@Los Angeles Lakers

Lakers To Announce JJ Redick Soon

Lakers To Announce JJ Redick Soon

what’s going on everyone so we got some huge potential news in regards to JJ reck being announced as the Lakers next head coach uh this is per David pingalore uh he works for KTLA Sports uh his sources say that JJ reick being the next head coach and the announcement is right around the corner so my at NBA sources tell me tonight that JJ reck is close to being named the Los Angeles Lakers next head coach he is clearly the leader more than 80% chance he will be offered the job and he will accept the deal uh will get through the NBA Finals first so again this is perr David uh who works for KTLA Sports now look JJ reck I don’t think it’s a shocker if he does get announced I think that that’s the most likely scenario I mean I’ve been saying for months that JJ reic I believe is going into up being the head coach uh there’s just so much smoke there have been enough credible people that have said no he’s going to be the head coach like the Lakers are enamored with him they like him got the reports that he’s potentially the next p rally Stephen A says LeBron wants uh JJ reick right LeBron’s talked about how he wants out of it he doesn’t want to be involved but come on there’s no way that LeBron hasn’t at least you know given some form of input and at least been in the loop of conversation right now is he the be all in all is he the one that’s like hey no probably not but I just I I I would be shocked if LeBron just really is just chilling at home and wants nothing to do with the coaching job right JJ reic being there the podcast all that stuff makes a world of sense now it also makes sense that they have to wait till the NBA Finals is over because JJ reick is contractually obligated to go through that now that doesn’t mean that the announcement can’t come sooner right so we could get and any day we get while you’re watching this video for all we know we could get the announcement that the Lakers are going to hire JJ reick that they are going to bring him in uh as the next head coach now will it happen I don’t know they might just as a courtesy wait till the end of um the NBA Finals but it could also get leaked you know and and you’ll get the reports that like oh as soon as the NBA Finals is over JJ reic will accept the the contract of the Lakers job it’s just all signs point the Lakers haven’t hired anybody there doesn’t even seem to be any news that the Lakers are considering hiring anyone else right the Lakers are still doing interviews and stuff but all those reports are for assistance right so to me it’s just like the longer we go without any any type of word that somebody else might be in the running then it just it makes the most sense that it’s ultimately going to be JJ reck and so I just I fully believe to me at this point I would be pretty surprised if it’s not JJ I think that this this is something that is just inevitable at this point kind of just feels like it’s a matter of if or it’s a matter of when not if right just like when do they do when do we get the news when do we get the announcement now you got somebody else that’s coming out and going like hey this is this is happening and it’s happening soon right I think it’s a little odd the 80% maybe that’s just to kind of cover his tracks type thing you know so if it doesn’t happen you could be like oh well you know I only said it was 80% right I didn’t say it was 100 I just said it was 80% maybe something crazy happened but again like you’re getting the reports of Rajan Rondo right that he’s being uh looked at as an assistant right you’re getting all these assistant talks even Scott Brooks uh is another guy that’s being linked to uh potentially being on the Lakers bench as an assistant you’re getting all of these assistant talks and the Lakers are doing interviews with guys that they view as assistants right why would you have interviews for assistance if you didn’t already know who your head coach is going to be like you’re going backwards at that point right now I believe that the Lakers again h JJ reick and then I think that they’re going to pick the coaching staff for JJ rather than letting JJ pick the coaching staff because originally that was the plan with Darvin ham originally Darin ham was going to come in they were going to get a veteran head coach that was going to come in and kind of just help kind of hold Darvin Ham’s hand along the way but darham wanted to pick his own staff Lakers said okay fine and we saw the disaster that was Darvin ham where I think this time it’s like hey JJ reick we want to give you the job we we you know we’re looking at you for the job but we’re not going to let you pick your own staff like I believe JJ has a say right I believe the Lakers and JJ are in communication I mean they already had an interview they had like a long extended meeting right there’s no way that they’re not like communicating to a form back and forth and they’re just kind of keeping it Hush Hush right now but I would be pretty sure like hey you know what are you looking for for right we could get you Sam Cassell or James bgo who would you prefer right and I’m sure he’s like ah you know give me give me bgo I like I like his philosophy or or you know give me casselle I like his philosophy or like hey if well if you can get Rondo then give me casselle you know if you’re going to go Scott Brooks give me bgo right type thing it’s very possible that that that he’s having some type of say in this matter some type of just you know discussion and dialogue but again I just I lean back to all the noise that’s going on all the continuous reports the Lakers still doing interviews but for assistance right so if they already had like if the Lakers were planning on signing bgo right or like Sam Cassell or whomever then don’t you think that would have been announced already and that would make sense as to why they’re looking for assistance now or is it more likely that yes it is JJ reck and they just they can’t actually bring him on until uh after the NBA Finals in the meantime they can put everything else together in the meantime they can go get the assistance they can go get the coaching step they can go get X Y and Z like to me that I believe is the most likely scenario I just think that that’s what is going to happen I think we’re going to get in the next you know maybe two weeks tops that that like hey guess what JJ reick is the head coach and everyone’s going to have to pretend like they’re surprised and shocked and everyone oh wow I never saw that coming right and like JJ re’s going to be like wow yeah you know we just talked about it like that’s probably how it’s going to go down um but to me at the end of the day look I’ve talked about it I like JJ reck I think JJ reck as the head coach is fine right are there some concerns of course but there’s concerns with everybody who’s available in a candidate right now none of these guys have a plethora of experience I mean if you’re going strictly on just like experience then you know probably Scott Brooks you know or you know but nobody’s like oh yeah Scott Brooks or Terry stot no one’s like a Terry stot or JB Bickerstaff no one’s like oh yeah JB bicker sta no everyone’s like kind of like oh those guys would be great as assistants so it’s like okay well then everyone else is B basically an assistant I mean James bgo has some has some coaching experience but he’s not like this doesn’t have like this pathora I mean he had the the Charlotte year which you know to his credit he he looked good that year but to me what probably happens is they bring in JJ reick they bring in a Sam Cassell or they bring in a bgo um you know add a Scott Brooks maybe bring back a Phil handy and you know a Rajan Rondo and now you got this like super bench full of basketball minds and brains and JJ reick is is leading the charge it’s kind of what I think I I think we’re going to get like you know you look at the 2020 roster that won an NBA championship you had Frank vogle yes but you also had um you know lion Hollands you had Jason kid uh right you had uh uh Phil handy right you had all these basketball mins all these guys that you know were were head coaches and had experience in various areas and all brought different perspectives and it was just this super bench I think that that’s what happens with the Lakers this go around I think the Lakers bring in a JJ I think he’s the head coach I think they bring in somebody a former coach that has uh you know experience that also if it does like let’s say know you bring in bgo who the Lakers are actually interested in and pretty high on right okay you bring him in as the lead assistant now if JJ doesn’t work out like let’s say it’s just a total disaster well you can just let go of JJ reck and then bring in and you know promote James bgo and you’re in good shape now you now you don’t skip a beat you’re not worried about anything right you’re not losing anything right I mean from a you know organizational standpoint you have to pay him but outside of that I mean you’re not oh well now who our who’s our next head coach going to be it’s like no now you just you just stick with James bgo he becomes the new head coach just kind of bump everybody up maybe get a new assistant or if you have Scott Brooks on the bench he moves up to be the lead assistant you know maybe bgo in the in the next offseason adds a a you know a coach or two but ultimately I think that that’s what’ll happen is JJ’s going to come in I think they’ll give him at least the first year maybe two to to kind of see what does he look like how good is he and then after that they’ll make a decision but I I don’t think it’ll be one of those things where they hire him and then you know two months into the season if Lakers are bad they’re like okay let’s fire him unless he’s just awful like if he’s awful awful and it’s just like yeah this isn’t working or if he’s like I don’t know if I can do this let me step down then I could see something along those lines but I I just I think we’re going to get the announcement sooner or later again like I mentioned earlier I think it’s a matter of when not if and it’s just we’ll see we’ll see how it goes now again could be wrong been wrong before right it’s very possible maybe the Lakers surprise everybody and and hire somebody else but all you keep hearing is it’s JJ reck’s job it’s JJ reck’s job it’s JJ reck’s job I don’t just I just don’t see because it’s not just like these random people right like even David you could look at and go ah you know KTLA sports like you know how plugged in is he you could question cuz it’s not a w not a Shams nothing like that but like lot of credible people this is just another guy that is throwing out the the same narrative that all these others have I just think it’s going to happen but anyway again as always this is a discussion pass question on you let me know your thoughts and opinions down in the comments below are you excited are you not are you do you look at it and go ah you know not what I want again however feel whatever your thoughts love to hear it let me know down in the comments below that being said if you haven’t liked this video hit that like button help a lot me enjoy these types of videos and I truly appreciate it not subscribe Channel hit that subscribe button turn on the Bell notifications appreciate y’all see you in the next

Lakers News has been in abundance for JJ Redick as the next head coach. Lakers Nation seems pretty split on the potential of JJ Redick being the new head coach, but it looks like it’s a done deal. David Pingalore from KTLA Sports tweeted that the JJ Redick Announcement should be coming soon, and the hire will be after the NBA Finals.

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  1. Lakers franchise has been garbage ever since klutch sports and LeBron James got there. New coach + new players = no championship so get ready for another disappointment next season.

  2. The Lakers are destined to be remembered as the TITANIC of the NBA. And I guarantee you that the 'captain', the one calling the shots, will not go down with the ship, even if he has sunk the team to depths unheard of in Laker history.

  3. tell me LEzesty ramone shames isnt runnin the ass juice *laskers an ill call u a liar. why in the fucx is jj LEklutch rhetoric the #1 whyte guy for the coachin job. sure, a bench scrubby turned commentator turned podkaster is readi 2 coach one of the worst franchises in the association makes all the cents in the world. 😅😅😅😅😅

  4. I'm a laker fan can he be any worse then Darvin ham. His lineups be crazy sometimes and he don't know how to call timeout. Denver Nuggets went on a 16_0 run and he didn't use a timeout. We just gotta be healthy we played the Nuggets tough. Jared Vanderbilt Christian Wood Cam Reddish could of helped. Gabe Vincent was rusty and Darvin ham gives Max Christie no playing time.

  5. Lakers fans should not be shocked that JJ Reddick will be the next head coach y’all shouldn’t be shocked yeah I should’ve knew this was coming

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