@New York Knicks

Knicks INTERESTED In Lauri Markkanen TRADE… | Knicks News

Knicks INTERESTED In Lauri Markkanen TRADE… | Knicks News

this is a major update according to an NBA executive he notes that a number of teams around the league are watching the Utah Jazz and their Allstar lri marinan and one of the teams that he named was the New York Knicks we’re going to break down these latest reports and so much more today if you’re not already subscribed to the channel go ahead and hit that subscribe button now and make sure you have notifications turned on so you don’t miss a second of the new content and now let’s get started the Knicks are interested in Utah Jazz Allstar lri marinan it may not be the offseason just yet but we’re getting that offseason reporting the Knicks being interested in lri Markin feels like something inevitable each and every off season it seems like the Knicks go all the way back to the well of Danny a and the Utah Jazz trying to get some type of player from there to add to their roster at one point it was Donovan Mitchell another point it was another player and now it seems like all eyes are locked in and focused on lri marinan and his situation with the Utah Jazz now I don’t know if he’s going to be available for trade that’s going to be up to Danny a but if he does become available for trade he is going to have a number of suitors waiting to trade for him one of those teams according to an NBA executive is the New York Knicks let’s break down these latest reports about marinan and the teams interested in trading for him according to the they reported that Lori marinin could fill a key role for the Knicks so much so that one executive tabed him as a dream Target for New York according to that executive there are a few teams that when you look at it he is going to be their dream Target the Lakers you get a guy like him with Anthony Davis and that’s perfect for both guys the Knicks would love to get a hold of him the heat again put him with bam out of bio and that is the paer you want to build around you can send Jimmy Butler wherever he wants just the floor spacing aspect of it it’s so valuable he could make things easier on your stars it’s very easy to understand why the Knicks May hold Lori marking as one of their dream targets because of his fit his size his ability to space the floor but also his ability to break down the defense he can score in the mid-range he can score from the three and because of his size Defenders that try to guard him are going to have a very tough time they’re not going to be able to do so very easily and even when they do he has a very high basketball IQ where he can pass out of it and make sure somebody else gets open gets the ball and they can make a shot we we’ve seen it in his time with Utah his game has gotten better and better each and every year and if the Knicks were going to Target an Allstar to go out and get to make sure they fit this team and fit what we’re trying to build in the future he would be a key piece a key player to add to this team the only reason I really don’t mention him a lot is because he plays for the Utah Jazz and that means the Knicks are likely going to have to deal with Danny a and we know how that story goes no matter who the player is that’s a aable if the Knicks call for that player and try to trade for that player Danny a will ask for the farm from the Knicks if it’s another team he might treat them fairly but for whatever the reason may be Leon Rose and the Knicks Danny AES and the Utah Jazz whenever they do business together it just doesn’t work one side asks for way too much and talks just fall apart and they break down that’s exactly what happened with Donovan Mitchell and I would think that if the Knicks went after lri marinin the exact same thing would happen as well because let’s say that the Utah Jazz did make lri Markin available for a trade the next thing you got to consider is the cost what would be the cost for the Knicks to trade for lri marinin if you were thinking it was going to cost a lot of picks you would be absolutely right but it’s also going to cost you something else a piece of the core Julius Randall according to the the Knicks could not go into the 2024 2025 season with both Randall and marinin on the roster the Knicks would love to get lri in there with OG and Brunson he is a better fit for them than Randall is because of the shooting that’s according to the NBA executive if they could swap Randall for marinan then cough up a lot of first rounders five or six you’d have to think you might get Danny a on board but they don’t want Randall in Utah so it has to be picks and this is why the lry marketing trade is considered a dream because that cost is absolutely insane not only do you have to give up Julius Randall who’s already a three-time Allstar already a player that gives you Superstar like numbers and if you compare his numbers to lri marinin it’s actually comparable they both have comparable numbers but even though that’s the case the Nick even though they want lii would have to give up several first round picks likely unprotected they would not want any of our protected picks that we have from other teams they would want our picks in any type of lari Markin in trade because if you know Danny a that’s the type of guy he is and that’s the type of picks that he wants and there’s no in between and that’s why deals fall apart because a asks for this and then the Knicks want to negotiate say well we can’t do this we can do this or this or that and a shuts it all down and he continues to ask for only what he wants regardless of anything else regardless of negociation or anything like that he doesn’t care he just wants to get the most out of any deal he makes with any team regardless of who that is but sometimes I feel if that team on the other end of the line is the Knicks he just has a little bit more pleasure in asking for more asking for the farm and hoping that the Knicks say yes and he can get a hall a steal for any player the Knicks want lri marinan is a great player amazing fit I would love the Knicks to Target him to go after him and to trade for him but if they did that they would have to give up Randall now I wouldn’t be against the trade if it was a Randall fi Markin and swap because if that was the case I think the Knicks would come out ahead and eventually they would be the better team because Lori would get chemistry with this team and once he gains that this Nick would be even more dangerous but that’s not what we’re talking about here we’re not talking about a swap in fact we just heard Utah doesn’t even want Randall so if they took on Randall it would just be because they want to help facilitate the trade to get lri to New York but if they did that they want to be compensated and the way they want to be compensated is with first round picks and according to this NBA executive it might take five or six to get Danny AES in the room to listen who who knows if that’s what it’s going to take to complete the trade he might ask for Duce McBride he might ask for a couple of these other players we don’t know exactly but Danny a he is very sneaky he wants to take as many assets as possible in any trade that he makes with any team so you have to be careful when you make a move with him because it’s Danny a because of the potential cost in order to get marting on your roster I don’t think the Knicks are going to be making this deal now clearly they’re interested and clearly they’re looking at Utah to see what’s going on with Lori marinin and his situation there but even though they’re showing a level of interest in marketing it doesn’t mean they’re going to be trading for him they’re likely doing their due diligence to understand the value of stars all star and Superstars around the league that way come this off season Once they understand the full list of disgruntled Stars around the league they understand what their values are going to be and potentially what they’re going to have to give up to get that player on this team but this off season is going to be different from any other offseason that Knicks have experienced and it’s for a number of reasons one reason is because the Knicks went all the way to the Eastern Conference semifinals game seven in their house with a hobble team they got to the second seat of the Eastern Conference and their roster was dealing with a number of injuries you saw Jaylen Brunson turn into a superstar and the Knicks have all the assets needed to pull off a major trade this off season that’s why it’s something to watch and the Knicks don’t have to go after each and every Star that becomes available they have the luxury of going after the right star that fits the star that fits what we’re looking to build now and in the future and because we’re in that position the Knicks hold a lot of Leverage and a lot of power because fully healthy right now this Knicks team probably can make a case to go all the way to the NBA finals without adding anybody if they make the right additions this off season you’re talking about locking in that status of being an NBA Finals contending team each and every year for many many years if you make the right upgrades Leon Rose in this Nicks front office I believe in them I trust them I know they’re going to make the right upgrades I hope and pray that upgrade could be lri marinan but unfortunately just because of the cost I can’t see the Knicks in Utah doing business together but I couldn’t see the Knicks and Toronto doing business together either and Leon Rose worked magic and he got a deal done maybe he can do the same thing with the Utah Jazz this off season but I won’t be holding my breath for that lri makes sense he’s an incredible player and an amazing fit for this team but I just don’t see it happening because we have to deal with Danny a and dealing with Danny a means any deal you want to do will die there because he’s not doing any of those deals only the deals that benefit him and the Utah Jazz and those deals just aren’t fear for anybody but what about you guys what do you think about these latest reports about Lori marinan and the Nicks potentially being interested in trying to get him on the roster let me know in the comments Below guys because honestly I would love to hear from you but that’s going to do it for this episode I hope you enjoyed it and if you did go ahead and smash that like button leave a comment below and of course guys please subscribe to the channel until next time Nick fans peace

We may be a few weeks away from the offseason, but that isn’t stopping the offseason reports from coming in. An NBA Executive confirms that several teams are watching the Utah Jazz and his situation with Utah. He named several teams including the New York Knicks. NY being interested is an All-Star the caliber of Markkanen is no surprise. In terms of skill set, fit, age timeline and more, he would be a great fit on this team. Unfortunately, when dealing with Danny Ainge in Utah, the cost of making such a trade will be astronomical. And reports on the situation do confirm that the Knicks would have to trade THE FARM to get the Jazz All-Star on this team… Troy Mahabir breaks all of this down!

00:00 – Intro
00:40 – Knicks Interested In Lauri Markkanen
01:39 – Markkanen Dream Trade Target For NY
02:17 – Lauri Spaces The Floor For NY Better Than Most Stars
04:26 – Cost To Trade For Markkanen
05:04 – Absolutely Ridiculous High Asking Price For Markkanen Trade
07:07 – Utah Doesn’t Want Julius Randle In A Trade
09:00 – Knicks Can Wait For Right Star To Become Available

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  1. Mane they keep Randle they gone extend him n give him guaranteed money upfront. We won’t give up a thing, but draft picks. Utah wants bronny

  2. Lauri with Thibs will open his defensive game, since IHart may be leaving to OKC instead of signing with the Knicks – Lauri is a strong dude, and with him at #5 with OG on the court, it could very much work

  3. Three team trade, their are other teams that'll value Randle. We get Markenan, someone gets Randle, Jazz get picks

  4. Randle a much better fit idc what anyone says.. Randle is a dominant inside scorer and a great Rebounder and Markkenen just another tall 3 pt shooter and we have enough 3 pt shooting we need someone that can bully down low and grab rebounds stay away from Jazz

  5. if knicks are so good why do they keep saying trade . beganing to be s joke hell they want everyone. focus on a big man and a big man only cuz mitch needs to go .for real

  6. I think the Knicks will only trade Randle for a superstar. If Lowrie will give us the same production, then what's the point of disrupting the team with this trade.

  7. I've wanted Lauri Mark since he was in Chicago. I hope the Knicks add him to the team. He's about to become an UFA 24/25 season. He's a two way TEAM player.

  8. I didn't hear the words defense and Markkanan in the same sentence; and now that this video is over, I don't remember hearing the word defense in the entire 11-minute video. When I saw the flash of Randle and Markkanan in the all-star game within this video, I typed in Markkanan's full name, and saw no suggestions of a YouTube defensive video; which doesn't sound like a Thibs player. I'd have to see his rebounding average before saying that he's better than our 6'7" Bogdanovic. I don't like Ainge, but please enlighten me of his sneakiness. The only good things about an Even-Steven Randle for Markkanan trade might be perhaps a better attitude that Thibs isn't intimidated by; I guess that's a 2 in 1 reason. Carmelo Anthony and Randle are DoLo bullies, but Melo was more of the sneaky variety, and could hide it better, and could smooth get somebody fired before they could see it coming (Coach Mike Di'Antoni was the exception). When I saw Randle working out with Melo, I was like, oh no, Randle has his own attitude issues to overcome. Correction: when you type in Markkanan's full name, a defensive video is suggested, but it was so low in the options, I overlooked it; or, maybe YouTube memorized the word, "defense" because I typed it in the search engine due to not seeing it, lol!!!

  9. No No No No please don’t go after this guy. Don’t go after any ex Bulls players Especially ZACK LAVINE they are not winning players. Why are we interested in LAVINE the Bulls we actually better when he wasn’t playing. No No No.

  10. U bugging to do any trade involving mark and Randle he IS NOT BETTER THAN RANDLE BY FAR YA WORST TAKE B

  11. Ain't no excuses and the Knicks ain't my team but I will say 2 things… Tibbs gotta go cause he has ran the team into the ground by not putting other players in the rotation and they need to trade Randle for Markkanen. Similar to the Bulls back in the day when Brunson or Hart drives when the defense collapses they will have multiple options that consistently hit 20 foot jump shots plus he adds versatility he can play PF and Center … Plus he will open up the inside for Hart and Brunson cause the bigs will have to watch him on the outside.

  12. Lauri isn’t a star and this is not a good look on Leon the fact that he’s considering trading Randle which is not going to sit well with him being that he wants to be here🤦🏽‍♂️

  13. Markanen would be great but they don’t want Randle and we not gonna give up 6 1sts/Randle for him! Eff Danny Ainge!

  14. You have to stop making videos about shit that’ll never happen if you want me to keep the bell on for future content.

  15. Can't really fathom a roster with both Randle AND Markannen – Knicks would have to find a multi-team deal where they could unload Randle somewhere besides Utah. Price will be bonkers until Utah is last minute desperate anyway.

  16. It doesn't hurt to try we don't have to give up randle we can trade mitch Robinson and duece macbride and two first round picks for markanen. He would help us tremendously ive been saying this four months ago get markanen.

  17. I don't like this dude as much as you, knicks would be better off trying to get Donnavon Mitchell or Bridges,

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