@Detroit Pistons

Detroit Pistons Organization Could Make Some Coaching Changes?

Detroit Pistons Organization Could Make Some Coaching Changes?

hey guys what is going on Anthony here with pistons talk hope you guys are having a great night so far what I wanted to do in this video was react to James Edwards III recent athletic article now we’re not going to be reacting to this whole article we’re only going to be reacting to one little paragraph in this article and I think it’s the most important part of this entire article this was a very good Q&A mailbag uh you know fans asked some questions James answered it the best he could um but we’re going to be talking about Monty Williams the future of Monty Williams I think that’s the million-dollar question right now a lot of people wonder what is the Tran Lon and the Detroit Pistons going to do with Monty Williams is he staying is he going now there’s a little piece in this article where you kind of got a little bit of information of what could possibly happen so so let’s get into it here we go scroll on to the important part it says per team sources owner Tom gors has given Lan the ability to change to make changes to the front office and coaching staff as he sees spit the first Domino to fall in that regard came last week when the athletic reported that team and general manager DET trit Weaver were parting ways it is believed the organization is now evaluating the coaching staff including head coach Monty Williams who to sign a six-year $73 million contract this time last year okay so why is that important why are we focusing on this part of the article why am I making a video about this I think what is really important where it says it is believed the organization is now evaluating coaching staff Tran langon has already let Troy weer go they they parted ways they said you know what hey um thank you for the last four years we’re going to bring in our people and we saw a couple hirings we’ll talk about it on the podcast later this week uh they they brought in two new Executives to the Detroit Pistons they brought in a former Pelicans executive and they brought in a former uh Brookland Nets executive okay so that’s what TR and langin has been doing lately now the Detroit Pistons have not had a press conference yet and a lot of people are like what’s taking this press conference so long you have to think of it like this wouldn’t it be easier to move on from Monty Williams for Tran lingan to go into his press conference saying I fired the former GM I fired the the the current head coach we’re starting fresh we messed up I think what’s happening right now is stran lingan is making all of these coaches reinw sell themselves to him because he’s the man in charge he has to evaluate and see if he honestly believes that Monty Williams and this coaching staff can steer the Detroit Pistons in the right direction now I know a lot of you guys have very strong opinions about Monty Williams and I love that and I I I love engaging with you guys about that I’m just trying to be objective as possible I personally think the reason why it is taking so long for this press conference ver Trent Lon and the the other front office Executives that he did bring in with him from the Pelicans and the Brooklyn Nets they’re asking Mony if it’s like hey are you like you really into this like are you sold on you know restoring the Pistons are you sold on coaching cuz you won 14 games last year you had more Talent than Casey he won 17 like is your heart really in it and I I I think those are questions that the Detroit Pistons ownership group is asking Monty Williams and traid Langdon and Company are asking Monty Williams when I had James on the podcast last week he he said he feels like it’s a 50-50 shot that the Detroit Pistons move on for Monty Williams Tom Gores will gladly pay the $60 million traent ledin says hey you know what I think that we need we need to go in a different direction um and find a new head coach to steer this ship in the right way I I think this is really huge you guys this is something that I think more of us need to be be paying attention to I don’t think it’s nothing that’s why I’m making this video for you guys right now I honestly think there’s a very good shot that Monty Williams is not going to be coaching the Detroit Pistons next year um I know I made a video a couple of days ago I said I I I honestly think he’s going to be here um with more information my opinion is going to change and this is more information from James who’s a phenomenal beat writer for the Detroit Pistons and he gives us a lot of great information when he’s on the podcast with us but wanted to bring this to your attention um I think it’s noteworthy let me know what you guys think Down Below in the comment section about ownership Tom Gores giving Tran Lon the ability if he uh wants to move on from Monty Williams do you think that would be the right move for the Detroit Pistons moving forward or are you against it do you think the Pistons should give Monty Williams one year uh one more year maybe two to try to figure it out try to give Monty maybe a little bit more of a longer leash I’ll talk to you guys down below in the comment section like always I hope you guys are staying safe take care I will catch you guys in the next video peace o [Music]

Today I reacted to a recent Athletic article about Monty Williams’s future with the Detroit Pistons.

The Athletic article I reacted to:

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  1. I do not like for anyone to lose their job, BUT he clearly did not want to be here, and it showed in the results.
    There is no way you hire a "Good" coach and do worse than the year before.

    We need a clean sweep.

  2. As much as I lost faith in Monty's coaching (esp with how we treated Ivey), there is a compelling argument that the roster construction (namely the "bench") simply didn't give him any chance of succeeding. If he does go, who would you want as a replacement? I think Kenny Atkinson or David Adelman would be great picks but if we don't move quickly, those options probably won't last long

  3. if he gets fired ,much respect to Langdon n i believe the direction will be keep core 4 n get FAs n if he trades any of core 4 it would be for a young player whose a fit but dosen't eat into cap space a whole lot i would love that ..if he stays then this was a charade n GORE wants a veteran team and try to be 40 win team.

  4. Dude,first of all,you donā€™t have a clue what Langdon is going to do,nobody does.This hire is typical Pistonā€™s.Going on 3 weeks with NO press conference.You have an owner who says he wants to win now,and everyone is advocating for veterans to be picked up thru trades,and free agency.Why then would anyone want Williams fired,who excels at coaching veterans.He absolutely should get one more year to coach this team when it has something other than a pile of dog doodoo to work with.Give the 5th pick to the Knicks now,to get out from under that horrible trade,because this draft is garbage.The Pistons probably wonā€™t do that because it makes sense,instead they will use the 5th pick to draft another no shooting bum like Holland,all of the foreign players or Castle.That bum can join the likes of our non shooting bums like Thompson,Stewart,etc.If Langdon wants to impress me,go out and sign Monk,a back up big like Drummond or Hartenstein and make a trade for a 2nd all-star like Ingram.

  5. Not like it matters, no free agents are coming here and into the lottery once again next season. Worst runned franchise in the league and it's not close

  6. It is absolutely the smart move to evaluate the coaching staff which should give them enough information one way or anoter

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