@Boston Celtics

My OFFICIAL NBA Finals prediction

My OFFICIAL NBA Finals prediction

now let’s get to some NBA stuff because you know I got to start off the show there right we got to get to the NBA finals to starting tomorrow night in Boston between the Celtics and the Dallas Mavericks the series features a trip down memory lane for two players Kyrie Irving of the Mavericks and Chris STS porzingis of the Celtics while a Mavs had a talented roster Christa porzingis and Luca donic were unable to get out of the first round during their short stint as teammates yesterday porzingis met with the media and said he’s looking forward to going up against his old team as for Kyrie he shouldn’t expect a warm welcome in Boston tomorrow night to say the least after two tumultuous Seasons where critics say he lacked leadership and that was the kind variety of insults they’ve thrown in his Direction you may recall Kyrie told Celtics fans he was committed to staying in Boston only the sign with the Brooklyn Nets months later right Mayall he stomped his foot on the paret floor on the leprechaun and all of that stuff remember all of that flipped the bird to the fans all of this stuff has happened respectfully I don’t give a damn about any of that that Kyrie Irving is gone this Kyrie Irving is the one that’s worth talking about the guy that’s been a superstar the guy that has closed the deal the guy that has exhibited leadership for the Dallas Mavericks who the players find themselves incredibly deferential to and by the way he’s the one champion on the Dallas Mavericks it ain’t Luca that’s got a championship ring it ain’t ly that’s got a championship ring it ain’t Gafford or Derek Jones or PJ Washington that has a championship ring okay it’s him now I understand that Jason kid has a championship ring as a player for the Dallas Mavs by the way back in 2011 we get all of that we understand that I understand that Jason kid is looking for one as a coach because we don’t have exception of a coach that he is but to me Kyrie’s going to be pivotal in this series you’ve got to be able to score the ball against Boston Jaylen Brown Drew holiday Derek white jayen uh Jason Tatum and of course if porzingis comes back it makes for very interesting nobody is doubting that the Boston Celtics have the best starting five in basket nobody is doubting that the Boston Celtics should be favorites nobody is doubting that the Boston Celtics when you look at them assuming porzingis is healthy should win this series but I’m of the mindset I don’t give a damn about that either I’m looking at the 20 points or 51.6% shooting 7.2 rebounds two assists nearly two blocks per game from porzingis the brother ain’t played since the end of April and oh by the way let me throw out a couple of nuggets for y’all just to take into consideration he’s 73 he can shoot the three he can block shots that makes things very formidable that makes the Boston Celtics very formidable I can’t deny that if you’re Luca donic and you in the lane it’s not as easy to just keep somebody on your hip wondering whether a big man’s going to come and help or whether he’s going to lay back to prevent one of those alley oops those are all things you got to watch out for with Luca and the Dallas Mavericks and if porzingis is in the lineup that makes things considerably easier for the Boston Celtics as opposed to porzingis being gone and Al Horford being being the one in that lineup cuz I don’t trust Boston’s bench personally it’s this starting five that’s a lead I don’t trust their bench but I bring this up to say this to y’all have we been watching the Dallas Mavericks have we been watching the Dallas mck now I know some people gonna look at me and they G to talk to my prediction they GNA say what the hell is he know he’s wrong all the time about the prediction actually I’ve got the last two or three NBA Finals correct I went through a bad stretch there about five or six years where you know stimul stimulus packages were given to LeBron James by the NBA and stuff like that injuries took place when Golden State and Kevin Durant goes down with the Achilles injury because we all know I would have been right about that series these are the kind of things that happened but in the end I’ve been pretty much right I picked Golden State to beat Boston I picked Denver to beat Miami you understand what I’m saying I I I mean I picked the Lakers to beat Miami I mean I’m not completely dumb deaf and blind I get it right A lot of times and here’s what I’m going to tell you today I got the Dallas Mavericks pulling the upset and winning this series I don’t like them in a game seven in Boston I like them in Six in Dallas could they win a game seven in Boston sure could they lose in seven yes they could but the greatness of Luca donic is something I think we got to be prepared to behold Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown gonna have to step up and bring it to another level there’s no question about that Kyrie Irving in his greatness I think will come shining through I’m thinking about PJ Washington and Derek White and I’m like if those brothers are hitting threes Boston is not going to beat the Dallas Mavericks and when it comes to porzingis here’s my issue with porzingis two things number one he’s not healthy they say that the calf injury he suffered is similar to what KD Kevin Durant suffered in the playoffs before sitting out and then coming back for the finals and then after that he tours Achilles they talk about being fearful that that could happen to porzingis number one number two they say he’s not 100% healthy he hasn’t played in more than a month so the way that I look at it I’m like okay he’s not 100% but Boston is kind of weak in the pick and roll defensively and on top of it all porzingis his lateral movement was never good when he was healthy so what the hell is it going to be now I’m thinking about those things if porzingis is 100% healthy I pick Boston to win this series but I think the fact that his health is compromised and I don’t expect him to be anywhere near 100% I think that spells trouble for Boston and the combination of that with Kyrie and Luca coming I’m of the mindset that Dallas can win this series a part of me is would be happy about that even for Kyrie Irving yes it’s true definitely for Jason kid yes it’s true but I don’t root against Jason Tatum I’m a fan of Jason Tatum Love Jason Tatum but I’m just at a mindset that what I’m seeing from Luca and what I’m seeing from Kyrie and what I’m seeing from a series okay when they go up against OKC and then they go up against the Minnesota timber wolves what I’m seeing from that standpoint I cannot ignore because I can’t ignore that and I think that porzingis health is compromised I’m gonna pick Dallas to win this series now obviously all that goes out the window if Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown explod explode and play like the three $100 million player one already is and another is soon to be but it remains to be seen it remains to be seen

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  1. I was 99% sure the Celtics would win, and now, with Stephen A pick, I am certain they will win.

  2. I wish he would have picked the Celtics. I am the biggest Mavs fan and I think Dallas will win, but SAS is insane. I dont want the jinx.

  3. I need jayson tatum to shut yall tf up!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻 the disrespect stops after boston closes em out in 5 or 6.. luka is great but has also his whole career been a top 2 or 3 in usage.. jt has more career highs in the playoffs n don't need to score 30 or 40 to win luka does… like I said man..hope jt shuts yall tf up..especially big perk

  4. Are those guys paid to talk down on WE the Boston Celtics? I don’t understand the hype, WE the Boston Celtics already swept the maves twice this year.

  5. He picked OKC over Dallas. Wolves over Dallss and now he pick Dallas over the team he predicted to win the finals

  6. Not a big fan of trash talkers who taunt people like Gobert after already making the game winning shot. He's going down. Pride comes before the fall.

  7. "Dumb, dead and blind" is whack. Could have used a number of other sayings. No need to contribute to negative perceptions of disabled folks.

  8. U cant ignore it sas cuz thats wat hype does..just hype..u just admitted to flip flopping smh..that goes out the window if jt and jb explode wth..that should stay inside the window cuz u picked dallas 😂

  9. Just save your breath and take the Mavs already. I knew months ago you didn’t like the Celtics. My pick, Celtics in 6. ☘️

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