@Detroit Pistons

Cracking The Detroit Pistons Code

Cracking The Detroit Pistons Code

ladies and gentlemen on this channel I have inherited the responsibility of covering all of the biggest stories and covering them from all angles and at certain times I have had to uh sort of act as a proverbial Paul Riv of sorts the digital Paul R um and and warn you hey this thing that you really don’t want to happen might might might be on the brink you know I’m like Nicholas Cage in knowing I’m like Nix stradamus right now I just wanted to make you all aware of something that I have clocked in real time and if in a month something happens and you come back to this video you’re like oh Nick you were wrong about this thing I pray to God that that happens honestly I give you full I please do that if it happens I want to be wrong about this okay I’m just I’m worried that I’m not so what is it okay all right we’ll get to it the Detroit Pistons just hired traan langon as the president of basketball operations that’s really exciting there’s a lot of reasons to be excited about that then wait a minute where did he go to school oh he went to Duke oh that’s cool that’s cool a lot of really good basketball Minds have come out of that University and then you remember that thing about the Pistons that you’re like ah this damn thing that we just can’t seem to shake that that AR tellum character it’s just something about him it’s just something about the guy you know what is it it’s that he [ __ ] controls the team and whatever he wants is what is is what the team [ __ ] does do you know who was a former client of arum and do you know who is in Alum of Duke University folks that’s JJ reck JJ reck uh the guy if you if you you may have heard his his name in the news recently if it wasn’t for his podcast or his uh many television appearances or his uh broadcasting of these NBA playoffs you might have uh heard that he’s in the mix for a head coaching job out west the Los Angeles Lakers now by all accounts sounds like uh he might take that job the word from I think it was Stephen A Smith was he was like yeah he’s just behind the scenes making some phone calls trying to see who he could get on his staff but it’s more or less done it’s just a matter of when not if at this point oh wow that’s really interesting you know what else is kind of interesting though if I may you know the Pistons did finally announce officially okay yeah hey treasure langon hey social media we we hired this guy everyone was like Yay but then you’re like wait a minute where’s the press conference that matters here in the timeline okay really taking a while to do that press conference you wonder why you wonder if they’re not behind the scenes right now you wonder because all of this you’re also probably thinking I’m not addressing the elephant in the room the Detroit Pistons have a coach who is is gainfully employed they have a head coach they have Bonnie Williams under contract they made him the highest damn paid head coach in the history of The League at the time that he signed signed a contract just 365 days ago Nick he’s still on the team I hear you I hear you but I just wonder if the reason that they’re being a little um evasive about this damn press conference which again does matter here it’s not just a press conference there is there’s [ __ ] to read into here okay read between those lines I think they’re behind the scenes trying to get their ducks in a row so that way when they get up on that Podium it’s not just to introduce Tran langon it’s to say here’s what we got moving forward to um uh like a real actionable plan some concrete [ __ ] that you can go up there and sell to some season ticket holders by the way some potential season ticket holders oh this is a 10 game uh ticket package we need [ __ ] to Market Tom okay and if you go up there and you’re like hey all of the people who are responsible for this horrible season that we just had the worst that we’ve ever had they’re all gone they’re all gone right it’s a we’re dust in our hands our bad we’re put hand up as an organization but look at all this new [ __ ] that we’re going to go get you and you have these connections and JJ reic in the past has spoken glowingly about the Pistons and the young talent that they have now there are a few reasons for this one it’s because JJ reck you like to imagine has a strong uh predilection for determining who is and is not good at basketball and he’s just as an analyst being like hey these guys are good but also but also because if you’re somebody like JJ reck and you knew that you’re you you know what your post career po post playing CER oh my God you know what your post playing career should look like in your eyes and for JJ that’s doing the media thing and then after a while some teams are kind of like wow this is a really popular guy he really knows his stuff like a real student of the game eventually and this is usually how it goes with people who want to get into the media that can evolve into a uh coaching candidacy JJ wanted to do this all along you have to imagine in some capacity even if it wasn’t his number one thing and so what you do when you’re on TV and you know that one day you want to be in the front office or on the bench of an organization you say nice [ __ ] about everybody here and there you do people favors on the on the [ __ ] screen like this is this is how this works in in some form right so JJ reck has kind of been uh buttering up the Pistons a little bit it’s so that when he sits down for a job interview he can be like oh man no I [ __ ] you guys have seen it on TV you guys have seen what I said you know I I would be I would be privileged to be able to and then you’re already in their good graces also doesn’t [ __ ] hurt when Arn tellum AR tellum man this [ __ ] guy we can’t shake him now Nick you’re saying all of this as if it would be a bad thing you’re so what so why don’t you want this why are you digital Paul revering about JJ reck being the Pistons head coach it feels like a gimmick right now and I would argue JJ should wait for something else and I also don’t think he should take the Lakers job that’s a zero sum game you you literally it’s all risk it’s no reward what are you supposed to do with that team right all the all the uh good grace that you have built up as a as a new personality in our media is going to be out the [ __ ] window when all of those same pundants who were once your co-workers and all the people who consume your [ __ ] now eviscerate you and tear you apart because you couldn’t win with LeBron on your team that [ __ ] is destined to fail right so it doesn’t matter but I would also argue on the inverse of that it’s like I I don’t know is it too gimmicky at this point no not really I mean I I can’t say like oh J re he was even a good JJ re was a [ __ ] awesome player by all by all accounts he’s an awesome dude too right all the [ __ ] that I don’t like about him is unfair it’s just because we’re oversaturated with his [ __ ] and it just feels like the the the the perfect way to like dance on My Grave as a Pistons fan to just be like oh by the way that guy that you’re just kind of rubbed the wrong way by he’s your [ __ ] coach now okay JJ reck I really hope you prove me wrong because this is happening this is happening he’s gonna be your coach Pistons fans JJ reck now this could and it could change but just don’t be surprised just don’t be surprised at the very least if if the headline comes across your desk that he’s at that whoa suddenly there’s another Suitor out there for JJ reick it’s the [ __ ] Detroit Pistons this traan langon character man this AR tellum guy I’m telling you they’re going to get JJ reic Tom gors loves the big swing that’s what he wants to do right now he’s watching Steve Balmer out there he’s watching Matt ishia out there for better or worse that guy right it’s big swing big swing big swing Tom gors just tried huge swing in a Miss with Monty Williams it didn’t work Tran langon I don’t know you hit a single I think but you played it safe no notes I don’t know seems like it’s by all accounts seems like a really uh well respected guy so I’m happy about it but you really want to kill this thing you know everything that you just dealt with Mon’s got to be next Mon’s got to be next and maybe JJ reck I guess

im not crazy. i know im not crazy


  1. On the next segment of “Just Asking Questions”: Should Arn Tellem be thrown in jail for crimes against basketball? The people are indeed asking!

  2. i love my pistons and i realy like JJ…but this will not happen….0 chance…he will go to the Lakres or keep beeing a media mogul…why would he take the pistons who are prob the worst team in the league next year…0 chance my friend

  3. Nick if you read this, with new management now, who do you personally think/just who would you like to see Pistons keep and build around + draft?

    Excited to see Pistons got rid of Weaver, I'm not a Pistons fan but I've been watching since 2010 and have never seen the Pistons be good, it makes me want to root for them.

  4. I love how JJ thinks about the game. No idea if that means he could coach though. But, hey lets all get out our tinfoil hats chant "JJ"

  5. I'd rather hire a guy who's coached. JJ Redick should not get a job before David Adelman or Chris Quinn. Especially for this team.

  6. Do you actually believe the stuff that you say? Groan. I try to work out why I find your videos often annoying. I think it's the tangentiality and leaps of logic you make that border on conspiracy thinking. And it seems to be getting worse each time I watch you. Has piston fandom embittered you so much that it's gotta go this way? Or are you just waxing for clicks here?

  7. I will celebrate any coach who is not Monty Williams being in Detroit. What's the worst thing that could happen? We only win 15 games? Guess what, that's what Monty was gonna do anyway. My other take is (in reference to the JJ Redick to the Lakers segment on a recent show) the pistons don't have the "babysitter" problem that the Lakers do where JJ would have to coach and keep in line the egos of players who were basically the same age as him. We got all young guys basically, and guys with very high character (manifesting Miles Bridges NOT signing here), and honestly, a lot of guys who could literally not be in the league 4 years from now.

    Wrote this two and a half minutes into the video so apologies if these points are addressed later on, just had a fire erupt in my soul about this immediately.

  8. Im happy you said it because ive been thinking the same thing but deeper. You get JJ as the head coach, draft Bronny, and then its basically guaranteed you get lebron right? Thats what Tom Gores has up his sleeves

  9. JJ Reddick being the head coach of the Pistons would honestly not even be the top 5 worst things about the team next year

  10. The income JJ makes from his multiple podcasts, announcing and espn. I just don't see him doing coaching right now. I'll prob be wrong also but we shall see.

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