@San Antonio Spurs

Sochan trusts the San Antonio Spurs’ rebuilding process. Should you?

Sochan trusts the San Antonio Spurs’ rebuilding process. Should you?

hey let’s go over some Spurs news and notes that you may have missed and then look soan trust the Spurs process should you you are locked on Spurs your daily San Antonio Spurs podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome back to lock on Spurs the lockedown NBA network I’m your host Jeff Garcia Sports R for kins 5 San Antonio I’m glad to have youall back and happy Wednesday everybody hey thanks for making lock your first listen every single day free and available wh get Podcast iTunes Spotify K 5 plus app YouTube and pick a platform we are there what are we talking about today we’re going to be over some Spurs news and notes specifically some of the draft prospects that I get a chance to speak with yesterday will pick out one that I had a chance to chat with what ad person have to say and then bring our guest Ro Dominguez of the AP Sports we’re going to be discussing the process Jeremy Sohan said he’s trust the Spurs process should you we’re going to be discussing that and more but let’s dive into it so yesterday I had a chance to um talk with several uh NBA prospects that could theoretically be fault of the Spurs from I got to learn a lot about them but you know I fig I spread this out it is the off season and I’m going to talk about what nicholet topic had to say to me when we had a chance toh chat now obviously I did ask him you know if he spoke with the Spurs now he said that he has not personally spoken with the Spurs as far as you know ET O’s you some sort of workout nothing like that it was interesting though he said the only contact he had with them was with Team doctors and that they wanted to know the status of his health his knee injury now you look at several mock drafts uh they uh they have the Spurs some have the Spurs selected him with their four or eight although overall I think his stock is plummeting because of the injuries now first of all Spurs to do their due diligence they got to check out that knee uh if this R want to take a chance on him and select him at the upcoming draft he checks all the boxes right big guard point guard you know floor you know run the floor you know attack the rim put pressure on the rim put pressure on the defense uh for the most part you know he’s young you know he’s not old but that knee injury yeah it’s he had he busted that knee twice same knee now the recent injury wasn’t as bad end up being of a sprain but nevertheless that’s I understand that’s cause for pause if you’re the Spurs or any team looking to draft him now as we uh continue chatting I did ask them okay look let’s just say this SP select you and you’re off to San Antonio you know how you think you fit in so interesting know same can’t answer but he did uh provide me that whether it’s a Spurs or whoever picks him that he will understand his role that he will just he feels like he’s more plug-and play and it doesn’t matter what he does remember I got the quote here for you he says I think I would fit and agree with any team not just San Antonio as I’ve said many times times whoever picks me the approach is the same I’ll do my best to accept the role the coach gives me and that is it so um yeah his his eyes are just Landing with an NBA team now could that be San Antonio well some MOX have the spur selected him H you know just overall in his chat with everybody in the room um he didn’t make it clear that he’s not 100% he said right now that he’s focusing on his body mainly and getting the knee better ahead of the draft so he’s aware that Ben KN could be tricky and that’s and I get it that’s that’s CS for pause for even you guys Spurs fans that may not be so high on topage and think about it too you know remember how much his name was in the you know pretty much everybody’s lips leading up to the draft and now here we are two injuries now removed from that and it’s kind of got quiet hasn’t it so yeah I think I you still see some Ms getting the Spurs and him together and being selected at 408 but you seen some Ms where he’s dropped to the late 20 so yeah it will be interesting now again obviously the Spurs did the due diligence they did speak with him about his the health of his knee just his health overall but he seemed to be good as Spirits you know he well feels that he can make an impact with NBA team and look what other key he’s gonna say that he’s G to get picked to go pro whether it’s San Antonio or not so he’s gonna say the right things but yeah so the Spurs did talk to him but not about ex’s the nose or fit how his knee is so at least that’s a according to Nicola topic when I had a chance to talk to him so there you have it my quick chat with Nicola I hope you all you know hey it is what it is take what you want you know what do you see into it do you think the Spurs are looking at him to select him should be noted that I spoke to dejon muray before he was even picked in the NBA and he told me at that time that he never met with the Spurs and he never worked out with the Spurs and the Spurs selected him so for what that is worth there it is so maybe you know you never know niobic could be a Spur but as of right now I think the knee is just really really going to be an issue for him to be selected High you know should the Spurs waste a number four pick on him a number eight pick on him knowing that he’s 18 years old and has already knee injuries yeah it’s a lot to think about huh all right there you have it my quick chat with nicoa topic coming up next we have Ro Domingas of the AP Sports we’re going to be discussing well the process soan believes in it should you that’s next right here locked on Spurs this episode of the show is brought to you by better help look we all carry some things around whether good or bad it’s also just really good to get it off your chest that’s where better help comes in look you should know that we carry stressors in our life and so they can get to us the best thing to do is get that off your chest so if you’re 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vedi uses the force to subscribe to luck on Spurs pass on what you have learned Look Who’s Back everybody it’s been a while but he is here R Dominguez make sure on next at Dominguez CCO right now he is the AP Sports Rider based out in San Antonio every time you need a quick recap a little in-depth analysis to the San Antonio Spurs you want to go to him follow him on X Dominguez CCO make sure to do that right now Ro how you doing man doing good man just trying to make it through the summer man oh hot yeah it’s hot and it’s a long Spurs off season it’s gonna peek a little bit in a while in a few weeks with the NBA draft but after that it’ll start heading the thir LEL of the NBA season and by the way what a gap between the NBA Finals right I mean that is a weak gap before we get to see the yeah Celtics yeah that’s the only bad thing is they have it set up to where I guess in case one or both series go seven games and when they’re able to kind of close it out early there’s that huge gap yeah wish they wish they would you know change it a little bit but you know I guess they already had it all kind of set up yeah they get it all set it up again uh again make sure to follow on X Dominguez SOS why is he here well we’re going to be reacting to what Jeremy Sohan had to say recently with an outlet overseas I believe it was in uh in Spain um about the process the rebuild and it’s a touchy subject especially with Spurs fans the Spurs fans don’t want to hear patience they don’t want to hear the phrase trust the process nothing but in essence Raul let’s go and dive into it now that’s what Jeremy said but it was very interesting because he revealed a lot more than just simply oh trusting the process he even went as far as to say like the players the staff everybody has been talking about the rebel and based off his interview role it sounds like at least at this moment the Spurs are gonna trust the process and not rush this yeah I mean I mean uh it’s it’s smart of the Spurs to let them know you know uh I’m you know and I think they knew last year as well last year was the year that they were GNA as they put it you know develop and so I’m sure the Spurs knew that um you know last year wasn’t going to be too good I think everyone thought be a little bit better this year but you know I know that they told me know hey it’s we’re another two three years in the building in rebuilding uh you know so so it’s smart I I know when Philadelphia when the 76 years were having their their uh process uh they made sure to tell the players because Joel and be um you know we talk about all the time I trust the process I trust the process you know um so it’s not surprising to to hear that Jeremy and the other players know about it we we wait two or three years and they’re not doing well and people say oh see I told you but you know me personally I I think it’s it’s the best option you know uh you look at what Oklahoma City’s doing always always uh you know go back to them what what they’re able to accomplish you know I mean Oklahoma City uh you know they lost to Dallas potential NBA champions uh I think they took him to seven six seven games I can’t remember but you know they they had a better run at Dallas you know um you know than just about they gave him a tougher playoff match up than just about anybody um Oklahoma City is real young they’re real deep uh they have a lot of assets that they can trade away or you know contracts start coming up they’ve got draft picks to replace those guys uh to be able to sign you know some of their key players uh so you know I I don’t think they should go out and trade uh you know all their assets for one player two players um you know I just think that’s we’ve talked about this before um you know Spurs are going to build to the to the draft and potential trade I mean I know people people keep talking about well prent are gonna want to come here to play with lmy um until I see it I won’t believe it um you know so I I think that they definitely need to continue to trust the process you know let it kind of play out uh I you know I I think that uh I think they’re get at least one start out out of this year’s draft potentially two uh and then next year uh with all those draft picks in a really strong draft class they can either get several players or maybe they could you know package a couple to move up but um you know I think they’re doing things the right way I was going to say real quick though um I saw a report saying that the Wizards Wanted U multiple first round picks for Kyle kozma um why kma like his game but you know multiple first round picks for kma I just you know to me if that’s the market then you know what are they going to ask for for Trey or for de jante or for Darius um you know I just I think that’s it’s way too much uh for that for that I I agree with you and uh again you know we know the Spurs fans you just go you all social media they’re all about you know Ma joria not all not some do trust the process there are some segment of Spurs fans that are okay with a long rebuild but the majority Spurs fans are like no what are you doing Spurs you got Victor in uniform you got all these assets maybe some of the current players don’t fit with him let’s get this show on the road now soad did allude to that during his interview uh with the Spanish Outlet I got the quote right here for you I’ll read it to you get your reaction he goes of course you got to find people and if something is not working you just got to change it now he’s obviously look he’s you know and what is he talking about Ro fit we’ve heard this from Brian Wright papait I mean probably from now from Zohan there’s the this team is still looking at the Players to fit fit who Victor Wim by Yama again is that the right the approach should take when looking at field or free ages or even the draft look at fit with wimpy yeah definitely should do that I think once uh once they drafted Duncan that they try to look to see what kind of players they could they could build around him and you know with Tim you know they needed some three-point Shooters they needed some uh you know need guy a point guard like Tony would drive the middle and you know uh help feed you know Tim on the the side or the three-pointer so you know uh they sort of built the roster around Tim and I think they’re gonna do the same thing with wmy um you know but as far as like the the play the players that they have on the roster now it’s kind of tough to tell still kind of tough to tell who fits in with them because you know still had a lot of injuries last year you know um you know unfortunately the soan at point guard experiment didn’t work so I think that kind of set them back about a month or two uh to find out who exactly could fit in there um you know but I think everyone uh pretty much everyone on this roster I think fits with with with wmy I mean I know I’ve heard talk about tradon Kellin I think Kell’s great Off the Bench um you know um Sandro you know be interesting to see Sandra up they him and give him a chance maybe to to play more minutes with wimy because they seem really comfortable with each other uh Devon Devon and Victor were building some great chemistry together um Trey did a great job um you know but I I think he might be better suited as a as a backup guard uh kind of almost a George Hill type with Tony um you know but um yeah as far as the fit uh you know I I I thought for the most part everybody fit with with with the with wimy and that’s just a testament to to Victor I think Victor could be play well with anybody it’s just a matter of that person allowing Victor to to be Victor yeah yeah um I do agree with soan about you don’t want to add a player just to add a player you look look example right now is Phoenix I mean we got what do we we got durad we have be we have Booker and it didn’t work out out didn’t work out at all so there is name chasing and I don’t think the Spurs should do the name chasing you know I’m just as an example let’s just say maybe the Spurs bring in like a Tobias Harris not a sexy pick you know a pickup or nothing like that but what if that is what the Spurs need that little bit of push that type of player that can get this team over the hubp and get the rebuild going now interestingly enough though uh ra during that interview with the draft Theos Spanish Outlet Jeremy says the biggest key in the rebuild for him in his opinion is actually probably not at least currently you know is the roster itself right now he says quote he goes we’re all looking forward positively it just depends on how quickly we develop as young players and a team so he’s still thinking that the actually centers around the current core and their development you know I get I get a soan you know you want to look out for your current teammates and everything but R if this current team ain’t working they they got to make some moves so you standing with that what soone had to say about the key in his opinion is current Player Development yeah I think he’s he’s got a good point and and you do as well you know um I’d like to see this group play together um you know at least to the all-star break next year um you know this this upcoming season with those you know two two potential draft picks I don’t know maybe a trade or a free agent see how they do I mean because there were times last year when they looked absolutely fantastic especially they late the year I think they were starting to figure things out um you know so it would be be good to to let them sort of uh develop and see uh you know but but you also have a good point you know I think if you know they don’t seem like they’re meshing well especially you know come All-Star break if they’re still not meshing then you probably have to to do some uh a little bit of Tweaky um you know U but but I I don’t think what people are expecting with the Spurs I think people are expecting them to tank next year and that’s that’s not what they’re going to do uh they have enough draft piics they have enough capital from other teams to where their their uh record where they finish isn’t going to be as important as say this year or you obviously last year how how how impactful do you think that that wi be you know s fans are worried about you know well the S don’t get things going and wmy is getting close to the free agency Peri to the end of his contract he’s going to leave and I think that could still be a byproduct of the coai Le situation you know there was a mega star in San Antonio and he bolted for you know at least for home but you know but nevertheless he went to a bigger Mark in Los Angeles you know with a wimy there’s that you know like guess fear among Spurs fans that he’ll do the same not necessarily the way Kawai did it but you know look for bigger uh markets if the Spurs aren’t winning uh ASAP what do you stand on that uh I think it’s maybe um mentality I guess the Spurs fans I’ve almost always had I mean when when David uh was drafted he had the two years um for the naval commitment and if I remember correctly there was he had the opportunity to not sign with the Spurs and go somewhere else and I remember Spurs fans were worried about that uh because I guess technically since he hadn’t played with the Spurs if I remember correctly he could choose not to sign with them and then reenter the draft uh I believe that’s what it was but I reme I remember distinctively um how Spurs fans were worried that he was gonna you know not even play with the Spurs he was GNA go sign somewhere else uh and then when Tim became a free agent you know people were worried that he was going to leave uh you know he almost did he almost went to Orlando but people were worried about that you know and then with Kawai uh you know quiet Le so it’s understandable I think Spurs fans always feel sort of like the um you know like second second rate of times as far as the bigger markets and oh you know if we have a superstar they’re gonna go somewhere else you know David Manu Tony um you know uh Timmy they all prove that you know uh San Antonio can keep their Superstars uh I don’t Victor doesn’t strike me as the kind of person is going to want to go somewhere else um in order to be a big star he can be a big star in San Antonio uh so I I don’t think he would leave just for a bigger Market he might leave if in order to maybe maybe if things aren’t going well I want to win a title I’ll go somewhere else um but I I I really do think uh he’s the biggest one as far as you’re talking about trusting the process I think he’s the biggest one I think he trusts the process because he’s seen the results you know what and with Timmy and with well he does kind of the line a bit he does trust the process but you and I were in that conference room when he said okay we’ll take our steps but there’s nothing wrong with taking those steps fast so you know he’s kind of straddled the side and then what he say when he wanton is well he presented the Rookie of the Year award in San Antonio he reiterated again I want to win I want to he kep on he keeps on saying that so sure he does trust the process and he’s made that very but he’s also talked about speeding things up and winning ASAP I you know you’re the Spurs you’re heing that you’re like okay Victor what do we got to do you because right now it’s Victor’s show you know what he wants usually will go so but I’m I’m glad we’re on that topic of Victor though because soan even touched on that too I mean seriously everybody go check out the uh the interview at at Spurs soan just uh you know let out a lot you know which you rarely see from the SP they’re false he addressed Wim he says of course having someone like Victor mayama comes to the team coming to the team heightens everything I think it makes people think you got to do this now but yeah so I did continue to say that they are still going to be patient say quote we’re not trying to rush it we’re staying patient interesting too he he did point to the Denver situation how yage and all them you know 26 7 years old you know but took them a while to get things where they are right now so you know it’s like like soan he says like yeah we know we got Victor he’s in uniform but we’re not sh look at look at Denver they they took a while before it got to be the Denver m is super te it feels like it feels to me the Spurs are just kind of like we’re not going to rush it well we may usit a bit I don’t know how to read all this Ro yeah I mean it’s tough to tough to say I think if they get a deal that that makes sense to them that they’re going to do it but I I just can’t picture them i’ I’ve seen some pretty uh outlandish um um you know scenarios like oh you know we get Trey young for four first round picks and two players and I’m just like I I I don’t think they’re going to do that I mean they’re not going to I seriously doubt they’re going to trade away all their assets for one player so I think they’ll do that yeah you mean I mean especially you know you’re hearing like oh what Atlanta with the sticker price is for Atlanta for Trey young I mean no way no or Darius Garland you can’t tell me Cleveland is gonna try to Max a deal for him but the thing about it the Spurs can’t afford a sticker price though they can they can you you how many first rounds you want Atlanta we got you you know we can throw in some second rounders for you so yeah but at the end of the day R where do you stand do you trust the Spurs current process the way soan does I I do uh Spurs have always been pretty Forward Thinking uh you know um it’s one thing that I I’ve always sort of uh uh admired and respected them about them is how far in advance they always think ahead like you know they they the contracts that they signed like if you notice like a lot especially in the past a lot of the players contracts were up like you know a lot of them were up at the same same time you know same year um especially you know a big free agent class was coming around you know they would try and do that to to when they were trying to to Ln some of these fre agents in didn’t work but um you know they had a plan um they had a plan to get to draft Victor I mean you know everything had to fall into place but Spurs allowed uh you know allowed themselves to be in position for things to fall into place so you know they had that plan um so um you know I I I I I trust the process with them um and I I think um I I think this year’s draft and next year draft are going to be the the Cornerstone I think of uh the rebuild of course obviously the victory as well so I’m right there with you too we’ll see what the Spurs do I I don’t I think they’re on that right now light but I think by All-Star break if there things are not clicking then they got to do something if it’s not yeah because that’ll be another what six years in a row missing the Playoffs that ain’t yeah that’s not good yeah I I don’t think it’s going to be like uh last year where I don’t think they’ll accept you know having another long losing streak um but I I I don’t think they’re going to do that either I think that between the players that they have and who they could add I think I think they’re gonna uh I think I I told you I predicted 30 wins for them next year I really you think they’re going to get that he is RO Dominguez follow him on X Dominguez CCO when we get back we’re going to talk about you guys locked out Spurs fans you guys are lot of comments we’re going to pick a couple of them that’s next right here on lockdown Spurs oh hey this is Morty Smith and I je you were listening to lockdown Spurs with Jeff Garcia a Chez hey I want to talk about FanDuel right now it’s winner take all time in the NBA and NHL and fand’s giving you a shot to bring home a big win of your own that’s where you got to go to fandal right now new customers listen up you get 150 bucks in bonus Bets with any 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don’t know how you do it but I guess a lot of yoga you know keep it that’s it that’s it that’s it um by the way you know quick nerd segment here are you looking forward to the acolyte oh yeah yeah definitely me too I am excited for that I really I mean we’re we’re going to get a a what the the era like I guess Peak Peak Jedi right there’s like Jedi right yeah when they see who they who they have on there so yeah they have a good Ensemble I like who they I like the cast they pick to play the Jedi uh Trinity you know the actress play Trinity she’s in it and so yeah yeah I am looking forward to it maybe we might see Darth Dominguez making a Mak an appearance maybe we know all right it’s time to talk about you guys the lock on Spurs fans you guys are leaving a lot of comments we’re going to dive into them we’re going to pick two but keep those comments coming because maybe the next show you’ll be picked and we’ll read your comments right here lot D Spurs uh shocker shocker shocker roll a lot about draft so we’ll pick one about the draft this is from Jeff mallahan he says rash has a lot of bust written on him now for those you who don’t know R is projected to be a one or two pick maybe he might fall out of the Spurs uh you know reach if they stay at four or eight but if for some reason he drops a four they move up to get him I don’t know if bust is the right word I would say maybe project light what do you what do you think about Ria Shay yeah I I don’t think it’ll be a bust um he’s got a pretty high ceiling so there’s a chance that he might not live up to all the expectations but I don’t think he’s going to be a bust um you know I just might be a case of maybe where he starts off slowly kind of like Victor did and if you remember when Victor started slowly there were all this all these other fans from other teams talk about how he’s a bust and and this and that but um you know I I don’t think he’s going to be a bust I would be shocked if he didn’t if he falls out of the top two um you know but if he if he were to somehow fall to four with the Spurs uh you gotta take him you’ve got to take him you got him with Wy yeah exactly par him with w be a fellow French Countryman you know he he he’s that Wing kind of player the Spurs need but they might have a a log Jam there because you know kind of in the same mode as Vel you know kind of sort of you know maybe a little bit more fluid so obious see what they do with that but no if R Falls to four the Spurs move up to get him and I would not have a problem with that I actually hope that they would package 4 and eight I would love to see him do that either to move down or move up yeah but uh we’ll see we see know I you know I thank you for the comment but I don’t think bust I would say maybe a project light light it’ll take them a while to get going yeah the other thing is I mean uh France is doing such an incredible job developing their players you know through through theirm through their teams you know the pro leagues that they have I mean you look at wimy uh bow SAR Russia share um I can’t remember the the kids name uh 25 point guard just just dropped 45 points um oh yeah yeah I I’m drawing the blank too but I think touch the or something yeah yeah um and and they have more more kids coming too so I I just think that France right now is just doing an amazing job just developing their players and getting them ready uh for the NBA uh I think it’s gonna be very hard for any of their top prospects to be a bust even wm’s brother is developing fast so was it could be another Wy coming to NBA at this rate all right thank you for that comment next comment is from uh Oscar let me see it gets right Oscar ortuno 24 he says would rather have Garland than Mitchell talk about Darius Garland and Donovan Mitchell Garland is onee removed from being an Allstar thank you for that comment Oscar you know what kind of agree with him r i if I had to pick between Garland and Mitchell I think I would take Garland a little younger you know he’s been kind of living to the shadow of Donan Mitchell and for his turn degree Colin ston uh I just feel maybe a change of address will be good for him and if it’s that change in San Antonio I will be all fine about it but I just want to know what the sticker price is for him what Cleveland would want but what do you think if you had a 15ct Garland to Mitchell who would you get well that’s a tough one um yeah you know Garland um when he played uh played against first I think it was a couple seasons ago him and Jared Allen both had uh big games and I’ve always liked darius’s game I mean he he he’s a he’s a scrappy kid you know great little point guard um you know um sort of um well Max Max I was say sort of Maxi’s Mo Maxi is actually kind of maybe in his M because I think Darius is a little older than than Maxi but um you know Darius is a great young player if they could get him yes but if if I had a choice between the two I would have to go with Donovan I mean uh great scorer great leader uh d uh Donovan just has this this fight in him I mean when uh he came down here and him and Zach got tangled up uh afterwards you know he was just talking he’s like you know you don’t he goes you don’t push me because if you’re gonna push me you know you better be ready to fight so he’s he’s got that little bit of a a nastiness to him so if I had to you know so you know didn’t have to give up much for either one or whatever are equal for both uh I would say Donovan but Darius would make more sense as far as the age and and kind of what he how he would fit yeah for me it’s the fit you know I I and also think he’d be willing to take less touches I Donovan will want his touches and so does Wendy want his it’s not I mean horrible for him to have your San jonio but still I mean you got to balance that out I think Darius just to me feels the bigger need right now for the s established point guard um and a big point guard they Guy created a shot all hit a three-point shot and all that good stuff and I I really believe a change of address is needed for him you think about like I said you know he was BR behind Colin ston he got moved but who came in Donovan Mitchell now you’re playing behind Donovan Mitchell you know and uh yeah it happens and I you I think that I think that’ll be good for him and if it’s in the Spurs color so be hey but Raul Vegas recently let their odds out about darz gard’s next team if he doesn’t stay with Cleveland and the Spurs were the number one team according to Vegas odds maker I think it was like a plus 200 wow Vegas knows all ra I wonder I wonder who’s placing these odds or placing these bets because I think they had at one point they had Trey Young’s best destination was the Spurs yeah uh Garland and I can’t remember they had like a couple other players go Steph Curry was gonna be that’s Steph Curry know step Curry leaves and um so it’s good San Antonio’s Spurs are really popular right now you know good name obviously because of Wy uh so you know it’s good that they’re getting attention but you know um I I I certainly wouldn’t face any of those bets yeah yeah me neither no me neither yeah the guy you’re seeing on your screen right now that is the wimy effect hitting those odds makers everybody it’s really that’s the reason why a lot of players well at least Vegas thinks a lot of players could be heading to San Antonio it makes sense you know Spurs are on the rise yeah maybe they’re still in the trenches of the rebuild but they’re going to come out they’re going to come out and we’ll see if soan is right about trusting the process we’ll see he’ll do that but we thank y’all for leaving those comments keep them coming we’ll read them throughout the offseason he is R Dominguez of the AP Sports F my next at Dominguez Cino if you don’t he’ll turn to Darth Dominguez you don’t want that by the way we’re finally going to get a lightsaber whip you believe it yeah I saw that I’m excited about that too so I am excited yeah I I’ve been waiting for this I I so I’m so excited I’m actually gonna order pizza I’m gonna make a big deal about it because I think they’re releasing what two or three right like I think it’s a two yeah yeah yeah I think the the first first night is gonna be the two episode premiere I cannot wait uh just just take it easy on the Jedi you know ra you know come on you you don’t have to go all Darth Dominguez on them too much he is oh Dominguez again follow on X at domig single what’s going on in your world with the Spurs offseason uh you know just kind of holding up for the for the draft and you know find out what’s going on just catching up on yard work and such so yeah well in the sanio heat yeah yeah maybe you are the Hulk he could take that kind of heat man yeah that is tough that trust me that takes a lot of strength to somebody to cut the yard in the even if it’s at 6:00 or 7 p.m. it’s still hot outside but again Ro thank thank you for making that time to drop on lockdown sprs and we thank you all for making lockdown sprs your first spot to come to listen to All Things silver Black And subscribe to us on YouTube can 5 plus s what else iTunes Spotify yet let go on and all we’ll be back tomorrow I believe Rudy copos is coming in tomorrow uh discuss more silver and black stuff as the offseason continues so for rul Dominguez I am Jeff Garcia we’re going to put a lock in this episode of lockdown SMS a [Music] oh [Music]

On this episode of Locked On Spurs, host Jeff Garcia reviews some San Antonio Spurs news focusing on NBA Draft hopeful Nikola Topic.

AP Sports’ Raul Dominguez stops by to react to Jeremy Sochan’s faith in the team’s rebuilding process, see if fans should do the same, and review some Locked On Spurs fan comments.

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  1. If the Spurs want a score first, athletically freakish, small defensive liability PG they'll draft Rob Dillingham. Why give up massive resources and a HUGE contract for Trey Young?

  2. don't like Topic fit with the Spurs.Spurs need shooter or at least D. Topic is none of those. Tre Jones is a good enough passer.
    Spurs need an upgrade at pg with SHOOTING skill and shot creating.
    Of course like any prospect, if he improve drastically his shooting he could be good, but it's the same "IF" with any non-shooter guys…

  3. As fans, we must trust the process. In a positive note the process has produced chips,winning season,and good players. GSG

  4. Sochan should trust the process. Even if he will be traded eventually cause people will realize he is not one of the pieces we are looking for to build a dynasty.

  5. Only make trade that are advantage spurs. I’m not for any trade for any player who’s making over 30million unless the price in terms of pieces is tremendously to spurs advantage.a no brainer.For the draft, yes we need a 1 & 3 but I am adding the importance of defense almost as much as shooting.

  6. If it’s Sochan trusting it then I’m not going to ( jokes, Sochan needs to get traded for someone better)

  7. Been trusting process since Avery J and David Robinson, but Sats don't lie. When Wemby is in game defense and scoring up..When W is out Def & O is down..Sorry Jeremy, the process is black and white..We need 2-3 players in starting line -up not there last year .Go Spurs Go. Nice reporting on Topic..

  8. As much as I would like for us to blow things up for a star and roll the dice to win now, I say let' trust the process!

    I don't think this is the year to blow things up, limited cap room, weak draft class, and no free agents out there anyways! Lets draft young players and continue to develop our players with Wemby. Lets see what happens in 2025 with trades and possibly more cap room!

  9. Id trade his arse in a heart beat low ceilling and not much or a lock down defender ,his offense is inconsistent just like vassel ,id rather give mamu a chamce ,sochan is small at 4 position

  10. 2025 is the year where you can start really investing. Wemby will enter his prime year while the draft is really deep. 2024 Wemby is still developing (although he is already developed so much) and the draft class is really weak. Even FA market is bad and there is no really standout superstar. If we need to do "win now", 2025-26 year will be the year.

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