@Oklahoma City Thunder

Kuzma or Deni looking real nice right now

Kuzma or Deni looking real nice right now

by Razzmatazz_Potential


  1. I want nothing to do with a current Wizards player 💀

  2. drmuffin1080

    Wizards FO is better at helping other teams win a chip than their own org

  3. Hookmsnbeiishh

    So…. Westbrook, back for unfinished business?

  4. rumblegod

    Wizard FO is from OKC, really hoping we can get a deal done. Anyone but Danny and Utah

  5. deathrace4habibe

    I saw this post and the list of players that won a ring after they left Washington and I instantly had this same thought lol

  6. Aggressive-Cry-3942

    Kuzma would fit perfectly with this Thunder team

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