@Oklahoma City Thunder

Unconventional trade idea…

This might look dumb at first, but bare with me. We trade Giddy to the Nets where he can help Bridges and Johnson shine. Meanwhile, we open cap space to poach OG and get some picks with promise for the future. We only do this if we have OG in the office with a pen in his hand though… Then, we fill the backup center/PF needs with draft picks on hand…

by Chet_Oklaholmgren7


  1. dontletmecook73

    gordon hayward is our cap space, not giddey.

  2. omgitsthepast

    IMO if we were clearing cap space to sign OG, we’d just need to dump Ous to get to OG’s max, no need to dump Giddey.

  3. Friendly-Thought-973

    we could sign OG and keep josh if we wanted to. Or if og wanted to I should say, not sure why the nets part matters

  4. Pizzalovertyler24

    The money doesn’t work.

    OG also isn’t coming here no matter what, even if we offered the max because the Knicks will just match. Whatever rumor you hear on OG is just leverage to get him more money.

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