@Denver Nuggets

Does a Michael Porter Jr. trade HELP or HURT the Denver Nuggets?

Does a Michael Porter Jr. trade HELP or HURT the Denver Nuggets?

all right it’s the age old Denver Nuggets question should the Denver Nuggets trade Michael Porter Jr even after a career year of 81 games played uh best series of his life in the first round 22 points per game on like a 69 true shooting making everything in the world and he has not so good Ser revers of the Minnesota Tim Bulls 10 and a half points a game sub 35% from the field and from three so Ryan Blackburn when you consider Michael Porter Jr in totality and you consider the Denver Nuggets in total do you think that in order for them to get where they want to go that they need to trade Michael Porter Jr and get some better pieces to fit the overall structure of the team man I’ve gone back and forth on this a couple times and I think where I come down on it is no they do not have to trade him in order to win another championship they’ve already had the theory of the practice right like we’ve already seen what happens when the team is healthy when they’re hungry when he’s playing well and when the matchups kind of break right I think that he is a tremendous offensive Talent he is somebody that is still growing in this league and he’s become less of a defensive liability than where he was now what I will say is that he is still kind of limited in his style and in sort of the player who he is ultimately going to be I was talking about this on my last podcast that I think that he’s still basically the same player that he was when he came into the league which is he’s a tall scoring forward he’s going to shoot it’s mostly catch and shoot he’s added some pull-ups he’s added a little bit of passing he’s added a little bit of driving but he’s still kind of a Target on the defensive end of times and I don’t know if that is going to change that much so he’s probably gonna end up being the third option and if he’s comfortable being the third option if he can be the best third option in the NBA then yeah sure I think that he like Denver can absolutely win a Championship with him the the question is whether he will be and the question is whether you think it’s the best chance for the Nuggets to win a championship and that’s why I don’t have as solid of an answer your best chance to win another championship correct yourself Ryan Blackburn um I think that I would I think well I know they can win another one without trading him because yeah he had a 40 six true shooting in the uh I think he had a 40 I think he had a 40 in the Minnesota timber B series he had a 49.5 true shooting in that series and Jamal Murray in that same series had a 48 true shooting that’s why they lost yeah their second and third best player they were terrible they didn’t make anything they were missing everything so I think some of this with Porter is like okay well if Jamal Murray has a better shooting series and they win game seven they don’t go to game seven because they win game one and now it’s over in six like you know is this a conversation like you know I mean like is this a thing can now they’re playing versus the Mavericks and they’re not defending Porter but the are I agree so if that’s the case now Porter’s at 17 eight and two and now he’s shooting another 63 65% through shooting series and 44% from three it’s like oh Porter go but that’s the playoffs like wow he’s he’s good again like it’s crazy right I think that’s the playoff so for me it’s an overreaction I just think people are just so devastated by the way the Ser the series ended and the way the season ended and you know didn’t meet my expectation even and obviously yours we both picked him to win the championship again and many fans did as well I just think the thing with Porter is the nuggets are needing another six starter like they had with Bruce Brown that was their formula that’s how they got where they needed to get um because you remember there were games where the Nuggets didn’t have Jamal Murray and Bruce Brown started and they were lights out there were games where they didn’t have Michael Porter Jr and they had Bruce Brown and they were lights out there were games where they didn’t have Michael Porter Jr or Jamal Murray and it was Bruce Brown and Christian Brown and they were lights out so that’s what the Nuggets fans I think are remembering and I think more so that speaks to me about well Calvin Boo has to do the job to get another six player on the roster to me that’s it and I know some of the money stuff it’s like well who are they gonna find who are they going to pay but there’s a lot of players that are really good that can come off the bench and play well for the Nuggets I would rather go that option first be like look let’s give it a shot let’s see if we can add another six player that we know is upgrade from Reggie Jackson can be a supplemental starter here at times that can give good minutes play be a good not good a very good to Elite Defender at that guard spot and then we can see if we need to make a move because you know what the Dallas Mavericks they changed their season by getting PJ Washington and danil Gafford they changed up their scheme they figured out a better way to play defense around Kyrie and around Luca and they had players that committed to this scheme and again you know uh they obviously didn’t play kawh Leonard you know first round and all that stuff I get it but they’ just turned the corner as a franchise and it allowed for Luka to be as healthy as possible not fully healthy now but healthy as possible going into the Western Conference Final now they’re 3 uh potentially sweeping the Minnesota timber rules and then have a chance to win the NBA Finals so I just think stuff like that matters man and I think for the Nuggets you have the best starting five in basketball like do you really want to break that up because of one series and really a a quarter and a half that your season ended earlier than expect it so that’s where I’m kind of stuck in the middle it’s it’s completely fair and like couple points there Minnesota obviously an elite defense they’re one of the best perimeter defenses and interior defenses combination that we’ve seen in a long time they’ve got so much personnel and so many of those other teams that Denver could have faced in these playoffs probably would have had so many issues guarding Murray and Porter and joic at the same time Minnesota’s one of the teams that’s uniquely positioned to be able to do that right and so you’re not going to face them the entire time although you might face them next year so it’s it’s definitely a factor um the other thing you gotta ask yourselves whether if they were to break up his salary and to kind of break up the starting five in terms like hey best starting five in the league a lot of pressure being put onto that statement if you just have as much money as they have tied up into that if you break up Porter salary and let’s say hypothetically it’s uh DeAndre Hunter and bdon bogdanovich I’ve brought up that deal to you before if you have a a average to maybe slightly below average starter but then an elite Sixth Man like does that help you in a series like this one against the Minnesota Timberwolves where you get another ball handler somebody who’s capable of creating who could take some pressure off of Jamal Murray in ways that Porter really couldn’t this time around I think it’s a fair question the question is whether it’s the best chance and I don’t know the answer to that like it could be that it could be Andrew Wiggins and cavon Looney you get an actual back Center that we’ve been talking about is hey maybe that makes sense to try to help Denver’s rotation a little bit I don’t know what the correct answer is but I do know that these are valuable conversations to have and it isn’t so cut and dry one way or the other that you can make a definitive statement I don’t think yeah yeah you know um unfortunately they’re not going to be a to Fango their way like the Celtics did where they got KP and Drew for nothing wild um you know and Derek white for nothing they did that in back to well basically back-to-back season for the most part um so you know it’s definitely like they’re just gonna have to be smart I just and again to me just comes back to Calvin Calvin you cannot do this thing with I just I don’t believe in the Young Gun thing I just don’t I’m not a part of that community of people that’s like oh yeah just keep drafting you know that that’s just such a you need proven young players that can do what they need to do and I think again for me find somebody that you can get as a six starter you can do it on cheap and then then you can find out if you need to make a switch and you need to trade somebody you know look look what the patri did with pasal yakum I also propose that that’s a possibility and you know maybe they would have done it um who knows but Pascal you know turned up being really good for the Pacers this year a a part of the reason why they went to the Conference Finals other than Jaylen Brunson Oobi Mitchell Robinson and Julius Randle not being there but you know that’s what helped him get over the top so you know we’ll see it’s a Nuance conversation man this is really tough this is the what the pain of losing in this manner sort of causes for fans and for analysts and trying to figure out what the best course of action is going forward but if Calvin Booth is the steward of Nicole iic’s Prime he’s got to find a way to get it done no matter what that is and that could be trading Michael Porter Jr yeah so we’ll find out y’all let us know in the comments section let us know if you think Michael Porter Jr should be traded who you would like to see him trade it for or should they just run it back and see if they can get another quality asset Off the Bench this is Ryan Blackburn and your boy swiper Mile High Sports see y’all on the other side

Can the Denver Nuggets win another title with Michael Porter Jr. as a primary option? After a disappointing exit from the NBA Playoffs, Nuggets’ fans and media have speculated about Michael Porter Jr’s future with the team. Will MPJ be back for the 2024-2025 NBA season, or will the Nuggets look to improve their roster by trading him? Ryan Blackburn and Swipa debate.

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  1. I would like to see him work on defense, he is consistently targeted, as much as I do like him, we should shop him, I agree Ryan he's limited.

  2. He should be traded, the nuggets offense does not provide him enough chances for him to score. Meaning he is likely capped at around 16-19 ppg, and to go along with the fact that he is a below average on ball defender. He won't ever justify his max contract on this team, but if he was on a team that let him shoot 18+ shots a game i think he could actually justify his contract a little more. Put him on the pistons and he avgs 22-25pts and 8 rbs, not to mention he is only 25 yo, he could get better.

    We must turn him in to 2-3 decent role players.

    If he was making 20-23 million a year i would never dream of trading him, but unfortunately for us he's making 36,38,40mil. it is untenable

  3. Check the data please!..MPj has only improved on all facets of the game. Rebounds, assists & defends better than ever. It's jamal murray who has regressed a bit. Murray wastes too much time dribbling and he turns the ball over too much! Trade murray if anyone.

  4. I believe that they need to make a deal . If they need to trade MPJ, then that's what they need to do. And then, at the trade deadline, find another player to galvanize the rotation like they did with Gordon. 9:12

  5. I feel that the Nugget's offense limits MPJ. If they keep him they have to include him more or trade him to a bottom-feeder team that would build around him.

  6. The Nuggets needs a backup center that can score play defense point guard upgrade the bench develop Tyson Strawther Pickett Huff Key keep the starting 5 intact

  7. MPJ is not a problem, team composition is a problem, if not MPJ than change AG for more versatile player, change Murry for more versatile, improvements have to be made somewhere, Denver as it is now can't match other top teams anymore. MPJ is weakest link to what he brings to the table, but no one is questioning his ability to take 3 pointers. With the new rules Denver can't improve bench, they need to change something, chances of them winning another chip with this roster is very thin. I DON'T LIKE LOAD MANAGMENT on Jokic playing huge minutes all season and being expect to carry Denver in the playoffs, Denver need to revisit their long term plan here, stop being PASSIVE, Dallas didn't get to the Finals this year by sitting on their asases.

  8. ….and moving forward surround Yoke with two way players that can cut and finish…..thats it…..thats all…..sit back and look at a DYnastey.

  9. there are still improvements on mpj scoring that I would of expected him 2 b better @ now like scoring inside & creating his own shot but still, in my opinion main problems are still his usaul struggles, defence & just decision making just being a smarter player seeing the floor better & yes he has improved in them areas but still nowhere near enough still gets targeted on defence & yes he's stopped taking as many bad shots but still his poor decision when he has the ball can result in alot of bad possessions

  10. Everyone is blaming Porter. I remember when Bill Russell did color for ABC and Chris Shenkel. He said what looks like a good shot is not a good shot because the rhythm of the offense is off. Porter was a victim of an offense that was out of rhythm. No one is talking about Jokic shoor ting poorly from the perimeter.

  11. Yes Jamal had a bad shooting percentage, but we had game 7 Jamal 35, Jokic 34 and where is the third option? Last season in the playoffs, he suddenly froze and did not hit a three-pointer in several games in a row, the same as this season.The story of family problems was not important against the Lakers. His brother immediately after being expelled from the NBA found a job in Greece, and he played very well, he will probably find himself in one of the richest clubs in Euroleague. We have seen in the last three or four games against Wolves CB closes the game instead of him.

  12. You're not going to find a better shooter that will space the floor for Nikola like MPJ does. Jamal's struggles led to the Wolves being allowed to stay at home on MPJ. Porter up until game 4 was the nuggets 2nd best player. He was effective. After game 3, he struggled and wasn't making shots.

  13. The good thing about Jokic is that he will not allow Denver to trade MPJ even if Nuggets want. Do not trade MPJ he is still very young, and he will improve. Nuggets need a guy who knows how to handle, drive, and shoot on his own. And a guy who is tall can jump, the rim protection guy so Jok can rest. Cancar is also their great player, and few young players will improve and lets win 2,3 more rings….

  14. 100%!
    I started to blacklist Murray when I observed his bad Fg percentages,(too many forced shots) ..and when i saw his press conference attitude with his disrespectful behavior of looking at his cell phone 90 % of the time, that was what did it for me:-(… that was just repugnant! And to think Jamal was 1 of my 5 favorite players these last few years:-/
    Well, no longer!

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