@National Basketball Association

Luka when asked if he’s bothered by comments saying he’s unathletic: “No. I’m athletic in different ways they don’t see so…Not everything is jumping and running fast.”

Luka when asked if he’s bothered by comments saying he’s unathletic: “No. I’m athletic in different ways they don’t see so…Not everything is jumping and running fast.”

by xPeaWhyTee


  1. BigHornLamb

    Just stupid shit stirring to say he isn’t athletic. Stupid question

  2. dustinharm

    I get cooked by the same fat dude at Lifetime and I can call him unathletic all I want but he still jiggles his way to dropping 20 on my head every game.

  3. Memes aside it’s true. You don’t make the NBA and become one of, if not the best player in the world without being athletic. I’m not sure if you would call spatial awareness athletics but his coordination is top tier to make the passes into the pockets that he does. Also just because you aren’t a top tier athlete in the NBA doesn’t mean you’re still not a freak of nature compared to the average or even collegiate athlete.

  4. elp44blue

    Non athletic and destroys any defense I’m sure he’s ok with that

  5. Being able to use the footwork he does + shifting his body weight is an athletic talent

  6. ActuaryExtension9867

    Any lack of athleticism compared to his peers doesn’t matter as his skillset and ability to move on the court is provided by his vision and understanding of the game, which arguably is the best in the NBA.

  7. mmaguy123

    Saying an NBA superstar is unathletic is the most brain dead take of all time. Any NBA player is more athletic than 99% of people.

  8. maxxxwellsdemon

    How do these reporters not cringe when they ask such silly questions

  9. Dat_Boi_John

    Honestly, Luka’s deceleration and balance might be in the 99 percentile in the NBA. His ability to stop and go which causes his weird pace is amazing and what makes him so hard to guard, along with his strength and obviously basketball IQ. Same for Harden with the deceleration.

    Also we talk about guys like Luka and Jokic as unathletic, as if Luka isn’t a 6’8 dude with a 7’2 wingspan and Jokic 6’11 guy with a 7’3 wingspan. Like that’s not your average white guy lol. And that’s ignoring their crazy basketball touch which is very much so talent based.

    If someone like Gobert or Looney had the touch of Luka, they’d be entire tiers above where they are considered currently. And honestly, vertical isn’t even that important with their playstyles. It really wouldn’t help Luka that much if he could jump an extra 5 inches. Sure the odd poster dunk like Ant does is cool, but that’s not where the majority of any star’s points come from. Same for Jokic.

    Speed would also not really help him that much. It’s not like Luka wants to finish fast breaks himself or needs the extra top speed. And I sure prefer to have him play the quarter back role in fast breaks rather than waste energy running back and forth like Ant.

    The only thing he really lacks is acceleration, which would mostly be necessary to become an all-nba level defender and maybe help in specific attacking situations in center mismatches. So yeah, the only athletic gift that would considerably improve Luka’s game in my opinion is faster acceleration and obviously an even bigger wingspan.

  10. Imagine if he was athletic like a young Paul George for example.

    It would be over as Vince Carter said.

  11. LettuceElectronic995

    yet he humiliates others that are considered athletic

  12. I challenge anyone who seriously thinks Luka is unathletic to actually try to do the direction-changing style of dribbles he likes for one day. I promise you the calluses you will get on your feet the next day will tell you all you need to know

  13. He put all his stat points into strength and accuracy, 0 in speed

  14. reporttimies

    Bro what kind of question is that “Yo bro we saw people online called you obese and not athletic care to comment??”

  15. Imperial_Eggroll

    I mean he’s just not a leaper. He’s got amazing body control and hand eye coordination. It’s also not like we haven’t see him throw down nasty dunks before. He just can do it all the time cus the NBA has great defense. If he were at LA fitness he’s look like Miami Lebron compared to everyone

  16. Balls_of_Adamanthium

    Incredibly idiotic to think a top, dominant athlete in their sport isn’t athletic.

  17. managerjohngibbons

    That reporter was probably an nbacj mod lmao

  18. He’s athletic enough in the sense he has the baseline level needed to even compete in the NBA. Also he’s big and strong for the position he plays which helps offset the athleticism he lacks compared to others in his position.

  19. justbrowse2018

    I hope he drops multiple 50 piece games on bum ass Boston. This is his year, get out of the way.

  20. autist_93

    I hope it’s not windhorst that’s calling him unathletic

  21. simonffplayer

    sorta like AR who can get to his spots despite not having “traditional” athleticism. i think it actually helps both get more foul calls too

  22. Electrical-Mule-2057

    He’s right. People said the same for Tim Duncan. Dude will just say nothing and proceed to block the shit out of you.

  23. nevergonnastayaway

    the correct response is “yeah i’m unathletic and look what i’ve done. so what’re you gonna use as an excuse for being a loser now?”

  24. OddAbbreviations5749

    The NBA media’s navel gazing in 2024 is beyond ridiculous at this point.

    Media Take — Knicks: No reasonable, professional, millionaire athlete wants to play all 48 minutes of a game they love in front of thousands of fans, unless his coach is forcing him to.

    Media Take — Mavericks: The most talented player in the NBA Finals should be embarrassed he’s out of shape.

  25. PythonPussy

    Pretty sure the guy that’s spent 20% of his life as First Team All NBA knows what he’s doing

  26. SalsaMerde

    His strength is so underrated. During warmups Luka and THJ will often shoot a few from the mid-court near the sideline. While THJ is heaving shots, Luka mostly maintains his regular form because of his strength. You see the same strength on his seemingly effortless 3/4 court passes as well. Very few players can match that though.

  27. Octavian_202

    Do people realize what it truly takes to run up and down a court for hours in various speeds. The instant switch of direction and physically demanding action of guarding and screening? Luka is absolutely right.

  28. Mstakrakish

    He is talking about his APM. Dude’s going to be the first NBA player to retire due to carpal tunnel from gaming.

  29. GalactusAteMyPlanet

    It’s crazy how certain people think athleticism is limited to just running fast and jumping high.

  30. BillowingPillows

    Hand eye coordination and body control are both forms of athleticism.

    For example people who say baseball players or golfers aren’t athletic are honestly just being contrarian or they are dumbasses who don’t understand the topic in question.

    There is more to being athletic than track or combine events.

  31. Gullible_Elephant_38

    My roommate: “are you really winded from going up one flight of stairs”

    Me: “I’m athletic in ways you don’t see. Not everything is jumping and running fast”

    Roommate: “I don’t think that really applies here. Also, you are terrible at basketball”


    He dropping 30+/9/9 in NBA playoff games and folks out here calling him unathletic – its jarring.

  33. phinphan896

    It’s the balance, core strength, ability to stop on a dime, strength

  34. Plenty_Peach8843

    He literally has the fastest recorded deceleration in nba history

  35. Party-Benefit-3995

    Dude averages triple double against professional athletes with zero body fat.

  36. RippedHookerPuffBar

    Luka reminds me of kawhi in when they collide with an opponent the other person is almost always affected more regardless of size 😂

  37. centurion44

    Something that stands out for both him and Jokic is their conditioning, which is absolutely partly genetic. It’s not the norm to be as heavy and densely built as they are and still have such high motors.

    Other things with Luka that are truly elite athleticism is his functional strength, body control and balance in all aspects, and his hand eye coordination is obviously off the charts.

  38. Fabtacular1

    That’s similar to what I say about my penis:  

    “It’s huge in ways that you cannot see. Length and girth aren’t everything..“

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