@Philadelphia 76ers

Is Mikal Bridges worth a godfather trade offer from the Sixers?

Is Mikal Bridges worth a godfather trade offer from the Sixers?

[Music] well as much as we tried to hold off on this one and stay away from it for a little bit we needed something to pick up the spirits from yesterday’s show and get back to the uh the correct and that would be the one look at that beautiful Jersey yes I had to bust out the uh the old son’s Jersey and I even have you know got the Nova right here represent couldn’t decide which one you because I’m not allowed to wear the next Jersey so maybe halfway through the show you can I’ll switch jerseys doing commercial reads how about that but yes welcome to the PHL Sixers uh podcast here on a Wednesday and this should be a fun one and of course yeah my family always watches anyway so they’re all probably sitting here just laughing because I’m sitting here in New Jersey but real honesty when Jack filled in his dad uh while you guys were in New York he had the uh City Edition Sun Jersey on at that time so d Eric Bodner Kyle newbeck I’m Devon given yes repping my kale Suns jersey Briana here producing the show as always always you guys in the chat and we really appreciate it this is going to be a fun one because it’s one that many people have talked about in general about everything that happened in 2018 for the draft leading up to this point right now where kale is six years in the league now going into year number seven establishing himself in the league as a player that many people can feel that can just slot right in on many teams and can help contribute on a championship team and that’s why we’re discussing him that’s why many of you bring up his name in the chat of wanting to give up assets for him to bring him via trade from the Brooklyn Nets the good Bridges it is I see Ash was already in there Devon I saw his name and I saw the photo I had to jump right back in I appreciate it Ash I already had one from my quill saying uh my Kel’s older brother who has a company he works with him so quill appreciate it Eric the older brother e um he yes so so this should this is going to be a fun I I’ve talked about him since high school and and so this is nothing new folks so don’t worry I’ve done this before even on draft night broadcasting during the draft 25 minutes before it happened I’m walking around I’m I’m shaking hands with the guys we were all that at at oh y staying home I’m doing a a a hit on with with Brian Seltzer and at the time Donna Donna I think it’s Donna Hugh the pen coach he was filling in with Brian Seltzer and they were doing something live and I jumped on and had a conversation there so the good things that the head coach is saying pled in the big five against vova and kale and then boom just like that we’re all pissed off so let’s get to it though we have a lot to talk about why we are discussing it of course the offseason begins there’s a lot of Buzz about what Brooklyn is doing what Brooklyn is not doing and muel being a big part of how he needs to get out of there and wherever he goes but ideally a lot of people would like to have him back here Kyle you want to begin this yeah so sort of an overview on male Bridges smooth athlete texbook size for a wing great ey test player 90th percentile or better in spot UPS transition pick and roll ball handling Cuts offense off of screens made 43 and a half% of his three but also shot 59.3% inside the arc takes the quality shots that the defense gives him he’s not a true one-on-one scorer but he knows how to pick his spots and can be a complimentary weapon who doesn’t need a lot of dribbles that’s what Scouts were saying about Mel Bridges in 2018 when they should have just stayed where they were at kept the the hometown kid played at Villanova was a big winner there and you know frankly the only things that have changed since then are to the positive I I think you know going to Phoenix or ending up in Phoenix he did slot into that the role that he would play here right more of the complimentary he’s your he’s your third guy some nights sometimes he’s even further down the list as a fourth option just because not because of the talent but because he’s willing to take that back seat and then he goes down and Buys in locks in on other end of the floor takes the top assignment on the other team and says you know this is my primary responsibility tonight is shutting this guy down slowing this guy down whoever that might be he’s got the size the athleticism all that to match basically all the top wings that you have to stop to get to an Eastern Conference Finals an NBA finals and eventually win a championship now after he leaves Phoenix and certainly he’s part of a a great finals run there as part of some winning teams as he was at the college level he got a chance these last couple of years to be a number one option on most nights and to show what he can do as an individual scorer last year did not go quite as well in terms of well anything Team success the individual numbers all that that run at the end of 2223 I think it was like a 25 to 30 game stretch that he had after being moved from Phoenix to Brooklyn I think people were taking back like oh wow he’s got a lot more as an individual isolation lead the offense type of scorer than maybe people expected and showed that it’s not always about the limitations of his skill set it’s about how many opportunities is he getting are there other guys who have it going you know playing with guys like Chris Paul Devin Booker so on and so forth there only going to be so many shots and touches to go around yep and we talk a lot about guys that are willing to buy in play specific roles adapt as necessary in order to win and long before he was at the NBA level we saw that out of male at Villanova right like his role would change night tonight he’s playing with some ball dominant guys and saying okay maybe I’m the the second or third most important player tonight but I’m G to find ways to impact winning and so when we get into the discussion of how much it’s going to cost or how much it would theoretically cost it’s why I personally would be willing to hit a higher bar for him than some of these flawed stars who are maybe better isolation one-on-one like number one scorer type options because I feel confident that he’s going to do and is willing to do whatever it takes in order to get your team from this area that they’re stuck in in the second round muck to that Conference Finals to that finals and that he has the skill skill set to adapt when times get tough so pass checks all the boxes as far as I’m concerned I think the biggest thing that we’ll get to eventually is I’m not sure he’s getable well you said that he is willing to do whatever it takes to win the question is is his family willing to do whatever it takes to win and I think the answer to that has been pretty clear over the last couple of months how do you know that look it’s a results business buddy do or do not there is no try the draft is at the end the mon no I mean I you hinting at something there saying Kyle brought it up I think one of the more intriguing things is that his catch and shoot numbers especially over the last four or so years have been remarkably consistent yeah 38 point and these are catch and shoots from three 38.3% last year 38% the year 38.7 the year before that 38.1 before that 40.5 before that all on pretty good volume not like Elite Paul George level volume but pretty good volume and that consistency I think is pretty important ESP esally when you start talking about sliding him back into the role he had maybe back in a a phoenix type part of his career I do think his defense has dropped off a little bit over the last two years since getting to Brooklyn I don’t know if that is because he is asked to do so much more on offense or if that’s just because they’re playing nonsense basketball uh we don’t I can’t get into the mindset of professional athletes maybe there’s somebody closer to him who could who knows he’s still a good Defender but I think he I mean what was he runner up in Defensive Player of the Year with Phenix um he was on First Team all defense Y and then after that won a um you know won a did he win most improved no I think it was like third or fourth and most he was fourth and most improved in 20222 he took that all defense team uh that runnerup and defensive player of the year and improved enough to where he got uh most improved consideration after that and usually when you’re already that good of a player it’s tough to get a most improved so he’s obviously improved a lot offensively like I said his ability to fit a role at an elite level uh that high volume catch and shoot threes at at pretty consistent marks NBA Defensive Player of the Year caliber player and I think you can get back to that if he’s not asked to carry the entire offense like he has been he’s obviously very intriguing obviously that’s not why you come here because everyone sort of agrees with that so um I remember it was after I think it was after the championship year in 2016 it was a Saturday I had Dereck on the show he came in the studio and um we were talking about where where the conversation draft was upcoming and asked Derek about where things were at that time and I think even after the Championship it was more no it was just more because this is the stuff that I was hearing too but I knew I trusted you that I could ask since you you guys do all the scouting with Draft Express and Derrick was like well right now he’s in his second round which is what I was hearing what talking to his dad we would hear the same things and those that’s where he was but then he comes back and every year the one thing about kale was always this from high school even in the lower ranks and then you get to high school start year two year three three bang he just keep continues to get better year three is when he just explodes and bursts on the scene and the same thing happened at Villanova it was year two they make it to the the tournament is following that one again and they lose to Wisconsin I think it was a sweet 16 or the elite eight I can’t remember and Nigel Hayes scored that basket it was tough it was devastating to the end the season that way goes to all the camps and you his name is in a lot of stuff where everybody is coming back also where jayen Brunson is back Dante de venzo in that next row Eric Pascal coming off of the Retcher year he’s able to play Phil Booth everybody’s back so everybody’s feeling good and then we get to that year three again and he takes that step six man I mean uh small forward of the year the Julius Irving award they win the championship again and it continues to just move up for him and we get to the pros and we get to Phoenix and first of all he as people talk about him missing never missing a game the one thing that pissed all of us off was in game one where eigor didn’t play him until the final five seconds of the game never ever forget that ever ever ever ever since damn you e and he became a Brooklyn nist coach he was there uh but K always gets better and he always works and the one thing that we would always talk about I know I know his dad was probably watching his brother-in-law they won’t mind this mom anybody um is that when you evaluating a family member at this level I can’t speak for a lot of other people because I don’t know but in this sit situation you feel like you know who the player is but you also try to be fair about the evaluation of he who he is even though he’s your family and when you get to the NBA you just know that you have to find a role and even though he was a top 10 pick he was going to do he wants to win so when you see him taking the step back as you talked about and as you mentioned Chris Paul Devon Booker DeAndre e and all those guys getting more of the pub what does he do he makes all defensive team he improves in these ways when they get injured before he’s traded his numbers go up so he was already starting to show that that role he could fill and then the trade happened it’s Kevin Durant okay we all understand it but Matt ish is also coming in there wanting to make a big big splash on what he just did in purchasing that that basketball team that’s a discussion maybe for later in the show or another time of if that was the right thing to do or not with how that thing ultimately went but we knew he can play offense and score the basketball and then you see when he gets there with Brooklyn for that second half of the Season where he’s dropping career highs of 45 47 he’s doing what he’s doing the three-point shooting was already developing people were worried about the hitch and the shot and that no it was the way he shot the basketball it was his shot and it it would go in and the defense to Derek’s point of Brooklyn this year Kell mentioned in himself that there was so much on his plate that something took a step back he takes pride in that and that’s something that he definitely wants to get back to and being in those discussions of the all defensive team being uh and run just got to come on down the death row M come play with Jo don’t have the producers all in the know Chinese suits and and and being in the conversations again for winning that award I just appreciate you going back to old enough to reference High I that’s one of my I make that reference too often frankly he’s the he’s the when you say the consumate team guy as I see that because I feel like it pod says in there he’s the consumate team guy he always just wants his team to win he says it in his interviews he says that away from cameras he says that to whoever he needs to say to to hear when the conversations that had and that’s just who he is he just wants to win so from Great Valley to Villanova where he adjust his game to each level to Phoenix to Brooklyn where he had to be the number one guy he adjust to what the environment is what it is for you to win and with the Philadelphia 76ers being in the position that they are currently in right now and looking for that other player to fit in and slide in when we talk so much about well Brandon Ingram figure out what the role is and be okay with that will Paul George understand that hey Maxi is a young buding Allstar you might want to let him be the number two and then so on and so forth down the line with all these other players Mel knows exactly what his role is but he will also Elevate and try to thrive in that next step up in that role if given that opportunity to show his scoring chops yeah which he has done from the three-point range driving to the basket with his limb finishing at the rim and in his patented I’m G to get you on my hip I’m going to get to my stop spot 15 to 17 and I’m going to shoot that pull-up jump shot that a lot of people frown at because he’s so efficient Derek you might have the numbers of those those uh mid-range jump shots that he takes we talk about a lot that’s an important shot in the playoffs specifically exactly so you have to find those and that’s what Kell does um I get mad watching games too when I watch him because of certain things that I don’t see him doing that’s out of evaluating and that’s just out of not making a TR request I just want you to shine and get Allstar and all that stuff but we’ll see what happens it is two years left on this deal because we were talking more about when you get to next season what’s left he has two years left his contract is very very good for where got him damn you James Jones and Phoenix uh for for signing him at that contract but again he did what he felt was necessary and right for the team and taking a little bit of a hit there while they were also trying to figure out the DeAndre at and piece of resigning him he would be a perfect fit he would have been a perfect fit in 2018 when they drafted him damn you David heler behind the scenes getting in the way my already owner no longer with the basketball team but that said uh they a lot of really good things if they were able to pull that off and get him back into the mix here in Philadelphia he would be perfectly fine in terms of handling playing at home because he’s done it before I want to Circle back real quickly to something you said as you were talking about the the years at Nova the that jump that he was making over the the course of his career there A lot of times with guys who don’t leave as freshman in this era it’s looked at as well can you trust that jump right is this just cuz he’s an older player now playing against 18 19 year olds and so and in a weird way sometimes we’ll come back around like oh that guy’s getting dinged because he’s breaking through as a junior even a sophomore certainly as a senior people are like well he’s 22 years old whatever it is and we don’t trust that and that was kind of the knock on him taking him as high as he was going to go and when he came out was is he can you buy this do you buy the shot and all that and in hindsight it’s one of those things we talk about with maxi right where it’s it’s a reflection of the work ethic and caring about the right things and having that sort of purposeful work to improve the areas of your game that have to get better for you to become the player that he is now and that people were hoping that he would be when he was leaving villain NOA and so that to me shows you you know if you invest whatever it’s going to take to get them we’re going to get to price Brooklyn and all that shortly you can feel fairly confident as confident as you can be if you’re making a crazy offer for somebody that he’s going to come in with the right mentality the right approach not just on the floor when the games start in October November December but in the months leading into that knowing hey I’m playing next to Joel embiid I’m playing next to Tyrese Maxi what do I need to work on in this portion of the Year where I’m away from the spotlight I’m just in the gym I’m with a trainer I’m doing stuff on my own time I think he’s shown that he has a a Clarity to go into a situation and say this is what I need to do and so well that is part of I we get to after we talk about a couple of our partners here it’s gonna take the Sun and the Moon more than likely try to get him the one thing about that is when you bring up the player and adapting to a situation and just wanting to win and do everything I always go back to Drew holiday and watching how he has done it yeah and you don’t hear anything he just goes about his business he’s always available and we all thought you know what whatever you think of Damen Lillard the mistake that they might have made which was the biggest mistake was losing the chemistry and the camaraderie of how that changed not only maybe things within the locker room but certainly when you talk about their defensive let down because of letting Drew holiday go all he he does is make all-star teams big impact on the Olympic team after they won the championship that year damn you drew holiday for throwing that lob to Giannis in game five and they go right there and he was a big part of how Team USA did their thing fresh off of jet to get there and win and that’s the type of guy kale is too you know he just steps right in put the Jersey on no complaining No Nonsense and go to work and get it done and that’s exactly what he did and I I look at holiday as a type of a model of how that works and I hope that he has the same finish of where Drew holiday has won championships and gold medals that’s us that’s also in the conversation but as the guys talk about it you don’t want to lose sleep though over we still have weeks and weeks before I’m catching up on sleep all offseason catching up on sleep well if you’re doing that we have a new sponsor that you should uh maybe pay attention to here as we talk about sleep apne a little bit all sleep healthy PA they are committed to helping Philadelphia residents stop the Snore I’ve heard that I’ve had that problem before a little bit and find solutions for sleep apnea that will allow you to reset well and improve your health what causes sleep apnea you may ask I’ll tell you there’s there’s a a choke point in the throat that causes snoring think of uh as they say you know that that little kink in the garden hose that causes that little problem for the water to continue to come out something like that so Andrew Dr Andrew Cohen board certified in Dental sleep medicine and his staff will work oneon-one with you to provide first class care that will meet your needs many Physicians aren’t equipped to provide other options outside of CPAP machines so with that more than anything he just wants to see his patients healthy tired of C CPAP machines that are cumbersome one of my best friends has this I know it you like got go stop by the house and might go around the house a little bit the machine is right there you see your significant other tired of it too well 50% of divorce site snoring is main issues I didn’t know that that’s not good come on now that’s a big number Wild you with people sleep that’s a big number man come on based in jenin town he’s worked for years Dr Andrew Cohen has to educate dentist across the country on his personal approach to help those with sleep apnea his team is committed to stopping the Snore tell you know tell them PHL sent you and you receive 15% off your initial workup the process 2hour initial exam split into two sessions information gathering medical history and imaging review results and share recommendations if you are experiencing sleep apnea and are looking to custom solution to stop the Snore reach out to Dr Andrew Cohen at sleephealthy or call 215 337 2501 tell him pH h l sent you we also want to make sure we tell you about TruMark we’ve heard from people who recently joined Trumark Financial Credit Union right here in Philly and it’s been eye openening to see the difference between bank at a bank compared to becoming a member of a credit union when you join a credit 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customer at a bank it’s a total no-brainer head over to phly to learn more or to find a branch near you that’s phly federally insured by the ncua so real fast I saw a guy our guy 215 J Philly says Devon wearing that Sun’s Jersey is is just nasty right now well listen first of all these and my family here too right so I’m not allowed to wear Brooklyn Nets jersey here 215 so that’s just what it is for right now so we’ll see stay tuned for minute 30 of the show though you might get you might get a little surprise also a little surprise for you guys me and Bri were talking before the show when we talk about the villain Nova days right so me and my daughter went to remember when they had the the tournament at the uh at Wells Fargo and they had all six teams in the big city six and the big five so we were there and my daughter was like Dad we went to the Villanova game which was first game supposed to be later so she was like Dad this is nothing like when kale was school because of that but since we were going to do this right Bri we had to share some some family photos oh yeah look at that look at the family photos that was that Temple even back then he was trying to Tamper that was that temple in the Middle where they knocked all Temple at the Le cars K after the game on the left sixer fans might not like that that one draft workout remember that yeah I actually that exact draft workout there’s a picture of me and this is not about Mel someone took a picture at a time where I was like half I it wasn’t an eye roll but it looks like I’m like it’s like God damn all these draft workouts remind me I’ll see if I can find it while we’re on one of these breaks in a little bit we’ll see if we the last you put that up the one on the right was when I talk about game five I said damn you drew holiday for throwing the live we were out we were in the build building for game five of that one we were up 20 over the over uh Milwaukee and man that disappointing that’s disappointing two2 Series going back to Minesota that play happens he strips Devon Booker at the free throw line Deon Booker door too much goes down makes that legendary play now that memorable play yeah NBD asking which one was M which one was Devon I think he probably good question and on the right that was two brothers that been June 2018 that work I’m just scrolling through photos could have theoretically been may but yeah could have been but probably June yeah I think it was June and um uh yeah so that was his dad one of my other cousins his two brothers myself outside of the arena in Phoenix for that Finals game oh tough man tough we like to send it over to producer Bree if we can get on the show before the end yeah all right but you Devon brought it up the the under Market contract uh you know right around 24 25 million over the next two years and that’s important not because not just because it would leave the Sixers from anywhere with anywhere from 35 to $40 million and additional flexibility for the summer but also because you can then carry some flexibility uh into the next season not not really uh Financial flexibility because after Max’s Max contract and be’s contract and Mel’s contract you would be over the cap but you would be so far under you would have more flexibility under the a aprons and the one key here is that I think you have to make a trade that leaves you with some draft picks left where you can still go out and get role players in the future because even if you have let’s say 35 40 million in salary cap space this free agency class which we’ve talked about a lot isn’t all that deep there aren’t all that many options you actually want to go out there and spend that money on that means you’d have to be able to take money back as a trade in order you know take players back in a trade you have to have something to move that something is most likely going to be first round picks so it’s tough to and as as I guess we transition away from is m a good player which everyone agrees to can they actually get him damn right part of the concern is that you don’t want to like even if you know M only cost 25 million if you have no firstr draft picks left to trade it’s going to be tough to fill out the rest of the roster um so that is where a lot of the next part of the conversation I think comes in yeah and so there have been publicly and privately a lot of sort of conflicting statements rumors what have you about Brooklyn’s not Brooklyn’s position on male but where Brooklyn is headed next I think the one thing we’ve heard a lot since let’s call it like December January when I think at that point we sort of knew yeah Brooklyn season was not what they had been hoping for they’ got a lowend outcome out of Ben Simmons male was over tax all that that’s when it started to become a story okay are they going to trade M and the the most prominent example was Houston offered a ton of draft Capital to Brooklyn to try to bring him in and what I had heard at the time which I’m sure we all hear very similar things was that the reason they weren’t doing that was less about what Houston was offering which was a lot and more about that they thought male would be someone to bring in the other guy and the other guy specific speciically was Donovan Mitchell was the name that was floated at the time for multiple reasons one very good player two the word has been out there for a long time that he wants to play in New York and be in New York and there’s still kind of that overhang of is he going to extend with Cleveland and so Brooklyn Sat out at the time said thank you but no thank you and so all those points Dereck brings up about team control the contract we know what Brooklyn stance has been on the open Market the biggest variable is simply will Shawn marks make M available at all let alone at a price that is palatable for the Sixers so that’s the hardest part going back to your death row analogy you need somebody to S Suite him out a window no no I’m not advocating for someone to get vanilla ice at a hotel I’m trying to have clar clarification maybe joe side I know I’m I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding I promise I mean he never dropped them oh so a threat the big thing is frankly is M willing to take it to a level to leave there now everything that we know through our friend here but also hearing about male through various parties is that he’s not an instigator an agitator someone who’s looking for an easy way out so it’s it’s not going to it’s unlikely to be I’ll say a Kevin Durant type situation where he’s just like get me the out of here and makes it very public and terms get me the Phoenix and get me to a specific place and that is the key component to me because if it reaches a point we’ve heard statements from Joe Sai recently saying we have to be a long-term focused organization it can’t be where they feel like they’ve hurt themselves over the last 10 years or whatever is focusing on that shortterm like hey we want to compete now we want to collect the stars now and so now at the ownership level saying okay well we we can’t do that this has to be a slower build a more methodical build and on the one hand that would say hey maybe we need to move on from male as the number one guy and and facilitate that sort of steady building on the other hand because of all those character traits because of the skill set we talk about with male you could easily make the case that he’s a guy who allows you to have a certain floor to set a certain culture and then as you’re able to hopefully if you’re Brooklyn get a Mitchell or maybe not Mitchell specifically but someone in that range draw someone to New York to play with male without dumping a lot of assets that that still accomplishes your goals and so short of male saying I want Philly the problem is going to be you know these other teams have more draft Capital the Houston offer is out there and I think they could probably even increase it more and hit a price that the Sixers either can’t or won’t get to Oklahoma City is absolutely loaded with draft picks and then there are young players there that Brooklyn may want and that’s the we talked about it a lot with the OG anobi trade last season between Toronto and New York that the Sixers were interested they had draft Capital to offer but they didn’t have Emanuel quickly they didn’t have even an RJ Barrett to say look these are two guys that they might be able to be part of your next successful team the Sixers only real component they can offer is a big and a good it’s a good draft pick offer but it’s not the top of the market and so they need someone perhaps M we’re hoping M to say this is where I want to be send me here and I just think it’s unlikely that this guy specifically is going to do that and so that puts the Sixers in I don’t know if they’re running fourth or fifth in this type of race but a lot of the league would take a look at M if for whatever reason he becomes so you’re saying you need M to have more negative character traits essentially yeah and he doesn’t and that’s part of why he’s so appealing no I mean look there’s there was a report out there a while back that uh Houston had offered I think was Jaylen green and multiple first before Jaylen green decided to go nuts for the past what three three months or something and then there was a um I think the number three pick was that out there or am I making that and multiple first round so they have made multiple attempts to acquire him and the thing with is Houston owns Brooklyn’s pick for the next four years like that is a massive part and a lot of times when you talk about trading your best player one of the you know you get the picks back in return and then you also get the side benefit of your pick is going to get much better yes and part of the motivation here is that you know Brooklyn doesn’t have the same incentive to tear it down that some teams would that doesn’t mean there’s no incentive the trade Bridges because I think quite frankly they should they’re not close enough to contending with him he is 27 going on 2 eight trade him he’s a great contract for another two years trade him while his value is high because I don’t think they have a realistic Pathway to putting a contender around him I think that logic is still there but the problem is if Houston is interested and Houston owns Brooklyn’s picks and Houston can give Brooklyn back those picks Houston would be get trading um Brooklyn really good picks back and the Sixers would be trading Brooklyn couple of bad picks and some uncertain picks you know some upside in the Clippers stuff but we don’t no it’s it’s very hard to say 2026 and 2028 the ones from Houston will be coming back immediately and they have more young players they can trade if they have interest and we know they have interest if Mel Bridges hits the market I just don’t see how the Sixers without doing something wild like five first round picks and three swaps and looping in another team to get some young players it would take a drastic drastic overpay and that’s why I’m going back to where I started that if you do that well then how the hell are you building the rest of the team out it’s it’s tough well listen the Brooklyn Nets might not have a bright future Derek I just want to Pat myself on the back because last time we talked about somebody who had no chance of being traded here I said right in the first five minutes I wait until minute 35 to bust that out and then you smoke the segue but hey who’s who’s keeping track here look patting myself on the back is way more important than your segue I’m sorry we’ll have to agree to disagree on that one but our friends at Shady rays are very agreeable and guys if you’re looking ahead toward a bright summer Su Sun summer wow I really really smoked that one Speaking of smoking things Shady race can help you out whether you’re at the beach you’re in your car they will prepare you to for the season 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used my Shady Rays for those type of situations too to keep the Sun out of my eyes I’m trying to get work done so they’re stylish but they’re also practical for whatever you might need them and if your Shades ever go missing or take an unexpected hit you don’t need to sweat it because Shady Ray has the most insane protection in all of eyewear every pair is backed by loster broken Replacements and if you don’t love your Shades you can exchange them for a new pair or return them WorryFree within 30 days no risk when you shop with our friends because their team always has your back with personal and fast support So exclusively for our listeners Shady Ray is given out the best deal of the Season head to and use code phly for 35% off of polarized sunglasses try for yourself the shades rated five stars by over 300,000 people and no Liam Stevens I see you in the chat no adult beverages while driving I’m just transporting adult beverages to and from you bring them and then you bring them home whatever is left which there wasn’t a lot but we had coolers and whatnot a lot of stuff in the car that’s all I’m saying you know one else you can wear those Shady Rays where at the phly first annual Liberty Open yes the July 13th Valley Brook Country Club in Blackwood New Jersey jaws’s Golf Course a scramble format you can sign up as a single or foresome or sponsor all be on the lookout at all under the events calendar for the upcoming events including this first annual Liberty Open plus Phillies takeovers as well as far as the open goes tournament gifts and tea prizes Taste of Philly dinner and post round ceremony at the Pavilion and uh unlimited draft beer for two hours post round so look at that uh contest team prizes on the course as well and as far as the Phillies go well G and Company for the London series they were in here just a few weeks ago bringing some food while the guys were and gals were doing their uh watch along for the Phillies game and guess what the food was fantastic we had the wings yeah what was that the keilbasa sandwich that that was in there as well so G and Company for the London series versus the Mets June 8 and 9th that’s upcoming check out all for more info also when you become a DI hard member podcasts live shows on every team every day like we have here for us 2:30 Monday through Friday sometimes things will change we’ll update you on that a little bit later postgame shows premium written content from these guys as we get ready for the draft free agency all of that Derek bot Kyle newbeck and of course all the guys on the Eagles and the Flyers and you have all of that covered got to become a Die Hard member 20% off of events premium written content from all the great writers that we have here DP dope merchandise for all teams free t-shirt when you do become a member and members only Discord the PHL Lounge we hope to see you there sign up to become a Die Hard member right now right now right now and as we had that break I did exactly what the Sixers did had us all excited for 25 minutes oh yeah and then I had to swap the jerseys just like they did swap the hats put on the better Jersey too oh hey look at this look at my sour face some at one of many draft workouts in June 2018 I was scrolling through all the photos I was not rolling my eyes at male more than likely somebody in that scrum smelled a little funky or was bumping me or was doing something that I didn’t appreciate M I’ll have a much happier face on on this show and whatever scrum that we’re in if you request a trade and say Philadelphia only that is the Kyle newbeck guarantee I was in the back of that scrum because I said I’ll just talk to him after he’s done hence that photo that we showed a little bit earlier uh but it was cool it was cool to see him in that environment and and and all of that get the attention that he was getting at that time and then he got traded so there’s that all right so as we look at this and even the talking about the potential of the moving and like Donovan Mitchell going to Brooklyn maybe there’s still a lot that needs to be worked out there with the Cavaliers in their situation firing their head coach they have to fire hire a coach there were questions about the back court fit with he and Darius Garland Jared Allen and Evan Moy in the front Court how would that all work out those are things that are going to have to be adjusted and if he doesn’t sign that extension could he then yes Force his way out and does he still want to go to New York is it still the Knicks can he can they still find a way Derek to pull him in there or would it be Brooklyn in that case for Donovan Mitchell that’s where things might still be on hold because when trades happen a lot of that stuff does get started Folks at the NBA draft Yeah and but if if they if the Nets can’t get Mitchell like does that change your thinking about building around male does he all of a sudden become available I’m not sure it matters and again I can say that because we’re 42 minutes in the show because I think someone like Houston will outbid the Sixers for him but it will at least sort of get the situation unstuck because like I said I don’t think it makes sense for them to keep him to try to build around him I just think they’re on different timelines because he was a three-year player at Nova he is 27 like I said going on 28 they don’t have very many resources to build around him they’re clearly not good enough now I think they should look to move him but I do think if they look to move him someone like Houston is the very obvious front runner yeah now that being said I think some of the other teams that are in the mix I would discount for various reasons so let’s say OKC like they’re the big looming threat in every Star or Star adjacent trade prey just has is not not uh he he’s been very patient in how they’re building and so that’s not to say he’s not going to make a big trade and I do think because male has two years left versus being on and expiring that provides a little bit more incentive like if pressy says well that’s the guy that’s the guy who fits in that maybe he’s more willing to take a risk with those two years but then you go to like Utah Utah’s not pushing chips in to get Mel Bridges the Knicks are a threat the Knicks for what they they can put together a decent draft so of course they’re a threat to pursu the Knicks are certainly a threat and that that becomes a real conversation but I look I do think the Sixers will be for various reasons if it happens they’ll be close to the top of the sudor list and Mel might be able to grease the wheels just enough for Brooklyn to take a uh not the best possible offer it would be a strong offer I guess to get to the central question of the show where do you draw the line on an offer for Mel how much is too much in terms of the outgoing draft picks and what it’s going to take to get him would you trade all the available first to get Mel on this team no I don’t think I would either how many are all the available five five okay would you trade just because you need some Flex give me three in a swap three and a swap I’ll do I I think that’s kind of the neighborhood that I’m in too because D and to be honest like three and a swap for one player is is tough uh we were talking about this before the show like the tradem market for first round pick has been destroyed over the last couple of years first I think with Drew holiday then certainly with Rudy go bear in the past for a non-top 10 player like three and a swap would be a huge offer nowadays it’s like that’s just kind of like the starting point and it’s it’s still kind of breaking my brain a little bit because like I said you do need to have something like I said I think if you trade for male and you have cap space left that’s going to be more to go out and make additional trades not to make signings you would love to have a first round pick or two or three to trade with but it would be tough to your point do you know who went for exactly three first round picks in a swap who’s that Murray oh okay that was that exact trade was three first round picks and it and it’s interesting because dejon and male are kind of on the opposite ends of the spectrum where deante is the self-c creator who the rep the book on him is at least right now he wants to be the guy on the perimeter and what the big concern is if you’re a team that’s looking to get from around where the Sixers are at to that next level is Murray willing to sacrifice and is Murray willing to change his role and go back to being more of who he was in San Antonio which was highle defense certainly going to be has to create a decent amount but not going to be the like the alpha dog on the perimeter he’s going to be one of those guys but not the most important guy not someone who’s always on the ball someone who’s willing to take the catch and shoot stuff whereas male I think people like we’ve already seen his profile as third fourth option on a given night on a winning team there’s no question about the well but I I do want to say one thing about that like we saw him as a third option but that was with two one elite shot Creator and one really good Creator and the Sixers he’ be a third option with two sort of like average to maybe slightly below average creators at least passers for their position playmaking would still be a pretty big concern so what I’m saying is like dejon gives you more of the the self-creation the playmaking and whatnot male is more of the clean fit catch and shoot playoff of Joel embi and Tyrese Maxi and you have to kind of weigh like let’s say that that ends up being the the bar I think the bar is higher because of the go trade among others and it has nuked the entire trade market in a lot of ways so where I would set the bar I don’t think he’s getable currently and even quite frankly even if they threw four and a swap I’m not sure that’s going to get it done either and that’s when I really start getting uncomfortable because then you can’t fill up the rest of a roster uh and then you can’t really pivot and there’s like on the one hand you sort of just want to get him because he’s 27 he’s a great fit even though like there’s still weaknesses in the team mostly in the fact that you don’t have a real Elite level shot creator that you trust and that’s where you need embiid and Maxi to grow but as a third option he could end up being one of the best third options in the league we’ve seen him fill that Ro already can get back to sort of being that two-way force and that really good catch and shoot player all the stuff that we talked about earlier and just to have that kind of certainty for the rest of Dr and beats prime it would be reassuring as all Heck on the other hand you do still have like there are 12 other spots on the roster you don’t really know how you’re going to fill it out there with only let’s say one draft pick left or even no draft picks left and it would be a tough spot to be in but you feel boxed in because you have to overpay because there is someone like Houston looming uh so it is a a tough combination for sure and you just don’t know like what other options like if you’re asking me Paul George and all five first round picks the trade or male and one first round pick the trade certainly from a long-term perspective you trust M to be that third option for a longer stretch but does that help you more in the next two or three years there are some tough conversations to be had yeah and I think m is probably right about the best third option you could hope for it just like when you start talking about four picks and a swap or five picks and a swap like that’s a lot you like there’s pressure to win now regardless you really need to win in the next two three years if you make that trade I also want to point out one thing I Am Naturally paranoid about everything so would I be paranoid about giving up four firsts yes but I’m also paranoid about everything so maybe I’m just neurotic and you have to look P that I don’t know I don’t know all let’s get this a couple of super chats that we do have in here uh starting with Ash our good buddy Ash checking in with the next trade k for 10 first rounders probably when you when you when you throw 10 in there you add that extra five I’m pretty sure they’ll say you know what yeah let’s do that so that’s not even possible without owning other people’s firsts so that’s uh that’s a lot that’s a lot yeah that’s a lot almost anybody is available for 10 good first rounders Shahid and uh kale then you have miles Jeff uh Bridges of Madison County uh doesn’t matter unless and B gets in the paint radio caller there will be you have more your experience with that than we would yeah you’ll get that I mean we get it in the comments here you’re not going to please everyone everybody’s not for everyone and one thing you had to get used to was hearing people as we say we critique it ourselves you had to get ready for other people to critique and not take it personally when they do critique so yeah you know that happens yeah there’s been enough debate about Joel EMB where he should be playing offensively like everyone has their opinion that’s and look some of I’ve said this we’ve all said this on many a show over the last month is that some of the reason that people don’t feel super inspired with a lot of these options is because of the creeping doubt they have with joal and be and Tyrese Maxi for that matter like so we can lay it out right now right some of what you need to make up for if the core is Tyrese male Joel and you’re able to get that three you still don’t have a highlevel playmaker at any of through any of your main three guys all of them are reasonably good right and the hope would be that Tyrese grows into that guy but it would take a pretty big jump right and that’s not a common jump right like there if we were to expect steady progress from Tyrese I think that’s reasonable but I don’t think it’s it’s likely for him to go from where he’s at now to like oh he’s one of the best Playmakers in the league or even like a let’s say 85th to 90th percentile type guy in that department you have to win with him being a Score first guy and getting male to be that two-way weapon that we’re talking about and make it up on defense and I think that that’s kind of the appeal of M is that he’ll take some offensive burden off of Joel not a ton but some and he’s a he fits on Ball and off Ball but also on the other end of the floor there are there’s less pressure on Joel to be Superman at The Rim because M will prevent dribble penetration M will set Joel up to be a better rebounder because Joelle is not having to get to you know 13 to 15 fet out and play that cat and mouse game with pick and roll ball handlers because they’re never getting there and that’s sort of what you’re gaining while you have to sacrifice some on the the offensive upside so all of this rests on the guys who are here right no matter who they bring in even if they get M if if Markin in becomes available if they sign Paul George there does still need to be some more progression from Tyrese some frankly just luck for Joel embiid that he’s going to stay healthy when it really counts or none of this really matters and I’m gonna keep banging that drum as long as dwell is here he will be the best player so it all kind of hinges on him as good as Mel is I have one question for you does yeah do you know what happened to the hat to the what the hat that he wor for like five minutes no I don’t no cuz you said you didn’t have any Sixers male gear and I was like light on fire and a trash can sort of deal because I would feel that listen if anybody’s got the the right to light a piece of Team memorabilia on fire in the circumstances he’s at the very top of the list I don’t know where I I want to say PR took it back okay because it would make sense I don’t know if zier took his hat oh that would make sense I I don’t know I don’t know I can you probably get that in real time I can text and find out what happened to the hat but I I I don’t know what happened to the hat so no I don’t as 215 said this is better I have my Nova kale Nova Jersey on um I don’t know what happened to the Hat no I don’t have the practice jersey that he wore in that photo or the shorts so no uh there’s that Mark Jackson what was that no go ahead Mark Jackson would miles Leonard be a good backup big I think about him well he was out of the league for a minute because of reasons why I’m not going to support saying an anti-semitic slur on a stream now if we want to bring it back to yesterday’s conversation and I don’t but there there has been some attempts at reconciliation but I it’s I’m good I don’t even know he can play anymore at this point he was already backup hanging by like that type of player Mark is someone that I am interested in like a stretch big option they really haven’t had many but yeah I think you could probably find one who that did not say the word he a twitch stream or anywhere else for that matter and probably feel okay about it yeah so his next one as I was texting what happened to the Hat what more from Mark Jackson what more do we need uh to see from Maxi to stamp him as that guy well it’s not so much whether he’s that guy or not it’s just no player is perfect and Maxi’s weakest point of his game right well maybe defense but weakest point of his offensive game is the fact that he’s not a highlevel playmaker and I don’t think that’s necessarily disparaging him like I think people around the league will say too his weakness if he has one is that he is just an okay passer and then he didn’t become great and he is just 23 last year was his first year being a lead ball handler it is trying to you know spam a lot of pick and roll reps in practice to try to simulate a game action but that’s hard to do uh you need to expedite that especially like we said if we empty the chamber here to get someone like M and you’re building around a big three where none of them are Elite Playmakers for their position or for their role in the offense uh you would need Maxi to grow so it’s not really about Max whether or not he’s a you know not a great player or it’s just his weakness right now is that and you need like if if you are going to forgo the chance to get a higher level playmaker you need Maxi to take another step so I want to bring in I saw a clip from it was I don’t remember if it was Shaq’s podcast or draymond’s podcast the two of them were on a podcast together talking about that was Shaq’s podcast talking about his his Lakers days and playing with Kobe and all that stuff and something a clip that circulated that I thought is relevant to this team was Shaq talking about essentially their plan when they were at their Peak was Shaq Gets You Through the first three quarters and then Kobe’s got to bring you own I saw that and you know he gets the other teams bigs on other team’s players in the in foul trouble puts the other team in the penalty now it’s a little bit different in that part of the reason for Shaq to do this was that he’s a poor free throw shooter and so down the stretch of games you don’t necessarily want to be dumping him the ball but that as we all saw a lot of times ball goes to Kobe in the fourth quarter and he’s able to you know put that Finishing Touch on the game and I do think I’m not comparing Tyrese Maxi to Kobe or Joel to sha based on their current accomplishments but I think if you look at how a lot of their games played out last year the Sixers how they won and those stretches without Joel to start the fourth and was it game two game two that they ended up losing but where Tyrese and Joel the Twan game was centered more around Tyrese as a scorer down the stretch as they took the lead I think you can see the beginning of that type of trust that type of dynamic where Joel has long been if he’s not the best best first quarter first half scorer in the league he’s certainly right there we see him even when he was not as good as he is now he crushed teams in first quarters allowed them to get to these big leads that they would end up giving away when it was the Joel and Ben show and so I think if Joel and Tyrese look at that sort of dynamic and say hey look this is how we have to win Joel is going to have to take sort of a step back in fourth Quarters on offense number one so he can focus more of his energy on defense or even when he was tired in that Nick series we could see the level of impact he’s still able to have there and as Tyrese continues to Blossom as a scorer an isolation player somebody who you can count on in the deepest parts of games that might end up being the recipe that’s where to Mark’s question we we stamp Tyrese proverbially like yes I want to see the playmaking growth Derek is talking about I want to see skill development in terms of getting to the mid-range more effectively but some of this and I would say a majority of this like the next two to three years the most important thing is figuring out the right blend of those two guys because they are the core they are the featured players and we can talk about how good a fit each individual free agent and star and potential guy is that they could bring in but they’re going to be the two leaders and pillars of the this team and so they need to be honest with one another and frankly with themselves about here’s how we win together not how I Joel em bewin not how I Tyrese Maxi star individually what do each one of us have to give up over the course of four quarters to make this a championship level team and so I that that clip really kind of crystallized that in my head I think one thing that jumped out at me is you said that was Kobe taking over because of the free throw shooting and all the one thing we know about Joel embid in that final 12 minutes and even the final two minutes of a game he can make his free throws where Shaquille O’Neal could not uh seeing him fatigued and beid and dealing with that injury against the Knicks whenb wasn’t playing Maxi against the Spurs when they needed to really flip that switch in that second half for him to finish the the game the way that he did we have we’ve starting to see glimpses of that of him being that closer sometimes he isn’t sometimes he is that’s just the natural growth he’s a fourth year player in this league still has to put some weight onto his body I saw uh someone in here mention how he was getting bullied a little bit by divon chenzo and Brunson those guys have been in League a while and they’re grown men in that way where they’re physical where Maxi is going to continue to build his body he’s strong he’s got muscles he’s got much stronger right to his credit put a lot of work and he still has to put a little bit more work in there where that does not happen as often but you’re already seeing where he is showing signs of being that type of guy where he can close and if that is the way that they model themselves after because they’ve seen it happen before then that would be fantastic for him he has shown that he can do that and take on that burden of being a guy that can close it out and it works much much better when Joel embiid is out there on the floor especially if he’s going to give him the green light to do it how many times have we’ve seen it no come back and get this on a hand off so you can go ahead and go work especially when you have the advantage against the player that’s defending you right now the trust is already there he just has to continue to keep doing it and it’s only going to get better year after year after year the guy is in this league wait he can come back and get the ball off a dribble handoff because I was told by another point guard that the ball never finds you when you give it up Fair Point Fair Point sometime I mean k we would sit in the games K’s like go back and get it because listen because the offense is going to stall when you and I look I do think on both their ends last year was a huge step in what we’re talking about here and figuring out how to close games and win tight ones and play the My turn your turn playing off of one another because Joelle we talked about it all year the level of trust he has in Tyrese was one of the most important things we saw last year I think frankly Joel learned quite a bit playing with Jimmy Butler despite the fact that it was only you know it was less than a full season they played together MH and I think he over the last few years has realized like I can be that voice that Jimmy was for me like Jimmy was always saying to Joelle shoot the damn ball like you are the dude you have this immense amount of talent and I think Joelle from the moment that it became clear like okay Tyrese is gonna be a guy Joel’s been in his ear like I want you taking 10 threes a game I want you being aggressive as you are in the first half in the fourth quarter in the closing moments of the game and I think all those messages all those reps together have started to converge and so that’s really exciting as long as those two are healthy and playing together and it’s why I understand the position some people have of like maybe they don’t need a third guy maybe there is a role player rout here maybe they don’t need to overpay for this specific player whether it’s in free agency or a trade but it sure would be nice that have a guy as good as Mel Bridges or or one of these other guys as the third guy on this team the the the fact that we’ve seen where inid has done this in the past with Ben Simmons where he would say just simply just simply shoot the basketball because we trust you Tobias Harris even on the on his contract where he would say shoot more threes like you guys always talk about yeah he has not had to worry about that with Tyrese Maxi no at all and that’s what we’re going to continue to see he’s 23 he’s going to continue to get better about to lock in this new deal with the with the max contract well deserved and we’ll see where things go from there we’ll see what they do in the offseason we’ll continue to talk about it because it’s gonna be a fascinating one fascinating one for the Philadelphia get your tampering on I here’s this is the real purpose of this episode we’re staging an intervention you need to get in your cousin’s ear and tell him it’s Philadelphia or it’s nowhere okay demand the trade even though he’s under contract TR technically it still is some demand the trade demand the trade I do have an answer for your question he said it of the Hat you all witnessed it the question the answer was gave it back to a League official LOL should have kept it yeah should have that’s a good piece of Sixers memorabilia there yeah yeah unless he gets a new a new one new opportunity Draft cap and he can wear free agency cap oh man we were all ready too I remember one day we were going to the G in the morning right around draft time me and his brothers we going play some ball and we were like what number is he going to wear Ben’s got 25 so we were all in the weeds of does that look now in h yeah yeah it was all we were all in the weeds of it all happening so interesting times it was Eugene says demand the trade demand the trade demand the trade we see say like remember like when we first brought the Von on brought him on he signed at the same time but he couldn’t first three months whatever remember when he first came on the show and we were like teasing about tampering and he felt like uncomfortable with it well now he’s like fine you can roast me for tampering all you want I’m playing I’m playing the long game here you know I’m just I’m I’m wearing you down by any means necessary we see what happens man we’ll see what happens all right let’s get ready to say goodbye to everybody check in with everybody tomorrow at 2:30 but first we got to do our roll call a lot of people in there it’s fun to see everybody in there course appreciate it as always who do we have love seeing all our friends and hopefully family out there watching they are watch nud somebody or multiple somebody are watching yeah the rest of the family I need you on it too this is not just a Deon job just to be clear I need all of you in his ear to bring the man home that should have been here in the first place anyway maybe he’s watching you never know I sure hope so hello Mel if you are and thank you for tuning in to phly Sixers thank you also to Jeffrey Stewart profit one haar overseas Monty Mars babby Barbara Carol trust the pie Jenna finny I haven’t seen that one before it’s Gina is it Gina Gina my apologies Gina hello Gina finny Eugene Ross King of the exclamation point what up Gan warus Michael batti we will get to some of those shows that we have promised you I can assure you that still trying to make it Vince Port is watching so hey Vince is watching he it 215 J Philly hello my friend Ed Wright Bill Morris MBD what up MBD bdbf I nailed it nailed it I can read they told me I couldn’t mom look at them now Cory Jones Jr eent who else we got here Dave the truth F Chi F Chi what up Mr Sandman s man who else we got in here today who were our super Chatters today we have Mark Jackson Shahid Ash Monro our guy Ash who I’m sure is still keeping tabs on the uh the record with and without Joel correct sker who is checking in he’s from chgo what up SK glad to see the All City Philly what up Akil mcnight Jay love quill did I say bootzilla boots I’m sure canoli is in here somewhere canoli we got X in there as well face seven Ghost Face Killer one of the best rappers ever as Nas said over the weekend at The Roots Picnic Ro picn I by the way we’re gonna have to talk about the terrible reaction Method Man and red man got at Summer Jam which is why after Roots pick I defend Method Man based on what he said so we’ll talk about that maybe that’s a Friday topic we talk about that my girl Winona you got oh rert pkin ah what up pup Walter James Lauren Michaels from Saturday night we’re ready Lauren we can do the show Lauren Rich P thank you everyone you got the bell for coming out today I got to flex on everybody stuff right we brought we brought everything in we already pissed off that you haven’t tampered now you’re gonna bring out another team’s Jersey me and for all of us and certainly for M hit that subscribe button hit the Bell icon so you get notifications look at that bell ring that was aggressive notifications each and every time we go livegive if you hit the thumbs up button it will ser as an advertisement to M bridges of how much you want him to come to Philadelphia and play next to Joel and Tyrese Maxi so make sure you send that damn message to M to come on down to death row thank you everybody for being here we will be back thank you Bri at 2:30 tomorrow see you then we all sitting like the mayor

Mikal Bridges is a perfect fit alongside Joel Embiid and Tyrese Maxey in Philadelphia. Do the Sixers have enough to convince Sean Marks to trade him, and would they be able to outbid the rest of the league for the former Villanova star?

Devon Givens, Derek Bodner, and Kyle Neubeck discuss the good Bridges in the NBA, his skill set, and why Brooklyn might not move him.

(0:00) Intro
(3:23) Mikal Bridges discussion
(24:00) Family photos
(26:30) Cost to acquire
(40:49) Nets & Mitchell
(43:40) When does the cost become too much?
(48:22) Superchats (Mikal, Maxey)
(1:03:12) Outro

An ALLCITY Network Production




Twitter: @PHLY_Sports
Instagram: @PHLY_Sports


  1. Of course we would want bridges….the question is why would he want to come back here after we already did him dirty?

  2. We shouldve never traded the Bridges pick in the first place!!!! Zaire who? Bridges is THE PERFECT FIT FOR OUR TEAM!!!!

  3. No. Not because Mikhal Bridges isn’t a good fit its that you have to trade much of your draft capital to get him. See how free agency goes first. Maybe they get Paul George?

  4. Get Mikal Bridges back. Get some quality roll players this off season. Him, Maxey and Embiid will build continuity over the next 4-5 years of Maxey's new contract. 6ers need to (STOP) throwing away money on aging all stars, and build a team that can contend long term!!!!!

  5. How's this for an off season. Trade for Kris Dunn as your starting point guard. Dunn defends, attacks the rim and is a pass first point guard who makes 3.2 million on the final yr of his contract . Trade for Bridges to play the SF. Bridges defends, knocks down threes, rebounds pretty well for his position, and gets out in the break. Bridges makes roughly 26 million. Both players improve their defense and athletism. After both trades, they still have over 30 million in cap space.

  6. The way they did him and his mother.. they got to make it right ‼️ the eagles made it right with CGJ 🤷🏽‍♂️ 🫡

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