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LeBron: Kyrie Irving is the ‘most gifted player NBA has ever seen’ | NBA | UNDISPUTED

LeBron: Kyrie Irving is the ‘most gifted player NBA has ever seen’ | NBA | UNDISPUTED

gifted I’m not so sure about gifted skip so I’m I’m G say a KN and all that skilled maybe but when I think about gifted the first player that comes to mind is Michael Jordan I mean because you talk about the physical attributes to go along with the skill and that’s what I look at when you say gifted the the height the speed the hands the arms you know all those physical attributes play a part in gifted you know Kyrie he’s a shorter player with a good ball handle and yeah of course we know about his skill so I’ll say skill but if we really want to know who’s the most gifted player who’s the most gifted today is Victor wiama okay I mean because we’ve never seen anything like that you know when when you start talking about the most gifted and when I say the physical traits to go with the skills there’s nothing ever okay okay we’ve ever seen like this right quick point of order is height or size a gift is that part of the gift that’s part of the gift okay that’s part of because not everybody has that they don’t you have to be born with this gift okay so is Kyrie Less in your mind because he was born only what is he 62 6 feet 2 inch tall that’s not a gift there’s a lot of people who are 6’2 okay so if we’re talking about special gift that’s not a lot of people have this you know and nobody has these physical attributes like wiim Yama you know we just never seen anything like this so when I think gifted that’s what I think of when I say the combination of physical attributes with the skills and it’s something that’s probably not gonna be duplicated and that’s hard to do and so I mean I get what LeBron is saying and loves Kyrie enjoy this time together with him but that was a little bit of a stretch okay you know I know what he was trying to say you know but that was a little stretch because when you talk about gifted then that’s that’s what comes to mind to me all right Kean you know I’ve heard I’ve heard other NBA players that I’ve worked with in the past say the same thing that Bron said but I have a hard time because I didn’t play in the NBA if you said know Sports no no I I was going to say I didn’t play in the NBA so I don’t really understand how to define he’s the most gifted player tricky it’s a slippery slope that’s what I’m saying so you said to me in in football who was the most gifted wide receiver you SE thought of that I want to get you that okay so in basketball when I look at it I can look at a Rondo and Rondo was doing yo-yo crazy stuff with the basketball too okay he wasn’t the scorer prolific scorer no but then I can go to AI I can go to Bubba Chuck Bubba Chuck was a scorer he was undersized and he had crazy handles he didn’t have the ass assist well Kyrie doesn’t pass the ball as as quite as you might think but when he does it just looks so magical when he does it so it’s kind of I’m kind of with Paul when you talk about a gift the most gifted I look at a shack you never seen anything like that when he came to the NBA understand but there’s a lot of Brute Force going on there size but that’s a gift because of the size when you talk about skill I’m just talking about big man when I look at Keem Elijah Juan his SK skills was unmatched because of his footwork how he can handle the ball so when you start putting all that together it’s like okay Kyrie is undersized he has a gift for that size to be as special as he is to be able to do the things that he’s capable of doing so I kind of understand what LeBron is saying but at the same time it just seems like for me I’ve seen so many guys come and go that had those skill sets and attributes to that Kyrie has his just I don’t know they just say everybody in basketball just says he’s the most gifted but when I look at him I’m like but I’ve seen Jay even though Jason Williams white chocolate he didn’t score like Kyrie no but but he had to yoyo with the basketball from what I could tell he just was moving the ball crazy at times but he wasn’t a scorer like that all right most gifted receiver ever was probably Randy Mor it was I agree yeah that’s easy that’s easy for me Randy and then cvin Johnson those are probably the Calvin Johnson is up there be the most gifted in any sports you’re probably near goat status too yeah like gifted like cuz you’re probably near cuz think about the players you you said Randy Moss is one of the greatest receivers yeah I see Randy Moss do some oh almost cursed I se him do some stuff that you sit there and go it ain’t nowhere in the world they just let that happen yeah but it wasn’t him it was him he did that to them right okay when LeBron speaks about this I listen because he still has the highest IQ in basketball today and one of the highest ever now is there a method to the madness here is he still trying to somehow campaign to get Kyrie to La a little bit maybe maybe maybe too late for that it’s probably too late is probably way too late dunk Bon already was said yeah we messed that up last year okay all right we’ll get to that a little later in the show but I’m going to this far given that size is part of the gift as you both say MH if I just go inch for inch inch for inch Kyrie is the most gifted player I have ever seen if we just go up to six feet 2 inches tall because he’s more gifted than AI was not loved Ai and and AI could leap out of the gym in ways Kyrie can’t but Kyrie has a handle that even AI did not have to me and it’s close but but listen Kyrie’s handle is spectacular off the charts never seen before seen that handle skip isah Thomas Isaiah Thomas I watched Isaiah a whole lot I know Isaiah and I was there for so many of those games Isaiah Thomas you can argue that but but this is magical handles this is Uncle Drew like is okay man I just don’t know Isaiah Thomas had that handle I can’t get there but at a slower Pace no no no all right and then we get to shot making okay shot creation okay I’ve never seen anything like Kyrie again at 62 I have never seen thing okay let’s see just creating the shot figuring it out on the Fly we’re we’re if that doesn’t work I’ll go over here and I’ll make this work and as LeBron said on his podcast if Kyrie’s not feeling real good about his right hand on a certain night he’ll just start shooting left-handed and he’s just as good left-handed as he is right-handed and we saw him make a shot earlier in the playoffs against uh Denver where he uh not against Denver uh who was it maybe it was late year any he he made the left-handed Runner right skip he said most gifted NBA player not not we not talking about because your heypee yeah right okay right I mean because we could say the same thing about Kobe then yeah okay on but I mean Kobe 67 right’s in this convers size okay okay so if if I look at Jordan I’m the biggest Jordan fan as Kean well knows to a fault I’m I’m like over the moon on everything Jordan but was Jordan a great shooter I can’t go great shooter he he was a very good shooter mid-range shooter he was a great shooter great shooter great mid TR elbow found his spot with no problem when people wasn’t even talking about somebody F automatic was that that’s great shooting because I mean he he be didn’t the three-point shot wasn’t like it his it they didn’t even emphasize the ball was in his hands anywhere around that bucket that 17 18 foot range it’s just going he was like oh yeah okay we down by two we up by two something crazy like that right there I I got it and yet as I often when I was around Jordan knowing Jordan covering Jordan as I always used to say he’s a supremely gifted overachiever so so he’s got the intangible package going with the tangibles how could he be an overachiever because he’s working harder than anybody he he is he taking the gifts he was born but but he would instead okay so skip if he didn’t you you say worked harder than anyone yeah that may be true but if he didn’t work as hard as anybody he probably still could have won two championship could won you see what I’m saying he he still could have won two he won you got to be born with something yeah he was born that you didn’t have to work on okay a great story that he got cut in high school but that ain’t a real story though come on man that dude whoever cut him he was sleepwalking okay exactly all right we’re not talking about the intangible package because if we can throw those in with the tangibles then Jordan goes off the charts and that’s why he’s the greatest player ever but but it’s coldblooded basketball assassin and we’re not talking about that LeBron’s not talking about that he’s just talking about gift although Kyrie is as clutch as they come at 6’2 he is clutch he’s made a lot of big shots and and again if one shot for my life with Kyrie taking it I’m I’m pretty comfortable with that I I guess he’s talking about things like in the Minnesota game he banks one off the corner but it doesn’t look like a a prayer Bank it was just smooth easy it was I got this angle I’m not going to try to shoot it in the net I’m getting ready to bank this off your head maybe he’s talking about that sort of stuff gifting or I’m going through the lane and I got the ball in my right hand and I fake like I’m getting ready pass it and everybody head turns but I’m still going to the cup maybe he’s talking about those sort of gifts okay so I’m going to go back probably before both your times if we’re talking basketball gifts to me I have to put Pete marovich in this conversation because I got to see him up close and personal and he was magical with the basketball creating shots that you say I’ve never seen that before and I’ve never seen that for 65 and could leap well yeah that’s that’s that’s all doing things we haven’t seen for and might not see that’s part of that’s to me part of the gift all right and the most that’s why I mention sh okay all right I’ll get there the most magical player I ever saw was not an NBA player he was a Harlem Globe trer and his name was Metal Lark lemon and I’ve never seen anything like it before because I would go every year and watch it and I’d say no human can do that like he’s not one of us he he’s doing I don’t know where he came from I don’t know which planet he came from trick it’s like CGI stuff except it was real circus basketall buy more tickets but but those are skill gifts skill gifts right okay now back to sha listen he was as skilled he was the most skilled big man I know cap Kareem he’s he’s up in there but Shaq when you saw listen in those three years when he was in Prime shape it listen he was a dancing bear man because he could just do he he had the footwork he could leap he’s got the the touch the skill combined with the Brute Force I think the the the thing with the diesel is everybody points to the Lakers in the shape that’s the first thing I always hear yeah they got to go back to Orlando and really watch him though you go to he ran up against the dream but you just got to watch him in Orlando when he was skinny skinny running the floor but he was still doing the things as a big Lakers Shack he was still doing the abusing and dunking on heads and backing guys down even more in Orlando okay I’m going to go back to your game on gift and and I look at Randy Moss as we talked about Barry Sanders had the gift he had like extreme gifts right yeah escapability gifts it’s it’s quickness and confined spaces maybe not flat out I played against him I know yeah okay I saw him a couple times all right but is that rare gift that that no he has a gift of yeah it’s a rare gift it’s a rare gift more Kyrie like cuz he’s small he was small as a player listen we bring up OJ and I know there’s a whole another OJ context but but forget about that listen OJ in his prime you want to talk about gifts because youze speed you’ve never seen a 62 and a half two to whatever running back run the way that he ran do the things that he did you just never saw it no cuz I never saw Jim Brown Jim Brown was obviously the same type but I never saw him I heard about him I did and and Jim Brown was more shack-like and that that there was a lot of Brute Force going on not raw speed like OJ could just flat fly track guy yeah he’s a track guy yeah the most gifted athlete I ever saw is somebody you guys know very well and it was Deion Sanders just all around gifted there’s just nothing like it I say I don’t even know if there really a category for him though okay because because he was he was literally a Hall of Famer at everything that he did so there’s really no category for that that’s like unborn raised in Florida skill set that doesn’t you just can’t think about it if he would have and I so funny because I talked to David Justice a couple weeks ago on my podcast had Dion Sanders decided much like Bo Jackson decided I’mma just play baseball they be a Cooper if he decided I’m just run track he probably have several gold medals now he would you know what I’m saying or if he just decided I’m only going to play for the Dallas Cowboys or the 49ers he might have multiple on top of multiple Super Bowl R like he was just a different that I don’t even know what you call that that’s just natural born my family my mom D is what we’re saying gifted is like you’re born with this you know what I’m saying so like maybe Kyrie was born with the the the Instinct like he worked on his handle you know what I’m saying but like gifted is something you’re born with okay so who was the most gifted player you’ve ever seen in your sport be Beyond position just regardless the most gifted player that I’ve ever seen in my sport I mean it’s Randy Moss okay it just really yeah it’s your position obviously it really is I mean because I mean I could say Michael Vic but but Mike Mike Vic hadn’t worked on everything the way that he needed to to take advantage of that guy giving gift that he was like it it it got so crazy in Atlanta that they would put Solution on the field when they play against our defense it’s like some to make the the turf slick because we had a fast defense Michael Vic turned the corner one time with his bad solution oil whatever it was skip he turned the corner I thought it was a damn race car he hit the sideline so fast man it didn’t even it was unfair you know but that’s what you see at the ground level but r Moss just did he just did different things he just was a different different player all right yeah before you leave Michael Vic he didn’t have a good arm he had a cannon Canon a flat out left hand Cannon just a flick of the wrist right never seen anybody quicker you could argue about speed with Football under arm he’s up Lamar’s up there obviously I SW I I would love to see Prime Michael Vic at the quarterback position race Tyreek heel okay I I would cuz to me Tyreek might be the fastest start to finish dude in the NFL right now mhm maybe ever maybe ever maybe ever but I would like to see Michael Vic up against him okay and just running like like like no pads like a no straight on 40 yard dash or whatever Mike Vic ran the football I mean he ran it just it just wasn’t fair I’m with you it wasn’t fair maybe I’m saying that because I’ve never seen a quarterback do it like that against our defense with all the fast dudes out there Ang he out running angles and everything it just was ugly and nasty you had fast nasty dudes all across your defense yeah okay what what gifts were you born with what do you think were were you gifted at Birth I was born with the hype yeah I was born with hand ey coordination and IQ you know I wasn’t the fastest I wasn’t the strongest but like when you talk you’ve said not the most like like like like me I had to work like you like guys like Michael Jordan he he was born just with like the Chisel big old hands big hands like he didn’t have to do he didn’t have to go to the cantonica stairs to get his his hops like I did like me to get up you know what I’m saying what Santa Monica stairs what would going work out you know get your Cal strong get more athletic Michael Jordan had to go to the Doom so you know when you’re born with it like that’s what I’m saying like Kyrie can’t be the most gifted he could be the most skilled but the most gifted is something that you B wom Yama like I I’m with you on wom we haven’t seen it in full flight yet but it’s coming this is like you can see this is probably going to be the most gifted player we ever seen yeah in basketball now but but now you’re talking what is he 74 okay yeah like going to be something the most gifted is just stuff you don’t see you know it’s a skill physical traits all of it combined just everything you put in one is just the most gifted all right and and that’s what that’s it can’t be kri by the way Jordan worked his tail off though trust me because I know Tim Grover one of the greatest trainers ever they they put the work in yeah absolutely and he changed his body after the bad boy Pistons started to knock him down he he put on a lot of that chiseled yeah and it’s got to be it’s it’s something in the mind too yeah it’s part of the yeah also Kean wrap it up your greatest gift at Birth was what my face no kid no that’s what you’re not kidding that’s what you think um not kidding you know I if if if you talk about a a classic underachiever I was a classic underachiever in sports really yeah you know why cuz I had so many different gifts but my mission was never to be the greatest my mission was always to get my mother a stable place to live so as long as I made the money you know I wasn’t one of those dudes that just early in my career I was like okay I want to win the championship so I get the championship and I’m good I’m not I’m not caught up in me being on Mount Rushmore and all that that just wasn’t my that wasn’t who I was so I say to myself I’m like could I have played basketball if I took my mind and I said this what I want to do I play basketball certainly could I have played baseball 1,00% could I have done other sports 100% but I wasn’t into it like that you know what I’m saying I just wanted to get the money so I could help my family some guys they they strive for just crazy greatness because that’s what they want to be they want to be great at their Sport and I don’t knock them for that my mission was just different that’s why I say for me I probably underachieved opposed to just saying I want to be the greatest and this and this is what I’m going to do so key had no he had no gifts no oh no I had all the gifts in the world yes when I wanted to do it when I ran my 40 that was for the money when I got under the the 225 that was for all for the money when I jumped to whatever the vertical was 39 that was for the money you had no 39 39 I’m about to leave it alone man 39 whatever it was 38 and a half something crazy you have the highest vertical on the NBA at 39 right now DN near go you go ahead and get us to the get us to the music I’mma te it up you tell me I’mma tee you up right now I’m about to te you up angel Reese did get ejected last night we debate next prob like 32 I ain’t even going to say that I’m about to thanks for watching Undisputed fans do you want more highlights from the show make sure to click that subscribe button for all the exclusive content from Undisputed

Skip Bayless, Paul Pierce and Keyshawn Johnson react to LeBron James’ comments on Dallas Mavericks guard Kyrie Irving. LeBron was quoted saying Irving is the “most gifted” player the NBA has ever seen. Irving and the Mavs take on Jayson Tatum and the Boston Celtics in the 2024 NBA Finals.

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LeBron says Kyrie Irving is the ‘most gifted player the NBA has ever seen’ | NBA | UNDISPUTED



  1. I agree theres a difference between gifted and best kyrie is deffinetly the most gifted hes only 6ft2 and never gets blocked hes the greatest ball handler ever and has the greatest layup package ive ever seen and hes so clutch and hes a big shot taker and a big shot maker

  2. If your looking at the shorter guys it’s a fun conversation to look at kyrie vs steph. Best handle ever vs best shooter ever. Who’s more gifted?? Surprised Steph wasn’t mentioned in the convo

  3. We're a day away from the NBA finals and skip still wanna talk about LeBron 😅 this is why nobody watches this show

  4. Kyrie is not the most gifted ever. Best handle is debatable. Isaiah Thomas thus far is one of the only small guys to lead a team to a championship. Isaiah is never mentioned on anybody’s list. To be the most gifted ever you have to be a franchise number 1 option. Do we honestly believe Kyrie as a number one option could lead a team to a championship? He hasn’t proven that. AI got his team to the finals on his back.

  5. It’s kinda crazy how Paul has brought this show back to life! He bringing back that energy the show was missing when Shannon left

  6. All you people hating on Paul I think you’re misinterpreting what his point is. Gift is something you are given and nothing you worked for. Genetic freaks like wemby, lebron, shaq, Giannis. They are gifted.

    What makes kyrie special is not being “gifted” he’s just incredibly talented maybe the most talented of all time.

    It just depends on the interpretation of “gift”

  7. I mean Paul usually have great takes but even so you can even say LeBron is more gifted than MJ ..Kyrie damn near can’t be guarded consistently

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