@Detroit Pistons

Ermanni and Edwards with Maz I Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Ermanni and Edwards with Maz I Monday, June 3rd, 2024

media icon Ryan armanii University of Michigan great brillan Edwards and of course Maz are about to take over on Woodward Sports every day 2: to 4:00 p.m. it’s the best Detroit sports talk on Detroit’s best sports network Woodward Sports well hello everybody happy Monday welcome into Woodward Sports the new the new show that’s on here now it’s the super terrific happy hour Tom asway alongside Anson Wells and the legend we’ve got Terry what happened to this show this what has happened right used to be the FL it’s just falling apart no hosts we had two interns one in the booths a couple of seconds ago guy off the street saved us we’re we’re on the air we’re on the air the super terrific happy hour is here and uh we’re happy to be with you guys Anon I’m I’m how are you buddy I’m feeling maaz right now I’m known as yep incomer apparently and I am surrounded by Legends right now to be here with you Mr MZ and you T man I I feel very very blessed to to be here today with you too I appreciate that but I say I you know I don’t know what’s happened the show I’d rather be on Big D energy man man what the hell is going on here the weekend show the weekend programming is better than this show right now yes yes well I’m sure you’ll get it together so yeah we will we’ll do fine man we’ll do fine but uh you got your delivery today you you have a new what explain everybody we have a new mattress mat uh honey bun and I wore out the last one so uh when spring started going boing bo bo she said get a new mattress son you get a king no we uh K Queen just the queen yeah yeah it’s the king you you you’re too far away from your honey bun you like getting a you like being a little close yeah I like to feel her warm breath at night just make sure she’s there now do either of you snore she does oh she’s a honey Bun’s a snorer hope she’s watching She’s a snore no no Dr Fouch is snore I don’t snore good for you and uh in fact she says I don’t snore I said all right have you recorded her that’s what I did I recorded her and she was so pissed said I don’t snore like that says somebody does he said I’m not that loud I says somebody is hey man I hope everyone had a great weekend welcome in again uh no Ryan no brilin uh but we are here and we’re going to put on a good show for A lot happened over the weekend Terry actually uh was a Grand Marshal of the uh well you weren’t Grand Marshal but you were down there at the Detroit Grand Prix I volunteered for the Detroit Grand Prix so I I got three new little t-shirts nice and a hat that I wore proudly and my job uh I was I was assigned to the media center but for some reason um I got moved outside to help people inside and outside of show cars and uh they wanted me to do it because there’s a weight limit and they said that I could probably tell somebody that they’re fat without insulting him yeah so I got that job you’ve been telling me that for for years you’ve been telling me I look you telling me you look robust today M you looking you’re looking very there shubik y cherubic sheroic right sheric plump did you have to did you have to kick anyone out I did not there was one guy I thought I was going to have to but uh he left when I said oh boy this is going to be a challenge that’s all he had to hear huh yeah but he was tall too he was like 67 probably 380 woo a big yeah this was like big country big big country yeah well but I like d and I got to hear different languages Japanese yeah Spanish you know do you even know who won and I still don’t know who won some guy won okay I know that guy one heard the cars going around and everything but now now how did this uh how did the Grand Prix how was it welcomed by the Detroit people this year as compared to other years um I I think they embrace it every year this year they sold out easier nice um I saw a little bit more enthusiasm um and and also got in there was a lot more people at the autograph sessions for drivers the fans actually knew what the drivers names were so I think they’re embracing it cool man and I but I heard a few people bitching about it being downtown and not at Bell I’d rather be in downtown than Bell yeah B you’re stuck man right absolutely you’re stuck there downtown you could there’s so many Escape hatches right that’s the way I like it just like just the way the draft was it was perfectly run you you go to the race you get bored with it go to your stay your restaurant get the heck out of there go to the bar answer said how was your weekend it was pretty good it’s pretty good did a little you saved the bird bird I did I got the the hummingbird back Ruby doing well did some uh if you don’t know Anon is like a wildlife he’s like the old Marlon Perkins remember Marlon Perkins I remember Mar from a Wild Kingdom it was called Wild Kingdom right on Sunday nights after Disney wde World of Disney they’d have on the what that they’d have on Marlon Perkins and and Jim Pete what’s Jim’s last name Fowler Jim Fowler of course Jim Fowler those guys so Anson is like he is just a he’s a great guy the guy just he if there’s a if there’s an animal hurt a bird hurt or whatever he nurtures it back to to health this is true they animals just they happen to find me they just they make their way towards me I saved a bird once yeah when I was a kid what kind of bird uh I think it was a sparrow yeah but it was uh had no feathers it was a baby and everything so I put milk inside of a little eye dropper and fed it I didn’t know Birds right did you release it yeah yeah it was already released it was outside in a while in my backyard yard so I gave it milk very good nice I didn’t know what else to give it we have some birds in the backyard not not the we will get the sports guys but we have a bird it’s called if you haven’t heard about it it’s called The Red Tail black bird have you heard of these the red tail or redwing black bird redwing black bird they are mean oh yeah mean bastards they dive bomb you they once they put a nest up you you they die by them you everybody my dog everybody wow anyone that comes near that Nest they called Nature’s a-holes to be honest with you that’s their nickname okay Nature’s a-holes this red tailed blackbird so we got them in our backyard protecting I can’t even go near the the patio area right now until they’re hatched and gone it’s like I’m person NG grada and my neighbor’s just about had it he’s he’s ready to go after these birds I I can’t do it I don’t have the heart to do it I cannot I can’t hurt uh a bird in animal I can’t I just don’t have it in me it’s really one of the coolest looking birds that’s out there the red wi black bird it is big fan they’re like crows but they have Red Wings you know what Michigan has and I didn’t realize this until two weeks ago Robins orol snakes masaga Rattler we got one poisonous one yeah there’s snakes no no um a friend of mine showed me a snake that had to be like 4 feet long that’s not a garden snake bro what what kind of snake was I don’t know yeah I haven’t come across it be honest uh she she told me that she had her husband kill it oh my mhm okay cuz she’s afraid of it she tried to shoe it away but snakes they don’t get shoed away they don’t get shoed easy hey uh another guy that didn’t get shoed easy was Troy Weaver and what have I been telling you now for weeks he gone he’s gonna be gone and when they hired trajan langon as their president of basketball operations the Alaskan assassin himself I said to Anson and uh I forgot who was sitting here maybe brillan and I said that said for Troy you said no he’ll get a year at least to get this team together going to stick around I’m like they’re not going to let him touch anything anymore and his record Terry uh he finishes with the 74 and 244 loss record that is a 230 winning percentage oh you know that’s Matt Millan neighborhood that’s worse than Matt Millan Matt Millan was 27% yeah 23 oh he’s 23 that’s right my math is off isn’t that something that’s worse than Matt Millan Troy Weaver gone now the Pistons let’s face it the worst team in the NBA the last two years they had the worst record in franchise history last season we all know how they get screwed in the draft pick five again last year pick five this year pick five no one even pays attention to them anymore Terry they becoming a team that a team that that we all love it’s only 20 years that they chionship that we used to love and they have fallen off the cliff here man gu was it the right first of all was it the right move finally to get rid of Troy dude that’s that’s not even a question how could you ask that question I’m just throwing it out nobody in America would say oh no that’s a bad move what did they do that for oh my Lord no uh he should have been gone a long time ago they should have just fired him when he fought the Redwing fan that’s that one tonight because it was he was unfocused the team stunk and he’s worse than Matt Millan I don’t know man Anon what do you got for me man on this I’ll say this the team that he inherited was a mess both financially and lack of Talent on the roster at this point at least he’s leaving a decent little core of young players as well as a whole lot of cash in cap room uh we had some guys that were on the books that weren’t even playing for us when he inherited this team so he is leaving the team in slightly better condition than the way that he found it it’s definitely a more attractive job to take on than when he took it um because you could only go up yeah they’re a disaster at this point I mean they really are I still love them I know you guys are saying people don’t um you know at this point I think they need to buy out Monty we need to see if Tom Gores is I agree really willing to put his money down and put this team in a better situation or if he’s just about the cash Terry what do you think about the coaching situation Mony Williams comes in here the highest paid coach in the game they really they just offered they offered him so much money say no here’s what I say free Monte yeah Monty doesn’t want to coach this team no he doesn’t the only thing is keeping him here is all that money the time Gores gave him so um maybe the thing Troy Weaver was correct in is don’t hire him as your head coach this guy doesn’t want to be here so here’s what I would do I would say m do you want to be released when he says yes said okay good let’s let’s work out a buyout but uh when you’re holding somebody hostage it’s never going to work out the Pistons will never be a complete team with Monty Williams as coach not saying he can’t coach but you know do I want to be here is this a good fit no no no you know what you know shoot him out of a cannon get him out of here I know it’s it’s time man he never really wanted to take this job I mean but how do you say no to all that though right in reality and that’s what a little rhy say no to all that do yep one of the things I got to give the nod to though is is that these young players Cade and the nucleus they seem to still want to be here at least they’re saying all the right things so this is a situation where if they can get a coach that actually does want to be here I think that with some right some of the correct offseason moves which means moving that number five pick trying to get some veteran talent in here uh if we can get a coach that actually wants to be in here I don’t think that the turnaround for this team is going to take four years I think that it can take a year and a half to two years because to get what to be competitive at least for to try and be near a play playin game I know that’s not it’s not a high bar you know what you know Anon you’re young and you’re cute they’re not going to turn this around in a year and a half for two years they’re not you have a coach who doesn’t want to be here and secondly you don’t know if if these players want to be here the only way you can find out is you need to go out and get and do shots with these dudes yeah yeah get that truth serum in them you know players always say I want to be here because if you say you don’t want to be here guess what the fans are going to boo you they’re going to trash you online they will throw stuff at you so you can never say I don’t want to be here if you’re a professional athlete in a certain city you always have to say Yep this is the place I want to be I love the fans the greatest place in the whole world blah blah there’s certain stuff you got to say to survive so what you need to do is do shots with Kate Cunningham after about three or four hours see what he’s talking about then Fair let’s hear from sham Char a very good guy NBA Insider he’s got the scoop on what’s going to happen here in Detroit L has officially taken over as a president of bass operations and one of the first moves he is making I’m told the the Pistons and Troy Weaver the general manager are parting ways sources tell me that he is exiting as the GM 74 244 record 23% winning percentage for Troy Weaver the eighth worst in NBA history uh we obviously know they set an NBA record for the most losses in a row last season uh he’s been at the helm since 2020 but now that tran Langan is there he is going to have the authority to completely reshape the organization completely reshape first the front off look into the coaching staff see if there needs to be any changes there I’m told tra Lon the Pistons are in series talks to hire Michael Blackstone an executive with the Pelicans to come over as traan langan’s number two with the Pistons so this really to me shows that he has full autonomy to really reshape and retool this Pistons organization so they look towards New Orleans and uh the great Michael Blackstone Blackstone the ition maybe he comes over and he’s going to be the helper for TR and Langdon that still doesn’t tell you what they’re going to do uh going forward with the coaching and of course with that number five pick what do you what do you do in a draft that void Talent pardon we can figure out the coaching yeah let’s see who arm telon represents if he represents some coaches they’re in the they’re in the mix should arm telum still be part of this front office no I mean come on man you know he’s had his son here he’s had his clients here he’s got his boys here you know what the Pistons have become they became yeah the boys club but they become the Detroit Lines of the 1980s and 1970s where and the early 2000s yeah but they were hiring people they liked correct and so this is what the Pistons are doing so to you oh they can turn around in one or two years no they can’t they’re going to suck for at least five years more years with this yeah or more with this type of mentality well I’ll agree with that type of mentality and I think I I’d push it to even up until the new regime for the Lions came in they always had a bunch of chefs in the kitchen that were good old boys uh for me with the with the Pistons though and you and I talked about it over the weekend Tom the Alaskan assassin’s going to come in here and drastically put his leave his mark on this team and it’s going to be more than just Troy Weaver I think we’re going to see some major shakeups I listen I know that I I I can he bring can he bring Zion Williamson with him from New Orleans no we don’t want him yeah we do no we don’t he’s fat and got bad feet he he lost some weight and he played a lot better this year I don’t care Terry you need somebody to put at least a little bit of a veteran presence to put with these kids and I know he’s young but at least he’s Talent that’s not a vet he’s a talented guy at least he’ll pay he’ll play 50 games I’ll take I’ll take 50 games of Zion Williamson I’ll take it I I won’t you you can keep him I I like Zion but but really bringing him here would kind of be similar to when they brought in Blake Griffin I feel like you know you got a guy Blake was at the end but but well okay sure he’s younger but what you’re doing is you’re locking up a whole bunch of contract on a guy that doesn’t probably really want to be here and will eventually leave um we have good bakeries we got good Baker 5055 games on Z Williamson isn’t going to do it for me but these guys are in a position with the amount of money that they have over these next two offseasons they don’t have to spend it all this this year and I don’t think they’re even going to be able to because I don’t think that many people want to come here uh again I down Pistons cornbread for breakfast lunch and dinner so I Am The Optimist when it comes to this team I still believe that the books are clean enough and that there’s a decent amount enough of talent here um young young talent that they can buy in not this season next season they can be a team that win over 30 games and then at that point you’re stop laughing at me Terry and at that point after those two years I think this is a team that can be back in the conversation but it’s going to take drastic moves by by um the Alaskan Assassin by Tran langon and um M it’s for MZ you want to bring in Zion yeah go ahead okay what’s your favorite Bakery uh Detroit Bakery East Detroit Bakery East Detroit Bakery East Detroit Bakery give him the phone number number that’s what it be uh you know but there’s there’s a a really good bakery near him at the at Little Caesars canel okay you can go they got some great desserts there Zion Williamson can clean up there there you go he’s a good ball player Terry come on he’s a good he’s a good ball player be the best player on this team immediately that’s not saying anything it’s not saying a lot they have five guys on the team other than that you still have to fill the roster out you still have to fill the roster out they have the most cap space with hardly any players available and they have the fifth round draft pick a fifth pick overall with hardly any good players available in the first round no everything is against them no no no no it is good luck getting somebody to come here and play for these I know that I know you got to overpay and I don’t want Ben Gordon and Charlie villan AA either that’s what you’re gonna have to do I know well you already talking about about getting a fat Zion in here what else you going to do you have a better idea um move the team sell the team is that what they worth3 billion doar he bought them at 300 million you don’t even see the guy you don’t hear from him Tom goris I’m talking about you don’t hear from him man except when it’s time throw out those t-shirts that’s it he’s a great t-shirt thrower yes he is one of the best he is absolutely I just don’t know what else to do with him because they’re so far away the NBA finals start on Thursday they’re so far away from just getting in a playoff spot that it it it’s very sad man because Detroit sports right now our only hope is the Detroit Lions the tigers are playing 500 baseball with about four holes in their lineup the Red Wings this close to making the playoffs this this past season if they didn’t have one bad month without Dylan Lin and then of course you got our Detroit Lions on the top of the Heap finally did you ever think you would have a city here in Detroit led by the Detroit Lions Terry well I I thought it was possible if the lions were like 8 and everybody else have falling off the cliff that would be the only way I thought the Detroit Lions would be leading the way but leading the way in this way no I I’ve seen enough I’ve seen five Decades of them stinking or you know what I’m not going to say stink mediocrity okay because as a joke the paper always say when they have played 16 games they T we need your prediction for the Detroit lions and I always put 8 and8 8 and8 every year and I was right about half the time yeah 8 and8 was like the most that any publication would give them like USA Today 8 and8 you know the daily new the Detroit News 8 and8 free press eight and eight nine and seven maybe do you remember the name Dan Dan Pompei of course he picked them to win the Super Bowl picked him to win the Super Bowl and we laughed at this man the whole season he he just didn’t know he didn’t know but if he picks him this year we’re on board he’s probably picking him not to make the playoffs something wrong with that probably all right enough Pistons uh we can’t help them I guess I I was hoping that you’d be here and you would be you would have a map for me to get the Pistons to play good basketball because Thursday is the NBA finals and have you paid attention to the playoffs this year Terry I have okay Celtics and the Mavericks Celtics are home on Thursday night they get the home court against the Dallas Mavericks who knocked out Minnesota in six games absolutely emasculated them at home in game six yes they did and the Celtics uh won four tough games against the Pacers Pacers put up a fight for a sweep they put up a fight and do you ever hear of this kid halberton oh yeah I’ve heard of him yeah yeah he’s pretty good yeah he’s pretty good and that’s guy piston fans screened in hot draft halberton draft halberton instead what’s the guy’s name the Frenchie kilan hayesan AKA Rodney White yeah now who’s Rodney White or Killian hay I mean Rodney White actually went on to play for Denver I believe and a couple other teams I mean Killian I believe is pretty much out of the league at this point no yeah at this point but he they get there’s training camp yeah so we’ll see what happens to him it’s a push between those two I’d say all right so take us to the NBA finals Thursday Let’s uh let’s break down the finals the Celtics uh hosting Celtics the Dallas Maverick should win it but I just think this is the year of Luca donic the NBA you don’t look at the team as at the best team but what player is about to emerge what player is going to be the guy that we talk about for the rest of history is it going to be Luca donic I think it’s going to be he is averaging uh in his playoff career he and Michael Jordan the only players to average over 30 points a game for their entire playoff career and he has come to play he had 20 points in the first quarter in game six last week against Minnesota he basically took care of them by himself he’s amazing man yeah I’ve seen some ridiculous be his year he leads everybody in the playoffs in points rebounds assists steals I mean threes made the guy’s absolutely on fire and when you look at the interest in the NBA this is an international sport it has been for some decades now as interested as people on the East Coast are in the Boston Celtics then International interest in a guy like Luca um and and the feel-good story at least for me with Kyrie Irving both of these guys are super marketable and it just to me like nobody on the Celtics really wants to step up and say this is their team it’s supposed to be Jason taton but it’s been Jaylen Brown’s team Jaylen Brown MVP last he he he’s did he did his job but they’re a dynamic Duo I mean the both of them Kyrie kind of settled down yeah he’s not talking about the Earth being flat anymore he’s not talking about Co shots he’s just playing ball and when I talk about ball handlers I have my top five ball handlers of all time Kyrie Irving has entered that mix yeah he has who would you put above him um well my mix is Isaiah Thomas yes Allan Iverson yep um don’t forget curlyy from the Globe Trotters well yeah curlyy curly Neil kozie in his day oh Koozie was amazing I just watched the Celtics Lakers uh 30 30 again I I don’t know I can put anything in there when it it’s in black and white I get it he still was amazing he was so I’m going to double down because brillan and I actually are in agreeance that Kyrie Irving is the most skilled player in history from what he can do in scoring at all three levels his ability to to dribble and handle the basketball and just the things that he can do especially going to the rack uh and for me to put anybody’s handle over Isaiah’s is basically blasphemy but what I’ve seen out of this kid in the entirety of his NBA career I don’t know if I can say one person has had more skill in holding and handling and shooting and scoring The Rock well there was a a young man named Michael Jordan but you’re talking about a little different I Jordan had had another world ability and he had a he had a desire and a competitive nature that were unmatched um and he built up his skills by the end of his career he could score anywhere on the court um but what kyriea had to do in a smaller body um being able to to run the point and being able to score and and and grow the way that he has as a player I I man it’s it’s hard for to put anybody else in in terms of actual just specific like talent in a body maybe Curry but Curry never had the handle actually she’s got a pretty great handle no he’s got a very good does yes he does uh and Tim Hardaway dad UTEP twostep yeah he uh had great handle too crossover so early we’re talking here it’s a Monday they start on Thursday you like the Celtics and how many I didn’t say that okay you Dallas Dallas excuse me you like Luca my bad like l Lucas is you think it goes the distance seven I said six man what what is wrong with your hearing uh I I might have been looking at something talking Dallas and then you say okay Celtics and how many T and I said Dallas and six and you said oh you think it’s going to the district okay here we go they just got nine total games out of the Conference Finals bet on seven games don’t sleep hey Pete we got uh that make money we have that Isaiah Thomas uh commercial this is Zeke uh for the NBA Finals he loves Larry check it out what up though how you been Larry I ain’t seen him in a minute Heaven Must Be Like This song like the player said Heaven Must Be Like This Must Be I know I know I missed you too he I love the guy and I know he gets a bad rap sometimes with a lot of people but he is always stepping up those piston teams did you hear him last week he stepped up people were talking about Mike Greenberg was on in the morning uh on ESPN and he was going through the best playoff runs in NBA history and he had the Celtics up there because they had only lost two games in this in this last playoff run and he left the Pistons out so Zeke writes writes into the show hey don’t forget the 88 Pistons don’t forget the 89 Pistons who got past Michael Jordan and others they went 15 and two yeah they went because one one win away because of his injury how how great was that how great was he then oh he was great he put that team on his shoulders man like nobody Terry do you know what photo was hanging over David Stern’s desk when he handed the Reigns over to David silver I do not know the Phantom fowl on lamb beer oh why would they hang that out of every moment in NBA history why would they hang a photo that shows him clearly not touching kareim Abdul because that’s his celebration for not having to Crown the Pistons three three years in a row with 5 seconds left and 50 fans on the court as Isaiah gets pummeled shooting a three but you know what if you talk to anybody in the NBA about that Phantom foul they say you know what you’re right didn’t foul him but they called it because of what he did previously right he was Guilty By by what he’s done come on now that’s that’s not the way and and they stole it they stole that that that series it was stolen it was bought and given yep it bought and given and here we are again with another bad uh no hope for our new Detroit Pistons plenty more coming up here on uh Woodward Sports Tom maway Anson Wells Terry Foster right now we send it over to Pete he’s got a little something for you from Swiss insurance well now more than ever it’s critical for you to have your insurance reviewed and I need mine reviewed right now so I may have to call market Swiss insurance today and make and they will make sure that your carrier is not slipping in extra fees so call Mark at 313 5301 1698 or visit 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talented stylists make you look and feel great walking anytime 7 days a week lady James it’s wicked a and [Applause] Clark I mean that’s clearly all which was called the question is will they call it unnecessary Kennedy Carter welcome back Woodward Sports uh we’ve got Anson and Terry Foster Maz in the house Pete’s here Magic Mike we got James in the house as well welcome back in guys you just saw a piece of video over the weekend I know you guys have all seen it and we’ve been talking about about it I mean we’ve never talked about the WNBA as much in my entire life than I have paid attention to it more this year we’re talking about Caitlyn Clark the Caitlyn Clark effect and it’s going across this league and Terry I’m going to come to you first uh you saw that piece of video I know you saw it over the weekend her name the girl that hit her is a Shen day Carter plays for the Chicago Sky uh let’s put up her her bio let’s just say I want to I want to put that up first this is Shena day Carter uh how she came into the league Anson you got good eyes 25 years old nicknamed herself Hollywood declared for the WNBA draft early in 2020 and she was a first round pick fourth overall by Atlanta 21 she got terminated from Atlanta after threatening to beat up her own teammates conduct detrimental to the team a year later in La they she was picked up and waved by midseason by the LA Sparks for poor conduct yet again last last year she played abroad over in turkey and this year she returned and signed with the Chicago sky and assaults Caitlyn Clark in her seventh game she’s an enforcer she’s an enforcer that’s all she is she’s an enforcer she’s Kermit Washington from back in the day except Kermit had skills uh I just want to say uh she came out and let’s put the quote up too Pete what she said about Caitlyn Clark Kate she says basically Kaitlin Clark is what does she do except shoot the three ball that’s all she has here is to shoot the three ball you saw what she did Angel Reese is on that team as well you know they have a history Angel and Caitlyn as well neither one of them spoke uh at the end of the game they each got fined Angel got fined a grand the team got fined $5,000 Harry I’m going to come to you first H are we overthinking of this are we over talking about this or do they have it out or do certain people have it out for this girl well they’re supposed to she’s a rookie now here’s the scenario we’re not supposed to treat Kaitlyn Clark like she’s a rookie rookies get beat up they get knocked down they get cursed at so welcome to the league but I think Caitlyn Clark now we’re supposed to treat her like we’re supposed to treat her like a 15-year vet don’t you think she’s the savior of the league she is but she still got to get her ass kicked that’s part of yeah but that that’s no no that’s my ass that’s part of being a professional I don’t care who you you know what Michael Jordan sat him on his ass that’s right and we are the the home of the bad boys a team that we Revere for their physical play style this is how you earn your stripes in any League I’m just saying no one’s coming out to see uh what’s her name let me look her up again sh day Carter not but Caitlyn Clark if she wants to be an alltime great she’s got to have scars she’s not even complaining I’m just showing you what the how they’re treating her on the court that’s not the only time that she’s got knocked down that’s not the only time there’s been Chief shots taken at her she’s she’s the reason she’s the reason that you’re flying now uh you have your own charter flights you got your own charter flights it’s not because of shen day Carter she but she still has to be treated like a rookie and and she’s going to be a better player for surviving this time in her career she is a rookie Jordan went through the same stuff and it’s what sharpened his Edge into a champion going through the Pistons and getting beat down by the Pistons and the rest of the league let’s face it I mean you saw what the Celtics used to do that guy that put him on top and you know I don’t like seeing Angel ree come over and and hug the girl after she knocked her down the way that she did targeting a player the way that they are throughout the league I have I have some issues with that but at the same point whether she’s getting chartered flights or not everyone is talking about this girl and there’s a lot of people that don’t like that saying deal with Jordan they froze him out his first year when he made the All-Star game so you’re seeing actually kind of the NBA old school transition into now the WNBA and we’re talking about it I know we are we we’re talking more about this we would be made threes yeah the fact and guess what Mass there’s other rookies in the league who get knocked down no one gives a damn I don’t care show I don’t care Caitlyn Clark I love watching her play basketball so you want to give the the the Wayne gretz treatment already yeah way gresy you couldn’t touch I remember so are we going to give that to her her rookie year you got a point now now wanyama is a guy that came in with just as much fanfare and expectations I mean massive expectations is Caitlyn Clark that guy got his ball n yeah but he got hammered I mean I watch I watch a lot of W’s games I’m a big fan and I’ll tell you what they did not take it easy on the big man he was on his butt a lot he was getting hammered and and fouled and he got it you know and he’s going to be a better player for it as well both of them need to get in the gym this off season period which you know what the other thing about this is we’re not supposed to treat women this way you know it’s the women treating other women this way but they understand that yes you do treat women this way us fellas don’t understand oh no don’t don’t the girl she’s the Savior and everything we can’t be treating our women folk like that um Angel Reese got her her Bell rung by somebody yeah she did and you know what she said good mhm because I want to be tough she did she did this I respect it but Kayla’s not even complaining I just want to make that clear Angel Reese didn’t complain too she said what I deserve we’re the ones complainant I mean the cuz we got to look out for the women because you know they’re our little precious little whatever treat Caitlyn Clark like a ball player have you ever played against a girls team in basketball they are the dirtiest scrappiest hardest playing basketball players so it’s it’s part for the course you know and and I like it it it makes it makes it more interesting it’s even more must-watch WNBA than it was two weeks ago before she entered the league I’ve never honestly given a damn about the WNBA and the shock I did care I think I watched a couple of minutes of the shock back in the dayon they won two championships I was at the Clincher the first one I was happy for Bill lambir and the girls Ruth Riley and the rest of the gang and uh it was fun but I I really don’t give a damn I don’t need another sport in my life to be honest with you I got plenty to keep me interested but when I see stuff like this I think it’s dirty I just didn’t like what what what what shanid day Carter did to her that’s all it is it is dirty but I’m not going to use the term I love the bad boys I was going to say did you like it when sides here did you like it when lambir did it yeah I loved it okay so so what’s the difference yeah I guess you’re right it’s the girl we don’t want to hurt our women cuzz you’re being you’re being father you being protected you’re right by the way in the five games that she has had home games for the Indiana Fever Pete put up the stat of of the fans that she has brought in to watch her great attendance in five games Terry they have already beaten last year’s attendance wow for the Indiana Fever no she’s very very important for the WN or for the w we don’t call it the WNBA anymore it’s the W but she’s very very important but she still got to get her Bell run that’s what she’s a rookie I get it you know why you’ve you’ve swung me a little today like I’m calmer now after talking to you guys than I was over the weekend cuz I wanted to jump through the TV and get my ass kicked by Shen as well cuz she would have beaten the living daylight what do you think Kaitlin’s dad is doing watching those games probably the same as you would be yeah but you know what he’d be sitting there watching her at Iowa and as she’s squawking and trying to get fouls he was yelling at her from the stands he was like shut up play the game so he’s tough on her she’s learning she’s growing she is she’s got a toughen up obviously and and like I said she’s not the one complaining it’s guys like me that are complain yeah nobody’s talking about female sports for the last 10 years unless it’s the Olympics everyone is talking about this woman and the league that she’s in and we’re actually watching it too I mean I’ve tuned in for two games of WNBA I have not done that since swin cast was playing you actually tuned in for swing cash well we were was I mean I went to the Clincher I mean we were playing at The Palace I was all in for the red white and blue when the women were playing in their final four and I was we Pete and I and some friends of ours we were at Keenan in Kentucky we made sure that we were at a place to watch those games that’s how she has gotten me so interested and watching it and as a girl dad coached Sports you know for them since they were like 6 years old up till now matter of fact today is my final day with my JV softball girls we have our little pizza party when we’re done here tonight wrap up the season turn in your uniforms so I’m all in on on seeing girls play I want to see them I want to see them succeed I want to to but I want them to look forward to and look up to someone and I think looking up to a girl like Caitlyn Clark is a good thing I think she’s one of the best basketball players I’ve ever watched in in her game she’s the best are none yep no and she does more than just shoot from the logo yes she a great drier great ball handler right great vision she turns it over a lot but she can take you to the cup yep so it’s not just shooting threes but she does things that few others do so that’s why she is such a instrumental part of this league no doubt but she’s still you know nobody’s above the law man I get it now do you think that the higher ups in the W could could be talking to teams at this point two weeks into the season see yeah you think so leave her alone yeah you hit her again we want to suspend you at yeah I think that’s where I’m sure Caitlyn don’t want that because that’ll even make her even more hated right that’s what she’s goingon to get we all hated uh Gretzky we loved them but we hated that we couldn’t couldn’t knock him down on his ass Jord same with Jordan the Jordan rules we hated piston fans it’s a shame that we had to hate a player like him but when you count toow to somebody I guess that’s what he did do the Pistons wrong oh yeah so oh yeah it’s okay to hate M and then in the dream team they did Isaiah wrong they did and then the league changed the rules to facilitate his game and and the Pistons so I mean and then you look now you look at the the the guys that have come up watching that game and you can’t wonder why their the NBA has played the way that it is now the Love Fest the travels the no touching um and that all stemm from Jordan and from him getting beat down year after year after year and the NBA realized that an offensive game is more marketable the WNBA is going to realize that watching Caitlyn Clark score 35 points is more marketable than picking her up off the ground agreed man well said guys well said and that will happen her second and third year yes sir did you catch any of the NHL over the weekend I did I saw the I think I’ve seen the same Game Time After Time After Time every game is two to two Hing overtime they’ve been great playoffs they hey I like it but the the thing that I don’t like is the puck luck oh that happens man that that I know but no you shoot the puck off somebody’s ass and it goes in that’s the gamewinner well that’s not right Saturday night the Panthers Florida Panthers repeat as Eastern Conference Champions they knocked off the Rangers rangers man they played so hard they had the best goalie in hockey and they just could not get past them so the Florida Panthers are the Eastern Conference uh Champions backto back last year they went into this St Cup Final all beaten up they had guys playing with broken foot broken feet I mean they were beat up this year they are healthy they are rare in the go and they did not touch the Prince of Wales Trophy last year they carried it round and they lost to the Vegas Knights this year they didn’t touch it you know hockey the hockey you know they have their their WS they’re not going to touch it so the Panthers go in and then last night the Edmonton Oilers Kenny Hollands guys one and knocked off the Dallas Stars two to one last night they win in six games so the Edmonton Oilers who haven’t won a cup since the 90s have a chance now to uh go into Florida did they touch the trophy Pard they did not touch the Campbell Bowl okay I I think they did not I think that’s been well you know who touched the uh trophy Campbell bowl back the Red Wings first time they went to the cup they touched it 97 they did it or 9 95 when they lost the Devils yeah and then 97 they’re like get that they didn’t touch it they did not touch it then I think I I think they shredded in the garbage dispos I bet they did so here you go guys the Florida Panthers and the Edmonton Oilers you called that start Saturday night you called that I you and brayan both called that for a couple weeks I’m telling you man the Oilers are they’re tough man first time they’ve been in the Cup Final since 2006 and a Canadian team Terry has not won the cup since 1993 we’re talking what 0332 we’re talking 31 years the Montreal Canadians won it back in ’93 they beat Wayne Gretzky’s LA Kings so who do you like here Oilers or Panthers Panthers are home on Saturday night to start it off well the Panthers I I think are a little rugged team now in the NHL once the playoffs began the the teams are a little bit uglier little bit grittier with more defense wins so I would expect expect the Florida Panthers to pull this they do play that defense that suffocating defense it should be fun but Conor McDavid last night I don’t know if you guys got a chance to see his first goal I think if the NHL is smart give Conor McDavid his first cup it it’s better for the league if Edmonton wins this with Edmonton with h Conor mcdavis it’ll be good for Canada that’s for sure not good for America though well do we really care I know they’ve had more Basketball Championships in the last 30 years you go the Raptors really weird I mean who do now who do you want to win though you want a new school expansion team just because they’re from the United States they haven’t won or you want some old theyve never won they’ve been around for 35 years when expansion teams don’t win well last year an expansion team won in their the Vegas Nights yeah no thanks I I’m pulling for the Oilers grew up with those guys you know not that I’m a fan but the panther is no thanks it should be a great series guys and this is a series between between uh Sunrise Florida that’s where they play they play outside of Miami and Edmonton Alberta look how far wow the travel is it is the furthest ever travel between two cities interesting final that’s I can’t tell what what were the numbers there Pete how many how many miles it does it tell you it will here in a second 2543 2543 miles door too Terry that’s that’s a long way but that’s a long way man uh Detroit and La is a long trip too but that’s 2200 miles so it’s a difference of 300 this one is the largest uh time the largest travel between two cities and uh it should be a great series I think the Panthers will win but like Terry said it would be pretty cool if Conor McDavid and and D dle win that cup I think the goalie is Sergey barosi is playing out of his mind for Florida and uh you got Skinner playing for Edmonton Kenny Holland man Kenny Holland who’s playing for this is his last year of his contract Terry and here he is he’s got his team in the final and they were making fun of him here in Detroit for how many years because this guy could not build the Red Wings with a salary cap he only had to bring in all these superstars no salary cap but this shows you he is a great general manager but a good team was already established when he took over well he’s been there for a long time he’s got them they started off with six wins and 18 losses and they had won like 18 straight in the middle of the Season uh to get to where they are now and I I I love Kenny Allen we had him on a couple weeks ago just to wish him good luck he was so great Terry and he was very of course he loved that the lions are winning and the tigers are starting to turn it around a little bit and we’re going to talk love him so much would you bring him back Kenny Holland well we got Steve Eiserman and uh I know here we are you didn’t answer my question yeah sure I would give him another chance take over if Steve e wasn’t available no I’m talking about now would you bring in Kenny no I got Steve Eiserman okay you got to believe in the eer plan that’s what dmac has been telling me for the last three three years what about Jim nil Jim nil is eliminated now the Dallas Stars would you bring him here he’s he’s been terrific as well no no no no Steve Eiserman is here maass is not bringing in anybody it’s not it’s not like I was the biggest Eiserman fan in the world I mean he didn’t treat Us Media people very well to be perfectly honest with you you remember that you remember those days I was cool with him it was a cool dude this is Ken Holland’s fifth year in Edmonton by the way okay thank you for that we’ll see what happens uh after this that starts on Saturday night hey we’re going to take a break when we come back I got some tiger stuff for you yes I got some Detroit Tiger stuff for you a couple of guys getting sent down couple of guys coming up and they’re going to retire somebody’s number I’m going to ask you if you think it’s the right thing to do but first Pete where are we heading now do you have the Dr Jeffrey Pierce re I do not okay well then let’s go to Premier pet I’m sorry then let’s go to Premier pet oh Premier Pat therey you go let’s do it man family old and operated for over 30 years 13 Metro Detroit locations and 60 brands of food at the lowest prices available you know they got you covered folks they also have nutritionist on call and they have they’ve got delivery for you you want curbside delivery they’ve got it for you give your pet the best don’t settle for usess it’s pet who used to shop at Premier pet uh your bird 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700 p.m. on Woodward Sports hey guys it’s the Woodward Sports Injury Insider with Dr Jeff S Pierce the medical director of Michigan Sports and Spine Center every Tuesday he joins Big D energy and every Thursday right here on Armani and Edwards brought to you by MRI of Southfield featuring the most advanced imaging and maximum patient comfort for over 20 years MRI of southfield.mi and Edwards with a cast of characters here we’ve got Anson Wells we’ve got Terry Foster and myself Tom maway holding things down for you he had Detroit Tiger news for you guys they got the split over the weekend with the Boston Red Sox and anytime you go to Fenway Park uh if you could split a series with Boston I’m happy especially uh the way the Tigers have been playing and I know they’ve been okay lately but they can’t hit the ball yesterday they got four runs in the 10th they wind up winning it 8 to four even jav bayz got in on all the excitement so they are now one game under 500 the Detroit Tigers at 28 and 29 and they’re going to play the Texas Rangers tonight they go in for three three games before they come back home at the end of the week week here’s the Scoop guys Spencer Tolson their former number one pick hit 30 some OD home runs last year had a pretty darn good year he plays good first base as well well he’s got four home runs this year and he’s batting near the Mendoza Line and uh he does not look good all year and they had to send him down yesterday to Triple A Toledo I’m going to start with uh Anson I’m gonna start with you first before I go to Terry Spencer Tolson can he get it back together down downtown in Toledo I mean when you’re a power guy yeah I mean he he’s a contact hitter at least he was before he got drafted so I think that this is a guy that has never really had his confidence in line with his game the way that he did when he was at Arizona State so I do think that it’s something that he can get back you know a little AAA shot in the arm can do a lot of good it’s just unfortunate 2018 2020 the Tigers both get a number one pick in those drafts and they’re just some of the worst classes in the last 10 years of prospects so Terry what do you think about uh tor’s troubles this year can he get it going again and just your your thought on the I think the only way he can get it back is going to too for for whatever reason it seems like the minor league system can develop players better than they can here with the Tigers the dude is all off balance he’s reaching for balls um he’s not getting solid contact at least last year even before he got on his role you could at least say okay he’s batting 210 but he’s hitting the ball hard this year you can’t even say that about him no he’s popping stuff up he’s missing fast balls when you look at him back he’s he’s not squared away and just ready to attack he’s way off balance so whatever you know the Pistons I mean the Tigers have like what do they have like 18 batting coaches and none of them reaching maybe somebody down in Toledo can I wish the pitching coaches could help these batters because the pitching coaches are doing a hell of a job so Tor goes down you know we wish him the best man you can’t miss on him and we’ve had Lynn Henning on from the Detroit News many times and he’s a big torlon fan and got to have him on again to ask him his opinion on this I’m just a little worried about the guy uh like Terry said he has just not looked comfortable the entire season especially the last week he has just been horrible last week in double header he went 0 and eight 0 for eight a double header and then he follows that up with another 0 for six the next two days so it’s you got to go down and maybe reinvent yourself maybe that’ll wake him up they are bringing up a guy this is a kid that they got from the Atlanta Braves in the Joe jimnez trade it’s Justin Henry Malloy he’s a third baseman he had pretty good numbers down at Triple A Toledo he comes up and uh just another tiger rookie and we’ll see what this kid can do I’m a fan I’ve been watching in this kid since we acquired him um I’m real big into minor league players because of my fantasy league but this is a guy that brings a really impressive kwalk ratio he does hit for contact and this is a guy that could hit 25 bombs a year if he comes up and plays well um I think he’s a little bit of a question mark in terms of Defense but I think that this guy is going to get on base he he hovers right around 800 Ops um and if he can bring that to the Tigers that’s exactly what they need is not an easy out but some somebody that’s going to reach first so Terry you’re bringing up uh you bring one Phenom down you bring a guy up that the Atlanta Braves trade uh actually drafted it kind of makes me feel good another team that drafted a player and we traded Joe Jim as our former closer for him what do you what do you expect that of this kid if anything well you know what it’s not whether the Tigers drafted someone or not the the issue to me is can this organization develop players develop bats let put it that way and the answer right now is I don’t have confidence in them doing that so um let’s see how he does maybe he can continue what he learned from Toledo and and apply it up here but I question the development of players with the Detroit Tigers there’s something missing there’s something not you know not quite there this year we expected them to be like a 500 team and they’re almost 500 but you know what if twls and Riley green were good they would be they’d be contenders and Javi oh yeah have forget about him don’t hold your breath but jav bayas has been a disaster ever since he came here yeah I don’t even count him anymore but that’s three holes in your lineup right there corre those are three holes that three years is going to be out maybe maybe for the year with a with a with a back injury and that’s a huge loss right there so you bring up a B last week and he hits one home run but doesn’t do much else and he’s been up and down it just I don’t know I we seen enough of aill B I’m afraid so but cute little story but what else do you have if it’s a 4 if this was a real organization here’s the thing if this is a real organization or if Mike illich was still around he would have said okay we can’t score runs get me a bat and he said I don’t care how much it cost because Mike ill a couple bats yeah probably two but at least he would say one he would say bring this you’re not going to get that from Chris illage you say I bring up a kill B I think you have I think Chris illage has to do it now he’s not they have to Terry you you got a team that’s played hard they play hard man they’re in a lot of games they don’t they hardly get blown Scrappy and resilient they hardly get blown out they are they are pitching like nobody’s business you have TK scoble who goes tonight he is a bonafide he is like in the Sai Young talk and then you come up with Jack flarity who’s having a great comeback Year great boun back he leades the league in strikeouts and uh ree Olsen got beat up a couple of nights ago but he’s had a nice season as well and then after that you know you’re scrapping for things but they have the pitching the bullpen has been decent they’ve been good at some points they’ve been bad at others like the like you said they don’t have the bats if if Chris illet can’t look at this team and give Scott Harris the green light to go out and find Somebody by the trade deadline a couple of bats move some move some players around whatever I don’t know what I don’t know what to say because what else can they do in this division who is they are playing over their head the Indian excuse me the Guardians are playing over their head the Royals even the twins you got three solid teams in the AL Central that they didn’t think was going to be good that’s why he didn’t pick up any players and they can settle back down to Earth but there only four games out of the wild card I know but Scott Harris is already told you they’re not going to do anything you know he you know he was quoted as saying well uh you know Chris Zill says that I can spend which is baloney uh he can allow me to he’s going to allow me to have the resources to build a competitive team which I’m not buying but he says we’re not there yet so uh they’re not going to do anything you know what MZ I believe that they’re not there yet but you know what in this Division and the position they’re in if you were an aggressive owner if you an aggressive GM you could put yourself in position to win a division even though technically you’re not there yet I still think this division is for the grabing I don’t think Cleveland Minnesota Kansas City are great they’re you know they’re fine ball clubs but they are if you were serious a lot better than we thought they’d okay but if you were serious about wanting to to compete you would have made a move and you could be right up there with Kansas City right up there with Minnesota and Cleveland if you were serious about it but I I just don’t think that we’re going to see this out of Chris illage um here’s what’s going to happen with the Tigers they’ll get better and then we’re going to be saying man this is a pretty good team if they had one more bat I think they could win it all and guess what he’s not going to pay for that bat that’s what you’re headed for with the Detroit Tigers anthon you believe that I honestly think all four teams in the division are playing over their head a lot of pundits were calling the Tigers a 5050 Club I did not see them as a 500 ball Club this year um I do think that they’re a year away I think that you know Scott coming in and and crafting and molding this team into what he wants it to be not just for one year but for the future going forward um I mean Mark K has the third best bad on this team you can add one or two but he’s still going to be the fifth best bad on your team that’s not a very good team I think that this team will suffer one month of really bad play which will kind of put us right where we really are I I don’t want to see them mortgage the future to try and squeak in and get smoked in the first round of the playoffs this year oh man playoffs if they can make a wild card playoff run that would be so exciting man so great I it sure would be exciting but I’d like to to see them be a strong team for the rest of this decade make going thing you you should try to grab what you can now I just don’t think they’re going put themselves in position to be a strong team the mentality of being a strong team is not there and that’s from ownership from ownership I just don’t think it’s there well I hope you’re wrong s i I’m sorry did you say all four teams overachieved I think they’re all playing over their heads right now all four of them in the division Oh Oh I thought you were talking about the four professional teams here no Cleveland Minnesota KC and Detroit I think they’re all over playing right now they’re they’re playing above their head well I hope you guys are wrong as far as the Tigers go I I I do have a hunch that Chris illich is going to spend some money at the trade deadline okay I hope you’re right I don’t think it comes until next year though okay if if it doesn’t come this year I do believe they will make some noise in the off season okay but I whatever you say they played less than 60 games this year that means there’s 100 games left mhm why quit on a season now when you’re playing right there because you’re right there and you can see because you don’t want to do the things you need to do to compete spend money that’s why got to spend money m one more time M old T you man this takes me to the old days now I’m going to bring up Jim Leeland yes do you know they’re going to retire Jim leeland’s number 10 coming up in August I’ve heard that going to have a ball game August 3rd retire good old number 10 Jim Leland one of my favorite guys great guy comes on the show a lot let me ask you guys this did he win a World Series here he did not no no no no no why you retiring his number Terry it’s in Hall of Fame just asking a question good point I’m just throwing it out there and I want them to retire as number I want to say that but I’m going to ask you cuz my friend wrote me today Paul he’s like why are they retiring his number Who’s Next who’s who they going to retire next would it was a great 10 years here the best 10 years in Tiger baseball since ‘ 84 by far by far it was phenomenal they were the we own the central I still have the t-shirt we own the central remember those shirts it was fantastic when Pudge came here Mago came here I don’t got to tell you what happened happened two World Series they lost to inferior teams but they retire his number coming up here in August so Terry you’re the cynical guy you know what I can see your point because what do we say about Jim Leland the whole time he said even though they’re winning it was like Jim why why you have these wacky lineups uh the Sunday Leland lineup the double header lineup right uh I thought he could have got more out of this team I mean ver you have Verlander sherzer pelo wow and you can’t win a World Series you can’t you win One World Series game with that come on now is that all they won in the two trips yeah one SW in one one and one and the other yikes that’s cuz they had the wait a week for the first one no it wasn’t they had to wait a week it’s because they practiced at Ford Field when the Lions were a jinx that’s why they they win were were they actually indoors at Ford Field mhm they practice at Ford Field so you think that did them in that was it I love that take but man they got lionized but when you think back to those tiger teams Terry how in the hell did they not bring home a World Series it’s almost impossible right that they didn’t win a World Series with that lineup and these players are still playing today right championships with different teams let me ask you this who in the last 20 years that have played for the Tigers outside of migy would you retire pretty bare cupboard isn’t it yeah sometimes you need to just put stuff up Ms Vinnie Johnson’s number one up in the mid 90s didn’t sherzer JV should be retired here for sure now what about Pudge I I’m going to say yes for this reason Pudge was the reason other guys wanted to come brought the Renaissance he was a rebirth right so um guys you know you may not know this but Detroit is not a free agent destination in any sport except the red wi since when Terry hey the Lions now we got the People Mover Terry the Lions and we got Greek block but the Lions might let’s see how the Lions go now that the lions are a real team for the first time some guys might start to come here they’re a team now right they were a franchise guys didn’t want to come here from the MLB but once Pudge came here then Sky started looking at Detroit and then um Scott Boris yeah like Mike illage and um he said I I I like wallet like wall now you gonna have to pay but I’ll I’ll let my guys play for you remember how happy Juan Gonzalez was to be to be here oh my God thank God he didn’t sign that deal they offered him remember Randy Smith when he offered that deal 145 million or something like that sign and Juan said no thank you keep your money that was the greatest day of tiger history good thing we had Travis Fryman ain’t that something Smiley it’s just a hard thing man to look at this team and I really enjoy watching them I do I I’ve watched a lot of their I’ve watched every single one of their games I’ve been down to coer a whole bunch of times and to think how close they are they’re a 500 team they haven’t been that way in such a long time I I guess maybe I’m I’m looking at them like uh they’re almost a winning team and it bothers me that you have all this money you did all these great upgrades to coer it looks like a real ballpark it it is a really nice ballpark now all the upgrades they’ve done to it now all you need is to put a winning product on that field and why wouldn’t you go out we got that great WiFi how about a short stop in a third baseman you rather have the Wi-Fi or the short stop in in the third baseman Short Stop third basem and a first baseman while you’re at it and a first B that’s right yeah first baseman’s yeah done but you got great Wi-Fi we do scoreboard is nice scoreboard is nice and big the lights they got the uh the flickering lights now they got all those great lights it’s really good they got a lot of bars now around the stadium have you walked the stadium this year Terry mhm have you walked it because they got a bunch of new things now at Comerica Park yeah I don’t sit in the seats when I go to tiger you w always walking you go up to the Pepsi porch Pepsi porch That’s like a that’s like a nightclub up there it is up there they got some cuti pies up there too man they do you go there on a Friday night Tiger’s at home this Friday night by the way if you guys if you guys want to go out and have a good night go to CER Park and start your night there go up to the Pepsi Port you will you will have a great night the B Park in summer is just always a magical way to spend your nights weekend just a great time anywhere there’s drunk white girls I’m there and they are there they’re there and they are there hey I got plenty more coming up for you we’ll go around the NFL when we come back got some Lions news for you as well but first we’re going to hear from Pete and Guardian Alarm what happens when you see that black and yellow sign out in front of your house it tells the bad guys one thing stay out it is a New Year let Guardian Alarm off you customized solutions from real experts 247 professional monitoring and Technology backed by people and that technology has been proven to work and those people have been proving to care so call 1 1800 stay out that’s 1800 stay out call them today tell them Woodward Sports senta we’ll be right back thank you to the Detroit Lions and Sheila Hamp for the best season in Lions history now it’s time to let Brad Holmes cook Woodward Sports come to any lady James haircuts for men and claim your throne for a king’s treatment from one of our talented stylists open 7 days a week walk in anytime just get to a Lady Janes today and receive a Precision haircut scalp massage hot lather neck shave and a hot towel treatment a haircut should not be a chore it should be an experience and that’s exactly what Lady Janes has to offer open seven days a week Walkins are always welcome there’s always a location near you lady James haircuts for men it’s wicked awesome a network for the City by the city Woodward Sports is Detroit sports up with your Premier Pet Supply man just look looking around who’s got it better than Pets Come on a baby stroller for Cota a chef for Lola really you don’t have to tell me who the real boss here is who’s got it better than pets nobody especially here at Premier pet supply 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Maz and my friends here Anson wells in the house as usual and uh T fos we got him uh out of his new bed he hasn’t made his new bed yet he got a new bed delivered today uh the sheets are on the floor the sheets are on the floor uh what’s Dr fouchy going to say if you don’t get home in time to fix the bed got make up that bed son that’s your job yes it’s got to be ready for her I I make up the bed better than she does now what kind of bed did you get did you get one of those cmatic adjustables did you get one of those P button remot no you know what I heard from too many people those things are uncomfortable yeah really yes they they they got them a lot of money commercials and they they cost a lot they sound great but once you sleep in them they stink all right so did you get like a pillow top mattress or you just get a flat out mattress I got a pillow top and it’s nice and soft and then I got the um the mattress cover that cools the mattress about by 10° did they throw that in or did you have to buy that extra I had to buy that I got one of those cold pillows I got best purchas super duper pillows love that two for one on one side it’s a little bit soft the other side you flip it’s a little bit bit firm now when did you uh go start shopping for beds and go ahead just tell me about that I started cuz I’ve done all of this before I want to hear your I started three weeks ago uh because what happened was like a little spring was popping out okay on it on the side so you wore that thing out right wore wore it out I’m telling you but then she started it started scratching her leg and stuff and I said okay we got to get a new mattress time to go so went out there and oh they delivering and did they deliver and pick up the old well yes they do they were supposed to deliver it last week uh-huh but uh they ran out out of mattresses oh wow so I got a little notice they still came to deliver the pillows and the mattress cover but they said we ran out of mattresses so we’re going have to wait till Monday I’m like dang now when you went shopping for uh cuz everyone if you ever go Furniture shopping and you know I’ve sold in my life I s cars on the side I do what whatever it takes M you walk in to a to a furniture store and they have a lot of sales people and there’s a lot of downtime during the day did you have a guy run right up to you when you walked in yes he he had you were his you were his up I was his he he had a beard that went down to his chest okay he was a young guy old guy old guy old guy yeah he had gray in the beard did you did you like him right away or did you like I don’t like this guy no I like normally I do not like Furniture that’s why I’m asking you cuz they like boom boom they comeing they tack but um but I like this guy and so I got the mattress and know he threw in a couple little extra things all right and uh how many beds did you lay on huh how many beds did you lay on before you pick that right one out three three beds did did you try the one with the uh push buttons I’ve done that before okay I didn’t like it okay wasn’t a big fan they’re trying to to sell you the push button one I said no I just want to this pillow one it’s nice and firm I asked how long is it going to last and uh I was sold what if you had a guy like a slippery Pete spivac come up to you in one of those stores trying to sell you a match well as long as slippery Pete wasn’t wearing white shoes maybe I could buy something from him so mid mid s you I can sell I can sell you Terry okay Midsummer how much blankets are do you run hot or cold can you sleep right next to your lady does she just heat up the whole thing what do you do um you know I I like it cool I don’t what temp is your house during the winter no now now it’s about 71 71 that’s hot yes it is yeah yes at night we don’t have the air or the heat on now but the last few days at night’s been 68 68 full comforter we have a comforter called big bear Big Bear is uh it it warms you up no matter what you don’t have to have the heat on and you get under Big Bear you good gotcha the rest of the night well good luck with the bed I’m looking forward to your first night’s sleep on it tonight report back to tomorrow let me know how how it is okay all right let me back in we check it out okay here’s a guy that that is sleeping on air right now his name is Justin Jefferson we’ve been talking about him for weeks when’s this guy going to get paid well guess what Justin Jefferson broke the bank he is the highest paid non-quarterback in the history of the league 140 million 4 years 110 guaranteed that’s over 35 million per season which knocks Aman Rod St Brown down two more notches so Justin Jefferson did he deserve it and is he happy for the rest of his life it’s not arguable that this is one of the top three wide receivers in the league hey man we just talked about seeing this guy in New York right next to the Jets facility there was a lot of speculation what I’m thinking when I see this is that JJ McCarthy’s been in Camp and he’s showing what he can do because Jeff Justin Jefferson’s not going to hang around and sign this kind of extension for a guy that can’t get him the Rock and that’s what he dealt with last year he still was able to put up numbers in The Limited games that he played so JJ to JJ is a thing Terry what do you think about this uh contract and uh this combination of JJ to JJ I don’t want to pay my wi receive that much money but he deserves it yep uh we got slippery Pete right yeah Justin Jefferson is twice as slippery as slippery Pete no question very much so uh runs great routes Abby has wonderful hands so yeah he deserves it but I would not want to pay him that much money the three receivers in Green Bay make like $12 million right now and one guy is making $35 million for the Minnesota Vikings and the Detroit Lions are on their way they signed their big three as well they gave the money to Aman Ross St Brown pen Su and and of course Jared gof as well set the market they did they really the reason they could pay him Terry is because they’re not paying their quarterback now the Vikings they have a rookie quarterback and you have Sam darnold who is just playing for peanuts you know quote unquote so that’s the only way you can get away with paying a a receiver like that but the Lions have saved up their pennies for this day yeah and it’s going to be real interesting to see how you know Brad Holmes is always you know these oneyear deals $2 million that that game is just about done so it’s going to be interesting to see how he Maneuvers when you have to pay people now you have to pay obviously pan Su you have to pay Jared gof it’s this this is more difficult that’s why in the NFL and we don’t understand this around here because we’re used to mediocrity teams that are at the top some of them at the top for one year some some at the top for five or six years some at the top forever uh like San Francisco and Kansas City because they figured that out um and once again Brad Holmes is a dude that I’m tired of questioning he will figure that out what’s next now because who’s going to be asking for money now CD lamb is on the clock right now Tyreek Hill probably wants to renegotiate his new deal as well I mean there’s going to be you always want to be the number one guy out of all the receivers in the NFL I think Justin Jefferson belongs at the top of the Heap what do you think about that top of the Heap Justin Jefferson I mean everyone else there’s three guys you got to put CD there considering JJ was hurt last year and CD just took over the NFL as the number one receiver Jamar Chase didn’t have his quarterback last year I think those three are on a pedestal with guys like Aman Ross St Brown directly behind them okay so there you go he got his money no more talking about Justin Jefferson uh Brandon MCM Mattis used to kick for the Jacksonville Jaguars used to he was traded over to Washington Washington released him today this guy uh is accused of sexual assault he’s accused Terry I’m not sure if you know the story there were some flight attendants uh that he uh got up during the flight and was making sexual advances to them grinding on them so on so forth they have let him go these women are suing for a lot of money they are saying they they feel what what’s the word that they use what’s the word you use when objectified and threatened violated yeah they’re just yeah he he’s messed them up what did he say they’re seeking over a million dollars they’re demanding a jury trial they’ve experienced severe mental anguish anxiety psychological and emotional distress embarrassment and humiliation sounds like a great lawyer’s talk right there a’t that something well he’s fired and uh we will see if what happens with this guy it’s not right what happened but you know that this is not the first time this has happened these girls on the plane they just found a Target and listen I mean it is the the the world nowadays you’ve got the spotlight on you you’re a professional athlete if you can’t figure out how to act on a plane that has an air marshal on it and I don’t know you’re going to be making those kind of blunders and and faux Paws all over the place it’s better to get rid of them it’s just a kicker good they got rid of his ass but I always question this what if he was the starting quarterback right what if he were you know kicker it’s easy to get rid of them because you can get those really easy now you can jump bad if the player doesn’t mean as much for you I mean like the wide rece running back huh oh okay I thought you were going Rashid race no I was not Rashi but uh the other r ray yeah and the and the the reason they jumped bad with him cuz he couldn’t play anymore and they had video and they had video video is always look at Rashid rice this guy just you know fleed uh fleas the scene of a DUI accident and then gets another abuse charge against him which they held on to him it they didn’t get rid of him it was but but listen this could still get dropped here you know it could get settled but like he said Terry this is a kicker not the starter not the starting quarterback and you know what sometimes you need to be released simply because you’re a dumbass that’s right agreed now this is the same guy Terry if you remember when uh what’s his name was coaching the Jaguars Urban Meer do you remember that story Urban Meyer was walking around in practice the guy the players was stretching and he walked by this mcmanis and he supposedly kicked him he kicked the kicker and he told him hey you know yeah you know do this do that you’ve been missing field goals so and here he is now basically fired again so mcmanis in the news for the wrong for the wrong uh stuff so we move on from gave flight attendance $100 bills to drink and dance inappropriately to him I had not read that part so now what I mean they’re getting paid [Music] twice well there you go you know what go to the strip club if you want to do that not on the plan amen man but tell me that’s not the first athlete that’s done that it’s not no again if it was a starting quarterback if it was the starting running back who could still play will we be hearing this story will we because the NFL always swept these stories under the rug never happened never happened never happened because it want to keep my player will he kick again for another team sure I agree it it it it’ll take a while but he’ll I agree he’ll kick somewhere I mean Deshawn Watson’s playing right right I mean this he’s been in the league for 10 years yeah what did he do last year’s 81% from field goal yeah he probably has a job again probably does not here in Detroit though they won’t hire a guy of his St new culture here not of his stature nope here’s someone guys the Buffalo Bills signed Olympic gold medalist from wrestling Gable Stevenson as a defensive tackle look at the size of this guy they’re going to put him as a defensive tackle can a wrestler play football sure hope so you know what um I think you know you know who could play football we’re not talking about the Rock right now we’re talking about Gable Stevenson no no no sumo wrestlers could probably be great offensive Lin offensive lineman yeah because they’re used to that can he be yeah it’s going to take him a while he’s got to learn Tech teque and everything I thought M I thought you were going to say Olympic sprinter I was going to say no that’s not going to work out because you got to have some heart remember Ronaldo Nehemiah yeah SKS Bob Hayes uh he was trying to join Bob Hayes as the only Olympic gold medalist to win a Super Bowl so he is in the running for that even though Buffalo is a little bit behind on the uh list here anytime the story is about rugby players coming over and trying to make the league I love stories like this I’m pulling for guys like this it’s you know the any German players anything that’s outside of the norm let’s see what they can do well the Chiefs uh Terry I don’t know if you know this they signed a rugby player to be their kick returner because the new kick rules are you familiar with the new kick rules mhm I’ve seen it the kicker by himself on the 35 yd line his own 35 his team is standing at the other 40 yard line when the ball gets kicked once it goes over the line then you could attack so they these are Specialists special players coming up and I brought up Jameson Williams name the other day mhm and brayan’s like no way would I put Jameson Williams as a kick returner I’m saying why the hell not with that speed well because you might he might break one but they might break him in two and his job is to catch footballs it is but he’s not g to how many is he gonna how much do you want him catching this year how many in this team where you have jir Gibbs in the backfield who is going to be catching a lot of football this year you have your tight end uh Sam leap Porter Sam leap Porter and you got a mon ra St Brown uh and throw in a couple of other guys as well how many balls do you expect him to catch 35 to 40 but it’s not that’s why I’m saying that’s not a lot why you hang on it’s not the amount of balls that he catches but he’s going to be over the top and he might only Catch 35 or 40 balls but he might average 18 yards per catch that is stretching the field and that is an a weapon that the Lions do not have so I’m saving him to catch balls he’s not going to be a rugby player all right Anon I mean for me he caught what 25 balls last year he’s the fastest guy in your team yeah he caught 24 balls in 12 games last year that’s to a game um he obviously had to get assimilated back into the offense after he served his suspension I think everybody in Detroit’s hoping that he catches 65 balls correct but I think that Terry’s Terry’s a little closer in what this guy may end up actually being which is a 40 to 50 catch guy but even if he only catches 35 to 40 balls this year I don’t think you can risk him in the return game this guy has to be the Lions number two wide receiver for this really amazing offense to get even a little bit better which doesn’t seem like can happen but you got to keep this guy healthy and and putting him in in returns is is not the way to do it hey we have a super fan on the chat Dante 151 paid five bucks for this so let’s listen Gable Stevenson only had one WWE match and that was against Byron Corbin in NXT and people were booing Stevenson a lot but he was a gold medalist as well uh Dante so we we’ll see if a wrestler can actually come on over and play some football especially as a defensive end here’s a sad story Terry but I know you’re going to put a bright spot on this one for me Cowboy Hall of Famer offensive lineman Larry Allen one of the best ever went on uh vacation with his family in Mexico and he passed away yesterday unexpectedly 52 years old probably sounds like a heart attack or something of that sort yeah 52 years young man uh one of the best on that Dallas Cowboy team protecting Troy Aman and uh opening holes for EMT Smith I remember Pat Sumer roll and John Madden when they were doing a game John Madden would spend like 10 15 minutes a game just on Larry Allen and how he blocked what’s your remembrance of Larry Allen I went to the strip club with Larry Allen here we go we were in Atlanta Dallas was in the Super Bowl Larry Allen was retired but he was hanging out with players and so we ended up going to the we didn’t go like in the same car but we were at uh oh what’s the the magic oh what’s the name of that place anyway Something Magic in Atlanta okay and uh we were there you know legally getting strip clubs without insulting the women and getting ourselves suspended it’s a man it’s a gentleman’s club gentleman’s club when you are slapping a woman on the ass in the strip club that’s okay just don’t do it on the plane exactly so he was there he was respectful you big guy there’s a bunch of big guys I was probably the smallest person there but he was an amazing player Larry Allen uh I don’t know if you remember a lot about him but he was it’s sad man 52 years young yeah you know I don’t want to take this one right now a lot of guys a lot of young men dying in their 40s and 50s right now it’s sad absolutely man so Larry Allen rest in peace the Hall of Famer gone at 52 years young Lamar dying yes I do stress from the women there could be other reasons they need a new mattress it sounds like right he should have went shopping with you yeah he probably should have probably but he needs a king-size mattress you’re sticking with the queen mattress can save your lives man no doubt about that there you go hey Lamar Jackson uh he made it he made Bank finally and do you know he’s 25 pounds lighter this year do you also know he’s $750,000 lighter this year is cu he’s missed so many OTAs and workouts with the team he cannot hit his bonus of 750 Grand but wait a minute this is the guy that made his own contract last year corre right and he wrote this stuff in wrot that in know you were skipping and still couldn’t get it wow doesn’t need it I guess that’s not very smart Terry but throwing throw 750k away good once again you should be suspended and you should be fined for being a dumbass agreed right I mean he made all that money and I forgot what his contract was but to throw 750 Grand away man a chance to make that kind of money that that’s but that shows how much money these guys make he’s like 750 like don’t need it ain’t that something mhm Jesus that would change change a lot of people’s lives that 700 I’m sure between sandwiches like this one’s $3 less yeah I don’t know should I get the extra tomato Terry this brings me up to this I don’t have since we don’t have you here often we went over like the best divisions in football what do you think of the two North divisions the AFC North I think is the best division in football you have Baltimore you have Pittsburgh you have Cleveland you got Cleveland and Cincinnati and then in our division the NFC North you got the Vikings the Lions the Packers and the Bears those are going to be to me the two best divisions in football for the next 10 years what say you I say right now the AFC is better but over five to six year period the NFC North is going to be better because I don’t think Minnesota Green Bay and Chicago are going to allow the Lions just to dominate this league they’re like okay it’s never happened it’s it’s never happened these are the Lions we’re going to we’re going to we we know how to be competitive and that’s what we’ve been for many many years so yeah I think the lions are not going to go away and these other teams are going to go right up there and it’s going to be a dog fight here so I’m going to say the NFL North NFC North longterm would be the better Division and and not to criticize you go ahead Pittsburgh is a little overrated who is Pittsburgh the St I think Pittsburgh has never had a losing season under Mike Tomlin okay and they got better this year but they were n and eight n and eight and they got better and we made made fun of the Lions to being 98 I didn’t make fun of them you make fun of I did yeah but Pittsburgh is going to Pittsburgh we know that I don’t think Pittsburgh could win a Super Bowl with the way they are constructed right now with Russell Wilson and then Justin fields and behind him uh but they are much better than they’ve been that those two are better than what Kenny picket and Mason Rudolph brought to the table okay but they’re still not a great about that that’s worth two more wins so if they won nine they could win 11 okay you think Pittsburgh cannot win a Super Bowl correct not this year not this year can the Lions win a Super Bowl yes can Green Bay win a Super Bowl yes can Chicago win a Super Bowl not yet but they’re going to be there they’re going to be nine nine wins and what about Minnesota Minnesota is going to take a downward turn this year but they’re going to win about eight games Okay can Cincinnati win a Super Bowl if Joe burrow stays healthy they W it two years ago why not but if he’s not they can’t they can’t win without him okay the Cleveland Browns are my sneak pick in that Division and I’ve been picking him for how long now a good year if Deshawn Watson just shows up and is half as good as he’s been you don’t think that’s better than what Joe flacko did for them last year of course but I I I’m not impressed with DeShaun Watson me neither I think he’s all right me NE really yeah he was a top three quarterback just a few years ago he seems to be more a problem than addition now yeah who knows he’s he’s had two years three years ago they he was on a losing team yeah correct I got to agree with Terry I think this year that the AFC is better but when you look at the Youth of the quarterbacks and the fact that Jared Go’s going to be here some more years if Lamar can’t get to the final game and win it he could have his days numbered the rest of these guys over there like I mean I like Justin fields to take over at some point this year but how much Faith do you you have in him long term I have zero faith in in in deshun Watson so I think that these are the two best divisions in football right now but the the long-term window for the NFC North through the rest of this decade I think is really really strong probably the best in the league now I’ll tell you this I’ll throw this caveat if I’m An Young and upcoming team made the playoffs I want to play the Baltimore Ravens I want to play the Pittsburgh Steelers and take my chances yes sir want to play the Lions so I probably get my ass kicked or ain’t bu isn’t that something what you’re saying oh man listen to yourself I know you haven’t even gotten in your new bed yet and you’re already talking you’re talking I’m probably going to get kicked out that bed now man Terry Foster saying that the lions are going to be Super Bowl contenders I’ve never thought out of my in my life I whatever here he’s been making fun of me for years all gear I have you got a pick a little too early in the preseason you got Pi for the NFL Super Bowl CH I I have to come on later okay that’s hold that thought because I got news on the Super Bowl but first we got to take a quick break send it over to Pete he’ll tell you about the morning show wake up Woodward all right what if I don’t want to I’m sorry what if I don’t want to what what if he doesn’t want to yeah you have to he just joking with you you I couldn’t even I couldn’t hear I’m sorry okay you ruined it anyway you ruined it anyway join Wake Up with word Monday through Friday 8 10 a.m. mornings right here on Woodward Sports Network you can join Sam flannel Kool-Aid JV Kenny G and of course the great Matt broer every Monday through Friday 88 to 10: a.m. mornings right here on Detroit’s number one sports station and that would be Woodward Sports and we will be right back folks thank you to the Detroit Lions and Sheila Hamp for the best season in Lions history now is time to let Brad Holmes cook Woodward Sports yo let me just say I love Planet Fitness trying out Planet Fitness and dang they got lots of equipment not me getting a Planet Fitness membership just for the 24-hour perk listen the pf black card is worth every penny for this hydro massage I’m a new man did y’all know that the PF app has workouts you can do at home cheapest therapy I can find is Planet Fitness all the benefit F All For Less Planet Fitness big Fitness energy for all the most talked about Detroit media by other Detroit media and we love it it’s the Woodward Sports Network ra networ here Premier Pet Supply man just looking around who’s got it better than Pets Come on a baby stroller parota a chef for Lola really you don’t have to tell me who the real boss here is who’s got it better than pets nobody especially here at Premier pet supply for over 30 years in more than 13 locations Premier pet supplies has everything that your pet can dream of and guess what it’s all Under One Roof Premier Pet Supply familyowned operated and PR call Metro Detroit home check out Premier pets or scan the QR code today who’s got it better than pets no a ton of fun a ton of sports and a ton of man meat welcome to the Woodward heavyweights live daily 5: to 7:00 p.m. on Woodward STS all right guys welcome back to the super terrific happy hour Terry Foster Anson Wells and team AZ in the house with you we got Pete James is in control right now intern James we got Magic Mike in the sound booth and uh we got you guys on the chat so uh I left Terry with a little Super Bowl nugget listen to this guys first of all the Super Bowl is the best day of the year for me I love the Super Bowl okay are you part party guy or you got to watch the game by yourself I’m home with the family chilling out I only been out to one Super Bowl party maybe two in my whole life I was forced to go to both of course by by the wife one was a radio thing London the mayor of London wants to have the Super Bowl in his City very soon and we all know how Roger Goodell and the NFL has been given London and Germany they’re going to go to Brazil they’re going to go to Australia before you know it they’re going to go to the Middle East Terry if they ever take the Super Bowl away from the United States of America I will be one pissed off fan I know you what and you know what I said I don’t care just don’t have the Super Bowl at 9:00 in the morning if if it’s that’s impossible if it’s going to be 9: in the morning and then I’m out that’s impossible I don’t care where the the damn thing is honestly yeah I don’t put yourself put yourself back at Young Terry Foster in the Detroit News you want to go to London for a Super Bowl it’s a good trip I’m just asking you I don’t care you went to you already went to London to to cover the Jaguars and lions let’s just say now they’re going to put the Super Bowl in London you want to cover the Super Bowl in London it’s a football Big Ben NFL is our game our game we’re letting the other people are sharing yeah we could share but I’m not giving it to him I’m not giving them our game why do you care if it’s in London or Dallas why do you care if it’s in London or Seattle I just do I want it to be at an NFL City it’s not a big deal seriously it’s not do you think it’s going to happen of course it’s going to happen it’s inevitable yeah it’s going to there there going to be a Super Bowl just don’t do this every year let’s not have London and then Paris and then Brazil nothing like that once every 20 years fine I tell you what every time they have a Super Bowl in Detroit then you can have one over in Europe there you go I think we’ll see it once every 10 years I think that inevitable we’ve seen that they have a an absolute desire to feed this game to the world it’s very unique in the fact that it’s just a one game champion ship you don’t have to play seven games you don’t have to provide home field advantage so to me it’s we want this game to get better there’s a lot of people that would argue the NBA is softer because it’s been geared towards the the Euro game but it’s an international game at this point and they are attempting to do that we’re we’re talking about guys from different sports coming into the NFL just during this this show right so I think that um going overseas and doing this isn’t a big deal I don’t want to see it every 5 years or every two years something like that but um I would want to cover it I’d want to be there and I think that it’s fantastic that there that the world world is starting to not only accept this game but want it yeah man if you hang out with me we’ll have a great time in London well I know that Terry anywhere I go with you I want to go to the sunbowl with you that’s the first place I want to go with you and I don’t know if Anon ever heard your sunbowl story we’ll get to that in a minute but let me Super Bowl we all know it’s going to be 18 Game season and we all know it’s going to be on President’s weekend it will be on President’s weekend within the next years because you get that Monday off most people do and that’s how they’re going to present the Super Bowl everyone wants I’ve been parading for Super Bowl Monday off for probably 30 years maybe 40 years let’s hope you get your wish one day I will get my wish but it’s going to happen because it’s going to be an 18 game schedule it’s going to be spread out you’re going to have two by- weeks during the regular season and the Super Bowl will finish on President’s weekend which is the third week in February always the 16 17 18th 19th close to your birthday that’s my birthday weekend right and uh I we should celebrate our birthdays together we should celebrate our birthdays together 8m start means a one two or 3:00 game here from the west coast to the east coast I have no issue waking up and and watching a 3:00 Super Bowl I would you know I used to watch the Super Bowl back in 1971 my first Super Bowl was 1:00 Super Bowl 5 was a 1:00 game yeah interesting I remember running home from church we went to church and I’m like Super Bowl’s on Dad Super Bowl’s on and we had to get home and the pregame had already started and the the kickoff was I think the kickoff already started it was the Colts in Dallas that was my first Super Bowl that I ever remember nice uh what was the first Super Bowl you ever remember Terry that you actually remember Green Bay no that was uh you got the first one game Green Bay Dallas Green Bay excuse me Green Bay Kansas City or Green Bay Oakland Green Bay Kansas City so you were for the super you were the first Super Bowl then mhm it wasn’t there but you remember it I remembered it well I don’t remember what happened I just remember it was being played because you know I was born in’ 62 but I don’t remember watching and and thinking about the Joe name withth Super Bowl that jet Super Bowl I was seven years old I watch that with my Uncle Robert cuz he loved Joe Jo no it wasn’t Joe neth it was Joe Willie namoth Joe wiie neth yeah I remember my dad tells me the story that he bet my uncle Dom they bowled together and they bet a whole years worth of bowling on that game my dad had the Colts my uncle my uncle uh Dom had the the Jets so my dad had the pay for his bowling for the entire season that year that’s all I remember from from my dad in that one I remember super Hank Str was great man he had his has his little suit on yep he had the little Kansas City Blazer yep the KC Blazer and he was shaped like a box he was it was a cool you know it was like when you know those box when you get the uh like the uh not the big refrigerator but when you get like the mini fridge yeah in the Box he is he was just a little guy little fire he look like he was a fire hydr he was a fire hydrant he was a fire hydrant but he was one of the greats in the NFL NFL films you ever watch Hank stram on NFL film so that was there was nothing like that but you’ll be happy to know my first was 87 when your Phil Sims beat uh beat them Mr lway that was right after they got bass Bernie Kosar in that amazing AFC Championship right that was first year locked in Oh I thought this young boy was going to say I remember 2017 that something 87 is his first Super Bowl that he remembers and then I think it was what 89 now my dad actually came back from the silver Dome with with some stuff from us what was it 82 and when San Francisco beat the Bengals here at the super doome or the the silver Dome y so that was my first kind of taste I was a little intrigued by the whole Walter pton and the the Super Bowl Shuffle loved me some fridge and then actually was really watching that next year now see now you Two Fellas do you remember what the original name of the silver Dome was yes what was it the Pontiac it was the Pontiac and that did not say silver Dome it was the Pontiac Metropolitan Stadium there you go nice job why did they change it deep cut why did they change it because the Sports casters called it the pal the p P met and the Lions didn’t like that Pon P so they changed it they were trying to think of a name they came with a silver D that was a great name it was even though the Dome was white was white was it was white but it was the Silver rush back then yes true mayor may not have a seat back from there I’ve got my personal seat that I used to sit in uh I used to go to bleachers I used to buy the bleacher seats for $155 the week of the game that Monday the game if had a home game that Monday the silver Dome would put up seats for $15 lower tier bleacher seats $15 what do you mean they had to suck that was awesome no lower tier bleachers they were great football game spoken like a man with press passes for the last how many if if the team is at the two yard line on the other side of you can’t see anything but that’s any that’s anytime you go to a football game yeah but if you sit in the middle you can see everything yes Terry not everyone gets to sit at the 50 yard line how about the 30 not everyone gets to sit at the 30 I would buy The End Zone seats for you can’t beat it for $15 so when the silverd was getting taken down the the uh company that was taking it down was a dammo demolition I happened to be a friend of Rich Ado so I was able to go to the stadium with him and I got to pick my seat out they took it out and and I have it this guy’s talking about other people being privileged he gets to pick out his own damn seat cuz I know the owner of the demolition company I wish my story about how I got my seat was more legal what was yours then I uh might have pushed it you pirated it I might have pushed it off of the seat in the very last game when they went what ow and 16 against Minnesota I was really excited because it’s the same number as Mike McMahon so you broke number eight I shouldn’t admit this on air but that place is pretty Clos at this point but yeah me and my buddy blasted the seat backs off I put it up underneath my shirt and underneath the thing and I guess within 30 seconds of us leaving like we left right away they were there security was there looking for us the oh yeah the guys that were sitting with us are like they called us they’re like go go go cuz we we had them under our Co I still got the seat back man but that’s awesome I put a seat Underneath Your Clothes well look at him oh no it was wider than you see do you see that shirt he wore that shirt in seventh grade it still fits him no no not this one but yeah the other ones shout out to Detroit threads H he’s the only dude that I know that wears a medium he is no he wears a schmedium a I still have my spider Sally like caricature shirt from 1989 that fits me I wore it on Friday it’s a good thing or a bad thing it’s a good thing I mean so you got did you break the seat did it did it stay in one piece wait I was just leaning back and I was just pushing on it with my feet to see what might happen and and it just kind of eroded right off the bolts right so my buddy next to me he’s like so he puts full force and it blasts that seat back into the guy in front of his head was that against the Saints I thought it was uh Minnesota was the last game at home I thought the 0 and 16 team was the saint but think but the last game at home cuz I think we went 0 and 15 actually so I think own 16 I’m not sure but yeah it was uh it was a real close call it would been really silly to have to call my old man cuz I stole a seat I’ll be dead me come be me out I don’t do stuff like that now Terry tell me not anymore I don’t the silver Dome uh had the greatest Press Box in the history of Press Box yes or no no when you sat you sat in the lower tier on the 35 40 yard line such conflicting memories of that place don’t you remember I remember I didn’t think it was the greatest in the world Harry all the other press boxes are up way up high the the the silver Dome was right there in the lower tier you know what sour me on the Press boxes the silver Dome they used to serve those death dogs at the silver Dome so that spoiled anything for me oh man we can all agree on the main event though righty huh love the main event right the bar and restaurant at the Silverdome it was all right okay hey uh burn just realized something super fan burn five bucks to say this my man Anson they didn’t play in the Silverdome during the 0 and 16 Season you’ve been you’ve been doing this you keep doing this L were we two and 14 that year I mean but yeah the 0 and 16 season was at four field I had season terrible season and they played the saints that see I got confused when you talked about silver Doan 0 and 16 those fact Checkers paying five bucks to fact Che burn got you take it that’s fine hey guys uh we we got to say thank you to to watch today thanks for putting up with us we appreciate it uh we’re going to see you guys tomorrow I want to thank Terry Foster T have a great night’s sleep tonight in your new I am I’ll let you know all about it can we have you back again sure all right I’m going to let you know give you some notice let me know thank all right uh minutes me back answer we’ll see you tomorrow sounds good all right uh Magic Mike see you tomorrow Pete James great job fellas uh for uh Ryan and brillan it’s Maz brayan’s uh hitting the links today he’s over at the rocket mortgage classic playing in that uh little scramble out there but miss he’s playing golf yeah you know you know it’s a beautiful day got to play some golf uh for all the here at Woodward Sports I’m Tom asway thanks for listening thanks for watching the heavyweights are next right here on Woodward Sports [Music]

Anson Wells and Maz on the desk today with Terry Foster in the Maz chair, plus Pete and Silent Mike on the dials, along with interns Joel and James. Pistons finally relieve Troy Weaver as GM and we also discuss NBA playoffs. Caitlin Clark gets shoved and the NHL playoffs are heating up. We will be going around the NFL with plenty of news, and get to some Tigers talk as well. All this and more on todays show, so please join us for all the discussions and fun!

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  1. So Maz doesnt care if Angel Reese gets roughed up, but does when Caitlin does…. Wow, lost a lot of respect for you Maz

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