@Oklahoma City Thunder

Trade Rumours INTENSIFYING… Writer Proposes BLOCKBUSTER Zion Trade to Thunder | OKC Thunder News

Trade Rumours INTENSIFYING… Writer Proposes BLOCKBUSTER Zion Trade to Thunder | OKC Thunder News

the Oklahoma City Thunder could potentially be trading for one of the biggest young stars in the NBA this offseason ahead of the draft what up it’s Bryson aens here with another Thunder digest video for you guys today before you get into all this though want to take a moment and recognize even though we’re at 1,000 Subs just under 85% of you guys coming back and watching these videos are not subscribed to the channel so like I’ve said before if you guys find yourself coming back and you enjoy the content and you want to support the channel go ahead hit the Subscribe button it’s the best way to keep up to date when a new video drops on the Channel with that out of the way we can get in the video and talk about this young star who’s been the league for four years now who is known to be injury-prone however when he is on the court he is one of the most dominant players out there we’re talking about Zion Williamson Yes you heard that right bluch report had an article that said the dream trade Target for the Thunder this off season is Power Forward Zion Williamson and it’s got me it’s got me mixed feeling a little bit because yes he is a great player he has a ton of talent however there are some concerns about him on the court considering his injuries how often he does play but this past season can show us that he is taking a step in the right direction and we all know Zion when he is on the court he is a top 20 player in the league there is no doubt about that in my mind just from his build how he plays how dominant he is how strong he is in the post it is insane and we know that is exactly what we need right now this offseason is to go out there and get someone that’s going to be physical down low and just dominate getting boards and help us on our post offensive moves there and this is what they had to say about it no team is better prepared or perhaps motivated to trade for another star this off season than the Oklahoma City Thunder the Thunder have 14 tradable first round picks and 202 round picks between now and 2031 to offer up in a deal an insane amount of draft Capital that would make any team think twice about parting with its star player Zion willamson may not be on the table but this shouldn’t stop OKC from calling about potentially adding some more muscle to its front Court Aur Williamson Shay GIS Alexander Jaylen Williams and Chad hongren would be the best young core for in the NBA OKC could hold on to its future picks including four first rounders in 2025 in case another Superstar becomes available in a year Yannis on DMO Joel embiid but it should at least make some explo explo exploratory calls sorry this big word about Williamson and others this summer so it’s not really you know confirmed we’re going to be going after Williamson you know it’s not confirmed if we’re going after him or not it’s just one of those things where it doesn’t hurt us to try and go get him however I’m still riding high on we should trade for L marinin I feel like he fits best in the system but if you have a chance to go get a top 20 player in the League through trades with all the draft Capital that you have with all these draft picks I think you should go after it I think you should definitely try and go after Zion Williamson especially how you know the playoffs and end of season kind of went for the Pelicans they might be looking ways to potentially part ways with Zion Williamson and just not be willing to hold on to this big contract that he has for years to come if they want to try and be this team that they know they can be and actually compete in this Western Conference because the Western Conference it’s going to be tough for years to come for the next 3 to four years there are some teams that have already made it clear that they’re going to be in the playoffs and the Pelicans are right on that Fringe and they might be looking to either make moves to become a top tier team in the Western Conference or might try to rebuild again for another two to three years now that they’ve gotten playoff experience it might be one of those things where they have to look deep down and figure out where do we go from here with the players that we have on roster at the moment moment when you look at Zion Williamson I think he he would fit in the OKC system you know decently decently he’s not a great three-point shooter however he gets buckets he gets boards and he’s a minutes down low defensively just from how big he is and how high he he can jump out the gym when you look at his stats here now he’s 66 284 pounds so his weight is definitely a concern there it’s been talked about before however I don’t think you know it shouldn’t be that much of concern cuz summer you do see players lose some weight there and he is a lot of muscle he’s averaging 23 points a game uh six rebounds five assists on 57% shooting from the field that’s 14th in the league he was 20th in points scored this year and he’s only 23 he’s super young we like he is he is a young guy uh I can’t tell if it’s freezing out again um something has been up with my Wi-Fi you guys probably have seen from the last videos but I just want to make sure it was fine there however he is a young guy and he can only keep on improving now especially if he goes to a place like OKC Who develops young guys all the time I think he would be set off well here and also a lot of you guys are probably thinking what about the contract what about the contract oh how has he been progressing the injuries firstly the contract I don’t know if you guys know this I did some research about this too because I wasn’t quite sure if you’re if you’re a team trying to resign one of your players you’re allowed to go over the salary cap a little bit you’re allowed to go over the salary limit you’re like you’re allowed to do that in the NBA it’s going and signing guys that played on another team that year if you’re trying to keep your guy you can go over the cap a little bit and so I think keeping dub and chat on our you know on Max contracts I don’t think we have a problem with that if we go and get Zion Williamson then you look at oh the injuries how has he been progressing with that well you look at the stats the past few years his rookie season he only played 24 games which you know sucks but in his rookie season in those 24 games in 27 minutes of play almost 2 8 he was averaging 22 points a game six rebounds two assists and almost a steal per game then his field goal numbers weren’t bad at all 58% from the field uh he wasn’t taking any threes really so we’re not going to look at that three-point number the free throws however were concerned at 64% when you look down here though he kept on progressing and almost a full season 61 games played only miss if my ma correct there 21 games he averaged 27 points a game seven rebounds four assist and a steal a game on only two personal fouls a game and under three turnovers for a guy like Zion Williamson who’s not known to handle the ball and go work down low less than three turnovers is very manageable and 33 minutes of play by the way 61% from the field and once again we’re not going to look at his three-point numbers and his free throw percentage jumped up to 70 and that’s where he’s kind of stayed the rest of his career and you look at it here he gets injured the previous season as well but this last season 70 games played only missed 12 the most he’s played in his entire you know Le time in the league in 31 minutes of play 57% from the field once again not going to look at three-point numbers because he’s not a three-point shooter and 70% from the line there on 23 points a game six rebounds five assist and a steal per game and almost a block per game as well and under three turnover still and 70% from the line and so he’s been progressing he’s been getting better every single year was it freezing out of the I don’t know if it was but um he’s he’s been progressing every single year he has been and he’s a great player he’s still young the only downside is his injuries he’s known to have some big time injuries in his time in the NBA which is a concern I think it’s a risk that the Thunder could be willing to take and you guys might be wondering now okay if we do take this risk what do we do with a trade package what does a trade package involving Zion Williamson kind of look like for this team I had two options the first one I feel like is the more realistic one I’m about to show you here this is what it is we trade giddy cuz I feel like in no matter any trade I feel like he’s going to be a part of every single one this off season if we do trade for someone which is the downside of it but this is the trade we trade giddy us and then four of our picks three of them first rounders and one of them a second round uh Philadelphia pick next year uh Denver pick in 2027 uh in round one and then a Dallas pick in 2028 that’s also a first round pick and our second round pick in 2029 for Zion Williamson and they said and this is from uh fans SPO and it said it would work out salary-wise it works out for both teams you know value-wise so of course it could be one that works out I feel like this more realistic one if we do try to go after Zion Williamson I feel like this is the package that is offer here is another one though that I kind of thought about that I think might like it could potentially work as well they trade Zion Williamson to us and we give up us a our 2025 first round pick our 2026 second round pick Denver’s 2027 first round pick and Dallas’s 2028 first round pick and a side in trade for Gordon Hayward on a you know contract that he would probably more than likely get he’s probably going to get anywhere from you know 12 million to $18 million per year from a team because they know he can perform when he is a starter and he’d probably be a starter on this Pelicans team if he were to go there so I feel like a signning trade like this could definitely work I feel like I feel like it could definitely work however that first trade I feel like is the more realistic option when we’re looking at it and that second trade I feel like we should definitely look into it it’s just a matter of the fact is if we sign Gordon Hayward we are definitely going to try to trade him somewhere else so it’s a matter of figuring out if the Pelicans would be willing to take on Gordon Hayward on their team for three years because that was in that scenario I had it as a threeyear uh $15 million per year deal and it’s three years long so 45 million is what I believe it comes out to so it’s definitely one of those things where it kind of depends what New Orleans wants I feel like they’re definitely going to want Josh ginea and then also get a big body back and they’ll probably try to go after uh Usman Jang and I feel like no matter what he’s going to be part of that package if we can keep giddy that would be great because then he moves to our bench and becomes our six-man and I feel like he would be the best six-man in the entire league or definitely you know top five bench player coming off the bench for us he’d be a starter a lot of places so I feel like we should definitely try to get that second package there the first package I feel like is the more realistic one just being honest but I’m interest to what you guys think about a potential Zion Williamson trade do you guys think this is just a pipe train or do you think we have the assets to actually get it done let me know in the comments and I’ll see you guys in the next video

Bleacher Report recently posted an article saying that the Thunder could try and trade for Zion Williamson this off season. Bryson Akins covers the article and what a potential Zion trade would look like.

Thunder Digest covers the latest reports, news and rumors regarding the Oklahoma City Thunder. If you want to stay updated with every trade, move and tidbit on players like Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, Chet Holmgren, Jalen Williams, Lu Dort, Josh Giddey, Cason Wallace, Isaiah Joe, Aaron Wiggins, Mark Daigneault and Sam Presti.


  1. Dude never plays. Hes similar to Kawhi. Secure the bag then find any reason not to actually come to work. All that talent and God-given gift just to waste it.

  2. Getting Zion would make us smaller. Zion 6'6… 5.8reb this yr. 6.5reb in Career.. Giddey 6'8.. 6.4reb..Career 7.3reb.

  3. There's gonna be 30 people saying "he doesn't fit the timeline, he's unhealthy, his personality don't fit, we want undersized pg who can't shoot but can defend" all over these comments. If you're going to spend over 4 1st rounders for Lauri you may as well shoot your shot for Zion.

  4. The only way the Pels do this trade is if we were to trade Josh, Ous, Cason plus pick 12, LAC 2025, LAC 2027, and probably Utah 2025 or more if we did not want to include Cason

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