@Philadelphia 76ers

We have some CRAZY Sixers draft RUMORS on this beautiful monday

We have some CRAZY Sixers draft RUMORS on this beautiful monday

going on everybody Welcome to run it back Philly no frauds no Fanboys never had an intro do me a favor one time close out the chat hit the like button if you’re watching this live if you’re watching it on replay give me a million likes on this stream man couple things I want to talk about thanks for being here this is probably the this is probably the uh format we’re going to do like a usually a live show on Monday maybe twice a week maybe something maybe more maybe less I don’t ever know in the words of my boy theovon I don’t know what I’m doing um shout out to everybody in here man thanks for being here yeah let’s get down to business man is that is that everything I usually say in the beginning yeah 80 people in here man give me give me 80 likes uh listen to us on podcast platforms all that stuff I don’t remember I don’t remember what I’m supposed to say but a couple things we want to talk about for sure okay the Philadelphia 76ers uh leading up to the NBA draft the NBA draft is on June 26th and so right now it is June 3 uh the rumor mill and the talking points are going to continue to come out all the way up until the draft and today we’re going to talk about one major one that was dropped by Brett seagull of clutch points and then a couple of uh 76ers free agents uh that they want to bring back which is kind of laughable um but you know take everything with a grain of salt we’re just here to have some fun shout out to everyone in here uh what are you guys talking about in the chat if you guys trade for LeBron the process is done the funeral will commence Jam yam Yos I think we’re going to say I got news for you yam Yos the process has been done for a long time man the process has been done for a long time if you’re a betting man uh you just I mean you’re not going to bet on this thing you’re not going to bet on this thing working you know me personally I’m waiting for the inevitable mini rebuild around Tyrese Maxi in a couple of years to be quite honest with you but we’re just here for fun man Carlos Rosado exactly I have a feeling the Sixers organization will find a way to something up Sixers AZ what’s good what’s up with the members in the chat uh what did is free agency begin it is usually June 30th or July 1st which is a couple days after the NBA draft maybe it’s the day after the NBA draft they changed the format of the draft this year there’s it’s a two-day draft for no reason I don’t know who the hell is tuning in to day two to watch the second round of an NBA draft on a completely separate day but yeah I guess we’ll watch day two because bronnie James might be in there unless one of these teams takes a big swing this is the you know this is the only real this is the only real major talking point of this NBA draft the draft class is not crazy there’s not a generational talent in there there’s not a there’s not a Victor wanyama there’s not a LeBron James there’s not there’s nothing to really go crazy over in this NBA draft okay and so this bronny James thing is really the only major talking point and it is very interesting because of how unique it is there’s never been a time in history where a a superstar one of the greatest ever to play his son is coming into the NBA draft and there’s rumors that teams want to draft him just because it could lure his father and be a superstar on the downside of his career but still really really good at damn near age 40 uh this is just a story that has never really happened before so it is really interesting and and it’s making the draft really interesting because people are going to be watching the draft not knowing what’s going to happen you know bronnie James is projected to go pick number 46 uh according to uh Brett seagull’s latest NBA Mock Draft but teams could take him pretty high if they feel like it could lure LeBron James to their team it’s it’s odd it’s very unique it’s just kind of crazy you know because it it’s like there’s never been a I don’t feel like there’s ever been a player that’s projected that late in a draft who you wouldn’t be shocked if he went at number 16 so the draft is definitely going to be interesting just really for that for the for the bronny James thing uh let’s just look at Brett’s article and then talk about it a little bit uh new story on clutch points the 76ers have been rumored to join the bronny James discussion and here’s the article okay shout out to Brett seagull for giving us some offseason things to talk about whether it’s true or not bronnie James recently made the decision to keep his name in the draft uh yada yada yada don’t care about that Bron’s draft range is wide Paul told ESPN recently this is Rich Paul clutch Sports owner and LeBron James agent bronny James agent Tyrese Maxi agent uh Rich Paul brony’s draft range is wide that that’s what I just said he’s a really good Prospect who has a lot of room for growth it only takes one team I don’t care where that team is it can be number one or 58 I do care about the plan the development the team’s strategy the opportunity and the financial commitment that’s why I’m not doing a two-way deal every team understands that okay let’s talk about rich Paul first no let’s not talk about rich Paul but let’s let’s let’s read through let’s let’s read between the lines of what this dude’s saying right here Rich Paul does not believe that bronny James is a highlevel NBA talent I refuse to believe that rich Paul believes that I refuse to believe that rich Paul actually believes that Brony James is a really good Prospect uh I refuse to believe that the plan and the development has anything to do I refuse to believe that the the development plan for Brony James has anything to do with this unless LeBron James actually believes that Brony James has a lot of NBA potential and LeBron is interested in the proposed development plan for his son obviously when it’s your son you’re going to have have a skewed reality this is just like any local high school team where the coach’s son continues to get minutes over the player who’s clearly better because the coach believes in his own child more than anyone because it’s a skewed reality because it’s your own blood which is why coaches shouldn’t coach their own kids and probably LeBron James shouldn’t be involved in his son being drafted in the NBA but we’re here because Sports politics is a real thing but I don’t think this really has anything to do with bronny James I don’t think Rich Paul really is focused on Brony and what team wants the best development for him unless that’s what LeBron’s telling Rich which that could also be the case uh the financial commitment I mean that’s why we’re not doing a two-way deal I I don’t I don’t necessarily know anything about the money how much money they feel like Brony James is worth they they probably feel like he’s worth more money than he really is but there’s a quote from Rich Paul uh on bronny James a variety of teams have looked to secure a pre-draft workout with bronny since his performances at the NBA draft combine in Chicago while he has received over 10 workout requests James and Paul are being selective and declining invitations according to the Athletics sham Shania however bronny will visit the Phoenix Suns in the Los Angeles Lakers so like I I I just I don’t like this whole thing really because you know LeBron and everybody should be being realistic about Brony James and the fact that Brony James is even being talked about being drafted in the NBA is otherworldly when you really look at his production in high school and College his size his skill set they should be I know you’re LeBron James I get it and I know you’re rich Paul I get it but y’all should be happy that anybody wants to work out bronnie James and they’re out here declining workout requests this is a bit of a recipe for disaster for Brony James himself you you got he already has the expectations of LeBron James being his dad right he’s not going to live up to that everybody knows that he’s not even close to the same size or athleticism uh but now you’re kind of putting this like better than thou celebrity kind of vibe behind him with this like oh we’re going to turn down workout requests bronnie is only working out with certain teams this is kind of giv me like I don’t know St uh childhood star type of Vibes you know like it it never really works out because you’re putting a kid in a position that they really aren’t ready for and so if if bronne is size skill-wise not an NBA talent and you’re putting him into the draft and then you’re put putting these kind of things behind him like this like uh he’s too good to work out for these 10 teams we’re only selecting certain ones it it’s it to me it has the potential to amplify his deficiencies you know wouldn’t you just want him to be a part wouldn’t you want to just realistically look at him as a 6′ one guard I guess who’s not really a good enough ball handler or or passer or facilitator to be a point guard who’s not really big enough or a good enough shooter to be a shooting guard who’s definitely not big enough to be a small forward who wouldn’t you just want him to be a part of an NBA team for his own sake so there’s not all this pressure on him so if if he isn’t that great he can just be thanis and tumbo you know what I’m saying anyway I could rant about this for a long time but apparently the Phoenix Suns and Los Angeles Lakers are the two teams that they’ve accepted workouts for as the 2024 NBA draft nears more chatter surrounding bronny where he could possibly end up as occurred in addition to the Suns and Lakers being viable destinations for Brony the Philadelphia 76ers have emerged as a third possible Suitor for the 19-year-old LeBron is expected to opt out of his contract with the Lakers making him an unrestricted free agent in recent weeks the 76ers have been linked to the NBA’s all-time leading scorer there have been recent Whispers In League Circles of about Philadelphia being an organization that would do what it takes to try and lure LeBron James from the Lakers the Sixers were a team that originally inquired about LeBron’s availability at the trade deadline in February so there’s that my take on bronny James again is that Brony James is not I don’t think he’s an NBA Talent any other kid that averaged five points per game for a college team who’s 61 and isn’t a lights out sniper of a shooter is not even being talked about as being drafted in the NBA those kids are lucky to even make it to the G League you know what I’m saying and I know everybody wants to do this I I saw the I saw the Kevin Garnett clip where he for some reason threw Kobe Bryant’s name out there and said like Co yall saw coob when he came in the league this this clip from Kevin Garnett was crazy I put it on my Instagram he said y’all saw coob when he came in the league he wasn’t he wasn’t MVP level when he came in the league buddy Kobe Bryant in high school averaged listen to me listen to me closly Brony James in high school averaged eight points per game and four rebounds and two assists Kobe Bryant in high school averaged 30 points per game 12 rebounds six assist four Steals and four blocks and Kevin Garnett tried to bring up this bronny James has the the the the the potential like dog in him that it was just crazy there’s no reason to say the name Kobe Bryant when talking about bronny James okay everybody’s putting way too much pressure on this kid he realistically shouldn’t even be in the NBA draft but here we are I want to talk about what I think about LeBron James on the Sixers so here’s why it is realistic for the Sixers to draft Brony James or any team to draft bron James to lure LeBron James to them I had some conversations over the weekend with some friends hanging out and uh two of my friends got in a very heated debate which was hilarious uh about Brony James LeBron James you know how he could come into the league and why and my take was this the only reason Le bronny James is here the only reason the team would draft him is to try to get LeBron James LeBron James on the downside of his career is still very very good still can help your team a lot especially if he’s not going to be expected to be the leading scorer it makes sense for LeBron to find a roster right now where he’s not expected to be the leading scorer and it makes sense for another team if they were going to do this to try to get LeBron to get LeBron knowing that they don’t want to expect him to be the leading scorer then he can just be a shell of himself for a couple years which is still incredible as far as just basketball IQ floor General the the dudes always had a point guard mindset he’s always been a a a Magic Johnson mixed with like I don’t know just a more athletic Magic Johnson type um who developed a pretty good three-point shot over the course of his career but the only reason this would work one of my boys was saying that LeBron’s not leaving La it doesn’t matter where bronnie goes and I was like no no no no no here’s why Lebron James will go wherever bronny goes because LeBron James is obsessed with LeBron James and that’s a blessing and a curse for a lot of people there I believe that the only way people get to this level greatest of all time discussion level is by being that borderline sociopath being obsessed with themselves being obsessed with the game being obsessed with their own numbers and their own legacy there’s a reason Tom Brady continues to probably come back to the NFL again like these people it’s been it’s been their entire life and they’ve been hyperfocused on being the best every single day and they don’t that’s all they know and they’re obsessed with it LeBron James has nothing left to prove he has the the the scoring record he has a longevity thing that we’ve never seen before in the NBA he has the he’s the first 30,000 points 8,000 rebounds 8,000 assist player in history yeah his his finals record is not Michael Jordan and you can debate that back and forth I don’t even compare the two cuz they’re two totally different types of players so I don’t really like to have that conversation but essentially he’s done all there is to do when it comes to NBA basketball what’s left he wants to be the first player to play on the same team with his son and it has nothing to do with bronny James it has everything to do with LeBron James Legacy it has everything to do with adding another notch on the LeBron James Legacy chart first player to do this first player to do this first player to do this first player to play on an NBA team with his son that’s what he wants because I think at the end of the day LeBron James or any great athlete who’s who’s dedicated their entire life to something all they’re worried about towards the end of their career is how are you going to be remembered what are you leaving behind and I feel like he wants to leave a legacy behind it’s going to be very difficult to touch and that’s why this is probably going to happen because at the end of the day LeBron James is obsessed with LeBron James that’s that’s really uh how I feel about it as far as LeBron James on the Sixers I think it makes perfect sense I think it makes perfect sense again LeBron should be looking for a roster where he’s not expected to be the leading scorer I think the Sixers should be looking for a player that can help them on a on a on a very high level but who’s not expected to be the main scorer who’s not a guy that’s going to take the ball out of Tyrese Maxi’s hands per se or or Joel embiid and can just fit in and really Elevate the players around him and for LeBron I think he could leave he could kind of transition into a different version of himself for the next two or three years if he wants to play that long and really be a more of a point guard Magic Johnson Style LeBron James compared to what he was throughout his whole career and I really do think a roster like the 76ers makes more sense for LeBron than a lot of other teams in the league because you got Joel and you got an emerging Tyrese maxi and he can just be that 6’7 260lb point guard for a couple of years and Elevate the players around him LeBron has always been a floor raiser you know I mean he took Zuna galus to the NBA finals he Mo Williams was an All-Star Mo Williams who the [ __ ] is Mo Williams bro you know what I mean at 24 years old by the way 22 something crazy um and I I I think it would be it would be really good for the Sixers to have him for a couple years I think it really would be and the the roster in La is not competing for anything in the Western Conference anytime soon there’s at least five teams that are clearly better contenders than the Lakers right now in the west and they don’t really have many assets to make that roster any better so for LeBron to go back to LA that doesn’t even really make any sense I know people are saying they expect them to resign with LA but somebody needs to tell me why how can they improve that roster to make them contenders if he’s only going to play for two more years why would he want to suck again bro they just got swept two years in a row I honestly do not see Lebron James returning to the Lakers it just doesn’t make any sense I see LeBron James retiring before returning to the Lakers you saw how they went out this year and in his postgame press conference he was like it’s just basketball like he doesn’t care anymore because why would he there’s nothing left to care about he might just retire I don’t see him wasting his time going back to a team that everybody knows doesn’t have a chance in the Western Conference do the are the Suns really a team that LeBron would want to go to I don’t know the answer to that either it’s crazy to say but the 76ers I feel like make the most sense I think it could really happen man I really do what do you guys think bro uh wem’s going to put Brony on a poster uh that’d be cool Lebron sounds like a helicopter Mom I don’t think bronnie wants to play with his dad having him on a leash that’s interesting I would like to hear probably uh Bron’s opinion on the situation you know cuzz LeBron could turn into like the Lavar ball of NBA players remember when Lonzo was finally like Dad shut up you know what I mean I’m doing my own thing I’m not wearing a big ball or brand shoes leave me alone let me live my own life LeBron doesn’t want to retire in damn Philly is it about where he wants to retire or is it about wanting to be good for a couple more years because if he doesn’t want if if he would say I’m not going to Philly I don’t want to retire there then why doesn’t he just retire right now I’m asking y’all what is the point of LeBron James going back to the Lakers to get swept again because Anthony Davis can’t carry that team anywhere the only reason he will stay in La is that his wife wants to stay happy [Laughter] wife Amon won bro I don’t want to get into this uh topic entirely but if you don’t think that LeBron James is the one leading the way in his own family then I don’t know what to tell you LeBron James wife is LeBron James wife she’s gonna go wherever LeBron James Goes uh when he said it’s just basketball felt like he was sarcastically repeating something daring ham said I’m not going to lie if we had LeBron instead of Harris we probably could win a ring exactly and why not swing for the fences for a couple more years because LeBron and Joel embiid might retire at the same time let’s call it what it is and then you move on to you know flipping it up and and trying to build around Tyreek Maxi now if if maybe Daryl Mur is not here by then maybe Josh Harris sells the team by then uh or the Sixers continue to just do things the wrong way for another 20 years and nothing good ever happens I don’t know I would probably bet on that um I would probably bet on that now I want to talk about uh the rumors about who the Sixers want to bring back um in free agency because I think it’s funny and I do I have a very negative outlook on this team right now and and the possibility of them doing the right thing this off season absolutely I had a negative a negative outlook after two seasons ago I had a negative outlook after last season this off season bro you’re not going to get much positivity from me when it comes to this team when it comes to darl muray when it comes to ownership when it comes to expecting the 76ers to do the right thing and some of the players that they’re interested in bringing back I have some opinions on all right but first this episode of runup back Philly is brought to you by Game Time ticket app shout out to game time thank you for sponsoring the channel uh game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace of the NBA which makes getting playoff tickets even faster and easier prices on the game time app go down the closer it gets to tip off with killer last minute deals all in prices views from your seat and their 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title of it is but shout out to Kyle Kyle said there two three players the Sixers are interested in bringing back in free agency Nicholas Batum Kyle Lowry and Kelly UB Yes you heard me right Nicholas patum who damn near retired before he suited up for the Sixers uh Kyle Lowry and Kelly UB I think we all unanimously would like Kelly UB to return to the Sixers I think Kelly UB brings a a level of athleticism and a just straight up fight fiery dog mentality to this team that really nobody outside of Tyrese Maxi and Joel embiid have Joel embiid I think has that mentality a lot of times he shows a little bit less fight than everybody would like Tyrese maxi absolutely has that mentality uh Ricky Council has that mentality but apparently Ricky Council has to be a 28-year-old seven-year veteran to get any playing time so Kelly UB is that guy that at least we know Nick nurse will play and can bring that that dog mentality athleticism to this team that they’ve been missing for a long time so I think Kelly UB is definitely a player that everybody unanimously is like yes please bring him back if if if for nothing more than the Vibes you know what I mean I want a guy on my team with cool hair who’s going to look at a referee and say your mom’s a [ __ ] your grandma’s a [ __ ] you’re a [ __ ] you know what I’m saying bring back Kelly UB um Nicholas patum and Kyle Lowry let’s just read this and then I’ll get my opinion on it Nicholas patum uh Kyle newbeck said I do think Nicholas patum is going to be a fairly big priority for the Sixers I would look for Batum as a likely return and then they also said uh there’s mutual interest between the Sixers and Kyle Lowry about the 38-year-old returning next season the sticking point there will be will probably come down to money and roll I don’t think that Lowry wants to be a minimum guy if I had to guess the Philadelphia 76ers are rumored to be mostly interested in bringing back Nicholas patum and Kyle Lowry ladies and gentlemen if this is their priority Daryl muray will continue to overvalue older players he also he said in that in that end of season press conference too he tried to basically say that age doesn’t really matter that much anymore in the NBA and players can play a lot longer than they used to Etc if the Sixers resign two of the oldest guys on the roster and that’s their major move like imagine imagine they max out Paul George and they resign Kyle Lowry and and and Nicholas patum I just I don’t have a good feeling about this at all Kyle Lowry 38 he’s going to be 39 he does not have any gas left in the tank not only that Nick nurse loves him and is delusional about him which I predicted from the jump that was going to happen I was like Kyle L’s probably going to be a starter and people were like he’s not going to start bro he’s going to come off the bench for like 10 minutes he’s 39 years old and I was like do you have any idea what Nick nurse thinks of Kyle Lowry and look what happened 40 minutes a game the guys’s in the starting lineup and we loved it for a while because he was still giving the team something that they lacked and it was good for a long time but what we were all missing was the fact that he’s 39 and is just going to burn out bro and in the playoffs you witnessed it Kyle Lowry burned out in game five and game six and gave you back-to-back goose eggs and still played 40 minutes on the floor and he’s too old he’s too old the 76ers need young athletes you Daryl muray already did the 37y old PJ Tucker [ __ ] the guy couldn’t shoot a three because his legs are rubber because he’s 37 37 in basketball is 100 yo I’m I’m frustrated about it I’m frustrated about it it just it just pisses me off because you got other NBA teams out here playing young athletes and going into the Western Conference Finals Eastern Conference Final the Pacers were out there because they were playing guys Andrew nard and here are the Sixers again you know a dude like Ricky counil who showed so much of what the team needs Off the Bench played zero minutes in the playoffs and Kyle Lowry and Nicholas Batum played 100 minutes a game until they couldn’t move their legs and and had to go had to go had to go to Cancun on a walker or a motorized wheelchair and now they’re out here oh two biggest priorities are Nicholas patum and Kyle Lowry man give me a damn break we’re getting closer to the draft and just bro somebody tell me somebody tell me somebody tell me why I should be excited I I want to know somebody please put something in the chat that would make me say you know what that does have me excited for what’s about to happen ja right what’s up man thanks for being a member of the channel our team is going to be called the retirement home with LeBron James Kyle Lowry Nicholas patum yeah I keep saying Mory swing for defenses right but don’t swing for the fences with a bunch of old guys you know that’s like a baseball team full of like Ryan Howards on his on the last two years of his contract remember that cooked used to be good now Sixers fans know why Nick nurse was fired yeah and the thing about Sixers fans and Nick nurse um you know me bro you know me I I got a clean slate with basically anybody any coach that comes in any GM that comes in they got a clean slate I don’t care what he did in the past I I I’m looking at what he did in his lone season as a Sixers head coach I liked a lot of it I hated a lot of it and when it came to the playoffs and the rotations I absolutely hated it a lot of Sixers fans don’t want to say that because they they don’t want to be negative about a coach right away they want to be like listen it was his first year we did this this or that he had Tobias Harris the the the GM and the owner was forcing his hand to make him play Tobias which which is I find that hard to believe too uh I mean like what was Josh Harris doing did he have him at you know did he have him tied up in a basement saying like play Tobias Harris in the fourth quarter of pivotal games or we’re not going to let you out like I don’t get it you would think Nick nurse would have been more interested in his own reputation and Legacy to try to win to try to get the team out of the out of that first round series than to be forced to play Tobias Harris but a lot of Sixers fans don’t want to they don’t want to do it yet they want to say listen it was his first year whatever and that’s fine I’m I’m pretty much on board with that all I’m saying is Nick nurse is not free of any smoke I will I’ll give him the smoke bro and he pissed me off in the playoffs I don’t care who was behind it I don’t care if he was forced to play Tobias air whatever it was I didn’t like it so he’s got a he’s got a job to do this upcoming season because yeah what Raptors fans said to me when we hired him it kind of looked like a little bit true in the playoffs you know what I mean let’s do this before we get out of here there’s a uh a post by my dude here at at philis Sixers Galaxy um which is a perfect Sixers off seon okay check this out they posted it a couple days ago May 31st shout out to everybody in here uh prime time thanks for subscribing to the channel appreciate that shout out to everybody hit the like button man we’re chilling we’re having a good time we’re talking we’re talking Sixers offseason stuff just for fun uh filer Galaxy myself and sixer daily shout out to sixer daily um shout out to all my Twitter and Instagram pages that cover this team and continue to give me content they created a Sixers offseason scenario that includes the Acquisitions of Acquisitions of Paul George and Alex Caruso and just let me know in the chat let me know in the comments is this one of the perfect offseason scenarios for the 76ers because darl muray could hit a home run this off season I think he has to I think his back is against the wall I think he has to hit a home run or he’s in big trouble um and you got a lot of cap space you know the Paul George rumors are out there you got picks to trade the Alex Caruso Chicago Bulls imploding rumors are out there even though the Chicago Bulls keep telling everybody they’re interested in winning yeah everybody’s interested in winning bro it doesn’t mean you can right uh Demar D rozan who knows if he leaves the Chicago Bulls are a dumpster fire call it what it is they need to trade Alex Caruso they need to trade demard de R rozan they need to trade Zack LaVine but Zack lavine’s not easy to trade because he’s not worth $57 million a year uh anyway shout out to Philly Sixers Galaxy and sixer daily and here’s their Sixers offseason scenario part one all right contract extensions and free agent signings contract extensions Joel embiid signs a three-year $193 million contract extension that’s a tough one man that’s a tough one but you’re going to resign if Joel is up for an extension you’re going to resign him no matter what he’s one of the whether he gets it done or not whether he stays healthy or not we just have to live with the results but at the end of the day he’s one of the best talents to ever put on a Sixers Jersey you’re going to give him a contract extension uh Tyrese Maxi fouryear $25 million contract extension yes yes yes more yes more yes more yes I’m only upset that he couldn’t get that extra 40 million because he didn’t get voted to an all-nba team yes give him all the money you possibly can I’m so happy that Tyrese Maxi is a part of this team it should you know so the future isn’t totally Bleak we have a young just energetic positive hardworking potential NBA superstar for the next hopefully 10 years so the Sixers remain relevant is what I would at least like to believe shout out to Jason Clark for becoming a member of sicko Nation thank you sir I appreciate the support so yeah sign sign Tyrese Maxi obviously right uh free agent signings Paul George four years $180 million so they give Paul George the max I guess that he’s looking for I mean I don’t know where you got this 180 from the rumors really are that Paul George wants 212 million which is the Max uh contract I think that he could get rumors that the Clippers don’t want to offer that they want him to sign something like what what Kawai signed which is three years 150 something uh I think the Sixers would have to go a little bit higher than 180 to get this done but also swing for the fenes man Paul George is a third option I don’t care what anybody thinks he’s old he’s this he’s that if you really look at his injury history it’s not that crazy it’s not even close to Joel and Beads and if Joel gets hurt you’re done anyway uh but the only way that I really look at Paul George is I say myself if the Sixers had Paul George instead of Tobias Harris did they would they would they have gotten out of that New York Knicks series my answer to that is yes would they then have beat the Indiana Pacers my answer to that is yes would the Sixers have been in the Eastern Conference Finals against the Boston Celtics my answer to that is yes so that’s the only way to look at it the goal is to try to get the 76ers to the NBA finals for the next couple of years it’s always going to involve playing the Boston Celtics in the Eastern Conference Finals that’s just all they’re trying to do so if you sign Paul George four years 180 sure if there’s some team options at the end of it that would be nice so if he’s totally cooked in year three you can just get rid of him I don’t you’re going to end up screwed at the end of the day uh with the money but for the next two years they’re going to swing for defenses sign Paul George four years 180 million whatever I don’t even think you get him for 180 like I said I think you got to go 200 uh Paul George is not worth that contract I completely agree but you got to do it I don’t think anybody thinks he’s worth that contract but you could look at Sports in general and say is this player worth $200 million probably not if the world was perfect we’d be giving $200 million to people that are making a change in the world not Sports [Laughter] athletes nobody’s worth $200 million bro anyway Andre Drummond two years 8 million yes Andre Drummond’s still relatively young people don’t realize that just because he looks old in the face I think I love Andre Drummond but he’s just a he’s a dude that’s looked like 35 his whole career just big you know just big kind of like big old looking dude um but I think he’s like 29 he might be 30 but I think he’s like 29 how old is Andre Drummond he’s 30 okay Andre drum R’s 30 2 years 8 million yeah hell yeah you saw what he did last you know you saw what he did uh last year when he when he finally started getting some minutes over vuvi or or or they uh what’s his name Billy Donovan is he still the coach in Chicago started uh staggering him in vuich more whatever there was in the beginning he couldn’t get any playing time and then he’s when he got the playing time he was still an elite elite elite rebounder and the 7 Sixers haven’t been able to find a backup center that didn’t implode the team anytime Joel embiid sat on the bench since they had Andre Drummond is it hustling backwards of course it is because this team has no idea what they’re doing ever but if they could fix the Daryl Murray James Harden trade mistake at least part of it by getting Andre Drummond back on two years $8 million absolutely if they had a competent ownership group or management who could really you know do things they would be drafting players that they could use at that position Allah Derek Lively or Charles Bassie who hey they did draft but darl let walk away was that was that Doc Rivers calling the shots was that Josh Harris nobody will ever know maybe one day somebody will be on a podcast spilling all the beans and we’ll get word that actually this whole thing was a was run by stupid three or four of these billionaire owners that just kept telling the the GM and the coach what to do and continue to ruin the team but anyway bring buddy Hee back on three years 27 million three years for Buddy hee yeah I like it Sixers fans we go to we got to realize when it comes to Buddy heel that he’s just a three-point shooter Off the Bench one of the best catch and shoot guys in the NBA actually the best numbers wise catch and shoot guy in the NBA in the last couple of years uh he went ice cold for a couple games yeah but he did get it back like the game six he had dropped 20 I think was that game five or game six but uh there’s always a a narrative that the Sixers don’t have enough shooting I would say try not to let Buddy heel leave because you need that guy that can get hot from three and Buddy heeld is one of those guys one of those very rare shooters that once he’s locked in and once he’s once he C once he finds the range he doesn’t miss he gets hot he gets hot and he doesn’t miss so he’s super streaky just like any NBA shooter but I think he has a ton of value especially for this roster and it’s always valuable to have that kind of guy so and he has a little bit of playmaking ability 3 years 27 million sure do it Kelly UB 3 years 30 million absolutely already talked about Kelly UB I like all these things if this would happen I would I would be happy I would be happy at this right here and I know people look at the Paul George thing again or whatever and say no he’s not worth that you there’s no other options guys you can only you can only do what you have available so with what the Sixers have available if this would happen I would be happy it probably wouldn’t work because it’s never going to work it’s the Sixers but I just I would be happy going into the next season with that uh tar and Prince on a vet minimum and Kyle Lowry on a vet minimum I guess I don’t hate tar imprints on a on a vet minimum uh that’s just a that’s just a you know a utility kind of guy who could come off the bench has some veteran is a veteran has some veteran experience and Kyle Lowry on a vet minimum even though the rumor is that Kyle Lowry uh wants more than a vet minimum which is hilarious Kyle you’re not worth more than a vet minimum you’re 100 years old Alex Caruso and Paul Reed trades they also threw in here the Sixers land Alex Caruso uh by trading the 16th overall pick and three second rounders yes I don’t need much more to say than that yes Alex Caruso for those that don’t know is literally known as the best defender in the NBA the guy’s locked as as locked down as as lock down can be and he just stonewalls people and on the offensive side he’s got some point guard facilitating ability not really known as a scorer averages nine points a game but he’s really uh a really good like utility player who just gives you a defensive identity and with a guy like Caruso being on your team I think it elevates everybody around him defensively also when you see a guy play defense the way that he plays it it makes everybody else want to play it that way and so it brings the best out of a team defensively I think uh yes to Caruso I mean the Sixers yes they need a guy like that and they trade Paul Reed and a second wait they they trade Paul Reed to the Spurs they trade a second rounder to the Hawks for AJ Griffin and a 2026 second rounder a Paul Reed trade I gotta be honest I don’t know much about AJ Griffin I think AJ Griffin’s like a young power forward type right I don’t know much about AJ Griffin but Paul Reed trade I think is best for both sides I know we resigned him I know we were happy to resign him but for some reason Paul Reed just became completely unplayable in the playoffs and bringing him back to Philly especially if in this scenario you sign Andre Drummond uh for the sake of the Sixers and Paul Reed I think a trade would be would be good for both sides and so here’s a projected rotation with all of these uh moves that Philly Sixers Galaxy and uh sixer daily came up with and the starting lineup would be Tyrese Maxi Alex Caruso Paul George Kelly UB and Joel embiid and the bench would be Kyle Lowry buddy heeld Ricky counil Tori and Prince Andre Drummond this is obviously probably not going to happen but I think yeah in a perfect world if this would happen this team would be in the Eastern Conference Finals against the Boston Celtics next year especially if these idiots give this guy right here the playing time that he deserves yeah and uh remaining assets includes 2030 and 2031 first round picks includes second acquired uh the Sixers would would then have seven first round picks six second round picks and a future pick swap now that was just for fun is that going to happen absolutely not is anything even close to that going to happen absolutely not and are the Sixers going to come back and uh fall flat on their face once again yes they absolutely are there’s no reason for us to believe they’re not going to do that but we can dream can’t we uh Jabar WR instead of Alex cruso I would actually trade try to sign him Chris Dunn who is lesser version but way cheaper I agree Chris Dunn is a lesser version I agree he’s way cheaper but what why are we concerned about price at this point you know why are we concerned about price the Sixers have to try to win before Joel embiid is done they have to this is like you know you needing to get to a certain country uh and you’re looking at plane tickets saying like yeah that’ll give me a best chance to get there in time but it’s too but it’s but it’s it’s going to run me dry if I get this cheaper ticket I might make it halfway and crash in the middle of the ocean you know you you if if it’s a Sixers Vibe you’re crashing in the middle of the ocean no matter what but you might as well go you might as well pay the big money to try to get it done what a ridiculous analogy that was and that’s right when uh that’s right about when I uh get off of here because now I’m just rambling and saying nonsense thank you guys for tuning in man I love you guys we’re doing this all off seon uh hit me up on Twitter Instagram everywhere join my Discord link is in the description continue the conversation continue to give me talking points all off seon because we’re Sixers sickos you know and when I’m out and about and and people are like yo he has a podcast he has this he’s a YouTuber he’s you know and they’re like oh what are you talking about are you talking about the Phillies right now are you talking about the Eagles training camp about to come I’m like no we talk Sixers every day they’re like you’re talk Sixers every day I’m like it sounds crazy bro but that’s why it is what it is it is crazy I’m doing something nobody else on the planet Earth would ever think about doing I love you guys man I’m out


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The Philadelphia 76ers are in the Bronny James sweepstakes according to sources. Let’s talk about it. Sixers news and rumors.


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  1. Did you watch the Danny Green interview over the weekend he had a lot of interesting things to say about embid and what happened behind the scenes

  2. Suns can’t pay LeBron more than minimum lol we can at least pay him appropriately. And I love the fact that it would be 2 years tops and we can hit free agency again then, which could be a loaded class.

  3. This is my dream scenario for the sixers off season. Sixers sign 26-year-old Miles Bridges to a 4 year 140 million dollar contract. Sign Andre Drummond to a three year, 30 million dollar contract.
    Trade for Corey Kispert giving up the 16th pick and Paul Reed, Cory shot 38 percent from three. Sign Kelly Oubre and Buddy Heild. Sign Tyus Jones.
    What ever is left, add more athletes that can play basketball, no more players that can only do one thing.

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