@National Basketball Association

[Wojnarowski] Mourning wants to be an advocate for men to get PSA checks for prostate cancer, which will claim the lives of 1-in-44 men in the U.S. “There are 3.3M men living in the U.S. with prostate cancer and many don’t even know it. I was one of those guys,” he tells ESPN.

[Wojnarowski] Mourning wants to be an advocate for men to get PSA checks for prostate cancer, which will claim the lives of 1-in-44 men in the U.S. “There are 3.3M men living in the U.S. with prostate cancer and many don’t even know it. I was one of those guys,” he tells ESPN.

by XII_Mxuntz


  1. Emotional-Chef-7601

    That’s all good and all but if your doctor won’t run the test because you’re too young then that sucks.

  2. Shmokeshbutt

    Shouldn’t your family doctor recommend it to you during annual check-up once you hit certain age?

  3. NoLimitSoldier31

    Aren’t u pretty much guaranteed to get prostate cancer if u live long enough?

  4. YouKnowIOnlyGotBig1

    In many places prostate cancer screening has been dropped from recommendations.

    For every 1000 men tested with a PSA level:

    178 will have false positives, all of whom will experience undue anxiety and 4 of whom will require hospitalization due to complications from unnecessary biopsy.

    102 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. 33 will undergo treatment that would have never developed illness or died from the prostate cancer. Five will die despite treatment.

    One will escape death as a result of the PSA test.

    So if the only metric you care about is mortality then it’s worthwhile as a screening test. However it clearly increases morbidity.


  5. Snuggle__Monster

    /r/nba should have a get together where we can check each others.

  6. ktdotnova

    How do you get tested? At what age should you start getting tested?

  7. Strong-Piccolo-5546

    i turn 50 this summer. im supposed to get my anal probe for cancer for the first time. Supposedly you drink something that makes you shit your intestines out for a few days before it. Not looking forward to this.

    but dont want to die from asshole cancer either.

  8. VinylJones

    You haven’t truly lived until you’ve experience the gentle caress of a middle aged mother as she places your balls on a nice warm pillow and slops ultrasound gel all over your sack before spending the next 10 minutes making small talk about the general health of your 40 year old dick and balls.

    Wait until you get to shit in a tube and mail your poo poo package, there’s more shit in the US Postal service right now than your entire lineage has ever shat combined, it’s fuckin hilarious to think about and it really takes the edge off thinking about your own mortality.

    Check your asshole. Check your balls. Check your turds. And get the pros to do the prodding. It’s relatively easy maintenance compared to the horrors of menopause, and I’m sort of thankful for that.

  9. Windstonam

    I read that frequent masturbation reduces risks of Prostate Cancer. r/nba should be good.

  10. KrustyKrabPizzaMan

    Prostate Cancer is no joke. Literally snuck up and killed OJ out of nowhere this year. Reminds me of that tragedy

  11. Fake_Engineer

    My father passed from prostate cancer. He didn’t catch it quite quick enough, and it had spread before his prostate was removed. Meds kept it in check for a handful of years, but it eventually spread and claimed his life. I’m happy to see someone as his profile as Zo talking about it.

  12. breadbinkers

    So my dad has INCREDIBLY mild colon cancer. The doctors told him at his age it’s like 99.9999999% something else will kill him long before the cancer even grows a little. They found this out through elevated PSA levels and investigated more. Is it just because they’re in the same area of your body that this is related? The wiki isn’t making a ton of sense to me but I was a philosophy major not STEM.

  13. Prostate cancer isn’t really that bad tbh. Much more serious things to worry about in terms of awareness and research. This just seems like one of those things where someone gets affected personally so now they think it needs more awareness lol.

    Any cancer is scary of course, but prostate is *relatively* benign. I’m saying that as someone who will likely get it in the future (I know most people get cancer the older they get, but I mean younger than like 80 lol).

  14. Mountain_Analysis259

    PSA has ongoing controversy re its sensitivity and specificity. Currently, there is no ideal way to screen for prostate cancer.

    Takeaway: Get a urologist regardless. The same way you have a dentist, be in care. Be monitored. Stay healthy.

  15. No-Athlete8322

    Once had a gay doctor tell me to get together with the boys because “that” can help prevent prostate cancer.

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