@New York Knicks

Could Zach Edey and Ryan Dunn Be Perfect Fits For the Knicks In the 2024 NBA Draft?

Could Zach Edey and Ryan Dunn Be Perfect Fits For the Knicks In the 2024 NBA Draft?

welcome in to locked on Knicks could Zack Edy and Ryan Dunn be the perfect players for the Knicks to Target in this year’s draft I’m talking about it with my friends from No Ceilings next you are locked on Nicks your daily New York Knicks podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every [Music] day all right well welcome in to lock on Nicks I want to remind you today’s job episode is brought to you by LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to faster post your job for free at lockon NBA that’s lockon NBA to post your job for free terms and conditions apply and I want to thank you guys for making locked on each first list of today and every day whether you’re checking us out on your favorite podcast platform or taking in sights and sounds on YouTube we appreciate you making us part of your daily routine make sure you hit that notification Bell or the Auto download function on your favorite podcast app or YouTube so you never miss an episode I’m Alex wolam editor and Chief and Nick site the strick Lun you can find the strict. land and I’m joined by a couple of my good buddies from No Ceilings which if you haven’t heard of it one of the best places in the last couple years has come out to get your draft information uh just a visually stunning website uh and really really great uh analysis and different ways of looking at prod prospects uh I’m joined by my buddies Corey tula and Albert gim who host the draft podcast uh like dollar sign DRFT it’s like you know like a stock market of draft uh players which is pretty fun and today we’re talking about just two specific guys in what is now a three-part episode if you missed it already last week we did the draft primer where we just kind of talked about this this draft overall is it a weak draft class do weak draft classes exist what should the Knicks do with their picks uh should they keep them should they trade out whatever this time we’re talking about Zack Edy and Ryan dun so big Center and a defensive minded Wing two things that the Knicks really love as a team so I won’t hold this up any further let’s get into that discussion right now but yeah let’s get into let’s get into sort of some specifics now maybe some specific players try to find those those lunch paale players um you know the guys that are going to play a tib style Nick style of basketball because I think that I’m with both you guys I would go after those sort of guys I mean if you’re leaving it up to me unless you have to include this year’s picks like both of them or all three of them or whatever in a potential trade that you want to execute before the new league year you’ve got plenty of other picks like down the line that I think I would rather trade right now because honestly I think this is like the moment for the Knicks to strike reload the farm system so to speak like use their dra draft picks there’s all their like favorite types of prospects in this draft they’re all like once you get beyond the top 10 11 12 or so it’s like all guys that are like 20 21 22 23 like all older guys and that’s what the Knicks gravitate towards they want guys that have spent a lot of time in college that have matured uh and you know are like ready to rock and you saw even with jokas who they drafted uh in the same year as Duc brde and Quinton Grimes he’s maybe coming over this year um which you know they they let him kind of marinate over in Europe for a couple extra years until hopefully they now feel he’s ready I think I certainly think he is watching his tape and stuff but yeah you know if they don’t then so be it I guess they’ll keep waiting but you know they like these sort of older prospects I I I want to just kind of throw it open to you guys in a second to just throw some names out there of like those sort of hard-nosed guys that you think would maybe be good Nicks but the guy that I keep going to first and foremost and I I can’t escape him uh is Zack Ed and and to me if you’re looking at the Knicks and you’re like maybe they should get a new big I’m like I I get it with him like I get the I get where he could work with this team you know I just think that he’s a pretty complete big guy uh at least for his size you know and that’s sort of the the rub there is like was he going to be mobile enough is he going to be able to defend in space and those are the things that are going to scare a lot of teams away way but with the way that the Knicks play where they so often want that big dropping back in coverage the fact that he would probably only be a you know at most and this is assuming one of hartenstein or Mitchell Robinson is hurt at some point which unfortunately you almost have to assume that one of them is gonna be hurt at some point during the season now um you know that he would maybe be playing 15 minutes a game to me like his resume speaks for itself like he’s the first back-to-back uh college player of the year since the early 80s um I mean it’s it’s been a long time since we’ve seen a back-to-back nemith player of the year which is unprecedented almost uh his his stats pop off the page I mean 25 points 12 and a half boards like got a few assists in there 2.2 blocks the size of him I he’s one of those guys that when you see him on the court you’re just like that’s a big freaking dude like that guy’s that guy is hulking but he doesn’t seem at least to my eye he’s not incredibly lumbering you know he’s not like uh try to think like Kenny George or something like if I may call back you know like 10 years or so like a guy who’s like seven foot six and you’re like man I feel so bad for you because your knees are already shot and you’re 22 years old and like you can’t move um but he’s like I don’t know I think he looks pretty solid so I I’ll leave it to whichever one he wants to hop in first whoever’s most Zack Edy opinionated one way or the other but like what are your guys his thoughts on Edy because I he stands out to me as a guy that could be a solid Nicks Target and maybe one that if they think like oh he’s not making a pass for example he’s on your board at 19 if they see him and think oh he’s not making a pass 19 this might be a guy to trade up to 184 and use those two picks and try to consolidate a bit Edy is a very contentious guy I can tell he’s very contentious guy um but I think that he is also the guy that has like the most similarities to like Jaylen Brunson in this draft and not in obviously in the way that he’s playing on the court like one guy is a a six-foot you know like Dynamo point guard and the other guy is a 7 foot5 inch Behemoth monster but like of just like overthinking and overlooking what he brings to the court because he doesn’t look like Chad holgren and Evan Moy and Victor wanyama which is the kind of big man that everybody wants right like he he’s 75 and he’s tall and long with a 7-Eleven wingspan maybe like some of these guys but he is so much thicker so you’re like he’s a stiff but like you said he’s not a stiff I’ve seen him and scouted him multiple times and you know the first time I saw him when he was a sophomore uh when I I went to scout Jaden iy uh I was like Jesus Christ this is a human being like I’m also a human being like how does that work you know like it doesn’t he just he doesn’t seem like a real person he’s bizarre to look at and the only time I’ve ever felt like that otherwise in my life was when I saw you know Victor and also bub in person where I was like this we’re not the same but I was the thing that stood out was oh my God this he’s pretty fluid like he’s like kind of agile and he moves and he just kept getting more agile and becoming a better mover and like when I saw him this year you wouldn’t know that if you were just like watching the the dude and you didn’t have like scale you you couldn’t tell that necessarily he was like this giant big man because you know in in warm-ups he’s you know ball handling drills with both hands and doing some some of the Guard stuff like and but he is a guy who was so productive that people are going to overthink him because he’s different and I think that in this draft identifying who could be an outlier because yeah it’s not supposed to work but outliers are outliers for a reason Jaylen Brunson is an outlier if Jaylen Brunson was easy to find Mark Sears from Alabama would have entered the draft and you know with his s with brunson’s success he would be a top five pick because they’d be like oh this is the next Jaylen Brunson but Brunson was an outlier I think zagi is going to be an outlier you can’t find guys like him now does that mean that he’s going to be a superstar all NBA type guy I don’t probably not most guys aren’t you know like Evan moley has a long way to go before he gets to that point and you know Scotty Barnes and Kade Cunningham mentioned earlier with that that draft Jaylen green um but is he a guy who can come in and is going to be a productive NBA player I almost think undoubtedly like I can’t see scenario he’s not a good NBA player and I get that you know I you’re not going to put him on an island with Luca donic you know in a big moment but guess what a four-time defensive player of the year did that and he got a shot drilled in his face just like Luca did in um at Real Madrid when he was 17 like Luca’s also an outlier and they’re outliers in the NBA that are you just can’t guard or whatever so like you can’t be like well he’s gonna be on an island with this guy well guess what I don’t care if you draft the best defensive player in this draft Luca’s GNA cook that dude too because he’s Luca what Luca does Jaylen brunson’s gonna cook whoever because that’s what Jaylen Brunson does these guys cook because they’re the best players in the world but Zack Ed is a guy who like guess what if you watch him in college he’s putting up 30 points a game going to the free throw line 12 times a Game knocking down over 70% of those free throws and he’s he has three or four guys draped over him at all times NBA teams are not going to guard him like that so to think that he’s not going to be effective in the NBA he’s gonna do single coverage the best you know the best defender in this draft is Donovan kingan two-time National Champion you know from Yukon what do you have 37 against him in in the title game right like and part of that was the plan that part of the game plan like let Zach EDI get his buckets and make everybody else beat us smart yukon’s a very good basketball team spoiler alert um but like he could still do that to the best defender in the draft he’s going to do that against good NBA players because he’s not done getting better himself these guys are not finished prodct sometimes we look at floors and we mistake that for not having a high ceiling but guess what gets you in the NBA like onto an NBA court having a floor so are you saying that some might say that they have No Ceilings I wouldn’t put a ceiling I wonder you know where that name came from um but like you know like he’s gonna get on yeah let me one more give me one more minute uh to do the math on that checks out no if you if you have like Baseline skills you’ll get on the floor and when you get on the floor you can develop other skills that’s how you get better you don’t get better necessarily not everybody’s gonna get better being in the g-league because the G league is a professional pickup game a lot of times um so like you need to play against NBA players with NBA defense and in bringing skills like dominant defensive rebounding you know really efficient offense people mistake zagi is just a post guy well that’s just what they did in college because college is weird but like he’s also a 100th percentile uh rle man so like he sets the best screens probably in the draft he finishes everything around the rim you have to foul him so like he’s not perfect he has things he can work on they’re going to be defensive questions but he’s going to play a drop he’s not going to be blitzing and hard hedging and you know all of that like he’s going to be a good enough Defender with what he can do to play to his strengths and there’s rooms areas to if he gets on a court what if he’s a better passer what if he improves like who’s to say he’s always gotten better he can get better I I personally think in this draft he’s a top 10 player there are guys that would take ahead of him um that maybe cleaner fits or rolls or whatever but if we look back and we’re like Zach Ed is one of the five best players in this draft I am not going to be surprised because that’s what outliers do people said very similar things for de very different reasons about a guy like Alber shenon you know like outdated he’s 69 he’s post player how is he going to survive on defense these guys that are good at basketball figure out how to continue to be good at basketball and just because they’re not a raw dude that jumps out of the gym and isn’t good at basketball that tricks you into thinking they might be good at basketball one day the guys that are actually good usually continue to be good and that’s those are the type of players at the Knicks Target all right we’ll be right back but first I got to let you know that today’s episode is brought to you by LinkedIn jobs when you’re hiring for your small business you want to find quality professionals that are right for the role that’s why you have to check out LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn jobs has the tools to help find the right Professionals for your team faster and for free and I’ve never really been in the position to hire but as a as a hirey I have always loved LinkedIn jobs it serves me jobs that I wouldn’t otherwise know to look for uh and finds perfect fits and you know ones that that you might not have thought that you were looking for but end up being perfect for you and that’s why LinkedIn isn’t just another job board LinkedIn has a vast network of more than a billion professionals which 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he’ll probably destroy him too and I think that that’s what’s important here right perspective um everything that Corey said I think is so important the thing with Edie we talked Cory you talked about the mobility you talked about the productiveness let’s look at our Nick centers and why tibs loves them so much right uh both hartenstein and and Mitch has worked on this right they set good screens uh they’re great on the Glass Great on the offensive rebounds obviously we’re the best offensive rebounding team out there uh just to give you a little background on Ed uh Edie was a really good rebounder in college he had a 25.4% defensive rebounding percentage 18.1% offensive rebounding percentage that came to a total of 22% on offense and defense uh a rebounder as Cory mentioned great screener uh incredible role man um and he’s 7 foot5 like I think if we were to compare and and let’s just do it right do the thought exercise of do I want Jericho Sims or Zach Edy I know that sounds kind of um reductive but uh i’ take Zack Ed every single day of the week is kind of where we’re at right now right and the thing with Ed people all the critiques are the same uh he’s heavy-footed he’s slow he’s got one move well let’s look at it this way if we’re the New York Knick specifically and we’re drafting Edy to be either a second or third Center on this team why does Zach Edy need 12 moves in the post um I’m good with one and if it works as well as it did for him where he averaged 25 a game I’m good with that right because I’m I’m not asking him to play 30 minutes a game for my for the New York Knicks it’s just not an option right um on top of that right everything that you said all the accolades fantastic all the stats fantastic but just the the the fact that you can add a guy of his size and his Mobility I love what Corey said about his athleticism he’s 75 and he’s really coordinated he’s very fluid in his movements is he gonna run the fastest 40 time probably not and I know at the combine they posted all these videos of him doing that Dash right I I don’t even know what it is but they had him running in a straight line and everyone’s like oh look at this guy they made all the jokes of him being uh Mr Larson right from Happy Gilmore was that name I forget but anyway they made all those jokes right and I’m like well you know I that that’s not why you Draft Zack Edy we’re not trying to put him in any foot races right and like Cory said you’re just GNA play him in a heavy drop and he’s gonna be fine why because number one exact he’s gonna defend the rim he’s gigantic he’s he moves his feet well for his size moves it well enough he’s not GNA guard Dame L Lillard that’s fine neither Mitch and hardenstein and he’s going to rebound the hell of the out of the ball um from my experience right and from all of our experiences guys who’ve watched the Knicks coach tibs likes guys who can rebound the ball you know Jericho really struggles with rebounding the ball he’s not a great defensive rebounder he’s not a great offensive rebounder but you get Zack Edy in the building and he’s gonna be great at both and be gigantic once again and I know it keeps saying that but I think it means something and I think the whole outlier perspective that Corey is sharing is such an important one as well because if we’re talking about this class where we’re not finding our onea Allstars and for the niick specifically who are pi at 24 and 25 why would you not take your chance on a guy like this is kind of my perspective it’s easy to tear him down and to come up with all these reasons not to take him but when you actually compare all of his strengths and his my his pluses and his minuses I think the net outcome for Edie is like easily a positive and if the Knicks get a guy like this at 24 or 25 they should be really really happy with the outcome of what they did that night yeah and I mean to the point that both you guys are making you know the if if he got by and he only had one move like you said Albert like if he just has one move whatever much like a Jaylen Brunson you know if if like you said Cory if he’s putting in the work like a Jaylen Brunson type is putting in suddenly he might have four moves if he spends a little time in the NBA and is practicing against Isaiah hartenstein and and Mitchell Robinson every single day and you one more move than Mitch has exactly which you know no hey are we forgetting about the one time per year that Mitch puts the ball on the floor from the three-point line and goes in for a two dribble dunk I mean that that’s his second move he only bust it out once a year but it always gets us excited when he does it um but yeah I mean that’s all it takes for a guy like that to potentially you know turn himself into maybe an All-Star in the NBA but if nothing else just a productive player that can play 20 minutes game behind Isaiah hartenstein or something and maybe makes your decision to include Mitchell Robinson in a trade you know for salary matching and value purposes a little easier even if it would be really painful because I I keep saying it I I think it’s likely that he’s that guy that would need to be included to make a trade work and yet no player being included would break my heart more than Mitchell Robinson because I love the kid and I’ve literally seen him grow up like from from a baby basketball-wise into the grown man that he is today but anyway we’re we’re not talking about that we’re talking about the future here and we’re talking about other potential guys that nck could look at all right we’ll be right back to finish up this discussion on Ryan Dunn but first I gotta remind you all that this episode is brought to you by eBay Motors passion drive and patience the formula for winning championships is also what keeps your Rider die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more 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Ryan Dunn is someone very interesting to me um I look at his stats and they remind me a lot of like a taller matis styel um who is one of my favorite college prospects of the last number of years I also was a huge Brandon Clark guy I love the guys that have the nonsensically high stock numbers particularly for their sizes um and dun certainly fits the bill 6 foot eight average 1.3 steals 2.3 blocks this year I mean if you want to talk about guys like you know struggle for from three you know it only shot 20% uh doesn’t seem like on particularly high volume he wasn’t a particularly high volume shooter to begin with he only had like a little over six attempts per game from the field period uh so not exactly a guy you’re looking at saying this guy might turn into like a huge scorer in the NBA though who knows because he’s he’s 21 years old he’s still got room to grow uh but from a defensive perspective just looking at him on paper he seems like the guy that I would want to learn behind oan noobi and Josh Hart and Duce McBride and all the very good Defenders on the Knicks and then maybe hope the rest falls into the place later or if nothing else he’s a guy that you just throw out there in the bench unit that has some other scorers in it and be like yo you just go stop whoever the top guy is on the floor right now with the bench unit we’ll figure out the rest don’t worry about it um but yeah I I don’t know if again I don’t know if either of you have a more pronounced opinion on dun than the other um but whoever wants to leave in on that one I’m curious your thoughts on this guy I I’ll go quickly Cory um and I’ll pass it over to you because there’s there’s a specific part of his game that I think you definitely should talk about but we I’ll just say this really quickly as you mentioned Alex defensive weapon I I think off the top of my head I think he averaged like three and a half stocks per game um I I hope I have that right um but just an absolute correct three point okay so just a defensive weapon um a guy that offensively right now what is he he’s a play finisher for for sure um you’re not looking for a lot from him offensively but uh an absolute Terror in transition a guy that will grab and go um and can do a lot a lot in that sense but it all depends right especially in a class like this you’re looking for guys I think like in this class if you have a specialty skill you’re gonna have value and you’re gonna go higher than I think people realize I I think of course it’s going to go either way I think in this class specifically it’s either you’re going to have like this crazy ceiling that people are having trouble quantifying or you have a really high floor because you have a rock solid skill set that like exec will look at you and be like oh you’re G to do this on the NBA level no matter what type of situation right and with dun I think specifically on the defensive side of the ball he’s gonna walk in from day one and be a weapon um and just considering the size the length the athleticism that he has and also just the instincts that he has on that side of the ball make him extremely intriguing now of course if we’re doing a holistic macro view of the prospect then it’s hard to ignore the offense and it’s hard to ignore the shooting specifically and I think that’s why that I that’s where I’ll kind of hand it over to Corey to talk about because the shooting is probably the biggest blemish on his Scout right uh his Scouting Report you look at the shooting and you go what does this look like what is the outlook on this how are we supposed to you know kind of traj like what this is going to look like moving forward and that’s why I’ll pass it over to Corey but um I think just straight up as a defensive weapon because he is so impactful on that side of the ball it’ll be I think it’ll be really really difficult for him to slip out of the first round um I think he could easily go before the 20th pick in this class and so just and once again it’s because it’s such a clear skill set of his where he’s going to be really really impactful on that side of the ball but um yeah I’ll hand it over to Cy to talk about the shooting yeah uh with dun first uh from Freeport New York played at Long Island Lutheran in high school so you know New York ties um yeah I mean his his defense is ready made day one he’s the best defender in the draft straight up no if ANS or buts about it he is probably the best rim protector in the draft he’s probably the best perimeter defender in the draft he’s strong he’s physical he can guard one through five he is just up the best defender in the draft and I don’t think there’s really much uh to debate about it personally the shot is rough uh you know I’m trying to develop a three-point projection model for draft prospects and my model makes is saying that he is going to be a career about 27% three-point shooter based on what he has shown this year it’s not very good also my model is not perfect it’s work in progress so you know we’ll see but you know I think with Dunn you know he’s got two years in college and he hasn’t shown that he can be a three-point shooter I think if you just looked at his form and you looked at him shoot you’d be like there’s something to work with and that’s why I have a little bit of Hope for him uh in that I think that you know in the NBA when all he has to do is focus on figuring out how to knock down a three-point shot um I think I would I’m not saying I’m gonna be optimistic about it happening um because he’s also not a good free throw shooter but I will say that there is at least a foundation in a base that you can squint your eyes and be like if it does happen I’m not going to be shocked uh I have watched every and it’s not that it took me that long because I think he only took 27 threes but I have taken I’ve watched every shot that he’s taken very and broke it down very closely because I was gonna write a piece about his shooting specifically um and then he like also shot really poorly at the combine and I was like I don’t know if I need to go out on a limb about this guy’s three-point shooting and public um but I think what I’ll say is if you’re looking at somebody and you’re like hey like who is like the most herb Jonesy guy a guy who people are overthinking who clearly had this valuable NBA skill and only really needed this one thing to click um I think it would probably be Brian Dunn because he has an elite skill there’s not a lot of players in this draft that have Elite skills he has an elite skill on the defensive side of the boss all he has to do is figure out how to shoot spot up three-point shots and even if he does it at a respectable level teams still aren’t even necessarily going to like respect it or guard it out there like Isaac aoro who is a terrible three-point shooter in college kind of is is like a pretty good shooter now but you’re not like running out in hard closing on him so like dun’s never gonna have that but herb Jones was a guy who in college shot I think um in the 20s as far as percentage goes he shot um7 attempts as freshman year 6 his sophomore year 0. five his junior year he was 27% his freshman year 29% his sophomore year 7% his junior year and then he shot up to 35% on 1.7 attempts his senior year Ryan Dunn isn’t gonna have his Junior and Senior year to Workshop shooting jumpers but now herb Jones shot 40% now a few years into his NBA career and again he’s not a guy that you’re looking at and you’re like oh my God Ryan Dunn is shooting a jumper let me hard close on this thing right like he’s not that kind of guy but he is shooting and hitting enough of them that he’s actually he’s gonna make you pay because you’re not doing that and that’ll allow him to excel at some of the other stuff he does and so I think that there is a world in which that happens for Ryan Dunn you know because he has all of the other stuff he’s a freak athlete he’s a freak Defender he’s strong and I think strength is the most underrated aspect of prospect evaluation in the NBA you have to be strong AF to step foot on an NBA court um and most young players are not he is and so I think he has an underrated base because there are gonna be there’s going to be a coach who’s like you know what I don’t care about his shooting I got three other guys on the court who are shooting 38 to 42% from three I’m just going to let this dude run wild defensively and I hope he makes a few um open shots and gets a few buckets in transition for the amount of time that he’s on there and if the shot comes around he’ll be a guy that can stay on the floor continuously but like you know the these guys who play hard who rebound who finish and defend they find a way Josh Hart not really scared of him as a three-point shooter but he hits enough that like he’ll he’s not afraid to shoot it and if Ryan Dunn’s not afraid to shoot and like you said he didn’t shoot a lot in general you know and part of that is based on Virginia and the way that they play and um shouldn’t have been a tournament team St John’s should have you know been in the tournament this is is conversation for another day but uh yeah I think that Ryan Dunn there’s a lot of reasons to buy into what he can bring to an NBA floor because if you’re just telling me he’s got to figure out how to shoot and he’s got that kind of form that’s not completely broken as a Player Development coach I would be like I can work with this guy yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean there was certainly a good enough sales pitch for me as if I wasn’t already sold enough you know if I if I invoke Brandon Clark you know that’s how that’s how you know I’m sold on any given guy uh because that’s by that that was maybe one of the the the hardest draft crushes I’ve had of all time was Brandon Clark all right that’s it for today’s episode hopefully you enjoyed the look at Zack Edy and Ryan Dunn and how they could possibly be perfect fits for the Knicks but the next episode look I I’ve been honest about it this whole episode and this whole time I’ve been talking with Corey and Albert I have not I you know I’m just starting my my draft research in Earnest right now so I I’m looking at all these names I’m like well that guy seems kind of good but I don’t know if he’s for sure a good fit for the Knicks so I just flat out asked them who are the guys you want the Knicks to Target or do you think would be good targets for them and they rattle off tons of great names to think about to end this this three-part Series so uh definitely tune in tomorrow when we get that one up and uh hopefully learn something about some prospects to start looking into for the Knicks because I think they dropped some really good names so that’s coming up tomorrow tomorrow but until then thank you all for listening and I’ll talk to you soon peace out everybody [Music]

Alex is joined once again by Corey Tulaba and Albert Ghim of No Ceilings to talk 2024 NBA Draft, this time zeroing in on Zach Edey and Ryan Dunn. Could either or both of them be perfect fits for the Knicks in this draft? Is Edey less slow-footed than people think? Will Dunn’s shot develop? All that and more today!

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#Knicks #NewYorkKnicks #NBA


  1. Cmon man, two players who don’t stretch the floor at all? Perfect players? I don’t think so. The bench needs passing, 3 point shooting and then defense.

  2. I don't think you can draft a guy who can't shoot. I just don't think Thibs is playing a guard who shoots 40/20/50. Doesn't matter how well they defend

  3. Tibbs kills us in the drafting department for sure. Because of his strict dummness of not coaching them up he drills them kills the skill sometimes.

  4. I think we need to draft a center because we are either keeping Mitch and not resigning IHart or most likely signing iHart and trading Mitch. I don’t hate drafting edey

  5. Is Ryan really 6'8 or 6'6 because I would love for him to back up heart when OG gets hurt, but I really like Deron Holmes II to back up randle at the 4 spot, and I want kel'el Ware for the five spot to take Simms spot on the team.

  6. Zack Edey will be the best player in this draft. He tested out athletically better than all the centers in the draft that they have ahead of him.

  7. can dunn defend? bc the knicks need a defensive small forward to spell og when he gets injured. i don't know about edey. he doesn't run the court well and that could be a problem in the nba.

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