@Golden State Warriors

Just gonna leave this here

Just gonna leave this here

by SeekingSignificance


  1. some other notable single game scoring games in NBA history

    >kobe (2006) : 81 pts in 42 mins = 1.93 pts per min

    >thompson (1978) : 73 pts in 43 mins = 1.70 pts per min

    >luka (2024) : 73 pts in 45 mins = 1.62 pts per min

    >baylor (1974) : 71 pts in 45 mins = 1.58 pts per min

    >robinson (1994) : 71 pts in 44 mins = 1.61 pts per min

    >mitchell (2023) : 71 pts in 50 mins = 1.42 pts per min

    >lillard (2023) : 71 pts in 39 mins = 1.82 pts per min

    >booker (2018) : 70 pts in 45 mins = 1.56 pts per min

    >embiid (2023) : 70 pts in 37 mins = 1.89 pts per min

    >jordan (1990) : 69 pts in 50 mins = 1.38 pts per min

    klay actually has 2 of the 3 top pts per minute performances of all time

    >wilt (1962) : 100 pts in 48 mins = 2.08 pts per min

    >klay (2016) : 60 pts in 29 mins = 2.07 pts per min

    >klay (2018) : 52 pts in 27 mins = 1.96 pts per min

    >harden (2019) : 60 pts in 31 mins = 1.96 pts per min

    >kobe (2006) : 81 pts in 42 mins = 1.93 pts per min

    in both games klay didn’t play the 4th quarter

  2. imminentjogger5

    I wish we just let Klay cook during those games

  3. unknownintime

    Why is there randomly a picture of Otto Porter Jr. in this post?

  4. Shame that klay doesn’t exist anymore. We would be a lot better if age/injuries didn’t take him.

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