@Detroit Pistons

Malik Monk And Nicolas Claxton The Ultimate Prize Of Free Agency For Detroit Pistons?

Malik Monk And Nicolas Claxton The Ultimate Prize Of Free Agency For Detroit Pistons?

Malik Monk and Nicholas Claxton could they become Detroit Pistons next year should they be the main Targets in free agency would that be a successful free agency we’ll talk about all that in today’s episode of the lockdown Pistons podcast you are locked on Pistons your daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what’s the deal welcome welcome back to another episode of the lockdown Pistons podcast per usual I’m your host cah Hill you can find me over on Twitter Cahill I want to thank you guys for Mak lockon Pistons your first listen of every single day free Avail on our podcast platforms if you haven’t already hit that subscribe button to the YouTube channel or leave us a five star review and whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast so today I want to talk about the whole Monty Williams situation I think it’s just really weird at this point we’ll hit on it a little later um and I had a lot of you guys at the last episode we talked about the 04 Pistons versus Golden State Warriors of 2017 18 that little era um I gave my thoughts on that but then that had a lot of you guys asked me cou if you could take one player from the 2004 team and put him on this team who would it be um it’s a question you guys have asked me a lot over the last few years and I think we’ve talked about it quite a bit the last few years but has my answer changed we’ll talk about that a little later as well um but I want to start off with an the athletic article written by James Edwards I third which also has where the Monty stuff is coming from that has a lot of people talking today but we’ll get to that later one of the main things though um actually I think probably the main thing in this piece from James is the Pistons potential free agent targets which by the way before we keep going um for those you guys watching on YouTube I’m getting my whole I I got a whole new setup so if you see me looking over to the right because I changed my setup and my monitors over here I have a new desk coming in we’re changing up this whole setup so just bear with me until we get everything completed um I trust me when I watch the videos back and I see myself look over to the right I I it gets on my nerve so we we’ll have it all suited out or settled out before uh before too long it’s G it’ll be it’ll be good in a minute but anyways let’s get back to this so in this article um it was a mailbag and James was taking questions from fans and in one of the questions fan a fan asked him about free agency and fono and Etc and in his answer James said quote as for other realistic free agent options I think Detroit goes heavily after the likes of Malik monk Nick Claxton and Gary Harris monk feels like some of the Pistons will heavily prioritize due to the team’s uh need for legitimate three-point shooting off the dribble shot creation Claxton would address the rim protection WS Harris despite usually missing several games of season due to injury is the exact type of three andd role player the Pistons could desperately use end quote so these are my thoughts about this there’s multiple angles I want to go with this so I guess the first an the first angle to go out is would I be okay with the Pistons going after mik Mon claxon and Gary Harris 100% I think those guys um very much uh address some of the issues the Pistons have where it comes to three-point shooting and some offguard defense and paint defense and just Rim protection like I think those were some of the biggest things the Piston struggled with and they need to improve on so I think all those guys make sense now the type of money you’d have to commit to them to get them to sign with Detroit we’ll see we’ll see how much money it is I know the Cap’s going up but still it’s not like money just doesn’t matter at all like it still matters so depending on how much money you’re talking maybe my opinion changes a little bit but the players themselves yeah I think those guys should be targets I think they all fit with what the Pistons are trying to do um the guy that I’m actually pretty interested in is Gary Harris not that he’s better than monk or or Claxton but he’s kind of the mold that I’ve been telling you guys for a while that I’d like to see next to Cade that three and D bigger guy like he’s not 68 or anything but he’s bigger he’s he he got some strength to him um and a good Defender that can space the floor that’s the kind of player I want to see next to K I think that’s the best fit I think the team agrees so that’s the one I’m interested in whether it’s Gary Harris or a different U player that’s kind of what piques my interest the most not saying again that he’s better than monk or claxon but just that type of uh archetype is what I’m really like looking forward to the Pistons eventually getting next to Kate that’s the first thing the second takeaway I had when I read this was I mean I don’t know how anyone doesn’t immediately go to thinking about Jane Ivy and Jaylen durren but I think I reading in between the lines from everything James has reported and some of the things that I’ve heard I don’t understand how anyone couldn’t come away thinking just again reading the Articles listening to the podcast all of it reading between the lines and not come away thinking the Pistons do not believe that Jane Ivy and Jaylen durren can be can be trusted with the big role next year whether that ends up in them being traded or simply just reduced to a just a backup role my my my second takeaway was they really want just they really view those guys as guys that need to be replaced placed in the starting lineup and and guys that they cannot trust at this moment moving into the next year to be significant contributors um and again whether it’s in trade or Off the Bench even if they’re coming off the bench I don’t think you’re seeing them being like T like big contributors if they go out and spend a bunch of money on Malik monk if they go out and spend a bunch of money on Nick Claxton and I guess I’ll go into my third takeaway now which is more hyperfocused on one player for me this I’m going to do two different ones it’s going to be my opinion and what I think the team based off the things we’re reading and some of the things I’ve heard I’m gonna go what I think and what I what I believe the team is thinking what I believe is if I had to again this I think you’re gonna hear about one of those guys being traded all off season like it’s it just is what it is that that’s the road that the Pistons seem to be heading down it’s just going to be talked about so in my opinion as I’ve said on the podcast many times if I had to pick one to move on from I’d keep dur as a backup and then I’d move ivy for for a different piece that’s where I’m at however I don’t think I I’m starting to think that the team may not agree with that I think if the team had to move off one of them I think they move off a Duren and the reason why I think that is would would you guys agree I I would agree with this again based off the things we we’ve read and some of the things that have been talked about behind the scenes I feel like the biggest thing that’s been talked about is one of as one of the biggest reasons why the Pistons were not good one of the biggest issues with this team that need to be addressed is Rim protection from everything I understand from things I’ve heard Rim protection is something they very very much uh prioritized it’s like probably number one on the list of things they’re like yeah we have to get that that’s a major issue and again reading between the lines makes me think that they really were not like I mean I feel like anyone who watched last year probably wasn’t happy but they really don’t it feels like they really were off-put by Duran’s defense this past year so that makes me think if they really don’t believe that durren has a a future Pathway to defense like becoming a good Defender I’m I like I think he may be the more Expendable one out of Ivy uring I think I’m stting to think they may would rather have Ivy just come off the bench and kind of grow in in that type of role not as a point guard i’ hope not I hope they have him as off card still but kind of develop off that and I don’t know man I think they might want to move off of Duran get get a guy like claxon and just let Stu be the backup five because I think Stu and the team this past year were one of the main reasons why I feel like Stu really had a good season I think both him and the team were identifying and realizing okay how can he be best successful how can he help us the most where is he best at etc etc I think they both started to figure that out and that is as a backup five whether it’s a starting five backup five whatever it’s as a five with a guy like AAR next to him and letting him be a spacing five let him be a guy that pulls a center away from the basket that is why I feel like they identified both of them throughout the year and he’s not going to start next year at the five so it just it takes me down the pathway of thinking again along with everything that keeps getting written about and what I’ve heard I think they might I think they might move on from durren like if I had to put money on it I I think that if I had to bet between the two I think it would be durren I think they really really were off-put by his defense this past year that’s just my read on the situation I think they really were off-put by his defense and if they think St like it seems to be like it seems to appear I should say that Stu is a backup five that they value and it seems like they very much value him they obviously gave him a contract extension and a lot of teams throughout the league value him and like him they tried to trade for him they want Stu to be the back of five and their top of the priority list is going and getting a r protecting five I mean where does that leave Duren that’s my question that that was my third takeaway and maybe should have been my number one takeaway because it’s what had me thinking the most um from this from this article but I don’t know man I don’t know I feel like again let me know I feel like the thing that’s been talked about the most from the beat writers from any leaks from articles and again from the this podcast what I’ve talked about and kind Tred to share with you guys as much as I can it seems like that Center position is the number one like priority for them like that getting Rim protection and legitimate defense at that position it seems like that is what they prioritize the most right now now that doesn’t mean they don’t prioritize the three-point shooting and the three and D like they very much prioritize that too like all of it it’s everything they need to improve everywhere they are aware they need to improve literally everywhere it just seems like the thing that really like bugged them the most and really put them off the most is that was the lack of Defense from their Center position like I think that that’s just the read I’m getting on it so I mean I think Nick cling would be great so we’ll see what happens let me know in the comments section down below or over on Twitter C how do you guys feel about this you guys think I’m on to something here do you guys disagree agree again comment section down below or over on Twitter at cuku Hill when we come back this whole Monty Williams situation man I I think it’s getting weird I think it’s getting weird and I’ll tell you guys what I mean by that when we come back this episode is brought to you by better hope give online therapy a try at lockon and beer in your way to being your best self we all carry around different stressors big and small and we keep them bottled up it can start to affect us negatively again look small things letting them build up and up and up it it it starts to get really really negative it can really affect 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black NBA to get 10% off your first month with better help so I want to thank you guys again for making lockon Pistons your first listen of every single day free and available on your podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast so Monty Williams we just talked about this in the last podcast and obviously we’ve talked about it quite a bit throughout the offseason and we we’re going to continue to talk about it until they come to a a decision on whether he’s returning or they’re moving off from him it’s going to be a talking point it’s probably the main talking point of the Pistons offseason currently like the future of your head coach who has that much money tied to him like that yeah that’s going to be a talking point um I think this situation is getting really weird um so in this article from James this mailbag um he says in this episode or not episode I’m sorry he says in this article um after being asked about Monty he says um I’m 5050 on Williams returning I don’t think it’s a coincidence that lon’s introductory press conference hasn’t yet been announced and Williams future is still swirling question he also goes on to say um Williams currently has two things working in his favor he own a lot of money he did have not have a good roster this past season um he also somewhere in this article I believe earlier in the article said that the Pistons are evaluating the future um of Monty Williams at this point um I want to get the exact quote I skipped over it um right here it says it is believed that the organization is now evaluating the coaching staff including head coach Monty Williams who signed a sixe $73 million contract this time last year I think this whole situation is just I think it’s a little weird and it’s hard to piece together what exactly is happening because common let’s let’s go down common sense or or let’s not say common sense but maybe The Logical thought process you have this terrible season this past year you lose the most games in franchise history you had the worst season in franchise history you break the single season losing streak record it was it the the the the hospital burn down like it did in the dark night it it got blown up and and and Monty Williams and Troy raver were walking away like the Joker smashing the phone laughing whatever like that that’s what happened okay you get a new president of basketball operations to clean to basically fix all this and get his guys in get his guys in give him the Clear Vision and let him fix this mess and the first thing they do is move on from the GM and Troy Weaver they move on from him completely remove him from the organization the only other person with their fingerprints on that season mostly their fingerprints on that season is the head coach so com I feel like The Logical thought process would be a president basketball operation would come in clear the front office get his guys into the front office and then he would come in and clear the coaching staff and get his guys into the coaching staff so it’s all his vision from here on out is his guys from here on out and he wants to build his own image right right okay so that’s what the logical thought process to me says yet we’re on June 5th where I’m recording this and there seems to be at the very least uncertainty on what they’re going to do with Monty Williams and during this time the thing that makes it most confusing for me or maybe let me not say confusing that’s the wrong word the most weird to me is that while this is happening you are having head coaches get hired you’re having canny ainson get this interview with the Cavs you’re seeing Mike buen hoser get hired you’re seeing potentially it sounds like JJ rdick going to the Lakers you’re seeing these coaches and and these coaching staff or or these head coaches are then reaching out reportedly to other head coaching candidates that are getting interviews to join their staff so you’re the more that time passes you’re losing on head coaching candidates to other head coaching jobs and you also are potentially losing them to other staffs for head coaching jobs so it feels like on one hand I get the the the the the the view from the fan that says it seems like Monty’s returning it seems like Monty’s coming back for at least another year because they wanted to move on for him they would have moved on for him to go get their guy before they’re gone I get that thought process however I am not I don’t believe that’s what’s I I personally do not believe that’s what’s happening and this is why it we have heard them speak about we have had a statement from the team we have had articles until today until today we have had articles from multiple places not just the beat Riders but nationally discussing the Pistons decision making with the front office and what was going to happen and for about two weeks it felt like they were purposely everyone involved purposely was not Monty did not get mentioned at all Monte he had not like he had been off the radar wasn’t mentioned he wasn’t being mentioned anywhere like it was purposely being kept quiet and along with that like James mentions in this article they have not had an introductory press conference yet for tras why is that I well I mean you could read in between the lines or you could just follow the common sense logical route which would lead you to they don’t want to have an introductory press conference until they have their head coach so to me if they believed if they actually believe that Monty Williams was their coach I feel like you would have had that introductory press conference by now there’s there the only reason why you are holding off on a introductory press conference is because you don’t feel like there’s two things either one you don’t feel like you are ready to answer questions about your head coach you know that’s gonna be asked and if you don’t want him around you don’t want to have to answer the question of yeah you know we we’re not sure you don’t want to make that drama bring that you know bring that attention in in in extra you know um media covered to that situation when you don’t need to that’s one and two you don’t want to have that uh uh introductory press conference until either you have fired Monty Williams and then you can say okay yeah we’re looking for a head coach um you know we’re we’re working d ently to a b c d Etc go find this guy blah blah blah or be able to say we have our coach right here maybe the introductory press conference happens when they find their head coach and they introduce all of them at the same time hey you know this is this is what we’re deciding to do this is our this is our guys this is our vision now this is a new era etc etc the fact that it’s been a few weeks without having an introductory press conference for trasan tells me I don’t feel like that Monty’s returning but again it’s not 100% I just think this whole situation is weird because they didn’t again like I said in the last episode too if they were to just fire Troy and then bring back Mani I feel like that kind of would be unfair and kind of scapegoating Troy it wasn’t just Troy this past year like there’s blood to go all around there’s someone on Troy’s hands there’s some on Monty’s hands and there’s someone obviously on Tom Gore hands except Tom gors is not going nowhere he is the owner like he is not going nowhere but the two guys that actually have blood on their hands and quite a bit of blood on their hands like washing your hands ain’t doing nothing like there’s quite a bit of blood on your hands those two guys probably should go and one of them is so I I I feel like it would be unfair as well if if if you only got rid of one of those guys and brought the other one back you’re basically say oh yeah it was his fault this guy avoids all blame and that would just be incorrect and unfair in my opinion so but overall man I just think this whole situation is weird man it’s been a few weeks it doesn’t feel like at least the Public Public I can’t you know speak to um yet to anything that’s happening behind the scenes but publicly being made public to fans like there’s any you know um they’re not leaning any other way like one way or the other it seems just as up in the air as it was a few weeks ago at least publicly like I said to the fans I just think it’s weird I the the drafters around the corner you have the combine going on your scouting guys you’re trying to add a new vision to the team you’re trying to get everyone on your vision for this team the free aen season less than a month like you don’t have all this time and for like for it to seem that there’s like no progress or idea really what’s going on again just publicly made to the fans this just a little weird this is a weird situation also if you go back I mean remember we had two weeks ago like what was it three weeks ago when Brian wior was going on first take like three times in one week saying that the Lakers might be monitoring uh the lake make sure you keep an eye on Monty Williams with the Pistons they may be moving on that’s a name that’s a big time name the Lakers could be you remember when Brian wior was doing that day after day after day he did that like three times on first take in one week like all of that all the way to now it’s just this Pistons head coaching job in this future it’s just I just think it’s weird I don’t it’s a weird situation I hope they wrap it up soon whether it’s bring Monty back which I think would be a mistake but whether it’s just bring him back or fire him and start your search like I and again like I said the longer you wait to start your search the less guys that would be available so I don’t know I they need to make the decision like they need to come to the decision quickly I think but I to me I don’t see why it needs to take so long I mean I feel like it’s a simple you know evaluation here but it is what it is let me know what you guys are thinking comment section down below or over on Twitter at cuky Hill when we come back I’ve had a lot of you guys ask me so I’m going to answer it again if I had they take one player from the 2004 Detroit Pistons and put them on this team in this era who would it be I’ll let you guys know when we come back it’s winner take all time in the NBA and NHL and Fan’s giving you a shot to bring home a big win of your own right now new customers get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 150 bucks to bound spreads money lines player props and more visit lockon make every playoff shot count the NBA Finals right around the corner who you got the Boston Celtics you got the Dallas Mavericks all those kind of things involving the NBA Finals what you believe in what you want to bet on you 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Pistons basketball going on and it’s always about the 2004 Pistons because that is obviously a very memorable team in this community for a lot of people around my age and a little older um so a lot of the qu a lot of people asked me after the last episode when we talked about them hey if you had to take one player from that team who would you put on this current team and I think my answer is going to remain the same as it has the last few years but if you haven’t listened to any of the podcast I’ve answered that question before in the last few off Seasons I’ll tell you the answer now obviously so I’m immediately and look this is no disrespect to any of these guys because I think all of them are amazing I think Ben and trony are Hall of Famers they are obviously Hall of Famers but like I thought that beforehand they’re great like no disrespect to any of them um but immediately I’m I’m taking off taan because taan while he was good in what he did when you have the other options on that team to add to the to the current team like I just don’t see why you would pass up on any of the other guys for taan like not to say taan wasn’t good but if you pass up on all the other dudes for Tan I have to seriously question what you’re doing um so that’s one unless you have like three stars already you’re just looking for that guy to play defense on the wing that’s all you need like okay then maybe but even then I think there’s one player on this list that you would still take over him but either way so I’m immediately Crossing off taan and another player that I’m immediately Crossing off is Rip Hamilton I’m crossing off rip because really with rip it just comes down to I think there’s two guys that just are simply better and would be better in this era um I don’t know how effective rip would be in 2024 if now if he was able if he was coming off screens and shooting threes and added some more threes to his shot diet I think maybe things changed differently but still even with that that’s not the main reason there’s two guys on this team that I think just are way better options um and then the other guy that I’m crossing off this one’s gonna be the one that makes some people mad I know it it’s Ben Wallace Ben is a Hall of Famer he is great he’s one of the best defensive players of all time but I do have some questions about in this era would you be able to survive with someone who is that you know let’s just keep it a buck not that good offensively um and there is I I’ve had some people wonder this I’ve seen some people wonder this I didn’t watch Ben like his whole career when I was younger obviously I was like I wasn’t old enough to really comprehend basketball like that but um how how would Ben do in the pick and roll like can can Ben like do you have to run drop coverage with Ben or can he switch out on the perimeter does he have quick enough feet does is he able to stay out in the perimeter and guard guys you I would think so well I’ve had some people tell me that he that if watching him back in the day that wasn’t something he was great at but I would think so with how athletic he was but again I’m not sure more so his offensive issues is what I would cross him off here for um so it leaves two guys which I think are by by far in a way I think these two guys are easily the guys that you that should be brought up instantly when talking about bringing them to today’s NBA and that’s trony bbss and that’s Rasheed Wallace I think those two guys are by far easily the guys you need to be talking about here in my answer I think has been the same the last few years though now that I think about I think maybe I may have flip-flop one year but I’m pretty sure I’ve stayed the same um my answer is Rasheed like chony I think before Cade I I I think before K I may have said chony but after K I don’t know if I said trony but it should be Rasheed for this reason this reason only or not this reason only that’s a lie there’s a few reasons but the main reason is you have Cade and I do think him and try would fit great together however I think having Rasheed play the five for this team be a stretch big a legitimate Defender and again Sheed is one of the most skilled players of that era of basketball he just simply he he was one of the guys who sacrificed to win games she is talented as hell she can do post up shoot from three post fatal ways score around the basket catch lobs protect the rim rebound the basketball handle the ball pass like rashed is skilled out of or was skilled out of this world I don’t see how you could if you put Rasheed in this era of basketball and you got him shooting seven threes a game from the top of the key like and you have his ability to protect the rim in the E end of the floor his physicality his kind of mentality his ability to punish mismatches a lot of fives who are able to you know play in today’s NBA one of the main criticism of them is that they can’t take advantage of switches because a lot of times in the NBA now the main defense is switch a lot of teams have switch across the board and the bigs nowadays there’s not many that can really make you pay there’s a few like yo and be but like there’s not many ad there’s not many they can make you pay for switching across the board she would destroy teams for for trying to switch against them like I don’t and to have a stretch five on this team imagine having like imagine having Sheed and assar next to each other like that would be crazy that would be like she EXA is exactly the kind of five that we’ve been talking about the podcast last month and I guarantee you I think Sheed would be 10 times better in this era way way better I think he’d be used way more I think his skills would pop even more now than they did back then and again I think chony was the best player on that team but for this team right now I would rather have Rasheed than Chanty but those two guys are the ones I think you have to consider the other three especially Ben because he’s a Hall of Famer no disrespect to him at all but the other three I don’t think you should be considering for this team she and and Chanty are the main ones and going Sheed I I’ll I’ll forever be in the camp that if Rasheed Wallace played in this era of basketball he would dominate like I I fully believe that him and chony would be dominant in today’s NBA I think they both would be all NBA players I think chony would be talked about one of the best players in the NBA I think Rasheed would be talk about as one of the best players in the NBA they would thrive in today’s NBA but give me the stretch five with the skills to play on defense offensively with the ball in the stand passing give me that guy and with his attitude the team this team needs his attitude I’m not GNA they need that I I know I’m one of the main ones that’s always like well can we talk about playing basketball can we actually have good basketball players not just attitudy players no but if you’re like Rasheed you can ball and you also bring an attitude to the team inste a tone I I I mess with that bring Rasheed I’d love Rasheed on this team that’s my pick um so let me know what you guys think though was I wrong do you guys pick a different player I think Rasheed would dominate bro Rashid is one of those players that I think sadly now I don’t say this like happily but I I think sadly may get forgotten throughout NBA history because he sacrificed because he sacrificed his numbers to win but I I am telling you dude that she is one of the most talented players of that era one of the most talented guys he would be fantastic absolutely fantastic um but that’s all I got to you guys for you guys today man appreciate you guys making lock on Pistons your first list of every single day pock platforms hit that subscribe button to the YouTube channel leave us a five star review whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on wait I didn’t even know this she retired for two years then came back to New York I thought he went from Boston straight to New York I I did not I don’t remember him like retiring for two years then trying to make a comeback I don’t remember that anyways uh going off on a tangent all I’ll see you guys later peace out stay safe everybody

According to James Edwards III, the Detroit Pistons will heavily prioritize going after Malik Monk and Nicolas Claxton in NBA Free Agency this month. What does that signal for the future of the Pistons?

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  1. Trading Duren would be laughable. No one trades a young big that was coached by a coach that didn’t want to be here. When Dan Burke left early in the season, the team defense suffered. The first move should be hiring a head coach and get their input on the roster. Not someone who doesn’t want to coach.

  2. if monty stays, ivey is gone…i like monk,harris, n claxton but where are your strecth 4s..cade supposedly really close w duren n stew..if you even get 2 out of 3 say claxton and monk its gonna cost you approx 50 ivey n duren would have to be traded for guy who make a little more but not gonna be able to sign a star making 30 mill++..unless you add stew to trade.

  3. U keep talking bout lack of one in the league plays defense…for the rules don't allow anyone to play legitimate defense in today's in point…Rudy gobert is really trash on defense and hes won dpoy 4 times

  4. If Jalen Duren isn't traded, I wish he could work with Ben Wallace in the summer to work on his defense and timing in protecting the rim

  5. Why do you hope they keep ivey as an off ball? Hes 6’3, hes a point guard bro. Hes not a spot up shooter hes a guy who attacks the rim and can be a playmaker. Saying you hope he stays off ball is weird 🥴

  6. I wish the word "weird " can be placed in a capsule and sealed for a thousand years. Egregiously overused beyond comprehension! Also, Monty deserves 3 yrs minimum. Unless there's a plan to immediately infuse stars onto the roster, it makes no sense to fire one of the better coaching hires the team has made in forever.

  7. I think they are trying to negotiate a buyout with Monty Williams. I think because so much money is involved it's taking a little more time to come to an agreement.

  8. Free agency availability probably determines who Detroit moves on from.

    Duren hasn’t shown he has the instincts to be a good defender, it’s highly improbable he’ll ever be as good as Claxton on D. Claxton probably won’t ever be as good as Duren on offense, but we really need our C to protect the paint. Claxton already has been in the DPOY race so he’s already shown he can do it. Cade will make Claxton better on offense too, helping him get a few more easy ones every game, the Nets PG play was awful.

    Monk is what Ivey could be if Ivey just cut his turnovers down, upped his efficiency a little bit, and got a little more sturdy on D. Which are all realistic for a young player like Ivey.

    Claxton mirrors what Jarret Allen was in his free agency. It would immediately improve our defense and make us more competitive. Just gotta add some shooting after that.

  9. There is awful coaching everywhere in the NBA. You can't fire the players. Monty will get a second chance thru least a half of season

  10. Duren is way young. Keeping him, when you don't have anything better, is realistic. Maybe he will figure it out. Meanwhile, since you have nothing better on your roster, you wait.
    You, good sir, are one of these "immediate gratification" guys. You have to be patient with 20 year old players. And you are ANYTHING but patient, even your speaking voice is stressed, uptight and wired. I think maybe you drink a gallon of coffee for breakfast. You are on "GO" every second. Pistons are going to have to build this thing slowly and I bet this is going to drive you nuts. You like to finger scapegoats. Monty Williams was never the problem. Duren was never the problem. I bet they both get at least one more year, maybe two.

  11. Duren is a nobody piston fans stop acting like he some superstar would trade him at the speed of light for a borderline all star player with other pieces

  12. Keep Orlando in check. Target would be a veteran overpay for Klay Thompson. If not, then Malik Monk. kuzma is from Michigan on a friendly contract.

  13. Isiah hartenstein should be the target a great backup veteran big to play behind JD, Monk is best as a bench player not a starter he’s not better than Ivey as a starter or a better fit next to Cade than Ivey is Duren is perfectly capable of playing defense he’s a natural shot blocker you can look back to him at Memphis Monty left Duren out to dry with terrible drop defense that also costs him blowing a finals vs Giannis Monty terrible it’s a reason why D Ayton hates him

  14. Monk is a 35% 3 point shooter. I thought we wanted to surround Cade with guys that can shoot.
    I mean i honestly have no clue what to do u just want to watch better bb built around Cade.

    1 thing Iam sure of if we trade Duren to sign Claxton im done with the Pistons

  15. Moving on from Duren//Bagley/Wiseman to Claxton/Stew/Vet is like adding +8 wins automatically

    Not moving Duren for peanuts though

  16. Time for Ivey and stew to join Killian. Big 3 maybe. Monty and Casey should move to Alaska. Bring in some vets,, develop culture and some stars

  17. Gary Harris off the bench… sure. Definitely not as a starter, that dude can barely play 50 games, averages 6 pts off 25 mins lol. If after talking to monty the president feels like montys vision matches his vision than the "logical" thing to do is keep him and get players that matches his coaching style. I got no problem giving monty another with real nba talent and seee what he does.

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