@New York Knicks

Bleacher Report, how dare you.

Saw this in my Instagram. I WILL NOT TOLERATE DEUCE SLANDER.

by fernboyyy


  1. I don’t take offense to it but earlier on he look like he had the game of Miles teller

  2. Snuggle__Monster

    Bleacher Report is a very far cry from what they were in the early 2010’s

  3. drfunkensteinberger

    He takes after a deuce but not the one on court

  4. cricket9818

    I don’t see the problem. It means they’re saying that’s his ceiling.

    Problem is, I don’t see how deuce is a comp when bronny’s offensive game is reallyyyyy far off from where Deuce was in college.

  5. RandomWilly

    I mean player comps usually mean ceiling

    This just means that Deuce is an ideal archetype of his own

  6. I think they’re just saying he looks like deuce /s

  7. Fishmike52

    Yeah McBride was a beast in college. Bronny like has no game

  8. Urban_Introvert

    This is what I said his comparison is on the NBA sub a few weeks back. Deuce is an undersized guard with high energy, serviceable defense, can shoot 3s and not need the ball in his hands. That’s kind of the role Bronny played in college. And that’s likely his role in the NBA. I may be wrong but Bronny at best will be a rotation player.

  9. severinks

    McBride was a 20 times better college player than Bronny was.

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