@Philadelphia 76ers

[@esidery] The Sixers are hoping to land one of these four players to pair alongside Joel Embiid and Tyrese Maxey, per @PompeyOnSixers (…): Paul George, LeBron James, Jimmy Butler, Brandon Ingram.

[@esidery] The Sixers are hoping to land one of these four players to pair alongside Joel Embiid and Tyrese Maxey, per @PompeyOnSixers (…): Paul George, LeBron James, Jimmy Butler, Brandon Ingram.

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  1. Rhino-Ham

    Clippers will relent and max George. Lebron is staying in LA. I think it’s 50/50 between Butler and Ingram. Although I’m holding out hope for George.

  2. PolarRegs

    Ingram is probably the better guy to grab. Much younger and at least gives you a guy on the Maxey timeline.

  3. torthBrain

    One of these guys is not like the others lol

  4. Traditional_Cell_248

    Why do they keep chasing different versions of Tobi’s 🤔?

    Jokes aside I have my preferences but not gonna gripe about any guy on this list.

  5. Really hesitant on the ingram fit. Operates in the same space as embiid and takes as many threes as tobias

  6. 12_23_93

    have 0 reason to believe Ballmer just doesnt open his purse and lock PG down.

    Lebron is not coming here unless Morey drafts Bronny and sends Lebron a ransom note saying he’s going to send him to the Bluecoats forever

  7. Paul George – Ballmer will relent and give him the contract he wants

    LeBron – staying in LA

    Butler – staying in Miami. Literally zero evidence he wants to leave.

    Ingram – welcome to Philadelphia

  8. Getting Ingram might just make me stop watching. Doesn’t move the needle at all

  9. Kind-Brother7983

    Ingram is a great player don’t let fans who are haters make you think he’s Tobias 2.0. He was coming off injury in the playoffs, Zion didn’t play, and he cooked in the playoffs not too long ago.

  10. I don’t get why some people are so down on Ingram. He’s 26 and a good third option

  11. How many firsts is Ingram going to cost is the question? The Pelicans already have a ton of picks as well so are they really going to want to make a deal with Sixers anyway?

  12. I’m not a huge Ingram fan, to say the least, but if they were able to build out the rest of the starting lineup than I can see a world where I’d be okay with acquiring him – within the context of the whole starting lineup.

  13. No_Card3773

    The people who are against any of these guys. Who exactly would you want the sixers to get? There’s not many people available. They could sign a bunch of mediocre fill in types and save there money for another year but then you waste another Embiid season. It’s all or nothing, now or never because of Embiid age and injury history and people need to realize that.

  14. chin1111

    While even a lesser version of LeBron would still be good here, with our luck, he starts breaking down more than a Range Rover with a Yugo engine.

  15. bigchallah

    Fuck this, PG/Bron/Butler are pipe dreams. Levine is a negative contract, if we throw in 1-2 of our firsts we should be able to get him and Caruso. Maybe add Reed and take back Drummond. That’s a squad we can run with.

  16. GrandmaJosey

    35 40 35 27 these will be their ages come 2025 playoffs

  17. clickstops

    He’s the worst of them but in a vacuum I don’t dislike Ingram. What I dislike is he’ll need a contract in a year.

  18. TheArsenal7

    They really tried to sneak Brandon Ingram in there

  19. Is it controversial that I would rather have Zach Lavine over Brandon Ingram. Lavine is closer to Oubre with a jumpshot, Ingram just gives me Tobias 2.0 vibes. I’d rather a better version of Oubre than a younger version of Tobias.

  20. Really hoping we don’t get BI. I liked him a few years ago, but he’s essentially another Tobias and it would be a lateral move at best, probably a net negative

  21. BassGuru82

    If you liked watching Tobias Harris pass up wide open 3s to dribble into contested long 2s… you’re going to love Brandon Ingram.

  22. BassGuru82

    If it comes down to Ingram, I probably would have rather just traded for Siakam last year… Ingram isn’t much better than Zach Lavine and Lavine would probably actually fit better on offense. The 2 best younger players to target are Lauri and Mikal but who knows if either guy actually gets traded. We’re set up for disappointment……

  23. throwawayjoeyboots

    Ingram is absolutely not Tobias 2.0 lmao. That’s disrespectful to Ingram who has been an all star in this league.

    But he’s by far the worst of the 4 players and absolutely not worth the punted seasons waiting for max cap space.
    That would be gross if that’s Morey’s master plan.

  24. Admirable_Essay3440

    Just give George the max already!

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