@Detroit Pistons

Reacting To Troy Weaver Getting Let Go By The Detroit Pistons With A Pistons Beat Reporter

Reacting To Troy Weaver Getting Let Go By The Detroit Pistons With A Pistons Beat Reporter

one of the first uh segments I wanted to talk about um was trange and Lon and probably what everyone’s talking about uh you know Troy Weaver getting let go I wanted to know like what were your initial reactions because I know listening to your podcast you’ve been like hinting at it for like two two months like like it could happen like don’t be surprised if it happens uh are you surprised that they eventually did it no not not at all I think uh I think for me uh the kind of I mean you obviously figured you going through the season down the stretch that there were clearly going to be changes Gores hinted as such um in December when when we talked to him um but I think once I wrote the story at I think right before the Spurs game which was the final game of the year that hinted well didn’t Hint it reported that they would be going after a president of basketball operations that was pretty clear to me there that it was it was probably the writing was on the wall it’s just very hard to Envision one somebody coming in here in that role and not wanting to have their own people in here and two it’d be hard to imagine Troy wanting to work for work under somebody um after running the show himself so I think that was um definitely not a surprise certainly but uh I think they wanted to make sure they wanted whoever they hired to make sure uh that’s that’s what they wanted to do so I think that’s why you saw the process drawn out and allowing Tran to get here and talk with everybody and and figure out what he wanted to do I I almost thought he wasn’t GNA get hired because it took so long for them to announce it because it’s just like I get like a I think saw a lot of people talk about that yeah I mean like I had a conspiracy like with um Corey and he told me he’s like you can’t do your conspiracy anymore man because I’m starting to buy it what was it what was your conspiracy I thought that they were just going to pull the let’s go get Tim Connelly kind of like they did let’s go get M like they did last year oh I mean that’s not a bad conspiracy I will I will say that I think people just need to needed to look at the Timeline right uh it was reported on I think Thursday before Memorial Day weekend or Friday that he was going to that he was the likely one to get the job that he was going to get the job right yeah so then you have Memorial Day weekend um those I think people underestimate how like long legal contracts take to get typed up and figured out too so you couple that with the long weekend and then him having to get to Detroit I know he signed on Wednesday they didn’t announce it till Friday but he was signed on Wednesday okay okay I just think there’s just like behind the scenes Nuance that I don’t know what it was that took the press release longer to come out but he had signed on Wednesday yeah probably a lot of like like you said paperwork and then you have the factor Memorial Day weekend and you know people are with their families and stuff like that I think some people are just kind of pounding the table like it’s like what what’s taking so long it’s been over a week but um I ALS I also didn’t understand that point that part because it’s like well multiple reporters including myself like announced that he was getting hired I it felt like people thought that like he I don’t know why it needed an email to make it official I guess but I I guess I don’t know I think people just want information I don’t know it’s just maybe it’s because some NBA teams like others use Phoenix for example like they they fired their coach I hired buer and he had a presser with him like what 48 Hours yeah maybe that maybe that’s where fans are coming from and I can understand that but I mean to me that reads more like they did a little bit of they started talks with that guy a little bit sooner than maybe they let on but yeah I mean it’s a process I I understand it I could see why some fans get a little bit irritated by it [Music] oh [Music]

This week On Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony was joined by James Edwards III of The Athletic the topic of discussion was Troy Weaver getting let go by the Pistons and if James was surprised the Pistons made that move to clean up the front office.

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