@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs TRADE UP for Hawks #1 PICK!? San Antonio Spurs News

Spurs TRADE UP for Hawks #1 PICK!? San Antonio Spurs News

last night I was live with Atlanta Hawks fan the Dixon way talking about possible trade scenar between the Spurs and the Hawks verus all the rumors with trying and desant Murray we talked about this a bit what do you know it just happens to be in the news today giant what is up San Antonio Spurs fans hey Atlanta Hawks fans if you’re coming in to welcome to TSR Sports and got to talk about this rumor mill Spurs possibly exploring packaging first round picks for Hawks number one overall pick should the Spurs make a package deal with Atlanta for their number one pick and a shout out to the Dixon way again he shared this with me today on the Twitter and then I found this article by Ken 5 who is a Spurs station in Texas like all right let’s talk about it let’s get into the article the 2024 NBA draft is just a few weeks away not here soon enough my goodness and the San Antonio Spurs are holding spots 4 and eight if the use their picks to trade up would they shoot for the Hawks number one pick overall according to ES Jonathan gavani that is an option the team is exploring gavani stated there Rumblings that San Antonio is possibly exploring trading up to the number one spot in exchange for their two first round picks and it may take just a little bit more than that to sweeten the deal maybe a second rounder two second rounder we have a million second rounders so maybe just a little little extra Spice in the in the in the in the pot if you will but we’ll talk about this in a moment quote you hear teams like San Antonio possibly exploring the idea of packaging the fourth and eighth pick maybe to move up to number one a move from the number one pick could be used to pair Wy with rejected number one pick fellow Countryman French forward Zach race or could be a sign the team may want another French big man and Alexander SAR and obviously being the first overall pick you’re going to guarantee one of those guys is going to be on your team I don’t think either player is going to be around once the Spurs pick F4 be absolutely shocked to other guys available a move like this could signal the Spurs are trying to expedite the Reb something we’ve talked about on the channel a lot recently for Germany you don’t mess with the soan discussed the rebuild and said the team is discussing it in exercising patience quote we always talk about it rebuilding in the organization from coaches to players to the front office it’s all about staying levelheaded we’re not trying to rush it we’re staying patient okay um there’s a lot to unpack here for the Spurs what would be better long term if you have the fourth and eighth pick maybe you get players like Stefan castle and ton Salon or maybe get Rob Dillingham and Ron Holland or some combination of a point guard or combo guard nwing get the first overall pick you’re getting one of the players behind me what’s better for our Spurs and we talked about this in a live stream last night what’s better for our Spurs and the Hawks too we can’t just think about you know with this a potential trade like this Spurs Spurs Spurs Spurs yes as a Spurs fan that’s what’s most important to me but you got to look it from the Hawks point of view too what’s going to be best for them what are they looking for are they moving looking to move on from the Swiss bank and move on from Clint capella and do they think they get Don including in that pick four and another player that can f out the roster maybe a shooter if they’re going to move on from to J Murray maybe who that knows some guy at eight what’s going to help their franchise what can help both franchises what can get both franchises in the NBA finals in three years we see the Spurs and Hawks playing against each other that would be crazy one it two teams that have traded recently and then maybe a future trade I don’t know I I honestly don’t know what I want two guys or one of these guys because when we look at this draft Spurs fans every player has upside somewhere but they also have a downside Rob Dillingham Too Short Stefan Castle four three-point shooter Zachary race can’t create his own shot I don’t know what I would do in this scenario I honestly don’t of course as a Spurs fan the Eiffel Towers is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of the Spurs possibly having a chance to draft Alexander SAR a lot of questions there though offensively would it work don’t know are we going to have major floor facing issues again Zack Collins and Victor wama not really work that well together when they were on the floor I do think SAR has a higher stealing than Collins that means being said he’s not going to be full potential as rookie year and if they have the opportunity to make this trade and draft SAR what’s that mean with Jeremy soan is Sohan going to the three sure we’d have a big lineup hopefully some darn good rebounding but a non three at list point in his career a non- three-point shooter at the three does wemy stay at the five and SAR move to the four or do they flip-flop it doesn’t even matter in today’s NBA I will say this if this trade happened and the Spurs Draft at Alexander star we have hope a twin towers 2.0 but they would obviously call the Eiffel Towers the paint would be locked down with these two out there the rim protection would be off the roof which might not necessarily be a good thing for our Spurs because we do have a habit of keep or letting three-point Shooters get open and take open threes left and right so teams might just say you know what I even why going the pain just keep firing threes away anyway that’s all I got on this it’s an interesting situation and we’re probably going to hear 8 million more things before a draft night I don’t know what the Spurs are going to do quite frankly we talked about the Hawks last night a lot I don’t know what they’re going to do and talking to my man Larry from the Dixon way it kind of makes sense for them to move on from De jonte Murray it’s not working with him and Trey young keep Trey and I could see them drafting SAR also moving on from clink capella who the heck knows what the Hawks are going to do that’s going to be a lot of fun until then real quick if you weren’t in last night’s live stream we have a new family member on the channel and I’d like to introduce him Yep this is Mikey AKA Michelangelo from the Ninja Turtles I went to a comic book Warehouse sale that I go to on the regular and I had given all my cash for the comics I had bought and on my way out I saw him and I asked the owner like oh this is really cute how much is this and he’s like five bucks and I was like listen I gave you all my cash for the comics can you put this aside for when I come back next time you do this sale and I’ll pick them up then and just didn’t have to do it very gracious he said just take him I think he could he saw my eyes light up when I just I don’t know that’s I don’t know love that face and I’m a huge Ninja Turtles fan so he let me have him so he’s now here with baby coyote and headband grou and we’ll be joining us on the live streams and um that’s all I got so let me know the comments down below Spurs fans would you do this would you trade picks four and eight for a chance of the first overall pick high risk High reward if you’re taking one of these two guys sure enough this let’s be honest high risk High reward with pick four and eight this whole freaking draft feels like highers high reward but that’s how it is almost every single draft I was about to end the video but I want to touch on something we talked about last night me and the Dixon way I think because last year’s draft had a talent like wemy who was so obviously the first overall pick and a player a franchise player you can build your team around that because this draft doesn’t have this this draft is being called the worst draft in 25 years this draft suck so much shade is being thrown at this draft I think there’s some really good players in this draft they can help the Spurs and all the other lottery teams but because there isn’t a wimy in this draft the draft is being really know like you know it’s just getting a lot of uh May a lot of unnecessary hate so I think they the players are better just a lot of them have flaws so let me know in the comments down below hit the thumbs up you like to help support Channel And subscribe to join our awesome San Antonio Spurs Community hope you’re having a great day thank you and as always go Spurs go [Music]

Could the Spurs trade up with the Hawks?

#spurs #sanantoniospurs #hawks

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  1. Yeah if we could move both picks and a couple 2nds for 1st then absolutely, we could use either rissacher or sarr

  2. They will have to give up Devin Vasell for the first pick and it's not worth it besides the spurs can get a big with a second round pick or with 30 million cap space.

  3. This isn’t the draft to make such a deal. Get two player and maybe one will be great.

  4. Difficult to respond if Risacher is better by himself than Topic + Salaün for exemple.
    Sarr is something else. He could get the Spurs from a bad defensive team to a top defensive team with Wemby. The amount of rebounds taken by these 2 could be huge. But what about the offensive part?
    I don't know if it would get the work done but it's a transformative move on the team. And it settles the Wemby replacement problem.
    Sarr goes to 4, Wemby to 5, Sochan goes 3. When Wemby's out, Sarr goes 5, Sochan goes 4.
    When Wemby and Sarr are on the floor double teaming Wemby would be way more difficult.

  5. If Reed Sheppard IS gone before the number 4 pick i would rather trade the pick for Portlands picks and have the 7, 8th and 14th pick

  6. Addressing 2 needs is better than addressing just one.

    If any trade partner makes sense its Portland.

    Picks 7 & 14


    Pick #4 and take choice between Malaki Branham or Keldon Johnson

  7. IMO Clingan is better than Sarr. He has the same standing reach as wemby @ 9'7" and the body 280lbs to match up against opposing physical bigs that wemby would otherwise have to defend.

  8. I would only do this for Sarr AND also only if I was getting a vet point guard via trade. Put these 2 moves together and you have a playoff team next year. My feeling is that the potential for this comes down to how you view Sarr. If Atlanta does not think Sarr is a player to build around, then this makes sense as they could get a big man in Clinghan as well as another top 10 pick. For SA, I think they have to see Sarr as a big mobile 4. If you do this and add a vet PG who can also defend, then the defensive prowess of this team changes overnight. I can see SA being a top 5 defensive team next year. The PG would also now have 2 bigs to get the ball to. Even if you stuck with Trae at point, the defense gets a huge upgrade.

    Personally, I like it, but I doubt Atlanta would part with No. 1 for just the 4, 8 and a couple of second round picks. But if they were willing to part with No. 1 for a reasonable price, I would think long and hard about this. This could make you a playoff team next year. I’m not convinced that picking at 4 and 8 does that.

  9. Wiz would do #2 for 4 and 8 in a heart beat. I think the Spurs would be more interested in Risacher than Sarr (hence the GIvoney rumors)

  10. Sure this would be a nice move but i wouldn't trade up in this draft since its weaker unlike i would for the 2025 draft

  11. Welcome to the fam, Mikey! I would trade 4 & 8 for the Eiffel towers. Imagine what our games in Paris (and future) would look like next season!

  12. Hi Rich! The talent in this draft is uncertain. No real #1 franchise lottery talent. My advice is stay at #4,#8. If there is an offer to trade for an established young vet, pull the trigger. I like the idea of Sarr but he did not produce a lot in 1 yr at Australian NBL. Pass there. Thanks

  13. The spurs would have the best defense, wemby will be the 5 on defense , but on offense he would be more of the outside sarr would be inside lops

  14. Rich, Spurs may go for this and it makes sense. #1 pickis paid like 10 mil per year. If Spurs have 4 & 8 in a questionable draft then between the two players may pay like $17 mil per yr combined. Why not go for the one player (Sarr, Richaser) you will be happy with and financially is better for the Spurs.

    Spurs can offer a second rounder included. Atlanta is able to take some sting from last trade by getting two lottery picks. They csn keep them or trade away.

    In the meantime the Spurs could sign Chris Paul on teo year deal or sign Tyus Jones for two years (he is a capable three point threat unlike Tre).

    Trading up makes sense as Spurs at a minimum will have two first round picks in 2025 and possibly four.

  15. I don't think it's worth it because there could still be some worthwhile dudes at 8, depending on how the draft goes. I've seen mock drafts with Castle/Topic at 8 and that would be great value. You can't predict how all the picks in between will go so it's a gamble

  16. If the front office would guarantee me that they would get a PG like Darius Garland, Anfernee Simons or Dejounte Murray, then yes i would luv it if they trade up the 4th and 8th picks to Atlanta's 1st pick in a heartbeat to get ALEX SARR.

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