@Phoenix Suns

Will LeBron and Bronny James Come to Phoenix?

Will LeBron and Bronny James Come to Phoenix?

8 seconds Charles Barkley Johnson around his [Music] man what a defensing that time round puts it down he puts it down Kevin Durant breaking out the the long long [Music] rebound woo welcome back ladies and gentlemen to Sun’s Planet it’s been a minute for me at least you guys have been hanging out with podcaster of the year I J Hamilton good thing we got a substitution with ham though today so uh we’re gonna see if we can’t still match that with a great com color commentary coming out of uh Australia with the Thunder from Down Under heo say hello to the people oh you too kind Jake you too kind what’s going on planet e it’s great to be back um I know Kev especially has been missing this live stuff I’ve uh been missing a bit myself too so let’s get into it what’s going on over there in the Philippines Kev uh hey it’s it’s been fine it’s been a fine summer it’s actually so hot and yeah I just can’t wait to how hot is it back to it um in isn’t that what supposed to say past couple it tell me the joke no no no but in in all honesty past couple weeks we’ve been going 55 degrees CS over here sounds cold from a Farenheit perspective so I was going to make a joke and say new Flash it’s hot in Asia but that’s not fair 50 something degrees is not fair my man that is correct we know we knew it was hot in Asia because a guy uh in in the Singapore who always lets us know it’s hot when he gets a A Freak between the sheets but uh we’re not going to we’re not going to go into great detail uh on the Singapore Sling uh and uh we’ve got some Suns content to talk about guys and actually even though we’ve taken a little bit of a break there’s actual content that’s worth talking about here and so uh we’re gonna have an actual whole show today not just a short uh and uh and so let’s see uh what we can get going with and I don’t know if you guys have heard this um because I don’t know if anyone’s been talking to it in the Philippines or Australia but did you guys know that LeBron James is coming to the valley we are shut up where that breaking news breaking news all over son’s Twitter LeBron get on Twi basically a slam dunk basically a slam dunk uh no I loved it I I I was out of my own curiosity I posted a poll earlier this week because I kept seeing so much content uh being dedicated to this uh from our friends over at Suns Jam to the Suns geek himself uh to phnx to everybody I mean they’re all you know hey bronnie is doing work out with the Suns and the Lakers nobody else nobody else so it was basically hey Kobe Bryant’s coming to the Suns uh just like what was that 2003 2004 all over again he’s back and so uh we got it I put a poll up on Twitter and it said what is more likely that the Suns draft bronny and LeBron comes to the valley or that Devon Booker gets traded overwhelmingly the people have spoken James is for sure on his way uh but we did get some news uh the New Orleans Pelicans are going to bet that the Lakers are even worse and uh and they’re going to say we’ll take that first round pick next year which means the Lakers will have number 17 this year so Gentlemen let’s get into it uh Kev let us know the Lakers Are Gonna Keep Papa James happy right yeah um I’m not sure what their P perspective is like uh is it worth drafting Brony that that high just to make Le LeBron James happy I’m not so sure if it’s still LeBron’s team or if it’s 80’s team or what not but uh uh I’m not sure there are a lot of prospects out there um that could really help the Lakers um they still have their 55th pick um so I think they can use uh use it there or um use that to pick bronny um is what I’m trying to say so I’m not quite sure um until we we arrive at draft night well hey isn’t this just then a game of chicken if if the Lakers don’t take it the suns are sitting there saying you fools you fools we’ve just stolen LeBron James arguably one of the greatest players of all time uh certainly in the top two top three discussion no matter who’s arguing it you can always find somebody that says he’s not the best but you can you don’t find anyone that says he’s outside the top three uh unless they don’t understand basketball so is this just a game of chicken now of okay well if you don’t take BR with that first pick somebody else will get him before you wait till the second round oh look this this has been a lot of fun the last couple of days hasn’t it um it’s it’s really kept us busy um it’s yeah look obviously I don’t I don’t think it’s going to be happening but it’s it’s it’s very fun to entertain uh it’s fantasy it’s yeah it’s it’s real life 2K right now but yeah I rich Paul clutch for points CR Sports they’re just stacking the against the Lakers you know making sure that LeBron’s going to get everything he wants does Brony deserve to go that high probably not um but this is what’s what’s going down isn’t it so we I don’t know man it’s just going to be exciting it’s going to be exciting well of course the draft is always an exciting moment but I’m going to expand on this guys I’m going to read you a little stat off real quick bronnie James uh played in 25 games this year H for USC uh avering just averaging just over 19 minutes a game uh he his Elite shooting percentage of 36.6% from the field 26.3 or 26.7% from three uh he’s not a good free throw shooter for a guard at 67.6 he averages less than three rebounds in that time just over two assists a game uh and less than a block a g or excuse me 0.2 blocks and less than a steel a game at 0.8 uh and he would average close to two fouls uh he had less than five points um in season I know that we’re used to you know there’s a lot of stories out there for example if I’m not mistaken and I know our chat uh especially with creepy Crawley will let me know that I’m wrong on this if I am uh but Cary towns I don’t even believe was a starter uh Devin Booker if I’m not mistaken uh was a six-man as well there’s there’s cases of these players coming off the bench and developing more in the NBA uh I feel like I’ve never seen anyone’s draft stock rise more than bronn’s where I’ll be honest uh I’m I’m not the best Collegiate uh Sports reviewer of all time um but I would say bronnie shouldn’t even be drafted right now but his last name is James and he’s related to one of the goats so it’s I mean what do you guys say it’s 100% it’s who his dad is right I’ll tell you the least totally and the the marketing team over there with Rich Paul and that they’re doing a great job trying to uh increase his stock I mean uh on the second last Sun’s Jam I think it was it may have been P pH next but I doubt it they were saying that he’s risen from 69th to 54th over like a three-day period it’s the narrative’s right in itself they’re doing a great job of of promoting this whole um circus they really are and what’s amazing like is that like Scotti Pippen Jr also of the Lakers uh uh most recently went completely undrafted so I mean I think a lot of us would say I mean Scotty Pippen’s in what top 100 players of all time right that’s not a dispute um but people looked at him they’re like ah his son’s good or his son isn’t good we’re not drafting him bronnie I mean the fact is Suns Twitter said all right Suns go after him in the first round um Kevin what what’s happening here are are people just are we just that bored as Suns fans and we’re that frustrated with the current finals matchup that we’re just like you know what brny to the Moon I mean I think we’re we’re just um we’re so used to like grabbing stars that we we want some more like luring bronny or no drafting bronny would uh would definitely lure LeBron over here so uh to be honest with you I’m not so sure about this whole circus um uh there was some thought process of me that you know we we draft bronny and um uh then he doesn’t turn out to be like an NBA player and then yeah James comes over here maybe uh for a good two years but you know that pick could have turned to something else you know and we will like kick ourselves in the in the butt and say that wow we should have drafted someone else so um uh let me pump the breakes on you real quick you’re saying if LeBron comes over plays two years with the Suns on a minimum contract but bronnie doesn’t develop we’re gonna be sitting there saying we could have had some random guy at number 22 instead yeah I mean there are a lot of good guys out there that could really help the team and we can develop that there’s really a chance LeBron’s not showing up because you Draft Zack e well on a minimum that’s granted I’ve always wanted to play with that Canadian yeah that’s not what LeBron’s thinking of is has anyone in said that in the history of anything other than HW people are saying that about sheay guildas Alexander now uh that okay I that didn’t take long yeah yeah my point is to Steve Nash making Canada famous the thing is uh there there is no guarantee with all the teams you know like so strong uh nowadays in the west there’s no chance that the 38 39 or 40-year-old LeBron could get us a championship it’s not always guaranteed um we’ve seen the I don’t think anybody would have thought that you know it’ll be a gentleman Sweep with the Mavericks and the uh Timber wolv series when the Wolves totally kicked our butts and as as well as almost sweeping uh Denver so you know you you really can’t tell so I would I’m leaning to towards to like drafting a big guy and then you know make him develop I’d certainly want you know uh the two guys that I’ve mentioned before uh we started the show uh you know over Eubanks to be coming off the bench at least and try to get them developed what do you think H um do we do we run the risk of getting two years minimum contract LeBron at the expense of uh losing out on a backup center like Kevin said I’m totally watering down your point Kevin no no Kev Kevin’s 100% right there too man the missed opportunities come along too often in in this sport um especially when the the the glaringly obvious is right there you know we are taking a massive Risk by drafting bronny um this season even if it does bring over LeBron even if you know it does get us two years of very aging quote unquote King AJC thanks for showing by man um there’s a there’s a lot of background talk and I I did hear a deal maybe in place or in the early stages of it that he may come across with the Proviso that he will end up with the opportunity to buy a steak in the Phoenix Suns from mat ISB that’s the only thing that I’ve heard that sort of makes a little bit more sense for LeBron to sign a vet minimum to come to Phoenix but it could just be smoke as well but I think kev’s 100% right I don’t think we take the risk on drafting bronny and I don’t particularly think LeBron is the answer to all our problems either well I you know I I’ll say this about LeBron um I think he could play the four better than Durant does because he’s got a little bit more meat on his bones he can rough people up in the paint uh and that’s and he’s known to to do that and to you know he can he’s one of the best finishers in the game um he’s also a great kind of point forward at this point in his career uh you know we we were so frustrated with how Booker and and Beal had so many kind of lazy turnovers well Durant too just kind of like the the lazier passes I think LeBron would fix a lot of that and if LeBron showed up we could kind of stop saying we need a point guard uh for sure because if if you’ve got four guys uh like uh we would have that could handle it but again I just don’t see I mean if he’s looking at making $50 million I think at some point you have to I I know he’s made a tremendous amount of money but if if I’m forecasting brony’s career it’s similar to Michael Jordan’s kids uh you know trying to make a go of it uh and they did not last long and I don’t know if Scotti Pippen Jr will last long and you know what um when it’s all said and done uh generational wealth uh you know 50 million is a lot more than two million uh when you’re passing it on to family uh and so I could just easily see LeBron just saying you know what I don’t want to just play with my son but if I could you know make enough money to buy the L Vegas franchise at some point and turn it over to my son that’s a little bit different than hey he and I got to play the two games uh in Phoenix Arizona so I I I just don’t see it happening um if uh if they decide not to uh draft bronny at that with that first round pick I kind of hope the Suns don’t try and dare the situation to take place because we’ve got some more guys to talk about um and I think that’s what’s next isn’t it uh first off can we give a quick Round of Applause I feel like I’m on ESPN I feel like I’m on Sports Center right now with Josh with the graphics and the uh the video content man H yes where Stephen A Smith what is absolutely reprehensible like he just be like absolutely tremendous de smer to the Knicks um and uh and you know they’d be playing all those highlights but uh so round of applause to Mr Josh for making it all looks good thank you Josh but let’s talk let’s talk draft a little bit further uh since it sounds like the three of us are not expecting the bronny uh draft to go down uh we’ve got some other people in mind and um let’s see let’s kick it off with um well I think kev’s got a few ideas uh yeah let’s if we can jump to kev’s uh request for us to go after that 22 overall pick I think we may have lost Kev for the uh the moment I kicked him out there we go Kev who do you think the sun should take with that 22nd pick so I’ve got two um interesting uh prospects if you will uh for the Suns um I have VES Missy uh coming out of Baylor who’s a freshman um averages uh 10.7 points per game 5.6 rebounds 1.5 blocks or over a block a game um in 62% uh true shooting uh strong frame vertical uh pop and long arms uh that’s what he has on his pluses by the way I’m reading Uh Kevin OC Conor’s NBA draft uh board so uh that certainly is Kevin oer yeah someone that uh is worth taking a look at uh taking a look at uh for the Suns uh considering that we’re short of centers or uh big guys that can actually play so you know what he reminds me of as I as I watch the highlights here with you is a chimi metu mix with a Maris Chris so tell me I’m wrong well um his comparison is pro is Jaylen Duran so okay they’re most loses in a [Laughter] row yeah I I like Jaylen actually yeah the the the the the minuses that we have here is like the typical big man issues like um hackable free throw shooter so like hack a shack um and he bites it f pump fix a lot so um but I think he’s really intriguing he’s um he’s currently a number 21 in this uh board by Kevin K uh so I think he’s definitely worth um you know uh the Intrigue that I have um I have as well of course Zach Edy from Purdue yeah Zack attack yeah for all you say by the Bell kids out there by the way uh Zach is like six foot 10 and Zach is 7 foot three um we Al we know him as a square 25.2 points per game 65% true shooting and over 12 rebounds a game and two assists so um he’s really a good interior scorer as you can see on the highlights SO3 gosh he remember anyone you guys remember Glenn Reeves when he played with the Vancouver Grizzlies and they called him big country I think Zach might steal that nickname uh coming out of Canada as big country well I I have great song by the way Big Country played by band Big Country but um yeah he’s really a good um interior scorer and uh really intelligent as per KOC uh minus is he’s like a limited Defender when he’s out there so you don’t want him in drop coverage defending that drop so um regard You know despite the fact that he’s so tall and he’s like have a wingspan of 7 foot 10 so um well and I think yeah Kevin let me stop you for a sec because you know as as I watch him play now like I said I didn’t watch him play much defense in college uh correction I didn’t watch him play much in college I don’t watch a lot of college but uh you know we saw the four you know uh Rudy Gober win is fourth Defensive Player of the Year award uh and that’s always kind of the knock is that you know you take him out of the perimeter you can try and take him out of the game but he still got his Defensive Player of the Year award his fourth overall and he was pretty effective in the playoffs I think you know when a lot of people just thought oh the Suns will just play him out um they really couldn’t and then the uh the Nuggets you know as much as people like to every time the wolves look like they were struggling say well that’s Rudy gobear for you if you looked at Joker’s shooting splits they were not strong and uh and you know I think a little bit of that is Rudy and I mean is that maybe so I guess what I’m getting at is could Zach be put in a position to be effective like uh coach butd did with Brook Lopez uh I can see that happening potentially um maybe just a few years of De development then certainly he can transform into like a a massive defender or an effective Defender um and you know that’s always the knock as you said with Rudy goar but in this case or or in particular the sun series Booker Durant be all took turns and tried to like you know break the ankles of U of Rudy but to no avail he’s uh he’s good yeah I he’s certainly improved I mean that’s for sure like it was he was a statue I feel like was kind of what he was known for with Utah and you know in Minnesota acceptable you know on that I mean like he he’s not he’s not getting played off in late game situations uh as much as he used to um I mean that there was times where the the Wolves would be playing Nas Reed but R can shoot a three and he was doing that fairly effectively in the playoffs too so um H why don’t you touch on some of Kevin’s ideas what do you think of these two guys I’m very much like yourself especially this season I haven’t really paid a lot of attention to college basketball it’s a little bit harder to follow over here than the NBA um yeah yeah we’re in the same boat with everything but we do have divorce over here I found a fun fact out Sun’s Planet you know divorce doesn’t exist in the Philippines oh yeah it does wait divor doesn’t exist or divorce leave no it doesn’t exist there’s no law there’s no divorce law over here that’s crazy so what what happens when what happens like if a husband and wife leave each other anman oh oh well hey yeah the Catholic Church said hey you didn’t know what you were doing uh very conservative country I guess okay but see fairness that took me right off track B sorry guys you know yeah H you were talking about divorce leave and and all the kind of like extra leave that you guys like you guys can have like stress leave if you’re stressed at leave uh which we only recently started getting and most employers have quickly just started pretending it never existed which we call mental health days in the US and it was popular during covid and now lots of corporations are like yeah that was never really a thing we wanted to kind of take off um because uh yeah it used to be like if you’re sick you have to call your boss on the phone and be like yeah I don’t think I’m gonna be able to come in today I got strpped through it and then be like all right we don’t want you inside and now you can call them up and go I just feel like my mind is a mess and I’m not gonna be productive and now there their HR teams are like you have to let them have a mental health day and then you can fire him after that um but sorry go go back to the draft H uh we can touch issues on another episode my bad I I went the complete wrong way with that but hey we all learned something today um yeah obious viously not knowing a great deal just you know catching up a little bit once Kevin started putting all of this together um about the the possible candidates for the big men um I am very much more interested in the one that you have selected though mainly because he’s a tarel and that I don’t really care anything else other than beyond that you ask anyone of the Aussies all I did for years was say I want colean Anthony he ain’t good he’s a tarel though of course hey competed in the slam dunk contest uh contributing bench player for the magic right so he’s you know he’s not a nobody he’s not alred P um and uh no he’s not well well let’s talk about that uh the man I’m desperately trying to speak into existence much like Patrick Ying should have been the coach of the Phoenix Suns let’s take a look at Armando bakat Armando bat out of University of North Carolina I first saw him uh with North Carolina a few years ago as they were competing for the uh the NCAA Championship and I thought my guy he must I think he rolled his ankle like twice in that championship game and the guy kept playing through it I never seen a guy tighten his sneakers tighter to try and uh you know I thought he was about ready to Lop his legs off or Lop his uh feet off um but the guy played hard played through it and they fed that man in the post a little bit uh limited offensively outside of the paint but let’s be honest what you know uh what would we love to see in a backup big right now is an athletic big man that can really grab a lot of rebounds which he is certainly known for uh and and really draw fouls and play aggressively in the paint um some quick uh stats up on him six foot 10 or no excuse me six11 240 pounds this kid is eating his food in uh down in North Carolina uh last year was a bit of a step back so he was projected to be a late second round pick last year he came back to try and improve his draft stock uh this year uh for his final year fifth fifth year um where he shot 54% in over 30 minutes a game he’s strong free throw shooter for when he is shooting it over 78% uh over 10 rebounds a game uh one and a half assist one and a half blocks averaging just under 15 points a game uh so in short I like this kid there’s probably not going to be you know they probably won’t take him at the 22nd I would love to see him take him at the 22nd if Zack ‘s not actually there um but I think hey we’ve got a g-league team like this is the kind of guy that I think oh gosh who was that that guy now I’m going to ask the the the the great uh host where you know part of the segment where I just asked the internet randomly open questions there was a guy that played for the Denver Nuggets before Joker even showed up there and he just kind of did old school like rebounding and but he had a very limited offensive set of just layups dunks and like low post moves and he was great for about three years uh with the nuggets before people realized that that was all he could do they contract and I cannot remember the name of them now all can picture is M Plumley Timothy mov no no no uh let’s see and it wasn’t N I know n played with uh was it fared far fared yeah y Kenneth got with the long dreads yeah that kind of reminds me like this guy’s skill set offensively and kind of a to to steal a little bit of you know the Suns jams you know comparison of Grayson Al kind of a [ __ ] [ __ ] up guy like he just made people angry because he seemed to be playing at a definite uh or a different energy level than everyone else was in the paint and so that’s what I like to see um you don’t hear much about the guy because he’s project to be in the second round but um you know again the fact that people are considering drafting Brony in the first uh I don’t know I I I we we’ll find out how much James Jones is serious because James kind of likes competitive guys that have competed at higher levels and have got more seasoning in college uh we don’t tend to go after the 19yearold guys that you know played 10 minutes a game too much in the James Jones era so um we’ll see I’d like to see Armando get a shot in the league and oh he can’t shoot shots okay sorry that just blew me b a total fan favorite like that you know uh with that team so I’m I’m a big fan of this guy um a pretty good roller he’s a pretty good ruler in the highlights yes yeah and you know I think he would be more aggressive than Eubanks would and if I’m not mistaken Eubanks is expected to reup with his yeah player option and I would prefer him not to be the uh you know the backup center and getting 15 minutes a game I would rather see a Zach EDI or a bat or maybe this Messi guy we’ll see yeah did they’re real good choices man well and but the difference too would be Zach and Armand a little older I think they’re both about 2122 and played longer Messi would be the the the higher side projection because his his numbers are not on the same scale as these two guys uh but uh no creepy Crawley I’m not gonna say that um but I’m gonna make Josh pivot we’re gonna see how quick he is on his toes because I want to take you guys into the Boom Room I want to talk about the finals real quick so uh as soon as we can do that let’s see if Josh can take us into the Boom Room what’s the name of that nightclub of yours again you talking about the Boom Boom Room yeah the Boom Boom Room that’s it and that’s a great reminder that we need to shave about three seconds off the end but it’s so great to Josh you need to get in that club you can tired of saying that’s true we we need Josh like we need like a DJ in said Club you know get get guy Fier and and Patty Burke dancing something like that uh you know B Josh I’ll let you in that’s right actually that’s what we all need jobs in there I don’t know uh you know him used to bounce I know but uh I don’t know maybe you should be like a Mater D or something Kev do you know how to Bart then we could get you we could I could I could probably get you guys job some rolles in there is what I’m getting that action shots instead of you know H just standing in his flipflops flashing his gang signs there you go yeah but uh well as this is a uh Phoenix Suns podcast uh I wanted to ask you guys this into the Boom Room uh because uh the late great Dave King I remember uh when I was on sun solar panel a few times and I’d say why don’t we talk about some of the other things going on in the NBA at some point he goes because this is a sun show and I’m just like okay so we will do a very abbreviated NBA Finals uh uh Point here and that is we’ve got the Boston Celtics the Dallas maercks Jason Tatum against uh Kyrie Irving best player of the Mavericks um and uh and I guess it comes down to this uh what I want from you guys is who do you want to win and who do you expect to win h on what do you got for us who do I want to win um neither however you have to choose just do not care this season man like we do not want Luca to win we don’t but I hate Boston I can’t stand Jason Tatum’s face you know just punch him right in the right in the suckle you know but Josh let’s clip that for later content please oh yeah oh yeah suck what’s his name brog brigle um look I never ever will do this again but I want Boston to win I don’t want LCA to win that’s the only reason I’m going for Boston if it was possible that it could be like a draw I don’t even take that but no Boston all the way Aaron gabra all right all right Kev your thoughts um it’s really hard yeah first off I want uh don’t know that I wanted Kyrie to win one uh at least Kyrie um but my thoughts are like giving me it’s going to be Boston who’s going to win this series uh especially if wait a minute let me back up did I misunderstand you you want Kyrie to win I wanted Kyrie to win one yes interesting to win what he’s won before he’s already won before but yeah kin you need to have a divorce excuse me an analment from this man Kyrie Irving are you serious okay I was I was expecting somebody else to be like you know I just really want PJ Walker to win one uh but Kyrie so let me rephrase I want DJJ to win okay all right DJJ I want DJJ to win one yeah but um I I think Boston’s going to win this this thing this whole thing okay okay Austin yeah I I I don’t really have a huge problem with Jason Tatum’s face um but I will say I think Tatum is overrated for the class that they put him with a lot I feel like over the last couple years it’s fascinating to me I think he’s a skilled offensive player but when he gets into the playoffs his numbers come down and he he really flamed out in a few series um and uh and it’s interesting to see kind of sports media people talking back and forth well you know Jaylen Brown um yeah Jaylen you know turns the ball over a lot and they kind of almost give an excuse I feel like to Tatum for taking so many bad deep twos I mean uh I I think what I like about this team well they they certainly talk about rich getting richer I mean uh they had the fact that they were able to get Drew holiday this year I feel like might have been one of the most underrated things I mean everyone was talking about Dame Lillard going to Milwaukee going to team up uh with Giannis and I’m just like Drew holiday bullied Chris Paul uh to the finals um like we had our hands full with Giannis but Drew holiday turned Chris Paul into just I don’t know Kendall Marshall um sh oh wow yeah like Drew holiday is a is a strong guard um and then Derek white has been having a strong season too and then Chris naaps porzingis uh you know like I said I can’t believe they were able to acquire all this Talent uh that they had so um I’m actually more excited to watch Drew holiday Derek white and porzingis then I am Tatum mbrown um and I expect the Celtics to win I want the Celtics to win I understand Luca is a phenomenal player I don’t want to see him win uh and kind of over Kyrie too like to me if there was a diva contest it would probably be between the two of those uh players Kyrie in the NBA for the most just like well Kyrie doesn’t complain so much like to the refs I feel like Luca does uh but Kyrie just like okay the Earth’s not flat I don’t know how you go from Australia to the United States and then Australia doesn’t exist ask the internet we’re all flew West uh from from where he was from in Sydney I tell you what’s really cool though with Boston 2 I should have mentioned it when it was my turn sorry Jake but I think it was two games ago um the Resurgence of Al Horford um he’s someone a lot of people wrote off dude a lot of he old you know his body’s breaking down he dropped seven three pointers in that game man and was just absolutely everywhere everywhere that every other other player was not he was the one who killed the Suns during their matchup in Boston like hitting like six or seven threes he has he he shows up at the the right time like in in series in and things like that man and for his his tenure his age his you know his body cuz he’s he’s a little bit thicker on the side of you know he’s not like Kevin Durant where he’s you know built like a twig um but no that that that was really that was it it was it’s good to see man it’s good to see our Horford still out there doing our Horford things at an reasonable level oh yeah I feel like Al Horford’s been there for like 20 years not like in Boston per se but like he’s had a long career of just production I mean the guy the guy continued to kind of evolve his game and and it’s uh it’s impressive to see but um yeah like I said it was sad to see the Timberwolves I guess that it feels weird to say it was sad to see the Timberwolves fail um I really didn’t want to see you know going back to somebody’s got a win and I hope it’s neither of them uh I felt the same way about the Western’s Conference Finals as well I did not want to see the Mavericks uh move forward and the Timberwolves you know uh shout out to Suns worldwide for putting together that clip of Anthony Edwards making fun of the Suns for getting blanked in the elimination game by the Mavericks to then repost that and say like isn’t it ironic uh that the M that the t- Wolves just got smashed in their their elimination game um so but you know like I said this is a Phoenix Suns podcast uh so uh we will go ahead and turn to some of the rumor vills and let’s start back up with another Center God dang we love centers on this episode we should rename this episode the center episode um is Patrick Y no um is Andre Drummond is uh being looked at by the Phoenix Suns we’re told again um he’s Andre Drummond’s expected to have a lot of suitors I mean this guy has made rebounding an art form and uh he had a pretty good run with the Chicago Bulls as the backup center this year uh as you can see the stats there uh and and actually uh did he play 27 minutes a game I thought he played less than that I thought he was closer to 19 but I could be off uh but I know his his rebounding uhh regular season stats career thank you perfect I was gonna say he did have a a long run as the starter for I think the Pistons right uh when go to I think Chicago though Monro yes yeah and uh he was also dating the uh uh girl from the Disney I Carly show so trivia that you were not expecting on Sun’s planet today we’re learning we’re learning together people reminded me of if anyone remembers okay we’ll find out we’ll test everyone’s knowledge real quick uh there was a show back when I was in undergrad called Flavor of Love uh brought to you by flavor flave and instead of you know like the bachelor The Bachelorette giving somebody a rose at the end of the episode to tell them they stay uh if you don’t get a clock you know your time is up is flavor flave would say and there was a gal that want it uh uh named hoops and Hoops uh she went on the baby Shack her brightest moment was being on that show with the exception that after that show she was dating Shaquille O’Neal and the the pictures of those two together of like five foot three hoops and seven foot tall Shack were’re very similar to this Andre Drummond relationship of just like like they’re holding hands and uh and you just see like a little girl just like her hands like way up in the air trying to hold on to him and so it was kind of adorable but um Andre always like this guy um you know even when he played for the Lakers I was like hey hope we don’t have to face him even though we ended up beating him pretty well did would he have a role on this team guys and and do you want to see him pursued let’s be honest it would be on a minimum contract he’s probably going to get better offers but uh Kev should we go after the drama I think no question you should get him if we’re talking about someone who would replace Eubanks from their rotation you absolutely have to to get him now uh earlier on I I played around some uh some stats and uh this is where uh conversation can get like really interesting so I I went out and I did my way due diligence and uh pulled up nerkish uh stats and as far as I can see in terms of last year they just basically the same player so drumman 8.4 points a game nurkic 10.9 uh points a game uh Drumm nine rebounds a game nurkic 11 and then we have um the minutes um minutes of uh Drummond as you mentioned it’s uh 27.3 minutes uh per game and he played 76 oh sorry no uh my bad that was uh I’m talking about DRM that 17 minutes a game with the Chicago Bulls um he played 79 games so he’s pretty resilient um in terms of taking care of his body 8.4 uh points like I mentioned and 56% uh in uh shooting now you when you compare that with nerk you say you see that they’re the same player basically and nerk is earning like 18 million um next year and Drummond had like only three million um when the bull signed him so you know it’s kind of like taking a discount for the same player same stats that you’re going to get from the same Center or for for a center so uh I don’t know it’s it’s just interesting to me that we could have Drummond at that Center spot and then let just split it uh with like a draft te or a sensor that we will be uh getting from the draft so um no question we should pursue him if it’s just a backup role but it’s just something that I’d keep my eye on I I actually have this interesting idea what if what if you trade nerk attach the 22nd pick in the in draft night get Drummond you know via free agency you have yourself a censor and then Trade N with a 22nd pick for a playable Wing maybe so something I know I know we can’t aggregate contracts and we can’t stack players but can we stack picks yeah uh that I’m not sure but I know it has to be like one it has to be one in one um uh because you’re the second apron but I’m I’m not so sure with a pick if you can attach a pick well we could I I think put the pick with nerk and essentially salary dump him and come out come under the apron um that sounded inappropriate um we would be under the apron at that point um and uh stop it stop it you guys have bad thoughts um but uh H knows I’m going right to him uh H our our centers basically the running backs of the NBA now we have a few Elite ones and then you have guys like Andre Drummond that as Kevin points out statistically speaking not that much different than nerkish but nerkish is getting paid significantly more uh than he is right now um the the the game shifted from being a big man’s game to being um this new error of game this three-point game this Chef Curry game um yeah me too W me too JC it’s [ __ ] it hurts um there’s an extreme the the big men that we grew up with um you know you’re Patrick yans your Lonzo mornings your your Shaquille’s um even some of your bigger Fords your Larry Johnson’s um God I missed the Grandmama God damn he was good Charles Barkley guys like that there’s not there’s some people that have similar body types to that in the NBA at the moment but they’re not the level of player that these guys were and yeah you could say it’s because of today’s game you can’t foul as heavy you can’t do this and that um but I think the Resurgence especially with um the addition of Victor wanyama into the league this past season I think there will be a Resurgence in big men um I just hope that they are not going to be like paor zingus where they’re quite possibly have all the tools to be the greatest big man of all time but just either get injury injured injury prone or just um suck so in short yes I think the the big man is is going to be a key Focus for every team going forward shortly okay um you’re the first person I feel like that has told me recently that poringa sucks uh who averaged over 20 points a game and shot almost 38% from three seven rebounds but yeah injury prone for sure H it definitely could be considered when when I say he sucked I mean in terms of his potential because that guy knows how good he can be man but he’s just he’s soft yeah I mean yeah now I I want to push back just because of how many injuries he’s had that I could see why he’d be tentative to you know it’s like uh that the guys that that sprain their ankles all the time you notice they stop jumping as high as they can on rebounds because they’re terribly nervous about somebody sticking their foot underneath their landing spot and coming down just rolling it again because once you start to sprain your ankles um you can repair it uh but it becomes easier to sprain moving forward um and so as as you continually do it it can get easier I understand the hesitation I understand the tentative of um yeah especially because he’s such a big human one of my one of my good friends who’s a DieHard Nick fan um yeah he’s he’s uh not well in the head um he went over as the MSG no no just he’s an next thing um he went over to MSG and um he was sitting about maybe seven rows tall from the front and Paul zingis has walked past and he’s got his phone just going like this and they’re still at ey level and it’s just like and my mate’s like 64 it’s like he’s a huge body man I can’t imagine what it’s like having to maneuver around life being that size and the the impact that it has on your body so I do get it but you know you’re a professional mate just hurt yourself if you have to no do it but uh okay well let’s see uh I think so we’re on board at the pric is right on Drummond that be a fair description right now uh let me put it this way uh Drew eub Banks or Drummond backing up at Center if you have to if you have to pick one oh there’s no question that’s okay that’s true you i’ take the Curve no it’s Andre drumman okay I’d take Kev over Drew Ebanks poor Drew I tell you what yeah actually let let me uh expand on this a little bit more before we head into Q4 uh of this uh of this week’s game but um Yousef nkic I feel like we were singing his Praises a lot this season the the multiple 20 plus rebound games he actually if you look at it on a per 36 minute basis nurish led the league in rebounds uh so you know I understand we he you know trying to guard and go up against the Timberwolves you know they were either pulling them out putting them on Carl Anthony towns or now’s Reed and so he’d be pulled out to the perimeter or Rudy goar is a tough guy to score on so nerk struggled um but are you guys at all surprised that the Suns fans are just like all right maybe we can just dump his salary or like maybe we can trade him for so and so when you know for a while it was wow glad we got NK much better than whaton would have been for this team are are are any of you else surprised how quickly uh the Bell has told for Mr uh BOS and Beast I’m going to jump straight in there man um no one ever asked me if I want to know gone okay would you like n and with that with that hit it here goes the FL Savage slam dunk Rebound with the sound of this B Funk bosum [Music] Beast okay that is uh that is impressive that Josh was able to read your mine because I don’t know who else wants to be inside that head haml uh but thank you Josh that was perfect timing because when you’re like hit it I’m like what what yeah exactly hit what okay so nobody’s asked you I’ll ask you you want nerk gone and well no I have to rephrase that because I feel like it’s like well for the right thing is the always the caveat right so do you think that we should be aggressively shopping nerkach um do you think there’s there that would be a significant Improvement you have to aggressively show somewhere else because we ship them out you have to aggressively shop as many people as possible this season with a couple of exceptions I love nerk he loves us I don’t want to see him go anywhere but this is a business this is a professional setting so if it is for something that will Bene benefit us more help us achieve more help us go further um you know don’t let the door hit you okay uh Kev let me throw the question back to you I mean are you surprised at you know the the fickle Suns fandom that just says you know what see you nerk no not really um I think while rebounds are great you know there’re I’m sure all of us noticed his uh inability to make uh you know G layups um so many points that were that could have helped us but in terms of just shopping him around for um or for another Center I don’t think there’s any anyone out there that you know that could really help us in terms of what he does for us um you know you could go with my idea to just trade him and attach a pick and then just let drum start uh when you get trumed through free agency um you have some options as well as far as I can see there are like centers um that are free agents this summer you have Valen chunis um he’s a yes yep uh ran Holmes which is loved by oh no oh you don’t love him I follow his mom on Twitter we did six years ago it’s a great follow she loves her baby boy uh wiseman’s out there although unplayable um he’s yeah he was the second overall totally zubats up this year zubats is up isn’t he [Music] um no Hern and Gomez I know all white people to me Kevin Gomez is best known for the Adam Sandler movie yeah that cat yeah it’s a free agent but I think it’s unrestricted I don’t know the problem I have this right now is that that nerk was still our best interior Defender yeah and our best rebounder by far and and so as you point out like we don’t have to ship them out for another Center per se uh but you do need to make sure that stuff is replaced at some point because Kevin Durant’s not going to become a double digit double digit rebounder anytime and you know and so that that’s my concern I I just think like nerk filled a a need very well um and it’s just interesting that uh I think Suns fans uh were so frustrated that’s it’s like oh Kevin Durant Booker and be couldn’t get it done way to go nerk like messing it all up for us it’s like okay like I expect my three stars to do a little bit more star lifting uh than than nerk uh who I think it’s a very solid you know if you don’t have to rely on nerk to win games he’s a very quality starter in this league I think a little overpaid because as we pointed out with the Drummond comparisons you could maybe get somebody for you know easily half of nk’s salary right now but nerk is on the books for this this coming season and the next I believe uh at about 18 plus roughly uh 2025 2026 19 million okay so yeah I mean it’s a contract that’s worth shopping too as H says I mean you got to take a look at yeah what else around that salary um that would improve this team yeah you’ve got to get down to that apron yeah at some point yeah and guys if you’re looking for a bit more in depth into what nerk did this SE season head over to uh Bright Side of the Sun I put together a piece maybe a week or two ago uh going through all the the accomplishments that uh nerk had um in this this um season because it it was definitely not a bad season for nerk and like Jake said I think there’s a lot of um lot lot of it’s falling on nerk for Unnecessary reasons so yeah head on over to Bright Side of the Sun and check that out well and corre I want to make sure there’s a correction there uh you didn’t do it um JJ Hamilton has been producing some Wicked fire content over at Bright Side of the Sun uh which we are now a part of the bright side Network so shout out to Bright Side of the Sun managing editor John VOA and his gracious invitation to us if you’ve read Uh Kevin or JJ Hamilton’s uh uh you know penmanship you’ve been enjoying a lot of offseason coverage of the uh of the Suns so when you’re done reading those great articles come back here and check us out or you know after this episode’s over go go read a little bit more about how uh oh who’s the who’s the latest article you guys written on I did four today man four oh my goodness so as you sa Lee s Lee was the last Lee is is he better than bronnie I don’t know after this episode you go check out and see what ij’s got to say on the whole deal uh let’s move into Q4 gentlemen where we’re gonna talk a little bit about coaching staffs uh coach bud has brought in uh some new faces and retained one as well um so some I’m going to read some names off and I hope I don’t butcher them too bad but they added Chad forcier Vince Lars and uh Chason Allen um and then of course the name that we probably all know a little bit better is coach fizdale coach fizdale was rumored to be looking to move back into the front office he had a front office role prior to coming back to the bench with the Suns uh and before that front office roll I believe with the Grizzlies he was a head coach in this league at one point so um what’s interesting is fdale has been asked to stay on the bench uh and and and join coach Bud’s team um so let’s start with the the guy that we all know I think a little bit better with fizdale sticking around do you guys like the approach or I could see some people saying hey fizdale didn’t help help make the corrections it didn’t seem like it that we needed last year you know why why are we keeping him around on Coach Budin I’ll go first um I actually in addition to that uh I actually saw someone I’m not I’m not not sure it’s it’s pretty huge uh uh that Twitter account is a pretty huge following um but he said you you got to wonder if you know the sons are keeping him just to you know avoid paying him for nothing if they fire him so that’s something to really think about if that’s the that was really the the case but since you have Coach bud in there I don’t think that’s uh that is the case I think Bud sees something um at him and um the report says prominent role so I’m thinking um he’s the new Kevin young uh of the team so um I I’m okay with it I’m fine with it I see him like approaching players talking to them while during the timeouts and he’s really passionate about how from my perspective he’s really passionate about talking to uh you know to to players during timeouts so I’m okay with it I’m not bothered by it okay love it absolutely love it he had it developed a very close um coaching relationship with B bow last season um this puts us one step closer to Bringing B bow back which I truly believe underneath the coaching system that we’re putting together he can be a significant piece for us this season um everything Kev said he’s a personable guy he’s always smiling he’s got great relationships with the players um he’s he’s a great media guy as well he’s happy to talk to the media and stuff I’m very happy to bring back uh fiz I don’t think any oh you should have done this last season coach or you know you should have he got overruled on a lot of stuff man he got overruled on a lot of stuff whether it was coming from vogle or KY Jelly we don’t know but I’m happy to have Fizz back I really am okay okay well let’s talk about some of the other uh names that we’ve got uh Chason Allen uh is joining the group he most recently was coaching the g-league uh Wisconsin heard the uh uh Milwaukee Bucks developmental team uh the they also picked up uh uh Vince larza who coached with uh coach Bud uh during his final year in Milwaukee and then uh Chad forcier um I believe was yeah uh he he he was the on butt coach buds 2019 through 2023 coaching staff uh and most recently coached uh with the Utah Jazz under will hardy um so I feel like uh coach bud just um you know like a scene from anchor man just told the news team to assemble tell me I’m wrong loud noises sorry I haven’t seen that movie I don’t know what we’re yelling about I Love Lamp um uh but is there any concern that that coach bud is just calling back his buddies to try and make another go or do can’t do this Bo himself feel comfortable with the guys he’s worked with before he can’t do this himself that Kenny it has to be passed on through like James Jones yeah Matty spear kind of things you can’t just go out there and hire people without talking so this goes to show me personally that we’re all in on Coach Buds and Coach Bus buds system um if if James Jones or whoever is in charge of that final sign off on saying yep go for it [Music] um it it really shows to me that we’re putting a lot of faith in in coach Mike and and I’m all for that so yeah I I don’t think it’s so much like a um cronyism Jing ISM kind of thing I think it’s more so about we know that his system will work with this current team or we believe that it will we don’t know we believe and if our guys are cool with it I got to give him the F man all right Kevin what do you think uh yeah keep the recipe the same or should we be dropping some Paprika in the mix and see if it comes out as a little bit different I think I’m I’m I’m going to go with Amo and um I’m uh reading a little about a little bit about forer here and he’s a that’s a pretty impressive coaching um uh resume that he has uh two-time NBA champion as an assistant uh one with the San Antonio Spurs and the in the 14 20134 season and the Milwaukee Bucks uh where they when they uh beat us so uh that’s a pretty outstanding uh coaching resume that we have here uh um the the rest uh the recently reported Chason Allen if I’m pronouncing his name right um I think he could be like a developmental coach I’m not sure what his uh role is going to be but uh coaching their develop the the bucks’s g-league affiliate that’s what my impression is um and for the person named lagarza was it is it legara lagara yeah so uh longtime assistant of uh Buon hoer well not longtime but he was in his staff as he said uh so I think bringing back the old bands that or the old mates that you had uh when you have won like a ton of games and won a championship is not a very bad idea I think it’s a it’s a strong coaching staff that he’s assembling yeah I’ll say there there must have been some conversations obviously with fizdale um to kind of get by in between the two because I think um uh so I kept putting in the caveat you know um is it kind of bad just to go back and hire all of his buddies up again um and uh but I’m not you know as you guys kind of point out it has to go through James Jones and ish as well reason why I make that point is you know if you think about it last year yes vogle did get to bring in some of his own guys but we retained the highest uh paid assistant coach Kevin young who is also interviewing for the exact same role and so it’s very uncomfortable to be like oh hey you’re the guy we chose and the guy that’ll be reporting directly to you is also going to be the highest paid person and he wanted your job and we considered him for your job but you got it so you’re you’re up here on him and be sure to get along with him also we just also brought in another former head coach uh fizdale and he’s gonna be on your bench too so don’t feel threatened at all but if you mess up we might fire you and replace you with any of these other guys we think can run a team yeah and by the way KY won’t be here next season minutes into the season he signs to go back to college but um I’ll tell you what though that that um is it Chason if that’s how you pronounce it that dude’s going to have to change his name man because like you know that that’s too close to Grayson I’m sorry that’s um that’s not going to work you know how they um they like some players have gentleman agreements about um letting each other use their numbers and so forth yeah there has to be something done with that dude’s name man I’m change your name bro you want a Filipino pronunciation yep Reon Allen and Chason Allen Chason alen a female if I would have said like people like if I had done that before you did that people be like wow Jake that’s in appropriate to make it sound like that and now that you actually made it sound like that I did it that was me that was all me that was but I know somebody that we are a huge fan of on this show uh the voice that made it all possible for for me to stick with this team uh you know from all the way here in Iowa uh thanks to Internet radio was Al McCoy Al McCoy had a very heartfelt moment uh when he got to announce our newest head coach and we’ve got uh we’ve got some role to play for you uh we got the video you hung out for a little bit longer still here coach [Music] perfect I had 51 years you know that’s I told one of the one of the people I said he’s been so good I before every game I would try and find him and say hello and he’s just been the kindest nicest man to me so good to see you good to see you I’ll sneak out appreciate it yeah I love that because I tell you what I I got to meet uh meet the man Al McCoy I got him to sign my alcoy book that he wrote um he is the most like he kind of doesn’t I don’t know if he’s uncomfortable with platitudes uh or if he just is so comfortable that like it just doesn’t phase him U because I was like man you are so amazing thank you and and but it wasn’t like oh you know thank you so much but like you could just tell like Bud sitting there just like you know and and Bud mentioned this during his you know initial press conference like I used to listen to this guy called the games like he’s here to welcome me into the you know the team now I was trying to say hello he’s like all right Mike have a good one and like and he just he’s very sincere Al uh he comes across that way uh you know super nice and but you know he’s he’s at that point in his life where he’s like all right I gotta get back home wife’s gonna be upset if I’m late so like he also knows I guess he’s not mat Lo on in half yeah exactly yeah he he doesn’t get intimidated there’s not like a bright Starlight that you know like I feel like if Michael Jordan walked up to Al he’d be like hey Mike how’s it going good player have a good one whereas other people would be like oh my God that’s Michael Jordan Al McCoy be like I’ve called your games H so but no that that that that was a uh that got me in the fields a little bit what you guys think yeah it’s like you seeing your favorite player in person you can tell like I mean Bud had press conference but yeah uh you could tell that bud really likes that he’s in Phoenix this is this this is his State team yeah sorry Kev go ahead M sorry yeah uh watching that press conference I was at the office to be honest but I was sneaking in with my phone and watching that press conference um take place and I’m just like I remember I’m just like this guy is going to cry himself out while speaking to the media wow so uh it’s really his hand his voice is like mine right now he’s like shaking very nervous and very emotional uh it’s just good to see it’s just a one of those terrific story where in you know you you grow up watching uh this team play and then now you’re coaching it uh fast forward to the future It’s Just One of a Kind story for sure no I’m excited I’m excited to try I wasn’t as excited at first because it should have been Patrick Ying but you know hey coach bud not a bad choice the more I get see of this guy the more he starts to win me over as I was kind of being dragged there a little bit and just saying I don’t know about this uh but the more I kind of remember that he’s not just the play random defense guy in the NBA Finals the more I start to think you know what it seems like he does demand a lot from his players and by doing so holds him accountable but it’s because he wants the best for them and he builds strong relationships with them it’s it’s kind of it always surprised me with how quickly they thought about dismissing him and he won the NBA Championship coach the team of the finals and there was talk all that playoff season if he didn’t get him there he would have been fired shortly after that they do fire him after they get knocked off by the eight seated heat right um if I’m not what’s that uh well I I remember um him going through something I think his brother died uh in a crash during play run I was just checking that up I’m pretty sure that was um the the same thing as well that you know that’s half the reason he took a year off as well so and it was pretty unfair to be honest but it was a good thing that he could have he could rest up to up to now um so two signs of the coin there uh but are you sure Jake let me get back to you are you sure Jake that they’re not going to play random defense oh we still but I I think uh I’m going to be excited to see the faster paced offense as well uh it’s you know we have a very high-powered offensive team and it was surprising to me that we weren’t more uh dominant in that category but H go ahead yeah U yeah no just um just doing the quick research because I was going along the same lines as Kev there yeah it was confirmed back in um April 23 that PR a game four uh of the Bucks Heat best of seven that uh B and hoer actually lost his brother in a car crash prior to the game so uh this is a man that not only has been through uh personal tragedy professional you could call it tragedy losing his job when I don’t think it was warranted when he first championship a very long time um for him to walk out and show the emotion The Love and Desire that he is in Arizona where he grew up where um you know he grew up listen like yourself Jake listen to Al McCoy he played in Arizona high school or he’s he’s an Arizona native for a long time I said a lot of the same things about DeAndre Aton he wants to be in Phoenix that to me is a massive thing they wanted to there da did at the start I’m glad he doesn’t anymore and he’s going back to Detroit with Monty but I love when it’s like the hometown boy come good and it’s awesome to see coach bus back out here excited to be in Phoenix get to have that awesome moment with Al McCoy you could see you could see him man like the the tears were in his eyes the whole time it was it was beautiful yeah I just hope you know I I’m sure they’ve done their due diligence uh and it’s just an emotional moment for him um you know and I hope I guess I just I hope he’s ready uh to commit because um as was pointed out yeah he lost a brother he was divorced um he got divorced he got fired obviously doesn’t live in the Philippines that’s one heck exactly he got it an old um that’s one heck of a year uh to have and so you know most of us wouldn’t bounce back in a year and take a multi well we might all try and take a multi-million dollar contract after a year to try and fill that G but um I hope he’s ready I think he is um and actually you know maybe that reinforces the bringing some guys back in that know how to work with him um to kind of make sure he’s got that support system so again he’s not looking shoulder and saying hey why is Kevin young here hey why is this other head coach here like I don’t feel like you guys actually are buying into me um so I think we bought into bud and that’s great to see um let’s uh move to wrap up guys we’ll go into final comments here let the folks know where they can find you and drop off what little nuggets of info you’d like to have and uh uh let me also say real quick we have cracked over 200 viewers uh uh you know across all platforms today this is a new Suns Planet record thanks everyone for being here if you haven’t subscribed to us if you haven’t already liked this video like this video and we’re going to be coming back to you multiple times we like to be your Saturday Morning Show uh if you’re in the US and everywhere else your Saturday night or Sunday show or whenever you’re watching us that’s whenever you’re watching us we like having you here but uh gentlemen uh uh start to wrap us up uh let’s go with Kevo first who Kevo Kevo Kevo it’s a smev oh right goodness well uh wow it’s over 200 um View today huh that is awesome but yeah uh you guys can find me at uh three of them are from the Philippines you’re bringing the country with you Jeff yeah uh [ __ ] so yeah you can find me at X at I’m Kevin PS I’ve changed my uh handle recently I was so tired of them calling me something that I do not appreciate I’m kidding uh yeah I’m Kevin PS at um over at Twitter and you can some uh find some of my work at bright side given a written only one piece about that piece Kev yeah I wrote about um the most popular for yeah yoka auki um a player review for this past season go go ahead and check that out on bright side um I’m Noto there 100% written in Tagalog yes it was well no translate itog Yes uneducated [ __ ] so there is no Filipino language we speak Tagalog okay can Kev can you tell us something Tagalog real quick and then tell us what it means in English so that we can we can act real fancy at cocktail parties this weekend Oh No say yeah like like a Comino saying yeah you know what give me a line and I might tell people tell the people to like And subscribe in Tagalog subscribe and M a YouTube channel son Planet podcast that’s it love it now those three people are definitely gonna do it because they understand what you’re saying the whole rest of the show they didn’t know what was happening but that part of the show they knew they learned H goodness fun times speak speak a bit that Sydney slang to us yeah I’m not I’m not putting on any accent for you man this is actually how I sound it’s terrible um but no look guys this this is amazing we we are uh are very young in our podcast tenure but the support and love that we’re getting from the the public out there we we appreciate it guys we just want to help bring you the the best content possible the more that you like and subscribe and share helps the algorithms you know helps us uh get ourselves out there so we can have access to bring you better closer more personal information when it comes to our Phoenix Suns you can find me at uh sir haml on Twitter please jump on I love chatting with Suns fans if you want to come on have a go at me too though they’ll welcome that as well why the hell not it’s what it’s there for social media um don’t come to Australia because it doesn’t exist and um yeah thanks for being here guys follow us over at uh bright side we’ve got something else in the works soon hopefully we’ll be able to uh to bring that to you hopefully next episode um but yeah Bright Side of the Sun very um thankful and appreciative to uh Mr John voer from Suns jam session for the opportunity um it’s it’s something I’m really enjoying at the moment guys I hope you’re enjoying the writing over there from from all of us as well so uh thank you very much to Josh our producer has done a sensational job on this episode man you have done so well everything has been on point and I’m just rambling so take us uh away Jake well I’ll just uh uh jump over real quick Josh Josh do you want to wave high to the people real quick yeah sure uh I don’t look the very best you know I wasn’t ready to be on camera but I’m cooking rice right now I’m taking care of my son and I’m producing so you know you brother see and hear from you to know that that’s the man in the background that makes all this stuff look fantastic for us uh so again we thank you Josh we’ll let you get back to the rice uh is it brown rice white rice what kind of rice you it’s uh Jasmine R [ __ ] racist necessary Jake anyway I’ll move to close this out you can follow me at Fallen founder on Twitter uh and uh yeah uh glad to be back here with you guys um we’re gonna have some some fun episodes to go to I think to to continue through this uh uh offseason which ended far sooner than we would have liked um and so uh sorry now I’m getting distracted by all the laughter on screen um but uh uh yeah so stay tuned with us uh we’re gonna have some bigger announcements coming on uh we’re so excited to be part of the bright side of the sun Network and uh and as I mentioned uh before yeah go check out the the material these guys are writing and uh we’re gonna have some special guests coming up this year and of course we’re GNA be doing some draft coverage NBA free agency there’s a lot of stuff to get ready for as we get ready to win that first title next year because we want to see our buddy from the Uruguay put his face on camera and so much more so I’ll just uh leave you with that and um say hey Al McCoy take us home wherever you are whatever you’re doing say with us as the Suns get set to shine here on their home courter here’s Parry thear herd here’s the jump shot good it’s good Al McCoy with you court side P up a three suan he ties it hey da Tim up here I know it’s happy birthday B here’s Cameron pay out on top Durant three-pointer straight away I just want to take this opportunity to thank everyone in this Arena this afternoon to all of those that are watching and listening on radio and TV a thank you for allowing me to tell the story of the sons for for 51 great years that pretty much wraps things up here and for one last time this is Al McCoy saying thanks for being there thanks for being with us tonight and from the footprint Center here in downtown Phoenix we’ll just say so long for now

LeBron, Booker, KD, and Beal all together for the price of the 22nd pick? Is it real? Is it a negotiation tactic? Let’s talk about it! This and more on Suns Planet!

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