Phoenix experiment blows up they started with the coach next thing is gonna be James Jones and then but you know players might might be next or if KD raises his hand but if they had a shot at him I would go with him but other than that I’m keeping I wouldn’t trade no interesting yeah yeah that that’s three guys and I would include Booker with your two guys I agree I don’t care about emotions I would say you apologize to me I’ll put it behind yeah you know what I me I don’t care it’s in the past he’s a great player if he’s gonna help us win who cares so I would agree with the two I would add Booker to that but why not Booker for you I’m not I’m just looking at guys who could potentially ask out right like KD’s had a he’s had a reputation for just being like he you know what it’s not working out here I’m going to take my bag and leave Yannis I feel like that could potentially implode eventually um but book we don’t we don’t know you know like what is his his relationship with ishia he’s a homegrown Talent with the sons a lot of people want to put him here because of the relationship with Leon Rose but he’s not really want to necessarily voice his displeasure with things or he hasn’t as yet at least I haven’t heard it so I’m just going off of like guys who could potentially be out there you just don’t know until the off season unfolds and uh you know that disgruntled player raises his hand and there’s always someone that we don’t expect always someone I I only threw Booker out there because we know Phoenix has been very much a hot mess this past season I think anyone could ask out from that group I think KD is a great option I think Booker could be but book I think would be a great fit because you slide him right I want a two or a four yeah I don’t want anyone in between right slide him into the two I put Dante on the bench as your super six man and I think that would fit great and so I would and I put hardt at the four and Hart would continue but because I think part of the reason why Hart was so great this year is because he got a chance to play the four and him playing small ball with Hart and OG at the three and the four whatever you know however you want to label them I think was huge for the Knicks this year so I wouldn’t mind seeing that if it meant getting Booker at the two um I’m with you I’m not just getting rid of Julius unless it was an upgrade and yeah I want to mention one player a lot of Nick fans want a lot of them Pine for that I don’t think is as good a fit as a lot of them think and that’s Mel Bridges and I like Mel Bridges a lot as a player I think he’s a terrific player I think Julius is a better scorer and a better number two option than him and I think the Knicks need that more than anything and if they got Mel Bridges where would he play I don’t think he’s a two guard I think Dante’s a better fit with the movement running off the ball the athleticism at the two- guard position than he is and you already have heart and OG at the other position so to me I don’t think he’s as good of a fit on this Nicks roster with or without Julius as all the Nick fans do do you agree with that or would Mel be someone you’d look to as well I’ve always liked Mel Bridges um 20 was it 2017 draft whichever draft that they dropped the ball completely and took Kevin Knox I I was just I was floored because I couldn’t believe that they they would pass up on this guy I mean he showed you the most tape on the biggest stage that he could be the three and D at least wing for for the New York Knicks and uh and Scott Perry passed on him but you know I thought when he first got to the Nets from Phoenix he showed a little more potential from a shot creation standpoint and then kind of came back to the pack now was that a result of just not being happy there in Brooklyn he doesn’t seem happy there or is it the league kind of catching up with him being on a uh not so good team I think there there’s you know a little bit of both there but the next person if you’re G to move Julius the person that you bring in like you said potentially a book that person has to be able to bend defenses he’s got to be a guy that can command double teams Shadows hard Hedges like guys that you have to pay attention to because it’s just like you know you’re watching the Western Conference Finals right now in crunch time when you see Luka donic going oneon-one and you’re like what is the defense I mean the shots he’s making are so absurd what do you even do it with that right and and so you need someone who’s going to command those doubles who can make his team better just by his sheer presence and so that’s why to me when fans are like ah get rid of him he’s not clutch he’s not that yeah those things could be true but you don’t just add by just getting rid of them because you’re putting pressure too much pressure on everyone else so are you would you you would I’m assuming just from what you said you would keep Julius over trading Julius for muel yeah yeah I would I wouldn’t trade him straight up for Mel so if if I’m giving you the GM hat I fired Leon Rose okay he’s gone he did gon you did a great job we love you we’re gonna give CP the job what big changes would you make if any and just overall what would your team look like next year what would your priorities be you can go through free AC hartenstein OG whatever you want give me your team next year yeah priorities resign OG at all costs resign hartstein at at all cost I think he brought a different Dynamic to this Nicks team and to their offense that they haven’t seen in a long time and so I thought he emerged as a two-way player not just you know just shooting offense or playing offense and and making good reads I thought defensively and getting on the boards he improved dramatically and so he’s going to deserve that raise so you bring those two guys back they need a backup point guard coming off the agreed I was gonna say that yeah they should have the mid-level exception they should have it and so you’re GNA have to look at some targets is it you know I don’t really like this name is it a campaign there there’s not too many strong guys out there you have DLo out there I don’t like him either get him from Washington if you can get a t he’s a free agent you know if you free agent okay yeah is he an option I think he absolutely absolutely you go get a tius Jones you put McBride off ball I think that’s a that’s a nice group right there that’s a nice group you get smart and you put McBride in his natural role which is in that all ball position and you let him shoot it uh they have two draft picks I think they’ll take One Wing depth actually have three including count the 38th pick right if you want to count that one a second so I think at the very least they would probably use one of the two in the first round and then maybe consolidate the back two go get a wing go get a wing I want some upper classman Wing depth we’re GNA get into our our draft coverage on uh on kftv later on this early next month and so um but they need Wing depth I want upper class and Wing depth someone who can go in there as Plug and Play ready and that can add to that depth and so until that big name emerges th those are the priorities man just just add to the Ben depth you get Julius back and keep it pushing with with that Squad so you you pretty much and I I think I agree with this too unless you get the Giannis the Durant and maybe even the booker right yeah you’d rather run it back with the team that you have make a couple tweaks I think adding the backup point guard I think is a huge thing they need to alleviate some of the ball handling duties from Jaylen and I and I think you’re right deuces at least at this point of his career is more suited off the ball and he’s a really good off the ball catch and shoot player and obviously primary Defender but I don’t think his his strengths are ball handling bringing the ball up the court taking that off of Jaylen so I think especially in the playoffs yeah I think that’s that’s a need I think you bring Bo obviously Bogie’s on the team for another year you have him well and I think getting a win so so the bogey thing it’s it’s not guaranteed he’s got a partial guarantee that they’re going to have to pick it up I think they will and what could be interesting here is that because in the beginning when they first got him I thought you know they’re going to use him for the next Blockbuster he could be used in a trade for sure he could be used in a trade so are you looking at that potential 17 18 million with some more draft picks to go get another not not you know Allstar Superstar player but another OG type who with this team can help Elevate this team by being a better fit whether it’s that bench backup point guard or another Wing so that could be a wild card there again there could be a name that we’re not thinking of right now that you can use that salary of of of bonovich plus some draft Capital they have a ton and maybe bring in somebody that we’re not even thinking of where are you on Donovan Mitchell are you off him completely I’m like 5050 man too I’m like 50 5050 he’s one of my favorite players in the league me too and I like from New York too I love it I love it I love his game but I’m I’m with with the nayay and that is a fit ideal with with him and jayen Brunson sharing the ball in the back court I’m not so sure and especially defensively think is what I’d be most concerned about def defensively the issues with between him and Darius Garland over the last two years in Cleveland were they an ideal pairing why or why not they seem to struggle when they’re together but when they’re on their own they seem to shine right when car went out do of Mitchell became this you know 2010 passing machine and then vice versa so um you know the fit is not ideal would I love it from a talent perspective sure I I root for it all day every day I think it depends on the what you’d have to part with right like that would make you think about it one way or the other absolutely and then you know based on people I spoke to and uh Ian Begley and some other guys it doesn’t seem like the per they will be as hot after him as they were yeah the previous time now that could all change when they get into the offseason maybe Cleveland drops his asking price does he say hey it’s New York or no then I mean if you’re getting Donovan Mitchell for the bogey contract maybe M and a couple picks yeah he might have to roll the Tyson I think like you said at this point I think we both AG if they resign hardenstein and obviously that depends on he’s gonna have to take less money unfortunately because that you know kind of clause he had in his contract they only gave him a two-year deal instead of a three-year deal which means they don’t have his his early bird rights right which means they can only give him I think a little over $18 million a year yeah I think he’ll get somewhere in that range so it’s a matter of a team mayate pay him 20 will he come back to the Knicks for 18 and a half that’s going to be the question but let’s just go hypothetically that he resigns I think you I don’t think you could keep both him and Mitch at that type of money so I think like you said bogy Mitch would be your couple of guys that you could package contract wise with picks to get a player that to add to the group you know a core guy to add to the group and I think that would be if if it was bogy and Mitch and two three pick first round picks oh God that would keep me up I’m I would consider still do I’m still doing it man and I don’t have to give up Julius I have to do that right yeah yeah no I’m still doing it man you got to take a gamble I I still think I mean look at what Kyrie and luuka are doing out there to me it’s you still need two stars to spearhead a legitimate run I’m not talking about you know this team gets hurt and and you lock your way into it I’m talking about being Bonafide where at the end of this thing you’re holding that Trophy up like yeah there’s no doubt these guys were legit you still need that Talent upgrade is it Julius could it be someone else you know we know Brunson is gonna play the part we know that he’s shown you two years in a row he’s Bonafide a dog we know that solid right you just need that second guy to emerge because I think this team has the pieces man they play defense they they rebound the hell out of the ball when they’re healthy right they have the three-point shooting efficiency now with Dante and OG what McBride came McBride I mean McBride got his playing time based on the strength that he could shoot the ball because you knew defense ly was was his floor he was straight but his shot was so erratic it was so you know non-existent for many parts of his career now he’s showing you he he can knock it down complete 180 with a shot complete when he got more volume he actually got better yeah yeah so I think they have it all man they have the one star they just need one more one more piece to add to that core and I think they’ll be all right so speaking of Kye and Luca assuming it’s MAV Celtics because I think that’s what everyone that’s what it looks like at this point who do you have in that series why man I think I think these Mavs are so hot right now it’s it’s hard a wild run they run I think I think they’re on a run but you know what’s going to be interesting because it’s going to be interesting because you have the best offensive back court that’s gonna be going up against the best defensive back court in the league who’s gonna give who’s gonna give there but not only that man you know Kyrie and Luca have been excellent they’ve been clutched every time in the fourth quarter and those guys get the ball just take it up a notch and that’s what superstar players do man they’re able to raise their game to a level that the ordinary guys just can’t get to and that’s how they separate themselves but their bigs have been playing really good basketball man the tanking you know that we would have gotten their pick and they took Lively obviously and the Gaff those two guys are just perfect for their team Gafford was huge and you know the the thing is when you when you’re watching these guys on bad teams I was like yeah graph Gafford he’s all right but because he’s on such a crappy team like the Wizards you don’t really get to see their true impact on a team and you know last night another prime example he’s making clutch defensive stops in the fourth quarter there and so I gotta go with the Mavs and seven I’m gonna go with the Mavs and seven on the road and I’ll say this they’ve been a good road team in the playoff they have been what’s up with christops and and you know what the thing about that is too I think everyone’s just saying you just when he comes back he’s just going to be good you know that cap TR we’ve seen it Yan Durant obviously a few years back and the Tores Achilles and yeah obviously Giannis was not rushing back and now with christops when he comes back is he gonna be right is he on a minutes restriction like what’s what’s I agree and that’s a big that’s a big loss for them because I think and I’m ask you this as if you’re a Celtics fan are you concerned that they haven’t been tested yet because you know you look at Miami no Butler no Rosier that series is over the the Cavs was going to be tough to begin with then they lose Donovan for two games and they have no Jared all in the whole series that series was nothing and now Indiana they’re a nice offensive team they were never going to threaten him and then they lose halberton in the third game they blow the only game that they could have won in the first game so the Celtics to me have just been coasting they’re gonna have to play at their best level to beat Dallas in the finals would that concern you as a Celtics yeah absolutely man they this might be the lightest run to the NBA finals that that we’ve ever seen honestly ever but the the one thing where you know I question with them is do they have that killer instinct to put a good team away you put that on Tatum and brown absolutely absolutely and more so Tatum I look he’s a he’s a great player man I’m not taking anything away from him he’s a great player all the accolades that he’s earned so far is well earned I mean how many times do they go to the Conference Finals those two guys they built that thing for sure I just don’t like their execution down the stretch in a lot of these games man that first overtime game in game one when they beat the Pacers in overtime both those guys showed out and Jaylen Brown saved them in the end of the fourth quarter take him to overtime but if you look at their fourth quarter offense that was a loss first of all yeah to me I mean they’re chucking threes left right and Center you’re Jason Tater man yeah 6 foot eight 6 foot n towering over guys and he’s just to me his his approach in crunch time is just way too soft he almost had a boneheaded turnover in in that game one win um in the fourth quarter but you look at conversely luga donz and Kyrie man I mean Dallas is getting it done without even shooting threes yeah to me they’re the more clutch players with Kyrie he’s got that Championship experience I got ship to prove people absolutely that he’s you know not the guy of when thought he was the last seven years and you know basically being a detriment to any team he went to he wants to prove hey I’m a winner and I’m gonna show that in these playoffs and I agree with you and I think what I see in Boston too and I see this so much in Tatum because he’s the best player and he’s getting all you know he is gonna get the credit or he’s gonna get the criticism he looks tight tight he looks like he’s got all the pressure he’s feeling the pressure you you could see it like you said at the end of game one the fourth quarter he was bad in that fourth quarter he played great in the overtime but yeah that was you know they had to save him Jaylen had to save him to get there he just looks like he’s having no fun he looks like he’s playing tight he looks like if he’s he feels that if he doesn’t win a championship this year The Whole World’s Gonna is gonna cave in on him and I think that’s to me yes the softness and too many jump shots which I agree with I think it’s coupled with this mentality where he’s he’s feeling the pressure and that’s going to trickle down to the rest of the team and I think one thing I said I don’t know if you know uh Jared Dubin yeah you know NBA sports writer but he’s a friend of mine I I spoke to him you know off camera about the Celtics having too many guys of the same personality you know I think they’re all really good players but they don’t have a guy that’s like like you know what I mean like not that they’re not dogs but like the guy that’s gonna put dive on the floor for a loose ball the guy not necessarily vocally but they had Smart in that role and they lost him and I don’t think that was a bad thing I understand they were going in different direction and Drew’s been amazing for them and that’s an upgrade but they don’t have that guy that when things are going downhill can he Galvanize the as a leader I don’t know that they have that leader that guy who’s like a Brunson like a Hart right like I don’t know if they have that do you agree with that do you see that in them I think I think Drew can be that guy I think he can be that guy I mean he made the clutch stop on on neb hard in uh in game three and I’m looking at that stop at the end of the game I’m like number one the anticipation was ridiculous number two how many guys are going for that ball given the game situation with the game on the line that’s Drew holiday for you man and you know game one he he was brilliant with 26 points I think he can be that guy just by being the adult in the room quote unquote who’s going to make a smart play for you he’s got to get the ball because that was another issue I had with them in that game one win in the fourth quarter he barely touched the ball and he was the one best game of all he’s cooking and and when when you know the Pacers are putting their toughest Defenders on Tatum and brown rifle so Drew holiday has an advantageous situation here where you’re going up against a team that’s not that great defensively where he can use his championship all defense mentality and and offensive skill sets as well to take advantage that’s where I think if the Celtics do win he once again has to be an ex factor for them as a key decision maker and crunch time on both ends I agree all right before we let you get out of here first of all I really appreciate it and you know for anyone who watches this and doesn’t know CP has been one of the great people to me as someone who started out in this industry and just been so good to me and I appreciate that I’ve been a fan of years before we even spoke but just really helping me as someone new in in this industry new in media you know I I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it and how much you’ve given me someone who’s learned from you so thank you for that no problem I’m gonna give you a couple Nick quick hitters before I get you out of here I’m gonna give you an either or and you pick one and we move on all right Mike Breen or Marv Albert Breen okay got Breen uh Oakley or OG Oak okay Leon Rose or Dave checkin I’ll go check it check it I better trade you can only pick one heart or OG OG okay I think so too yeah more painful moment Charles Smith the Ying finger roll the Starks two for 18 or the Reggie Miller eight points and nine seconds two for 18 two I agree yeah because that was where they were the closest to the title Heartbreaker Heartbreaker um okay better moments Starks dunk LJ four-point play four-point play better three-point s Brunson with the kiss or Melo three to the Dome three to the Dome I gotta go I think I agree okay two more better jerseys the city jerseys or the statement jerseys the statement ones with the Jordan logo yeah oh throw those in the G anything with the Jordan logo throw it in the we’ll go with the city joints okay and last one the two most underappreciated Nick Allstar greats I would say spr well or Houston they’re right behind me man uh I feel pressure uh damn you can call a tie if you want I can’t call tie man giving you I’m giving you an uh I mean Houston Houston yeah I’m going spree by a slight margin but I’m going all right all right all right I appreciate you thank you so much for coming on we’ll obviously chat soon and you know listen let’s let’s see what happens the offseason hopefully we can chat during free agency when things start to happen for sure keep me posted man great work great season and uh yeah man let’s catch up again in the offseason and Beyond I appreciate that and check out CP on Nick Fant TV Nick Fant TV are you on Tik Tok also by the way yeah Nick fan TV ni TV Tik Tok YouTube um IG everywhere yes okay cool check him out he’s the best in the business the best Nick fan there is and we appreciate him coming on thank you CP anytime man thank you bro all right bro

In this episode, CP The Fanchise & host Justin Morrelli of The Shot Clock Show dives deep into the Knicks’ 2023-2024 season, discussing key injuries, missed opportunities, and what could have been if the team had stayed healthy. We also pay tribute to the legendary Bill Walton, reflecting on his remarkable contributions to basketball both on and off the court.

Topics Covered:

*Knicks Season Analysis: Examining the impact of injuries on the team’s playoff run.

*Coaching Decisions: Debating Tom Thibodeau’s management of player minutes.

*Ranking Jalen Brunson: Is he among the greatest Knicks of all time?

*Offseason Strategies: Potential trades, wing depth, and future moves for the Knicks.

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  1. Keep the nucleus together but if they stand completely pat and everyone doesn't individually play as well as they did this season, Knicks Nation is going to be HOWLING!!! The Knicks should look to improve their bench depth and add a backup PG and a real shooting wing to back up OG.

  2. Chris Boucher is available this summer and a good bench piece who is more of a rim protecting strength 4/5.

  3. Salute! Don’t forget the original player/broadcaster pioneer Walt “Clyde” Frazier who started as an analyst 10 years before Bill Walton did. Love them both and KFTV❤

  4. It's happening again. NYK are good one year and fans lose all perspective. Knicks wouldve been a 5/6th seed in the West. Got smacked by Pacers who then got ran through. But fans think this squad is good enough to win a ship?

  5. I met him once in 2019 when he came to Vegas during ncaa tournament and he ate at the restaurant I was a chef at nice man

  6. I met him once in 2019 when he came to Vegas during ncaa tournament and he ate at the restaurant I was a chef at nice man

  7. CP the Franchise is an inspiration to us all. My Knick Mount Rushmore has to be Clyde, Willis, Bernard King, and Ewing. Thibs criticism is ridiculous. Randle hurt by a freak injury. OG injury wrong place/wrong time. Bogey ridiculous bad luck. Mitch body betrays him. If I was GM, the Knicks go all-in for Booker. Back court powered teams are in!
    Edit: Forgot to add, I agree if there is no game changing deal to be had…keeping the team as constituted and adding depth is the way to go.
    Lastly Boston in six. People are forgetting Jrue Holiday. Jrue will keep Boston focused. Jrue Holiday & Derrick White don’t care about personal numbers. While no one can shutdown Luka and Kyrie, they can make them work for their points. When a well rested Porzingis is the C’s 5th option…and Horford is coming off the bench, I can see Dallas losing this war. 🤷‍♂️

  8. Burks was a shell of himself since the trade & Deuce been playing great so imagine tryin to get at Thibs for saying hey ya shoulda played Burks earlier…..NOBODY knew Burks had that in him THIS YEAR and Thibs stilllll went with him anyway gtfoh ….this dude just looking for something to hate @ Thibs about when the FireThibsHive has been buried by the likes of Josh Hart & Stan Van Gundy – Yall just either lazy/ soft or racist

  9. "If he doesnt play well then dont play him" – bruh this is the PLAYOFSS!!!! – Yo CP you being to nice to these knuckleheads – This aint game #39 where we can tinker with things while OG taking a few nights off like usual – Nah bruh we got Tyrese Maxey running up & down the court & he tryin to say Thibs shoulda went with a ? than Deuce when Bojan went down…….. fuckkkk meeeeee this is the kinda shyt that makes us Knicks fans sound stupid & then they try to blame Thibs like WTF

  10. Im not trading 25/8/5 out of the 4 spot for KD …..and those #'s are from playing with RJ/IQ so now imagine Jules #'s with this roster….We also need Jules moxy & cockiness so we better get a King's ransom in return

  11. IHart can be on my roster but ONLY as a backup 5…4 when i want to go big but he cant start for me…he's to small & got destroyed in both Playoffs when we see Mitchy with no offense change the 76ers series against a monster MVP in Embiid who was ballin against IHart…. IHart butt just to small for the paint in the playoffs….i need more beef w/ some hands for my starting 5 spot

  12. Kyrie/Luca still playing….we're not… why wouldnt Brunson/Donovan work? There's plenty of supporting defense around them & I trust Thibs to bring out more defense from Spyda who knows that's the culture here, yall buggin if you dont think Donovan wont dig in

  13. The fact of the matter is that they can't pay Randle and get that playoffs second scoring option next to Jalen Brunson.
    If Julius Randle was that guy, NBA teams would be rushing to get him the past 3 years.

  14. Objective facts:15 guys on the team,and only using 7 maybe 8 players all season 82 games plus the playoffs..Just my opinion since i do watch all the games.Makes you think how they broke down..😢

  15. Yo much respect to you CP but on the real… The only one with emotions about trading Randle for KD is you. You're completely OFF with the KD thing. Basketball fit ok whatever… IS HE A CULTURE FIT? Absolutely not. You even said it yourself hes a guy that comes in and doesn't get his way and leaves the team in shambles. KD brings DRAMA. Over the past four years have you seen this team make any kind of noise? And if they even made a peep it's ok BYE. like c'mon bro. Same thing with LeBron. DRAMAknocks don't need that ish. I do, however agree with Giannis… That's it.

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