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Does Luka Dončić cement best-player status with a championship win? | NBA | SPEAK

Does Luka Dončić cement best-player status with a championship win? | NBA | SPEAK

the question for me is this luga donic he’s hovered around the best player in the league for the last four years he’s been to five straight first team all NBAs that’s actually more than Dirk whisky that’s actually more than Steph Curry if y’all can believe me here at home so shady if Luca can cap off this season by winning a chip would he cement himself as the best player in the world I would say so I mean when you look at the best player in in the league no matter what sport it is you have to have some accolades to go with it right he has accolades with you talk about five all NBAs yes sir and then you add a chip to it I’ll give you a super great example right we’ll look at joic right when he was one of his MVPs we were saying yo he’s stat Pat but he is really really good but we never say he’s the best in the world think about that for a second right he won that Championship ER you know what it’s him he’s the guy so I think for Luca that’s all he needs I mean if you ask somebody who’s the top five players in the league Luca’s gonna be on that list right I mean this year he was third in the MVP voting so all you need is that ring to solidify that you know what I mean a my suit looking good I don’t know that anyway but so all I’m saying is this to to go with a narrative as far as the best player you need them chips that’s why it’s hard to put Aaron Rogers his man up there because already no I’m I’m was give I’m give you example for the people so they could they could I’m paint a picture you know I mean yeah a great player a lot of talent a lot of awards it’s crazy you gonna say a lot of Championship you feel me it’s crazy you say that you know what I mean because he’s only going to have one too and you’re putting him at the best we will get to a Rogers conversation like 25 years old I ain’t going to be here for that so he might right now we’re talking about Luka uh I’m agree with you Shady I’ll agree with you I think that right now the three best players in basketball over the last three years I’m looking at body of work LCA donic Janis Sant Tumo and Nicol yic those are the three who have hovered around the best players Giannis I got to disqualify because Giannis the last two seasons he’s ended the season hurt obviously y’all know I ride for Giannis but you end the season hurt then you are disqualified so now it’s joic and it’s luuka yic is currently better but Shady said it already brilliantly if Luca wins a championship then I have to give Luca the slight nod joic was not better than Giannis until joic won a championship he had an MVP but Yannis had a couple MVPs and Yannis had a finals and a Finals MVP but it was a unanimous decision that yic now sat on the throne once joic won a championship if y’all remember Kevin Durant dropped 497 I believe in seven so we were still saying that KD was better than Giannis until KD went and until Giannis went and Giannis won a championship to me the great separator in all of this is championships you play to win the game a coach once brilliantly said if Luca can win all of it I do believe it gives him the slight nod over joic if not I think yic still Reigns on the yeah I mean it would be between yic and Luca I think I I think I tend to agree with you that we usually award the best most dominant player who wins the championship that title and it doesn’t always switch obviously because you may have someone like a LeBron James or you know Michael Jordan or some or Kevin Durant or Steph Curry like it kind of switches year to year and then you’ll have some outliers where like okay like they may have won the championship but that doesn’t necessarily make them the best player in the world but Luca does have a pretty solid resume to go along with that Championship that could make that argument I think that overall yic is still the most dominant so if people were to say no yic is still better you’re not going to get a a huge argument out of me but I do think that it would be completely fair to say that luuka is he did have his first scoring title this year he was third in MVP voting he’s been in the MVP conversation for a few years now averaged 33 points per game this season 8.9 rebounds 8.9 assists and obviously yic is a really dominant player as well and has a championship and also three MVPs so again I think it’s it’s like this but if you wanted to say Luca and I obviously think it depends on how the finals go as well right like we are we are basing all this predicting that if they win the finals he’s going to have a completely dominant performance throughout the finals he’s going to be by far the best player the most score the most points all that be the leader of the team we’re making all these assumptions about how this journey will go obviously when we’re hasing this question if it happens like that I think it’s fair to say he’s the best but I would still listen to arguments about no doubt about it yeah I mean I don’t think anybody’s wrong up here I mean this this is a great player we talking in Luca but to get in that conversation as the best basketball player in the NBA you got to win a MVP that lets the world know that you are the regular season you are the best basketball player in the world that’s what that’s what that says now once you do win an MVP you got all these eyes on you now it’s time to go win a championship Joker got three MVPs a championship and a championship MVP Luca will have a championship and a MVP with in the finals MVP with no regular season MVPs so for me Luca is a great player but when you talk about the best basketball player in the league I can’t just erase what I’ve seen Joker do the last four seasons he three MVPs out of four season I can’t erase that and on top of that he won a chip and on top of that he was the finals MVP I can’t erase that Luca has no MVPs in the regular season right he has no championships as of right now he will have the same amount of championships as Joker if he wins but he won’t even touch let me let me put real quick that was a good take but like what you can’t forget is that Luca is 25 years old no right Yas is 29 or almost pushing 30 right so it a period time where I mean he wasn’t even starting and he he got gone and he got going and he is today where he is but you look at luuka though soon Luka just jumped on this earth right at 14 at 14 play playing pro ball you come to America right where all the greats is playing right and you he’s going to a six he’s in a six year he got five all NBAs no first first team first teams like that though think about how that sounds though so I’m going I’m I’m building him up cuz you’re talking about some regular season stuff that’s cool right the the MVP which you everybody needs you building his career up yo five first team NBAs right I’m only 25 years old and then you look at what has he done for his team yeah right so in three years he’s been to the Western confence final twice so he’s showing you right I don’t care how old I am 23 or 25 I’m getting better and better and better if you look at all the other greats we talk about like the LeBron like the Jordans right it took some time for him to get going when they first championship at 27 28 Luca is skipping all that so all I’m saying is that you are have have a point as far as the MVPs which that’s a Rel season award which is cool but have you seen Luca he’s carrying regular regular I know say regular he’s carrying good teams not great teams good teams to the playoffs be good teams and then now he’s in the finals and he’s only 25 so it’s scary what he look like in two years the only the only thing with that is great is what you just said is Luca is playing these ain’t great numbers right I to say to you they are great as great as you can’t make that up as great as you just said Luca’s playing it’s a dude beating him out for the MVP that is true but I got a question some stats that means he is playing great too he’s home at home luk was at home last year I got a question though James and and it really is for everybody Joy Shady yourselves included if MVP doesn’t make you the best player because we know that it doesn’t necessarily Russell Westbrook in my mind was never the best player in basketball and he has an MVP he had the best season that year no doubt about it but I’m simply saying uh um James Harden I don’t believe he was ever the best player in basketball he has an MVP so what we know is having an MVP doesn’t make you the best player in basketball so how does not having one keep you from being the best play doesn’t have a come on man correct I’m talking I’m saying I’m saying if if the argument that James is making is Luca does not have an MVP thus he can’t be the best player yeah yeah but he doesn’t have one like yic has three and again like I’m not I don’t feel that strongly about it but it but but to back James up like it’s not like Luca it’s not like he’s like okay he has a championship he has a championship has a Finals MVP he has a Finals MVP he has a regular season MVP and Luka doesn’t okay but but yic has three regular season MVPs he’s been the most dominant player in the league for the past three to four years he has a championship he has a finals MVP and during the regular season he’s been the most dominant player so that’s why I’m saying like I can I can put Luca up there because right now he’s playing at the highest level and until next year when we see what happens again I’m I’m fine with Luka taking the crown but to just but to just ignore what yic has done consist and again was was in the postseason this year like they lost they’re at home for sure they weren’t the best team this year but he was not like didn’t go ghost in the postseason this year so when Luka or I’m sorry when joic had the two MVPs right before the championship what was what was the question mark I’m asking yall Championship no no no no but they were questioning like yo is he really the best player yeah cuz can we win the big game so but I’m saying with these nbps y keep talking about there was a big question mark yo is he the guy everybody kep asking is it him is it embid got MVP like was so my thing with the voters this is why and I’m you know you’re voter for NFL but I don’t always put like all the the credit in the voters hands sure do you ever see some of these voters did you ever look at some of these voters you ever talk to some of the voters about sports so I’m not going to diss them saying you know what I’m talking about but what you can’t miss is bro is 25 years old right in six years he got five first team NBAs and now he’s taking the average teams to Western Conference finals and is now he’s in the that’s all I’m saying yeah but really quick cuz those five First Team all um NBA teams same voters right same same he was he was the best the best but the difference is he’s the best point guard watching we watched that where the voters we were up and down yo is it embiid or is it yers because the numbers are super similar and they start talking about stat padding oh I’m not making this up there was whole there was a whole freaking conversation about stat padding for the MVP so before you try to compare him it’s one is different than other and my thing is how do you stat Pat look ain’t it people trying to stop you no a rebound and your man moves out the way assist the man is a triple double triple double triple double the man has three MVPs I don’t know if y’all know I don’t know how long the NBA been around it’s nine dudes that has ever in the history of the NBA it’s nine dudes that has ever won three MVPs this man has three of them in four years on top of a championship on top of a finals so Shaq’s the most D of all time right most dominant all time so he got one Kobe got one yeah right so when you talking all this loud stuff about the MVPs and all that just know that that they gave Steve they gave Steve Nash oh no no we talking about we a never see them get in wrong with the MVPs okay but what I’m saying is czy because now we acting like we ain’t watching Joker though that’s that’s now we acting like we ain’t like you saying James Harden we acting like we ain’t seeing what Joker is doing I’m not I’m not discing that all I’m saying is that it was big conversation for a reason about him stat pading and about who should be the real MVP out of him only the only place I’m at is Joker has been better for the last three years he’s been better than Luca I don’t know that the Delta has been that sizable right in the same breath that when Yannis was winning his MVPs and yic wasn’t and when Yannis won his title and jic had the Gap wasn’t that big jannis was better I was always gonna say jannis was better but I was like yeah joic is nice and then joic won his and then joic surpassed him I think Luca is hovering behind the Joker but I don’t think Joy or James that it’s so far that this Championship won’t put him like barely you didn’t ask us how far let me ask you it’s not that close if it’s not that close how close is Luca if he doesn’t win this Championship I think he’s still a top three player in basketball I don’t think he’s won I I can’t make Joker The Joker so what we talking about no question you see you you put y TR put y on that on that on that mad scene for last year see what they do the difference I think the difference is like I’m a joy though I don’t think are we talking about the same player are we talking about Nicola yic is this who we’re talking about that’s who they talking we sound absolutely crazy right now and I want us to rain some what’s crazy about it yic has been the most dominant player in the league like dominant dominance like making it look like he’s playing junior varsity teams throwing the ball like this to the other end of the court on a string like we got to we got to chill out a little bit like if if Luca is an incredible player he liked that too though and until he went Championship joic is still at the top so even if so so for us to even really put Luca really in the conversation with yachu has three MVPs in a championship Luca has to win the championship and the championship and the finals MVP to be in that conversation of being number one so let’s just not disrespect acting like this is all he needs to do to surpass him like there is still going to be a conversation being the best player even if Luca wins it I’m saying it’s razor thin Luka but I’m with you I’m with your first lap Joy of like I’ll listen to the argument either way I I I I will listen to the argument because when you think about Luka he fin last five years fourth in MVP sixth in MVP fifth in MVP eighth in MVP third in MVP that’s Luka joic was first obviously three of those four years so I say that to say Luca averages a fourth place finish in MVP so that’s why I’m the Delta is there but it’s not like Luca’s not in the conversation he’s in the conversation that if he can if he can win I think that if he can win I’ll submit to like yeah lca’s better if you would have asked us how close is it we probably all would have had the same answer but it’s tough to see what he has accomplished in the MVPs and the finals MVP and winning a championship and watching his game play with our own two eyes of how good this dude is it would be crazy to say that Luca is better than this man that’s that sound crazy to me if he wins that sounds crazy if he wins if he wins that sounds crazy we watch we watch Luka right Joker has won I I don’t think it’s crazy to say that LCA is better if he wins I don’t I don’t think that’s crazy I think it’s crazy to say he’s way better or that there’s no about y still being the best I’m not saying that were you saying that what if if Luca wins is it the conversation between y yeah yeah no question but my thing is with Lucas is like and before Kyrie look at look at that look at them team the dudes he played with right and I spectacular I don’t I hate to do that because like every player matters right it matters it matters like come on man he carrying them dudes two years ago they when they played the Warriors in West final did you see that Squad correct did y’ see that Squad all right so like when you speaking about all this you know MVPs and that’s you can’t take that away from that but but I’m just saying my argument was we’ve seen voters messed up plenty of times right we’ve seen that and other part is like you got to put in the fact that look who luk was his teammates what he doing but that matters keep talking about the voters you watching Joker these past Four Seasons you saying they messed that up one of them years I think he should have went Tobi that’s my opinion because the one that the one that NB won the one he lost that was a close one was it n talking two years ago the one that embid won it easily could have went to Joker man look Joker gets stats I’m not I’m not he’s a he he’s the toss guy on the floor and he plays center and he plays point guard he gonna get stats I’m not and he balls he has a championship all I’m saying is when we talking about Luca right like from get from the get-go he got pop from the get go I don’t need you to trade no other Center out the way so I get some playing time and I’m not saying any my I’m just saying what it is Luca came in the leag getting busy yeah I’m I can’t make this up your teammates that you have is not as good as Denver do we all agree on that with that right so for them to beat the Suns that year and go to I couldn’t believe like how do they do that all I’m saying is this if you switch these dudes and I think joic is phenomenal bro I don’t know if this team does the same especially before Kyrie Irving I don’t think so because I watch joic right didn’t have that super team I would I would agree with that I would agre it got beat on last year my man wasn’t even in the playoffs with Kyrie Irving yeah well I mean they there a lot going on right tra no I’m truth tra some players injuries that happen the thing is what about right now though Joker I guess I watch I don’t know when I watch Luka though there’s nothing he can’t do though but remember y a saying he ain’t a great player but and the last part is this yo he’s 25 like like 25 though bro what does that have to do with being the best player right now you feel like you’re bring up age but as it came me like what’s that have to do with right now you being 25 being in your sixth year right so obviously the rookie year I don’t even count that year but he did good as Rook year then after that every year you’ve been the best point guard in the league and you took your team that’s not that good three years the last three years two of them to the Western Conference Finals you tell me y they don’t count for nothing at 25 I don’t think anyone saying it I’m just saying that I I I can’t erase the the total resume of yic make room for for this accomplishment I’m listening to both conversations I’m willing to hear it because everything that you’re saying is true and we also can with our own eyeballs see how great Luca is there’s a reason why he’s a one nameer right now I would also probably say and this hurts me to say it it’s probably just a two-man race we can finally say I think Giannis would then if if Luca wins one Giannis you kind of got to take a little second tier seat ID you got to take a second tier seat I think it’s really just the Joker and I think it’s the Light Brothers see but it it change it could change next year if one of them other dudes go to the championship that’s that’s that’s what you’re saying I don’t know because here’s what I’m saying is I don’t think there is another player who for the last three years has hovered around greatness outside of Giannis and embiid Luca and the Joker those are the four players to me in the last four years that have hovered around this supreme we’ve been in the MVP conversation remember Giannis this year was about to be in win MVP again so SGA he just now got a pop in the last two years so for me it’s not just the fact that Luca would have to win it’s Luca’s consistent greatness over the last and last you know who else has been consistent I don’t think that he can really don’t don’t dare I don’t think I don’t think Jas take that type of Team like like Lucas doing that is a different conversation iters because before he had all his pieces together though right cuz when when Jamal got hurt and all that like we’ve seen what that look like no doubt right and I feel like Luka yo he ain’t had much yeah right I’m not arguing that you can’t you can’t argue that if Luka wins this year and when you look at their postseason resumes relatively the same I believe the Nuggets went to the Western Conference Finals Joy helped me out in the bubble year versus the Lakers they lost 41 the MAV went for the Western Conference Finals versus the Phoenix versus the Golden State Warriors lost 4-1 if the Mavericks come back and win it they would have won a chip ignoring the Kyrie factor in this is conveniently we’re ignoring that we Kyrie Irving is playing I’m just saying I’m saying their postseason success if Luka win this let’s like not hold Murray against yic if we’re not going to hold the fact that Kyrie Irving is next to no that I’m just I’m confirming need teammates to win I’m confirming Shady’s point of if Luca wins this year if you look at their postseason resumes the last four years you could be like okay postseason a wash now but we’re not just talking about that we’re talking about who is the best player like start of the season to the end of the season year after year after year like that’s why I just because somebody pops in and wins a championship does not mean that necessarily LeBron James is not the best player on the planet at the at the at the peak of his prime like that’s what the conversation all I’m saying I just I just I seen joic play play dominant basketball and when he have all his pieces around him I seen him get beat on right like we all seem to get beat on can’t make that but right right but the the difference is now L got a squ I got another good player with me too you see the difference that’s what I’m saying so yeah joic is a phenomenal player for sure but I’m saying Lucas like that too they don’t they’re in the same seat the difference is not seat the difference is the difference is Yo somebody had a better team than I did that’s the truth difference is that’s the truth you got three MVPs a finals MVP and a championship that’s the difference listen I respect the MVPs I just seen voters get it wrong a lot of course but you got it wrong three times to far Steve Nash though just remember that of course that happened once back in 2006 that happened twice no when they got a wrong once they got a wrong once you should have got it the first time but I’m just saying there’s certain guys that shouldn’t even got MVPs like that if we’re disqualifying MVPs we just disqualified conversation because now we can’t bring up Jordan’s MVPs LeBron’s MVPs like we can’t use it when we want to but even even if one of even if one of them was questionable he still has two hey look bro I I listen I respect yish I’m not saying I don’t all I’m saying is right I’m going to take the younger guy that got busy way faster right that took his team farther with way less that’s what I’m taking but we talking right now though Shade that’s what and right now he’s 25 six years have you been watching this last four years here’s what I realized Shady just like him cuz he 25 big dog but I’m saying another guy that’s young too that that two I I didn’t cat it until the last time y’all watch Luka watch L you watch Luka Y watching subscribe here to get the latest from speak and go watch a few segments from our other shows on FS1

The Dallas Mavericks are set to take on the Boston Celtics in the 2024 NBA Finals. Like Jayson Tatum, Luka Dončić is also looking for his first NBA title. Emmanuel Acho, Joy Taylor, LeSean McCoy and James Jones debate whether a championship win would cement best-player status for Luka.

#Speak #NBA #LukaDoncic

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Does Luka Dončić cement best-player status with a championship win? | NBA | SPEAK



  1. People keep talking about the Mavs last year and people don’t even know what they talking about. That roster was not good. The Kyrie trade was great for the future but terrible for them then. They gave up 2 key defensive players that Kyrie just couldn’t replace on his own. The chemistry was off and we all saw how they fell apart because of it. To keep bringing up last year is just ridiculous

  2. People keep talking about the Mavs last year and people don’t even know what they talking about. That roster was not good. The Kyrie trade was great for the future but terrible for them then. They gave up 2 key defensive players that Kyrie just couldn’t replace on his own. The chemistry was off and we all saw how they fell apart because of it. To keep bringing up last year is just ridiculous

  3. It's Jokic

    Best player on the planet has been inconsistent as far as criteria goes.
    Jokic is the best not because of 3mvps (probably should be 4), but bc of ability. When kd won in 17 and 18, he was still considered to be the 2nd best player.

  4. I can imagine Luka and Nikola watching the argument together, eating popcorn and laughing like: look these fools😂😂

  5. If Luka wins the championship it will be great for him. I remember in 2012 when KD was in this position at 23 years old and the sky was the limit for him

  6. Joy is annoying as if she's the voice of reason and she sounds stupid saying Jokic has been the most dominant for the last 3-4 yrs…when Gianni's and Embiid were literally being considered the most dominant.

  7. Denver lost to Minnesota in 7. Dallas beat Minnesota in 5. How does that not decide who is the CURRENT best player? And Jokic didn’t deserve the MVP this year over Luka

  8. Luka literally held his team at the 7th seed with Dwight powell Josh green and Thj starting and no Kyrie because he was hurt, he held them up until Kyrie came back.

    Stayed at the 7th Seed all while the media was trashing him and Kyrie saying it’s not going to work, voters paid no attention to their games.

    These are the same voters who work at espn non stop, and watch highlights without looking at trade deadlines, and seeing what’s going on beyond basketball.

    They paid no attention because of Kyrie in the team saying he wouldn’t work out with Luka.

    Yet at the trade dead line, him and his team went 18-20 ranked 1st or 2nd in the league in almost every stat from record to you name, got to 50+ wins within 2 months of 2 players added to the roster that changed the whole dynamic to use his full tools that’s in his bag.

    Which is literally passing rebounding and scoring, he got to the 5th seed by doing that.

    If they had that same starting team and maintained that pace they would be ranked the 1st Seed with 62+ wins next to the Celtics but in the west which is much harder than the East to even do!

    To even hold your team afloat at the 7th seed with d Powell green and Thj with grant Williams in the west is crazy!

    Lukah helled up the same team who missed the playoffs, he’s literally the MVP this season and ranked first in almost every category all while avg 33 ppg 10 rebounds 9 assist.

    has 5 All Nba and should be MVP. Add finals after this series.

    Mavs in 5 and it’s not even an debate about this season who’s the MVP or best in the world.

  9. Luka has actually outperformed Joker the last 4 years with a lesser squad. He also should've won MVP this year, and 1 or 2 previous ones, if it weren't for the biased "voters" that don't enjoy the way Luka plays the game. Joker only has the advantage in his size and that he had better teammates that allowed them to win more frequently. But when it comes to dominance as THE "best player"…Luka can shred any defense thrown at him and still make the right read nearly every time. That is dominance. Luka's even outperforming Lebron at this point in his career vs when Lebron was the same age. He's even proved it this playoffs while he's been playing at roughly 70% with his multiple injuries (see his bloody knees nearly every game) and still roasting his opponents. Luka should have 2-3 MVP's already, but gets discredited all the time by journalist, and fans, because he's playing the game his way and not the prototypical way. He's not the second coming of any prior player, HE'S THE FIRST OF HIM!!!!

  10. these guys are not watching Luka. that's the crazy part. Lesean paying attention. They aren't watching Luka play, just riding Jokic's jock strap

  11. Everybody glazing Jokic hard now to discredit Luka 😂😂 Luka is more dominant. Jokic is a better team player so Jokic needs to have the team success to back up his value. Didnt happen this year.

  12. MVP is also based on performance of your team…smh…what are they on…if Luka would start the season with team after the all-star, then he would won an MVP…he should get it this season by numbers alone…

  13. you fckers robed Luka of MVP and you say oh he still have to win MVP , fckn after what Luka did and what historical season he had you still was riding Jokicis dck , Luka is the real MVP !

  14. All respect to Jokić, but numbers tells us Doncić was better this year. So I do not understand what comentators mean with Jokić is better… He has great team around, he is super good player, but 2 MVP titels in past means nothing for this year. New season, new story.

  15. 100% agree with James Jones. People live in the moment too much. Luka playing catch up too Joker.

  16. Luka is the most double teamed, blitzed player in the league and still puting the numbers…when they didn't go double on him he will put you 73 pts…don't know how dominant one can get…it's just the hate, now his showing his true potential with the right healthy team, not in the regular season with scrubs and injured players…he should be an MVP and is the best in the league…also a major clutch player..

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