@Detroit Pistons

Who Could Be Trajan Langdon Right Hand Man In The Detroit Pistons Front Office?

Who Could Be Trajan Langdon Right Hand Man In The Detroit Pistons Front Office?

so I wanted to talk about uh an article you wrote over the past couple of days now you don’t have to like give too much out of it because obviously you went people to subscribe to it but uh it was an article about trange and langdon’s like number two like maybe his GM I don’t know what we’re calling it I don’t know if we’re calling it a GM like vice president because I know there’s a lot of different like languages that people use in the front office like senior adviser um you had Michael Blackstone I believe it was yeah is he the lead candidate to possibly come in and work under lingan yeah it sounds like from what Shams and I have gathered that uh Michael Blackstone is going to be trajan’s number two it won’t be he won’t be have the title general manager it’ll probably like vice president of basketball operations which is I mean in my opinion um tomato tomato right like I just don’t I don’t think that uh I don’t I’d imagine he’d have a lot of the same similar or same role responsibilities as the GM I know he has a little bit more of a background in terms of like working through contracts and stuff too so I don’t know I I don’t really get hung up on the title to me Tran’s going to be the one I think making the final calls well he will be on basketball decisions um so I think filling out his front office with with people who have maybe stronger I don’t even want to say stronger but uh people he can rely on in other aspects of of being in the front office uh I think he’s going to do that and it seems like for Michael Blackstone that’s the case uh he was he’s been in New Orleans forever I’ve had a couple people out of New Orleans tell me that was a that was a huge hire it felt huge um I think he’s somebody that Griff really liked uh and by Griff David Griffin uh I think he did a lot of the negotiations out there in New Orleans um yeah it’s They promoted Bryson Graham when he was before he was Ed to now what Tran’s role is before he was G They promoted him to GM but I think Blackstone was in contention for that too um yeah I just I I just think he’s been very involved in like a behind the scenes guy and what New Orleans has done over the last few years and it’s very clear that traan identified him as somebody he wanted to bring over yeah when I was Googling his name for whatever reason Google wanted to uh give me search results for Michael blackon from Wild and out I don’t know why but I was just like no black stone I know I was laughing I me I don’t think you can find a ton on him been pretty low-key guy assistant I think he was assistant GM for the Hawks prior to New Orleans I think he did some stuff with the caves before that if I’m not mistaken uh has played the background but from from everybody I’ve talked to uh smart smart basketball mind and brings a lot to the table apparently the one thing I did find on this LinkedIn is he wrote a whole article about team building and working in an organization which I I found kind of interesting kind of like being in the War Room yeah I was just like oh wow that’s that’s actually pretty cool but um it’s good to hear that you know he’s well respected and something that um I think a lot of fans were kind of harping on is like getting the right people in the front office and trying to get this ship like back in the right direction so um you click baited me with tan Prince I was like oh no way but I get it I hey I don’t choose which photos go just so people know it’s all good man it’s all good I enjoyed the Articles very well yeah oh I appreciate it but yeah it’s uh I think a lot of people obviously when there’s hirings and firings people get excited obviously I think it would be unfair to say that there wasn’t this similar excitement when Troy was hired and um Stan Van Gundy before him so it’s just the nature of the Beast right but I think as far as the Pistons go they’ve done every they’ve checked every box in a candidate that you would want checked and that’s and that’s all you can ask for um he’s a guy who’s been at every level in a front office um he’s scouted he’s played he’s played overseas he played in the American soil he played in the NBA um has great connections he’s still young like somebody that’s not only could possibly fix what’s happening now but be here for the Long Haul so they checked every single box I think they did what they were supposed to do in this search it’s just a matter of now you let the chips fall where they may yeah I listened to some old interviews of him and within the first 60 seconds he’s like I got to get the person right I was like yeah I knew it they got the guy like that’s just like something that I know gors and AR and are like very high on is getting the person right getting the before the player and I was like oh yeah 100% that’s that’s going to be their guy um when they were going through that process I’ve heard good things just about how he approached the interview process um definitely didn’t seem like a lone wolf like he had all the answers was willing and wanting to get people around him who maybe accentuate what quote unquote could be his weaknesses or find people who bring ideas to the table um that that make him think so he seems like a very collaborative person I think that would obviously come from playing team sports and and all that and being a point guard and and wanting people to be involved so so um certainly I think he sounds like he wowed them during the process and and sounds like Dennis Lindsay did too but I think Tran eector the age and his ability and willingness to to really make it a group thing um and and be wanting to bring different Minds in with him uh I think got him over the top h [Music]

On Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony was joined by James Edwards III Of The Athletic this week. The topic of discussion was who could be the newly appointed president of basketball operations right-hand man.

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