@Los Angeles Lakers

JJ Redick has EMERGED as the front-runner! – Shams on Lakers coaching spot | The Pat McAfee Show

JJ Redick has EMERGED as the front-runner! – Shams on Lakers coaching spot | The Pat McAfee Show

can you hear me yeah can you hear hear me did you hear the pop people just made noise for you Sean you got a little pop I’ll take it I’ll take it I’ll take it give me the love give me a love are you guys at a soccer this is the TBT for soccer is that where you guys are at prize that is the exact thing what it is yeah TBT started the basketball tournament where they put up a million for like teams that were put together and then these soccer dudes from New York saw it and they presented a pitch basically saying soccer would be able to do this great teamed up with the TBT so now they have this every year this one is is M it’s a festival dude it is huge SE it really is see I’m seeing JJ up there I think I think I might have to go with JJ well you didn’t see the results from this morning shut up I was about to say you are I was about to agree with Pat that you’re you’re a pretty good-looking human being I’ll give you that super handsome damn good looking fell yeah he’s super handsome he always has like the perfect camera angle to 8 yeah the lighting is phenomenal wherever you are yeah sh’s got We’ve Come Along way we’ve come a long way you remember I was in the cave four years ago yeah but the angle was always good spaceship you all right CHS let’s talk about let’s Okay shout out to your mom’s kitchen and lunch as we know you have deep history with all that let’s uh let’s talk about the NBA you guys are trying to ruin Sports any holy another goal for a team from deep that was from Deep sorry Shams magic just happened electricity just happened a goal was scored and in this TST a lot more goals get scored than in actual soccer which is good uh Shams the NBA is trying to ruin the sports world right now uh we got players just gambling on themselves getting into dep almost losing arms what the hell is going on with jonte Porter and the entire situation there and what is Adam Silver saying to the rest of the League I assume there is some sort of mandatory meetings happening right now for everybody there’s always mandatory meetings when it comes to this issue when it comes to to sports betting when you’re a player I mean you’re you’re just not you’re not allowed to bet on NBA games WNBA games g League games if you’re an NBA player or a g-league player or a WNBA player and to me the messaging that silver got across when jonte Porter got suspended for life he got banned for life we talked about this a while ago and that was the message the only message that really truly need to be delivered where if you get caught if you’re if you’re part of these trans transgressions that is the that is the law that is that is what’s going to happen and I think that was the strongest penalty we’ve seen across Pro Sports in the in the NFL I know you know guys get suspended you I mean specifically what 12 games 14 games and a lot of them get their suspensions reduced six games four games so it’s a little bit less strict for sure in the NFL where you saw Adam Silver come out and and right within a few weeks of that investigation uh giving out a lifetime ban to jont Porter so that’s the only message I I saw what what came out uh I believe in the doj and in the the federal investigations about a potential person that was essentially intermediary for jonte Porter in the Scandal getting arrested I think it was with 80,000 in in checks uh trying to flee oh yeah he was trying to get the hell out of the country he was about to get arrested it’s it’s straight out of a movie maybe there will be a movie about this one day I mean there probably should be but um we haven’t seen a suspension the way that we saw it with Jon Porter and to me they could have as many meetings as they want the mvpa can have as many meetings as they want with the players and obviously this issue being a heightened one uh across because of because of sports gaming but uh this the the lifetime ban was all the mess yeah I can’t ruin Sports Shams let’s tighten up yeah we can’t have it we can’t have guys missing three-point shots on purpose so that somebody else can win a bunch of money because then people are going to think immediately oh they’re not just missing three-point shots it’s it’s everything everything that’s going on is all of a sudden a work you know people going start thinking it’s it’s a full on work that can’t happen you know like they already had to battle that Tim donning that was big you know everybody just immediately was like that’s what it is and then all the other refs that are good refs are like no no no it’s not and the NBA has fought that fought that fought that fought that fought that I feel like oh yeah they just signed a $78 billion another goal has been scored for the same team that has scored all the goals before they just signed a78 billion deal licensing deal with ESPN Amazon and NBC goodbye Turner we got one more year Inside the NBA Charles Barkley and the boys got to figure that whole thing out but it’s like this is a credibility issue potentially at some point for All Sports and obviously in this case NBA well in in Integrity has been the biggest thing that was in the the statement that Adam Silver made clear when they suspended jont Porter for life but I mean think about in the NFL what Calvin Ridley was suspended a season I think so there’s a a stark difference when you think about how the NBA and what they handed out in that situation compared to what we’ve seen in the NFL um but yeah I mean there’s there’s a no tolerance policy Adam Silver has made that clear uh there’s there there’s a clear separation when you’re an NBA player WM player J player you’re not betting on those games you it’s literally not allowed all if you get caught you’re done all athletes know that it’s legitimate like uh you’re kind of taught that at the very beginning so this dude probably has a massive gambling addiction for sure that that is certainly part of the problem which you know hope he gets help but also like buddy come on you would have been great whenever you retired you would have learned even more how about the baseball player guy goes over for 25 on bets on teams that he was a part of I mean that was yesterday that was that was yesterday’s news and then now it’s like Federal prosecutors say this guy was yep certainly trying to miss threes so everybody $80,000 in check fleeing to to Australia that’s straight out of a movie P we need a movie you might have to you might have to make no no no no I am not a movie maker I’m sure somebody would do a great job uh probably this guy JJ Watt has a question for you Shams who you were trying to suck up to earlier today kiss uh obviously JJ what’s up JJ that’s so cute get it okay up let him ask the question Sean we’ve been here at a soccer tournament so obviously we’re not completely in the no I do follow up on on my fellow JJs Where Do We Stand JJ reick Lakers what’s what’s the deal yeah I I I had a story yesterday in the athletic uh I reported and you know what’s crazy I actually said this I think on May 24th I said this a week and a half ago on this show actually that JJ reick uh was a front runner for the Lakers head coaching job obviously the biggest job when you think about Pro Sports definitely in the with the Lakers one of the top jobs in Pro Sports one of the highest profile jobs in Pro Sports especially in the NBA but uh the Lakers have have been going through their coaching search it’s really been focused over the last couple weeks on JJ reick and James bgo from what I’m told but I reported yesterday in the athletic the Lakers have been zeroing in on JJ reic as a front runner for the job and the belief around the NBA has been uh at least in in the last few days in the last week that any any announcement anything will come after the finals he’s obviously a color commentator uh for the NBA Finals um but he was the first coach to meet face to face with the Lakers they’ve had other meetings as well James brego has been the other person that that has met with them in person multiple times Pelicans Associated coach someone that Anthony Davis for his part uh is fonded of has a report a report with and they kind of overlapped in New Orleans o over a decade ago and I think gam Breo has been a part of this search and is still I think going to be a part of this search but uh from what I’m told what I’ve reported what I said A week and a half ago this time I just put it in print but JJ reick has has emerged himself as uh you know the front runner for this job imagine if he got the job kept the podcast going coach player podcast whoa okay week with LeBron yeah that would be wild do you think it was an entire yearlong uh interview that’s why they did that podcast the podcast was the interview like some Inception like yeah but they’re saying LeBron has no say in anything it’s like okay yeah he actually said JJ what are you running in this particular what are you pat pat I will say the Lakers have been really infatuated with JJ reic they view him because of the podcast when you’re hiring a I mean that might have played a part I’m not I mean no invol to say to say you’re not evaluating his IQ and how he speaks and and and and listen JJ does a great I mean just following his career from a media perspective obviously he’s a lot of respect for what he’s built and what he’s done but when you when you see someone speak the way he does has the relationship with the players you know you’re going to take notes and this is not the only job JJ reic has interviewed for has been in play for he interviewed for the Charlotte Hornets job before they went and hired Charles Lee and he was a prominent part of that coaching search as well and he’s been making it clear over the last year um that he wants to coach and he wants to coach bad he said it publicly privately as well and for JJ reic you think about this Lakers job it’s high-profile you have LeBron James you have Anthony Davis and you have a Supporting Cast that’s inlux we don’t know who’s going to be back what the what the group is exactly going to look like so so exactly when he takes over how involved he’s going to be you know if he does get the job that’s going to be very interesting to see too cuz gam time of the NBA Finals I think it’s June 23rd so there’s a way away we got time here yeah that thing doesn’t start for a while either I mean it’s been a couple long ass days so you know hiring a coach the week of the NBA draft or the week of fre agenc is going to be a lot in the Lakers offices uh coming up over the next few weeks I that was good journalism JJ wat that was a good question look what we got we got a full thing you know JJ reic went the Duke I haven’t seen a sing person wearing any Duke stuff around here they hate them so people like Wonder like oh Duke people are hated nationally it’s like no they’re haed luckily too I I think they are hated I’ve seen a lot of Colt stuff which does look a little Duke like yeah when you look at it yeah I I do appreciate the Colts fans that are here uh but I’ve seen they said this is NC State country [Applause] brother here oh they’re doing wolf pack Dave head coach of the wolf pack my coordinator in college Tony Gibson defensive coordinator for the wolf pack guy who recruited me to West Virginia I mean it’s like a meeting of the power look at that they’ve been there a long time too they got their culture setting it’s like why not why not NC State C man’s got a question for you Shams as we get distracted in beautiful car you ever been to car North Carolina Shams I’ve never been there I’ve been to Charlotte I’ve been to Charlotte uh I can’t say youles I can’t say I’ve been Chapel Hill you a boat I’ve never been to Chapel Hill that’s on my bucket list Durham either carry North Carolina has the greatest grass that I’ve ever seen in my entire life feels like you’re running on a foam pad out there it is beautiful go ahead KH man yeah Shams I have to ask you uh Team USA beat some other shitty country at basketball by 55 points um 98 98 points oh yeah they only scored 58 points they won by 90 plus points uh 98 points I think I think it was 156 to 54 or no one the other way 154 to 56 yeah B USA we beat bise by 98 I think yeah that that’s three on three no no it’s real basketball Sean shut up Sean it’s gold medal basketball clearly you don’t know about it oh u8 yeah the u8 team is this kid just the next Edy at Purdue and uh is the future bright because it does seem as though the uh NBA draft is possibly the worst group or crop of hyped up athletes that we’ve had in the NBA in quite some time case wow I mean t USA is always you know the the way that they’re developing the players U U6 U 17 u18 I’m not surprised to see this and and BC this summer the team that we’re going to see at the Olympics uh representing the 2024 Paris Olympics uh we’ve been talking about it for months now uh it’s a star studed group LeBron James Steph Curry Kevin Durant um Anthony Edwards uh tyres I mean it’s Tyrese halberton shout out Indiana um Anthony Davis bam out bio um L how does that team lose like I don’t yeah we our u8s won by Uh Kevin Durant has said it publicly they’re trying to they’re trying to win like this we just saw there win by 90 points that’s what they’re trying to do at the Olympics this summer so I’m not surprised by this I wonder if it’s some for shatting for what this Team USA the Olympic team is going to try topl what an ass beating awesome could you imagine going back to bise and just dribbling a basketball are you allowed are you allowed back can’t do it I might quit I might quit if on beli at that point like you you have to you have to have like a mercy rule at that point right they scored 54 so they could they could they did understand the game yeah you know like they knew ball in who you know how to get points cuz normally in like those high school games or like lower level college games when a team wins by 100 it’s like that team doesn’t actually know the sport they’re just kind of rolling it out there and do their thing getting askp me once again not the winning team’s fault at all never is have to kill but this they scored 54 I didn’t expect that that’s like a little bit of a bucket getter somewhere over there yeah a little bit of a high octane offense and then obviously when we got this string bean that’s going to Purdue just you know eating eating glass I mean what he’s the next Ed I heard he’s going to be gnawing on the Iowa Hawk ass uh I doubt it I mean he’s going to have to probably gain about 85 to 100 lb before he really wants to you know get ready for that physical Big 10 Basketball but hey we got another guy the USA’s got another guy so so I’m excited for it but let’s let’s pump the brakes on hey this he’s about to run to Big 10 they’re saying yeah okay okay AJ has a question for you sham hey Shams who uh who is actually our competition this year in the Olympics do we have any team that can compete and how are they going to like how we going to massage the egos of everybody when it comes to playing time and starting and all that I know that’s always a thing when it comes to these so-called dream teams yeah two teams right off the top of my head are are France I think Spain you can never count out Spain is just always Rock Solid always has guys has veterans but France is one that I’m very interested in seeing you have Nick Batum you have Rudy goar you have Victor wanyama Victor wanyama being on that Olympic team that team to me has some potential to be scary Canada as well don’t sleep on Canada Oh Canada don’t sleep on them sh Alexander Jamal Murray potentially Andrew Wiggins potentially uh they’ve got some bodies there in Canada we saw sh Gils Alexander did did this season Jamal Murray to me he’s he’s never been an All-Star never been an all NBA player but there’s not a better player when the when the when the lights are on bright uh he’s one of the best ones when it comes to playoff time when it comes to meaningful moments so um I’m very curious about that that Canadian national team along with along with France I think those two are the ones I got my on Spain is always solid and as far as EOS AJ you’re definitely right because Anthony Edwards I I said this I’ve said this already but like Anthony Edwards is not going to the USA basketball team just to sit on the bench or to be the sixth man he’s going to USA training camp to win a starting spot and be a starter on that national team I can’t wait to see if Anthony Edwards is able to be our starter we would like him to represent the United States of America out there we better win by 90 now that I know it’s possible in modern day even if a team scores 54 CHS while you were talking you have no idea there’s there’s a little bit of a a little bit of a to-do out here I keep getting excited that they’re chaining for me and cheering for me but I F these goals goals that are being scores fights I I don’t know what’s going on Shams one guy went down he was in a a heap of pain I I mean you never know what’s real at these things it feels better it’s really hard cheer for injuries we don’t cheer for injuries now never we never would but there was a full on benches almost cleared just a few moments ago we almost had some real good TV yeah I just want to know how how come we didn’t get we got a yellow card when we had seven on the field these guys had 10 guys on the field ready to fight each other why are we we get attacked here kind of just letting them do whatever the hell they want it has to be matched it seems like the other team didn’t want to fight like you guys did okay you see what I’m saying yeah so it was a little bit of a anyway what’s next for uh you Shams what news should we know about well I’m going to be in Boston for the NBA Finals that’s next tomorrow is that tomorrow night yeah tomorrow game one game one is tomorrow night game two is Sunday then the series goes to Dallas I’m excited for the finals like I think Boston has been the Primitive favorite they’re the ones who have the championship robust expectations right now they know Al Horford said it after they swept Indiana the players know it whether they want to say publicly whether they want to know it privately this is a championship robust season for the Celtics they’ve been primed they’ve been prepped they’ve been getting ready it’s it it really feels like it’s their time the only problem is you have Dallas that’s in their way you have Luca donic who’s arguably the best player in the league you have Kyrie Irving who is is finally playing at that place that we saw him in Cleveland where he’s comfortable he’s happy he’s he’s healthy um he’s in it like this team the camaraderie the chemistry that this Mavericks team has I think you can make a case that they’re the they’re the closest team going in the league right now and it’s secret uh that the relationship between Kyrie Irving and LCA donic has played a big part in that they’ become like brothers and Shout Out Kyrie Irving I I reported yesterday uh his first signature athlete for his anti- Sho deal is his dad dredrick Irving so pretty cool story first player Pro Sports what’s the name of this an Anta who what is he started a company Anta is a Chinese sportsware company mostly shoes Klay Thompson is a player that that they endorse as well are all the red no he a bunch of different col purple yellow blue okay they’re going to be great shoes I assume is Dad’s going to hoop in them the drec Irvings one ones will hit Foot Locker stores in September so shout out dad beginning yeah I’m buying those I don’t know where they’re made but a lot of other stuff is too and I’m going put them on yeah still using my iPhone and I’m probably G to have I’m there’s a lot of things I mean there’s there’s a scarf falling off front of the desk yeah that gaffer tapee we kind of knew it wasn’t going to hold yeah I would i’ would be guess both of them if we’re having a conversation we just had yo BC who do you have who do you have in the finals Boston okay BC come on who do you who you got all we asked you the question Sean also it should be interesting Shams because a little bit of a drama surrounding you guys I believe it was your Co co-host Chandler Parsons basically said like hey Chris abs porzingis and LCA donic do not like each other Luca donic came out and said like that’s I’ve talked to him twice in my life so is it kind of awkward on set right now is that kind of changing how you guys were going to cover the finals yeah and did you retweet that when Chandler Parson’s like yeah this is the matter of fact and did you jump in absolutely uh no no issues on either side Luca Don can can obviously say whatever he wants to say can respond exactly how he wants to respond Chandler Parsons obviously is entitled to his own thoughts in his own reporting TR really really deep ties the Dallas I will say but uh you know on the running back sets there is not any tension there it’s like we we know it’s a it’s a fun and loose environment and and I think I think you know the one thing is Luka donic and and Chris bingz have been very vocal publicly at least Chris porzingis has that it just did not work out from a fit perspective and and from a bass perspective clearly it didn’t work I think Chris porzingis even said it yesterday it just didn’t work when he was there and uh that’s not the say that that Luca dones had anything personally like he he genuinely still doesn’t like the guy cuz I’m sure now they haven’t been teammates in years D each other up I’m sure they’re cool now yeah obviously we appreciate you Shams doing all the journalism that we can’t do [Music]

Shams Charania joins The Pat McAfee Show to discuss:

0:00 Live from the TST Tournament
1:35 Jontay Porter update
7:30 JJ Redick could be the next coach of the LA Lakers?
11:30 Development of players to the NBA
16:00 NBA Finals preview

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  1. LeBron should be the coach. If they won’t do that then sure, make JJ Reddick the coach and just have him do whatever LeBron says. And no I’m not joking or being sarcastic. LeBron’s been in the league 20 years, there aren’t many people that know more basketball than him.

  2. LeBrick James is all time leader in turnovers, has the most playoff losses in NBA history and 4-6 in finals. Not great a disgrace.

  3. I think difference Calvin Ridley and other football players been caught betting on other teams and players. Porter was betting on himself way worse

  4. Let me get this straight: the Purple Team fired a dude with no previous head coaching experience so they could hire a podcasting TV analyst?


  5. Shams has burner accounts on IG just to badmouth & 🗑 players – like with Russell Westbrook. I don't understand why he still has a job reporting on NBA players.


  7. The level of empathy in this thread is truly touching. It's a reminder that behind every screen is a real person with real feelings.🧡

  8. Charlotte and Toronto didn't want JJ …. Why would the Lakers?? Justify that…
    Those teams don't want to win??



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