@Portland Trail Blazers

Are the Trail Blazers TRADING UP for Donovan Clingan?! (Part 2) | Blazers Uprise Live

Are the Trail Blazers TRADING UP for Donovan Clingan?! (Part 2) | Blazers Uprise Live

e e e welcome back to Blazers supress live if you’re watching this back after the fact and this is the first stream from tonight that you clicked on part one lagged out we were in the middle of a conversation about Donovan kinging that I really want to finish here so if you miss part part one and want to watch it from the start there will be a link pinned in the comment section below you can go watch that then you can come watch this this was a continuation of the last stream um if you made it back for the stream thank you for coming back apologies about my internet I’ve done everything I can to fix it uh new modem new router new cables everything and Comcast still hates me sometimes so shout out to them for messing up the last stream But Eric I was about to make a point about Donovan kingan when we lagged out and you were speaking about him being a drop big and I think he is capable of playing some other schemes right but if you are a team that doesn’t want to play Drop most of the time then it almost just makes sense waiting to take a ye Missy at 14 because he’s going to be a similar lob Target as kingan right he’s more athletic a little shorter but more athletic so he’s going to be a lob Target for Scoot and then he’s better suited to switch he’s better suited to hedge he’s better suited to trap he’s just more mobile and I think kingan is still the better player because he just projects as a guy with a higher floor but I just don’t understand it from the Blazer standpoint with you have Aon if you really want with the 14th pick and the seventh pick if you really want a big that can defend on the perimeter trap switch all that good stuff you can wait you don’t have to take a center with a seventh pick you can wait and get a ye Miss at 14 so it makes more sense to use this top lottery pick for a wing for a forward for an upside play for something else so just to reiterate not a fan of trading up for Donovan kingan just not a fan of it at all just saying Scouts were surprised that oric tomy’s ability to switch on the perimeter to to quicker guards in the both the hoop Summit and the scrimmages at the combine just thought I’d throw that out there too this hoop Summit practice is like yeah the greatest thing ever um hey I’d rather I’d rather I don’t know I’d rather take CL like chamchi 34 and have him be our clinging than take kinging at three you know what I mean um I’m just not not a fan not a fan I mean like the Blazers need size but they need like physicality as well I I don’t know how physical kingan’s going to be at the next level and he’s had foot issues I don’t want another Blazer big with foot issues just just a lot of reasons not to roll the dice with a trade up there’s nobody legitimately there’s nobody to trade up for other than SAR and some people might say ret but I don’t think you’re going to be able to trade up for either of that completely takes trade-ups out of the picture for me because every other Prospect after that is even enough to me that I don’t care about giving up assets to trade up from Seven well with the rumors that both kingan and Rish have gotten some uh mentions as possible number one pick is there a chance SAR could fall to three and we could make that trade I mean I think that’s absurd but if it happens and the Blazers could trade up I’m trading Jeremy Grant and seven to get up to three to take SAR right if if there’s a slim chance of trading up for SAR then that completely changes the entire picture for me regarding trade-ups mhm so that prior comment was just based on assuming sard re say go one and two and the Blazers aren’t trading up into either of those spots um I think the most clearcut trade up spot is Houston at three because they could value Jeremy Grant or uh Malcolm Brogden and listen if we’re talking about trading up from 14 to three with Jeremy Grant then you can talk me into that because then you’re getting two picks in that tier 1B of prospects right whereas if you’re just trading up seven you’re not trading up a tier to me it only makes sense to trade up a tier of players to go from you know third tier to second tier whatever all this is very arbitrary right it’s just more for illustrative purposes doesn’t make sense to trade up from the bottom of a tier to a top of a tier of players if you have them all pretty close to each other unless it’s just a no-brainer deal like sure I’d trade a second round pick to trade up from seven to three but no team is trading down from three to seven for a second round pick it’s going to take legitimate value that is not worth giving up there was a new episode of Hoops Crush that dropped yesterday go check that out after the stream as well if you haven’t seen it but um I made the point that in a draft like this I think you want multiple chances at hitting versus putting all your eggs in one basket and I don’t really other than Alex SAR I don’t think there’s a single person in this draft that I would rather have two people at 7 and 14 than then trade both of those pick up for two or three or whatever uh I don’t think there’s a single person I would trust as this is for sure the guy versus getting whoever Falls to seven and 14 getting two chances to maybe get someone as good as the guy at two or three or or four or whatever I think in this particular draft it’s different than a lot of other drafts I just don’t think there’s enough of a discrepancy between um the value they’re at three or four versus 74 so I’m I’m just taking two stabs at it versus one yep yep so with this 14th pick uh one more thing about Clingan before we move on yep um I just want to say like even though I’m I don’t have cling in that high either on my draft board but um I’m not trying to say he’s like a bad Prospect for this but we know for a fact the Blazers have defensive issues at their guard in their guard rotation right yeah and until that changes until one of them becomes a good Defender they have to find the right players at the other positions that allow them to be on the floor together and have a scheme where you can get away with their defensive deficiencies by having your four and five man or you know three four five be the kind of guys who can offset that defensively and in my opinion having a drop big is not the right thing and that’s why I’m so high on Alex SAR especially for the Blazers is that I do believe he could be one of those switchable bam out of Bio um defensive centers that can completely change your whole way you set up your defense around those guards and can overcome some of those like kind of like at Evan Mo um Evan Mobley with Cleveland Jared Allen type um and if you get like I know Walker Kessler is a good rim protector but if you just trade for Walker Kessler this summer and put him as a of our team I I don’t think it maximizes everyone’s ability so to me the best scenario is finding a four and five that fit those qualities not finding a guy who just provides Rim protection because our Rim protection is suck lately yeah and at the end of the day we give up too much Tribble drive too many shots around the rim in general and sure kingan might intimidate guys but you got to fix the attempts at The Rim issue that this team has had even before this past year like they had it when they had Dame when they had CJ when they had ant like you know ant next to Dame and a lot of people blame nurkic but the percentage at The Rim weren’t too bad but when you’re giving up a ton of shots consistently at The Rim it’s tough it’s tough and the problem is too the Blazers don’t rotate well out of that and if you rotate a lot because you’re having to cover for guys you’re going to end up with your center crossmatched it’s just going to happen and especially with how poest the Blazers are with transition defense you’re going to end up crossmatched uh I I think there’s a chance that kingan might be better than I expect hedging trapping you know playing out on the perimeter defensively like I think there’s a chance that he’s just quick enough to be able to do that like effectively and isn’t just drop big at the end of the day this is all projection right um for us and for the people that do this for a living it’s it’s simply projection the draft that’s why you get people that get it right get it wrong but it’s tough because kingan’s like clear projection is he’s going to be better as a drop big than running other schemes and I’m just not a fan of it because it’s passive and I don’t think it fixes the attempts at The Rim issue unless the defense is completely collapsing and then they’re stuck in scramble mode and they don’t do well in scramble mode and kingan’s not going to fix that so beyond the whole eight thing I just there’s issues on this team that they could address with other players that have more offensive upside so that’s why he’s not a top seven guy for me for the Blazers if I’m the Wizards I would probably take him top seven like I like his combination defensively with avdia and kabali long term but you know different teams going to want different players don’t think cling it makes enough sense for the Blazers to trade up for him if you take him at seven like I kind of get it but still you got Aon so what’s the plan with Aon is he your long-term starting center or not because ultimately you’re going to have to answer that question the next two years he’s a free agent two years from now and I’m sure he wouldn’t be too happy with the Blazers drafting a center only at seven or trading up trading assets to get that player of seven unless he really wants to play the mode so I don’t know this is a fun storyline to pay attention to because it’s like do the Blazers really want clinging that bad are they are we going to be raging on uh draft night again like you know I don’t know it’s kind of fun to speculate if we’re going to be mad or not but just so all you know before people say oh you guys you guys just hate everything they do you guys are so negative we set the record there are players that we like we’ve talked about them at length there’s moves that we’d like we’ve talked about them at length I think they’re reasonable and there is stuff that we don’t like and we’ve talked about that at length just like we did now with Donovan kingan and trading up for him if the Blazers trade up for him we are simply not going to like it we do not think that’s the right move so if that’s the move they do it’s not hindsight it’s foresight okay and maybe we’ll be proven wrong but I don’t know man like every time I’ve hated something the Blazers have done in the draft it hasn’t been a good move so maybe this is the first one kingan’s going to be the next Wy I don’t know I’m just a YouTuber and for the people who are asking would we rather have kingan or Zack Edy uh th% Donovan kingan I think we both agreed there um yeah it’s not even close in my mind but um preferably neither but yeah I’m definitely if we had to take one of the other uh even if it was clinging at 7 or Ed at 14 I’m taking clinging at 7 yeah I do have Ed in the very end of my first round now do you because of some of the players that dropped out although you didn’t have as many players first round that dropped out as I did I feel like yeah most of mine were like Fringe first early second but yeah I I don’t know like maybe Ed can move his feet a little bit better than we expect or maybe he can improve at that and at that point he has up a little bit of upside like all of ‘s upside lies in him being able to move his feet better than I expect him to be able to right would you agree Eric like if Edy could move his feet well enough to guard a little bit in space like cuz ultimately he’s going to have a lot of length so he can give a little bit more of a gap if he just had quicker feet would that kind of change the tune on him for you or is a lot of it like offensive too uh yeah I just I mean obviously if he had quick feed it would change the game I mean he didn’t measure decently in some of the combined drills um for quickness uh he beat kingan in a lot of those um so may maybe it’s a case where he’s a little quicker than we’re giving him credit for but I still think he plays very upright and stiff so even if he was quicker on his feet I I mean maybe he can learn to play play differently but like almost all his moves offensively are just kind of turn around and shoot the ball and you might be able to get away with that against some players in the NBA but not a ton I just I don’t there’s no like wiggle or craftiness or anything to his game I don’t think it’s just pure size um and uh yeah I mean I don’t know I just there’s so many players that I think have higher upside than him um that I I don’t know I just I I don’t really see it that much yeah I mean let me phrase it this way you could talk me into him in the 20s I don’t like him higher than 20 but his his upside might have a higher floor to it like his like I I don’t know how to explain that like we talk about some guy’s upside is like so far out there with like so many traits needing to be developed to the fullest extent that it’s like just very like unrealistic to me whereas like him is just okay can he move his feet a little bit better and like will he be able to finish plays off the pick and roll like finish over guys I don’t know I could see that more than I could see like somebody that has flashes in like every area but isn’t good particularly at any area like maximizing all those things so then it’s just like that intriguing conversation of comparing those two and that’s why you can talk me into Edie in the 20s yeah I mean we’re talking about with uh donon Holmes if he had like a good backup position like behind yic or something I could see a team like that taking Edy and just where you know you only have to give him like 15 to 20 minutes a game at the most and uh you know you can kind of limit how fatigued he gets by just having to be the backup but to me that’s once again I’m not taking someone who I am planning on being a backup center in like the top 20 so I mean maybe maybe you could argue like late first but if you’re Phoenix though you really need a backup center that can play a little bit more when nerk gets hurt and you need a guy with like some physicality to him with like a size Advantage well you’re gonna get LeBron okay one quick note on that if LeBron is gonna go wherever Brony goes then the Lakers are just going to draft bronny at 17 so if they don’t draft bronnie at 17 and the draft Brony at 22 I feel like the only reason Brony slipped past the Lakers because LeBron ain’t going there you said this Theory last stream did I I don’t remember um but that was for anybody that didn’t hear it last stream I don’t think that’s realistic for the Suns to get LeBron for that reason but I could be wrong I didn’t think it was realistic for them to get Bradley Beal and then they did it so well the Lakers they’ve been talking all year about once the season was over if New Orleans didn’t take their pick which they did not um that’s already official um the that they have three first to trade so what if they get like dejonte Murray or Trey young or something and don’t have that pick anymore but we’re picked up like a second round pick to get Brony I don’t think LeBron’s turning down 50 million to go take a minimum if that 50 million comes with Anthony Davis and Trey younger whoever or dejonte Murray like but there is a small part of me that’s like watch Phoenix the Shameless star Chasers they are will find a way to bamboozle the league if I’m Phoenix first round if I’m Phoenix I mean they’re kind of screwed anyway um other than that pick they can always sign minimums and stuff like why not just like make her whole offseason just an attempt to get LeBron bro if like Devin Carter’s there or ye Missy is there well yeah sure a 22 of yeah like that helps their team next year so their pick is going to be very fascinating to pay attention to but 14th pick for the Blazers um I don’t know it’s it’s it’s tough to get a feel for where they’re going to go for it we heard reports earlier in the offseason that oh yeah they’re probably going to trade it I saw some of these couple people say recently that that’s no longer the case I don’t know Eric in the past month or so has your feelings on what you think the Blazers might do at 14 changed uh well now all the Talking Heads are saying they’re keeping the pick so take that for what what it’s worth yeah I mean that’s logical because you’re not going to get a meaningful veteran with the 14th pick in this draft Yeah like it just doesn’t have enough value and there’s no point to trade it for a fringe rotation player you already got a ton of those I forget that if this was in your video or on stream but you mentioned how you always yeah it was on your last video uh let me just say this recorded it like 3 weeks ago by the way yeah but you you say you always want to do your due diligence on pick so like you don’t want to like not yeah listen offers for the picks or whatever but this is why like months ago when they were all saying oh they’re Blazers are GNA for sure trade the pick or whatever that’s so stupid because one you don’t know what’s out there and two uh like why would you just like what and this goes back to the Blazers not seemingly having a plan ever or sticking to a plan or knowing like what kind of Direction they want to go in it just it always seems to change and now it’s like oh we’re planning on trading this pick oh wow like we’re going to keep it yeah no crap you’re going to keep it you’re a rebuilding team with like two lottery picks why the heck would you trade that like it makes no sense so um like I don’t know maybe the only thing I can hope for as a fan and this sucks to think about but maybe they’re finally going to like just resign themselves to the fact that they are actually rebuilding and do it right and I mean that’s the best I can hope for right now because all the other Alternatives is just that they have no idea what’s going on or how to do it or how to formulate a plan or how to execute a plan or how to stick to a plan or anything like that so if they can’t the alternative is that they’re just so incompetent that this is just par for the course like wishy-washy not knowing what to do anything they’re doing so I I don’t know man but if is if it ends with them keeping the picks and drafting people and going young and and trading the veterans this offseason I’m I’m all for it yeah 100% um it’s kind of weird because I’d be happy if they had a boring draft which it’s kind of sad that we’re at the point where we’re just rooting for them to be as mundane as possible like I feel like okay there’s a lot of buellis fans out there but I feel like if they went like buellis 7 and Missy 14 that’s kind of a boring draft but I’d be very happy with that or if they went Holland seven and I don’t know we 14 like that’s boring compared to other options out there but I’m completely fine with those combinations of guys it’s just kind of weird to be in that spot um I do wish this 14th pick was higher because as we get into risers and fallers I go back and forth on a lot of prospects just because it’s it’s there’s so many guys that are so close and you know you watch tape on a guy feel a little bit differently right um I have one Riser one Faller Eric my Riser is some it doesn’t make any sense for the Blazers but bub Carrington every time I watch him play he just screams like three Lev scorer at the NBA level like some that’s going to be able to get to his shot and playmaking can be a little bit iffy but also he didn’t have much talent on that Pittsburgh team with him last year uh he didn’t have the best efficiency but the way he gets to his shots is impressive and I think it’ll translate pretty well to the league he did average 4.1 assists 1.9 turnover so over 2 to1 assist turnover ratio I think he can be an okay solid playmaker take list him at 65 he measured at 63 the combat I I bumped them up simply because if you’re looking for upside a guy that can get two shots has a level of shiftiness three level scoring upside is more upside than a lot of players that I had over him so I bumped him up to 15 I got him 15 right now and a lot of lot of the movement is just me like rethinking certain players like that I’ve always liked Bob Carrington I liked him i’ had him as a first round grade when like there was like no buzz on him and now he’s gotten Buzz again now he’s like consensus late first I’m just not I’m not denying the creation ability because it’s something that’s lacking in that range yeah that’s Myer my Faller you’re not going to what’s up I’m not going to like this you’re not going to like this you’re not going to like this at all yeah because my follower is tjon Salon m t on Salon I go back and forth on Salon I go back and forth on Salon I just I watched some defensive tape on him Eric I am not as hopeful in his defense as I was a couple days ago I didn’t realize that he like I’m not somebody that really cares a whole lot about blocks about blocking shots but I know so I never really paid attention to his numbers and it kind of shows up on the tape too for a guy that is 6′ n 6′ 10 with athleticism he’s he doesn’t block shots per 36 averages 0.3 blocks ir and maybe it’s something he can develop but there’s just some guys that don’t have the feel for it or whatever like Myers Leonard he’s 7 for one athletic could never block shots and did not protect the rim well at all despite his size and athleticism I when I watch the lawn it’s that and he’s very upright defending on the perimeter of course stuff he can learn because he’s only 18 on draft night but I just look at him as like his upside lies in him becoming a good three-point shooter he shot 32% so it’s possible but shot 32% can’t be super confident in that happening for me personally the creation stuff like he’ll have a flash here or there but it’s just a Flash and there’s still some really bad moments really bad turnovers like I don’t know if the Field’s all the way there he works really hard but can you work on field I’m not sure then the defense the rim protection isn’t there the perimeter defense I don’t know he have a flash here or there but I just think he’s very upright and every aspect of his game it’s like if he develop that to its fullest extent he’s a star but for me it’s very hard to have the confidence in him developing each thing the amount that it needs to be developed because he’s raw in so many areas right now I think it’s more likely he becomes pretty good solid at a couple of those of those things and it makes him a bench player if he can be like a 38% shooter that can switch out and defend then yeah maybe that’s a starter if it starter on a team It’s just tough for me to have the faith in his upside man like I have him 12 right now I he’s getting a lot of Buzz right now it’s just tough for me to have faith in every single thing developing yeah Fair uh a lot of his lack of Rim protection is because he is on the perimeter guarding a lot and he his best quality on defense is getting in the passing Lane so he’s often jumping out on passing Lane on the perimeter um like one pass away stealing those type of passes versus protecting the rim so he’s not around the rim a lot to block shots but um there there was there was some tape of him like just kind of shying away in that regard and I know he he’s big and athletic I feel like he doesn’t play big enough well he doesn’t know how to use his body yet and that’s the same with like his finishing and his drives and stuff like that he just like and that’s why the flashes to me show that it’s in there somewhere and if he can figure it out um I I just I don’t know how likely that is to happen but he does I I don’t know I would he does get to like he he doesn’t finish well but he does sometimes like in some games he gets to the paint he just like takes a really bad angled shot or shies away from contact like you said or something like that whereas if he learns how to use his body more uh which I don’t think is that unrealistic I I think a lot of those things will come easier and more natural to him I just think that’s piling another if on top and it’s like watching Aon you know what I mean aon’s a guy that just shies away from contact mentally like offensively and defensively and it’s I don’t know like sometimes I feel like that’s a bit of a trait that you just have or you don’t if he gets stronger he can learn like he’ll be more he’ll Embrace contact more if he gets stronger that’s just natural of course but it’s just another ifp on top and then like a lot of his a lot of the drive stuff like not enough of it is like handling the ball in driving it’s like ball gets swung to him Defender closes out hard he attacks close out and gets downhill which is good but it’s not like starup side to me if he’s just attacking Closeouts getting downhill he’ll have it’s not that he never has possessions where he creates off the bounce and beats his Defender it’s just not often and I feel like if we’re talking about him with his like upside it’s oh he’s a guy that can handle the ball and like break down a defense with his dribble and I just don’t see enough of that to have faith in that but once again he’s a very hard worker and he’s very young so I get having faith that all these things will pan out for me is just too many too many ifs too many ifs right now I’m okay taking him at seven taking that swing I just I think he’s going to need probably at least three years to be able to contribute to a winning team maybe he can do it two but it’s probably three well good thing we’re not going to be a winning team in the next three years so that doesn’t matter it’s just if he’s still not good two three years from now are we hanging on to him I don’t know like you got to see it happened us so don’t worry I don’t know they yeah he’s he’s the fun guy he’s the fun guy I get it he’s a fun player he’s a fun guy to think about what he could be I agree that his overall ceiling might be as high as anyone’s in this class I’ve never once argued that his ceiling is not huge it’s just How likely is he to get there that’s the that’s the part that I’ve struggled with and and that’s the part we completely disagree about well it’s just like you’ll see him have a good game and you’ll see the flash is like yes yes oh man he could be really really good and then you look at the stuff that’s not so good and it’s yeah there’s but those have been less and less lately a lot of the bad stuffff is from earlier in the season I just there’s always guys that I feel like are upsid trap guys in each draft couple years ago I loved usang Jang now I feel like he was an upside trap guy an upside trap meaning like you he shows flashes in so many different areas that if he could do all those things consistently would be a freaking fantastic player so has all this upside that you can buy into all these flashes but then is just too far away for him he’s not able to be consistently good even at anything and then it means he’s not a good NBA player at all um so I I feel like every draft has a guy that’s an upsid trap guy I feel like that could be salon for sure but I mean Jane did show some stuff this year uh maybe he’s he still could pan out if he’s like three years away maybe it’s his second year um so that was more of a long-term thing we we often kind of push that if they’re not good in their first couple years like they could never be good it used to be more often that people weren’t good right away but anyways um the [Music] uh I don’t know I I lost my train of thought but um yeah I don’t know I forgot what I was going to say somebody brings up repair like repair is is fun because it’s like man the defensive potential the ball handling potential the three-point shooting potential I love taking a chance on that with a 43rd pick on all those traits a little different conversation if you’re talking about seven um you know I I if if salon’s there on the board of 14 I am literally submitting the pick the moment the Blazers are on the clock if I’m them for him if in a in a heartbeat I just that’s where I wish they had a little higher pick than 14 because I do think there’s still a chance he falls to like 11 12 I wasn’t super high on Jen though I don’t I don’t know if they’re the same type of player even though he did show a little bit of ball handling ability I I was still worried about some of his other stuff I think the three-point shooting was pretty similar the off the dribble shooting questions were similar like I didn’t necessarily like the way a shot looked though compared to Salon it’s funny because I don’t like the way Salon shot looks as much as jings I was fine with Jen’s form I mean end of the day shots go in shots go in I I don’t know if they’re similar Shooters they’re similar Shooters to me like percentage wise um I don’t know I I just had more faith in Jen able to create shoot off the dribble pass like in his field for all that than I do like salon at this point but it’s hard for guys to become you know the top two Creator on a team it’s it’s tough to get most 610 guys do not end up being creators anyway yeah and that’s the thing that Salon might have over Jen if you compared him at this point is Jen’s ability more so Li in him having the ball in his hands where Salon I think projects is a better off ball player and therefore a better role player mhm I just he he has to defend better um he’s one of those guys I worry about him just like being a little too stiff defending the perimeter uh a lot of guys his size are um he he either has to be somebody that can switch out onto guards or protect the rim to be a like legitimate plus defensively in my opinion even if it’s secondary Rim protection he has the athleticism he has the physical tools to do it so you know in the has been Tau yeah I yeah in theory he could be a good room protector it’s just man I I don’t know I don’t know he’ll be fascinating to watch especially if he’s on the Blazers but he’s going to be one of the guys we watch for a long time and see how he’s he develops but also where he goes is going to to determine how he develops mhm like if he goes to a Detroit team like I don’t have as much faith in him compared to if he goes to I don’t know San Antonio or a team that has more of a reputation for being capable of developing players where does Portland fit in that I don’t know I was going to ask that what type of Port I I I don’t know yet I don’t know yet do you have any risers or fallers as of late no none that we haven’t talked about maybe doot still Rising a little bit each day on my boards yeah doet doet fan club I wouldn’t hate Portland taking doet at 14 yeah me either um he’s intriguing he’s intriguing assuming his measurements are somewhat close to what He’s listed at yeah I do I started to sleep a little bit on Collier like Coler is one of those guys where I hadn’t watched tape on him in over a month and I you know watching other guys like oh I like this guy move him above clier oh I like this guy move him above Collier before I knew I had Collier at like 23 and then I watch a little bit of tape on Collier just because it’s a hoop intellect video so I watch him again I like oh yeah Collier is intriguing it’s just literally a refresher but that’s the tough part with I don’t know that’s the tough part is watching tape on a guy liking him and then moving down a guy you haven’t watched in a while simply because it’s like not fresh in your memory that’s what I struggle with so I’m trying to dive back in on some tape with some of these guys too and just get a refresher because I’m trying not to just start sleeping on a guy because I haven’t watched him in a while yeah but Eric I’ll say this there is a clear-cut top 24 to me like clearcut top 24 to me is mogbo in that mogo’s 25 then there’s a clearcut 25 well I have jacobe Walter at 24 that’s a drop off I have kesan George at 23 I have k w at 22 I feel like that’s too low but anybody I move them above I feel like guys 21 to 24 are too low and should be higher but no matter who I put in those slots I’ll feel like they’re too low like I think that range of the draft is actually pretty damn good too bad we had the 23rd pick last year instead of this year um but it’s like do it I like D durisic I like durisic Tristan D Silva I like d Silva man if I have D Silva 23 24 feels too low to me Devon Carter Collier I just moved up Bub Carrington like none of these guys seem like they’re 20 21 22 ranked players to me but clle we 22 measured great can shoot can move a little bit just motor questions but got better like he could be a really freaking good player so I think that range is very intriguing to me and then it’s funny because there’s just a run of big men after that mogbo donon Holmes Zack Yi Chi and then I have Trenton flowers 29 so that’s where I’m at right now thanks salar shout out to arvar for gifting a Blazers uprise membership to Eric of all people shout out to Alvaro shout out to you Eric for getting the membership thank you alvie for gifting memberships that’s fun what’s up alvie how you doing alvie announces his presence by giving you a membership anyway shout out to alvie always gifted memberships we greatly appreciate it anything else Eric for the Stream um Garbin wants to know who we take at seven and 14 uh SAR and S I don’t know like it Go depends on on the board it depends on who who’s on the board like Ron Holland or buellis at seven and then Salon if he’s there at 14 or Cody Williams if he’s there at 14 and if not then Jaylen Tyson but I like Jaylen Tyson more at 14 if we take buellis at seven then Ron Holland so it’s all like relative and we don’t know who’s going to be there in yep so anyway anything else ER thanks everyone for watching appreciate you all uh hope you all have a good day uh we’ll be back Thursday evening back on this channel yep talking about the NBA Finals game one if you missed part one of the Stream it lagged out this is part two so go check out part one if you want more thoughts on the NBA draft times being announced and Donovan kingan we greatly appreciate you guys hanging out with us tonight shout out to aaro for gifting the membership uh video coming tomorrow mock draft with trades looking forward to that and with that being said that’s a wrap to this edition of blazers surprise live have a good rest of your Monday night or a good Tuesday we’ll catch you again live on Thursday until then as always peace out go Blazers

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  1. Yo Eric. I ain't angry in anyway when I say stuff, idk if that's what u perceive from people, but I ain't that. I watch every stream and rewatch parts too even. I know u stated u say it every stream, in which u say what picks y'all want after knowing we have 7 14. But man, I jus wondered about updates, that's all. It wasn't anything I meant in an argumentative way. This is my fav channel and obsessed with this draft with blazers, so any update I need to hear ha. That's all

  2. 3 level scorers are highly valuable. But at 6 foot 3 in bare feet, Carrington sounds like about 1,000 guys his size.

  3. You're worried about a 6 foot 9 player who doesn't block shots?????? Is he allergic to rebounds like Jerami? If he's not allergic to rebounds, I wouldn't worry about the shot blocking.
    Rebounds = Rings.

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