@Sacramento Kings

NBA draft: Can Bobi Klintman fix the Kings?!

NBA draft: Can Bobi Klintman fix the Kings?!

we were going through uh some some draft stuff some draft prep and I stumbled across the fix for the Sacramento Kings I’ve fixed them James oh I’ve done it yeah yeah uh so this is this is big time I want everybody to you know congratulations to everybody on what’s going to be an incredible season for the Kings should they follow my lead on this and I think that the Kings who have their draft pick this year by way of not making the playoffs they have the number 13 overall pick and there’s a player as we Peru various draft boards and mock drafts this particular one was Kevin o’ Conor at the ringer and Kevin O conin whatever it is um we’re perusing his mock draft and I was just going through and there were you know it’s it’s roughly the same top 15 guys in a little bit different order as as the other ones you’re going to see of course then I went and and mosy on down and I found the perfect player for the Kings at I think number 23 to the bucks he was a freshman at Wake Forest in the 2022 2023 season M and then spent his second season out of high school in the NBL that’s the Australian professional League his name is Bobby Clinton and he’s going to save the Kings yes this is it this is the guy we can’t is he’s not not an amazing athlete not like he’s not you don’t watch him and go oh my God electric but he’s functionally athletic he can jump and finish at The Rim he can pass a little bit he can play some defense he’s like 610 with a 72 Wings span he looks enormous on the court yeah he looks like a big guy and he has had now he’s two seasons out of high school 21 years old he has had in the NBL a full like professional season of developing his his body and his strength um he can shoot it a little bit from outside and I think the maximized version of Bobby Clint is one where he is like a switchable rangy defender in that perfect shot blocking for alongside deonas sabonis and it may take a couple of Seasons but I think it can contribute in year one few minutes here and there mhm and then by year two or three I think you’re you’re really cooking with gas and Bobby Clinton is the answer for the Sacramento Kings thank you Kyle is he’s making one of the classic blunders I’m sorry you’re making what this is one of the classic oh trying to win championships yeah yeah no doubt no no no you are you are giving Sacramento Kings fans someone to focus their attention on yeah and now he will be a guy that everyone is focusing their attention on he will be forever guy that the Kings missed out on no because they’re going to draft him okay okay I I think that there is a possibility of the Kings drafting in the first round of the 2024 NBA draft but I don’t know that I believe that they’ll be drafting it at number 13 okay so that might actually play perfectly into your your Bobby Clinton uh like plan yeah yeah explain how this makes even more sense you had a you you had something laid out for me yeah so so basically you know because the Kings have their 2025 and 26 pick sort of tied up right because of the Kevin herder trade yeah if they were to trade say back in this draft and then potentially pick up another first future first from somebody that would make a lot of sense so the Knicks are sitting at what do we say 24 and 25 and then the Knicks have like three or four extra first round picks next season if the kings were to to trade with the Knicks allow the Knicks to move up to 13 they move back to 24 or 25 and they pick up an additional TW uh a 2025 first round pick which again they have a variety they have their own which is probably where the Kings would would want but they also have the potential for Milwaukee they have the potential for um it’s actually some good picks it kind of kind of strange what they have they they possibly have Washington’s first round pick which you’re not going to be able to get in this scenario um but uh also Detroit’s which you’re probably not going to get so but but what I would do if I were the Kings and if I wasn’t secure with what I’m doing with the 13th pick but I want to re I want to go get access to those other picks that I may or may not uh give up for the Kevin herder trade I would actually go pick up another pick because if you have a 2025 that guarantees that so you could actually trade a pick um and it wouldn’t tie up all of your picks if you had a 2026 it might even be better because the steppan rule it would avoid the the issue of trading two years in a row as long as you have a first round pick you can it doesn’t matter if it’s yours or someone else’s it’s not the act of trading it’s the act of vacating the first round yes right yes exactly so so I don’t know I think that moving down in this draft like again I’m looking at the 10 through through 20 and I like 10 through 20 even 10 through 25 I think that there are some players there Raw Talent like even what you’re talking about with with Clinton like raw like reminds me a little bit of like Zeke Nai uh from from Denver you know who went right around this area in the draft but what you’re hoping is that you you find a talent that develops that again he has potential to be a three-point shooter those are some of the things that you’re you’re looking at them the feel for the game the shot block and ability all that stuff stuff mhm can you find a a three and D four sl5 yeah um and that would really help the Kings it’s something that they need they need a long athletic guy who can block shots at the four or the five and this is let let me back up on the on the Bobby Clinton thing briefly the like leaning in like he’s God’s gift to basketballs is part of the bit Yeah Yeah and and re reality says finding a shot blocking three-point shooting four mhm is not super easy no if there was a player that was a Surefire starting four who was going to block shots and shoot threes he’d be going way earlier than the mid to late 20s yes you know that’s just so but it’s about it’s about that potential and that growth and I think there are ways he could contribute in year one for sure which I which I think is very important but I don’t think he’s super far off if he develops the right way which Kings Player Development has been been pretty strong so far over over the last couple of years you feel you’d feel good about that and maybe it doesn’t work out maybe the lateral quickness he needs to improve on doesn’t get there maybe the three-point shot never really comes around and his offensive game is just super limited that’s on the table no doubt but when you’re picking 13th in in this year’s draft in particular or trading down like that risk the the farther down you go in the in the draft the higher that risk kind of goes um so I I don’t I I not to say he is a perfect player but when we start looking at all these guys who are Dalton connect and jacobe Walter and uh who’s the Ron Holland like when you when you start looking at all those guys there’s red flags and issues in terms of like on court shortcomings all of them yeah totally and I think when you’re projecting out of like man who would be the perfect if they develop into that like like Peak version of of what they could be I think I I love the idea of of Kobe Clinton and like I said I think it contribu in your one as well yeah I would also point out too like this draft is is very strange and we’re going to learn a lot as we’re moving along and we’re getting closer and closer to draft day but like we’re just hearing now according to Jonathan gavone Draft Express ESPN um nicoa topic who is considered like somewhere in the top 10 uh some people have them all the way up to number four but between you know four and like eight MH he has a partially torn ACL and he he tore it in January he has not had surgery uh they’re going to bring him overseas and have us doctors look at his knee and kind of figure out what it is they need to do but they just did that at the at the combine in Italy um and so now we’re looking at a player who maybe he falls to 13 maybe a player that you could not have got your hands on before and maybe if the kings were to stay at 13 and they’re looking at this as not a player that can help them today but a player that can help them maybe maybe next year and the year after maybe you you take a gamble on a 6’7 you know 23 that has all kinds of skill but has a knee injury and will probably miss a good portion of the season and that’s that’s where there’s some flexibility in in what I’ve what I’ve had to say about this year’s draft yeah and I because I’m of the mind like your windows now and we’ll we’ll talk about that but if there’s a if there’s a player who falls who you think man this guy can really really play we didn’t think there was any chance we’d draft him yeah he might not get to play a ton this year but we think he’s he’s pretty close to ready once he does get get on the court I I you’re gonna have him you may not have him a lot this year but you’re going to have him for all of next offseason to get him up to speed and if you think that guy can contribute right away then I think you can it’s it’s tough because the the urgency for me is is now yeah but at the same time if this is a guy who you had as the third or fourth best player in this draft all a sudden he falls to you at 13 it’s like man that’s that’s really hard to pass up because if he goes 14 and steps in next year and is the Rookie of the Year after not playing this year you’re going man could have had that guy and instead we have Dalton connect who can’t get on the floor for more than six minutes a night oh yeah that’s I mean it’s it’s intriguing like that’s the draft is such a crapshoot but I the kings are at a point where the value to them of the 13th pick is more likely as a trade asset than it is as a player and and that’s tough because when you’re looking at number 13 I mean you might be able to find a player with a a high floor but a low lower ceiling at number 13 that you know you can plug in and play right now that has one or two definable skills like dton Conn great shooter we know he’s going to walk in the league he’s going to hit three-point shots right uh he’s also gritty plays some defense and all that stuff but like the one thing that you know is he’s going to be able to shoot the three bow um but are you limiting yourself long term by continuously doing this where you only draft players that are mature that are 22 23 and so your player age as a team stays uh around you know the 23 to 26 27 and as your your star start to get older you’re still bringing in these players that that might work but I think there is also something to taking a flyer we talked about this yesterday the Gerald Wallace pick uh by Jeff Petri years ago there’s there’s something to taking a flyer on somebody like a um what’s his name Ron uh Holland Holland yeah like Ron Holland all kinds of potential but he’s probably two years away yeah so so I don’t know how you deal with it but I also look at that pick and go probably has more value to trade that for a 25 26 year old real player in the NBA with marketable skills that are good that’s good at what he does and you already know what you’re getting yeah and if the if you’re the Kings at this point certainty matters more than more than that draft pick yeah Le to me at least the potential of that of that draft pick so

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