@Miami Heat

Is Jimmy Butler Leaving Miami? Ep. 534

Is Jimmy Butler Leaving Miami? Ep. 534

e [Music] Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami [Music] Miami welcome welcome welcome to the Heat beat podcast I’m your host on Carlo Navas and with me today reality checkm Tiffany Meeks how you guys doing we been chilling on this wonderful Wednesday last Wednesday Wednesday of May quickly approaching June and the NBA Finals also with me today got 2K coach co-founder of stream beat draft beat Insider Frankie G draft beat 2024 what it do what’s up [Music] guys we also got uh other draft B correspondent coach Lou Saucy takes he said June the NBA Finals what are we talking about 28 days baby June 26 that’s the date that matters what’s thee that matters I just want to point something out Lou is Coach Lou and Co and Lou coached like fifth graders I was a high school coach for like eight years and I’m a 2K coach this is some I don’t even remember I don’t even remember how that joke started I just remember it started and I remember you had objections to it years ago years ago no the K was the one that that had the objections first cuz it was it was uh I I remember the podcast it was me you Nikas and Alex Toledo and Alex Goes Nikas you play a lot of 2K what would you do in this situation da da and Nas is Like um Frankie was a literal coach oh my God 2K Coach Frank titim could you imagine someone’s like you know you play a lot of 2K what’s your what are your thoughts what should they run just like what’s a 2K oh boy TI have you ever played 2K IBA Jam live no nothing just not a gamer not like LCA I mean I had PL I I have plans like just like I have a goddamn life TI’s like married like I dated women like I touched grass right like there’s numbers in my phone people bought meat drinks was like I I was an actual Hooper guys come on actually was a Hooper and a soccer player fun fact long time ago long long multi multi you’re the you’re multi aete athlete Legend multi so I got a question though Lou when’s the next time you gonna light that beam um it’ll be June 26 when the Miami Heat walk up to the podium and select stay tuned for next week no it has to be after every Celtic loss in the final oh for sure the the yeah it’s just a fun fact as soon as the Mavericks make the finals after every Mavs win I will like to sign up not in honor of Dallas but in shame of Boston there you go it’s just gonna be me here for five seconds that’s it just laughing that’s all you need the sign bro I saw this tweet the other day and I I it resonated with me so profoundly and it was it was really just saying like Dallas has to do this Luca it’s on you to dismal the Celtics this is a an edict from God it is and I agree it’s on him it’s on him and uh we’re not going to bore you with finals talk and being a hater but we will talk a little bit about so we have uh we’re going to talk about kind of some of the young guys on the heat today and kind of where we see them in the offseason and for summer league but we have to start with the Jimmy news and we had this pod planned and then this whole Jimmy stuff dropped so obviously you know we’re as we’re dedicated to the news and current events will bring you this and it just kind of seems like I don’t know guys it just seems like more of the same Tiff where he just wants to get paid he wants his money I don’t think anything that anybody has said is anything new it’s like yeah he wants his money Miami is gonna have a chance to extend him and if they don’t he’s gonna opt out and he’s gonna get his money and I I don’t think that’s complicated and I don’t think that’s anything new and I kind of looked at it as no news but you know how Twitter gets yeah right it’s weird cuz we were here like three weeks ago we were here two weeks ago we were here a week ago and we’ve been here ever since and it’s like people are reacting and overreacting to the news like it’s new news but like I I I was saying to you earlier I don’t know why people are surprised that like he wants to get paid like we all want to get paid regardless of what situation you’re in what job you work you want to get paid um whether or not fans feel like he deserve the money that’s up to them whether or not the heat feels like he deserves the money that’s up to them but we all should walk into the front door of our establishment and believe we deserve the money yep so whatever happens happens um you know I don’t really get into it on Twitter about whatever it’s not my money so I’m always like you want to keep a guy you pay him and you figure it out um but I’ve said if you keep him then you got to figure out a way to stay a contender and be better MH if you’re letting him go because you don’t want to pay him then you need to open the door wider let him go and let a lot of other people go and start watering the grass on the other side MH he’s not leaving man I don’t think he I don’t want him to leave but you got to play Devil’s Advocate either he’s there and you’re paying him which means you believe you’re winning which means you need build a winning team or you’re not paying him and you need to let a lot of those other salaries go and you need to turn the other Leaf I just don’t see a Universe where they just say yeah we’re gonna get out of the winning playoff games business that’s just I don’t know that’s just they’ve never they’ve just never done anything that they’ve never sold have guys have they ever sold anybody for parts no no just can’t yeah like even if they’ll run some [ __ ] to their yo dog Pat Ry will run that [ __ ] into the sun if you have to there is no emergency landing not like that Spirit Airlines flight that landed in the did you guys see that tweet yeah no that that shows oh one dude there was one guy that tweeted he’s like somebody woke me up from a nap and goes hey yo dog you might want to wake up they about to land this [ __ ] in the ocean they put it on life that’s Pat Riley to the he fans right everybody hold off for DN life that was that was Tyler in game in the playoffs when Jimmy went downit in thece no that’s literally what they were telling uh Dion on the plan from Denver Wasing Dion was seeing people on the wing yeah like why are we in space right now why why is there a man sitting on the wing she seeing Jason with the hockey mask on the W how’ you get up hereo but for real though you guys really think okay what do you think they want to do like let’s be real let’s be honest do you think they’re gonna pay him yeah I don’t think they’re going to pay him I think they’re just going to wait no they’re going to pay him they have to they have to C eventually they gota like decide at some point are they goingon to pay I just think that they’re going to do it they don’t have the guts I think they pay him I ultimately like it goes back to the Dwayne thing they don’t they keep they’ve stated for almost 10 years they don’t want to re rehash that mistake with Dwayne make it again and this is literally the opportunity to not let it happen again I’m sorry the I never believe the 2018 1311 guys signing them made a difference in free AG I don’t think nobody ever said I want to play for the heat because they gave Deon waiters a four-year contract or James Johnson a four-year contract it’s always been about the Stars it’s always been about Dwayne how they treated Dwayne how they treated Jimmy uh and this is their opportunity I think they they’re gonna take care of Jimmy and honestly it’s one more year uh like if it was two more years I I’d have more of a debate for it but one more year I’m not mad at it just take get it done that it won’t be the reason they can’t do anything uh their other mistakes are are the reason they can’t do anything pay Jimmy take care of him he should retire in in a Heat jersey I think he’s did you guys see the bad boys yeah video he did yeah he wants to stay here he’s not leaving bro he’s doing [ __ ] with Will Smith and [ __ ] Martin Lawrence and doing the bad boys and opening the door and picking G I don’t think he wants to leave but I think he’s he will leave if he if oh no no yeah if they play with his money he’s walking out that door they’re gonna pay or or he’s requesting a trade and he’s going to sit out or not sit out but he’s he’ll play this year no I don’t think they he’ll half ass it because nobody’s gonna give him the max if he half asses it at his age you’re right so I I think that like I understand if the org is like bro you got to play more than 60 games I understand that that’s completely reasonable I’ll take 60 games but no he plays 6 games he should play between 65 and 70 this is That’s The Sweet Spot 65 games can is doable for him but I want if he’s going to play 60 I want him to play no I honestly think okay and I and I told you guys all season I didn’t think he would look any better than he did the first week right I said that he didn’t and I was right and you know why I was right because that man been pushing that boulder up that hill for how many years so basically looking like Atlas I I I I feel like an [ __ ] saying it but I mean he got a he got rest this year like he got rest this season do you know when the last time Jimmy hit the threshold of 65 through 70 that was years ago 17 2017 exactly that was years ago he got he got the 65 in 2018 2019 between his Minnesota and and Philly year 65 on the dot but he could get to 65 next season but that’s contingent upon your team is better he not getting to 65 if he has to come out opening night 38 minutes every single night and the defense the offense the this the that like you have to have a more balanced team to where when he needs to take over he’s taking over this team is not balanced in any way shape or form so there was no way you were going to be in a decent place all season and him be healthy enough to carry CU you saw what he looked like in the playin before he got hurt people want to they don’t want to talk about it he didn’t look good he looked like half he played but he was playing hard but he didn’t look good that was the difference so if you really if you’re really gonna pay him you really say okay if you’re playing 65 games we got to make changes around him for him to be able to do things that you want him to do I think ultimately he just gives a [ __ ] about his money at this point and I wonder I think it’s pretty clear that like winning I don’t want this sounds unfair but I think that like when you see the cap situation of this team and you are like Max or bust I do think that winning is not your number one priority and I wonder if that worries your organization a little bit not I think they should pay him I think that like you just got to get it done and then whatever you give him his four-year extension he is 34 years old right now M he is 34 so you know you take him to I think he has one year left and then it’ll be so you take him to to year 39 not ideal but you just say [ __ ] it till the wheels fall off you’re going to put him in champ but like I get I get the organization having trepidation to be like dog you in this for for this or what like you know I don’t know but I I get I get Jimmy I I just struggle with giving somebody 35% of the cap when they’re 36 37 years old and we’ve already seen the decline this season that’s where I struggle and I guess people think I’m too crude for that but realistically that’s I get it man like you want to keep the relationship going you know what I think is the best way to keep the relationship going Jimmy look we’re kind of scared to pay you this money give us three places you want to go we’re going to try our best to get you there they don’t do that but they’re not GNA do that but I’m saying I think that’s the only way to make [ __ ] work at least you know if you are scared to pay him that much money I just don’t know why you scared you’ve already like you had him dragging the wagon for five years and this is no KY L Pon intended like you’ve you’ve literally had him pulling the town on his back for five years and now all of a sudden there’s fear I think they’ve given him help particularly early on last season they didn’t they I think he had help in the bubble and that’s we we have to be really honest but he wanted he wanted Larry they brought him Larry then they got him PJ then they got him PJ so that’s two years you know like I’m like so it’s been like a year two years that he’s realistically he drugged the wagon um last year when we made the finals so two seasons like I guess they gave him that’s half of them though it’s like half of them yeah it’s it’s 40% of them but like and I mean they also gave Mo harkless so can we count that season two exactly exactly that’s like an extra bad one yeah that that was the worst one started mooh harkless of power forward that’s something that that while drafting press Su over tyres so like let’s think about all those things remember is that a top five worst offseason in heat history oh for sure and the fact that like Gan was already injured that that off SE was [ __ ] dog but again they’re in this position I don’t know the you know I I it’s a tough situation it’s a tough conversation to have because in theory I think both sides can be completely right and both sides can be wrong like it is what it is because that but that’s a that’s the delicate beam that they’re gonna have to try to walk on right you’re gonna have to pay him and it’s going to be the wrong decision and you just got to be okay with that that’s it that’s really that’s really it cuz they’re got to be okay paying him and then all of a sudden him just being like him going from being the dark night to him just being night I gotta be honest that’s it you gotta be okay with it they’re not good enough to win a title and I don’t think there’s anything that they can realistically do that will make them good enough to be a title even with Jimmy on the team correct and they’ll say we made the finals a year ago and they’re right they’re right he’s worse I don’t care what the [ __ ] you tell me I would be stunned if he’s that good again and you lost almost every guy who contributed on that run and Caleb might be out the door next which some people might be really happy about that so you know like you’re gonna lose everybody except for bam and Jimmy that were a part of that finals run because Tyler was hurt and that and that guy’s worse and Bam I gotta be honest has not really improved in a couple years so it kind of is what it is he he hasn’t he hasn’t made the strides you need you need marginally he’s improved very marginally he has not improved enough that you’re just like oh bam is better so it’s okay right so you have that reality and I just think that well you’re caps in Hell either you don’t want to move hero or you can’t move hero about if you can find the money to pay Jimmy you can trade Tyler somewhere stinks that’s you that was what you cast a chip on and that guy’s not that good so I don’t know I I’m just kind of like you you just [ __ ] sign him and then just be okay and be a [ __ ] five four three seed lose in round two maybe get to a Conference Finals win a game or two and then that’s kind of the ceiling I think I just don’t think they’re good enough I don’t think that they can do anything to beat Denver I don’t think they can do anything to beat kind of some of these better teams out west although Dallas is GNA make the finals and they could probably beat Dallas but different conversation they can’t beat Dallas they have the cheat code to beat Dallas we’ve seen them have have repeatedly said this we’ll we’ll make we’ll when a guy becomes available we’ll we’ll do what we have to do they never prepare honestly prepare for the the guy being available they there’s no plan in place they’re just we’ll we’ll be ready when it happens we’ll adjust when it happens there’s no like for foresight in this [ __ ] build and this has been an issue for the last [ __ ] eight year eight plus years they’re just like oh when the chips fall with their May we’ll do what we have to do and they haven’t they haven’t the only time they’ve been able to do that on this level is to get Jimmy Butler and that was lucky because he was a free agent and you’re uh and uh Philly [ __ ] ruined that relationship and decided it for you because they if Philly just gave them the contract they want that he wanted he would have stayed in Philly and they would have been [ __ ] but everything else they they wait for the moment they don’t prepare this needs if you’re going to go with with Jimmy whatever if you’re GNA pick Jimmy or if you’re going to trade him whatever this this offseason needs to be hey I need to start preparing for the future I need to get some flexibility I need to get whether it’s I’m going to be able to have flexibility to uh cap space for free agency whether there’s to get some future assets and draft picks some some guys that can trade and or picks I can trade and or um something to make moves or develop put my guys in in position to develop you talked about Bam’s lack of development how about he he had the same almost the exact same percent of assisted two-pointers as Nicola joic not yic joic he was asked to create as much as Nicola yic the [ __ ] MVP one of the greatest offensive players of all time and he’s asked to do the the same amount while being the a deep Point candidate on the end how about getting him a [ __ ] playmaker how about making it easier on him yic uh yic developing and and and being uh a floor spacer and some actual size in the front court is a step in the positive but the offensively there is no [ __ ] plan there’s no plan to help help [ __ ] make things easier we talked tff when when they were making Tyler the starter uh when they gave him the contract what did we say if you’re gonna make Tyler the starter you need to get him in position to with a point guard that’s gonna guard point of attack and make the job easier for him instead you said let’s put K and CA and [ __ ] 64 Caleb out there and let’s play the smallest starting lineup in the NBA like you don’t they don’t [ __ ] think about making their their young guys jobs easier they just go hey this is what we have let’s just [ __ ] do it let’s go let’s go with the flow and there’s no consistency in that yep I agree they they asked Bo and Company to like patch up all like the fuckups of the front office and um chicken [ __ ] and chicken salad yeah it’s not to say like you know our front office isn’t horrible but just like what Frankie saying like all all the biggest thing I could take away from it is like imagine you really wanted to buy a pair of shoes and then when the pair of shoes drop they’re there for you to buy but they cost $200 and you’re going in there with 50 cents and a pack of gun and you’re like this is all we have but we’re gonna get that shoe like it’s doesn’t work like that and then it’s you you you know if you have enough to get the shoe then you you bring the shoe in and then it’s nothing you got no other clothes you going out there next with shoes on like that’s how the heat are like realistically if they cash in all the chips that they have they’re going to go out there next year and if they don’t win that [ __ ] they’re gonna be [ __ ] butt ass naked for three seasons in a row Lou and and they saw the the [ __ ] uh delivery guy dropping shoes off left the truck open stole the shoes one time and they think I could keep doing that I could keep stealing shoes that’s my big plan it’s [ __ ] ridiculous there’s no plan there’s never a [ __ ] plan in place they they are too [ __ ] stubborn beginning they got [ __ ] like and I’ve said this a bunch so it’s like I think when you’re I think the Houston Rockets are a good example of like once you Peak at that point the reshuffling is going to give you negative returns and I think like they peaked that year you know with Chris Paul Conference Finals missing 27 threes in a row or whatever it was that point they start reshuffling right and then all of a sudden guys get older and now you’re trading guys for s on the dollar so you’re trading Chris Paul for you know whatever diminish Russell Westbrook who’s just worse than what Chris Paul was giving you and then you have to trade westbr G so you just keep shuffling the deck but every time you get a little bit worse but you change the face and I and I think that when you get capped out that’s all you can do when you get to a certain point in your cap and you’re just all locked in there’s nothing you can do because you’re just trying to get rid of a contract that you don’t want that nobody else is going to want so you just trade your contract for somebody else’s bad contract and hope like one of it it works out for one of you and when you’re doing that you’re just very rarely going to get better and I just kind of think that’s where Miami’s headed they’re all capped out they traded Kyle’s bad contract it wasn’t even a bad contract it was an expiring contract but they traded his contract for rosier’s contract that’s not very desirable right now and now they’re they’re in the the first apron and they have all these shitty tax implications and all that stuff that we’ve talked about and they’re just kind of in that position and they’re going to keep Butler I I’m sure that they’re going to pay him I actually think that it’s funny that we’ve spent 25 minutes talking about this and people have been crying about it on Twitter all day the heat are not going to let him go to the Sixers the heat are not going to let him go to a they’re gonna pay him they’re gonna pay him because they’re gonna what they’re gonna do is they’re gonna they’re gonna wait it out because they don’t have any obligation to pay him right now there’s no reason for them to pay Jimmy Butler today other than to make him happy which might have been the right thing to do but that’s just not what they’re going to do right now they’re mad that he does not show up to work enough and they is to get your contract out the mud yeah exactly and I’m pretty sure they’re just going to everything out the mud I think what they’re going to do is they’re going to light a little bit of fire under him which is why I don’t think you know we’ve seen Jimmy make a stink of things Bernie Bernie Lee his agent has not made a stink of things publicly Bernie Lee is defending Jimmy and everything and and not saying anything bad about the organization and I think they know that the or trying to light a fire under him Jimmy’s gonna be like okay bet I’ll show up to work and if I’m gonna I’m going to play a great all NBA season and then if you don’t want to pay me somebody else will and I think that’s what the heat want the heat want him to go out there and have a nice little contract year and it’ll be all hunky dory and fine because they’re going to put him on Championship alley they’re going to do all the things that they want to do with him even if they don’t win a title with him and they just they don’t want to go through that stuff I’m gonna do a I’m gonna do a segment I like to call reading Brian goin’s DMS this is what he said about the Jimmy contract to give some clarification on on kind of what other teams can offer him and what the heat can offer him Jimmy Butler could get more more years if he Ops out after the second after after the season versus doing an extension right now which is essentially just adding on a one year of money if he opts out Miami could offer up to a four-year contract since they have his full bird rights which would add another three years of new money and take him into his age 40 season if he opts out and decides to sign with another team he’d be limited to a three-year contract since they would have since they would not have full bird rights which would add another two years of new money and that would take him to his age 39 season the he are going to keep him they’re going to keep him till he’s 40 probably retire after that or soon there after or maybe even before that who knows he might not even finish the deal uh knowing Jimmy he might just want to open a coffee shop in Bogota or something yeah I don’t know wait wait so you think that’s better than just giving him the [ __ ] contract now I think that they want him to play really good and then reward him with a contract I just think that they want to motivate him I just think that they don’t want to just give him the money after he just had his Worst season in a heat uniform what does that but I think that’s I don’t disagree with you L that’s what bad parents do yeah what is this fix this fix I also I also think that’s way you made him happy you the you pay you pay him one extra year or or two extra or two or two to three extra years is that where the debate is at a Max at 40 it’s bad parenting if you don’t want to pay Jimmy at 35 why do you want to pay him at 40 i i there is no [ __ ] way a Miami Heat fan should be happy if a contract extension is not signed and Jimmy is not traded either he signs a [ __ ] extension or he’s traded if he goes into the season and he plays it out and he opts out I don’t think they’ve offered an extension but they haven’t offered that’s what I’m saying so either either he signs the extension if he’s offered it or he’s traded if my if Jimmy Butler goes into the season without an extension [ __ ] offerer signed and he just goes to play if he opts out and he leaves for nothing after what Frankie has been saying like after what the [ __ ] the fuckups that they’ve had for so long like what are we doing then he he’s gonna go to the [ __ ] he’s gonna go whever he wants for free like we’re not even gonna get a pack of gum on the like on the return hold and and then you paid [ __ ] uh James Johnson for nothing because that you did the same [ __ ] with Dwayne that you just did yeah you’re it’s like it’s like what are we doing here we let him walk away if Jimmy if you are not offering Jimmy that extension when does it I wish Brian was here when does the league year start July 1st July 2nd ju July 1st at 12 I’m calling a Philly what’s good Houston I heard y’all have the third pick y’all want a star what is up yeah [ __ ] that Memphis you got nine what is good I’m calling around the [ __ ] League Oklahoma you have 74 picks you don’t think you could have used Jimmy Butler like what are we realistically what the [ __ ] are they doing if Jimmy doesn’t sign the extension he’s just on the roster oh we want to see you play for what I I’m so mad man let it all out bud I I get that that’s the option I I get Brian is just pointing out the option but man I think that would be royally stupid so [ __ ] dumb I think I would much rather just like I I’m like 75% give him the extension 25% trade him uh over that letting him letting him opt out and then resigning him that’s a 0% for me that’s a zero% I do not want that that’s awful that’s awful Team Management you’re plus you’re you’re risking pissing him off for nothing I don’t disagree with you I’m just saying that that’s what I think they’re doing because like I just I just don’t Tiff I just don’t see them not paying no I it’s bad paren I need you before I feed you to go and clean your room like what do we do after you clean the rest of the house too right like it’s just bad parenting but G you’re absolutely right I can see them saying we just want to see you do X Y and Z and guess what he gonna go out and do X Y and Z when when you finish her broccoli you can have you can have your chocolate hook if he leaves like if he has a great year and they don’t win the championship and he leaves like how how does a fan base react to that like you you told Jimmy to to do this and and you and you let him leave to another team like you’re you lost your franchise star again and we’re supposed to and and now you’re left with nothing again when you could have just traded him to not win a championship and be be in a better spot with nothing if he walks away that’s you’re you got Tyler and Terry Rosier Tyler and Terry Rosier entr in the Sila you got to make me puke this water I’ve been drinking you got something I mean is really good maybe that Jamal Kane guy has been MVP in the in the nowhere whole swier era exactly I’m gone Shaban is is right here I’m gone I there’s I can’t I don’t want to watch that dude I’m not I’m not trying to watch that dude I’m sick of the factory of white people they turn out right I’m sorry but like I just oh I can’t wait till you see Johnny Fury please that’s not a real name is not a real swear to God swear to God an ex the soprano it’s an a he’s an Australian too who looks like Australian mate who looks like he uh what did you say today Lou what do he what the [ __ ] was that right that’s my impersonation he looks uh Johnny wait a second wait Lou was gonna do it smiled then realized this is bad and he lowered his volume you heard him right he whis yeah like oh my I thought he I I was waiting on L to be like Fosters St with your chest with your chest [Music] [Laughter] he looks like uh yeah that’s definitely I sucked I’m sorry but he looks like he owns a law firm in Melbourne he does oh my God he looks he looks like uh he’ll say my father will hear about this Australian chat people are offended yeah oh Aussie Aussie Aussie Aussie I mean if they’re Australia they’ll respond Mitch Mitch you got 10 seconds to respond [Music] [Laughter] down under mate oh God mine was better than mine was better than loose this is horrible L sounded more L sounded like he was more New [Music] Zealand I’ve never been to that part of the world oh he called you a he called you a kiwi why do they call him kiwi kiwi gr there I had a Kiwi from there once shrimp on the Bobby what do you mean by [Music] that move along Move Along why do they call New Zealand I’m kidding um okay so don’t want to spend the whole show on Jimmy but we did want to touch on it a little bit in reality Frankie had messaged me earlier before this news broke he’s like hey man can we uh can we do like some Nico and ha talk and like some summer league preview talk yeah like the degenerate [ __ ] that these [ __ ] drafty people like hell yeah Summer League preview for the [ __ ] hoopers is like Tiff Tiff call me today we ain’t talking draft and [ __ ] right cuz I don’t want to contribute I like me neither Tiff Tiff if if you don’t be Frankie I don’t know these people I know I know but if they let Jimmy leave I um you photoshop me as Sterling K Brown and Pat Riley as JLo yes if you know you know yes that’s where I’m at with this [ __ ] team right now no but no I know I know Tiff the no I we just wanted to talk a little bit about the the summer league guys the the young guys the G League guys coming back obviously uh we’re g to start doing draft talk draft beat is an effect I believe we’re GNA start next week uh Tuesdays Wednesday or Wednesdays depending on what uh game what day of the week does not have a game um and it’s gonna be me Lou uh Brian gos and uh moose and and some Shaban uh when she’s available but yeah we’re excited we’re going to do I think it’s going to be like four episodes before the season uh before the draft actually starts so uh stay tuned it’s going to be a lot of fun we’re doing a lot of homework right now I’m so tired of watching [ __ ] g-league basketball it’s exhausting that doesn’t look very fun it does not it is not I mean it’s it’s really you’re you’re in the depths you know because there’s good basketball on the W’s on the the the games are good I’m watching all of it and I’m I’m my eyes hurt and then you have to watch shitty G league basketball when you could be watching Cameron Brank blocking shots I stay up to two in the morning for this you guys l a real sicko like you guys are crazy I’m basketball out like theend show your notebook show Lou’s got a mol skin notebook man yall not ready for this I got three notebooks three the other one’s in the car because I it’s whenever I’m on the road and like you know it’s just you’re doing more draft prep than Pat Riley for sure man for sure he is this [ __ ] deep in here I showed the empty pages cuz it’s a middle I was like that’s that’s the that’s that’s the one that before I got an upgrade but this one is about that’s a lose a sicko man there’s a lot of pages here hold up I got you I got you look at this man right here you got look at that just taking hand he doesn’t want to zoom in CU his handwriting sucks does it that looks pretty good oh it’s so [ __ ] bad dude especially when I’m writing at 2 in the morning can you imagine not for me Lou Lou stopping at red lights and dra writing thoughts on Devin Carter he says Lou is a LeBron of notebooks yeah just know just know we are prepared this year we are prepared this year don’t listen to the haters say that this draft sucks this draft sucks for people picking one not for us are we prepared when they say and the Miami Heat have traded the pck to I actually want that so in reality that’s the best content that’s what’s best for the show is all this prep for them to trade the pick or trade out of their spot you you know how scared we’ve been the last few years of draft beat I put in I put in my two weeks notice as a Heat fan that’s that’s literally Mo moose and gos don’t really talk in the in the group chat like often as much as me and Lou and and bond do uh but gos will R would go every year since the draft beat chat has started gos goes they’re gonna trade this pick it doesn’t matter and they hav traed the [ __ ] pick it’s so annoying because I’m still on edge I’m still on edge [ __ ] trade the pick we got like5 to spend right we trading these pcks I’m so if they trade this pick I’ll be so pissed all this but they have two picks so we still have a job to do listen here they have a second yeah 15 and 43 folks stay tuned that’s a tiff that’s real sicko hours I have I have completed my 30th Deep dive on a 30 30 prospects I’m trying to get to 60 I’ve seen like are we getting bronnie is bronnie a first round pick no absolutely no Bon’s not a first round pick bronnie not even a bronnie not even a pick if we being if we being honest want a small point you imagine that the suns are GNA take him at 22 just because they hope to get LeBron there it’s so is that is that a thing yes yes it’s a thing he has declined every workout he’s only worked out for the Suns and the Lakers and not taking a two-way no that’s true and he said he’s not taking a two-way and he today was the last day for eligibility to go back and he said he’s declaring for the draft Yeah so what if what if the he what if the heat take him I’ll take him at 43 not 15 right I’ll take him at 43 if LeBron comes with him yeah that’s what but if it’s just him no I did I did for what I did see all the memes Sky Force Legend Lou that’s what I said about Terry it’s just him ‘s the rest of it for what for what Tiff did you see the me we had Jamari boay in the G League it’s stop with him’s he’s better than Kenny’s gone Kenny’s gone boay was my guy too no but for real though better than Kyle I mean you could have had that cap space with Kyle and that pck if you would have just brought Boo and his bald head up exactly boo taking a trip to Turkey as we speak for you to listen we need we need a point guard he can’t bronnie can’t shoot he’ll fit right in Norris Cole is playing in the g-league ignite don’t you dare don’t put that evil on me Ricky Bobby I bring him bring them both bring them both I do know why you know what’s bad I was watching the G League ignite and then I saw like I was like damn this number 30 guy stinks and then they’re like noris Cole missed I’m like yep nothing’s changed yo he had a hell of a run though he was running all right Mr cardio missing layups he was running to miss those did you guys see those memes of like when LeBron kind of like made it seem like he was distancing himself from the Lakers drafting bronny cuz all his workouts were bad someone was like yo BR gon to be out here like yo he don’t got a left hand he don’t got a left hand he would dude he’s so [ __ ] funny I love NBA Twitter man they’re they’re hilarious so I guys be on the lookout for draft beat for Frankie and Lou unfortunately we spent too much time on Jimmy we couldn’t get to the Nico H we’ll do that we’ll do that next week or we’ll do that next week give you we’ll give you two pods we’ll see we we we’ll figure it out we’re GNA we’re going to cover kind of what we want from the young guys next episode and we we’ll start doing some draft coverage unfortunately news broke and um no chat wants us to talk about Nico we have time I think we can just do the the Jimmy and hman the we’ll leave the the two-way guys for for the summer league you guys you got we some of us people have to go which is why we we’re we’re on a hard out here which is why so uh well let’s let’s do a little five minutes I think we could do another five minutes and and get through this yeah I think so I I think I’m good for five I think listen I think the main thing we kind of want at an nio is going to be like hey can you can you consistently handle and pick and roll you know and Frankie and I I think you’d agree with that and I think that that’s like the one thing that is really going to change their team TI oh you say no I mean yeah but if we want to talk about consistency what I really need to see from him I need that shot I need that shot to be consistent I need that three-point shot to be con like he needs to be making at least three a game consistently he was at two and a half this year almost so then let’s get it to four if he’s yeah two and a half yeah so if he’s at two and a half he can push it to four like I need because I think the handle’s gon to be better I think the passing well the passing was really good but I think it’s gonna be better but his shot to stay on that floor and give he has to provide more offense he shot 40% this season and and he started off rough yeah he did he Pi he really picked it up I agree with Tiff I think they need more attempts um his finishing at The Rim is not very good it’s really bad it’s 58% uh and I think that’s going to come with him being a pick and roll Handler which is what I agree with Tiff though I think that the shooting I don’t think he’ll be an off the dribble shooter right I think that you know as spot up guy I think it’d be nice if he could take like a little pullup off a screen if they go really under I think that’d be a nice thing to add to his game later on but for now I I don’t I I don’t disagree with Tiff but I do think that they just need a guy to go downhill and I think that he has he has that juice in his game that I think he can he can bloom it yeah I we saw it yeah we did I have his numbers from the uh end of the season from when he started to the to the last I’m not counting the last game because he only played 15 minutes uh because they didn’t need him to play but uh as a starter to end the season he averaged 9.8 points per game 4.3 rebounds 2.1 assists S steals. three blocks 0.9 turnovers uh in 22 minutes shot 48% from the field 39% uh from three on 4.6 attempts uh I really need his minutes to go up because I think he’s he’s too good and too big and he he brings too much versatility offensively uh for for the team that is sorely missed he’s he Sparks and juices the offense uh Tiff you I absolutely agree with the threes like I he needs to get them up I also really think he needs to get a lot better inside the arc uh you you talked about about the maneuverability uh in the pick and roll and stuff I also think he just needs to he needs to be a matchup threat like if they they can’t there too many times they they stuck a small guy on him and uh he couldn’t make him pay that’s a spot where they need him with his size and uh and ability and his touch around uh on the perimeter I think he can improve there and be strong but he there was way too many times he’s uh gets contact and just throws it up and expects the [ __ ] call and he needs to just like completely ignore that like he just needs to play through contact be be a lot stronger try to finish through contact he’ll start getting calls and respect through through that not just like oh I got fouled and some and nobody blew whist like that yeah he a lot of times that absolutely is what happens he got bumped a superstar gets that call but Nico you’re not a yic year yovic play you gotta play you gotta earn that respect and I I honestly think like Lou called him a potential top 25 offensive guy or something like that uh in then 100th percent out everything goes right yeah um but yeah I I think this next uh season I just want to see more uh continued shooting uh willing to shoot from from deep and be aggressive and playing through uh the little [ __ ] and on uh inside the ark yeah I defensively I just want him to keep taking strides like the strides he took halfway through the season all the way into the playoffs where he was at times literally our best defender on on Tatum and brown um for stretches it was him and Bam if that versatility can withstand uh defensively then you know takes a lot of stress off of bam shoulders um also the driving um sometimes he drove into traffic a little bit too much part of that was the offense being kind of the spacing being horrendous so hopefully with some of those fixes he gets to shine a little bit more but um I think you guys hit on the Note just play faster with Nico and give him give him 30 minutes because uh the two best contracts that they have on this team currently are [ __ ] rookies so I mean or I think it’s with him the the thing about it that I noticed is that he he needs the ball like he needs the ball to do a lot of things that we saw him do very well even just to get it off the rebound and push and we got a lot of people that want to play pity pad with the ball and I think like for me if you notice like he’s he seems like a young smart player but he didn’t he doesn’t look as smart as he can when he’s on the court with um Terry and Tyler because it seems like he doesn’t know where he fits when he’s with those guys I will say I don’t go ahead he he did get better at that but that is a genuine concern because when he first got here even last year and halfway through this year offensively for as skilled as he is he just looked lost out there without the ball but he has gotten more comfortable I think that comes with time and it’s crazy he’s still the youngest player on our roster like he’s probably going to be younger than the guy we take at 15 but see think like for me I attribute a lot of that to neither one of them are natural Playmakers oh for sure so they’re not leading him anywhere on the court right I don’t know if I’m making if I’m making sense right no you’re you’re right their job either like that’s you know if Point yeah playing pity Pat with the ball G you got to do something I guess like you got to set up you you got oh you wasn’t saying that when Kyle was like throwing lobs and this and that I guess I just kind of lead that’s like more the veteran responsibility like you know like like but I I I see where you’re going but he’s a but he’s a young he’s a young guy and then if you have these two guys who do the majority of handling the ball he just seemed like I he didn’t know when to cut he didn’t know when to you know when where to go and I think a lot of that is because neither one of them are like natural leaders in that position right so if you’re saying he has the ball less what what where are we where are we placing him this year like where do you see him on the offense G no I mean he has to he has to be on the ball more I think for sure and I think that given their point guard situation I think that they would benefit from a lot more inverted actions with him which is really the B special you know kind of guard screens for him and stuff like that so I want him to have the ball more I do think that his playmaking is what is going to be the slowest thing to come I imagine especially playmaking off the dribble and F have talked about that a lot and I think haime we can kind of loop him into this as well I think he is also gonna have that same kind of hurdle of like can you playm off the dribble can you playmake when bigger help comes not just like those small guys on the weak side or whatever when when real size comes to help can you make those passes can you make those plays because and I think I I think everything I said for haime I’d include for yic like I need more consistency as a pick and roll Handler and hanime as Tiff said with with yic I need him to be a better shooter because you need to stay on the court and that’s going to be one thing and like L said his defense like I thought he was probably their worst good decent defender on the team and he’s a rookie and he’s not gonna have that right away but he needs to be able to I I think I think everyone’s a little bit too high on haime I think if he’s going to be like a really highly functional like fourth fifth starter in the league I think his defense needs to improve at least like 40% you know because I don’t think he’s ever going to be like this I don’t think he’s ever going to average 20 points or anything like that you know I think he’s gonna average like between like 12 to 17 you know in that range and that’s like that’s fine but you’re going to need to like play really good defense and like do other things like in pickup roll and as a ball handler so I I kind of have a similar vision for both of them even though they’re very different players yeah Hae I have the exact same questions I had draft KN for him like still nothing changed he was the like I I don’t know if I’ve seen a a guy translate from college more like perfectly the only thing was he took a lot less mid-range jumpers but that was just part part of his role like we we’ve heard Duncan it’s funny because Miami takes the most mid-range jump shots right right but we’ve heard we heard even even Duncan say that like uh he doesn’t take as many mid-range because Tyler uh bam and Jimmy take so many and like they they kind of need to get their shots from other places um so like that but that was where haime really operated in college pinch post uh elbow low block look hunting mid-range shots um but yeah his his shooting defensively I don’t think he’ll ever be like he’s not a great lateral mover he wasn’t out of college he’s not that’s not his strength there but he can be a lot smarter there and and not be so jumpy he he overreacts and stuff and uh I’d like to see him be a a little bit more discipline there he was huntable we saw Brunson give him work and Brunson gives a lot of people work but not not you don’t want him to be a guy who’s like come here bring him here and your man scream for me like you don’t want him to be that kind of a bad Defender he needs to be able to hold his own uh but I I thought we saw significant strides defensively throughout the year he definitely improved where there were points where he was guarding Tatum and brown I I think he’s comfortable on bigger Wings who aren’t as Shifty but guards can still hunt him and that’s where that’s what what has always been my worry with him um and like you said the shooting I also think inside the arc what uh he needs to kind of work on stuff like that’s not okay they’re not biting on the on the pump fakes what do I do right like he needs to to develop some more counters there which he’s got fantastic F footwork he’s got great touch around the rim um I think you know developing a little floater uh to open up the the inside game a little bit more will would help um I there’s some people who say they they don’t think he should play in the summer league and I think that’s crazy I think he absolutely should play in Summer League I would love Yeah I want him handling the [ __ ] ball a lot and and uh and that’s his playmaking showed a lot in during the season where he was the point guard Off the Bench sometimes and I thought he first half of the season I thought his decision making was better uh but I want him to continue there yeah he he needs to he definitely needs some play in the Su League he needs to be playing [ __ ] point guard unless he draft him point guard but even then like you know the minutes that that guy’s not on the floor he needs to take those because he’s last year he was our six-man and I think that’s the role he’s destined for again this year unless um obviously Jimmy’s not on the roster then a conversation will be had but um as of now it’s him he’s the six-man he’s going to be the guy who needs to um help orchestrate the offense with the second unit so he needs to improve at those little things his three-pointer that it that needs to get better because off ball defensively he’s kind of good at like getting in lanes and and he does little things subtle yeah in rotation he’s smart but offensively if he’s not hitting that three-pointer and they’re just sitting on his drives then minutes are going to be hard to come by yeah I agree and and I just and one thing before we go I just want to say about him he needs to learn to use the physicality he plays with on offense he needs to figure out how to use that on defense for sure yes and he needs to grow back that facial hair what the [ __ ] did he shave it he shaved it and he was on on uh on Kevin Hart’s podcast I think it was oh my God Hae my brother Kevin Hart has a podcast I guess I shouldn’t be surprised everyone has stream be has a podcast come I want to say something we just celebrated our 11 years we had a podcast oh my God I’m seeing it now he looked like post the picture show the picture and what that’s the hard out it’s it’s a very small unfortunately I I can’t I can’t pull it up and it’d be good quality but that’s what she said Jesus Christ he looks like he should be on a list no hard that should have been the hard out he not like us w w w w w w

Giancarlo, Tiffanny Meeks, Coach Lu and Franky G:

• Jimmy wants the max deal
• What an extension looks like
• Expections for Jaime next year
• What Jovic should improve this offseason

And more!


  1. depends if you think investing more into the Jimmy era makes more sense than rebuilding your team with young players and assets. considering what the new nba has done with restrictions, aprons, etc….

  2. Watch we extend Jimmy and everything goes to shit because of his age and heat beat is going to complain like extending Jimmy was a mistake 😂😂😂

  3. Jimmy wasting bam prime anyway nba going you g building around bam make more sense than jimmy who don't care to help us be better seeded during regular season when he having games of 10 points and im glad Riley called him out hold him accountable

  4. As a young heat fan that’s been watching since 2006 the heat front office has never been able to make needle moving moves off the strength of them they always needed outside player help or situations that line up perfectly for the heat so that tells me maybe the heat simply just have a bad front office in all honesty

  5. Bro, if you think Jimmy going to wait 1 season for his extension, you definitely don’t know ball or financial matters. If Miami doesn’t pay Jimmy now, he DEFINITELY leaving Miami next year.
    By the way, this is the time to TRADE HIM, and fuck the reputation, and all this shit. This is a BUSINESS, and pay 50M+ to a 37 y/o player for past performance, is a really a very bad BUSINESS

  6. Not paying D-Wade when they should have is really coming back to bite the FO now. They all agree Jimmy is in decline and will barely play 60 games but want to pay him like a max player anyway. Even when he does play Jimmy is out there chilling for most of the season. 37 yr old Jimmy making 1/3 of the cap avg 14 pts a game is not gonna be pretty.

  7. Imagine asking for a raise for working LESS each year? Move Jimmy and get help for BAM!

  8. The heat dont land role players because of JIMMY! So i think let him go and get a couple of picks to use to land another whale! Lets go! 🔥

  9. They wouldn't sign Crowder ,or Tucker which Jimmy wanted both those guys another year ,do we all remember the year after the bubble ,how every game he had to come in the game and put on his cape and score the 20-25 points to win games and how crappy Bam and Tyler played in the first round of that playoffs ,know they haven't done right by him, same thing is going to happen to Bam , they get rid of Jimmy and other assets and you get Mitchell,you are going to not have Caleb or Highsmith anymore,who is going to play defensive, Bam can't keep this up either ,so Bam is going to be injured all the time just like Jimmy you watch

  10. I really think Jimmy was proving a point this season,after his supposed meeting Pat talked about , and decided to let Bam and Tyler run the show ,guess what they weren't enough ,l think we forget how long Jimmy had been around and the teams he has played for he is smart and can see what they need ,plain and simple

  11. Dude is already getting paid a crazy amount and tiff says “he wants to get paid” … he’s been getting paid the entire time

  12. If the Heat can get Donovan then extend Jimmy and go with Jimmy DMitch and Bam. If not then the Heat should trade Jimmy and go young already. Jaime can give you at least 70% of Jimmy on a rookie contract. Bam can replace Jimmys free throw attempts. Herro can become the closer like Jimmy. Spo/UD/Love got the leadership aspect.

    Some interesting options are Keegan Murray from the Kings, Jabari Smith from the Rockets, Brandon Ingram & 1 of Herb or Trey from the Pelicans or a boatload of picks/swaps from the Sixers.

    A Herro Bam Jovic Jaquez Jr. Is good young core to start with with a possible young addition through the Jimmy trade. Then find some quality role players (possibly young) in the Rozier and Duncan trades. Draft well like they normally do and see where you go from there.

  13. I love Jimmy but he needs to be humble. He did not make the All Star roster or All NBA team. That's how you earn a lucrative contract. If he really wants to win then he should take into account the salary cap restrictions that hinder the team's ability to sign another scorer.

  14. Player #1: 16.4pts, 42.3% FG, 37.1% 3P%, 2.2 FTA, 4.2 Reb, 4.6 AST, 1.3 TO +- 0.0

    Player #2: 20.8pts, 44.1% FG, 39.6% 3P%, 2.6 FTA, 5.3 Reb, 4.5 AST, 2.2 TO, +- 0.7

    Playoff Career:

    Player #1 has averaged 9.8 points, 4.0 rebounds and 3.3 assists in 50 games in the playoffs in his career.

    Player #2 has averaged 14.3 points, 4.3 rebounds and 3.4 assists in 46 games in the playoffs in his career.

    Pretty clear who is the better player for the Heat… don’t need to argue about it

    G right… ROZIER STINKS!

  15. Bam was supposed to be better by now… instead he gives you 22pts on 28 shots against Al Horford & Luke Kornet

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