@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs To TRADE UP In Draft?

Spurs To TRADE UP In Draft?

all right guys we got some things to talk about we got some stuff to discuss um in which this just got dropped and uh I definitely got some thoughts I want some n are we having fun yet all right so before we get started big shout out to Louise here for actually sending this to me um I tell you guys this all the time if there’s anything that you want me to discuss and you want us to talk about on the channel just send it over to me man you can just tag me exactly how he did here he said Clan the Spurs fan you might want to look more into this or you can send me a direct message and I’ll take a look uh but nonetheless my DMs are open every I’m I’m out here so if you guys are interested in anything just send it over if I find it interesting I’ll talk about it now this I actually also got this notification and I have some thoughts about it okay um so it says here there is speculation that San Antonio is possibly exploring trading up uh to number one in which they would get rid of their two first round picks so that fourth and that eighth and this is conjecture but they could possibly be looking for the Spurs getting Zachary ret to pair with wimy or alexar to pair with wimy um all according to Jonathan javone now let me say this okay and for I’m I’m going do two different angles okay I’m I’m going first take the angle of I don’t necessarily believe this and you know might be a little bit accusatory but then I’m going to be a little bit more charitable and just make the assumption that this is true and then I’ll tell you how I feel about that so first and foremost um there’s been a lot of speculation around that Jonathan javone could possibly be in communication with reet’s agent in which he would be you know getting paid or whatever that might look like now you guys already know this happens all the time with beat writers or uh people that are draft analysts in which they will get paid from you know the specific players agents and then they will pump up those players tremendously now me going from the uncharitable angle first uh Javon has been really adamant about Ray to the point where it’s been a little bit of parody at this point because everything that we’ve seen and we’ve gone over so many different things and everything I’ve heard as well is it seems like Scouts are not as high on Reet as Javon is and there he’s basically the only one that’s putting forward these narratives that he could possibly be a number one pick now the number two pick I think that actually is true there’s enough information out there saying that yeah the Washington Wizards could possibly take him um but he’s been adamant that he could be one or he should be that high and I don’t think that that’s the case and another reason why I think that that’s a little crazy is the fact that there’s been so many Scouts that also have disagree with that completely that they don’t really see what a lot of other people see um you know he getting comparisons to Danny Green which me personally I think that that’s kind of his ceiling which is a really good ceiling don’t get me wrong but I don’t know if that’s a top two top three pick uh ceiling right uh so and also he’s been blocking or Javon has blocked people that’s come out that said hey I believe that Rees aay is not a top two pick top three pick I think that’s ridiculous he’s been blocking those people um you know some of them could have been a little bit more rude than others but it it it seems like he’s definitely got tunnel vision okay when it pertains to uh ree it it’s kind of strange and I would not be surprised if something like that was happening where he was getting you know paid to pump up this player cuz everybody has been against this basically other than javone um now with that being said okay this the most charitable angle let’s just say none of that is true take away a grain of salt I mean obviously there’s no proof of that right now this happens all the time but there’s no proof of it so let’s just say that this is true okay so yes say the Spurs are looking to uh trade up for Reet now alexar I get it I understand it I wouldn’t trade my two picks for alexar but I guess I get it but Reet I think is absolutely ridiculous so you guys know I’m higher on Ron Holland Holland I’m higher on castle and I’m higher higher on buellis um but if I’m just looking at Holland and buellis and comparing them to Reese the only thing that ree does better in my opinion than those two is shoot I think he’s a pretty good shooter um you know but when the ball is on the court when the ball is is dribbling when he’s not that good he’s not that great of create creating his own shot he’s not that great at finishing as far as defense he’s pretty decent um but he’s nowhere near the level of Ron Holland I would say that he is close to like buzel I would say those two are pretty uh uh close in terms of Defense but then when I look at uh misis buellis I think that he’s a a better scorer um I think that he is a better playmaker right I think he’s craftier than Ray and I don’t think that Ray has really a frame to even come close to Holland and defensively it it’s just it’s it’s I don’t want to be mean here but there is a huge gap between Reay and Holland when it pertains to defense Holland has so much more versatility as far as who he can guard he utilizes his size very well he has a better frame I I don’t I don’t see it okay I I don’t see it the Spurs in my opinion if they were to trade their fourth and their eighth to get Reet I I think that that will be a terrible idea I think that would be a terrible pick now what I could see and you know this has already been kind of out there I could see them trading their eighth and maybe a you know a future uh pick with Chicago pick and maybe another and and trying their best to package something in which they would get um you know Darius Garland or somebody like that but I don’t see the Spurs especially in this draft I don’t think it’s necessary right in my opinion I think the best uh Prospect right now is Ron Holland uh in in this upcoming draft and I don’t think that you have or it’s it’s risky that you’ll miss him at four I don’t think that that’ll be the case he more than likely will fall it for but worst case scenario I mean we’re looking at Castle we’re looking at Dilly buella I just don’t see why you would get rid of those two picks for Ray I could think of some other reasons why but not Reet alexar possibly I could see that now when alexar faced up against um Holland Holland Holland put on a show but you know I I can see it I can see it so though those are kind of my thoughts if if the Spurs were to do this I think it would be a huge mistake um if there’s any truth to this which I don’t think it is but if there’s any truth to this I think that this would be a terrible um terrible idea but honestly guys javoni has been throwing so much out till it’s hard for me to just get with everything that he’s been saying now it it’s getting it’s getting a little it’s getting a little crazy and re Shay coming up um from him way more than anyone else way more than the scouts way more than uh uh any other beat writers it’s it it comes across it’s a little strange to me just just a tad bit strange um that doesn’t mean don’t listen to anything that he has to say you know I I’ve I’ve read quite a few of his assessments of re sh and it’s it’s not wrong like I I agree with them at least uh but overall I I think that this would be a bad mistake right a bad bad bad mistake so anyways those are my thought you guys let me know what you think um you know would you want to would you want to trade your two picks up for alexar or ree I don’t think it’s worth it that’s just me I I think that you there there’s some better options or better ways to use those picks if you’re not going to use them there’s some better ways that you can you can go about this than than doing that um but anyways I’ll give with you guys later till next time bye oh


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  1. If thereā€™s any draft that I wouldnā€™t want to trade up in itā€™s this draft

  2. I see Risacherā€™s game very similar to Salaun. I donā€™t get the big gap in draft stock between the two.

  3. Yeah because scouts are always right lol. I canā€™t wait when Risacher looks like Klay Thompson 2.0 while your boy Buzelis is stinking it up on the Pistons

  4. Before we critize any Spurs moves.. lets remember their draft choices in the past. Not only the obvious amazing ones like Manu, Tony, Kawhi.. but also Devin or Jeremy. They know what they're doing.

    It makes sense from the standpoint that we already have a ton of young talent. Getting one great one instead of two good ones makes sense in that scenario if you fill up the roster with.. lets say a superstar point guard + 2-3 productive veteran. That, Risacher, Jeremy, Wemby, Devin.. and you got a squad. Like a real squad. You dont want a roster with a dozen 21 year olds.

  5. Givony was also almost the only guy who was saying that Miller would be drafted before Scoot. Everyone called him crazy and many scouts disagreed, but he ended up being right. So many mock drafts have Risacher selected in the top 3.

  6. I don't think we should trade up for any player in this draft in general, but i don't think rissacher is a net negative.

  7. Do you hate risacher or something on thing you canā€™t do in this draft is fall in love with players we donā€™t know who the spurs are gonna pick up and you need to see upside in everyone.Although 2 picks is better than 1

  8. I donā€™t think that itā€™s a good idea, but itā€™s far from how you describe it.
    I watched a lot of Mock draft, and Risacher is always 1 to 4 (90% of the case 1 or 2) Holland never appear before 6. So your comparison is far from what we see.

  9. I think you underestimate risacher to be honest and I'm not even a fan of the player. He's a pure shooter who's 6'9 his off-ball game is excellent, his aggressiveness at the basket is more and more present I remind you that in the French playoffs he was at 15 ppg in a limited role, Victor was at 17. His defense isn't the best, but it's more than decent, but buzelis and holland were completely targeted in the g league because their defense was so bad, which isn't the case for risacher. His role in his team is to catch and shoot, but he's capable of creating his own shots and has a more than decent handle (not elite). Just look at his games last year at Asvel when he was playing in the U18s or even with the pros, his role was very different. He's got a very solid base.

  10. Risacher is the best Wing in the draft. He can shoot, defend, great cutter, good length. He is 10 times better than Holland and Buzelis. The Spurs love him. Wemby loves him and they see also the European Market. You have no idea how many Jerseys you can sell with Wemby, Sochan and Risacher on your Frontcourt in European countries.

  11. Iā€™d trade the picks to get Sarr at No. 1. But he is the only player in this draft that I would do this. Rishasher? No way!!!!

  12. I Agree with you that the spurs shouldn't move in the draft and i would be super happy with any combination of castle/holland/risacher/buzelis. That givony payroll hypotesis is pure nonesense tho ^^. He is THE top dog for the draft. He gets max $$$ with jeremy woo working for espn. They have huge credibility and have the most accurate mock drafts pretty much every year (logical when you're at the top in the draft industry). Risacher is #1 and mostly #2 on a lot of other mocks and i just think givony is just higher on him than most (and this draft is weird).

  13. Zaccharine Risacher is being wildly overhyped right now. I guarantee yā€™all could get him with the 8th pick. Trading up for him would be like when we traded up for DeAndre Hunter.

  14. I donā€™t understand the fascination over Holland and Buzelis at number 4. They played in the G League which was awful. Risacher is playing with pro and putting up these numbers. Why are we hyping up guys who played against G League players vs a guy who proving to be a good scorer against pros? Just doesnā€™t make any sense at all to me.

  15. Buzelis had ne interested when he challenged Risacher to one on one match. Buzelis has that fire in him. Wish they would have done it. I would take Castle and Buzelis over just Risacher any day if the week.

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