@Oklahoma City Thunder

OKC Thunder Looking To Add Patrick Williams? Mailbag Questions on the NBA Draft and Free Agency

OKC Thunder Looking To Add Patrick Williams? Mailbag Questions on the NBA Draft and Free Agency

on today’s locked on Thunder podcast are the Oklahoma City Thunder targeting Patrick Williams and your mailbag questions you are locked on Thunder your daily Oklahoma City Thunder podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team everyday let’s get it going on the lockdown Thunder podcast on the lockdown podcast Network your team every day I am your host media member and inside the thunderbeat writer Sports Illustrated Thunder beat writer Ryland Styles follow me on Twitter Ryland Styles follow the show on Twitter at L thunderpod you can find me at sports illustrate you can find me right here every single day subscribe like review anywhere you get your podcast from uh and so much more so on today’s show we’re diving into your mailbag questions we’ve pushed mail back Monday to a Wednesday frankly because I make the rules a little bit around here but but secondarily because and more prominently I should say because we had the opportunity to have two really great guests uh earlier this week Monday Richard staman mavd draft on Twitter we talked about every single big man in this draft including Zach e at nasium uh plus all your other draft questions on Monday uh Tuesday we had Joel Lorenzi Oklahoma beat writer to talk about the thunder season and set the table for the offseason now we’re back for mailbag Monday on a Wednesday the rare mailbag Monday on a Wednesday the good news is we are closer now to a mailbag Monday than we ever have been until two minutes from now whenever we’re even closer so you’re G to get another mailbag Monday on actual Monday next week and next week you’re also going to get more great guests including Derek Parker who just dropped a very interesting mock draft on Twitter uh on YouTube I should say uh Derek Parker on YouTube where he had Don Holmes going to OKC spoiler alert should have said that at the beginning uh but go go watch that and see why he has the Dayton flyer flying up the NBA draft ports but I want to start out by discussing the report from darno Mayberry uh of the athletic where he mentions that Oklahoma City you know is a is a real player for Patrick Williams so the Chicago Bulls are in this kind of interesting you know mix in the off season so no one believes that the Chicago Bulls can reach you know Contender status also No One Believes that the Chicago Bulls are going to tank even though their first round pick is top 10 protected in a really good draft but they also have really a perplexing cap situation where they’re having to uh you know work around the Rosen and LaVine and and what can they do what can that lead to one of the things that it could lead to would be Patrick Williams who is a restricted free agent not returning and so uh Mayberry reports that if the Bulls have seen enough of the Williams experiment one team that has great interest at leag sour said is Oklahoma City the Thunder need more size and they have an army of draft picks that can sweeten the pot for the Bulls in a sign in trade in July that’s very interesting because a sign in trade would trigger the hard cap for the Thunder at the first apron I reached out to our good friend Keith Smith who we’ve had on the show before looking to have him on again uh as as the offseason progresses before free agency as the Thunder have top five in the league cap space does it still mean a hard cap as a sign in trade is initiated yes it does from Keith Smith so that’s where you you might try to see the Thunder if they were to pursue Williams throw a massive deal at him because they have the cap space too and just not have the Bulls match it or or or put a number on it that the Bulls just cannot match based on the salary cap situation they find themselves in um I I I think that ultimately this is an interesting report if you want to read into it now look Darnell there very reputable reporter works for a great place in the athletic uh and spent time in OKC both both prior to this year of course you know his history with the Oklahoma and such but also this year was boots on the ground in the playoffs so like it is you know fathomable that he’s able to get this information about Oklahoma City the thing I would read into this might have less to do with Patrick Williams and more to do with this is the first true report where definitive words are said because other reports have been well the Thunder could engage in talks with kyok kosma or the Thunder could go do you know this move over here or the executives think that they might right like that that’s all speculative that’s no different than you or I discussing moves that Sam pry could make but this when you put great interest in there and definitively say that the Thunder are one team that has great interest in Patrick Williams it does give a signal one of how they evaluate Patrick Williams a little bit but also of what we talked about with Trel on Tuesday that the Thunder um for as much as we speculate and talk and discuss you know are they going to be aggressive are they going to go make moves the Thunder have prepared for rain right like they’ve done everything necessary they’ve gone out and prepped everything they have for open rer spots they have top five in the league cap space they have a mountain of draft picks all they’re looking for now is that raincloud they’re looking for something to materialize something to come to be where they can make a move and so this report at least should should be a huge indicator that you can stop wondering if the Thunder are going to make a move or wondering if the Thunder want to make a move or want to be aggressive and start to say they are going to try to be aggressive but will something arise will an opportunity present itself to go do something because a thunder can’t just force a player to want to sign Oklahoma City they can’t just force a team to to you know want to move on from one of their players and make a trade however they do have a perfect storm no pun intended of assets foundational core sweeteners and opportunity cost of you know your still a few years away from those extensions kicking in even though you’re going to sign them next summer they won’t kick in for a little bit you are a 57- win team in a tough conference but also in an era where we’re seeing the most League parody we’ve seen so they can make something happen this summer now is it gonna be Patrick Williams specifically I think that that is where I I pause because independent of the whole sign and trade hard cap you know Keith Smith was also very reassuring that like it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world for the for the Thunder to be triggered at a hard cap first apron um you know after this signning trade obviously you would ask yourself would you want to handcuff yourself even even a little bit for Patrick Williams the problem comes that Patrick Williams he does provide that size that that may reports that the Thunder of course want and need uh he he’s he’s 6’7 215 with a 7 foot wingspan he would instantly Fe fit into the thunderous power forward spot instantly he makes you a better defensive team for a team that was already a top five defense because when you throw a lineup out there of Shay Dort Jay dub Patrick Williams and chat holgren that would be absolutely devastating to teams no doubt about it no questions asked that would be the best defense in the NBA because you’re because after that starting five you’re bringing in Cas Wallace you’re bringing in Aaron Wiggins you’re bringing in a pesy Isaiah Joe you’re bringing in all these guys right so so that would instantly be the best defense in basketball on paper if healthy that’s our first question can Patrick Williams stay healthy I I think it’s ultimately unfair um to to hold the health issue against him yet right because he does have two seasons of playing really you know high level games you know 72 and 82 games so he’s also at two seasons where he doesn’t play a ton so so which way do you want to look at that equation and ultimately a lot of injuries are just like pure bad luck so it’s it’s tough to hold that against him he’s still only 22 years old but here’s the thing while the defense would be devastating in a good way for the Thunder he is not a good rebounder at all for his size what you’re going to have to do when you talk about Patrick Williams is you’re going to have to bank on uncertainty now we’re going to talk coming up about what that uncertainty is but as we go into this break ask yourself with this many assets and with this good of a team already do you want to bank on uncertainty that’s a real question that this Thunder team and this thunder fan base and whoever else wants to take part in observing this this thunder core has to ask themselves so do that right now and coming up we’ll tell you what that uncertainty is around Patrick Williams but first wedes here right now but friends over at betterhelp check out betterhelp go there right now because right now it’s a 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unbelievable Defender especially when you put him in in this environment there’s questions about his health but I don’t personally you know hold that against him personally because frankly we just don’t know right like if he never gets healthy again then this then we look back in retrospect and and say this is a stupid conversation if he does get if he does get hurt then we instantly say that we’re right and either way we’re not right or wrong so another example would be like Chad holor the the second he got hurt last year everybody jumped to see injury-prone told you then he goes and plays 82 games and if he and if he never gets hurt again no one will Circle back and say I was wrong about that I was I was wrong that he was an injury risk but if he gets hurt again this year God forbid then people will go back to see how is right so so the the injury stuff we just don’t know we don’t know it’s uncontrollable it is it is not even something you can never predict it’s just stupid to talk about Franklin so I don’t hold that the medical stuff against Patrick Williams he is still only 22 years old so so he has room to grow and develop he’s younger than jaub Chicago has been an awful place of development and an awful scheme for development and so that’s what you’re banking on you’re banking on okay he’s a bad rebounder but he plays next to vich and he plays in this in the system that’s is not advantageous to getting rebounds whereas without that vacuum cleaner on the glass do you see those numbers naturally rise okay pick pick your slot there like if you agree with that he will or won’t get better on the glass he is a fantastic three-point shooter on very low volume so is that low volume a product of the Bulls offensive system which is a total mess and it’s not getting him those chances and do you project that he’ll have those chances in Oklahoma City absolutely the Thunder will will make his life so much easier when you’re discussing his offensive production because while he can’t do much else than sit in the corner and and and kind of hang out around the perimeter and knock down shots that’s all he really needs to do in Oklahoma City but the big kicker is while he’s an excellent Defender while he’s an excellent three-point shooter and projects to be from free throw percent to to the look of a shot to the production from the three-point line he projects to be an even better three-point shooter somewhere else that gets him more opportunities the kicker here is he he does not do well with the ball in his hands which is a typical Thunder vehicle of what they look for he cannot convert at The Rim he is not aggressive he can’t get to the free throw line because of his lack of aggression he can’t convert at The Rim through contact because of lack of aggression he despite his size is a play that finishes at The Rim at a 51% clip that is that is very concerning the 37% catch and shoot number is great the 45% shooting off the dribble is really good shooting at The Rim at a 51% clip is unacceptable but again do you bank on that improving when you don’t have vich down there when you when you get defended differently in Oklahoma City then you get defended whenever you’re playing with Chicago uh because you have to respect more players and then he instantly becomes um you know way down the totem pole of players who you respect offensively on the court not a not a slight to him but like you’re obviously gon to give more attention to a shay to a jdub to a chat he has not been a very efficient cutter with the bulls but the lanes and the creases are so much more obvious in Oklahoma City that that you could Bank on that getting better but do you see how we keep saying if if if if he redefines himself as a player then he will be the perfect fit for the Thunder if he does not redefine himself for the Thunder you are just shuffling tears on the Titanic that was a strong analogy but in the sense of he doesn’t help your rebounding issues he shoots really good percentage from three but he he does not take a ton of them and he’s a devastating Defender so like it’s it’s not as like dire as as that but at at that point you have a lot of guys who are good Defenders and can shoot good on low volume now being able to switch one through five is lethal so the bottom line here for for what we just laid out with Patrick Williams I do think he would help the Thunder tremendously defensively I think that he’d be an improvement an upgrade and at this stage of where the Thunder are at when you’re looking at a team who should be contending for the next half decade plus you’ve got to make business decisions of like you might like a you might like a certain player on this roster more emotionally attached to them uh you know more invested in them whatever but it’s a shrewd business at the end of the day and you’ve got to continuously improve this roster even if you know it’s not a perfect Improvement but it is still an uptick Patrick Williams would at least be an uptick now is he worth the mechanisms that you’d have to use to go get him because you’re either gonna have to throw a massive contract at him that the Bulls cannot match or not only sign him give away an asset in the signing trade which is not going to be a you know massive asset as as historically we’ve seen sign and trade’s not net a ton but still it’s something and it would trigger that hard capap first apron that that’s just that’s just a ton of fs and like a ton of unknown and it just does not feel it does not feel like that would be maximizing the potential and the possibilities now maybe we get to um you know free AG see this is the best you can do because everything we just laid out the benefit to Patrick Williams would be he’s still 22 years old and and he on paper should be able to to accomplish all of that on paper a guy this size should be able to finish with the rim at a higher clip a guy this size should be a better cutter with better help around him a guy this size I mean I’m sorry a guy this this guy that’s been shooting the ball this well you know throughout his career as a basketball player but especially in the NBA the guy who’s been shooting the ball this well should be able to shoot you know continually well on higher percent on higher opportunities and and cleaner look cleaner looks from from three that OKC can provide him so if he can do those three things then you don’t really care that he can’t you know playmake with the ball in his hands like you don’t need everyone to be doing that it’s a it’s a huge benefit and it’s something that the Thunder the Thunder truly seek out is like guys who can play with the ball in their hands but it’s not exactly a prerequisite to be playing basketball you can still be a really good basketball player without doing that the biggest thing would be the rebounding issue because if if if he just rebounded the ball better if he was just willing to put his body on guys and get physical and rebound the ball then he would he would become the perfect fed for the Thunder by just making that change you could live with the rim stuff you could live with the with the playmaking issues you could live with it if he could re rebound the ball better because of what he elevates you defensively because of what he does for you as a as a three-point shooter to space the floor he’d be he’d be really good so then you ask yourself again how much of that rebounding issue is vich so you can see how like you can you can view this single year move any which way you want to and you’d be banking on a ton of what ifs is the banking on what ifs the best you can do with all the resources that you have maybe it is but you can see the vision for why the thunder would like Patrick Williams and I think that if if they did make this move oh every question mark flies out the window and this show every show you listen to about the thunder everything you read about the thunder everything you consume about the thunder would swing into oh my gosh Patrick Williams is gonna have his career take off in Oklahoma City because the only thing that he hasn’t really do that like thunder he doesn’t play with the ball very well everything else it’s going to be fun if it happened coming up let’s let’s start your mailbag questions we’ll have to do some more tomorrow because um we went long on Patrick Williams but nonetheless coming up let’s get through as many questions as we can but first one’s here right now a butter good friends over at FanDuel we’re only one day away from the NBA Finals right now new customers get 150 bucks in bonus Bets with the winning of $85 bet that’s 150 bucks from the spread money line player props in more lockon make every playoff shot count Bandu America’s number one sports book go there right now it’s a fanuel make sure you use uh promo code locked on for 150 bucks for new customers and as we mentioned the NBA Finals they’re here the Mavericks are six and a half Point 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prism of basketball Kevin Durant absolutely helps the Oklahoma City Thunder now do I think it will happen you have to the safe money is always to bet against big moves like that because they so rarely materialize but um it’d be a lot of fun I would not be upset um at all uh also from 93 heart 93 between Claxton Valen chunis hartenstein Jared Allen Steph Adams Etc who would be the most ideal big man the Thunder could go after this offseason personally I think Valena for his price tag and skill mix I I would would prefer not to have Alan chunis on this roster we’ve seen that sung and dance play out um a few times in the playoffs uh of this list I would say Jared Allen I would say hardenstein actually of this list I I really like hardenstein as a backup big but uh that’s a premier Penny to pay for a backup big so I I do not believe that ther team will move chat off of the center position nor do I think that they should as me and Joel talked about yesterday uh so uh I I just I don’t buy into uh that I think that you can Shore up and help your front Court rotation without you know making a massive Splash so to say at Nick short the Thunder have a history of making trades on draft day now that the Thunder competitive again do you see them making a draft day move again why or why not big fan by the way thank you Nick uh I mean the the draft a trade I think is less about what the current roster looks like and more about what the draft board looks like uh I think that the Thunder do a good job of like of like separating that in the sense of um if a prospect Falls they’re going to get them if a prospect uh that they like the rest of the league is lower on they’re going to move back to to to do that like they’ve been doing this um for a long time as you mentioned and consistently like they’re just going to try to maximize the actual draft you look at what they did for basley even like ba like that was a point in time where the franchis was have to stret the positions of what are they going to do are they gonna they going to trade rust they going to trade Paul George they run it back like it was still in question but but that independent of that they wanted basley they moved back uh to get basley or or vice versa with Brandon Clark and them uh and they got basy so like they’ve been doing this for a long time case Wallace last year um you know going in getting Usman Jang like to to secure jdub with that move so like it’s all been to maximize opportunity in the draft and I think that they’ll they’ll continue to try to maximize that now is that going to be to move up two spots to get Cody Williams will that be to move back um to to gain an asset while getting a contributor or well nothing materialize and the best course of action is to stay outus quo who knows um but if I had to P Bank on it I think that you’ll see a tra draft day trade of some capacity only because like it’s s pry and they don’t have a second round pick and it’s so easy to get second round picks that like whenever you look at this team they for sure have a two-way spot open I’m sorry Le s like he got hurt at the worst possible time at at the last game of the season after a killer g- League season but he also has no genuine NBA future so like you’re at least gonna have one twoa spot open now we can discuss how the organization views Flagler and and KY Johnson of course as they drafted KY Johnson last year but uh if you see a prospect slipping who you’d want to get in under for your agency you don’t have a second round pick it’s so easy to buy one at the end of the draft uh so like when you factor that in when you factor the Poss ility at this moment of moving up and moving back like you would Bank on a some sort of draft day trade because the draft day trade has been riddled throughout this like they moved up to get Jeremiah Robinson Earl and secure him in the second round um you know they’ve consistently done this so the money would be on you know the odds at FanDuel they had draft day trades for the Thunder I would imagine would would lean heavily yes for a draft a trade um OKC BR Hoops rather then how do you see John Collins as a Target 15 points eight rebounds a game with 37% from three last season his contract is not good it’s an understatement but uh fits the Thunder timeline and his value on the trade market is low yeah I mean I I I think that it would be a worthwhile Gamble and the reason I say that is once again you look at John Collins like teams have done this before on paper he really fits in practice maybe something happens again where he does not actually improve your V the way you think he could because it happened to two different teams now but the benefit for the Thunder and why I think that the notion of too many piics is always stupid that’d be like telling you know Bill Gates he has too much money like that’s just not it’s just not a thing you can use money in so many different ways the same way you can use draft picks the benefit for the Thunder is not only do you have the cap space this very moment to go make that trade but you have the mon get out a jail free card look at the Mavericks for example the Mavericks have have supremely less assets than the Thunder do they’re in a whole different tax bracket the wrong way in terms of future assets but they still were able to be aggressive last off season go get Grant Williams you know go and uh and try to improve their roster with ran Holmes and then they were able to Pivot and pivot in a positive way where like they went and got Grant Williams they gave up a first round pick they were so confident that Grant Williams was who that they needed you can go back and listen to lock down Maps whenever they went and got Grant Williams how exciting it was for the Mavericks you know system and ecosystem and fan base and everything um it didn’t work it didn’t work and even though they give a first- round pick to go get him with supremely less assets than the Thunder they still could parlay him into uh get a Joe free card to go get PJ Washington so the Thunder have the assets on both ends one to acquire him two to get off of him should it not work and just run him through that that that uh Car Wash of Oklahoma City but on paper John Collins should work now your other question uh from OKC Thunder BR Hoops uh how do you see K wear as a draft prospect uh what you see on film is not the whole story like I think that as a prospect he greatly improved himself as a player this year at Indiana the Intel is still not great on kware and it would be fairly shocking you know to see the thunder make that move obviously the Thunder do make that move they feel pretty good about the Intel but from what we’re aware of it’d be fairly shocking to see this organization uh make that move but you know he’s a he’s a good prospect on on film I think that you can fall in love with you know his his height and athleticism and and kind of miss the boat a little bit on koware when it comes to how he fits with the Thunder roster before you even talk about the Intel stuff so for the Thunder specifically I would have C wear very low um and then it just comes down to how much of the Intel do you believe uh AR Anthony says have you considered that in a draft that the consensus says is a bad year to have a top pick that prey has the resources to go get anyone that he would want to on draft tonight so we actually had a long conversation about this with Richard staman MAV draft on Twitter on Monday so you can go listen to that like know long form conversation but yeah I mean it it does make it easier so been saying on this show since 2021 whenever people were gunning to trade up in that draft and the Thunder gunned as well to go trade up in that draft uh to try to get evm you know according to reports so we’ve been saying since then though that the the problem with trading up for draft night is that it’s not about overwhelming teams with future picks and and having this Godfather offer it’s about can you give them an asset and still give them their guy so an example would be last year you not only gave Dallas you know the asset of getting off of Bron’s contract but you gave them their guy and you got your guy that’s how draft KN traes work using Dallas again the Luca Trey uh Trey young swap Atlanta gets an asset and the guy that they wanted anyway Dallas gets their guy that’s how draft night trades work so in a draft that has less consensus there’s a larger potential of teams to to want to to trade down and teams to be willing to trade down even further than usual because they think that their guy will still be there and they gain from it so yeah I mean technically speaking I think it should be easier hypothetically to trade up in this draft the problem is is there’s someone who you really want to make the Leaps and Bounds for in this draft if I had the guess on how the the board would shake out if the Thunder were to trade up I would consider it to be more likely that it’s you know 12 to 10 again something like that not and anything totally dramatic but on paper uh it could be easier because everything you hear um is that uh you know the boards are completely different and the values of these guys are completely different so we’ve gone a long way here talking to Patrick Williams and talking about your mailbag questions we are not going to be done with your mailbag questions though we’re still going to do them at the top of the show tomorrow um to make sure we get through them all before the next mailbag Monday including a question from Javi about drafting a big man between homes where we talked about and Tyler Smith what’s also on the table is that tomorrow we start our NBA Draft profile and projections we do this every single year and it’s going to be a lot of fun to get into uh so we’ll start the show with that and then at the end we’ll we’ll round up these questions finish them off and then we’ll get into another draft profile on Friday so two draft profiles coming your way it’ll be the two Duke Blue Devils Jared McCain and Kyle fski to close out the week then we’ll have draft profiles for you non-stop as we lead into the NBA draft but until next time be good and be good to one another

The Oklahoma City Thunder are reportedly interested in Chicago Bulls Forward Patrick Williams, could the OKC Thunder truly make this move to bolster their roster? Can the Thunder add a big man in the NBA Draft or NBA Free Agency? How would Patrick Williams fit the Bricktown boys? Will Sam Presti be aggressive this summer with the Thunder?

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  1. i feel like we need another big that can hit threes alongside holmgren. i think that duke kid would be great, Kyle Filipowki would be the best situation pick up and keep giddy till the trade deadline for a trade piece

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