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Major Knicks Reveal; How We Got Here | Knicks Rehab

Major Knicks Reveal; How We Got Here | Knicks Rehab

all TV they scared but I’m not they don’t like I was a big porzingis fan big time I he was the Unicorn for a reason that draft pick was crazy and that’s an example of for me personally I don’t watch college ball you know I personally believe all that stuff is kind of predatory but it’s like the world we live in now where we’re monetizing everything right so it’s almost like now we have to participate in in this and the summer the summer program is the best for me to tell a lot of these guys Talent someone who who was highly touted I forgot where D’Angelo Russell went to to in college but when he came to the league and I saw him in in in the summer games I just thought even watching the college highlights I saw I said damn lb wavy what’s good baby I said damn uh D’Angelo Russell looks like he’s a step ahead of everybody that’s how he looked at me on in on a video so you can tell he was he was purely talented another guy who I was impressed by during the summer games was porzingis and even just watch watching his video tapes that they would show us I’m like bro he’s 7 foot4 like of course we could run down the line and you know Ralph Samson and um Bobo’s another guy his high school highlights are crazy people start you know shout out to my guy corn up sou Uptown he he put he saw me he put me on to bobo when he was in high school and I’m like yo this that’s M B’s son he looks crazy right um I think you know you saw Shaq he he was trying to boost up bull bolster as his guy but he went back on his word right Shaq initially was was saying hey this guy’s just as talented as Wy like what’s the difference and since then Shaq went back on and turned excuse me he turned back on his word and he said yo he doesn’t work as hard as I thought right you can’t deny work ethic and these guys when they’re honest you look for that that that clip and you run with it um hard work separates a lot of these guys of course there politics involved with poor zingis he had the world in the palm of his hand especially in New York through the injuries you know it was tough for him but that’s why going back to the the article let’s see I get if I get you guys to zoom in going back to the article that that step right there was Major because they didn’t I don’t think Leon Rose Leon Rose did not make this trade he wasn’t there yet it raised eyebrows when a team in the midst of a 17- win campaign moved on from his best young player but that’s exactly what the Knicks did in trading their 23 year old I have I have a putzing Jersey and everything we got back Dennis Smith Jr pair of first round picks um Courtney Lee and Tim Hardway Jr Scott Perry right Scott Perry made that deal allowed the Knicks to have up to $71 million in cap space that summer so they were doing it for cap space at the time we were go we were D signing like you know power forwards to two-year deals remember that’s when um Bobby Porter was here right Bobby P was here and we were we had a good deal in place we we were we were we had a mission it looked like so this was a major a major deal it it it it basically became like a bulk I believe this if I’m not mistaken this this pair of first- round draft picks one of them wasn’t it was it was top 10 protected and became Derek lby of this year and I’m not mistaken cuz they the Dallas that’s why Dallas tanked last season and they w wanted to keep their pick and they just they look genius now right so that was that was what they’re saying is the first step in this in in in the current Nicks culture Kevin Durant and Kyrie signing with the with with Brooklyn I was never a fan of signing Durant and and Kyrie Irving um mostly because Kyrie at the time he was going through his growing pains and I W to I want to get to that I we’re GNA watch that video uh Legend of winning had a great video where he broke down Stephen A Smith Stephen A Smith sounding like a schmuck about Kyrie Irving and ever since you know going back on his word um but I didn’t want I didn’t want um Kyrie and Kevin Durant because Kyrie know those growing pains he was going through it it would have been tough to rebuild and he thinks he’s on D like it’s okay to think you’re on Durant’s level if you have brunson’s leadership even LeBron there’s a lot that comes with LeBron but he’s so talented and skilled that it’s like bro he can make these moves you know Kevin Durant I don’t know if he is a part of you know the the moves that are made for a team but it doesn’t seem like it right it seems like he’s a little bit you know passive aggressive he’s up and down which I wouldn’t mind if it was without Kyrie irvan again if we brought Kevin Durant in here and we had a Jaylen Bruns in here it would have been crazy and remember remember this when Kevin Durant said the cool thing right now is not the N what I hopefully a young man like Kevin Durant learned hey you don’t say things like this because you’re pting yourself against one of the 30 teams in the league that you might need leverage for you still need leverage it’s bad business to do this and my you know for me rich kimman is his agent rich kimman is his agent which was which was a huge reason the rumors were out there that he was going to come to New York he out of business in New York which clim is in New York if I’m not mistaken which climing like started his his life or his business the business side of his life like with a underground uh poker tournament or or gambling you know basement gambling and he’s just a hustler so you saw there was an interview with Rich kimman and Kevin Durant and he was saying yo you know Kevin Durant was saying bro you don’t think Rich wanted me to come to the Knicks Kevin Durant saying his whole family told him to go to the Knicks rich climing was a Knicks fan so the writing was on the wall you know just obviously he was heavily influenced by Kyrie Irving Kyrie Irving’s personality is more just seems more dominant just like his play style for you know a god 62 just amazing so this was big too right and uh the Knicks largely PL panned in free agency that summer after whiffing on Durant pivoted to land forward Julius Randall a player who never been an Allstar but who had loads of upside so this is the beginning of a major major you know point for us as well right Julius Randall becomes the pillar of the Knicks and like with Carmelo Anthony I always give them credit bro they wanted to be here come here they knew that there was pressure I don’t I don’t know if Julius R actually knew how much pressure there was good morning gang Dolan didn’t want Kyrie that’s why that tree didn’t fall through I’m not sure though there there’s so many rumors I think it just I don’t know would I think it boils down to to be honest lb if we’re going to be if we’re going to be try to be accurate about this remember I was a big Kyrie fan and I loved I loved I just loved his game I always you know I sound like a broken record you know back then I was saying yo Steph Curry’s a new logo before he was you know when Mark Jackson was there and they would he like there was we didn’t like this is crazy he’s shooting from everywhere he was just to me he was killing the Spurs and you know so he’s he’s the top of the top when it comes to shooting but in that second tier like Kyrie Kyrie’s a part of that right Kevin Durant is in there Ray Allen all these guys and Kyrie is so talented and skilled that it was just undeniable so when LeBron got there there was a Title Wave of just power I think Kyrie saw that and was like yo I want that I think I got that and with player empowerment some people got drunk off of it no disrespect to Kyrie it is what it is and I think after a while remember like if if LeBron touched his head LeBron was was saying a lot to like the kid he would refer to Kyrie as the kid too the kid the kid the stand the third like LeBron would like like he was doing too much to me like bro you’re not that you don’t you’re not 40 years old you would how old was LeBron back then he was in his early 30s what the hell you doing calling somebody a kid you think like you know you’re hanging around so Kyrie clearly wanted the power also LeBron was coming up in free agency right his free agency is coming up and it’s like I’m up in limbo all over again Kyrie knew hey there’s a difference between having Championship expectations and and and and the real a real POS plausibility of it you know existing there’s a there’s a difference between that and not ever making a Championship not making the playoffs and being known to just lose and he didn’t want to be a part of that so when he they traded him they traded him to the Celtics which don’t you think about don’t you think in retrospect that was kind of crazy for Cleveland to even do to trade him to the Celtics we see now he’s about to go meet up against the Celtics in the championship and it’s like he had the players around them but again Kyrie and we’ll get to that in a second he he he went through this up and down phase with the Celtics that’s why a lot of fans turned on him and really CU it felt like he turn on the fans right then he comes to Brooklyn because if you think about it there’s no power struggle Joe S a new owner Shawn Marx he was at the he was at their Mercy he was at Kevin Durant and Kyrie’s Mercy right so I think Kyrie saw an opportunity to re really be the most powerful person and the king of a team and to me he did that twice with the Celtics and with with with with Brooklyn and I just felt like I can sense that on them and I felt like y That’s not a recipe to win it’s just it can get in the way this is a real the same way you got to perform and collaborate with your team your teammates and the coach you have to do that with upper management as well you just have to and if you go kind of going against the grain you know and I felt like he was going to do that ever since though he finds a home in Dallas and you see the collaboration between Kyrie Irving the teammates the coach the owner Nico Harrison the general manager over there super talent super skilled when they’re collaborating together that come on there’s a bunch of high IQ guys over there so we see what happened over there we didn’t have and also imagine if the Nets did have a aark Cuban you know that would have been Dynasty over there they would have been insane because then you have a guy there who’s going to oversee and and check all these things that were you know looming so that that’s the second step right in the What’s this called the eight moves that fueled this New York Nicks Resurrection that’s the second move that that that fued the the Nicks Resurrection was Kyrie and Kevin Durant going to the Nets Mar second 2020 the Knicks hire former player agent Leon Rose as team president and Rose EV hires Tom tibo as coach what did I feel about that at the time at the time I was I was Dam I was damn near protesting being a fan of the Knicks because I I was so disgusted with the porzingis trade I didn’t understand it like I could understand if you package porzingis in the third pick and you got a superstar out of that I thought that was possible I thought Dallas was so desperate to pair up Luca with like a European partner and think they’re going to have this new Europe you know tandem I thought they were so desper desperate for that they could have gotten more and I thought they were in a rush to get rid of him because he was going to be a a free agent or something like that and his brother was the agent porzingis that is you know I just didn’t feel like it was a great trade and imagine if Leon Rose was at the helm with porzingis here that’s a way different trade because that’s really like a was that trade right so here Mar March 2nd 2020 Leon Rose is in the building MS s g met with skepticism Stephen A Smith of the world they were on Ste you know they were on ESPN announcing hey this guy’s an agent um does he really know what he’s doing right like and it was fair criticism um you had the Laker general manager who was an agent as well uh Rob palena the Lakers didn’t you know they weren’t looking great either until they signed LeBron so there was some skepticism with that uh I forgot how I felt about Tom tibo I thought with Tibido initially I thought of him as you know the defensive Guru I know he wore players out in Minnesota and Chicago that was following him here we were already bad and then you read about the ca thing you hire Rose and then you hire Tibido and it reintroduced to you not only is Leon Rose a player a player agent and he was a former agent but now you’re talking about he’s hiring his guys so there’s trust from the top to the bottom all right well these are your guys now you’re saying it’s all in your hands now it’s your your DNA your fingerprints are all over this thing when we take a forensic file Leon Rose’s fingerprints are all over the place and we haven’t even gotten to how they presently look oh owner Jim Dolan took a different approach and hiring Rose to take over the Knicks basketball operations a former player agent who never run an NBA team then as Rose’s first acquisition of note he hired defensive-minded Tibido immediately giving the Knicks an identity correct coming into the first year New York’s New York’s developing roster was pegged at 22 and a half over and under totals but shocked the league with 41 victories and a playoff bir the Knicks F first since 2013 Tio earn Co to the year honors right and that could have been given to uh if I’m not mistaken 2020 so that means in 2021 right that was when the Phoenix Suns and the Bucks went to the finals and you could have you know the Monty Williams was up for grabs as coach of the year as well because they had a great season um but this is true they they develop an identity this is amazing May 2020 Rose revamps the front office and expands the organization’s Player Development staff the two elements that contributed most to the Knicks years long Malay malays were poor salary cap management and seemingly non-existent Player Development if and when young players showed promise they often were shuttled out of town as soon to bring in the next big Dame consider this the Knicks went a whopping 23 years from 1999 with Charlie Ward to 2022 with RJ Barrett without extending one of their first round draft picks on a multi-year contract that’s a big deal as well right Brock Aller who developed a reputation for his salary cap Wizardry with the Cleveland Cavaliers was brought in as the team’s vice president of strategy meanwhile while Walt perin who served as a vice president of player Personnel for 19 years with the Utah Jazz and Frank xannon who came over from the Oklahoma City Thunder where he served as the assistant general manager of pro Personnel took over the Knicks college and pro scouting respectively that’s this is all major because now you’re hiring right a whole bunch of experience that Leon Rose did not have so you got guys come on 19 years with the Utah Jazz the Jazz were always finding Talent they were always in the running you have to be strateg strategic when you work you know you work for the Jazz and the Indiana Pacers if you catch my drift it’s a little light out there right small town or small City how you say yeah like small City small Market teams you got to be strategic and then Oklahoma City again small you know small Market City and you we saw what they done throughout the years I mean uh what’s his name from the from the Oklahoma City Thunder Thunder General GM Sam pry Sam pry has done an amazing job three MVPs and Harden Westbrook Kevin Durant all drafted they’re gone he made a big mistake fumbling fumbling James Harden not resigning him instead of keeping serg Baka then eventually he loses all three players you know pre- agency trades Harden uh but now he’s back potentially you have SGA Chad holgren and Jaylen Williams Jaylen Williams probably has the least chance to become an MVP candidate but I’m I really wouldn’t be shocked I’d be surprised but not shocked if Jaylen Williams becomes like a top 10 MVP top 15 MVP caliber guy Chad holgren would it really surprise you if Chad holr becomes a top 10 MVP caliber guy in the face of wemi right there’s a potential wemi rival right so Frank zanon sees all of this with Sam presty right the Resurgence of them Brock Aller who developed his reputation for his salary cap Wizardry with the keep Cavaliers okay now with the Cavaliers how long was Brock Allen with the Cavaliers look that up real quick where’s your Wikipedia my guy why Brock Allen chose to join the Knicks Brock Aller had been with the organization at the right hand of of of of Cavaliers owner I hate these advertisements every website has these crazy advertising Brock Aller had been with the organization the Cleveland Cavaliers on with Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert and some capacity for 15 years Allen worked his way up from liazon an adviser on business and basketball operations to a full-time front office role in 2013 2014 so come on now with Brock Brock Aller there joining the Knicks now you have a guy right with Brock Aller think about it Brock Aller comes from the Cleveland Cavaliers he’s there when LeBron leaves and comes back then he’s there when he’s gone again shout out to Kobe Alman Kobe Alman is a New Yorker he’s from new utri Brooklyn when when when the Cavaliers hir him and and they went from general manager to president of basketball operations I’m not mistaken after before he was before being a general manager he was an assistant general manager and when they gave him a promotion Dan Gilbert said yo this guy is books small and Street that that’s Verbatim what Dan Gilbert said about about Kobe Alman right but Brock Allen is a guy who sees all of this happening you saw LeBron Le come back you saw a young General Manager Go from you know assistant general manager to general manager and now he’s president of basketball operations over there in Cleveland so Brock Aller gets to see all of these things I mean come on now you talk about dealing with a owner that’s strong personality billionaire Dan Gilbert’s a billionaire if I’m not mistaken he gets it from the mud you know unlike Dolan but it’s still a strong personality right so Brock all has has has experience with Cleveland small Market team you have to become creative with with a small Market team he’s there for that summer of 2020 the club brought in a pair of assistants and K Kenny Payne who worked alongside then Kentucky coach Kiper for years and Johnny Bryant who worked in Player Development with with under Quinn Snyder in Utah in hopes of generating more tangible growth from from New York youngsters this is amazing Johnny Bryant being with with Quin cider in Utah a lot of people rever Johnny Bryant they love Johnny Bryant Johnny Bryant is currently up for the Cleveland the Cleveland Cavalier coach head coaching position he developed IQ a lot they have a strong relationship he helps Tio a lot on the off offensive end this is a major pickup uh the Kenny Payne connection with John Calipari that makes a lot of sense since this Kentucky connection think about IQ and a lot of these guys that come from Kentucky uh again I’ll repeat to to the to the world worldwide West and Leon Rose the heads of laosa Rosa laosa Rosa the heads of that from New Jersey world wide west from Camden they have a connection with Kentucky they just do they have a connection with Calipari so Kenny Payne coming coming from over there makes a lot of sense you gota you have to you have to reward some people I would love to see the background to that you have to reward your reward your people so it seems like remember Kenny Payne works over there in Kentucky he’s abstracting some information you come back to the Knicks with that and now you have IQ there and this is also probably important because I don’t watch college ball but you get to see the players and you see the environment in college basketball try to bring it to the league so look you have a you have a mixture of someone with a with a a college background the college atmosphere joining these veteran these veteran NBA guys it’s a great mix smart mix so far with a leon Rose Barrett Mitchell Robinson Obi toin Emanuel quickley Quinton Grimes and M McBride were all drafted between 2018 2022 Robinson and McBride cases are meaningful contributors in New York rotation yeah let’s see that next 2022 the Nick sign jayen Brunson so they think the next major move between 2020 in 2022 so it took two years for them in the major move and we know how that turned out four years $104 million and I for one you can say or think that I was that that I stand on this at the time shout out to Shan with a W shout out to Shawn with a W on Twitter he’s the one who put me on to this this contract four years one 104 for the amount of money that Jaylen Brunson was making he was going to be in the middle of the pack contract for point guards in this era and now you have a guy who’s in the middle of the pack contracts for point guards two years ago a top six MVP candidate the only other guy who’s in the MVP candidacy that’s a point guard is SGA right unless you consider Luca a point guard see May let’s count uh Luca so Luca SGA and Brunson are on the top six point guard list uh MVP list for point guards or the point guards that made the top six in MVPs who are the other guys I think it was uh Joker Giannis and Tatum that’s a big deal this contract looks amazing September 1st 20 2020 oh right I thought they weren’t going to mention it ni fall short in trading for Donovan Mitchell this was Major we’ve heard all kind of rumors they tried and fail to get Mitchell from Utah reportedly offering two unprotected first round picks along with players such as RJ Barrett Emanuel quickley among other offers but Rose and the Knicks front office held firm and declined to meet Utah’s asking price reportedly excuse I’m sorry among other uh rol in the front office Health firm declined to meet Utah’s asking price reportedly F three first plus barrier and crimes prompting the jazs to make a deal with the Cleveland Cavaliers instead I’ve heard that they offered Mitchell Robinson as well I don’t I believe this is Major because I don’t believe Donovan Mitchell fits alongside Jaylen Brunson he just doesn’t that’s that’s a tough that’s just tough right that’s that’s the the reason for me why this was Major and of course you fast forward to the trade of this season when we get we’ll get there in a second you see what I mean by fit and that’s going to become a common theme with the Knicks who fits whatever whatever and then you’ll see throughout the league all the fans they going to start chanting the same thing because it’s about culture there was a de there was the deal in 2011 which New York sent his first round pick which later became Jamal Murray and a third of its budding roster to Denver in exchange for Carmelo Anthony who who could have joined the Knicks as a free agent The Following season and then in July 2013 the Nicks famously made a deal with Toronto giving up a first round pick which eventually was used to trade for kawh Leonard two second round picks in Steve Novak who led the NBA in three-point percentage the year before in return the New York Knicks got a number one overall pick Andrea bani in injury prone player who three- points why are they talking about this this time okay they’re comparing the Andre barani deal to the Donovan Mitchell deal this time that with Mitchell the Knicks drew a line in his sand and had the discipline not to cross it I think yeah I think the Knicks the the M the the carelo Anthony thing was looming but and this makes more sense or they both do actually because what they didn’t mention here in this paragraph is that Leon Rose is caral Anthony’s agent right Leon Rose is Carmelo Anthony’s agent Leon Rose is Andre baran’s agent at the time right CAA they’re both CA that’s why that’s major that’s why that’s major the Knicks famously made a deal with Toronto giving up a first round pick which eventually was used to to trade for kawh Leonard two second right so this was done actually it wasn’t I wonder if MSU jiri was here already because I know he MSU jiri was in um was in Denver and he traded car to us which we’ll fast forward to in a second how he made up for that New York eliminates Mitchell and the Cavaliers in five games in the opening round of the playoffs that was a major step to them I don’t know that’s kind of like reaching perhaps the best Val it’s validation okay and of course the Knicks trade for defensive stand out ogin noobi right a couple of teams at least were willing to hand the Raptors three first round picks to land in a no H yet again the Knicks were atypically patient and they were able to snag him this season without surrendering a single pick instead they developed their young prospects and quickly embar it to land the the star stopper the acquisition the acquisition moved the needle immediately their defense improved when he was on the court from 115 points surrender to 100 per 100 possessions without him 19th in the NBA to just 100.9 points allow per 100 with him best in the NBA but so do the Knicks offense as a result of the spacing yeah all that anadigm sack where the paper at and of course uh MSU jiry was a part of this trade as well so that’s so amazing for us man those were those were uh hold let me let me blast it again go go to the top this was in case you want to reread it yourself or just rewind listen to my beautiful voice I don’t think it’s that beautiful by the way but you let me know the eight moves that fuel this New York Knicks Resurrection oh TV they scared but I’m not don’t like

ESPN Eight Moves That Fueled This Knicks Resurrection | Knicks Rehab
AllBall TV Presents Knicks Rehab

Knicks Rehab discuss ESPN Eight Moves That Fueled This Knicks Resurrection. The Knicks’ resurgence can be attributed to several key moves, starting with the bold trade of Kristaps Porzingis, which netted valuable assets for rebuilding. The strategic signing of Julius Randle provided a cornerstone player after missing out on Kevin Durant. The appointments of Leon Rose as president and Tom Thibodeau as head coach established a strong organizational identity focused on defense. Emphasizing the drafting and development of young talents like RJ Barrett and Mitchell Robinson marked a shift from past mismanagement. Finally, the acquisition of Jalen Brunson solidified the team’s competitive edge, providing leadership and stability at the point guard position.

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