@San Antonio Spurs



all right guys as promised okay it it is pretty it’s pretty late all right it’s pretty late where I am right now um but yeah I I watched it I I watched the cheddy Osman interview I want some n are we having fun yet all right so there’s a couple points of interest in this interview that I think is important that we could go over but there’s one in particular that I wanted to uh Digest with you guys and I think it’s quite eye openening when it pertains to how things panned out this season how the Spurs viewed this season and how papovich viewed uh this season overall so it’s it’s some uh it’s a good way to give you a little bit of hopium okay I’m going to give you guys a little bit of hopium um so before we get into this um I don’t I don’t bring this up enough and people have called me out on not bringing this up enough uh so let let me go let me go ahead and type let me go and type this in okay uh Clan the merch if you guys are interested at all when it pertains to merch please head on over to Clan the merch Link in the description I will have more designs coming um I have not thought it out yet as far as what else you know I’m going to I’m going to put out there but if you guys are interested at the very least just go check out the the page and maybe just save it screenshot it for later um but yeah just head on over to Clan theem merch and I got quite a bit of merch and this is my favorite by far this is my favorite okay I even made myself a shirt of this one um now once you order keep in mind that it’s first come first serve so it does take a minute um because I have to get the material then I make it where I am and then packages send it out all that good stuff so it does take some time but if you’re willing to be patient uh with me uh that that would mean the world uh to me but yeah so a lot of stuff there just go check it out uh Link in the description all right okay all right so like I said in another video this is all in uh Turkish so we have the English subtitles here so if you guys do not mind reading uh we we’re we’re good to go okay we’re good to go uh I like this segment of it though he’s just saying you know what what is the losing due to your team your mindset the team overall this season [Music] forch foreign speech speech foreign we always struggling when the Spurs lost like 50 million games in a row that was tough but this is what he has toee speech speech fore so he said it was quite difficult to get the young player together and and we saw quite a few things that I mean especially Devon fael you can see his head you know hanging low at times but this is behind the scenes and he already mentioned uh in that other quote that we went over uh in a previous video that he did have to be the veteran of the team and and they did listen to him wmy in specifically did listen to him now I’m wondering if that’s lost in translation so he said you saw it in games and sometimes this individuality is he saying that certain players made mistakes specific players made mistakes I don’t know if that’s what he means but one thing that I do recall and I remember is there will be games in which is so close and a player would make a mistake right like that uh Infamous game in which wimby probably didn’t have to dumped it I think it was against the net was against the Nets or Cleveland C actually might have been against the Cavaliers I think don’t don’t quote me on that um but wimy passed it off to Sohan who was cutting and a lot of people say why didn’t Sohan just shoot a layup but then soan made the pass to the corner to Kellin but Kellin didn’t move he didn’t move with the offense to get to the corner so ended up being a turnover um which is should have been a wide open three-point um shot but yeah fore spe foreign for spee [Music] foree for speech fore spech foreign foree speech fore rebuilding yeah so that’s some really good stuff there so basically you know you read it right you guys can read okay you can read um but basically all he said that yeah we found our identity when the season was coming to an end near the end everyone was finally playing together everyone was playing well and we saw that there was some really nice games and I I would chalk it up to you’re going against like weaker Talent cuz guys are going to sit out and teams don’t really care anymore they’re already in the playoffs but that was not the case for the Spurs late in that season because as you guys remember I mean we even changed the trajectory of teams that needed that win right uh I think it was the Denver Nuggets specifically like they they needed to win and we took care of business so you know it it it wasn’t like super easy uh wins like it was Prior like the season before uh near the end of that season this one felt a little bit different um teams obviously were really close in in the race and we had a really difficult we had a difficult schedule basically the whole time it felt like uh but it we we played better it wasn’t a matter of oh it’s just teams playing to our no the Spurs played better and we saw all those different uh analytics showing that we were getting better and better as the season went on uh so I I I just really like that I like the fact um that we are finding an identity and this even adds more to my idea of what the Spurs should do now that I kind of see what they do well I don’t see any reason to not lean on that defensive angle right now get as many easy points as you possibly can wm’s getting 10 12 blocks in a game you shouldn’t lose right if if he can if he’s capable of doing that you shouldn’t be losing as many games as you can but you can get some players as fast in transition you can get some players that’s also great defensively so when you know guys do panic in the paint and they pass it out it’s a automatic steal and that’s somebody like Ron Holland and I even like you know you guys know how I feel about mtis Buel I like mtis buellis a lot as far as a help Defender like you you can really build around this concept of of of of wi Wim Bama’s presence defensively and grow out from that um don’t get me wrong okay do not do not get me wrong I I I get it I get it I get it I get it you need Shooters and so many people are gonna say that you need Shooters on the team you got to get Shooters Clan no matter what and I I understand it but you got to keep in mind in the history of the Spurs and if you recall like the main thing that we were searching for for so long that was hard to find was that defensive wing and we finally got it with Kawai but we went through some experiments right we brought step Jackson back that wasn’t good enough and he could shoot uh Richard Jefferson that wasn’t good enough he ended up being a pretty decent shooter for us so like yeah it’s important it’s important to have Shooters but I feel like Shooters you can find those quicker than you can find a Lockdown Defender that that that is a really difficult find uh to get in the NBA so I think that the Spurs should go after that and as far as Shooters and scorers yes we need that and obviously you’re going to add that but right now when you’re looking at this this draft and you have the capability of getting that why not just do it you know that that those are my thoughts those are my thoughts on that but um here we’ll listen a little bit more but that was kind of the main segment that I I cared about you know people bring up Jeremy Sohan going to the four a lot um but man he was at the four a long time I I I I think I think a lot of people bring that up like oh once he wasn’t point guard anymore I don’t know if that’s what he was trying to say but once he wasn’t point guard anymore the Spurs looked so much better he was not point guard for a long period this this season we were still losing like even when Trey Jones um uh came into the starting lineup we were still losing so I don’t know Phoenix ok really are they really going to hit me with a copy ah okay that’s all I had to really say anyways um but yeah if you guys are interested this is the channel Socratic so so Socrates Socrates why am I saying this wrong I know I’m saying it wrong uh d d dery I don’t know this is the channel pretty big Channel by the way 543k subscribers good god um so if you guys are interested there and you want to take a look for yourself uh head on over to their Channel but really good stuff man really good stuff and you know cheddy I I do like him you know as a as a player and everything I don’t know what’s going to happen I don’t think the Spurs are going to sign him back but uh I guess it’s just a matter of what what you know what pans out and and who’s available and all that good stuff but anyways I will get with you guys later man until next time bye bye-bye [Music]


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//About me:
I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

I am not affiliated with the San Antonio Spurs
or #NBA


  1. Defense wins Championships… I still didn't feel Bruce got enough credit for all the winning during the "Glory Days!" There's only one Bruce Bowen I guess…

  2. Cedi was the only consistent spurs player all year with points and efforts 💯every night and still young if 40 lebron still playing 🤷‍♂️ he ain't going nowhere yet…if anything they sign him and use him as trading piece later 💯

  3. I am convinced that Castle is the best fit especially because of all the Elite scoring guards in the Western Conference. He also has size and Champion Attitude.

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