@Miami Heat

Are Miami Heat Fans Willing to Accept the Growing Pains of Moving Jimmy Butler?

Are Miami Heat Fans Willing to Accept the Growing Pains of Moving Jimmy Butler?

this is the Big O [Music] show this is the Big O [Music] show Ira good morning sir hope you’re doing well getting ready for our NBA Finals weekend Stanley Cup finals week so uh for the winter sports this is the culmination and uh should be two really fascinating stories by the way I was talking about this and you’re one of the few I can actually talk about this because you’re you’re an all sports guy this p team reminds me of those kings teams that won about 10 years ago I’m not saying they’re exactly built the same but they were Relentless physical and skilled they were a team that could beat you up and score on you too at the same time and that’s kind of what this Panther team reminds me of that they can push you around they can get physical and then they’re just as skilled as anybody else when it comes to scoring the puck and passing it yeah I mean you know we saw it in the Rangers series I said this from the get-go in the Rangers series two very highly skilled teams but one was physical one was willing to get grimy one was willing to go into the corners literally as we saw in the series and that’s the difference and I would think it would be the same this time around because you could have made an argument in the previous series of the top five skill players the Rangers might have had four of them you could have made that argument skill-wise you certainly can make the argument that the most skilled player in the stand Cup finals with we know this is Conor McDavid we certainly know that dry Sidle might be number two and that Zack Heyman is probably somewhere in the top five but when it comes to two-way players what I love about watching barar is he could just sit back with his incredible skill set and just be a one-way player and still be one of the best in the NBA but he’s physical he’s in the corners he has that nasty streak and you see that throughout the Panthers roster obviously when they got kachuck and what he’s done there you could see it the same way in his game he loves to mix it up and I think Paul Maurice has really and Bill Zito have put a stamp on this team of a two-way team so I think there’s gonna be a lot like the Rangers series I think it’ll be close games the difference between the Rangers series and the and the Oilers series I think it’ll be close but high-scoring because Edmonton is I mean is off the charts in the playoffs you know this postseason in scoring so where every Rangers game was 3-2 we’re 2-1 I can see every Panthers Oilers game being 54 43 something along that but when push comes to shove in the third period when guys have been beaten down through two periods with the hard checking including the Panthers fourth line that’s when you see the difference this is really two-way hockey and is finest from the Panthers yeah they and they’re deeper they’re just deeper than than uh than the Oilers they’re gonna they’ll wear them down is what they’re going toh end up doing it’s just it’s just too much it comes at you Bill cedo talk about a guy that knew exactly what needed to get done and he man I mean he tailored that team exactly to what it it needed to get tougher you know it reminds me a lot of what I’m watching with Caitlyn Clark you know I’m watching Caitlin Clark get all beat up and her teammates do nothing and it reminds me of the Panthers four or five years ago when Vinnie troch is getting slammed all over the place and these meow meow cats aren’t doing anything and that’s why I actually their theme song back in the day about four or five years ago was the meow Mak song the meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow that’s what I would play for the Panthers during that time because it would piss me off that they had no physicality to them whatsoever and zitto comes in and he noticed it right away and he started with Gus and all those other guys and then he just he said no no no this team has to turn around its physicality and that’s what’s that’s what’s changed and and by the way it would be nice that uh Kaylin Clark’s teammates also start sending some messages well what it’s a bad team I mean she went to a lottery team for a reason she went to the worst team so it’s not like they have much of anything there when it comes to the Indiana Fever but still you know what if you were to bring in someone like that you had to bring in your version of an Oakley as well and that’s what they’re lacking right now but what I love about it is that we’re talking women’s basketball in terms of physicality God bless them that it’s become that kind of sport also that it’s not just about the three-point shot that there is an element of needed phys physicality and I think that’s how it’s going to grow as a league also and you know what that’s going to put more eyeballs on the sport so it might not be great for Caitlyn but it’s really good for the sport that we’re even talking about it yeah it’ll make her better eventually you know in the end but I I to me I I kind of uh um I I would be calling out her teammates because you know you gotta you you you can’t allow your stars to take uh punishment in any sport I don’t give a what it is I used to get pissed I mean humongously pissed at the Panthers cuz Vinnie would you know he’s a tough little Italian kid bro Vinnie tro he can handle himself hell yeah he can handle himself and you see him with the Rangers he was he was your one of your main pain in the asses instigators pests an Absolute Pest never stopped till the end but when they got rid of their big bodies that’s when you saw the difference also when they went for the speed for all the things that Pavo B did setting goal scoring record for the Panthers he’s another guy you would look at and say but what about as a Championship Playoff level player and you’re seeing it that that whether it’s a posto or or or just other players in the league you have to be two-way you have to be physical you have that that also lafr with the Rangers bigger body he could get there and mix it up but panan who can’t you saw how limited he was in the series because of that because he was icecapades at a guys who were playing roller derby out there with him yeah yeah yeah that was uh that was amazing all right um as I’ve said before and I I have no problem admitting when I’m wrong uh I’m going to be right I’m gonna be wrong uh this Mavs team um proed me so wrong that I’m picking them to win this series why well we go back to toughness again we go back to talking about physical and I’ve actually been more impressed with the Dallas Mavericks they have shown me more uh toughness and I actually think that might be the difference because I think they’re both skilled who’s going to be the tougher team and I got to tell you I got to give the Mavs a lot of credit they have shown me the kind of toughness that I don’t see consistently from the Celtics and because there’s that that that that little Wrinkle in their game I’m GNA pick the Dallas Mavericks here in this series your thoughts I don’t think they’re the better team but the better team doesn’t always win I also don’t think they’re the best in the Western Conference I still believe Denver is better but they caught a break when Minnesota beat Denver it’s all about matchups just like it was last year for the heat it’s who you get to play and who you don’t have to play is if the heed would have played say Joel embiid in the Conference Finals a year ago instead of the Celtics maybe a different outcome so I the Celtics are the better team what I lik what the Mavericks did to sort of relate it to our heat talk and our Acura pen Pines report is they said they had to get tougher so they drafted Lively they went out of midseason and got Daniel Gafford a big physical presence and they said you know what let’s look back at the heat a little bit that Derek Jones Jr kid he could defend even when he was with the heat so we’re gonna have him out here we’re gonna put him on Jaylen Brown we’re gonna put him on Jason Tatum we could mix that up a little so that’s going to make a difference also but it’s interesting we always talk about basketball more than any other sport you win if you have the best player on the court you win if you have the two best players on the court Tatum is great Jaylen Brown is great but LCA donic is greater and when he wants wants to play and it’s such a damn shame because of his talent level forget the politics and everything else Kyrie Irving at any moment can be the best player in the NBA Kyrie Irving at any moment can be the most disinterested player in the NBA you are getting a Kyrie right now who is basketball only at the moment who is committed to winning who is committed to team you see the difference you know let let’s not let’s not sugarcoat it folks this is a guy who when the Brooklyn Nets went all in with this skill set decided you know what I’m going to go to some parties and just leave the team and just walk away in the middle of a season so you know what you’re getting a lot of people in my mailbag at the sunset have been the heat blew it they didn’t go for Kyrie Irving I’m not so sure kyy ever would have found the fit with the heat and their rules that he would have found elsewhere listen all those people are a bunch of phonies because at that moment to take a gamble on Kyrie is crazy and and I thought Mark cubin was out of his freaking mind to make that deal to to and then to give after it didn’t work out that when they did acquire him because it did not work out it was a disastrous year he then doubled down and gave him the extension so yes Heat fans would have lost their minds if he would have come and had the same season he had right when he got with Dallas all those people are full of Ira every one of them that sent you an email everyone that comes on my show or sends me I you you’re too nice I’m not I don’t give a f I’m gonna tell you bro you’re full of you would have complained you would have ripped Pat Riley I would have ripped Pat Riley right we would have ripped him after that first year you idiots you traded for kyriea and he was a disaster get rid of him and then they would have ripped him for extending Kyrie and then we all have admitted we were wrong see I I don’t understand that why don’t you just admit when you’re wrong and you’re wrong and it’s over bro I was wrong about Kyrie and let’s do this also with Kyrie let’s not say the old Kyrie because he’s been super consistent since he got to Dallas correct he’s not raising any stink he’s not coming up with the Earth is flat he’s not coming up with any anti-semitic junk or anything like that stuff he has changed his ways and so you got to give human beings credit when they’re willing to change and they’re doing things differently this is a different Kyrie and that’s the Kyrie that none of us knew if you could actually get him and good to kudos to the Mavericks they were able to go through the jungle and and come through the clear and now they’ve seen the light which is pretty cool right and it could also be a one-year wonder and maybe he gets satisfied like he did in Cleveland when he won the championship that one year went to Boston believe me he there are no big Kyrie fans in Boston either with the way he approached that and the way it played out there so again are you looking for the moment or you looking for long term Dallas is desperate for the moment they’ve been in the wilderness since those 2011 finals it’s been 13 years they were going to do whatever it took to have a chance they they’ve cycled through a lot of bad decisions also some they’ve moved on so you know what it’s always a matter of if you’re willing to go with the one-year all in God bless you it may work out perfectly like it did Dallas or Big O it might be like every team that took James Harden over the last four years where is Brooklyn with James Harden where are the Sixers with James Harden where are the Clippers with James Harden so you just don’t know what we know is this there are players with Transcendent talent in the NBA sometimes you take a chance at Works Kyrie sometimes you take a chance um James Harden it doesn’t work sometimes you go for the moment Kawai in Toronto one year Championship bye-bye so it’s just a matter of what you want to do we’ve always heard from the heat they want something that is sustainable so they take that approach so when they bring in a player they say is this sustainable for multiple years say what you want of Jimmy he’s given you five years of quality contention play so it’s a matter of when you look at a player you say can you sustain yeah and well okay so that’s a great segue to what we want to talk about the heat if you bring back Jimmy it’s not about sustain it’s about just hanging on for one more year of trying to put the magic together but if you are able to trade him and get a whole bunch of draft Capital now you can start to develop your young guys and then you now have the draft Capital to trade for a star a younger star for sustained success because you are now adding a young younger star will that will now give you a bridge of four five six years of possible success so do the heat go to extend what they already have for one more year or do you think the trade eventually will happen so they can go for sustained success well first of all let’s not over overstate the extension it’s just one actual more year beyond the option year that he would get rid of Ed two years so people are treating this like we can’t deal with demy for five you’re not dealing five more years you already have decided to pay him right or wrong Big O has told us wrong already on our accurate penri Pines reports you’ve decided to pay him through his 37th birthday that is written in ink if Jimmy approves it that’s done so now you’re deciding whether to pay him through his 38th I am fine with moving on and moving to the Future what I need to know no no put the thumb down there for those only listening big O what I need to know is this when we are doing our Acura Penbrook Pines report next season and we are in December and the Heat have just lost to the Clippers and are you willing to say at that moment hey Ira tough loss but you know what I like what we’ve seen from the first round pick and from yovic and from haime this team is growing we’re willing to take our Growing Pains without Jimmy who was traded in July because they see something better if you are Big O one you’re in the minority because we know how most fans are but that’s what it’s going to take heed Nation it’s going to take an acceptance of for the last five years the expectations has been Conference finals for the Heat and they’ve largely delivered on that if you move Jimmy Butler you have to be willing to accept for the next one maybe two years you have to take a step back now it’s been playing the last two years anyway so the regular season has gone a certain direction anyway but you know you won’t have your playoff trump card so you will go into the playoffs like a lot of these other teams realizing we’re good but we’re not good enough if you’re willing to accept that I’m always ready for something new I like something fresh I like to refresh it especially when you still have anchor pieces like a bamat bio whether it’s a yage or a hakz and things you can grow on as well the Heat’s in a good position right now if they want to do that if they’re willing to do that I I have no problem with it I’m not going to act like some spoiled brat here and thinking oh well I mean no listen it’s it’s Eastern Conference every year and finals or you people suck I mean they’ve given us a ton of success this is not the way you succeed I know they’ve gotten lucky and with like you just we mentioned in this conver conversation you didn’t you you didn’t have to deal with embiid you didn’t have to deal with yanis you know you got breaks last year that’s why you ended up getting there let’s not kid ourselves I mean give me a break dude and when got there you realize you didn’t belong there because Denver bit slapped you around and you you didn’t belong anywhere near them on that court so to me I don’t have a problem because I already know who you are as an organization you’ve already stripped and rebuilt and stripped and rebuilt again and trade and stripped and rebuild again so why should and I have patience you’ve done this before do it again it’s fine and I fine with that as long as the same perspective is there when they lose a game to Detroit next January you go you know what yich made some mistakes but he’s still growing in his third year and I’m fine you did the Clippers now you now you pulled Detroit on my I’m just saying because we’ve seen some bad losses also why you gotta do that why you gotta why you gotta do that why why you gotta do the Pistons I mean you know come on at least at least the you know the Clippers have a couple guys that can score the Pistons he Cunningham baby yeah I know but Jesus oh so what what is uh what is your percentages now on Jimmy Butler not being with the Miami Heat next season I’ll take the easy way out Big O and I’ll go 5050 since it’ll keep people listening to her accurate pimber Pine’s reports but I just don’t know how much Jimmy is willing to act out if he’s truly found the home that he loves he should be willing to compromise no one wants to be in Minnesota in the winter few people really want to be in Philadelphia in the winter Jimmy knows he has a good thing here is he willing to compromise is he willing to say but it’s coming to an end here so does it come to an end here with no shot at a title or does he go to Philadelphia if he has a chance for a title because that’s why Philadelphia put out there we’re willing to pay and and grease the wheels people are externally trying to grease the wheels for Jimmy to let him know hey if they won’t take care of you there we’ll take care of you here but Big O if it’s solely about the money for Jimmy right now because one of the teams interested in him I do not view as a championship Contender so if it’s solely about the money I don’t want players who are solely about the money let let the money guy go elsewhere you’ve seen this in football and other places where a guy goes I want to get paid it sounds like Jimmy’s won his championship so what I need to know is is Jimmy one of these DNA guys who wants his career to end with the ring or is Jimmy already content that’s what I wonder a lot about Jimmy Butler what he’s already told you that the last two years he’s not willing to work hard in the regular season anymore to help you but is he still desperate for a championship in other words he had the knee injury and that’s a moment in time and he was hustling his butt off against Philadelphia getting an offensive rebound going for a put back that was a freak injury I just need to know is the hungry hunger there not the BS hunger on media day we’re here for a ring it’s not a re a real star did you see what the P what have the Panthers told you about last season and about this season well it all started in training camp not not in the regular season no no no no no it started all in training camp that they came in focused and they were hungry and they wanted to get back and how did they do that by working their asses off throughout the preseason and the regular season to set themselves up for the Post postseason he no longer is willing to work his way from the preseason into the regular season to set himself self up for the postseason so the the you know you you said something very interesting that if he you don’t want the guy that comes back for money well so far that’s kind of what I’ve seen I’ve seen the guy yeah and what we’ve heard and what we’ve heard and what we’ve heard from the agent and he has to get his money does he have to and I get a bunch of questions that I ask irid would Jimmy be willing to take a little bit less so they can build the roster I can tell you right now no whatever the max number is Jimmy sees himself as that Max player and not a anyen less and there have been most mostly players like that James Harden and others so if that’s the case he made an exception Harden in Philadelphia but mostly then you probably move on I know bam right now is playing for Love of the Game I know yovic and hakz are playing for Love of the Game that’s what I have to find out throughout the roster all right there you go or love of the dogs one of the two this is olly he just came up right now say hi olly say he doesn’t want to say hi he doesn’t want to say I just don’t I just think that if you keep Jimmy I think he’s about the money and if you’re Jimmy Butler you’re okay sorry heat Nation but you know I don’t play the game here I I call it like I see it it is what it is if you’re Jimmy Butler and you’re looking in the mirror going well dude I’m gonna get my money either way they’re will to give me money but I can go play with two legitimate Stars over there I love bam and Tyler and all these guys but none of them are stars Ty Tyrese Maxi and Joel embiid will alleviate all the pressure from me I can facilitate which I have no problem and in the moments they need me to score I can score you know what I mean that’s why Lebron left LeBron looked at the Heat and said they got rid of Mike Miller for money Dwayne Wade is my best friend but he’s not as good they’ve got Kyrie they’ve got Kevin Love I’m going to move on so maybe it’s as simple as a decision like that that he recognizes there there’s a better place elsewhere in that case good luck God bless you yep I’m with you there all right what do you got going on the Suns Sentinel so Ali and folks can check you out couple of things I WR I wrote about which matchup the he would prefer which team the he would prefer to win the finals and and the thought is that it’ll be interesting because if Boston doesn’t win does this end their run do they realize they have to go in a different direction I’m very curious if the Celtics still don’t get the title now do they still go ahead and pay Derek white do they pay to keep this roster together or do they say you know what lots of luxury taxs maybe not so I think it’s in the Heat’s Advantage if Dallas wins and just posted a story on Haywood heith not as much about him as about the fact of last year the heat had a similar situation two lower paid contributors Max Shu gave Vincent let him go we saw the trickle down it might be time to realize the supporting pieces mean a lot also so I did an interview with Haywood that’s posted right now at there you go follow him on Twitter at IRA heatbeat Ziggy are you on Twitter No Ziggy’s not on Twitter so you can’t follow Ziggy on Twitter but follow Ira Ira heatbeat on Twitter and of course subscribe to the South Florida Sun Sentinel Ira as always thank you for the time my man we will catch up next week sir C you next week Acura pimbrook Pines NBA playoffs and Stanley Cup playoffs updates thanks bigo you got it there you go the great Ira Wiman and folks the 16th anniversary sale is going on right now at Acura of pem pans and we’ve got 3.9% financing for up to 60 months you can get the 2024 Integra 319 the RDX we’ve had two in our home we got one right now my wife drives her RDX 419 a month the MDX for 29 a month folks again 3.9% financing for 60 months you got to also check out the ZDX it is in the electrified ZDX I think it gets like 3 18 miles to the full charge that is that thing is awesome bro so check out the ZDX and it is beautiful I was looking at it on Friday it is outstanding man get on down there to 15601 Pines Boulevard tell them that Big O sent you the number one volume sales dealership in the southeast United States that is Craig zids Acura of pimr Pines [Music] [Music] this is the big old [Music] show this is the big old show [Music]

Big O Talks about #miamiheat with Ira Winderman – #heatculture and Jimmy Butler –

Host By Orlando “Big O” Alzugaray
Executive Producer – Sean Stanley
Edited By Sean Stanley

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  1. I been ready for a long time, a big move needs to be needed wether you keep bulter or trade him. I would be surprised if the heat front office makes a seismic move.

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