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Celtics claim there’s no stopping Luka, Kyrie & Tatum eyes second chance | NBA | FIRST THINGS FIRST

Celtics claim there’s no stopping Luka, Kyrie & Tatum eyes second chance | NBA | FIRST THINGS FIRST

live from New York it’s a show that’s wishing Chris cart a happy anniversary happy anniversary man Bru’s been married longer than I’ve been alive it’s not that far away you were a to pajam okay so this was his first chance uh the middle part was okay game one he had 12 points shot less than 18% at two turnovers and then the closeout game he had 13 points shot a and maybe this was an honor of Larry Bird 33% and had five turnovers which gave him how many for the he gave him 100 turnovers on the dot on the playoffs and I was viewed as a hater for mentioning a fact so what’s on the line for Tatum bro respect and obviously he’s viewed as a great player but I don’t think he gets the level of respect for lack of a better term that his accolades would warrant and may you might have a lot to do with it because all you talked about is the hund the hund turnovers 100 turnover turnover we’ll get to that but this is a guy that’s three time he’s 26 26 years old he’s a three time first team all NBA all right he’s uh been to five Eastern Conference Finals and I just don’t think he gets the respect he deserves at that level if people want to say well he hasn’t won yet well neither had LeBron Michael Jordan AE elijan Shaquille o’ they hadn’t won at 26 and so why he just feels like he like I said doesn’t get the respect that he warrants and even if you want to say Well when he played in the finals his first time he didn’t play well well let’s look at his finals numbers they weren’t great obviously but there’s a blind reveal Nick you know who that is that’s LeBron’s first Finals LeBron was in his fourth year Tatum was in his fifth year and I’m not saying that to dispar LeBron I’m just is saying yeah 217 and seven and I mean his numbers overall were better than LeBron’s and yet Tatum seems to get crushed and I get it LeBron got criticized although he was so young he didn’t get a ton he got a ton after Dallas yeah all right Larry Bird in his first Finals he had two eight-point games in a 12-point game he had a three- game stretch re shot like 28% and average nine points all right so I’m just saying that I don’t think he gets the respect now I I want to throw out a few theories why doesn’t he cuz I I don’t think it should be that he hasn’t won I just threw out all the history behind that with other players I think it’s because he doesn’t we’ve seen him before in better versions he kind of plays like Kobe kind of obviously adds the three-point line which a lot of guys didn’t but we’ve seen Kobe and Kobe’s better is he comparable to Jord I mean similar you know 68 guy that can handle can take you off the dribble can shoot that’s not plus version of some Legends is what you’re saying kind I mean look at the guys he’s competing Luca is is flirts with a triple double average every season yic is the first ever Point Center Giannis is a s Foot super athlete an and J Anthony Edwards and John Mor were just freakishly athletic and spectacular so Tatum doesn’t isn’t like any of those guys in terms of being unique or spectacular and I think that’s why so if he wins it Nick quickly then he will have I think you will have to respect him as one of the greatest players in this kind of post LeBron Curry era all right so I before I answer the question I want to respond to what Bruce said because I don’t think Jason Tatum is unfairly covered at all I think there are three guys in the league three guys who are universally held in higher regard than him and they’re all better joic Giannis l that’s the entire list of people that are universally considered better than him you know why because they’re all better than him well so embiid is a guy who I think is more individually accomplished but I do not think he’s more univers criticism that Tatum get oh I disagree with that I think Joel embiid get I think right now there are a lot of people that if you were to list the the best eight players in the league would leave and beat off because of the postseason failur I think that Tatum is you mentioned three First Team all NBAs is great it is great Luca one of the guys ahe of him has five at at 25 so Giannis is more accomplished yic is more accomplished I I’m not even talking about those three right but I don’t think he is universally like panned compared to how people talk about Anthony Edwards I think people got very excited by Anthony Edwards this postseason run and Anthony Edwards up until the very end had been having a far better postseason than Tatum he had multiple 40-point games he upset the defending champs it was reasonable I don’t see a lot of guys on Tatum’s level that are being pushed ahead of him it’s guys who are better than him now if people want to say SGA got pushed ahead of him in other circles I don’t think so much on this show I think that s well he wasn’t in the his team won 64 games he wasn’t in the top five MVP right but Brunson Jaylen Brunson Jaylen Brunson was by correct but did Tatum make first seam all NBA over Brunson so they kind of made it even on that front I so I just I don’t think I think Jason Tatam is properly rated he is at best the fifth and at worst the eth best player in the league and he has talked about to me as such I think that what’s on the line here is preventing real disaster it would be the third biggest upset in finals history since since the merger so the biggest upset is the 04 Pistons over the Lakers the Lakers broke up after that some would say they were in route to breaking up already the second biggest upset is a weird one because it’s the 2019 Raptors over the Warriors but Durant plays 11 minutes clay pop blows out his knee I assume those that line switched once I’m just this is the line going into game one when they when clay was healthy and when Durant was going to be coming back at some point if they knew Durant was not going to play the would have been different so there’s that there is also the historical precedence of we have never seen a team bang on the door this many times and not get through here is the full list of teams since Russell Celtics to make six Conference Finals in eight years every single one of them got at least one title Tatum and brown Celtics now to be fair to Jason he wasn’t there for the first one of this so he’s only been to five but the the Sixers with Dr J added to get over the hump they added Moses Malone right and the Celtics this year they didn’t add Moses Malone but they added christs Andrew you know what I mean they’re doing things if we were to lower the threshold to five Conference Finals you have Duncan Spurs who in that time frame we can take this down one three sha and Kobe’s Lakers who won three Isaiah’s Pistons who won two hav Celtics who won two the only teams to make even five conference files in eight years and not get it done would be this Celtics team and Reggie’s Pacers and the Malone Stockton Jazz who are known not so much Reggie’s Pacers because it felt like they were never the better team yeah but Malone Stockton’s Jazz that’s kind of a gift and a curse when you talk about they are the kind of go-to for really really good team that couldn’t get over the hump and in large part it’s because we just felt like as great as Carl Malone and John Stockton were they weren’t as good as AEM or they weren’t as good as barkle when they had to beat him or they Warren as good as Jordan well yeah it was mainly Jordan I mean it was Jordan too but I’m talking about the and so I just and I so I want to show one other thing because the thing is this and this is why I don’t think they’re going to get it done if you don’t have a guy who has already been either an MVP or damn close you don’t win so this is the last 30 years made in NBA Finals no one on your roster ever been top three in MVP or MVP finishes not just that year ever in their career top three top three that’s just the best of the best what do you count I got it’s just it’s hard enough to make it but then it’s like so if he wins this will you will you put him in that group that doesn’t have a top three I mean he hasn’t been a top three MVP that’s part of what’s at stake for him if they win this Championship I bet you next year he’s probably in the top three assuming he has a you know what I mean and by the way if that graphic was confusing that it’s just I’m trying to go through every top three I don’t know if we can show it back up on there so it’s it’s anyone it’s everyone on the roster have they as of the first day of the finals ever finished top three MVP in their career you’re counting like Celtics Garnett who was not necessarily MVP Minnesota Garnett kind a different player but it counts as think that I think that year with Boston I think he was fourth in MVP voting yeah 18 so I I’m just telling you we can look you got teams like Dallas that won in 2011 Dirk had been obviously an MVP but at that we gu MVP DNA and so and so I’m just I’m just saying what it is what what’s interesting you use the word disaster and I thought you were going to go toward I don’t think it’s a disaster for Jason Tatum it’s it’s going to be a knock people will continue to believe wonder is he guy that can be the best player on a championship disaster for Boston but well that’s what I was thinking you might go toward will they rebuild like will they listen to offers for Tatum or even shop brown or t like we cannot do that again I cannot go through the media cycle of that I but I think if they lose that’s what’s whether it’s true or not that’s what’s going to happen people are going to be like when if you didn’t win it this year when yic was out when I losing to Golden State’s no shame losing to Denver this year would have been no shame if you now lose to a younger team that didn’t even make the playoffs last year in Dallas and then you got OKC and Minnesota and Dallas isn’t going anywhere and Milwaukee and Philly will be like this is the year for the Celtics and if you don’t win it then maybe you you have to you know retool a little bit well that’s why they’re huge favorites so you should win it uh head to Dallas I’m ready to say it I really like Joe oh you’re in now I love Joe watch when the Celtics win be like this guy’s a genius he will be viewed he will I kind of like locked in but he better win all right West finals uh Kyrie and Luca were both excellent obviously is the descriptions of are they historically the best duo of all time a little much perhaps well backourt more to gain from a title Luca or Kyrie I’m this is one of those ones where I’m very excited to hear what Bruce says because well both of you say it but uh because I think it’s obvious I think is definitively unquestionably Luca because Luca is playing for different Stakes than Kyrie to me Kyrie has kind of already redeemed as too strong because it he didn’t really have he didn’t have to redeem himself but he has made up for in relative short order the oddness of the last half decade show that he can be a part of winning basketball without LeBron alongside him and if they lose as an underdog to a 64- win Celtics team assuming Kyrie isn’t just a total disaster I don’t think he’s going to hang it around his neck Luc is playing for totally different Stakes he’s 25 years old he’s made five First Team all NBAs as I’ve said before that’s more than Steph Curry in his career already not at age 25 career versus career if he then also wins a championship we know the individual numbers are bananas we know that the counting stats the per game stats all of that is off the charts if he adds to it brew a championship faster than just about anybody who didn’t have a Hall of Fame big alongside him like I looked it up if we just go from 1980 to now the only people to win a championship earlier than Luca at age 25 Tim Duncan did had prime not prime but in very very good David Robins alongside him Dwayne Wade had tail end of his prime Shack alongside him Kobe obviously had sh alongside him magic had cream alongside him the only one who was younger was Larry Bird by a few months Larry Bird was 24 and a half Luca just turned 25 you don’t win a championship at this age historically speaking unless you are either a co-star or the clear supporting actor to an all-time Legend and so to me he’s one of the only people who like has realistically can challenge some of LeBron’s counting stats because he started so young and the had such great numbers if he gets a ring at 25 Brew it the whole world’s available to him so to me it’s clearly Luca I I agree with just about everything you said and I thank you for letting me go first we know gonna go I mean Kyrie I like he has largely gotten the benefit already now obviously a ring is great it now you’re two-time champion and all that but I mean in terms of PR like he has I I don’t even know that redeemed is too strong a word maybe but he he’s cleared all that out and now nobody’s talking about off the off the court issues or even the injuries they’re talking about his game which is awesome I do think he could gain perhap like I thought when he was left off the top 75 team I thought he had an argument I wasn’t saying definitive but there’s an argument but you could point to the injuries and forget the off theore stuff just the injuries he had play enough basetball he didn’t play enough so but now I think if they win this he he will be viewed as a winner all right and and if he wins this I think when they do the top 100 because you know they do it every 25 years he cuz most of those top 100 guys will be the younger the Luca you know Jason Tatum generation but Kyrie could get in there kind of as a guy from the past generation that should have made it you know so he could make that and the thing Nick was saying like Luca is the number one if Kyrie were the number one on this team then it is different but now he could go down as one of the greatest wingmen if we take out magic and Kobe because they became number ones and were kind of number ones um now you got what uh uh Pi is number one I think and then probably Dwayne Wade if if you count him as a two cuz he was with LeBron he was a two when he won his last two do you consider Dwayne Wade like a supporting actor like that’s how you it is yeah that who who who is a wingman and who isn’t could be a discussion but the bottom line is Kyrie will be in the discussion not for number one but one of the greatest wingmen ever for Luca Nick Luca should go down and I felt this way when I called him Luca Legend I felt this way he if everything goes according to plan as we see when he retires he should be in that discussion for at the very least for top 10 player of all time now again there’s 15 guys in that discussion but he should be one of them and but you got to get rings the wils in the discussion he’s got two but some people kind of keep him out and Bird’s the only one with the lowest with three everybody else is four five six or 11 so he’s got to start racking up rings and winning this will get him to that and he’ll be the best player in the world discussion and and it’s so much fast again at 25 Giannis joic Steph LeBron Michael none of them had it yep but he’s got what six but this is year six for him yeah but by the way that was the right yeah year six LeBron was in eight what Jordan was in seven uh elijan was like maybe 11 elijan got there in year two and then didn’t get back forever year two or year three the and so calar is not doing it for me what do you mean I like NBA season over calendar age okay but it’s still unique though still then still it’s still faster than Giannis joic LeBron Michael it’s faster than all of them it’s not faster than Wade who again had Shaq alongside them it’s not faster than magic um in age or calendar or uh Seasons but he had Kareem alongside him it bird it was bird second season when he won it but bird also was like five years in college and it had a bunch of older Hall of Famers who weren’t at their Prime but tiny archal was on that team m and Paris I believe were they were younger but yeah it that was a talented team okay game one Thursday night Vegas loves the Celtics okay and I guess that’s why but I’m looking at Indiana okay they beat Indiana in four games but one game was five points in overtime game one two other games were three points so those were close games close oh it was a I mean I don’t know if that one was that close of a sweep because nobody really felt like Indiana had a shot okay all right but I’m mean but Celtics over Nets was a close sweep Celtics had Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving so you there was a reason to believe they might win even the Lakers Nick won’t admit it cuz it’s my phrase but the Lakers against the nuggets the first year yeah fairly close sweep the games were close all right but no I I think that they are being they got the best player on the court and Boston has not been great at home yeah we have those numbers throw those numbers up hubs Celtics at home go ahead Bruce going sorry no I’m just saying because of all these reasons I don’t think it should be the spread should be this big look Boston has had a lot of blowouts but they didn’t have a lot recently against Indiana so and they have not faced a team like Dallas Nick we talked about it in the playoffs this run this without checking every single year this is the easiest run to the NBA finals I’ve ever seen all right and people talked about the 2015 uh War years when couple people were hurt it was they faced a lot uh stiffer competition than this and here’s the thing they they Boston beat no 50- win teams in route to the finals and those teams were generally without their best player they played 10 games against 50 win teams in the west this year they were five and five it’s not bad but I’m just saying all this dominance and this 64 wins and winning by 11 points a game when they played the top teams in the West they were fine they were five and five 500 listen I I thought you were going to say something different but similar without looking it up I can say definitively just the Mavs were one of five teams ever to face only 50 plus win teams in route to the finals the Celtics are one of seven teams ever to face Z50 win teams in route to the finals again with an 82 Game season in the three round format so we have never seen a bigger discrepancy in difficulty of path in route to the finals now to be fair to Boston the yes everyone they faced was a sub-50 win team and all without their best player for either some or the entirety of the series the Celtics were also without an important piece for them a 20 point per game guy in Chris staps but I am also one of the reasons I think this number is a touch too big Wilds is I think that it’s only reasonable to say Chris st’s least effective game is going to be game one and the game where him being you know worked back in has the most Herky jerky effect would be game one I actually might pick the Celtics to win game one uh because the Mavs prior to this year didn’t do so well in game ones but I I think six and a half is too much just just quickly Brew I understand the hard path for the Mavs and the moderately easy path not moderately easy okay easy how does that manifest in the games are they going to be rusty or like I don’t understand why that matters no you’re right I I don’t think I think you said last week Nick that they’re the Celtics will be shocked by the upgrade in competition I don’t really feel that I mean it’s the NBA they’ve obviously played these top teams throughout the season but I just think that people are over like oh they they went what 12- two in the playf I think people are overblowing that because they’re not looking at the of the competition here’s just if I may very very quickly the way I think it manifests itself is the Celtics have been able to my eye kind of screw around for the first three quarters of a lot of these games and then just be like okay you know what I mean we’re more talented and sometimes for the first 44 minutes of games um you’re not going to be able to do that against Stow maybe mass will have them ready and make sure they don’t I think that can be a hard there’s been a feeling the Mavs have done a little of that too oh I don’t coming back against OKC maybe OKC dominates the game Ms come back Minnesota obviously had them thanks for watching subscribe here to get more from the show and to check out clips from other shows on FS1

Nick Wright, Kevin Wildes and Chris Broussard discuss the latest news in sports including the Boston Celtics vs. Dallas Mavericks 2024 NBA Finals, Jayson Tatum, Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving. The FTF cast decide what’s at stake for Tatum entering his second NBA Finals.

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Celtics claim there’s no stopping Luka, Kyrie & Tatum eyes second chance | NBA | FIRST THINGS FIRST

First Things First


  1. Nick loves to add his little qualifiers, like saying DWade had Shaq. But in todays NBA lamdscape where spacing and shooting are essential, I can make a strong case that Kyrie is a better/more useful player than 06 Shaq.

  2. Its crazy to me that people one Tatum to already achieve things in his career that players the think he would never be on that level do🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️

  3. i get Luka may win a title so early but when Nick compares it to other young players of the past who won but says Luka’s is more impressive because of who they played with, some of those costars Kyrie is either at the level of or slightly better than they were at the time. Shaq in 2006 with Wade was clearly not prime Shaq, same goes for Robinson with Duncan

  4. So basically because the Celtics didn't go 12-0 to get to the finals they are frauds 🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️😂😂😂😂

  5. Comparing Lebron with Tatum. A 90 ppg era with a all time defence to a Warriors team on its last leg on a 110ppg era. Tatum having actual help so Tripple teaming him wasn't a option. Ajust it for era then there is some real critism to Tatum for sure. Celtics have to win now or retool in a way that Tatum is the teams Robin in stead of Batman.

  6. LeBron and mj didn't win at that age because they were going up against the loaded celtics. Tatum got drafted to a very good team that has keep adding peaces. Jordan had to wait for pippen and lebron would have rooted in cleveland if would have waited there. You can't compare mj lebron and tatum.

  7. How all of sudden Tatum sucks ,because he finally has JB playing like a 300 mil guy .. goofy 😂. Wtf does brown do better than Tatum ? Absolutely nothing

  8. Where is all the LEASTERN CONFERENCE talk when the Celtics are "dominating". Heat getting to the finals twice shows how weak the east is.

  9. I told one of my buddies years ago when he wanted his Celtics to get Kawhai, "you all ready have a Kawhai and Paul George." Their name is Tatum and Brown

  10. Are Celtics gonna Win in KOBES YEAR 2024 #2 Gigi #24 Kobe ? This is the ONLY STAT THAT Matters at the end of the day and its a OBVIOUS ANSWER. Celtics having a Parade in Kobes Year ? Nonsense mindless drones think this. Ill settle on what makes sense

  11. Indiana has two big guys (Siacam and Terner) which were not so easy match for Boston. Dallas doesn’t have that

  12. this dude luka knees are already starting to fail him .. i get what they say about tatum sometimes he just fizzles out

  13. Nick is such a hater when it comes to the celtics, i wish he would shut up sometimes. Give the celtics and tatum credit, his team was at the top of the league because of him and Jaylan brown. Let’s just see what happens in the finals before everyone wants to critique Tatum and the celtics.

  14. Talking about the Mavs, I want to know from Bucks fans of the idea of moving Giannis to the 5 and making him play like Dereck Lively II, with Dame and Khris handling the ball. This will not only improve the defence but also bring in another spot for a 3-D player!! (Brook is getting older and slower)

  15. People are prisoners of the Mavs' moment. But there are levels to this and the Celtics have been on another level all year. Celtics in six possibly five.

  16. Tatum has been in the league for years. People were super excited to see how he would progress since the 2018 season. Its wrong to say he has peaked, but its fair to say we have tatum/brown celtics fatigue. Good enough to be the best in the east, but not good enough to win it all. They have a chance to prove people wrong this year.

  17. Celtics have been to 6 conference finals not Tatum individually. If Tatum goes to Brooklyn and then goes to the conference finals without brown, then sure I'll give it to him

  18. The 2011 championship should be on that list of greatest upsets. That was the year LeBron, Bosh and Wade formed the super team. Everyone expected them to sweep

  19. Tatum just doesn't have that aura.. something about him doesn't demand attention.. he puts up the numbers and he isn't quiet as tim Duncan but Celtics as a whole is filled with good players that should demand more respect and attention

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