@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs & Hawks TRADE Debate! Young? Murray? #1 Pick?

Spurs & Hawks TRADE Debate! Young? Murray? #1 Pick?

[Music] hey we are live what is up San Antonio Spurs fans what is up Atlanta Hawks fans to the stream TSR Sports and a Dixon way what’s up my man woohoo what’s going on brother uh my name is Larry that’s my man Rich from TSR Sports we are here to talk about the upcoming draft and possible trade rumors for our beloved teams let’s go HS let’s go Spurs and we’re gonna actually because of the history between these two teams we’re going to have to visit the past but before we talk about our teams it would be appropriate for us to talk about ourselves so we’re going to talk about our Channel a little bit how we became a fan of the respective teams we’re talking about tonight and what fan so Larry go and starts off all right man my name is Larry I’m one half of the Dixon way my beautiful wife sh is the other half and we provide you guys with live commentary for all our favorite sports scenes so that’s the Braves the hwks the Falcons I got the hats to prove it uh the brains of H of Falcons the bull dogs go dogs Georgia Bear right here he wears no pants because it’s Big Bear energy okay shout out to Marcel auna also on the Braves but yeah uh that’s what we do and um we started this about a know two years ago and we’re here now that’s trying to grow one subscriber and follower at a time we’re live on uh five different platforms right now YouTube twitch Tik Tok Rumble N X or Twitter whichever one you want to call it but we are happy to be here with you rich so a little about myself and Larry you probably don’t know this unless you have watched every live stream ever and caught it Randle mentioned I have been on YouTube since late 2006 oh wow took me 13 years to get monetized with this Channel and I was one of those folks that was just didn’t know what he was doing had 16 subscribers for like a decade cancel the channel I was doing IM I’m G to do a video about how all this went down did a movie review Channel briefly when I was doing a movie Real review Channel I came across the Entertainer talk in sports who’s primly a New York J Channel all right I saw him doing the sports stuff I was like he’s like you know you could probably do this if you wanted so I started doing the NBA playoffs in 2019 the last time I would call the Spurs in the playoffs by the way the only time for that record they’ve been a losing team since but it’s been a fun ride my girlfriend will be joining me for the NBA draft making her on camera debut so to be able to share it with somebody like you are is absolutely awesome now I became a Spurs fan everybody in my chat probably knows this but your your Hawk chat this man right here discovered Robinson halfway through his rookie season in 19 90 been his first all right Giants Yankees It’s first all right all right I got you I got you so being an avid Spurs fan me being an avid Hawks fan we have a lot of history between our teams recently hell we got a lot of history back in the day y’all had Dominique we did Dominique you got that guy right behind you Tim Duncan because he just could and a lot of people forget Dominic average like what 20 7 25 That season oh with the Spurs no no like 18 oh 18 my bad yeah he was way on that’s right that’s right he on he was on the with you guys he was The Human Highlight was it film yeah yeah my bad my bad he was a great player by the time he though not not so much so you mentioned some history you went past history with Dominique Wilkins which I didn’t think you would do but that’s good call back but the recent history is the big one right here we’re going to revisit the 2022 Dej Murray trade and give our thoughts and grade it but before we do that lar I think we have to talk about what exactly was traded the Spurs traded to janty Murray yes that’s it the Hawks traded the 20 their 2025 in 2027 first round picks unprotected yes a pick swap in 2026 yes they traded to 2023 first round pick from Charlotte and Charlotte has sucked so that is not conveyed as yet I believe next year’s the last year over two second rounds and I forgot about this Danilo galiner yeah I was about to say Galla was a part of that deal too and the funny thing is we actually he’s been hurt so it really didn’t matter you guys just released him you know saying I think it was like salary C thing more than anything yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it was a salary dump type of thing but yeah uh man I personally I really like de jonte as a person and as a player um I don’t know if him and Trey young really fit and I think the real problem was is that what I know now is my owner likes the medal uh I don’t think that was Travis slinks I deal to give up that much for de jonte Murray that’s why he’s not here anymore they say he’ll take advisory Ro no he quit that was pretty much the last STW um he tried well basically he said okay cuz several months prior to he moved out of the GM Ro into the president role so he ascended but word on the street is is that Nick wrestler Tony wrestler’s son has been entrenched into the front office for some reason don’t ask me why yeah but we got mailing owners and his son is cool with Landry who was just recently promoted 2 GM word on streeters they went behind Travis slink back who was trying to negotiate the deal also since it was going to be a big move but he didn’t want to give up that much uh draft capital for de Jon uh they like the player but the fit was always questionable and it it basically was like hey it was the first time Trey said man I need some help the first time he ever uttered that you know what I’m saying so they went out and tried to make a splash um they said the heck with those picks but Nate McMillan’s gone now we have Quin Snider and then Quin Snider system he has not figured out how to use de jonte and Tryon correctly and that’s where we’re at right now you have a lot of fan base that want de jonte gone like yesterday me personally I’m more a reasonable thinker I’ll say okay I think both of those guys are ball dominant guards that they’re most productive in the pick and roll situation both can’t really play off the ball um at least for what the Jon show I know Trey can’t and spursy can uh but it would take take a good system I’m not really a believer of qu system but we really don’t have to get into that uh if we move to Jon it will have to be which we’ll talk about in a moment yeah it would have to be something that I’m sure Trey G to be a part of that or at the very least they gonna call him hey we’re doing this move what do you think or would you just rather play with you know de jonte again and then we’ll refigure that but yeah I think everything depends on the draft because we can’t even make any moves unless it’s going to be like hey we make a move it won’t be consummated until you know good word when it can be but but yeah uh I’m other sense if we can re I just want them to do whatever know I would rather keep Trey but if they can get a big haul for Trey young then I wouldn’t be opposed of it I just I would rather build around Trey young then de Jon so how I always say this you guys don’t give up franchise players you you develop them exactly you develop them so the Spurs while they love the Jon was like hey we can’t turn down this Hall that should tell hulks fans we got a lot of Hulk fans that love de jonte he’s made a lot of fans here so and I really like the jante too but if I’m if I have to put on a GM hat you know then the GM hat would say build around Trey young it’s your fastest Avenue to try to get better unless you want to rebuild let me ask you two question final gr for the Spurs in Hawks in 2024 but also is it possible Brian Wright who gets criticized a lot as a GM of the Spurs did he look at his magic ball his crystal ball and see that Victor wama was going to be available in the following draft after the season they traded J said you know what we’re going full tank mode the Hawks want deante they’re going to give us a boatload for him let’s trade them let’s suck and we’ll have a chance to get Wendy yes I I think he actually um had the foresight to be scouting uh I heard you guys scouted him like at least five times that your gym I think pop went over there a couple of times to actually look at Victor uh there’s a Tony Parker connection as well yeah exactly so so you guys already had the foresight um I don’t know if we did and you just said it’s not really San Antonio’s you know thing to outright tank but it was a parent you guys did when you got rid of De Jon you know what I’m saying so yeah you guys had the far sight to do it and you got wimy plus you got all these draft to draft pick to try to build up and do it the Thunder way but speed it up you know do it the Thunder the way but speed it up uh wm’s a fantastic um player definitely a franchise player and that’s why you guys are looking to accelerate your rebuild you know that’s why you’re looking because if you don’t get a guy like that and just say okay we’re going to wait four years before we even make a move no you don’t we can’t with his size either Larry he’s not one of those players that’s going to play 16 to 20 years he’s probably going to have sorry Spurs fans a 12year peak window maybe 15 I think that’s it I don’t know man I kind of view him like Kareem on how he keeps his body uh he’s trained like a guard you know uh throughout his whole whole life is he going to be able to handle the rigors of the NBA the NBA isn’t like what it was when we were growing up you know what I’m saying it’s it’s not a physical game anymore it’s more finesse the referees protect the uh the star players and yeah oh yeah also guys everyone in the chat thank you guys on everyone’s chat we’re not ignoring you or anything but we’re going to be a topic based and then we’re going to run down as many U questions that we can you know so thank everybody for coming in from every chat thank you very much we really we’ll have a Q&A at the end it’s just both of us talking both of us dual streaming he seees his chat I see mine it’s gonna be imposs to try to answer everything so please be patient with us I need your final grade though D I don’t know if you’re voting doing this oh man uh I’m going be honest man the trade was really bad only because of the assets we got well we gave up um even if we wanted to you know just turn the patri with tray on we’re unable to you know I feel like this was a massive plan to get Trey personally that’s how I feel not just you know tanking for win but if we end up the only way we can really trade Trey young is trade them to you guys to get our picks back plus something plus more not just that but I mean if you get trying and have Trey Wendy you literally got your Parker and and Duncan already just bu build around man if I see Luca and freaking Kyrie just take over the West like that with only a Year’s worth of playing with each other man but no that’s never going to happen cuz we ain’t trade them to you guys it’s the greatest uh the great is a c man it’s a C I’m I’m not gonna some people say a f because they just don’t like the fit I will say we would have been a lot worse if the Jon didn’t do what he did when Trey young went down you know if I didn’t see what de jante could do without Trey I might have just said like a d or something like that because they they don’t mesh right now and I don’t know if we have the coach to put it together you know what I’m saying he’s not as good as Jason kid who can figure out two ball dominant um guards and how to make it work so I’mma say C minus I really and that’s not saying that de jonte is bad it’s just so many assets that we gave up and it kind of crippled what we could move forward we don’t even have ask set the like it’s a blessing we got the number one pick if we didn’t get the number one pick I I don’t know what we’ll be doing so I’ll say C minus and that’s nothing against D jonte it’s just right now we have two ball dominant guards and the real funny thing is Trey Young And bdon by donov you wouldn’t think that’s a good Duo for defense but on the court they’re better like basically when treyes with bogy that’s a better defensive team I don’t ask me why or with bogey with DJ but when Trey and DJ play on the court you know it it’s it it it’s just I don’t know man I know just don’t know I’ll tell you yeah so I’m gonna grade it for you all right I keep it real well for you guys side it should be a A+ this is an a this is an F for the Hawks and here’s the reason I say okay Murray was the best player on a bad team and I hate to say it but we were a bad team but he was our point guard yeah and now you’re taking him out of that position and trying to put him in the shooting guard position and he’s he’s played well in Atlanta yes that’s not his natural position I agree running the offense and now you’ve got two guys that should be running the offense that are I I mean I haven’t watched enough Atlanta I assume the offense is more going through Trey than J when they’re both on the court yes yes that’s going to create a player that’s been playing the game one way his whole life and now is playing it differently in the last two years and I think that’s why you’re having so many issues in Atlanta because you guys have a lot of Talent on paper your team should be a playoff team every year but they’re they’re just not and I I don’t know why Atlanta gave up so much well you kind of touched on it earlier yeah I like Murray he’s not worth what was given up I think if it was a first round pick from 25 a pick swap plus the Charlotte pick and danelo find that extra first round pick though and no protection that was the shocking thing if you had them both top six protected maybe it makes a little more sense or top eight whatever it may be some sort of Lottery protection the fact they were completely unprotected is probably the most shocking part of the trade for me yes luckily for Hawks fans you guys the guys that the number one overall pick this year not next year because Spurs fans would be going nuts if we had the number one overall pick next year yeah yeah uh that’s why I look at it I look at it as a player more so than anything because we traded for the player and the player has not been bad but the fit is bad so I don’t want to give de jonte a f because not de is not getting F you’re manag okay our management okay our owner our management yeah I’ll give them I would definitely give Landry fields and I’ll definitely give Nick wrestler Tony wrestler whoever approved that and went back door to undercut Travis slink a well-respected you know GM president in the NBA came from the Spurs so oh yeah we found some other stuff out too that I really don’t want to get into but yeah I own it as a meder and hash Shack please by the Hawks uh yeah so yeah I mean the great uh our front office this is the most important offseason in probably 30 years for the Atlanta hwks to be honest maybe for us too because we’re trying to build around our new franchise with two lottery picks yeah which Segways us to both our teams let’s start off with the Spurs I I’ll need this one off being a Spurs man it only makes sense if you don’t mind me saying oh no P go ahead so the Spurs are the Spurs and Hawks kind of remind me of some similarities where they have a team that’s a playoff team and they have to decide how they’re GNA move forward and the Spurs had to make the decision a few years back lost CL Leonard in the trades of Toronto and got dear rosan and yaka purle and some picks etc etc in the first year of DeRozan’s career with San Antonio they were a playoff team yes the next season we bring all the Vets back L Marcus Aldridge d rozan brudy m Rudy Mill Rudy gate Patty Mills but we had the young guys in Dej Murray deric white Lonnie Walker segler ccat so we had some vets we had some young talent and the team sucked in 2020 however the season ended prematurely and we know why and we had the bubble the Spurs were five- two in the bubble and kind of gave management and Spurs fans a mirage like hey wait a minute maybe this team is actually better than we think nope sucked next year too eventually parted ways from demard Rosen then Derek white then eventually to jont Murray and went full rebuild and went 20 2 and 60 two seasons ago and then got Wan matched that record but the future I think looks bright for the team because they now have a direction build around Victor weam yes TR to draft Capital with this team some of it’s atlantas of course we have we have our pick next year your pick the Bulls pick which I think is top eight or 10 protected and I think next year’s the last year of that Charlotte Pi So in theory the Spurs could have four lottery Pi next year probably not happening they have a load of probably definitely not a load of draft capital and a lot of their success could hinge on what the Atlanta Hawks do because if the Hawks blow it up and don’t get their draft picks back then those draft picks are worth a ton for the Spurs so that the Hawks are in a tough spot which we’ll talk about in a moment but your thoughts on the status of my team right now um I think you guys are sitting pretty you know you got a lot of Draft cap like I said earlier you guys are accelerated version of the Thunder you know now they got lucky in getting Shay Jers were not not lucky they um they scouting was like Hey this guy’s going to be really good you can have Paul George we’re going to go full rebuild but it took them a lot longer they had the guy they’re going to build around but they double down two Williams Brothers the same year Double Down got Vic kiche and Josh giddy let go of Vic kiche kept giddy um now they gota decide if they’re gonna pay him or let him go now uh I think he’s G but with all those draft picks they can also go out and get a guy another guy and that’s the exact same thing that the Spurs can do the Spurs got a lot of capital to go and make major moves and there are a lot of guys that are you know in their last season or next year they’re going to be you know uh unrestricted free agents so you guys are sitting pretty you know what I’m saying to be honest if you want to go to get Lori marketing you know what I’m saying if you want to go get spider Mitchell you could actually do it if you want to try to go try to get de Jon back you could actually do it you know if you try to go get try young you actually have the draft Capital to do it you know so right now you have a once- in aive time generational player invictor wiama and you have all the assets to instantly make them a contender even in the west even in the west so yeah that’s I mean you guys are sitting pretty so you know and Victor doing all that on M restriction wait until they take the handcuffs off this kid oh my goodness when he figures it out in the NBA and put some size on and and has an actual point guard the whole year and Tre Jones is fine but he’s he’s he’s not an All-Star but and most you probably heard of Julian champeny if you’re not a Spurs fan I like that champeny kid he can shoot but I wouldn’t make him a point guard I would make a point guard no no no Shan he’s a wing for us but he’s not a starter so you mentioned the Spurs are in a good place a team that I don’t think’s in a good place right now is the Hawks you start this off as you are a fan of the Z what do you think of the state of the Hawks right now at this moment I think the whole fortess of the Hawks changed when they got the number one pick without the number one pick yeah I would have been worried getting a number one pick even in the weakest draft in probably 25 years it’s not that bad I don’t like when people say that either because the good thing about it the best players are actually needs of the HW the best players in the draft are needs from the HW can I something real quick I think what’s happening is you had Wy last year who was clearly a franchise player yes and now you have a draft following that that doesn’t have that and everybody’s really pooping on this draft because of that I think there’s really good players that could help both our teams yeah yeah yeah I think there’s a lot of good solid players on this team uh I mean in this draft uh a lot of their biggest potential is probably like the number two on the championship team uh a lot of number threes but that’s not that’s not poo pooing on it that’s just saying there’s no clearcut hey this guy can be your franchise starter he can be the guy that you build around um I’m I really like uh where the Hawks are because with the number one pick they could do several things they could draft the guy who they need they can draft a guy that’s you know potential wise and R uh they need SAR because they need a Dominic big who’s a true rim protector and being with Trey young he’s going to get baby food you know he’s going to get served plenty of lobs like I mean Trey loves that like that’s his favorite thing throwing a lots like you see Tryon throw a lob he jumps up with it like he’ll throw a no look lob and hop up with it when you supposed to catch it just like okay man yeah he really loves throwing lobs so to me with either using dejonte as a trade piece there’s several players they can get like they didn’t have the number one pick and they would slated to get the temp it they don’t even have a chance to get clinging you know you know what I’m saying they don’t they don’t even have a chance to get him he’s going to be like top five top seven he’s know what I’m saying yeah like they’ll be looking at maybe Cody Williams maybe Khia wear you know maybe Dante out of um Oregon uh that’s who they’re looking at they got a chance to get the top two players in this r or flip those guys there’s a lot of rumors with the hwks being involved with a lot of teams you guys uh you guys either the jonte or Trey uh and us getting you know one of the pcks back not 25 cuz nobody’s giving up 25 so the the swap back you know things I heard the swap back and 20 uh7 you know and and and move the M content I don’t want the M content here uh Kell I don’t want him but a lot of Spurs fans I know yeah exactly and I know you guys aren’t giving up the sale so uh I guess Zack Collins you don’t want Zack Collins I’ll be you know you don’t want him come on man you know I’m looking at you guys roster I’m just like it’s pretty weak all right yeah like de Vel is really the only guy that I really want off of there but I know you guys want to pair him up with de Jon so uh I would not even take the swap back I would just take the 27 to be honest if that meant that I could get Vel you know if we’re if we’re two GMS just talking you know what I’m saying if I’m going to give up the Jon I want a true two guard you know that’s my problem I don’t have a two guard so that would be a good salary swap by the way I think exactly and that’s my point like if you guys would be willing to give up Devon Vale uh and just give me the 26 you guys still keep the swap still get keep 25 that’s a price of making a dumb trade then I might have to get my U-Haul and pack it up you know what I’m saying for the jonte we get a two guard that’s actually a two guard that can play some defense and Trey can just be the point guard instead of trying to share point guard duties with another point guard you know I think it helps both players and de jonte actually goes back to the system where he grew now you’re shaking your head so what do you think about that I don’t see the Spurs trading Vel for deante if they’re going to trade Vel it’s going to be for Trey young but we’ll talk about those trades in a second I want to Circle back to the state of your team I think you’re in a worse position now with the first overall pick here’s what hear me out for a second all right go ahead you have two directions you can go in okay draft the guy first overall and try to build off what you have right now or you commit to a or partial rebuild now seems like you’re good with getting rid of JY M it sounds like you want to keep SAR because I I assume SAR is going to be the first overall pick by the Hawks that seems to be the general consensus everywhere it could be re also I mean our our front office actually came out and said their worded about his offensive skill set so they all went they left the combine after watching S I guess a day or two all flew to France to watch ret yeah so the entire front office so there’s a good chance we might Pi re say or we could move back depending on what you know U Washington Wizards want to do this is such a crazy draft I said this on my channel if you do mock drafts the top four players seem to change interchangeably I’m now seeing Castle might go third to the rockets and like he’s up in the top three now so it changes like the weather we won’t really we’re not going to know what happens draft night that being said I don’t know what I would do as a hawks GM do I commit to the rebuild is Trey young the guy or would he be better suited in an offense where he plays you know the number two option in the offense a lot of hawks fans have said to me and even some spurs fans the reason Trey young is such an inefficient scorer you know he’s a high volume scorer but he’s takes a lot of shots and he shoots what 43% from the field 44% so he’s not very efficient but part of that could be because he is the main score on the hws if he was to Ro on the Spurs where’s number one would he be I don’t know and that’s what’s tough with your team is where do you go now do you commit to the rebuild the partial rebuild you say you know what we’re gonna roll the dice again with de jante Trey and draft Alex Arin and try to build around that I have no idea which direction you guys are going to go in which I think that’s where things are tough for your team because your GM’s job is to win games and put butts in seats and if you trade Trey young which there’s a lot of rumors you guys might that’s going to hurt your attendance yes it would it and it’s gonna also hurt your chance of winning games oh well it’ll it’ll do both there’s a lot of people that are Trey young fans um here more so than hulks fans but what I will tell you is uh the hulks uh several rumors about the hulks trading the number one pick for actual players uh there are several moves that the hulks could do um if he drafts sha um SAR uh you can move to Jon there’s talks of us trying to move him to the Pelicans you know the Pelicans the Pelicans need a point guard in a worst way they do so if you get SAR okay so here’s the general consensus most people say get S move move deep J for like a b or Lori marketing or something like that um see what you got to do whatever picks you got in the future um you talk I know Danny a probably pissed off us at us about um John Collins but I mean he really didn’t pay much for him but that in still they’re kind of in a bad situation too you know like what do they do do do they try to you know build around Lori or are they going to go in and field rebuild so there are players out there I mean hell there’s players of there’s rumors about us giving the number one pick to Cleveland plus other players just to try to get um spider if he don’t want to resign really because right now they’re basic well do a better job at getting a guy who can be a two then the jeante you know what I’m saying just go basically rumors about us just trying to be better a better version of The Patience basically then I would have to think you’re going to try to win now with what you got and build off of that because yeah this where I said things are tough you can’t really commit to a full rebuild because we have your picks in 25 and 27 you can’t build without draft fix exactly exactly that’s where it’s tough I don’t know which direction your team’s going in quite frankly I don’t know what direction my team’s going in with the draft um I think that the hwks are going to move DJ DJ just I think they’re going to move DJ either he’ll be back in the Spurs uniform or he’ll be uh with the New Orleans Pelicans since we’re talking about it let’s talk about the Jey Murray trade talk because some spurs fans seem to want him at least in my community are very happy to bring him back some are like okay ah screw him he what he said a couple years ago here’s an interesting thing that some people have pointed out that I didn’t really think of what if the Spurs did trade probably not the 2025 first round pick I think that one’s because of that draft class not being traded but what if they traded the pick swap back and the 2027 first round pick from Atlanta I don’t know Zack holl somebody to help with salaries for de jante essentially that means the Spurs traded away to je de Murray for two years to get wemy and an extra first round pick yeah here’s the thing you’re not g to get back what you gave what you gave no no no no no no no no no I already know that every Hawks fan know we’re not getting it the whole deal back uh again there’s some Hawks fans that would definitely ship to get the pcks back they would definitely ship them off I wouldn’t and I know I wouldn’t do it because if I’m Trey young you trade away the best player that I played with even though he we play the same position if you trade away de jonte and don’t replace him with somebody who can at least get me 20 points you might as well trade me at the deadline like that’s what I’m saying is he not happy there though Larry because I see no he’s happy there but he also say he wants to win and I’m not mad at him for saying that my problem is is that every like you have Hawks fans that want to move the jonte out for fishes and rice I’m like guys that’s why I like the be trade or trying to get K like there’s another thing saying if we do like a pick swap with Washington get kosma let them pick whoever they want and we pick the other guy you know now we got kosma who can put up 19 any given night uh then we can still use the jonte to get another piece now and we got Jaylen Johnson who outside of getting hurt was a sending to be like you know most improved or or one of the most improved so when you really look at the Hulk situation uh I think they’re going to eye if they eye um Brandon Ingram then they’re going to try to get a Caruso or you know a Bruce brown or something like that who can be a two guard to be a Defender to put beside Trey young you know what I’m saying might be cleaning house soon they might yeah exactly uh that’s another thing we have um hulks fans that want to go get Zack LaVine and now we’re hearing that the Bulls when you look at the Bulls and have a cousin that’s a bull fan so we all we always talk every day and he’s basically saying like management just want to move it for fish head and rice you know that like literally like if they get anything like they value uh the expiring contract so they can get up off of them they’re going full a rebuild they’re trying to give LaVine away so the hulks go ahead and give them something that at least give them some starters they don’t need the Jon either so we could always keep de Jon then move de Jon for said pieces now you got leine you got probably one of the highest scoring uh back courts they ain’t playing no damn defense but no they’re not playing any defense but but what you’re doing now if you give like you know a pick not the number one pick but a future future pick uh now you target herb or something like that you say okay you want to Jon I know you guys want to move bi but we got to do something else to be able to um get her into that deal because you got Trey Murphy you got to pay uh Zion you obviously still building around Zion CC played the most games he has since his rookie season this year NBI and Zion don’t mix so you’re basically trying to if you could get two former Allstars and put around Trey hey that’s going to be the best chance you get and you put SAR back there as a rookie Center who projected be able to check a guard two through five I mean in East that’s a fifth seed in East but I don’t like LaVine personally he’s got an injury history which I’m sure you’re aware of oh yeah I definitely know that he’s gonna average 45 million a year the next three years I just looked it up on basketball reference that’s two your that’s your back court making what 90 million a year have to start cutting Corners other places and I I don’t think I don’t think you want him cheap that would never happen I own is cheap so I know it won’t happen I’m just telling you what no that oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m telling you what’s in Hulk spaces uh so there’s several things that the hwks can do and that’s why I said it’s the most important uh offseason in the last 30 years for the Atlanta hwks uh so if this was to happen yes you’re playing the role of the jam for the Hawks right now I’m playing the jam of the Spurs the Spurs decide they want deantre Murray back we’re done with Trey Jones at point guard Blake Wesley Jeremy Sohan as point guard we’re like you know what DJ knows the system he plays defense he’s 65 so he’s a bigger guard that can guard some of the bigger guards in the Western Conference sounds like you’d be fine with chipping him out talking to you tonight what would you realistically want for de Murray from the San Antonio Spurs I mean we already talked about it like I don’t even know if I want the pics back it’s like they actually we talk about we haven’t actually given an exact trade we’ve kind of given blips okay so if I’m the Hawks if I’m giving the Jon back I’m insisting that Vel has to be an deal um I’m also so you’re I don’t see that happening hey yeah and and I I don’t see it happening either uh I don’t know if they trade the Jon just for picks I’m G be honest and just Kell Johnson something like that they’re gonna trade Trey young also or he’s G to make it be known that you guys need to trade me you can’t bring back Kellin Johnson you can’t bring back uh Zack Collins you just can’t you can’t tell young and look him in the eye and say alexar and Ken Johnson or Zack Collins is the only move that we’re going to make yeah so the path between the Hawks in uh a hawks in Spurs trading would either be Trey Young on the full rebuild to get our pcks back plus some incentives or I don’t know how you get how you guys get back DJ with your roster I I I really don’t see how you get DJ he would have to fix you guys I mean Kellin gets mentioned all the time in trade rers he every third year in a row if it’s spur being traded it’s Kellin and I could see where demel would fit right next to Trey young immediately he not as well you’re supposed to be a 3D player and be a great defender but that defense is not quite developed as we hoped it would in San Antonio but he has shown flashes and flourishes where he can just take over a game in Spurs and just hit shots left and right and create his own shot we’ve talked about how it’s a good salary match so the Spurs trade Dem Mel bring the M back and now we have huge gap a hole in the two unless we draft somebody and the draft draft this year is every player’s got some sort of flaw I think that’s why people are crapping theft so much is you know Dilly’s too short or sasj can’t create his own shot there’s some something to look at each player and say this is a flaw on their game Stephen Castle can’t shoot a three yeah so I this has been talked about a lot and I agree with you I don’t think this is happening because it’s just gonna be draft capital I don’t think the spur is going to trade the picks they got back from you guys for him and I don’t think you’re G to want that in return because now you still have Trey young but you have you’re building around him with draft picks so waiting another two three four years before those finally hit their no no that won’t happen that won’t happen they trade the Jon it’s going to be for someone um either equal um scoring ability but from a different position they they literally can’t look at Trey young in the face and say hey Trey U we just traded the best player you ever played with even though you um share the same position uh yeah and and SAR is the only upgrade we’re going to do this team yeah he’s going to be yeah get me up out of here probably before he’s full on you know hitting his stride yeah yeah yeah yeah like look man you think there’s been a lot of chatter on Twitter Man U like Trey young dad coming out and saying you guys think luga was gonna come here he was never he was goingon to stay over I’m like man stop you’re embarrassing your son don’t do that okay so it’s just like the Trey young Camp is you know they got their rabbit ears on you know people this Dan the third lca’s in the finals now he’s feeling that heat and I don’t know if he actually requested to go get the jonte or not but I’m sure that they told him like Hey we’re trying to do this it seems like they talked beforehand about teaming up and doing yeah yeah they event over yeah so when I look at it Trey young don’t really have that say to be like hey go get me this guy now because it didn’t work and now we’re scrambling you know so he don’t even have like they want to keep him but his voice isn’t going to be really heard on what move they make that’s why I think R Shay is really interesting if the Atlanta Hawks draft re then you should be really happy cuz Trey young might young speaking of Trey Young Who by the way drives me crazy because I’ve done videos where I accidentally called try young Trey Jones and Trey Jones Trey young because my mind just got all these trads up on my head like just stop but this is the big one this is the obviously the biggest trade rumor that we’ve both been dealing with over the past couple months and then lately it seems like well the Spurs really aren’t interested but are they not interested or is that just the we’re playing that we’re not interested cards to you know make try to lessen the value of what we’re looking for you know in teams with the draft like we’re not really interested in alexar Zach we’re in in reality like oh please let him fall to us please let him fall to us but we’re gonna play the play the handl you know our Poker Face we don’t want them yeah this would be the biggest spur trade easily since the the quiet Leonard trade and for you guys I don’t know your history well enough the last big trade I can remember is when I think Dominique was traded to the Clippers ages ago right you play like half a season got traded and my my time right can’t remember if you guys had a big trade free agent I don’t remember that’s a dark day in Atlanta History man okay that did happen all right I wasn’t trying to be a jerk I was no no no no I know you weren’t I know you weren’t trade correct Larry he was traded way back I don’t remember traded him to the clippers for Danny Manny good Lord oh what Danny Manny damn I forgot yo but the funny thing is what the sad thing really the Atlanta Hawks were the number one team in the East had beaten all the top seeds one well one Series against all the top seeds we wi 500 for the rest of the season and lost in the first round and Danny Manny walked and went to the Suns I did not remember it was that bad I thought you guys got some draft picks or something was it a straight up one for one uh I I it really don’t even matter I forget the details of it I just remember that Lenny Wilkins and Stan Cen and Pete bcot all those guys were sitting there like yeah you know and they did it because they didn’t want to get him a new contract and look man that’s what I’m saying like guys it’s that’s how important this R is man like these guys got to get it right or everybody get everybody got to get fired you are spot with that think about where my team is if the Spurs lose next year and then in year three and then in year four if we’re not putting a t some sort of contender around Wy by then there’s some fear in the Spurs Community he may decide this place ain’t for me you’re not trying to win I’m a tall guy tall guys generally don’t have long careers I want to win now and you’re not putting people around me I don’t think that’s gonna happen I think the Spurs are going to do right by him and get the right and one of these right pieces could be Trey young I talked about earlier in the Stream if he’s the number two option if Wendy’s Batman and he’s the Rob and they’re running pick and rolls together and yes Trey Young’s a horrible Defender he’s one of the worst in the NBA yeah but when being has shown as he can block shots from anywhere in the court he can help compensate for that huge weakness in Trey Young’s game and if you put other capable Defenders around him they might be able to compensate for that lack of De so let’s talk about this Trey Young trade talk I have openly said I don’t know I’ve kind of leaned towards I don’t want him simply because he’s an inefficient scorer he brings no defense and he brings a huge contract I think he’s set to make about 45 million year the next three or four years I for how long he’s under contract we would have to give up the 25th pick the 27 pick the pick Swap and I’ve read on NBA expert sites probably another first rounder so it’ be four to five first rounders for Trey young yeah that’s about right sounds about right right and I was like that’s obviously it’s a huge risk to build through the draft it’s a massive risk you don’t know if guys are GNA be great or bust we see it all the time Tom Brady was a six round pick the greatest quarterback of all time Demarcus Roso first overall pick making donuts somewhere I mean you just you don’t know no you don’t you don’t but I’m a more traditional old school type of fan where my favorite players on the Spurs have all been drafted you can’t see them up there m Jing Tony Parker up there which were surprise home runs but they were home runs and Robinson Duncan Wy all draft picks yes they were if we were to trade so much draft capital for Trey young and then it doesn’t work where do we go from now you could you play other side and say well TS are what if they trade for Trey young and then this is the best onew punch in the NBA I could I don’t know you think so I know so I don’t I only see the Hawks twice a year it would be disgusting you mentioned wild wild threat the best wild threat in the NBA already now what his hype let me explain tryon’s efficiency WS let’s go through the roster DeAndre Hunter number four pitch in the Zion ra a guy cam reddish ain’t even on the team no more he’s barely in the NBA I last time I saw he was on the Lakers every team that gets him thinks hey we need a three that can play D and shoot a three but he can’t play defense um but so much and his three-point shot is horrible that was a part of of the Luca trade not only getting Trey young but getting a top 10 pick and turning that into another starter that’s what Travis slank because he was infatuated with Cam reddish we also facilitated the trade to get LeBron his fourth championship in the bubble because that trade doesn’t happen unless we add our pick to that to get the fourth pick for New Orleans it does not happen unless we facilitate so yes that man look when I look at Trey I see someone who feels like he has to do everything and at the end of season well just before he got hurt he would let DJ you know take over in the fourth and let him do his thing and DJ was like it was actually working like okay four quarter dejonte was real you know on my heard that fourth quarter de Jon was real didn’t hear that when when he was San Antonio just for the record dude it was real so I don’t know what kind of pixie dust that Quinn he had his best statistical year with Coach Quinn this year I’m so glad that they didn’t trade him at the trade at the deadline because his value is better like unless Donovan demands to be traded or Garland demands to be traded because he don’t want to play uh with Donovan because his his Road significantly went down yeah uh but a lot of people really under estim make the playmaking of Tryon like if Tryon had guys who could actually make baskets like we got Clint capella the Swiss bank no buttery bricks is what I call him cuz he he just slits the ball out his hand and he shoots a lot of breaks tro average 12 assists if this dude didn’t kick away or drop or try to lay the ball up underneath the rim and hit the bottom of the rim like it’s almost comical he a 10 assists he would average like 12 or 13 assists if Bish would have averaged 10 assists if the Spurs could make a three I don’t know many times he kick that out to the open guy because my man was getting double and tri times and it clang clang dingdong airball well Trey young shoots like 40% on spot up 3es but he rarely does it because you know again he’s bald dominant but if you have a big man he’s never played with a big first of all he’s never played with an inside presence that he could kick it down low okay Trey young literally wide open that’s easy money the problem is is Trey young is always trying to shoot over 66 67 68 Wings because you can’t even put a point guard on Trey or he’s going to cook him no one puts the 63 guy on Trey young oh we all forgot how he cook Drew holiday before he got his ankle uh stepped on by a referee like that’s a lot of Treyon slander going out there but again if you get him an inside outside threat like wimpy Yama that um that that would be disgusting actually but that’s why I like the I’m not saying that s anything like that I know he can be a law threat I know he can be a a possible Elite uh rim protector protor and live threat and that’s what Trey needs like Clint has lost a step several steps you know and there’s nothing wrong with that but again if you have a chance to get someone like SAR who’s an excellent rim protector uh jayen forget we haven’t mentioned S at the back end right before for his season ended I saw a lot of reports that he was starting to starting to develop his ability to create his own shot starting to maybe starting to hit some three so it looks like he might slowly be developing some sort of outside game which if he becomes a three-level player then on offense forget it dude I don’t look if he can sit in the corner once in a while like if he go pick and roll I I know he can pick and roll and catch a lot if he can pick and pop his where I seen him shoot this is on the wing try young gets at the top of the key pick and roll he picks and pop sitting at the wing they’re going to double team Trey young they always do the got to try to get the ball out of his hands if they can pick and pop and this dude is sitting there wide open he has a slow release but he hits it on catch and shoot I think they said 38% of course that’s over there that’s not NBA defenses understand the close out is to be much faster but if this dude can shoot 35% on wide open threes oh my oh I think we’re getting trolled Larry somebody just said the Spurs got Donovan Mitchell which I seriously doubt that’s happening no no no no hey hold up the Spurs got Donovan Mitchell nah they’re joking yeah they’re joking I not be excited about that uh I I don’t know what you guys would have to give up but down it would have to be a lot so speaking of giving up let’s actually make this happen Okay because it’s Trey young has been praising lmy there’s no doubt that it looks like he would love to play with him based on a lot of the stuff we’ve been talking about tonight he’s probably thinking man with that boy in the paint I’m gon be avering 15 to 20 assists the game yeah EAS much so what would you want as a Hawks fan for Trey young because I got to think about what I would be willing to give up realistically I think goes without saying the two the two picks and the pick swap that whole package you guys got for Dante you want that back I think that’s that’s an OP yeah you have to start with that I mean that’s yeah that’s the appetizer that’s the you have to do something about the salaries because you’re you’re sending 40 million our way so you’re gonna need to take some players uh and Dev Vel would have to be in that deal also he would have to be in he would have to period Point Blank you guys figure out what you’re going to do at two guard he would have to be in that deal he would have to be he would have to be and and hold up let me tell my I’m not trying to trade Trey young guys I don’t want to trade Trey young Ray Ray young Jr I don’t want to trade your son okay he just asked me a question yeah if it was going to happen he’s just hey this just healthy conversation right I don’t need to get on the band list um but but uh if the I think if the hwks draft ret I think they may pivot to trade Trey because ret offensively you know he Grays out to be possibly you know a lead dog if he actually you know turns into you know a great two-way player that you could play at the three or the two but if you pick sard you’re going to keep tra like look it would have to be those picks you get got from um de Jon of course obviously I would need another future pick and Devon Vel those are probably my sticking points I may not take another pick if you guys want to you know keep vazel maybe I won’t take the other pick but I definitely need all those but see in my heart I’ll say well what did I do I just traded Trey young for the Jon basically so it would have to another plus you see what I’m saying like we had to get the money straight but de Vel would have to be a player he would have to he would have to be the sell’s a former Lottery Pick and I don’t know if he’s a number two option on a team I think he would Excel as a third option yeah not solman him as a second option if we were to orate and we’re just for fun Spurs fans I’m not trying to get rid of deel but we need some salary matching so deisel somebody on the Spurs making 10 million I maybe they throw Zack Collins in there for salary match and you guys wave whatever yeah I the 25 and 27 pick would make sense to pick swap I could see the Spurs offering the Bulls Lottery protected pick I think it’s top eight protected and maybe a future protected pick in like 2028 or nine okay now you’re talking of future protected okay not heavy protection but you know in case the Spurs collapse you know top six or eight protection which we should be a contending team by then so it might not matter if you guys got Trey young you’re not worried about the 2029 pick at all you’re not you you’re probably hosting banners if you get one other player like literally I if he came here and I still think there’s a chance this could happen I think I think you guys might decide to build around whoever your first draft round pick is and I will say I did see something crazy from pounding the rock which is a big Spurs website they did now son Zachary race and they mentioned I think it was analytically speaking something where they broke him down that he would he would grade out as a second round pick so a lot of his oh wow a lot it’s high risk High reward because he’s only had and I don’t know a ton about him admittedly he’s only had one good season in the French league and you’re putting everything on this season whereas before this he wasn’t apparently not a good three-point shooter a lot I heard he’s not a good off ball shooter not a good can’t create his own shot so there’s there’s a lot of potential but if that potential doesn’t translate into the NBA game over the next few years he could end up being also a huge bust and I’ve kind of backed off on him originally for me my perfect draft was Rashi at four castle at eight now more I read about Rashi yeah he did go in the playoffs but you know and honestly you could say this about anybody in the draft every player in this draft has something that’s Canna make you back up and say my girlfriend loves Yukon she would love Castle to come to the Spurs he’s big a big point guard uh he played point in in high school but not in college he can’t shoot a three to save his life at this moment and the Spurs have been drafting a lot of non-shooters the last few years and the last thing we need around Wendy is a non-shooter can do you believe you can fix Castle shot and everybody in this draft you know Dilly I like Dilly but he’s he’s 61 165 pounds I house him I’m 6400 I mean he run it to me in fall over so I mean there’s so many question marks on this draft but the come back around to Trey young if he came to the Spurs I’d probably have that moment of shock of wow it happened how much did we give up and then I’d be like I’d be on L I’d be like you know what we’s got his point guard let’s go let’s go baby let’s get uh you know let’s replace champ Penny and let’s let’s try to win now but what I don’t want to do is what the Dallas Mavericks originally did with Luca bringing in Chris porzingis and trying to win immediately with D young guy they’re doing it right now with Kyrie Don having some years under his belt I like what OKC’s done you’ve mentioned the Thunder a lot they’ve they’ve had some luck too getting C PM uh was he was he drafted second overall getting a big number one pick like that yeah it’s tough it’s tough uh you don’t want to rush to rebuild but you don’t want me keep being a losing team with your friend guy so both our teams are going to have an extremely interesting offseason I think there be a lot of content to cover with the teams do you think we’re gonna do anything um in the draft with each other well since you asked I guess it would make sense because people are talking about this too yeah could the Hawks trade the first overall pick and I keep seeing his name in the chat so it would me just a rude of me to not bring him up on camera the one and only baby coyote with his legendary okay all right so this is obviously a big discussion oh we got Dominique right here oh I didn’t even see him back there yeah yeah bring him up bring him on camera that’s my Dominic Wilkins Little Egg you know you got different players inside tell I was never a Hawks fan cousin watching Dominique dunk and and back when the NBA had their stars in the slam dun contest Nick versus Jordan I mean those I don’t think we’re ever going to see that again think had that I forgot his name the little white dude that doesn’t even play in the NBA that just signs a 10day contract just so he can come in and win the slam dun contest I don’t want to oh I know you’re talking yeah mclung MCD M MCL yeah I want to see yeah listen sorry I’m not the biggest fan of him he’s a great player but I think LeBron started all this back in the day when he decided not to participate in the SL done contest and more and more players are like yeah one of the best players not doing why to doing it just more and more more it started with LeBron it started with LeBron because uh even Kobe did it you know even went up there and won it Kobe Vince Carter yeah de brown man like people actually took pride in being the best dunker back in the day yeah and also they wanted when you couldn’t miss not all these you got to you know you got two minutes to make it D or three minutes make no you miss a dunk like yeah you’re done so yeah so a lot of guys want to now I will say you know Aaron Gordon and uh and Zack LaVine had the best dunk contest competition yes yes Vince Carter is the best dunker Vince Carter is the best dunker yeah of all time in my opinion even over my boy dominate Vince Carter is the best dunker I would give it to him because he basically you know Elevate everybody’s thought process of what you can do with d contest I was on the fence for Vince Carter is the best dunker of all time then when he jumped over that seven foot dude during the Olympics and pretty much ended that D’s career like exactly all right yeah exactly so it’s just like dude you cleared a man in a regular season game I mean excuse me in the Olympics yeah that was s foot straight cleared him boom like come on man he’s he’s the best dunker all time in game you know competition I just like look man Vince got it but I still think my boy Dominique is probably number two him and uh yeah andoran you know I’m saying like those guys those guys uh all awesome dumpers all right so the first overall pick up Spurs had the fourth and eighth overall pick and then obviously we’ve talked about it tons of draft Capital moving forward yes how bad do you think your team wants because I think s ver are both going to go in the top three bar something weird happening between now and June 26 do you really think Atlanta wants to bring one of them guys in or they okay saying hey let’s get more Capital these are highrisk high reward type players because sar’s not a guarantee no well that’s why uh people are like waffling back and forth that’s why the hulks organization is waffling back and forth they’re doing that due diligence looking at all other Talent um I’m sure they’re going to have have private workouts with SAR uh Zachariah and Clingan and a couple of others think there’s a chance they would take cl cl they may if they want to go the route of uh they may move back and that’s when you guys come into you know that’s when it comes in like hey they work out all these guys and they say hey we may want to pick the big man out of Yukon if we want to get a better Clint capella type of guy who’s a excellent rim protector uh rebounder IQ you don’t need him to yeah um High defensive IQ you don’t need him to be even try to be a lead dog anything like that he’s going to fit right in with Trey he’s going to catch every log throwing his way and the pain is going to be defended so when you really look at that oh it’s storing outside sorry who where the Wizards could take him at F number two though that’s the thing like n what I’m hearing is the Wizard’s gonna pick whoever we don’t pick so we don’t yeah if we pick reash then they’re going to pick SAR if we pick SAR they’re gonna pick R so that’s why there’s like rumors that we’re going to try to they’re trying to move kma we need to um a three DeAndre Hunter is in it he’ll be a good Off the Bench guy uh and he actually excelled in that this season like he averaged like what was it like 17.7 Off the Bench put back in yeah but then when you put them in the starting lineup they drop all the way down to 14 so it’s just like maybe we have him come off the bench the offense could be his him and B by donovich you know what I’m saying they got good chemistry with each other uh you starting Jaylen Johnson now so he can be a starting four or three if you go get um Cal kosma okay now you know this guy can get you 19 points a game uh you draft and you just say okay if I’m not sure about either SAR Arash uh was Zachariah his first name uh I I might just say I might not want to deal with I might just TR with the Spurs hey guys give me that uh 48 here’s the number one pick who if we came to you guys we said okay we might like clinging uh more so hey Spurs you want the number one pick you want to match your um you want to have the Eiffel Towers out there Eiffel Towers is intriguing the the Eiffel Towers you can move wmy to his natural position of power forward absar but be guy he played better at the much better at the five than the four okay that’s the weird thing they tried Zack Collins at the five and Wy at the four to start the season and of course Zack Collins’s not very good so that that didn’t help either yeah I think Wy would stay at the five and SAR would play at the four well either way like defensively that would be defensively who’s getting in the pain how how are they getting in the paint you’re not no see that’s that’s why I was going to ask you like if the Hawks are indecisive about who they want to get and they actually want to get clinging instead then they may come to you guys and say hey what you want to do now I got it I don’t know that might be the way they’re trying to get one of the picks back also I don’t know but you tell me what would you do if say hey we got the number one pick right here here’s here how it plays out we trade the 4- eight for the first overall pick in draft star and the Spurs had the Eiffel Towers you guys get the 4- eight and you cling on at four and Castle drops to eight now you have a defensive specialist a card you trade off DE jante and you have two Yukon players great IQ great system and then you you build a championship up messing around um that would be tough because if the Spurs Draft four and eight I don’t think rash is going to be there at four I don’t think Castle’s going to be there as much as Spurs fans say man it great if that’s how it fell I don’t see that happening my my brain says it’s not my heart says man that’d be great if they fall but I don’t think that’s going to happen even with the question marks on both players they’re gonna be gone before and then okay so we have to ask ourselves what’s as a Spurs Manan do I want to roll the dice on the Eiffel towers does that work in today’s NBA because it was working for Minnesota to a point and then it just absolutely blew up against Dallas it just did not work I think goar May miss a couple games but the defensive player of the year um yeah I’m still about no that should have been Wendy in my op either wimy or ad were were much better than uh than Rudy Gober this season they only gave it look I was talking to hwks fans about this also because they were like no wimy wasn’t I was like look man it was either wimy or ad like if you look at Rudy gobear they gave it to him because he was on the number one defensive team the players around that’s what it was a team award that’s why he got it 100% 100 million team award cuz guess what w and AD can play against people in the on the perimeter it’s not just oh I’m stuck and they can Retreat and get the blocker they try to dump dump it down off the pick and roll you know even if they’re trailing just with that Wings span he gets there and and gets blocks that I’m like oh what the how did he get that so yeah man like they just didn’t want to get but didn’t he make First Team all defense May yes first first rookie to ever do so again Case Closed man I don’t even think Rudy made first team did he he did oh he did okay okay but still he made first team you just didn’t want to give it to him as a rookie that’s all Wy stocks were like one and a half more than than Wy had no defensive help it was still producing so I I want to get back to this trade though because I’m looking at it two ways that can happen Larry you have the SM were to do this trade and I I think the Hawks could go either way I don’t think it affects you as much as it affects us because you have players you can trade like de decide move on from him you have an established franchise player in Trey young and I’m looking at the starting lineup of the Spurs if we trade the four and the eight then we got Wy and s which hey I’m alling on the E Towers I mean come on come on now come on but then Jeremy soan demel and for the time being Trey Jones yeah our floor spacing could be awful we’ll be a defensive Beast probably the best maybe instantly top three defense in the NBA maybe even number one but those two out there certainly the best Rim protection at a starting lineup yes if we keep the 4 and eight likely they’re drafting a wing and a point guard maybe I see some spurs fans wait for point guard in 2025 the you know it’s a better class like you expecting us to get a top four pick again there’s no guarantee we could be picking 12th 13th or 14th who’s going to be available at that point so do you roll the dice with one guy put all your eggs in his basket or do you roll the dice with two possible starters and that’s gonna be a very tough decision for the front office to make for the Spurs and quite frankly for the Hawks too you know do you think s the guy or can you get the guy you want dropping back and getting something in return okay so you’ve got you’ve got me in a room the Hawks call up and tell me hey TSR first overall pick for 4 and eight we have to pay the salary now for a first overall pick which is g to be higher but I would think the combined salar are for8 eventually G be more do you that that’s that is a million dollar question I didn’t think this would be this hard to answer even though I’ve talked about it a little bit with my community yeah you know somebody else has mentioned in the chat too the Spurs could draft point guard at four somebody like the castle and then get one of the wings that have moved up in the draft like uh Fon Salon has yeah Salon yeah you know could the Spurs do castle and Salon or C dillian you he can he can play defense are you guys G to try to make him the next kawhai or something guard yeah no no talk about like Castle I think that’s where SP fans are equating him because kawhai could not shoot out of college and eventually yes he could Castle seems to have a good worth ethic my only concern and this is I think a legit concern is him putting it out there I don’t want to be drafted by a team that has an established point guard or something along those lines oh so one of two things you can read this one of two ways this guy’s going to be a headache in the locker room or he’s kind of trying to dictate which team he wants to be drafted maybe he’s looking at a team like the San Antonio Spurs me what young guy that’s passing the ball doesn’t want to pass the ball Victor wheni I mean just throw it up there let him do let him do it let him do his thing true uh maybe he’s trying to do what tyres halberton said tyres halberton told the hwks Do Not draft me yeah yeah exactly so yeah you already got a point guard you don’t need me you what I I had to step back for a second after I said that because I’m reading into that I think a little too much because I’m a New York Giants fan okay admittedly Eli Manning oh yeah yeah whole situation yeah my favorite giant of all my favorite football player of all time and Trey Knight and I think it was coming more from his dad than him and hey this could be coming from stepan Castle’s dad who by the way played with Tim Duncan in College Wake Forest so there’s a little yeah wake for us um things worked out fine with Eli and the Giants there was never a headache with Eli he tended you know doing a lot of community work won two Super Bowls it was just that one part of his career has a little little stink on it if you otherwise everything’s perfect and C could be in the same situation where he has this little blip or people are like oh he doesn’t want to play for a team with a point guard and then you never hear anything bad about him again for the rest of his NBA career I think as much as my David Robinson Tim Duncan Hart would love to see two bigman again I think that’s going bringing in sard delays the process even more because now we still have a question of Jeremy soan still trying to develop his shot and even Castle so’s trying to work on his shot drafon Castle he’s gonna work a shot like W’s on her bench he needs to work on a shot Mal brand was draft as a shooter he freaking needs to work on a shot everybody needs to work on their shot on this damn team for the most part [Music] yeah I think I would keep the fourth and eighth pick unless those you we trade something else either the fourth or eighth overall plus one of your first round picks probably not 25 but your 2027 first round pick and the eighth pick and maybe a second round or two second rounders for the first overall pick I don’t know yeah it would have to it would have to be that a lot of capital but expect us to be a winner by then the Spurs might be to prob I think that’s where I’d be okay with the first overall then we can still get our point guard or Wing or somebody if not a wing if we draft sorry but a point guard at four and 27 first round pick or eighth first round pick this year I don’t I don’t think Donovan’s going to be down there at eight I don’t Lester something else you guys want to get no maybe the pick swap too maybe that Bulls protected pick I mean the Spurs could give you a lot of capital if you guys decide hey we want some draft picks to work with yeah yeah yeah okay um me personally I’m the gym I’m not I’m not trading it but if they were going to trade it then that would be a very interesting um thing to do if they’re not sold on uh Zachariah or onar you know they’re not sold on those two guys then you may get call from us uh or you might be calling the the Wizards or you might I think they’re going to call the Wizards first they may just say you know what we don’t want to make the deal you guys make the pick first uh and go from there I don’t know if they feel like anyone our owner thinks on like marketing and stuff like that so I don’t know what their real thoughts are you know but when I heard that they openly said hey we’re worried about sar’s potential offensively uh he may not be what we want offensively they gave me Pauls me personally I did not hear that that’s that’s a concern yeah uh yeah and the Hawks actually said that like the organization so uh and then after they said that they went to France to watch uh Zachariah play so when I when I look at things I I truly don’t know what we’re going to do I think we’re making it too hard personally that’s what we do I feel I feel like the Hawks are definitely making it too hard I think SAR is a it’s a clearcut pick to fit around Trey young I think it would be like out of anyone in his draft he would fit the best so uh it’s a blessing we’ve never had number one pick ever in franchise history never so never this the first time in the history I did not know that in the history of this franchise we’ve never had the number one pick a friend of mine also they’ve never had a first overall pick and you he looks at me and you we’ve had three now and I honestly did not realize that’s such an anomaly in the NBA but when it is it is it really is you know to have like and that’s why when when uh Orlando did it with sha and then got Penny the next year it was just like oh wow you know so yeah it’s super rare to get the number one pick I mean I don’t even think the Knicks had it but that one time with um Patrick hu with Patrick Yu so yeah it’s really rare man you guys been blessed your organization has definitely been blessed CUA yeah that’s it’s super rare dude hell Minnesota has had more they had Kevin Kevin Grant uh Garett and then Antman yeah was a ant a number one pick overall too yeah ant was a number one pick so they had three wisman who was the other wasn’t Zion number one overall Zion Lon no but Zion went to uh Pelicans I said Minnesota oh I’m I’m sorry Minnesota Kevin an that’s it yeah I don’t know what happened there I had blood drawn today and they took like five vials out of me so I’m a little out of it that’s all right but no I in my opinion I think they need to get SAR uh I think that he checks all the boxes on what the Atlanta Hawks need uh we are the fourth shortest team in all of the NBA we run out there our biggest guy is Clint capella at 610 our backup center is is a yaka conu who is 68 69 um it maybe uh a lot of people have you know hopes for him to develop but we got to get rid of Clinton col first some people saying SAR wouldn’t even start over yaka kungu if that’s the case then don’t need get out of the pick if you don’t feel I feel like he was but there’s a lot of consensus throughout the hulks fandom and maybe in the Hulk’s front office thinking that he might not even start over yaka kungu which makes no sense to me whatsoever rich don’t ask me why they say that is this right I’m hear I’m a lot of people are starting to put in my chat Carl Anthony towns Andrew Wiggins and ant were all actually first overall picks for the Tim rves I can’t remember wigg oh my goodness yes wigg was he first Jordan was the Mayo Jordan number one I think he was number one I don’t remember that the maple Jordan oh wow wow wow good call good call man hold up I gotta give you a little justat I hold on hold on hold on was cat was cat number one so kg that was not a first overall this dudes had just bungled okay so I don’t feel it’s bad now I don’t feel it’s bad cuz Minnesota History is not very great they had so many number one picks wow Cavaliers had a lot too oh shoot Garnett was fifth overall oh my bad so cat was number one Garnett was fifth Garnett was a teenager so that year who yeah remember Joe Smith Antonio mcdice Jerry stack house Wallace and then kg and then kg Joe Smith Joe Smith before kg wow Golden State or took Joe Smith that didn’t work out too good wow yeah that didn’t work out too well that’s that’s okay so I was wrong about that thank you that’s not very good oh boy yeah ant was number one and cat was number one Andrew Wiggins was number one wow wow okay so I see you guys aren’t trading that first overall pick I think you’re gonna take yeah yeah I don’t I don’t think so I think if we do it’ll probably be to Washington right you know then whoever they the top two yeah we can get kma I think if they want kosma that’s the way they can get kosma let Washington C because they want to get rid of kma so we need another uh we need another like 19 legit 19 um Point score on the wing perfectly instead of being in a back court where you can defend both of them the exact same way you know what I’m saying they need that floor to get spaced I haven’t said this much tonight but yeah I’ve been putting Larry’s channel in the chat if you haven’t subed him up sub him up he’s a great dude it’s my first time working with him and we plan on going live for like 30 minutes or 45 we’ve been just chat for an hour we’re going to hit an hour and a half easily when it’s done because it’s just fun to talk basketball and not only talk basketball it get somebody else’s perspective on what’s happening with their team because I’m a Spurs fan and I’m on the outside you know not looking in or I’m the outside looking in what’s happening with the Hawks and it it’s great to get your perspective because we talk about the Hawks a lot on my channel because of the previous trade with deante but what’s going to happen moving forward are we going to trade for Dante we’re g to trade for tray are we’re going to trade for the first overall pick honestly knowing our Spurs I don’t think any of those are going to happen I don’t think think we trade for deante I don’t think we trade for Trey I don’t think we trade for the first overall pick they’re going to draft you guys they’re gonna sign some bum I’ve never heard of to fill out the roster and uh whatever the Spurs do no Primo number two what I mean by that what my that is if you don’t know Joshua Primo is you should he pulled his peeee out was in the news for a little while oh goodness no we we didn’t hear anything about that all right let me tell you a little quick uh quick uh about him so the Spurs drafted him 12th overall in 20 21 and he was projected to go around 25 okay so I’m not a huge college basketball fan so when I research players I research the players a few spots above my team and a few below so I can get an idea of who he might Draft when that dude was drafted my initial reaction like many Spurs fans was who and he he pretty much sucked when he was with us and in year number two was accused of sexual misconduct by his Spurs Spurs employees I think multiple females and was let go by the team oh I think I remember that story now okay so I’m not here to critique what happened off the court okay what you never want to have happen as a sports fan of any team is they announce a player’s name you don’t know who the hell it is or maybe you barely know who it is like a first overall pick SAR race and then if they throw out a name there that’s projected to go 15th you’re going to be you’re going to be flipping out you’re be like what you don’t want to see a reach as a Giants fan Daniel Jones is a great example of reaching that guy was not projecting those six over not bitter about that draft pick at all anymore six years later seven years whatever the hell it is um still thly with the team um you don’t want to reach and that’s what I don’t want my team to do with the fourth and eighth pick if they draft somebody that’s projected to go 15th and they’re rolling the dice on the fourth overall pick we can’t do that with W you shouldn’t be doing that ever even if the player fits a need you’re taking a huge risk on a guy that’s yes you have your own analytical ratings etc etc but at the general consensus among all NBA Scouts and all the experts these guys are going to go 20 to 30 and you’re making the lottery pick you’re sending yourself up for failure and I saw that failure because he was awful he showed couple flashes no pun intended sorry bad choice of words Yeah couple couple moments yeah moment being a capable basketball player but overall if you a very inefficient score and then I think it was with the Clippers with the G League this year he played like two games maybe 10 minutes and they released him done with him like he’s done there’s just I don’t want that for the Spurs and that’s my biggest fear is we do something at 48 that’s unexpected and that would crush me or the guy I want admittedly L had the draft two years ago Jeremy sow was taken number nine by the Spurs and for whatever reason Jaylen dur was still sitting there I was shocked dur was still available in that draft he was picked I think 11th by the Pistons yes he was was he was sitting there at nine I’m like we’re taking Duren all right we’ll move on from yaka pral halfway through this season which we did anyways let’s take what year was that 2022 okay okay okay yeah yeah yeah all right we had three draft picks in the first round and Duran was available at nine I was like let’s do it he’s been good in Detroit but it’s hard to rate players in Detroit with all that disfunction yeah yeah Detroit got a lot of talent but it’s just so dysfunctional out there they and not one but two years in a row the worst team in the NBA fell to the worst pick they can get yeah five was it two or three years straight two years I think three oh my God that being no I think it’s three years because I got a cousin in Detroit he was like how do we get the fifth pick three years in a row my God three years in a row yeah I was like wow that’s sound I want a I don’t know where I was going there I just just don’t reach on a pick that being said we haven’t really answered any of your questions so we def we have in I don’t know if you saw him sneak in we do have a new mascot on the channel I was at a comic showe a play guy I buy a lot of stuff from i’ given him all the money I had for what I was buying that day and I saw this and I was like oh how much are these it’s like five bucks and I’m like can you put them in the back until I you know I visit your show again and he’s like dude just take it so Mikey is now part of the family so if I didn’t have enough on the couch with me already with Miss TSR joining soon the whole cast is here tonight so uh you know they’re good dudes Brer rocking the headband because you know he loves Derek white Davy coyote the Spurs mascot and Mikey because Ninja Turtle okay yeah well uh again thank thank you for everyone who tuned in to the show my name is Larry one half of the Dixon way my beautiful wife sh is the other half we do live commentary for all Atlanta Sports so that’s the bra of House of Falcons Bulldogs he my wife Gator we’re house abouted as you can see we love college football you see the Florida Gator and the Georgia Bulldog right there yeah so and uh it’s been excellent talking with you um the questions everyone in the chat we were not ignoring you guys we just trying to get through the topics me and Rich want to get through a couple of topics now we can read your questions off so if anybody can’t tell I’m a Spurs fan but you probably may have figured that out the moment you saw me and I am wearing my Johnson here you can all see my Johnson right here there you go always being traded Hey so uh Q&A I guess you go first I’ll go I got a lot of comments but yeah I got comments actually don’t have any questions yet but there are there is a delay with what we’re speaking what we’re saying in might be fair as we go back and for kind of you know I do want to point somebody out in the chat okay she is Oh wrong she’s in France so it is like 2:30 or 3:30 in the morning so is is one we have quite a few viewers here on TSR sports that are watching from France and you guys any whatever wherever you are whether you’re in France west coast East Coast I appreciate you all hanging out with us tonight I haven’t done a live stream in a long time and this is the first live stream I’ve collaboration I’ve done with somebody in it might be like 18 months might be 24 months so take that as a compliment by the way that’s a huge compliment awesome man definitely has me going you know what I miss doing this so more to come hey think we got a new family member uh what’s your name your name cussing pop Drew how you doing man welcome to the Dix Away Family get on the train all the boy y get on the train Larry I’ll let you take this one why are the Hawks wasting Anu oh why are we wasting a conu uh because we have Clint capella and our coach you know plays politics whoever makes the most money plays I guess I don’t know man I want do but I don’t know if he’s actually better than Clint capella there’s a faction of people that feel like yaka kongu is being held back because our coach won’t play him over Clint capella they split minutes right down the middle 24 down the middle so if you’re doing that Clint capella rebounds doesn’t score as good as aaka kangu aaka kangu doesn’t rebound as good at him but he can get on on the break he can run he can hustle he’s better on switches when they try to isolate Clint or the center out there he can move his speed you know but he’s undersized also so he gets bullied by small forward sometimes so there’s pros and cons he plays well against Giannis for some reason so that gives people hope hey he could be our you know real Center I personally think that yaka kongu should be the four but he hasn’t developed that three-point shot to be efficient enough to have him out there in today’s game you can’t have two guys out there that can you can’t so that’s why yaku is still the backup center but last year he showed steps to developing that corner shot if he comes back this season with a better shot they may even you know they may they got to move uh if they pick s they have to move Clint okay so they’re gonna move Clint yaka cono is definitely on a good contract and yeah I mean he could there’s a lot of people think he may start and S or come off the bench I don’t think that I think they may have a big lineup it all depends on if a yaka kongu develop that three-point shot if he has that three-point shot and can spread the floor that means SAR can be the main pick and roll option that means we have a a option of yaka kongu to be able to shoot the corner three we have JJ Johnson um Jaylen Johnson as slasher also a very underrated uh playmaker also and a at a small forward position he’s an excellent rebounder so balance-wise it could work with the key is a yaka uh unlocking his three-point Corner shot it just for Quinn that Quinn wants that and if he can’t do that then they’re just using like yucka just like Clint capella and they’re not really using I mean hey call Coach Quinn you know what I’m saying the genius the genius I don’t know why you said you said something that’s very important and some spurs fans give me a little push back which I always app appreciate push back but there’s also the business decision I think teams are going to give players more of an opportunity if you’re paying that money Spurs fans keep asking why do we keep playing Zack Colin so much why are we playing SRA M kelles Val or Dominic Barlo two guys in minimal contracts one guy who just signed for 17 and a half million a year for the next two years yep they invested in them they’re going to play them especially when my team you’re clearly not making the playoffs you’re going to give the players except for Devonte Grim for whatever reason he was in the dogghouse all year but generally speaking the guys that have the bigger contracts are going to have the playing time and I definitely want to address something that somebody just asked because I this is one that I’ve been gotten a lot on this channel what is the dream scenario at picks 48 this was obviously relate to the Spurs and I’ve talked about this we need an upgrade at winning a point guard there’s I like julan champeny not a starter Trey Jones Is An Awesome backup in improv his three-point shooting to the point where after the All-Star break he was shooting I think 42% post All-Star break so he’s really improved that part of his game but he’s still under sized which you can relate to an under siiz guard but he’s not the Creator that Trey young is so they’re they’re night and day they’re not the trades are not similar in that regards that being said if Ray dropped a four which there’s still a possibility he could we don’t know what teams are going to do if he Dro to four and he’s projected to be a top two pick if he somehow Falls to four and it might be risky because of outside shot but we need more we definitely need more defense wy’s the only guy really playing defense on the court for us 99% of the time I would like castle at eight and I get some Flack from this Larry because a lot of Spurs fans joke on my channel oh that’ll help your personal life too so that makes sense because my girlfriend’s a Yukon so if Castle gets drafted by the Spurs now she’s gonna go n she already told me if the Spurs Draft Castle I’m buying a castle Jersey the next day she she already set in stone bet she would I know she would she she went Yukon she’s a Yukon alni she loves Yukon men’s team and women’s team her mom’s a big Yukon fan so I mean that it would make sense want just should get it y’all should draft them I definitely know she’ll be on the show then she’ll definitely be on the show then well she be watching every game probably she way watch every game exactly so win win Castle’s projected I mean he’s been projected as high as a top three pick so if he fell to eight I think that would be any combin of a wing and point guard or point guard a combo guard because I have some fence you I did a poll today actually I’m G pull that up give an idea what the Spurs community that we have here over TSR Sports is looking for a draft I asked simply you know if we draft a guard which guard you want and I dropped four names okay and we have 1300 votes all right at this moment in time Stefan Castle has 50 1% of the vote okay Rob Dillingham has 21% okaya topic 16% and Reed Shephard 11 those are the four I put up and out of those four I think my order is probably Castle dilling maybe Shep and then topic because topic scares me with two meat injuries this year that’s just yeah yeah I would go in that order also if I was you guys I would go in that order also so a combination of one of those guards that I just mentioned and then a wing race maybe Salon would be fine some people want Ron Holland just I want to draft at least one guy that we should be able to put in the starting lineup day one if both guys and Wy started but Wy David Robinson Duncan started David day one and that worked out right um what are you guys gonna do with um with Jeremy like he’s a point forward like no so okay well let me know you let me know what you guys gonna do with J someone in my chat just asked all right and I I got Jeremy soan his first year played predominantly the four Kelvin Johnson stared next to him as the three yes come this year the Spurs said hey let’s have our best lineup available so that way we’re going to roll with Zach Collins at the five Wy at the four Kelvin at the three Devon at the two Jeremy soan at the one they decided they’re gonna try to make Jeremy soan a point forward point guard hybrid and it did help him learn playmaking learn learned things at a point guard do that being said watching it was a freaking nightmare it was bad it was certainly not unleashing the full potential Wy Zack Collins and one on the floor was just terrible I didn’t like watching it it just there were of issues with that lineup Jeremy soan is in a tough spot because he was shooting the three well to start the season which we need from him and to his credit he’s willing to do whatever it takes to get better he’s shooting one-handed free throws when he was shooting two-handed free throws I think he shot like 68% as a one-handed free throw shooter I think he’s around 79 hey working whatever so he’s willing to put in the time okay he’s usually a good Defender but his three Point shooting fell off a cliff last year the first two months he was shooting I think around 38% we’re all like wow so’s hitting the three now he’s not going to be a liability out there and then he had like two months straight where he was like at 15% it was just goodness awful to the point where I kid you not yes I think I I clipped this on uh on a short on my Channel Once yes saw three Defenders sag on to wemi one Defender kind of look at soan and not even give him a time of day and Jeremy just standing there wide open and that’s what teams are going to do if you want to beat the Spurs let them shoot and I saw it multiple times in the second half of the season when he couldn’t when he was chucking air balls left and right with threes and then the next night the dude would come out and score 30 or grab almost 20 rebounds and you’re like what the hell like I don’t know what I have with you one night you look like you don’t know how to play basketball and the next night you look like you could be an All-Star and this is the San Antonio’s fur the last five seasons consistently inconsistent except for Wy who even on his bad offens offensive nights is showing defensively the rest of the team Dell come out one night 35 points goes perfect in the third quarter nine of nine I remember game he had like 23 points in the third quarter nine of nine was just on fire next night eight points there’s no consistency on this team whatsoever and sohan’s a big part of that there was a stretch there we had like one point 30 one point what the what what what kind production is that yeah TR me crazy wow okay well yeah I I was just want well someone in the chat uh was asking about um Jeremy so I was like hey that’s ask no no I appreciate it he is one of the many question marks we have on this teene Kellin Johnson a player I like he scored 22 points a game the previous season as the guy yes this year second half of the Season demoted to the bench benched at one point in the game after playing maybe four minutes after running into a defender on a screen and then just running into the guy shooting his three and pop said that’s enough I there’s just players on this team I like but then I watch him play sometimes I’m like yeah this isn’t going to do it anymore like do we need to move on from you soan too early to say move on he’s young only in year number three going into year number three if he does not show Improvement in year three then the Spurs serly have seriously have to look at moving on from him before year four I hope he works out okay uh yeah we have players like that that um used to play like AJ Griffin was in the hunter sounds like one yeah Hunter uh clink capella like Hunter uh we like Hunter Hunter excels on the bench I just think that he’s a quality you know role player that’ll be good on someone’s team he’s on a good contract we’re just asking to much of him and I think that the New York Knicks did well by just saying I don’t care if you’re the number three pick guess what buddy we’re trading you for Oobi and you can go back home and hopefully that helps your career but you weren’t the guy that we thought you was and the problem with is there were several times that we could have moved off DeAndre Hunter and John Collins at the same time to pick up better assets right after see I think that was the problem with the hwks they made it to Easter con finals and they thought they were set you know instead of using the young assets to actually put a better team around Trey you just said okay we’re fine and everyone got better around you and that’s the big key uh so when I look at the Hawks that’s why I I have a lot of optimism coming into this offseason and it really comes from getting the number one pick we can really shape our team it’s like getting another free agent that we just didn’t think we were going to get you know you can really shape your team into being you know a quality team like are we going to be a you know a top four team no no no but we’re not going to be in a play in and um you have depending on how far you get you have room to grow unlike you know prior to receiving that blessing of the number one pick you were going to make one move with de Jon and that was it you know you you basically getting a free player a quality player now he might be young but I mean if you get sorry he’s going to be the best big man on this team by far no doubt by by by far so even if his floor is Rookie of JJJ JJJ didn’t develop his jumper till three years later but if you could be that defensive anchor on a team that surely needs it you know we can score with the best of them a top five scoring team with Trey young like that’s the thing you go up and down our roster uh even prior to De jante getting here we were top three offensive team in the league our thing is defense so if I can get someone who projects Flor to be JJJ why wouldn’t I do that I just think a lot of hwks man and the organization is making it harder than what it should be you know um no I have not Kool-Aid thank you guys I see you guys in the chat you know what I’m saying but we just having a conversation though it’s been I mean hell we’ve been almost two hours man and we didn’t mention tonight because you were talking about trading for devell if we had a big trade yeah had two season ending injuries in a row and I forgot about that as somebody in my chat just mentioned I was like that’s right two season ending injures row he’s got a big contract as a Spurs fan that’s very alarming kelman is on a team friendly contract as it decreases over the life of the contract which is very rare in this day and age and as far as looks like a few people are defending a little bit about his age my big concern with soan is I swear I see his shooting mechanics change sometimes in the same game like his shot just it’s not it’s not at least you know Deon there there’s there’s form there you know with Jeremy I swear like it sometimes changes week to week and that’s my concern is if he misses a shot is he trying to adjust instead of just going what’s natural and now trying to you know put too much on it take some off I his mechanics definitely seem wonky to say the least but he is Young seems like he has a good work e work ethic it’s just I don’t know I mean seemed like he was starting to put things together a little bit with W at the end of the year as was Den Mel and they both got injured now they’re both coming off injuries too is that gonna affect them going to next season probably not the Spurs both teams have a lot of question marks that we couldn’t answer tonight because really we’re not we’re not going to know until draft tonight everything’s going to be a giant question mark till June 26 and 27th if you’re not aware the draft is two nights this year yes NBA uh first round Wednesday night second round Thursday night and yeah I’m be covering the first night since I’m heavy into the Braves this season uh I’ll cover the first night but I don’t want to you Miss like a whole series especially for the second I don’t even think we have any second round pick so yeah I’m just covering the first night so uh yeah I can’t wait for the draft man I can’t wait for the draft I can’t wait for these offseason moves uh yeah man I’m really excited but it has been almost two hours and it has been almost two hours he’s got a wife and a child yes I’ve got three kids of my own so you know well thank you for coming on the show man thank you for um doing this collaboration I appreciate you rich and hopefully we’ll do this again uh if there’s a big between one of our teams we’re gonna have to do something together at some point oh of course if we make a trade with each other of course you know I’m hit you up right on Twitter heo let’s go we gotta talk about this now it be flash we just put one up put up a show we whatever the heck their website is these days like real quick we we’ll definitely put that up really quick but man this has been excellent show a lot of fun thank you for um for hitting me up and I’m glad glad that you was willing to do it uh thank all of you guys who watch on your stream on my stream guys I put the link in the um this in the chat for Rich’s U stream just excellent content over there you know I’m saying and I just so happened to you know to meet him I just did a raid I was just randomly raiding yeah and and I’m I met Rich you know what I’m saying and he rated me back and you know we’ve been cool ever since yeah and a lot of people don’t know like um Tom gry raided us me and my wife was sitting here doing and Tom gry raided us and I didn’t even know what the raid was you know what I’m saying so I just see the I see the D going C going crazy and we’ve been getting like spam chats before so I thought that’s what it was so I was ignoring it I like Tom like what the 200 people in the chat oh my goodness so I was just like wow so we went over P Tim I was like you know what and that was like when we started uh like what was that 200 uh 22 it oh no 23 season we started 2023 I was like okay so as soon as we you know get enough people to watch we’re just going to do random race also you know just a just to pay it for it man play it for it and bring that good karma cuz you never know who you meet so I’m cool rich now he’s like if I’m not streaming I’ll watch Rich you know what I’m saying cuz I I’m interested in seeing what when we’re gonna do anyway so if I don’t have a game I’ll just I’ll watch in the game I’m like oh let we go and put on rich and pop in there you know likewise when you’re live and if I’m you know I got some free time like SAR see what’s going on yeah baset bom J let’s wrap it up my friends I’m going to close with my normal clothes if I can what you g to do when the dick way and TR TSR Sports run wild on you all right guys

A Spurs fan and a Hawks fan get together to talk about the recent trade history between their two teams and possible upcoming trades!
Sub up The Dixon Way!

#spurs #hawks #nbatrade


  1. Spurs have had some ownership drama in the past, but because Spurs were the only major league team, the city took interest in the team's ownership from a financial impact point of view. The problem with Atlanta is that there are other major draws in the city and so the city really has neglected the Hawks.

  2. Yeah Hwaks need to do a partial rebuild. Keep the #1 pick and trade 1 of their point guards to get some 1st round picks back.

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