@Toronto Raptors

Mon. Moment! #JakobPoeltl just wrapped up his Basketball camp in Vienna this weekend! Let’s GO YAK!!

Mon. Moment! #JakobPoeltl just wrapped up his Basketball camp in Vienna this weekend! Let’s GO YAK!!

good morning Raptor freaks Lexi outs here it is Monday we’re doing a Monday moment and uh we’re g to talk about yaka purle yakob purle is in Vienna Austria of course his home his home country in fact yakob is one of the only NBA players to ever play for from Austria nobody else has ever been in the NBA that’s from that country so it’s kind of a big deal that yaka purle in the NBA because honestly the infrastructure for basketball in the country of Austria is not very good uh I don’t know if you guys know this but yakob is a self-taught basketball player he didn’t really have the best coaches or gyms or anything around Austria he was just a tall kid who liked the sport so he tried to learn it on his own he seriously is self-taught that is part of the reason why he’s such an a kind of different player with his body movements and the way that he plays on the court now of course he’s gotten training and tutelage from NBA coaches like papovich and Nick nurse and Dwayne Casey and uh currently Darko rakovich but yakob is a self-taught basketball player well he wants to help the Youth of Austria be able to have access to basketball programs so he has his yaka purle basketball camp that he just concluded this past weekend I think it was the last week and I’m looking at the post that he posted this weekend about it and it’s fantastic he says basically in Austrian or in German 120 kids and 20 staff members had a lot of fun at the yaka purle Camp 2024 we had a cool time and are already looking forward to my next Camp it looks like a great group really large group and uh you know I will say this last year when yakob tried to do his Camp it wasn’t very well organized and he did not get the numbers of campers or the event didn’t go as well as he was disappointed let’s just put it that way well I know this year he’s very very happy with the outcome of how it went this year it’s very very cool in fact it’s kind of interesting to see the kids are all wearing red and white in the picture and it kind of looks like the Austrian flag just a little bit it’s kind of interesting and in the comments you see all kinds of great comments in German from people that were involved saying things like thank you for the youth work and also for taking the time for your fans truly down to earth and also remarkably not annoyed so this is obviously from somebody who was at the event saying that you know yakub’s a down toe person who isn’t just doing this for heirs or for whatever he’s doing this because he sincerely wants to teach young austrians how to play basketball and that’s fantastic there’s more great comments like thank you for your great commitment and also for the autograph thanks again so you sign autographs for the kids why is there also uh Stefan says Junior thought it was outstanding many thanks to to the entire team yeah it’s pretty impressive 120 campers with 20 staff members that’s a big time operation there yakob very very much another comment thank you it was a lot of fun and brought a lot of new motivation so this is great this is like actual people that were at the event writing in comments on the on the his page for afterwards uh Judith says my two were absolutely thrilled thank you very much for the effort and organization hope you can find a way to have it here in Philippines so somebody wants them to come and have a camp in the Philippines that’s pretty cool great job is what burnhard nyer is saying also this is this is amazing event and I wish all the best to the yaka purle basketball camp in the years to come and next year it’s gonna be even bigger and better I can already tell so yakob you’re the man and I’m so glad that things got better organized this year so that you could have go off really successfully without a hitch and really really enriching these young people’s lives I’m telling you when people like Scotty Barnes and yaka purle do basketball camps it has a lifelong impression on the youth that get to attend them you know Scotty Barnes will do his camp in Miss Saga in the in the next month or so and the same back down in Florida in Palm Beach he does one there too and these experiences for young people really do Inspire it’s like the teacher who tells you when you’re in school you you’re a good writer and then all of a sudden you get the desire to become an author and write books you know that kind of stuff can be very powerful and who knows a child that was at the yaka purle basketball camp this weekend could be the next Austrian NBA player we have no idea it’s kind of cool all right let me check in with y’all in the comments we got some interesting things to talk about today so let’s not waste time all right Trevor Jay is the first in today the commissioner fun Trevor Jay commissioner Jay always good to see you in the chat this morning uh good morning Raptors family don’t let negative people ruin the 24 hours God gave you today just pray for them to have peace in their lives that’s a great great word of wisdom from commissioner Jay in some ways look people may come into your life and they may be disruptive in your life but you know what often it’s a reflection of their own problems and it really doesn’t have anything to do with you once you decide and figure out that a lot of people being [ __ ] or buttheads is because of their own issues and it isn’t anything to do with you you kind of feel sorry for them after that so what I would say right now is is Trevor’s exactly right don’t let the negative nines pull you down you get 24 hours in this day let’s make the best of it and and enjoy yourself you can be above it you know if somebody’s hurting and they’re in trouble well turn the other cheek and maybe be a humanitarian towards them instead of meeting them with that same kind of negative energy how about that good job Trevor J and well let’s do the classic card of the day Cosmic card of the day yes we do this every day when I am in the country and we pick a card and uh whoever guesses it first writes the full name don’t half ask me uh you will get 100 points add it to your Raptor freak score this is very critical stuff right now for a raptor freak trivia stuff so yeah people need to be here right now to get this okay here we go be very fast the ones that have been coming today have been very very very easy so y’all better be ready right now and if you wrote a comment in the last second David just did you won’t be able to answer in time so let’s hope that uh people have had their comments come through and they have time off the timer to get this one because this one will be get gotten immediately like the last two ones we’ve had the last two days we had Dell Curry and Reggie Miller as the classic card of the day the last two days well this one is just the same it’s just as easy so y’all better be ready I’m putting it up right now and don’t don’t mess it up and in fact if you give his real name I will be even more impressed all right there you go who is that y’all who is that 20 assist Club in the New York Nicks Jersey who is that who is that I don’t even want to show it too close because it might give it away too easy who is that y’all there you go smooth is on it smooth the dominance of the classic car of the day recognizes that is Doc Rivers that is Glenn Doc Rivers that’s right there you go boom goes the dynamite yeah that is Doc Glenn doc River boom goes to Dynamite smooth brown man undefeated this is a special 20 assist Club card so doc obviously got 20 assists in a game some point y’all just so y’all know that you know he was a pretty good player it’s not that Doc Rivers you know he may be a shitty coach at this point but when he played he was actually a very good quality player in fact I liked him he was one of my favorite guards in the league in the 80s I was a kind of a fan of the Hawks and I like that team that Dominique doc mes Malone Kevin Willis and Spud Webb were on that was a cool era of Hawks basketball when Dominique was around and Glenn Rivers was a big part of it so it’s weird I really love Glenn Rivers the NBA player but I hate him the coach I like him as an analyst though I like I like him on as an analyst though Tommy why are you retracting your messages my guy all right let’s see so smooth has gotten the classic card today this is good so uh Trevor J saying also that IQ beat all comers last night he was on four hours he told somebody you next this was fun all right last night we had the twitch matchups with IQ and other NBA players on Twitch for four hours last night it was crazy I was in there for most of it I missed the first hour and then I missed the last little bit because I at 1:30 I was just like I gotta go to bed this is ridiculous and uh I thought they’d be done by midnight honestly but yeah it was really fun watching IQ on Twitch last night guys it was eye openening and I I learned some things about Emanuel quickley last night they’re absolutely fantastic for the Raptors and absolutely fantastic as him as a player this first of all I want to say this about the we the north NBA 2K team that emanuel’s playing on they have their stuff to organized they are really really got it figured out I mean emanuel’s amazing it’s very interesting to listen to him on that game when he’s playing with the other team because he is the point guard and he is calling things out and it really gives you insight to how he may be vocal on a real NBA court because he is really calling out like defensive assignments he’s calling out schemes he’s calling out the next play on the inbounds he’s saying yeah uh uh zaye you need to come over from this side to across on the top to get the screen to get the shot and in one of the games he called the winning play he said this is the play we’re gonna do y’all and I need you to run around the screen and do this and you’ll hit the three he was the most dominant player in all the games that he played he is very good like we watched Scotty for a summer after his rookie year in the NBA and he’s not even on the same level as Emanuel quickley I’m just I’m sorry to say that Scott it’s just how it is I don’t know how Emanuel got so good at NBA 2K and in the NBA it’s really rare usually this is not common happening like that now Trevor is saying they were undefeated and that’s true to an extent but it’s not totally true now they played six games last night the first two games were against the Charlotte Hornets Mark Williams the center for the Hornets was playing on that team and they beat them two to zero I didn’t see those games because I didn’t get in there in time to see the first matchups against Hornets Center Mark Williams but we the nor took care of business and beat their ass now in between when they were waiting because they were gonna play another set of games with PJ Washington current Dallas Maverick who’s in the NBA Finals yeah in between they played two different teams in between one team had a Kentucky Fried Chicken uh court with the Colonel Sanders in the middle of the logo was crazy and uh they beat emanuel’s Team with some pink mohawk guy making a three-point shot at the last second and Emanuel was frustrated because he was telling his guys where to go for assignments and somebody did blew the coverage on the switch so afterwards it was very interesting to hear Emanuel go over why they lost at the last second by a three-point buzzer beater by pink mohawk and he was you know he was very good leadership it’s kind of like yeah you didn’t do this and why didn’t you do that but it wasn’t like he was like getting the guy all mad or anything it’s just a really good window of insight into the way that Emanuel quickley is a floor leader on a court it was absolutely fantastic it was amazing I enjoyed it so much and I know Mo’Nique was in there also really eating it up because we heard emanuel’s true voice his court voice his voice that he may be saying things to Yak up and Scotty and RJ with when he’s on the court for the Raptors in real life so oh my gosh what a great experience and someone is very different than watching Scotty play twitch play uh 2K on Twitch very very different very serious and this we the nor team has their [ __ ] together they practice and they really know each other and they’re really high level basketball Minds that understand basketball philosophy and they’re doing it in syncopation with each other in very good ways in fact I was so impressed with the we the nor team and how they work well together and Emanuel is definitely the leader and it’s crazy how many times Emanuel would just do a little couple dribble dribble dribble around and then go right around people and then dunk it on their heads either that or he was hitting some sort of crazy three he really has good skills on that game like he has good timing with hitting the shots so they go in and then also you can tell once again like I was saying to Tom the Day video games are not a waste of time there were things that emanel was doing in that game that were showing me that he is practicing basketball philosophy in decisionmaking for the real game in the 2A 2K world oh it was so cool it was one of the coolest twitch streams I’ve ever watched out of all the NBA players I’ve watched on Twitch over the last few years Scotty’s been on a lot of cool twitch streams don’t get me wrong like Friday the 13th and uh you know just fun stuff like playing dumb games like Fall Guys and like uh goofy games with Lloyd and stuff like that but this was different this was Emanuel quickley coming to work and US hearing his true point guard voice in action unfiltered it would be like if he had the mic on him in an NBA game and the stuff we would hear was what we were Hearing in that twitch stream last night it was awesome but yeah he kept saying like all right guys we got to get done by midnight because I gotta work out in the morning he said I got to work out for real y’all it’s like he went said he said he had to go work out and then there was a break between before they played PJ Washington’s team and he went to like a little gym inside the 2K world and he started working out there and the the chat was like are you working out this is what you mean he’s like no no I mean I’m need to work out for real in the morning but I like dude go to bed then man don’t be like uh making 2K a priority over your real life workouts as a professional NBA player and uh it was funny and it was weird because in the 2K world when there’s other NBA players in there they can see each other it’s like he’s running through the streets of 2K and you can see CJ McCollum is like a couple yards away from him inside the game also and it shows the NBA players where the other NBA players are so they can find each other and of course emanuel’s not like Scotty he actually keeps the NBA logo over him and he looks like himself in the game and he uses his real name so if you see him on the game that is him and uh yeah it was weird because PJ PJ Washington was on there too and you could see his player and he had the real NBA logo on it too now PJ wasn’t as good he really wasn’t he didn’t score a lot of points and uh his team wasn’t that good overall emanuel’s team kind of kicked their ass they routed them by over 20 but the two games in between the matches with Mark Williams and PJ Washington emanuels team lost and both by three-pointers at the buzzer it was really bad the other team that beat them other than KFC team was an NC State team that had a wolf pack logo for their team these were highlevel NBA 2K teams but still emanuel’s record for his we the north team is like 148 to like 34 or something like that it’s insane so we did actually see two losses for them last night just to be accurate about what happened but yeah it was awesome it was so cool and Emanuel is a real leader and he’s very vocal when Scotty says that’s my point guard he means that because in some ways when Scott’s directing a team on two okay he’s not as like uh a leadership he’s kind of like after the fact kind of leader where Emanuel is leader in the moment trying to tell you what to do in that instant and I’ll bet you this very similar on a Raptor’s CHT when they’re playing together too that Emanuel may be the guy who’s more vocal in the instant with the guys on the team and I hope next year even more so that he feels very comfortable being absolutely vocal being a leader for the Raptors on the court because he’s really good at it just listening to him on Twitch yeah it was awesome Tommy dookie is here West Coast CH uh chapter president of the Raptor freak family is Tom Duke and he is also my moderator and also my producer that helps me make all the cool modons like you see he has yakub’s face in there and the the Raptor logo that’s Tom’s work and we got to appreciate Tom every day for the work he does to help this channel uh happy Monday Lex uh the Toronto Raptors were 4 and 28 without yaka purle this season the Raptors have 13 3 and 79 record with yaka perto all time Cornerstone of the team let’s go big Yak this is really interesting stats last season they were 4 and 28 when yakob was not available that is crazy so they only won four games the whole entire year when yakob wasn’t in the lineup and how many games did we win last year 25 so 21 of our wins from last season yakob was involved in so yeah he’s so crucial and important this is part of the reason why dumbass Josh lenberg saying we need to trade him because he really thinks we need to bottom out and tank so far and he knows that if yakov’s on our team we’re gonna collect wins papovich knew that too and that was part of the reason why the Spurs traded him halfway through the season that that when he they did to us is that they knew in the stretch run of trying to get in the wmi stre sweep Stakes yakob was going to hurt them for that well this is the thing Josh lomberg get with it and understand what we’re doing we’re not trying to tank and bottom out like other teams do we’re not doing a full rebuild we are going to try and win still with what we got I call it more a reset or re uh a reboot instead of a rebuild and uh Messi has made this very clear that he’s not trying to wait six years to build this team back up he’s gonna try and do it in the next two or three years so trading yaka purle is not in the cards this is such a good deal we have him on 20 million a year for your starting center is fantastic and he is absolutely a win kind of players so Josh lenberg stop being a loser lerberg and stop saying that we need to trade yakob so that we can bottom out our record next season it’s a ridiculous take and honestly after so many years a couple years since Mark and serge left of wanting a capable Center in the middle I hate you for saying that Josh because we have had real problems at the center in between Gasol and purle and uh getting rid of purle is absolutely a dumbass move I will say that right now and Tom’s saying it right here our record when purle is in the game is 133 to 79 and that is almost uh two wins for every one loss that’s a winning win percentage and we need to have a center and a rim protector and a man like block up on our team I’m just saying and yeah Cornerstone exactly Tommy exactly Tommy saying have a tremendous week everyone go get it there you go it is the first week of June and it is almost going to be summer very summerlike outside the plants are growing uh and all kinds of stuff yeah get your summer on and enjoy your time I got to go to the post office today and try to figure out what my address is so Trevor Jay can send me basketball cards I do need more packs of cards just so y’all know now the classic card box is great because it’s good for the classic cards but I actually literally need card packs like I do for the Wednesday show so uh Trevor if you if you have find come across any NBA Hoops packs or anything like that even a box of them or anything like that ship that to me please because I need wildcard Wednesday cards I might go buy some myself and my travels around this week leading up to the birthday party on Saturday at the NBA restaurant for Mo’Nique the superan Lawrence’s birthday we’re going to celebrate on Saturday at 4M at the NBA restaurant downtown in Toronto I hope you can come down there open invite to anybody watching me or hearing this you don’t have to be a regular on this channel you don’t even be have to be known by us just come down and say hey Raptor freaks I wanted to come and celebrate the Super Fan Mo’s birthday and we are going to be doing that on Saturday that’s right it’s going to be fun it’s going to be fun uh Mo saying uh good morning Raptor freak family way to go Yak that gym looks super small man it was great watching and listening to IQ last night yeah you know I’m just glad like we don’t even understand what kind of basketball facilities are in Austria you know it’s not really a very big sport there you know there’s a lot of skiing there’s a lot of hockey maybe there’s a lot of um you know winter sports but not a whole lot of people playing basketball in Austria so you know the gyms may be foreign and very few so we’ll have to you know that he’s got to work with what he’s got in that country uh and then also she’s talking about how fun it was to watch IQ last night it was really fun and isn’t he it’s really insightful mode to hear how he directs on the court really really insightful he’s a great leader and honestly like he man I have so much confidence in Emanuel quickley running our team as the starting point guard next year I really really do last night helped me have me have more confidence for this uh also most saying we are way better with yak and to everyone talking up yak’s contract shut up he’s not leaving shaking my head yeah that’s kind of what I was just talking about with lenberg you know they think that it’s because it’s like a different kind of era of like time frame with Scotty and the younger guys and yakob doesn’t line up with it this is the same stupid thing they were saying about Pascal and OG and stuff the thing that’s different about yakob and Pascal and OG is those guys got to get paid this summer and their price is way up and well yakub’s locked down for like three more years at a really affordable great price so what is the problem here we’ve got him on a great great great rate and I don’t understand why you’d want to trade that value Josh lerberg that’s what I’m gonna say anybody who’s talking tanking you’re a loser and lerberg you’re a loser for talking tanking that’s right most saying also as I said yesterday in the Facebook chat fans want IQ and Scotty to play together so IQ was on for four hours I predicted it Trevor nice yeah I was upset that he was on for so long and when he said around 10:30 he’s like guys we got to get this going because I need to be out of here by midnight I was like okay good I can go to bed around midnight on Sunday night but no he got into it and he kept playing he just kept playing but it is good to see that they did win the second game but yeah there were fans in there first of all the chat was out of out of pocket there were a lot of New York fans in there begging IQ to come back to New York lot of dumb asses talking all this kind of stupid stuff for the Knicks uh you know and saying dumb things and then some people were also in there saying you need to play with Scotty you need to team up with Scotty on a twitch stream and play in conjunction with Scotty Barnes and have a really cool stream uh with you guys playing together or against each other I don’t know it’d be entertaining to see that happen for sure and I hope it does we’ll have to see now speaking of Scott let’s go ahead and look at the Instagram stories and that’ll tell us some things about things he is still over in Asia he’s taking pictures and doing photo dumps late at night like around midnight last night he’s dumping uh photos from his trip over in China in Hong Kong uh very cool like rain pictures with uh Bells hanging uh so you can hear the rain the Ambiance of it you’re watching there’s a huge statue that he likes but he’s he’s out in the rain uh being a tourist in the rain in China of course he’s probably got a umbrella and some some sort of rain coat or something hopefully we don’t want you getting sick there’s some really cool Chinese statues inside a temple he’s taking pictures of a really cool big gold Buddha wow that is really beautiful with Scott is showing in his Instagram pictures over there and there he is with the umbrella kind of walking in the temple he’s got a nice fit he’s got the the big big jeans on and uh yeah just a nice t-shirt Scotty looks like he’s very happy and like you know he’s a big kid man that is really big Scotty is a big dude man and it’s gonna be fun to see how he does uh this season coming up with he’s gonna make more Leaps and Bounds like he did from last summer that would be fantastic there he is standing it near a temple just looking cool man with the the lantern lights above him like you know this guy is belongs in GQ for sure he was in GQ Magazine earlier this year yeah very very cool pictures Scotty keep sending them to us we love your photo drops uh let’s see we got uh Gary Trent senior is making fun of uh talking about how when Boomers sell their house they bought for $3,000 in 1964 and they get it for 1001 million for it I don’t know Gary Trent senior’s funny uh and then we got uh all right here’s the post by we the north uh Team talking about the games against Mark Williams and PJ Washington last night they’re first of all they’re hyping up the game against Mark Williams and join twitch and then boom two and 0 against Mark Williams’s team Charlotte’s team team versus Toronto and there it goes uh we the north Victorious kind of kick their butts really kick their butts at 11:30 they were going to play PJ Washington and boom two and 0 against PJ Washington and his staff also so four and0 in the official games and actually they were betting money on these games seriously Emanuel bet $100 on the game against uh PJ Washington last night now don’t do no J come on now I think that it’s okay for you to bet on video games but yeah be careful here be careful here with uh we don’t want any kind of allegations come on now uh quickly but yeah they they uh he was 4 and0 against the NBA guys he played against yesterday the former Charlotte Hornet PJ Washington and the current Hornet Mark Williams so good job Emanuel quickley and the we the north 2K crew appreciate he’s saying appreciate everybody who came to check the squad out on an undefeated wager uh for and0 night stay tuned for more big matchups is what they’re saying all right Emanuel actually had a real full day yesterday he was posting on Instagram during the day he’s down in Miami and he was jumping off the side of a boat into the bay uh just taking a swim and that’s pretty cool like that’s pretty fun to be down in the canals and kind of hanging out on a boat and say yeah I’m just going to jump in the water real quick and then get back in the boat and that’s what he did earlier just as long as you’re safe out there there are alligators down there just so you know actually I think he’s jumping in the water in DC earlier and then he flew down to Miami I don’t know what’s going on here now it’s saying Miami but I think the boat was it looks like the the Washington Monument behind him maybe that’s just somebody’s Tower or something like that yeah that’s probably not DC that’s uh Miami Florida because that’s what he says in the next one then he shows the spread of what he was eating yesterday that looks good man there’s some greens it looks like some mac and cheese looks like there may be some ribs there some hamburgers that’s some spread there from Chef the chef there in the background in the picture uh let’s see and then he’s got the um the clips of him beating mark Williams the the score was 94 to 85 when he beat Mark Williams in one of the games and uh yeah they’re talking a little bit of trash and Emanuel Ken say he has bragging rights over Mark Williams and PJ Washington on 2K from last night there you go you next is what he said to uh PJ Washington I love it rapor 905 was out in the streets uh with uh at Hazel mallion walk for health and uh we see stripes the Raptor 905 uh mascot out there with the public uh doing the for health uh in Miss Saga good stuff it also looks like a a shark I don’t know what that mascot is it’s a shark mascot I guess it’s the minor league team for the for the leaves I don’t know I’ve never seen that shark mascot before but yeah Stripes is out there dancing with the people it looks like in the rain so Stripes is dancing in Moga in the rain with everybody okay cool uh let’s see who else we got uh Javon or no U uh uh Jeff dton Jr celebrating Gary pton the second in his 905 days very very interesting uh Javon Freeman Liberty is with his nephew I’m going to guess or a young a young person in his life that’s important getting ice cream that’s pretty cool miles burns with his drop always got a photo drop from Miles Burns uh a 905 rookie last year Koko is in uh Cameroon and he’s with family and is somebody’s birthday I think it’s his sister’s birthday and he has a picture of him with his sister yonas found Tunis has been on African safari uh he’s in Africa and he’s been traveling around taking pictures in safari trucks with of him with lions and there’s a picture of him on his Instagram stories in a cafe with his friend with giraffes with their heads Through the Windows eating off their plates so yonas is over in Africa experience experiencing uh that continent right now which is very cool very very cool all right there’s your Raptors Instagram check we checked the Raptors and the former Raptors and also I should say real quick Dennis shuder went live on Twitch about an hour ago so if you want to watch Dennis on German time playing video games in German well he’s on right now she’s on all the time so there you go there’s the Instagram check boom goes the dynamite there you go Dana is here thank God Canadian Dana has returned to the chat she was not able to get in here I don’t know what’s going on with really great rapto freak members not being able to get in here like Trevor the other day Cowboy is having problems with his YouTube and Canadian d had a hard time getting her being able to acquire this I don’t know what’s going on I’m just happy to see Dana in here this morning and hopefully all the bugs or whatever has been happening will go away and there won’t be any more issues so good morning everyone and she can chat again thank God I’m so happy about that I’m gonna give Dana a dunk Dana’s getting a dunk for being able to chat she’s got 21 Thad young Thad young 21 there you go there you go all right let’s see what else is going on with the chat this morning there’s cowboy good to see Cowboy back in the chat also Cowboy’s birthday was on Saturday happy belated birthday to you Bradley always happy to see you good morning Lex and Raptor freaks da hope everyone is doing great let’s go Yak let’s go Raptors that’s right and let’s go Tada Tada cleaning services 647 833 6844 uh that is Bradley’s company and you could call the Canadian Cowboy if you need help with any cleanup around your house or your property they clean windows area rugs Ducks EAS drops uh everything and they can come and do special jobs to help you like painting uh flooring handyman stuff any kind of stuff Flood Restoration this is your group to call Tada cleaning services is Bradley 647 833 6844 yeah Tada that’s right my that’s right Dana saying again let’s go Raptors that’s right I love it fiery salera is here holding it down for us in the capital city of Ottawa here in Canada good morning fam and happy Monday happy birthday again to Cowboy IQ on Twitch was fun just tuned in for 30 minutes the most yeah so fiery came in and watched some IQ on there too he is so cerebral and he is really on top of things and in some ways one of the things that was impressive to me about quickly is how quickly he reads the floor and calling out things for his teammates he sees plays developing very quickly and he tells them and he tells them what’s up screen or this or get the corner or do this or that he was very much on top of it and it’s seemed like he was a step ahead or even a thought ahead of a lot of the action on the court this is a very good skill for NBA players to have is premeditation and understanding anticipation and uh Emanuel was showing a very high level of it last night when he was playing the 2K that’s another thing I’m telling you this is the great thing the Insight of watching an NBA player play NBA 2K can really tell you their philosophies and the way they think and the way they communicate on the court and that was the real gold of watching a man last night in his battles on Twitch yeah yeah fiery we love you and so good to see you this morning David’s here nice to see you Cowboy happy birthday to the Canadian Cowboy from Dave David saborin David will be at the birthday party on Saturday so you want to come down and say hi to Lex David Adriana and Mo’Nique we will all be at Monique’s birthday party on Saturday 4:30 NBA restaurant there you go smooth good job uh let’s see uh Cowboy is asking me to scout all Rick kamachi now I want to tell you this you may not remember this Cowboy but you have already asked me to scout Al Rick and I have I looked at him already but I do want to scout someone right now and it’s somebody that ESPN has mock draft us for recently and Mo’Nique went and scouted him after we talked about the other day but I’m gonna do my visual Scout today because I actually didn’t go watch him until right now so we’re gonna talk about kesan George instead uh Bradley sorry about that because I did actually watch kamachi already and he was okay I watched him a couple I think about a month ago I watched him because you did bring him up before it was either you or mischief who asked me to watch kamachi and I did watch him all right we’re talking about kesan George though instead uh he is actually 20 years old and he is from Switzer uh Switzerland which is very interesting he’s born in born in Switzerland and he went to high school in France so in some ways he’s a sneakily a French player even though his name sounds American so kesan George is actually from Europe which is very very interesting uh he went to the University of Miami he’s 6 with s and he is a small forward shooting guard so let’s go to YouTube and let’s find a clip of him and I’ll do a live Scout on kesan George today since uh the ESPN um uh uh mock draft is projecting him as a a draft pick for the Raptors at number 19 in the current latest mock by Jonathan Gavin so let me see which one do I want to watch I want to watch a shorter one uh let’s watch the draft tape the 2024 draft tape for kesan uh George it’s only a minute and a half let’s see what it does all right there we go I see his form right now look doesn’t look bad good follow through let’s see oh all right he kind of got a flip shot he’s got a little Swagger I see him shaking his head he’s pretty tall for his position I like that move right there that was a very much a kawhai move he drove into Lane and bounced off and hit a big shot his his form’s pretty good I have to get over the fact that he’s a hurricane because I really don’t like Miami I really don’t like University of Miami Hurricanes but uh it looks like okay let’s see he’s really tall for his size in fact I would bet you this kesan George could actually grow a couple inches taller uh because he’s only 20 and in some ways his body doesn’t look fully grown and watching him right now oh there’s a block shot that’s really interesting to see you know what’s weird because of his height and maybe because his hair is tied up like it is he’s reminding me of Kawai I don’t know why like I’m not saying this guy’s going to be kawhai kawhai Leonard but for some reason keante Kean sorry kesan George is reminding me of Kawhi Leonard right now there’s a couple of plays where he blocked a shot there’s a couple plays like he just did a behind the back dribble on this clip and he shook his player off and he hit a big shot like that’s a move that Kawai does like he has a Kawai move right there and and the defensive stuff because of his length at the three is ABS absolutely really attractive so you know what I’m not against this guy watching George now finally just now makes me realize that he may actually be not a bad draft pick because he does have an outside shot he has the ability to possibly grow more inches and be even more long armed and he has he has a he has a good outside shooting shot and he can block shots so wow not bad not bad I was impressed with him I think Mo’Nique liked him too when she watched herself so yeah very very cool Sorry Cowboy I did kamachi already already uh like a month ago I remember uh let’s see uh Cowboy saying thank you rapid freaks we miss you man and uh we hope you had a fantastic birthday out at Tommy Thompson park down by the lake that’s kind of my old neighborhood you know if I was still living at my old place I might have come down the street to see you but I’m nowhere near there at this point because yeah Tommy Thompson was real close to my old apartment and uh man it’s just a bad timing of moving out uh the last day of May and being in my new place uh at the time but I hope you guys had a great time out at the park and had a fantastic Saturday uh FY saying a young Doc Rivers has Giannis facial feig features yeah you know what you’re right in some ways there is some Yannis look in his his the way he’s crinkling his forehead I think it’s the for forehead crinkle that looks a little bit like Giannis I think you’re right yeah I I agree with you uh also MK beat me by a few points yester yester WNBA fantasy that was an exciting week let me go look at that actually I didn’t even check and see who won what uh in in in the matchups from last week very very interesting okay so I did lose to Morgan I’m officially 0 and three I’m really bad guys I’m really really bad uh let’s see so who what were the other games that happened this past week all right let me go to the matchups for three week three all right David ended up beating James Meredith did beat uh fiery it was very close it was almost like it was like a seven-point win wow that’s very close uh MK uh uh no not MK uh country Kong beat Edmond and uh Kareem beat uh coolat and this week we’ve got an all new matchups so be ready get your teams ready I’m playing James this week and it looks like Edmund’s playing MK Morgan’s playing fiery uh Kareem versus David and uh country Kong versus cool cat those are the matchups for week four of the uh the season and I am 0 and three after the first three weeks horrible horrible team I have a really bad WNBA team this year I’ve had bad problems with injuries that’s part of it and I don’t think I drafted very well some of y’all have crazy good super teams and uh y’all are probably gonna win all right Kareem saying I’m trying to understand where the doc part came from we need to revert to him referred to him as Glenn he’s no Doctrine in absolutely anything no this is true I told you guys how he got that nickname it’s very interesting and funny actually uh yeah he it’s true he doesn’t have a doctorate in anything and why is he called doc well he was Glenn rivers and when he was at Marquette he was Glenn Rivers but you know what he did this is what happened Kem he came to practice one day wearing all Dr J clothes like he wore a Dr J jumpsuit and like a Dr J’s Shoes and the guys were ribbing him and they started calling him doc oh it’s doc doc here they thought they were making fun of him for wearing all Dr J clothing because he was a big Dr J fan when he was younger so that’s how he got the nickname they started calling him doc after Dr J that’s exactly how he got the nickname Kareem right there just so you know yeah I don’t know it’s just it’s a nickname that’s stuck in some ways at some point in the 80s because he was named Glenn rivers and they did call him Glenn rivers on TV broadcast a lot it just kind of morphed over to Doc it was Glenn doc Rivers for the longest time and then it all of a sudden it just became Doc Rivers and it kind of was like in the 90s when that happened it was like in the mid 90s where theuh the Glenn Rivers just Glenn went away and it just was Doc Rivers Doc Rivers and then when he became a coach it was just really Doc Rivers you never heard him being called Glenn Rivers ever again but when in the 80s when he played he was called Glenn Rivers quite often and he did stuff like it’s crazy you know that Glenn did the dunk contest once you did you guys know that that Doc Rivers was in the NBA dunk contest one year yeah he did and I’m pretty sure he did the Three-Point Shootout too at some point uh let’s see uh fiery saying IQ has coaching potential was very astute and good in his plays yeah yeah I mean that’s what a point guard needs to be is a coach on the court and he really impressed me last night like I know he’s always been like that it’s just that that we got to hear him uh vocally the way he is on the court and man that really informs us for how he plays for the Raptors on the court too I’ll bet right there Stargate saying IQ obviously has coaching aspirations after playing is done he should he should he’s got the great basis in faith and Leadership he’s he’s a good role model he’s a smart kid he’s humble and you know what in some ways he’s also speaks his mind in a very firm way but not in a demeaning way and that’s a very important skill for a coach very very important skill I agree with you Stargate good to see you this morning uh Kem saying uh it’s absolute it’s a complete crap full ass it’s a complete crap that’s hilarious uh yesterday me and my family took a hike and ended up in an open field we’ve seen a small Bunny and my son 19 basically chased it to the parking lot five seconds later a hawk came and swooped him up traumatized man that’s awful I will say this don’t run the bunny to the parking lot because that’s open space where it can’t be it can be seen real easy in some ways I’m worried about cutting the lawn this weekend on June first because that opens up the cover for those small animals for the Ravens and the Hawks and the owls to get them so yeah that’s bad you got to let that rabbit have its hiding place and don’t scare them don’t get them all skittered and mad and sad the rabbits in my yard are left messed with they just sit in the yard they don’t even they’re not even scared of us BEC in a lot of ways because we don’t mess with them so yeah that was bad why did your son do that don’t mess with the rabbits like that that poor rabbit yeah but you know it’s the way of life the circle of life completes itself when the rabbit goes to the parking lot and the hawk gets its dinner I mean in some ways the rabbits are making rabbits like rabbits do so the hawk is doing its job it’s just how it is Kem I hope that makes you feel better but yeah your son probably like did help the hawk all right let’s see starg saying oh man I missed that twitch session I’ve been on Scotty and T Ross’s a few times but not IQs yeah I hadn’t been on IQs like that until last night i’ missed his sessions from before but you know what they were saying last night Stargate just so you know they’re gonna be doing it all the time he says he wants to Twitch and stream him playing 2k games like every day this week or something so be watching out there will be notifications that Emanuel quickley is live on Twitch in the days to come trust me they were saying that they were having fun and they want to do this all the time near the end of the when they were playing so yeah let’s see Cowboy saying full ass food chain that’s exactly right I’m going to give Kareem a dunk for the sad story even though and I know he’s traumatized and you know next time you know you know maybe you know your son shouldn’t be chasing rabbits like that just let nature be nature come on now Tom’s got the moticon uh reenactment here now we got the bunny and there’s that looks like an eagle but we’ll just say it’s a hawk yeah that’s sad Tom that’s sad ah Trevor saying Michael Jordan basketball card op option on Saturday for a couple Millions okay yeah yeah this happened this weekend there’s a Michael Jordan card and this is on the the ESPN page Michael Jordan card uh was sold for some millions of dollars this weekend a coveted Michael Jordan logo man card 2.92 million at auction it’s a 20034 upper deck ultimate collection autograph Michael Jordan logo man card numbered one of one meaning there’s only one of these cards in the whole entire world and it is the most ever paid for a Michael Jordan card that’s insane almost $3 million it’s a nice card it’s got the the interesting thing is the card has the the NBA logo from the his jersey like cut out like you know the little patch the NBA logo patch that’s right here on NBA jerseys they cut it out and it’s in there and it’s a game worn NBA logo and his signature is on there so yeah that’s pretty pretty cool and thanks Trevor for bringing up the story because honestly it is very interesting that uh one of our cards I don’t know what this one’s worth maybe 30 cents I don’t know maybe $3 I don’t know it’s a 20 assist Doc Rivers card it’s what around the same time I think that’s a 2003 card that got sold for three million what does that say at the bottom uh this is actually a 1993 card so this is 10 years older and probably worth way less doc doc signs it I don’t think it it helps at all all right let’s see uh Tom’s laughing Cowboys laughing too Trevor saying IQ said he’s coming for the number one spot I got you Lex awesome I appreciate that Trevor yeah whatever you can do to help me out I’m gonna get you my address after today I’m going to the mail the post office today and we’re gonna sort out how I get mail I have no idea how I get mail here so we’re gonna go figure that out today but yeah uh Trevor you’re right IQ his team is like number five on 2K right now their record their their proam and they want to be number one so the we the north 2K team is coming for it and they are very serious and yeah he’s saying this that he wants to come and get that number one spot and I see it yeah Mo uh Cowboy saying I’m gonna try my best to make it to superfan Mo’s birthday that’s awesome if Cowboy can come down there too anybody if y’all want to just surprise us logical Raptor fanatic uh anybody who’s downtown who loves a rapor freak Channel and wants to meet Super Fan Monique Lawrence and myself you are more than welcome to come down to the NBA restaurant have some food with us sit at a table and eat drink and be married and get some classic cards you could have this Doc Rivers card just for fun it’s n 20 assist club and we can assess it and find out how much it’s worth compared to the $3 million Michael Jordan card but yeah these cards are gonna be available I’ll have all of them I give them free to all you guys that’s the thing Trevor may send me cards but I’m not keeping them for myself well some of them but most of them are for you guys and I’ll turn around and give them to you it’s kind of a calling card for the Raptor freak Hangouts it’s classic cards will be there and Mo’Nique will look through them and she’ll be like I want this one and I want this one and uh you know other people will too like who knows Mo’Nique might want this Dell Curry card right here a former Raptor Dale Curry the father of Steph Curry of course yeah so we’ll have to see yeah I hope you come down cowboy and bring the family hey bring whoever you want bring your bring your wife bring the kids hey bring your brother bring any body it’ll be cool it’s going to be fun Stargate saying what is everybody’s obsession with tanking I never trusted Josh always looked at him side eyed some of these Toronto basketball media heads are sus gra Josh even Doug yeah I mean you know what it is in some ways we’re all human beings and we have our own sensibilities Josh lenberg I don’t know in some ways we got to remember once again that Josh lomberg works for TSN TSN is Bell and well Michael GR R works for Sports Net and sports net is Rogers and we have to remember that sometimes that what they’re doing is in conjunction with corporate wants or whatever in some ways we’ve speculated that maybe some of the media people are trying to make things shaky for a front office by some of the things that they report and I think that that’s just part of this in some ways I don’t know they want to make people think that the yakup deal was a mistake and they’re wrong they are absolutely wrong people like Orin weisfeld and other Raptors people like him understand this like I do that this was a great deal I don’t care if our pick in the eighth pick or whatever it was this year is going to San Antonio I would do that deal every single day knowing exactly what has happened since it does not bug me that they’re gonna get an eighth pick in a weak-ass draft where everybody’s scrambling to get away from this draft at this point as far as trades and doing things it’s crazy how this draft is and the Raptors having to defer a pick for yaka purle in this draft is really worth it trust me just trust me on this so I don’t know what lamberg’s problem is part of the problem is also is how bad the Raptors were at the end of the season is really making everybody think we’re a really really bad team and it’s not true I wish people could judge the team uh uh with open eyes without Scotty and yakob and understand that’s a huge Factor Tom spit the facts at the beginning of the Stream of what we are when yacob’s in the lineup when we how much we win and Scotty has the same kind of effect so anything that anybody’s judging after Scotty broke his hand is stupid that is not the real Raptors and with Scotty Barnes with the new acquisitions of aaji Al lenck quickley and Barrett is g to be a very formidable core that’s going to do perfectly fine next season and everybody that thinks we’re going to be some sort of 300 team or something like that you’re crazy we’re going to be more of either a 450 team if not a 500 team or just above 500 so let’s not think we’re so bad that we got to tank out to the bottom like Josh lenberg thinks we are gonna be way better than people think and it’s really because we have a very young core that is really on the upside to develop into being better very soon and that you could say that about Scotty Emanuel RJ Grady it doesn’t matter they’re all have an upside that’s going up and none of them are like at their Peak or going down they’re only gonna get better so that’s part of the misconception is like people just look at the record from last year people just look at the losing streak after Scotty got hurt and they think oh the Raptors are so bad they might as well just be absolute [ __ ] so they can get the number one pick that’s the lenberg thought and it’s so asinine and stupid because we’re way better than they people think and they’re gonna find out next year they’re gonna find out we’ll see as long as we’re healthy we’re gonna be good if if we’re not healthy well we’ll lose again just like we did last year that’s just how it is uh let’s see Stargate saying the rumors is OG may not stay in New York laugh out loud I know this is fun actually like there’s more security with us retaining quickly than OG staying in New York or Pascal even staying in Indiana like we have way more security I mean manuels running around in Raptors uh old school Jersey white pinstripe dinosaur Jersey on his video game New York fans are saying why are you wearing Raptor stuff well he plays for the Raptors you idiots yeah well we want him back Jaylen Brunson wants him back well emanel quickly don’t want to play behind Jaylen Brunson you dumbass [ __ ] Bacher fans you don’t understand that the part of the reason why he’s in Toronto is because he wants to start and you guys got your uh new uh beloved New York Knicks starting point guard Jaylen Brunson there’s no place for a quickly in the Big Apple now don’t you understand that Toronto’s gonna give him everything he wants at this point that New York can’t give him so that’s what I would tell you New York fans he doesn’t want to be on your team because he wants to start and he wants to be on the team with Scotty Barnes that’s just how it is and he he loves playing with his best friend RJ Barrett Also let’s just say that also yeah yeah it’s it’ll be really interesting to see what happens with anobi as far as the number and where he is I don’t think it’s slam dun he’s gonna come back to New York either I really don’t Trevor saying Dennis news sneakers yesterday is on fire so Dennis shuder had new Pumas come out in Germany and yeah he’s he’s got all kinds of cool products he’s endorsing so check out Dennis’s Pumas he has got brand new shoes I believe they’re gold or something like that David saying I hate stupid idiots on Monday morning okay is it matter if it’s Monday morning Tuesday morning Wednesday morning don’t you just hate stupid idiots any morning David you’re awesome we love you man Stargate saying what country is Scotty in okay we’re playing that game well he was all right he originally flew to Hong Kong and then he went to China but now he has bounced back to Hong Kong so I’m pretty sure he’s in Hong Kong currently right now so yeah he’s gone Hong Kong to Wuhan China back to Hong Kong so I’m pretty sure he’s in Hong Kong right now but I don’t know we don’t know where Scotty is he could be anywhere but the last thing I seen is he’s he he had traveled back to Hong Kong from uh China unless he’s doing pictures in out of order and he had a bunch of Hong Kong pictures that he put out after after he’s been in China he could still be in China though too he’s either in China or Hong Kong right now Wayne saying Yak is crucial to our future truth be told if you were wrong in the past about purle it’s kind of obvious you’re still wrong about him now yeah yeah I mean the facts the stats Don’t Lie the the stuff that you see on the court doesn’t lie the eye test I mean when he’s not on the court we have no protection for the rim guys just go in and do whatever they want any big man can just manhandle us and go up over us and guys go into the lane and they just get layups it’s disgusting in some ways he’s absolutely crucial for the Raptors to have any kind of Defense because we don’t have anybody in the center watching the rim and stopping people from just attacking it and it’s so so important not not just that the rebounding there’s B battles for rebounds that we absolutely got crushed in the second half of the Season without having two our two best rebounders to be honest Scotty Barn and yaka purle in the lineup it’s like yeah we’re not going to win any rebounding battles and we’re wide open for business down low as far as any guy can go down the lane and just start scoring on us that’s the difference right there with yaka perto in the lineup is people ain’t doing that if he’s playing and I wish Raptors fans understood this fact you guys got to understand there’s two sides of the game it’s not just offense and three-pointers youngsters it’s also playing defense and rim protection and getting rebounds and that’s why we need him that’s right there you go good good stuff Wayne I’m going to give Wayne a dunk Wayne’s been awesome the last two days I know we had a very different gear we were in yesterday and I appreciate everybody who was here yesterday for the lexon that was very political and uh well we got it all out of the way we won’t be political for maybe another six months or something like that just had to do a political stream here and there it’ll drop like that every once in a while G’s here good morning to the original Raptor freak trivia Champion season one trivia Champion G let’s see what he’s saying good morning happy birthday cowboy uh and go Yak go Raptors well actually you know what it’s some other people’s birthdays today so let’s check on the Raptor birthdays for today today is actually the birthday of Otto Porter Jr guys Otto Porter is 31 years old today happy birthday to Otto who’s turned 31 he’s retired now guys he is out of the league at 31 isn’t that kind of crazy that seems young that’s what I’m saying that’s why somebody like Thad young is so impressive because you see somebody like Porter Jr who probably maybe could have played another five years in another world if he wasn’t hurt with his toe and uh yeah he’s done at 31 y’all he was done at 30 that’s crazy to think isn’t that guys isn’t that crazy to think that he is he’s his NBA career is over at 31 all right Scott Roth is also his birthday today Scott Roth is a former assistant coach for the Toronto Raptors Scott Roth is more known around the Minnesota Timberwolves franchise guys as a player in their expansion team in the very very first year of Minnesota Timberwolves basketball Scott Roth was on that team he was in the expansion draft and added to their team I believe it was from Utah or something like that but yeah Scott Roth a former assistant coach of the Raptors it’s his birthday also today and he is turning 61 so happy birthday to Otto Porter Jr and Scott Roth there you go boom goes to Dynamite Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy happy birthday to Cowboy yeah uh let’s see respect at G dap and Lex your painting is crooked behind you is it the bottom Lex has to go up a half inch all right let me see oh whoa whoa whoa I don’t know is that right how about that is that okay is that acceptable is the picture acceptable of the hay at the Old Farm yeah there you go thank you cowboy and Tom’s got the uh the triangle out he’s trying to get me to really like maybe I need a laser like measurer or something like that I’ll get it really right really really right I don’t know I don’t think that’s right either Cowboy come on now I don’t know you’re really a stickler on me today I don’t know maybe I need to sit more straight maybe I’m not sitting straight I don’t know maybe it’s op optical illusion maybe the floor isn’t straight and the picture straight but the camera isn’t straight I don’t know we either way we gotta keep moving Tada maybe I need to call Tada to get my picture straight let me see let me call them real quick hello cowboy my picture’s not straight can you come over and fix it all right let’s keep going all right let’s see what else you guys are saying this morning fun stuff fun stuff Stargate saying Dennis would be such a nice backup point guard for a shaking my head I know but we’ve already gone down that route it’s not that he’s not friendly with our guys Emanuel and him have a connection it’s weird they played with each other for two weeks and Emanuel and Dennis have a a weird friendship after that Scotty also we all kinds of speculation that Scotty had a problem with Fred and then he had a problem with Dennis all [ __ ] Scotty lovers overreacting being overprotective of Scotty saying oh Dennis and Fred are bad to Scotty [ __ ] you know Scotty loveed playing with Fred and Dennis and it was absolute horse crap the stuff about that sure Dennis is outspoken he’s rash he says a lot of things but he’s an important kind of personality sometimes on a basketball team he may rub some people wrong way but honestly the competitor in him and who he is I respect immensely so yeah I would love to have Dennis shoter on this team but we were talking about yesterday what if Kyle Lowry’s our backup point guard next year that would be crazy would you rather have Kyle Lowry as our backup point guard or Dennis shuder that would be very very interesting yeah a cowboy saying he likes uh kesan George yeah University of Miami long armed looking very kawhai like seriously that’s what I my impression was he has a certain move that’s exactly kawai’s move to shake guys off and get that shot at the top of the key very very interesting cool cat’s here good morning rapt free crew just joining a bit late good morning to you cool cat always good to see the coach cool cat cool cat has played basketball in her life and she is a good basketball player and she knows x’s and knows goes to a lot of raptor games we love cool cat a number one Raptor freak on this channel always good to see you James is saying a thumbs up to kesan George James is saying it’s a good thumbs up from you all right yeah I like the three-point shooting along with the uh The Versatile long arm body that looks very good for defensive purposes as a wing yeah there’s something there cool cat saying saw your heading that is very good for yakob to have a camp in his country grow the game yeah it looks like a really cool little group I think that the Ages were around seven to like 12 or something like that not too old really really good stuff like I said this makes such a huge impression on young people you know Scotty doing the camps in Miss Saga around Toronto is a big deal in some ways he’s helping to Foster future Team Canada basketball teams you know they’re seriously this is how things happen like this little kids go to these kind of camps and they dream big and they go far and that’s the thing that I love you may see these pictures of young Koko at the basketball Giants of Africa you know over there when he’s meeting cakam way before he’s in the league playing with SE yakum that’s what I’m saying this stuff really does work precious auua came from uh camps like this and made it up you know this is really is a really good thing to grow the game for sure and that country Austria well it needs some basketball growing in it she probably does yeah Cowboys saying I was at Thompson Park Scarboro Brimley and Lawrence Lex oh okay I thought you were down at the one by the lake down near Leslieville Thompson park down there okay so you were actually kind of closer to me but I’m still w up near Simco so I’m not actually that close but yeah all right Bradley well I hope you guys had a good time you’re over near where they have Ribfest and all that right yeah yeah let’s see Bryce is here good to see Kentucky checking in with us good morning Lex from the Raptor freaks I hope you beautiful people have a blessed day right back at you Bryce dap dap dap from you and David both you guys yeah it was funny watching Emanuel play uh his U 2K game against the Kentucky team last night these guys had the current on the court Colonel Sanders and a KFC logo and I’m like why do they have a KFC logo on there and this guy in the pink mohawk he did look like he was glitching at one point they were like man this guy’s cheating they was like how is he hitting all these shots because it was kind of crazy how this pink mohawk guy was bombing from the outside and they they left him they left him open right at the last second he hit a three right the at the buzzer and they won by three the KFC team it’s so weird very Kentucky uh Kentucky Wildcat Emanuel quick playing against a KFC team with Colonel Sanders on the logo in the middle of the Court it was weird Bryce if they have a replay of emanuel’s game last night against the KFC team you should watch it it’s hilarious uh let’s see who else is what else is going on here David is saying well at least Glenn accomplished something he got himself a cool nickname yeah I mean Glenn Rivers has accomplished a lot in his career I mean think about it he’s been very successful you know Atlanta in his playing career he didn’t really do a whole lot of as a player but he did win a championship with the Boston Celtics and Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce as a coach he has had a very good broadcasting career and you know his playing career was like I said he was an Allstar he was one of the better players in the league like and when he played in the 80s he was maybe like one of the top 25 players in the NBA people don’t realize that it’s not like he was a role player in a scrub he was like the second or third best player on the Hawks after Dominique so it’s not like Doc was a scrub when he played he was actually a very good NBA player in fact I may even say he’s a better player than a coach even though he won that Championship so yeah let’s see Cowboy saying later Lex St to you Bradley and Raptor freaks love all y’all H everyone have a safe day let’s go Raptors and Raptor freaks there you go I love it Bradley you have a safe day also come on the eighth Cowboy that’s right David saying come to the Raptor freak meet and greet Monique superan lorren’s birthday party at the NBA restaurant 4M June the 8th this Saturday coming up I’ll be there with the classic cards and we’ll be having a good time and hanging out in the NBA restaurant and if there is a Boston Celtics server there may be some side entertainment yeah yeah David’s gonna be there with me so it’s gonna be fun it’s gonna be fun uh Cowboy saying I’ll try my best bro all right mug Brothers in effect y’all come down there and maybe you can be mug Brothers in the parking lot next to Lake David saying Emanual quickly Twitch TV emanel quickly yeah yeah you need to watch it David you’d enjoy it it was very insightful and Emanuel is so so so smart uh monik is saying just his name Bryce Emanuel quickley yeah yeah that’s what his name is on there what’s his IQ twitch yeah it’s just his name it’s a it’s really good stuff really good he found it all right good good stuff David saying I don’t understand the whole oh we lost our draft pick we didn’t lose [ __ ] we traded the the effing thing clowns I know I know and maybe even Messiah and Bobby understood that this draft was going to be weak on when they made the yakup deal and they’re like oh you know next year’s gonna be crappy so we’ll just give San Antonio our pick next year you know kind of thing once again I love the Spurs I if we give them another top 10 pick I’m not upset about that I’d like to build up a good team around wemi so if they gonna get number four and number eight in this draft I’m not upset about that if it was another team I’d be more upset but I love the Spurs and if we help the Spurs get two top 10 draft picks this year that’s just a side bonus in some ways if it’s if we’re going to lose a pick or something like that or we lost a pick we didn’t we we just paid the price to get our starting center uh you know I’m glad it’s the Spurs once again I’ll say that over and over again Carlos saying lenberg just lacks imagination and can’t imagine getting better without getting a lottery pick you know what this is probably exactly right Carlo you’re awesome and you know what I’m gonna give you a dunk because this is good Insight you know a lot of it is that so many people out there are are judging how to be successful in the NBA on what is successful at this time like we’ve had people come into the stream in recent weeks say that the Raptors are in trouble because we don’t have lob threats well just because lob threats are utilized by the Mavericks with uh uh Kyrie and Luca doesn’t mean every team needs to do the same path to get to a championship that’s the thing all 30 teams have different unique things about them and there’s always different paths to get to championships and there’s no carbon copy that everybody’s supposed to follow so the whole idea that Josh l thinks that that this is just the way teams should do things to this is the mode you got to go into because this is what it is no we’re not the Wizards we’re not the Pistons we’re not the magic we are solely the Raptors and the Raptors do things way different than any other NBA team and some reasons because we have to and some reason because we can and that’s the thing that lenberg is not understanding that’s the thing right there we can’t mess up on the draft we have to draft very well all the time because in some ways we don’t want to have a lot of draft picks like the Thunder we just really really utilize them and we don’t bust on them we make them really count and in some ways that’s no waste that’s really efficient in some ways the Thunder are not efficient the Pistons hell no they’re not efficient with their draft picks but the Raptors are because in some ways we don’t want to totally rely on them but the ones that we do get well we’re gonna make sure they hit they’re going to hit now coloka would have hit but there was a medical condition that messed that all up a lot of the draft picks that Messiah and Bobby have made have hit let’s just put it that way yeah all right let’s keep going uh David’s getting daap and uh let’s see uh Blackhawks saying Atlanta getting number one pick changes tanking sentiments yeah like seriously they did not tank they were On The Fringe of making the play in they did fluke get the number one pick though they did not have a good chance to get it but they did and that’s the whole reason why they have this system is because the NBA does not want any team losing on purpose losing on purpose is the is a big no no if Adam Silver detects that your team is tanking on purpose he will punish you and that’s why fans so vocal about it and saying it so out like you guys are idiots don’t you understand that we will get in trouble with the league if we outright just so blatantly try and tank the Dallas Mavericks got in trouble for it last year so what are you trying to do Josh lomberg with your tank talk it’s not healthy or good for the team because the NBA doesn’t want it so why would we want to anger and Adam Silver by doing something stupid that doesn’t actually help us that’s another part right there there you go yeah yeah there you go uh let’s see um David saying pretty sure these draft picks are for sale too just like the games yeah well we’ll have to see we’ll have to see what’s up Dave is very cynical this morning Carlos saying happy birthday cowboy there you go more happy birthday wishes for Bradley and David saying didn’t uto retire two years ago now I know what you’re trying to say that’s a crack on us no listen he had a baby and you know he broke his toe and well he came and he fulfilled his contract with us and then he got traded and then he retired it is what it is David I have no problem with trying utto Porter Jr and seeing if he could have worked at that time it was a great free agent signing and in some ways I still think the idea of it was great is just injury messed it up and there you can’t really do anything about that yeah sure all right you want to say he reti two years ago well he did play games for the Raptors last year just so you know Monique saying just informing you guys Teresa rash has a lot of interviews online now swish inside the W highlighted Raptors Mary Andra oh very cool all right very cool the Raptor coach Mary Andra getting some Shine from swish that’s very cool or inside the W highlighted them uh and then um yeah Teresa rash is GNA be getting a lot of interviews now see now that she’s got a MSI ujiri position it’s going to be more public she’s going to be the face of the the WNBA Toronto team for the initial part you know Larry tenan bom’s the owner and in the behind the scenes but Teresa rash is Manning the the steering wheel and steering that team and getting everything organized so she’s gonna be a lot more out in the public and obviously because this is such a new new thing and it’s exciting she’s gonna be very much demanded on by the press and she will have more stuff out there in all kinds of different ways I’m very excited to see how the logo the name the colors everything for the Toronto WNBA team developed now we’ve seen recently a leak uh designed by the six-man that came out calling the team the Toronto northern lights and the color scheme being kind of blue purple kind of stuff it’s not bad design I don’t hate it but I just want to make sure that people aren’t duped to thinking that that is the official design and the official name of the WNBA team for Toronto nothing has been decided yet in fact they’ve said that they’re going to do the same thing that they did for the Raptors they’re going to have a naming contest and they’re going to come up with names from that so there is going to be something like what happened when we got to the Raptors another thing that a lot of people have a misconception about with the WNBA team for Toronto is that it’s going to be connected to the Raptors it will not be it’s not owned by mlsc and you’ve got to understand there’s legalities that will make it that it’s probably smart not to tie it in as a dinosaur kind of motif with the Raptors this is the same situation in Chicago Chicago Bulls are owned by a different person and different company than the Chicago Sky the Chicago Sky do not have the same colors as the Bulls they do not have the same Arena they are totally separate and this is going to be the same situation for the NBA and the WNBA in Toronto so everybody who thinks that this team’s going to be the Toronto triceratops or pterodactyls or any any kind of dinosaur related logo or or uh Motif you’re not going to get that because in some ways this team needs to be a separate thing completely from the Raptors so that it can be its own thing in some ways Teresa was very clear that the name for this team will have something to do with Canada and the whole country and it well it’s more likely to have something to do with Canada in a Canada name than a dinosaur name just so people know because Kilmer group is not mlse and everybody needs to understand that it’s Larry’s own thing and Rogers and Bell are not involved in the WNBA team just so y’all know so there you go uh Dana saying happy birthday to Cowboy I love it and David saying thanks Mo appreciate it and Trevor saying every time I’m watching a WNBA game the women’s been picking packing up all the Arenas so people were noticing like Trevor watching the WNBA games that the attendance is up and people are more excited and interested and the game competition is up too Caitlyn Clark has shot a shot an adrenaline in the arm of the WNBA league and there are more eyes on it there’s more seats in the in the there’s more butts in the seat and there’s a more happening with the WNBA this year than ever and that’s fantastic I love it and we we got it coming here to Canada it’s gonna be awesome and I am so stoked to cover WNBA games on this channel in the summertime and the years to come yeah that’s gonna be happening I’m GNA have a I’m glad I’m already used to doing year round because it’s not going to be no rest for me I will cover that WNBA team just like I cover the Raptors I will be as in depth I do not have the knowledge base of the WNBA that I do of the NBA but I’m gonna learn fast trust me I’m gonna learn fast yeah all right let’s keep going Wayne is saying now uh let’s see he’s saying uh any sightings of Pascal in town what’s the free agency timeline the summer will be instructive for the league starting this month with the European football Olympics next month and NBA draft after fun you know this is a cool thing Wayne there’s a lot of already they’re starting to start the qualifiers for the Olympics because they have to figure out a couple more teams that are in the field for the men’s basketball in the uh Paris Olympics there’s a couple of spots that are goingon to be figured out by tournaments so there’s still some really cool action coming up very soon where teams are gonna have to play each other like Montenegro and vvi and Greece with Giannis to try and still make the Olympics as teams that trying to get the last spots so it’s going to start ramping up with that energy into the friendlies for Canada and USA at Vegas they’re gonna play each other in a friendly match before the Olympics so we’re going to start generating that uh that excitement for the Olympics very soon with the qualifying tournaments in Europe and other places and the friendlies for Team Canada coming up so I’m excited for sure this is going to be fun I have not heard about what’s going on with Pascal at all right now I will guess and speculate from past summers that se yakum is on a beach is somewhere in a very very beautiful pristine one of the most beautiful places in the world I don’t know exactly where he goes I’m sure kolat knows but he’s probably there right now is what I’m gonna guess I don’t think he’s up here in Toronto but he could be he could be but I haven’t heard anything and in some ways he’s radio silenced since the Pacers were eliminated and he’s on his official summer break but if I had to get SE yakum is on a very beautiful island with white sand very very beautiful bright blue water and a very very clear sky anywhere anyone would want to be right now on Earth right now yeah that’s what I’m guessing right now oh oh yeah this is actually Co cool cat’s answering your question right here she saying I was wondering if Pascal joined the Cameroon pre-qualifying Olympic team I know they asked him to join them yeah I heard news cool cat that se yakum is going to be there for Co Cameroon and try and be there to compete to help them try and get into the Olympics so yeah good on you seak and boo to you and be yeah I’m sure if Koko was medically cleared he would be there helping Cameroon also so yeah no I’ve heard this actually is true that se yakum now that he’s out is gonna go there and he’s gonna help Cameroon try to qualify in the qualifying tournament that’s right you just reminded me because I did hear a confirmation that se yakum is going to play for them so just so you know I said something about that a couple weeks ago when I heard it and I I I I I forgot about it James is saying Messiah is good with the scouting 100% yeah that’s why I trust our front office in this week draft more than most of the other teams in the league is because if there are any hidden gems in this draft like the draft with goar and and a compto messiah and Bobby know who they are and that’s why it’s like trusting Messiah you know there may be some Deadwood there may be some bunk busts in this draft and they may know who they kind of know who are better to get and or have high proclivity of being successful pics over possible like yeah this guy may not work because of this they really do their homework they do all kinds of stuff they don’t just do the on court eye test and looking at skills and their bodies and how they are physically the medical history they look at psychological they look at how they are personality wise and they really do kind of forecast and think about how that fits with the existing core and personalities that are already on the team that’s important that’s very important for team building in the US in the in the NBA at this point so I have full confidence that Messi and Bobby are at the top of their game when it comes to scouting and drafting just like James yeah uh Stargate saying Doc Rivers was a good player that Hawks team was pretty good he played with Dominique Kevin Willis Randy Whitman Spud Web John Battle and Cliff levingston Off the Bench Antoine Carr another one John conak how about that yeah you brought up a couple of guys I’d forgotten about Randy Whitman he became a coach of the Indiana Pacers at some point uh John Battle he was the backourt mate with uh uh doc on a lot of nights doc would play point guard and John battle was the starting uh shooting guard John battle’s a name I totally forgot about it’s really cool you brought him up Stargate uh man nobody talks about John battle ever holy crap so Stargate I’m going to give you a dunk for mentioning John Battle and I will on top of your John Battle I’ll say Antoine Carr and John conak there you go Star Stargate you are at a Charles Oakley 34 awesome very very cool you got the old oak 34 all right let’s see uh David saying Dallas got lucky to keep that pick after they traded got Lively only cost them 75,000 yeah Spurs fans have been talking about this that some ways something that happened with Lively actually set them up to be at this place in the finals right now yeah yeah it’s a really touching story The thing about Lively and his mom I in some ways I’m rooting for the Mavs just because of that story in some ways that would be so uh heartwrenching his mother dies of cancer just a couple months ago and then boom he wins an NBA championship we’ll have to see how it all goes down with the finals I said yesterday in some ways I’m okay with either team winning now at this point and you guys know my reasons if you watch yesterday Wayne saying pay attention Raptor freaks Spurs always have good players to trade good to be in good graces with pop look at uh White at Boston he’s from San Antonio I think he’s a solid Olympics here we come yeah this is gonna be cool I think that um I think you’re right and we have a really good relationship with the Spurs we’ve made trades with them pretty consistently almost one every year for the last few years you know whether it’s the yaka we did something before where we traded uh uh another deal with them with yakob before with kawhai so there there’s been a lot of Trades with the Spurs in the past 10 years that and they’re very friendly with us and I I honestly I think if you ask Spurs fans they would say the Raptors have been very nice to us and we’ve been very nice to them it’s worked for both teams very well I feel like the the trades that have happened between San Antonio and Toronto have been very fruitful for both teams and uh Spurs are getting good things in different ways and we get good things in different ways it’s like purle really helped them for the time period that he was there and they liked having D rozan and uh you know we’ve enjoyed having purle back now and you know they’ve enjoyed having our draft pick now so you know you know it all works out it’s just business and dealings in the NBA and Spurs and Raptors will do Deals they will do deals so we’re in good standing with them it’s always good to be in good standing with them yeah the Spurs Nation are kind of rooting for the Celtics in this playoff because of d Eric White also they kind of hate the Mavericks because they are a Texas team that’s in proximity to them in a division with them as a division rival so Spurs nation’s officially rooting for the Celtics mostly just so y’all know Carlos saying hey Lex did you see the VC interview where he’s saying he handled his departure from Toronto the right way the nerve of this guy no I didn’t see that interview and I’m glad it probably just pissed me off yeah what a me you know what if he’s actually just saying that then that really makes me sad because not owning how he was uh really not professional in the way he handled his last year in Toronto he said he handled in the right way well Vince I respectfully disagree and I am one of the ones that say yeah you don’t you don’t need to have your jersey retired in Toronto he will give you a statute once again I’m very much on the record saying I don’t mind giving a statute events and honoring him but I think it’s the wrong move to to retire his number because other people should be able to wear 15 in a raptor Jersey and I you know what this whole thing like I saw the interview with Andrew Wiggins they brought this up too uh and Andrew thinks that they should retire Vince’s number man I’m telling you guys I’m so against it and I am a such a DieHard longtime Raptors fan I know some of y’all are for it but I’m just really really against it and when Carlo just told me confirms even more that I’m against it because honestly Vince Vince doesn’t understand he can’t get out of his own head to understand how he hurt his his fans here in Toronto he cannot get outside of his head to understand that and uh that’s too bad it’s too bad that he doesn’t have the empathy or the ability to get outside of himself and look out from the outside in because if he still feels like he handled it right well he hasn’t learned jack [ __ ] and you know Tracy said that he didn’t handle things right and he didn’t even do as bad a things as Vince did on his way out so yeah get over yourself Vince Carter is what I’m gonna say and that disappoints me that he he feels like he handled things the right way no you did not in some ways look I will say this over and over again two wrongs don’t make a right even if the team wasn’t doing things right doesn’t mean you have to stoop to their level and act like you did and not try harder in some ways if you wanted a trade you could have demanded a trade if you wanted you should have just sat out you should have faked an injury and said I can’t play instead of coming in and giveing a half ass effort instead in some ways I would have respected you if You’ done it quiet Leonard better because then we would just like yeah you’re an [ __ ] you’re just like you’re holding out for your contract to get traded that may have been the best thing you should have done because then you would have came off as you know you’re trying to act like you’re a nice guy and say oh I don’t really want to leave and stuff like that but you really did and so you you half ass tried playing and averaged 12 points a game when you really should have been averaging over 20 points a game yeah I’m sorry I can’t forgive this I can’t forget this and then some these people say you’re holding grudges no I just remember how shitty people are in the past and I’m remembering it that’s all this is that’s all this is right here yeah yeah all right let’s keep going uh I I appreciate you bringing that up to light Carlo I’m glad I didn’t watch the interview myself to hear it and yeah the nerve of that guy seriously Rand Phillips is saying good morning to our beloved Raptor freaks most informative gang blessings happy birthday to everyone celebrating theirs in the month of June may your life be filled with happiness joy and peace yeah everybody’s birthday is in June oh my gosh everybody’s birthday is in June ran up I got to go get all these birthday presents for this birthdays in June oh my gosh yeah bless to you Randolph and the Phillips family all the rapid freak families uh fiery saying yes said Trevor the Arenas are packed and there’s now controversy on how the rookies especially Caitlyn are being treated very aggressive on the courts well this is part of leagues you know listen you’re a new person you come in you’re getting accolades you’re getting shine you’re getting publicity well they want to test you some of the old heads in the league from before well they said welcome to the WNBA moment and in some ways Caitlyn needs to go through this we should baby her she should get the treatment everybody gets and yeah you’re a golden girl you’re somebody who’s touted and all over the advertising for WNBA do you deserve it yet well we’re gonna make sure you do then we’re gonna put you through the School of Hard Knocks so anybody’s being the equivalent of Charles Oakley in the WNBA right now saying hello and welcome I fully endorse it because that’s the way it should be that’s the way leagues are in sports the rookies got to come in and get their lessons and there ain’t nothing wrong with that they’re being aggressive maybe if they just as long as nobody’s getting hurt and being dangerous is what I’ll say Wayne say more women at games cool lots of hot grandmas oh okay then Wayne’s like all right I may need to go down to the WNBA game and uh just check the atmosphere yeah yeah yeah when the I went to the WNBA Canada game here in Toronto last summer it was fantastic there was a very very diverse crowd and there were a lot of children there there were a lot of young boys and girls watching the women’s game and that’s fantastic lots of families lots of women lots of people of all ages lots of people from all walks of life and that that that’s something that’s cool in some ways the WNBA crowd is going to be different than the Raptor crowd and uh I I’m kind of interested to see how it is and how it is different and what kind of personality that fan base gets in some ways we’ll be a part of it because we are Toronto basketball fans and this channel will cover that team that’s right yeah uh David saying yeah this channel behind the line talks on the fact that the WNBA players hate Caitlyn Clark and beat her up dunk laugh out loud well I mean listen as long as nobody’s doing something criminal as far as a physical assault like Draymond would do I in some ways it’s like if it’s a little extra bump if it’s a little hard foul but it’s like not dirty you know these things are going to happen in basketball it’s just how it is if people are trying to be overprotective of Caitlyn because they know she’s a meal ticket for the league I can understand that too but it it is what it is and it’s going to be what it’s going to be and in some ways the older vets of the WNBA well they’re the ones who decide this and if they want to do this and this is how it’s gonna be well that’s the same way with Draymond and the NBA he’s gonna say welcome the NBA rookie and put somebody on his ass well there needs to be a WNBA equivalent and we can’t be thinking this is different just because they’re women I mean if this this phenomenon is happening you know what Caitlyn’s just got to toughen up and be ready for it that’s that’s what Larry Bird would have said back in the day when he got those same kind of like things but of course Larry didn’t have to go through that in certain ways because he was the one terrorizing the other people and at some point Caitlyn Clark will be the person who’s terrorizing the other people much more than you know that but she’s go she’s got to learn the you know terrain the landscape of how the WNBA is who the tough people are and who she needs to watch out for that’s just how it is that’s just how it is uh Stargate saying my suspicion is the Kilmer group will eventually buy out the Raptors in a few years once the financials are in order get away from the maple leaf connection here’s hoping and praying I totally want this too I know Stargate as an employee of Rogers knows from the inside that it’s messed up and yeah I would love the Raptors to be detached from the Maple Leafs mlsc Rogers and bell all in one clean sweep and if Larry tanon bom and the Kilmer group can somehow some way figure that out you know it could very well be that we may not be able to play in scoa Bank anymore and we get our own Arena a basketball arena for both the basketball teams and Kilmer group builds it and has their own Arena it could be a lot of different ways we do it Kilmer group could buy the Raptors from mlsc and pay mlsc rent to have the Raptors play in Scotia Bank Arena that they may actually go for that because they may still be getting a cut from the Raptors but the team will be owned by Larry and Kilmer group I would love that scenario I would absolutely love that scenario in either way now even if they have to pay rent to the Scotia Bank Arena and mlsc to play in that Arena that’s still a step to getting them away from that other uh entities so I’m all about it and I’m with Stargate on this in fact I’m gonna give him a dunk for reminding me of the possibility of this possibly happening 35 for you you got the Christian Koko my guy Christian Koko now yeah yeah I mean that’s a dream and if it could happen well maybe it can we’ll have to see fiery saying fam I didn’t watch Andrew wiggin’s interview with Sportsnet is he saying he wants to play for Team Canada yeah yeah but he’s so aloof and in some ways I disappointed Andrew like how many years have you been in the NBA seriously you should be a much more Wily wise veteran he came off as like a young guy who just doesn’t have a clue and in some ways I don’t think he’s gonna make Team Canada I mean this is what’s going to happen fiery he’s invited to the practice to try out and depending on how well he does is whether they’re gonna say no or yes and I don’t see it I don’t see it RJ is a sconed in that position and that’s same kind of role on the team already his father is running the team it’s not like Rowan Barrett Sor is going to say yeah RJ you’re not on the team because I picked Andrew over you no and plus Andrew hasn’t really played consistently in the NBA the last two years so we have no idea where his game is actually at now there is a chance where he comes in and he’s absolutely healthy Gang Busters and amazing and they can’t say no to him but I think it’s more likely that team Canada is already jammed up and especially at the position Andrews and that he has no place on it and yeah he does want to play for them he’s trying to Circle back and come back David saying question is what do we want who cares what Andrew Wiggins want exactly what does Jordy Fernandez want what does Rowan Barrett Senor want what does Kelly oen and RJ Barrett won because in some ways those guys are bought in and been with the program and building it up for a long long time and Andrew has not that’s another thing Andrew said no to team canon in the past and now all of a sudden he wants to come around and say I want to play for them you told them no before my guy now all a sudden because we got an All-Star team you want to come and join it you could have been leading this team before out of the Dark Ages into the new era but no you chose not to play for Canada in a lot of instances so that’s all I got to say about that right there who cares what Wiggins wants exactly Carlos saying Amen to that Stargate I love that idea too if Kilmer group can be the Savior for the Raptors I’m all about it FY saying uh SE yakum high five and then e garbage yeah yeah Cameroon Cameroon will tell you that people at Cameroon will tell you that right there uh monik saying all round great streams W Vibes keep at it always good times good times approaching go Raptors for Life Raptor freak family crew strong forever thank you Mo and you’re a big big part of it you’re like the heart of the Raptor freak family and I’m so happy that we’re gonna get to honor and celebrate you on Saturday at 400 PM NBA Restaurant Queens key downtown Toronto the first ever NBA themed restaurant it’s like a Hard Rock Cafe that’s NBA Isn’t that cool so if you don’t want to come to see us just come down to see the restaurant and can come down by the lake you can meet Lex Mo’Nique Adriana David hopefully Cowboy we’ll have a good group of the Raptor freak family down there along with Monique’s friends and family also so yeah definitely come down it’s gonna be a good time 4M next Saturday June the 8th the NBA restaurant downtown Toronto you can find it it’s on Queens key that’s right they got a parking lot outside too uh Kareem saying uh Caitlyn Clark isn’t the only rookie getting treated like [ __ ] from the other WNBA players Candace Parker was literally scrap scrapping every game scrape now she’s retired she’s not playing anymore is she talking trash on the broadcast I don’t know I don’t totally understand the scream now is Angel Reese getting it too you know that’s the thing those were the two stars the two big uh names that were bandied around last year because of the great women’s uh final four the yeah Angel Reese is kind of probably getting it a little bit herself who knows I mean this is how it is there’s a rookie hazing in the NBA where they got to carry Doro the Explorer backpack well there’s also stuff that happens on the court that says welcome to the league rookie and that’s just natural process if women want equality well this is what happens in men’s sports so it should happen in theirs too we shouldn’t be treating them just because they’re women oh you can’t be physical with each other no no no no we can’t do that we’ve got to allow them to play the sport fully as if they were men and that’s part of like getting around gender roles or ideas about what women should and shouldn’t be doing if women want to be physical like Charles Oakley on the court go ahead and let him is what I’m saying yeah yeah fiery saying David I don’t want Wiggins but I’m uh I’m afraid he gets prioritized despite his last two seasons of not being that great I don’t think that’s true I don’t think that’s true you know when they asked him are you gonna be on the team he said we’re g to have to see he didn’t say outright we’ll what we’ll see what happens is kind of what he said yeah he has no guarantee on this I would tell you there’s some guys that are guaranteed they’ll be on Team Canada but Andrew Wiggins is not one of them he is not one of them and seriously I think ran Barrett senior especially the way that they decided the Fe FBA World Cup team last year is smarter than to just put Andrew Wiggins on the team because of a he’s a name yeah he’s not that dumb he’s not going to do it that way just trust me on this they’re gonna figure it out if he’s on the team he earned eared it that’s what I’ll say but if he’s not on the team well it’s the way it’s supposed to be it’s the way it’s supposed to be I mean I’m not against him being on the team if he’s absolutely a good contribution and it is a smart move but that is up to Rowan Barrett Sr and Jordie Fernandez and if they decided isn’t well I stand by them obviously but if they think he’s GNA help then they put him on the team I’ll support it but right now I don’t see it I don’t see it because we don’t know what his body of work is right now or how how well he’ll play because that’s Fier he said he’s barely played the last two seasons so Carlos saying WNBA is in its NBA 90s 80s Petty era that’s cool so you’re saying that they’re Petty they’re playing like Detroit Pistons Bad Boys in the late 80s early 90s you’re saying that it’s like a a Dominique Wilkins versus Larry Bird punch him in the face kind of thing going on that’s what’s going on in some ways those are two of the best Decades of the NBA ever the 80s and the 90s so maybe that’s true maybe Caitlyn Clark and Angel Reese are the coming of Magic Johnson and Larry Bird in the early 80s and this is the year where this happens is this like the same year that magic and Larry hit the NBA and boom we see how that League exploded in the 80s after bird and Magic showed up well this could be very true this could be a similar kind of wave like uh what Carlos saying that uh they’re gonna ride with reys and Clark so very interesting very not that they’re necessarily the right pair to go against each other it could very well be that Clark finds a foil that’s better for her than Reese and but they have history already and they in some ways they’re both rookies just like magic and Larry were at the same time too so uh let’s keep going uh fiery saying Alyssa Thomas pulled a Draymond chug hold move on Angel last week it was nasty now I don’t endorse that and that’s one of the reasons why I hate Draymond Green is because he influences people to be more violent on the basketball court when it shouldn’t really be like that at this point you know he he gets a with it but not everybody will and well what did she get in trouble for this like if she did some sort of choke hold like Rudy goar choke hold Draymond Green did yeah there there’s no place in basketball for that now I don’t want people to get twisted with me as far as like there’s a difference between Charles Oakley thuggery and being tough and uh Draymond Green violence there’s a difference in some ways Charles oakle was very measured and purposeful in some ways Draymond Green is out of control and he’s possibly hurting people on purp uh not on purpose he’s he’s not very careful with what he’s doing Charles could be like he’s firm and he’s strong he put somebody on their butt but he was not trying to actually like career end somebody’s injury or something like that like a career- ending injury Charles was very measured with his physicality and how he doled it out and it wasn’t just like punches or lashing or like flailing your arms and like hitting people in the face or even coming up behind somebody and putting him in a choke hold no Charles was more like I’m going to bump you with my shoulder or I’m going to hit you with my hip and you’re going to hit you’re gonna be on the floor he wasn’t like hitting people with his arms he could and he may have yeah he’d hard foul somebody as a receip from somebody from the other end of the Court somebody hit his his player like Vince or Michael they hit them going to the basket well he’s gonna hit their best player come into the basket in the next play that’s just the way the NBA was at that time and uh well there’s a difference if you’re Charles Oakley kind of physicality uh that’s good if you’re Draymond Green no no because that’s that’s violence and that’s that’s actually not measured or smart and it’s irresponsible because it could very much career end somebody’s uh inj with an injury this career ending so that’s really bad really really really bad Wayne saying don’t forget we got Thad from the Spurs yeah yeah there’s been a lot of dealings with the Spurs in the last few years including the Kawai deal a very very big deal uh most saying don’t get me started on Andrew Wiggins the guy literally ditched Team Canada for that somewhat reason I continue to hate Andrew Wiggins Championship or not there you go see Mo’Nique has not really liked Andrew since he dissed Team Canada even when the Warriors won she couldn’t celebrate with us that Andrew was a champion from vaugh because she still kind of detested him this is good to know I didn’t know this about uh Mo and how she feels about Wiggins Stargate saying oh wow Lex with the John conak name drop Moses Malone also played with them at the end of his career remember tree Rollins man these young kids just don’t know Lex yeah tree Rollins he was one of the oldest players in the league at that time yeah he was really interesting player very tall guy his name was tree yeah he was like the backup center for the Hawks and then he went to the Cavs I believe he was a couple different places you’re making me think of really old centers in the 80s how about Caldwell Jones yeah that was a very old Center his brother Charles played for the Wizards or the Bullet at that time uh Carlos saying enjoy the WNBA now like the NBA it will get to the soft era and we will reminisce on the good old days you know that may be true Carla may be very right that you know in some ways the you know the leagues are always going to evolve and morph and because the WNBA is a different entity to the NBA it’s on its own schedule and you know in some ways the way they officiate the games will be different too and different officials so that all has a factor into it too in the Style and what uh the WNBA and the n May morph and change over time like I don’t know maybe they don’t mind the physicality with the ladies for a while but maybe it does get kind of more softer over time like Carlos saying we’ll have to see Amit saying I fell asleep how’s it going y’all it’s pretty good Amit it was uh Glenn rivers and you probably would have got it right away but smooth got it smooth got it today uh let’s see uh Kareem saying in the NFL rookies literally are fighting for their lives because veterans on other teams are trying to kill you not only that their own teammates are doing hazing inside the locker rooms yeah yeah I mean there’s no I mean you I I love hearing the stories about magic when he was a rookie on the Lakers and they showed a bit of it on that that show the the winning time or whatever that HBO series you remember the scenes where magic Irvin he would have to go get Kareem’s orange juice and newspaper that is the kind of stuff rookies have to do they have to do crazy stuff like every morning magic had to bring uh Kareem or juice and if it wasn’t freshly squeezed he poured it out he’s like this isn’t freshly squeezed Irvin and he pours it out right in front of him imagine he like oh it’s like but it’s kareim Abdul Jabar what are you supposed to do this is just how it is it’s a hierarchy it’s a thing to Humble the youngsters that come in in some ways this is more important than ever in the NBA because these guys come in so arrogant and so like uh their asses kiss their whole life you know like oh you’re so good LeBron you’ve been so so good well you think LeBron got that same kind of rookie year probably not but some of these guys that are Pradas that are really like into themselves and think they’re just the hot hottest [ __ ] they probably need the old school kind of rookie hazing like Irvin Magic Johnson had from Kareem Abdul Jabar to ground them and maybe humble them a little bit and understand this I feel like there’s a lot of young energy in the NBA that needed to be humbl let’s just put it that way and it’s just not like that anymore the it’s not like that in the NBA for sure and it’s a good distinction by Carlo and what you guys are saying Trevor saying uh Sunday’s WNBA team is the number one team with no loss the Sun the Connecticut Sun are the number one team and they have no losses so far this year that’s fantastic I had no idea that’s a that’s really good I should pay more attention in general to the WNBA I’m just paying attention to my team in some ways I’m gonna have to start watching games more like you guys are already I will definitely be watching all of the Toronto related te games and everything Toronto related in some ways that’s the way I operate with the Raptors so I may not start totally watching the WNBA games until we are playing so let’s see coat saying Pascal is supposed to play for Cameroon Olympics qualifying July the 2nd to July the 7th so there you go it’s about a month from now yeah this will be good and I love to see this SE yakum doing what MBI should have done and yeah he’s a man siakam’s just awesome we love SE yakum so much and him showing up for Cameroon well that just shows so much about his character is seriously does I mean he doesn’t have to do this think about how much money he makes for the NBA does he really have a good chance with Cameroon no he’s not showing up like these NBA Dream teamers for the USA there like oh well there’s Kevin and there’s Steph and I’m set i’m LeBron no bascal is coming in there as the sole one guy who’s probably gonna be totally the man for that team and a lot of burden on him that’s not easy and he’s not afraid of it he’s coming for his country and that I respect that immensely I respect ECT that immensely Kareem saying I meant when Candace Parker was a rookie she was scrapping every game yeah I mean this has probably been the case in the WNBA on the down low silently with no attention on it since the very beginning you know in the very beginning of the league it was people like Tina Thompson Cheryl swoops Cynthia Cooper Lisa Leslie and there there were some old school players from the very beginning that were teaching lessons to people cyony Cynthia Cooper was so dominant in the early WNBA the Houston Comets won almost every single year and she was teaching lessons she was the Michael Jordan equivalent to the WNBA Cynthia Cooper so yeah you know there was probably all kinds of this stuff already going on it’s just that we’re seeing it now because we’re paying attention and it’s just like you know maybe the rookie hazings and the welcome to the WNBA moments were happening it’s just that nobody was watching so I would think that may be true uh fiery saying can you make a real quick video call from the group chat for those who can’t attend Monique’s birthday I want to say hi to everybody and the birthday girl only if possible Lex we can try and make this figured out we we’ll have to do it through the Raptor freak Facebook Chat and and anybody who’s in there will have access to this so maybe what we’ll do is we’ll do a video call on there and people that are in the chat can watch us for a second through there so maybe we’ll do that I’m not going to stream during the the birthday party I’ll do my regular Saturday morning share the love club and go to the to the birthday party but maybe we’ll do a live stream through our Facebook Chat group to show people like you f see that are in there what’s going on and if you want access to that will become a member of the channel and you can join us in our Facebook group where we share news breaking news about the Raptors all the time and we will have access to what fiery just asked us to do also uh let’s see great news cool cat yeah I love this about siakam’s honor and TR uh loyalty to Cameroon yeah you could learn something from him Joel you could learn something from him uh cool cat is saying uh Angel Reese almost got her neck broken by Alyssa Thomas too Caitlyn Angel and other rookies are getting the welcome to the NB WNBA moment newbies watching The W are just shocked at the level of physicality well I would hope that people that love basketball respect the level of competition and intensity and that’s the thing is like yeah they’re women but yeah let’s not get all like oh this is women they should be delicate flowers no no these are strong athletes and they should be respected and that’s the way we talk about right there yeah Monique saying my first Raptor freak family crew get together with you all a bit of planning went into it but let’s go yeah I love that it’s centered around Mo this time we did the first ever Raptor freak hangout on my birthday the first ever one and mo came to it and we had a great turnout with the saborin and Raymond Jacob and cowboy and Evelyn and I really appreciate everybody who came to that first one it was such a special one and then you know since then Mo come to a couple of sents we’ve had great rapor freak meet and greets different ones the coaches open house uh real jerk uh we you know we had a couple at Real Sports also and now we’ll have one at the uh NBA restaurant and this one’s around Monique’s birthday and also the 1000th stream of this channel yeah that’ll happen that morning too so but yeah we’re definitely gonna be celebrating Monique’s birthday on Saturday it’s going to be fun uh cool cat saying real GM published Pascal will be suiting up for cam playing Brazil Montenegro in the lvia Olympic qualifying tournament yeah yeah i’ had heard confirmation he was going to play uh about 10 days ago it was before actually I went on my trip to Estonia cool cat that I heard that se yakum was gonna play for Cameroon and maybe it was during the trip I don’t remember I did see that news at some point and I’m really happy about this I think that it looks really good on seak and in some ways you know what he’s the kind of guy that just goes and goes and goes we know he get doesn’t get tired so why does he needed offseason in fact it’s probably better that he’s putting the work in for Cameroon worthwhile and doing that because he’s going to be working hard anyway he’s not playing piano with his life no he’s not he’s not Carlos saying what is the timeline for the Olympic Games what month will this play out it’ll be in July yeah all of it’s going to go down in July the Olympics will probably be done before uh halfway through August so there will be a good period of time between uh the NBA season and the Olympics for like training camp Rico Hines runs things like that Jordy Fernandez announced his uh coaching staff in the last couple days he’s got his Brooklyn Nets coaching staff together this is fantastic because in some ways he needed to get those kind of things done before the Olympic stuff starts taking up its time with Team Canada very interesting coaching staff the only person of note that’s on it that’s very interesting is Joan Howard former uh Michigan coach has switched from college to being an assistant coach for the Brooklyn Nets under Jordy Fernandez next season he’s the only notable name the other ones I don’t really know very well or understand who they are and I don’t care because it’s the Nets but Jawan Howard is an assistant coach under Jory Fernandez for next season on the Nets so uh I I I’m just glad he’s got it set up and it’s not gonna be a distraction for what he’s got to do with the work with Team Canada now so uh let’s see uh Kareem saying I’m team Wiggins by the way I think he’ll be a great addition to Team Canada coming off the bench yeah this is cool I mean I know that Kareem likes uh Andrew Wiggins and I mean we’ll have to see in some ways like I said uh Kareem his interview with Amit and S did not impress me he seems really kind of Spacey and like he’s not dialed in and I’m wondering about his commitment to his athletic career right now it’s a little worrisome let’s just put it that way we can love the guy and we can think Maybel Jordan’s awesome but in some ways I want the best team going to Paris and it’s not about feeding egos or saying yeah you just want to be on Team Canada Andrew we’re gonna put you on there no it’s about sending the best 12 guys to compete to get a medal for Canada and uh in some ways if that doesn’t line up with it well don’t line up with it that’s right yeah most telling Carlo it’s July Olympics are July and he can’t wait I can’t either Carlo this is gonna be a fun summer we’re just kind of plotting through the summer I’ve done my vacation now now we’re going to start doing the finals the draft and the Olympics and those are some great things as you guys know from last year when we do Team Canada games I actually live watch them and actually do a play-by-play announcing during Team Canada games so that will be returning this summer when Team Canada’s playing there won’t be normal streams I will be doing live watch alongs with me commentating during the game we did this last year for the fee World Cup and it was very fun and we’re going to do it again this year guys so there will be live watch alongs of the whole entire game with me commenting on every play and everything that’s going on on the court I will be doing the SGA brings it down the court he goes around the screen of Kelly he fix the shot oh and he takes it he makes it sgaa for three Canada up by five you know I’ll be doing that during the game so if you enjoy a possibility of hearing me call the game that’s what will be happening during the team canidate competitions this summer I will do all the games the friendlies too will be watch alongs also uh Trevor saying why Andrew wants to play for Team Canada now he refused before now those guys get a bronze medal he wants to come back boo on you I mean I can’t disagree with Trevor to an extent it’s like it was cool they made it cool these guys last summer made it cool and now all of a sudden he wants to be a cool kid and be involved I I feel like that’s part of it I mean some of this is kind of going on with the USA team also like making that super team and Grant Hill announcing all those players playing for uh Team USA yeah in some ways they’re trying to get their last s ra too that generation’s probably going to go off in the Sunset very soon Durant and James and Curry yeah yeah I mean we’ll see how how things go with this we’ll see how things go with uh Wiggins and I’m glad that the team Canada has options instead of like going to the cupboard and it’s kind of bare with food we actually have some choices for who we put on our team Canada roster and that’s great that’s great uh Carlos saying I love how highlevel Team Canada is now we’re taking talking about not needing a guy like Wiggins haha I know that how far have we came Carl how far have we came where was like we were begging him 10 years ago to come and play for us and he wouldn’t and now we’re so good that we don’t need him this is amazing it’s absolutely amazing Carlo I’m gonna give you a dunk for this and I think you’re right I think it’s it’s absolutely uh a benchmark and a milestone to show just how far the team Canada program has come that maybe Andrew Wiggins is not needed it’s amazing Stargate saying I have a old Center for you Lex Granville Walters waiters Chicago Bulls I don’t even remember that name that’s going way back that’s got to be even earlier 80s than me and maybe even 70s you’re talking about Stargate I don’t I’ve never heard that name before holy crap I don’t know that player this is amazing Granville Waiters waiters all right Kareem saying Pascal gets to go to Cameroon and will be praised and beid will probably get deported back to Philly no he he’ll show up back in Cameroon say why don’t you just go to France and they’ll go to France and they’ll say why don’t you just go to USA yeah you go ahead embiid and just uh crap all over your uh your uh background and where the people that you you where you come from yeah that’s just messed up I mean the easy route is to go and play for USA come on man easy route you taking the easy route Joel embiid you probably take an easy route if it would get you a championship if you could get a championship the easy way you probably would and that’s part of the problem you probably won’t get ever an NBA Championship so you need to go get a Olympic gold just to make yourself feel better Joel oh poor little Joelle crying in the halls of Scotia Bank Arena that’s right yeah once again y’all it’s five years ago the Raptors were playing the Golden State Warriors in the finals yeah we were beating their ass and we were on our way to our first championship five years ago so that’s why I’m always celebrating Toronto Raptors Champions because it is our five-year anniversary and we should be very proud of that and I will do this I will doing anniversaries for this championship and hopefully another one very soon that’s right uh let’s keep going cool cat saying Lex the article you referring to was the official invite from the team Cameroon coach now this article indicates he accepted the invite yeah yeah I’m pretty sure you do it I mean he’s that kind of guy you know how Pascal is cool cat he’s not gonna want to turn his his back on Cameroon he cares about his country he cares about his people unlike Joel that’s right uh cool Kat saying I’m fine with wig on the team when he played with Nick nurse on Team Canada he was a game changer balling bailing us out a lot SGA Murray Wiggins is ailla Trio personal family issues was real yeah I mean Mitchell Wiggins former Florida State seminal former NBA player Houston Rocket uh has had very poor health in recent years and this is the reason why Andrew has been away from the Golden State Warriors because he’s been tending to his father and helping him in in his his bad condition so this is exactly the reason why and we can’t hold that against him but in some ways also I will say this when he has showed up and played cool cat and Andrew uh cool cat and Kareem he has not looked good he’s not been at the same level that he used to be like maybe even the championship year for the Warriors a couple years ago he has not looked as good or sharp and he even admitted it in that interview with Amit recently that he didn’t have a good start to this season this past season he did not play well this season he said said that in the interview that that that recently came out so I don’t know in some ways I’m on the fence on this in some ways I can be like Kareem and say yeah I could see where he could really help our team and like what you’re saying cool cat when he did the time when he was on it before but I could also be like Mo’Nique and other people and say well you weren’t there for us when we needed you and now all of a sudden you want to show up I mean I it’s not in my hands I don’t get to decide this so whatever happens it shall be as it shall be and I’m okay with him being on the team if he does make it I’m not like so mad I’m like don’t be on the team all right I got five minutes before uh two hours so I’m definitely going to read the last comment from coolat and Monique’s and then get out of here that’s right she’s saying get out of here Kat saying now that Cameroon is trying to get on the world stage embiid should feel crappy not suiting up for his birth country to help build the profile Pascal will be the most celebrated respective b-baller yeah yeah I don’t know why he didn’t think about this like make a name for your country there’s a lot of African nations that AR ringg in international basketball and you know like South Sudan Cameroon could be one of those Powers coming out of that continent if Joel would just be loyal to his country yeah it is what it is he wants to take the easy route he’s gonna take the easy route once again thank you yaka purle for putting on such an amazing basketball camp in Austria this weekend so cool to see all the happy joyous faces and it sounds like it was a huge complete success here’s Leo’s life tips real quick guys on our way out he’s saying good morning morning coffee moves you here’s to an amazing week your doubts create mountains your actions move them so yeah don’t be making doubts because they will make mountains in your way but if you do what you need to do you can move those mountains out of your way and get what you need done good job by Emanuel quickley and the we the north 2K Squad dominating in their games last night against Mark Williams and PJ Washington of the NBA in NBA 2k action on Twitch loved seeing all that that was pretty pretty cool uh let’s see what else uh Happy Birthday to Otto Porter Jr and Scott Roth and if you have a WNBA team make sure you set your lineups for tomorrow because there’s no games today Isaac Campbell thank you for putting me on blast please watch comment subscribe like uh share uh clip me I don’t care do whatever you can do it you can do it and uh thank you yakob thank you Raptors I appreciate Toronto I appreciate the Raptor freak family and y’all have a great week we’ll have Tuesday trivia the regular Tuesday trivia tomorrow so be ready competitors that are at the top be ready to compete only a couple more games we are be deciding this Championship very soon and I know fiery and Amit both have eyes on trying to win so come with your best game tomorrow and don’t be late seriously this is gonna be a big one tomorrow all right y’all thanks for watching please like comment subscribe and share and let’s go Raptors let’s go WNBA Raptors and uh Team Canada let’s go WNBA Toronto team let’s go Kilmer group let’s go Teresa R let’s go Monique Lawrence let’s go

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