@San Antonio Spurs

Buy or sell: San Antonio Spurs reportedly exploring a move for the No. 1 pick in the NBA Draft

Buy or sell: San Antonio Spurs reportedly exploring a move for the No. 1 pick in the NBA Draft

let’s go over some Spurs news and notes draft version you may have missed and then ask the big question by yourself this whole rumor that Spurs might move up to number one you are locked on Spurs your daily San Antonio Spurs podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hey welcome back to lockdown Spurs on lockdown NBA network I’m your host Jeff Garcia Spurs wrer for Ken 5 San Antonio glad to have all back and hope you all having a great work week almost done it’s almost done a few more days and it’s the weekend hey what are we talking about today we’re going to be over some Spurs news and notes draft style and can talk to you about a player I spoke with well a potential NBA player I spoke with and then uh have a game of buy or sell this whole rumor that Spurs are exploring to move up to number one by packaging 4 and8 well we’re going to get into all that in just a few minutes with our guest Ry compos as well to getting some lockdowns for his fan comments just a heads up we had a schedule conflict me and Rudy so we just couldn’t do video we could only do audio so after this portion it will be an audio segment with Rudy compos but that’s just in a few minutes hey today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app gr an account use code lockt MBA for 20 bucks off your first purchase terms apply so as y’all can see uh we’re be discussing some Spurs news draft style and uh let’s get kick it off with that so if you all don’t know I had a chance to talk to several NBA draft prospects Zach R rash uh Nicola toic and to Jane Salon the French uh forward that’s been booming up uh mini mocks and everything we’re talking about him today so I had a chance to talk to him and of the players I did talk from topit to R to a couple of other uh all none of them said that they had that the player had any individual contact with the Spurs seph for Tan he told me that he is he did talk to the Spurs and that he’s really good friends with wimy and they still communicate till today and yeah interesting huh now the Spurs have well they’ve they’ve done it before you know pulled a surprise in AIM that nobody expect to go early in the draft remember Josh Primo everybody was floored like what who what Primo at this number you know what what’s going on here uh wouldn’t put it past the Spurs to do the same with tan you you know he’s he definitely is raw he’s a project player but you read the tea leaves he said to me that the Spurs did talk to him and he spoke with the Spurs so it’ll be interesting to see if the Spurs continue that uh you know the Spurs are very uh you know close to the chest close to the V thing they’re going they don’t really let their cards out give an example uh Deonte Murray he told me the night before he was drafted into the NBA you know we didn’t know it was going to be the Spurs but that the Spurs never spoke to him they didn’t even work him out and they selected him so it can go either way but if you’re looking for some sort of signs of where the Spurs might be going hey tan did tell me that he had communication with San Antonio now look is he a project player probably you know you know he’s not NBA ready but my goodness he is an athlete he’s a freakish athlete he’s young 19 years old uh you know would he would he beting some uh you know sandpapering to cut down the rough edges probably but you know I can see the Spurs trying to invest in a player now for their Potential Prospect future allaha what they almost did with Primo before that went South now in most mock drafts he is projected around the you know middle teens or 15 14 around there uh with the Spurs what they use 4 and eight to get him that might be a reach or they could always you know trade down collect several more assets and maybe trade at number eight for kind of a late pick you know that is something can do Spurs gonna do a lot of stuff on the on the uh draft night and as far as movement like he’s 610 he’s a forward you you know French they’re definit they’re definitely you know tapping that French Market he averaged 9.5 points per game 4.0 rebounds one steal in 23 minutes playing with cholet Basket in uh in France so yeah you know he’s made 753s you know so he has a 7 foot2 wingspan you know he’s definitely an energized he is athletic uh but you know that that could be a reach at four definitely a reach at eight maybe not I can definitely see the Spurs getting him at number eight but hey he’s a he’s a hustler he works hard and again that French Connection there him and wimy you know he you know he says that they stay in contact that they’re still friends and the Spurs reach out to him so interesting to see what the Spurs will do hey quick side note here um real fast I know yesterday I talked about nicoa Topic in my conversations with him uh it is official via ESPN uh he did suffer in fact a ACL tear strain in the knee so he did say yesterday well a couple days ago when we all spoke with him that he was not 100% that he was focused on rehabing so there you have it it has come out that yeah he did suffer a tear in that left knee that’s got to really hurt his draft stock uh I hope the Spurs don’t get him if he falls all the way to the second round and the Spurs are there on the board sure go for it but yeah tough luck for the kid but there you have it a quick quick quick um kind of a NBA draft prospect note uh that my that I’m speaking with to Jane so we’ll see we’ll see what happens hey you know this draft is gonna be very interesting I always ask the question when does when does a draft in this draft begin you know how they always say oh the draft really begins after the third pick there’s not really consensus so it could be all over the board we’ll see in just a few weeks coming up next is Rudy compos of sweep the leite we’re gonna be discussing that recent report slash rumor that the Spurs are kind of considering or maybe exploring trading number four and eight and offering to Atlanta for number one we’re going to play game of buy and sell with that and then get into your comments over at the YouTube page and that’s coming up next right here on lockon Spurs first I want to talk to you about game time you want to go to right now look game time takes the headaches out of finding tickets makes even getting NBA Finals tickets even easier and faster prices on the game time app actually go down the closer it gets to tip off they got killer last minute deals Allin prices view for your receipts lowest price guarantee game time Tes a guess where got to buying MBA tickets not only that they have event cancellation protection job loss protection they got you covered Flash Deals Zone deals say so what’s a Zone deal well Bas basically you can save even more by you picking the section and let game time pick the seats uh what about those Flash Deals I mentioned well you can say even more exclusive inapp deals on select seats ahead of the event that you want to go to or 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rebrands but this time it’s uh Surly on our own and we’ve uh We’ve launched and it’s taken off really well appreciate all the fans support and appreciate everybody for tuning in uh whenever we go for sweep the league yeah exactly again make sure to follow Rudy on X sweet the league do that right now unfortunately Rudy and I are work schedules just conflicted and uh we can only get a you know a show going through audio so we’ll be back tomorrow with a full video show right here on lockdown Spurs so why is Rudy here today Well everybody’s been reacting to this it’s been kind of taken off uh I started the Wildfire Rudy let’s just admit it I started the Wildfire with this topic uh basically for those of yall who did not know uh ESPN’s uh draft expert Jonathan gavone you know was talking about uh Lebron James’s son bronny and buried in that conversation they were talking about draft uh teams that could move up could move down and lo and behold he dropped the Nugget saying that there are Rumblings that the Spurs are considering you know debating whether or not they should move four and eight first round picks for the number one pick owned by Atlanta let’s just say Ry that took off Spurs fans were reacting it it went viral uh before we you know get into some scenarios here what was your reaction when you first heard that report slash rumor that the Spurs could consider moving forward eight for number one honestly my first reaction was it was comical um Everybody in the uh everybody in the league knows how how this draft is it’s not a a very you know really good draft class at all and you know I have to always repeat myself when I say that because it’s it’s not that it’s a disrespect to any players in the draft but uh there’s just not that instant Superstar instant you know true true impact was going to be an All-Star type of player right away now they all could develop into a possible superstar uh All-Star type player but for me it was iCal because you’re you’re whether you’re drafting at one or you’re drafting at 10 a lot of these guys in the lottery are interchangeable there’s not one clear cut number one guy where if you’re drafting Alex SAR at number one I mean you can set the same type of talent at number eight where the spers have their second pick so the the idea of them wanting to possibly trade up to number one it it doesn’t make any sense to me at all but I just found it comical when I started when I saw you reporting it yeah yeah well for me my reaction was um yeah right you know no nothing against um gavone and anything you know I know he does great work um covering the draft draft prospects but my thought was yeah right not at him but yeah right that the Spurs would leak this like somebody would leak this about the Spurs uh because the Spurs are a vault and historically the Spurs don’t make major moves on draft day draft uh you know leading up to it I mean the last surprise was maybe Josh Primo getting picked early in the first round by San Antonio but so my first year was like okay sure whatever you know your source is inside saying that you know but Spurs don’t really let a lot of stuff leak out you have to either be contact by them or a player tells you something know directly kind of like what uh Jeremy Sohan did with the uh the Spanish uh show that he was on talking about you know revealing what they talk about inside you know there was your Insider you can’t get more Insider than a player um in their draft uh rebuild but as far as this you’re right you know why see for me even even if it is true Rudy why would you want to take one bite of the Apple why don’t you take two bites of the Apple what about that idea you know sure trade up for number one but even if you do that let’s just say they’re a target with SAR doesn’t that kind of throw a wrench in where when be slotted is SAR going to want to play a four you know is when we want to go back to a four and it’s our five you know to me that doesn’t work out you know it doesn’t work out I guess on paper but does it work on the court I’m sure the Spurs could definitely find a way to get a sar Wy combination work on the court but with you know we’re not going to we’re not going to pretend that we don’t see the obvious uh elephant in the room there are so many positions on this team and you know that you have to get filled obviously wmy is the Cornerstone and he’s going to be the front Court guy you need but knowing you have U Trey Jones as your your primary point guard uh you’ve seen the inconsistencies even you know with Devon Vel I mean yeah he’s he’s probably their second best player but the consistency of Devon Vel is really you know one thing that Spurs fans in the front office everybody have to keep their eye on so you’ve got a lot of holes that have to be filled with this team still so having two picks in the first round with well the first 10 picks of the draft makes more sense because you can add a couple of players whether they’re going to eventually be starters or they’re going to be eventually you know the six seven eighth man Off the Bench you’re able to fill these roster positions a little bit better now bringing in two guys does hurt because then you’ve got to go into FR AGC you knowing you’re probably going to lose two players um so who do you uh get rid of more than likely the guys that you’ve been hearing about about her Devonte Graham uh Ste Osman is another guy that’s probably uh not going to be a s he’s probably going to go on to another Contender but you know that that’s the part I see is that you one pick’s not going to make a difference two picks is really not going to make that much of a difference either but you’re able to fill more positions on the team that you’re lacking yeah yeah and look let’s just say the Spurs oh you this way let’s say the Spurs are not targeting SAR it would make more sense for Risha Shay I can see that because he would fill in around wimy um and you know a Swingman you know I did speak with him um a couple days ago and he told me that he has he has not had any direct contact with the team but that he is aware that the Spurs were scouting him and that um his agent spoke to the Spurs and several other teams that were there scouting ret but you didn’t hear that about SAR not once did you hear anybody I mean my knowledge and maybe you might know Rudy but I did not see any report that the Spurs were out scouting SAR rash seems to be the one that that’s been on their target for quite some time I can understand that but you look at Atlanta situation I think they probably need a big maybe Spurs don’t trade up for one what about trading up for number two what do you think about that again if it’s cting you both draft picks probably not I mean it the biggest thing that you know people got got to realize is you know the one thing that’s um I mentioned is the fact that you’re you’re going to get the same you know you’re going to get the same Talent anywhere in this top 10 so if you really want your guy at two because he’s not going to be there when you’re picking at four or eight then yeah I mean if you really really are in love with SAR you really really are in love with rearc then go get him I mean I mean if you have the opportunity to go get him if that is the number one guy and it’s you know all in with this person then by all means go get him I have no problem with that if that’s what they want to do it shows the Spurs being aggressive but again does it add does it make you a playoff team no does it make you a playin team probably not does it add more wins it may add another four maybe maybe six seven wins if you do that and if you are aggressive but what does it really do Jeff it moves the needle in the F in the in the sense of this fans perspective where okay they’re aggressive so they’re trying to do something they’re trying to win now and that’s kind of the perspective that I see when it comes to trying to trade up for a one or two in the draft yeah yeah um ultimately I don’t buy it completely uh you I I don’t see the Spurs doing that I still think the Spurs are going to select that 4 and eight and then move move move on with the day until the next day second round but bar I think the only way they move for and eight uh Rudy is if they get an established All-Star player let’s just I’m use this as an example Phoenix they they don’t have any picks for how long so you know what if they dangle one of their power play Devin Booker what if they really want to blow it up already you know the Spurs said 4 and eight and we can give you some uh players you know look at Brooklyn the same thing they don’t have picks for quite some time what do they got they want to offer San Antonio so I think it’ll go to that level before they consider moving four and eight uh but you’re right you know in a water down draft why would you want to give up pretty good positions you know you got two bites at the Apple that you can either flip as I mentioned for another player an established veteran and for me Rudy I think that is more of a precedent than a young Prospect in a bad draft is just bringing in solid veteran that can help immediately like uh like a Lori Markin and you mentioned that a lot of time on sweep the league imagine I would be okay they use 4 and8 to get Lori what do you think about that that you know that was something that we did mention on sweep the league recently and you know Lor’s a guy that I’ve targeted for the San Antonio Spurs for a very long time back when he was with the bulls andh if you remember correctly when dear was being traded to the Bulls I was hoping they were able to get l in return but yeah I mean using 4 and eight to uh trade up to get lry Markin or to trade for lry marinin is beneficial for both teams in my opinion because you can also add Kell and Johnson to that list maybe throw even possibly a Devonte Graham their way as well plus the draft picks now from what I’m I was looking at the way I would probably do this deal is 48 this year Kellin Johnson and then the Spurs 2025 pick their own pick next year that is something I feel for the jazz is very enticing because you’re technically in a rebuild uh you have Colin seon as your point guard you have John Collins there so you still have two young guys adding two young guys from this year’s draft Plus getting a 2025 pick from the Spurs knowing that it’s probably not going to be a low pick it might be anywhere between I would say late Lottery to maybe around the 1819 range so I think something like that is enticing for Utah but yeah you’re right using these picks to possibly get a veteran who can come in and help when we develop help the young guys develop but also add a couple more wins to team makes a lot more sense for me but yeah man Lael Markin in a Spurs uniform that probably instantly adds that would probably put them in the 30 to 32 win range of I guess at best for me yeah yeah I I think that will be the move if this BRS want to move their current uh four and eight picks because even at that you know you look at Nicola topic who told everybody a couple days ago that he’s not 100% that all he’s doing right now is focusing on rehab that’s not good leading up to the draft and you you mentioned it you know it’s watered down is there really a consensus number one pick no not really uh you know is there any difference from one and two to the Spurs pick four- eight not really could the Spurs feel needs with those picks sure you know need a shooter I’m making this up Reed Reed Richard look at me I’m nerding out right now Reed Shepard um is there for you um do you need a point guard okay sure you know cutting Dillingham excuse me is there uh but you know you look at mocks almost daily and it it fluctuates so much um you know you know how they say really oh the draft begins really begins after the third pick well in this draft I feel like the draft doesn’t begin till it begins like seriously you know say oh after after Scoot wimy and and Miller okay now the draft really begins in this draft do you really feel that Vibe Rudy oh man you know the the draft probably for this one it it doesn’t it doesn’t really start right away to be honest man it’s it’s just going to kind of be a draft where you’re walking into and whatever happens happens you know there’s so much uncertainty and you’re you’re actually you’re right I’m gonna agree with you on that it just starts when it happens when they announce the first pick it’s the draft time there’s there’s no guarantee any players going number one because everyone’s pointing to SAR everybody’s pointing to resar right now for all we know you know Atlanta could trade down and somebody is trying to get up there because they feel that uh you know kingan is probably number one so in this draft going in there’s there’s favorites of teams but I guarantee you every Big Board is filled with at least 15 guys on their board even Atlanta at number one probably has a minimum of five six players that they’re looking at number one right now so honestly I think the Draft starts in the second round if we’re going to be brutally honest I think the first round is just going to kind of be a ho home type thing it’s those gems you can find in the second round not Nam bronny James but yeah there’s G to be a few gems out there in the second round who are going to be able to make a few of these teams and I think that’s where you’re going to start to really see the GMS for these teams and also the scouts come out and say okay these are the players that we really need to look at so for me it second round is when I’m starting to think okay I’m going to really pay attention to the draft all right so ultimately are you buying or selling this report that the spers are looking at and possibly moving up to number one 100% selling um there’s no way that anybody should buy this rumor I’m with you right there I I don’t think anybody should buy the room I think it’s just food for thought and barber shop talk and he Help The Help the offseason go buy a little faster but other than that I just don’t see it again if the spur is gonna move now if the report was yeah the Spurs are moving 4 and8 for Lori Markin let’s rock and roll you know let’s what are we waiting for you know GI wrap them to Utah right now send them overnight Federal Express do what you got to do but but to move up in the draft I’m gonna sell with you I’m with Rudy compos I’m selling as well hey we’re not done talking when we get back we’re going to talk about you guys lock on Spurs fans and the comments you’re leaving at the YouTube page shocker it’s all about the draft so stay tuned that’s coming up next right here on lockon Spurs I want to talk to you about prize picks you got to get prize picks right now it’s America’s number one fantasy sports app with more than five million members it is the most fun exciting way to get in on the action while you can and you can watch 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that he’s trusted in the process should the Spurs fan base trust the rebuild process as well and this comment comes from Civ Tex he says Rudy as fans we must trust the process in a positive note the process has produced chips a winning season and good players go Spurs go so this Spurs fan fan is all about the rebuild and Trust in the process what about your thoughts should Spurs fans trust this current process that Spurs are going through I believe you have no choice but to trust the process if you’re trying to rush something it’s not going to work out and I I get it you know we’ve had many multiple generational talents all the way from George gerin when he debuted San Antonio to David Robinson making the instant impact for the San Antonio Spurs all the way to Tim Duncan who started bringing in the titles for San Antonio but mentioned tons of times with e Jeff this process is a little bit different womy didn’t come into a veteran Laden you know roster he came into a very young roster they were what the youngest team in the NBA last year so it’s gonna take time this is a process that you’ve gota you’ve gotta you know allow it to just to just form and that’s something that I think Spurs fans are not ready to do agree with the comment trust the process I I’m going to say it a million times more this the season of 2025 2026 is the one I feel where you start to see a turn people say oh that’s too late that’s too late no it’s got to happen now nothing good happens overnight it’s very rare instant success happens overnight give it a little bit of time and I feel that the Spurs are going to be on the right path here in the next couple of years uh for me is you got no choice you know we can’t walk into the Brian W’s office say do this and do that to rush this thing you got no choice um you’re going to have to wait if this is the approach they’re going to take this is the approach they’re going to take and they’ve pretty much made it clear from Brian Wright to Jeremy Zohan recently when he said that they’re going to be using patience in this rebuild process so I mean Brion Wright’s saying it to you soan is saying it to you they’re taking a slow approach to it now again you know I’m sorry can I can I mention one thing you mentioned about Brian Wright and I just want to say something real quick here is I think what fans need to understand is you have wi banama how many how many fans really believe that other GMS are contacting Brian Wright trying to give them their stars and their Superstars to play with Victor wanyama I mean they see the type of player he is why are you wanting to help the Spurs rebuild right away by shipping off you know a Devin Booker or anybody like that they don’t want to see this vers being instant successfully you know right away so a lot of it’s going to be done probably through free agency and that’s why I say and that’s why you’re saying trust the process it’s going to take time because teams are not lining up to send their best players to San Antonio yeah Spurs had Decades of dominance so you think you want to see other NBA teams helping that another decade of dominance you know you know and if they do they’re going to play hard hard ball they’re going to want a you know a nice haul back but nevertheless you know again Spurs fans I know you want to see this happening guess what it probably going to be another season of Miss playoffs you know Rudy I think you said on sweep you you’re were thinking maybe it may may be a playin season I don’t think it’ll get there I think it’ll still be a missed play in and playoff sit scenario but I do expect marked improvement you know I do expect somewhere 30ish wins next season hey look you can’t go anywhere else but up after last season but if you’re going to trust the process Spurs fans well trust it a little while longer all right the next comment is from Little Mack he says if the Spurs want a Score first athletically freakish small defensive small defensive liability point guard they’ll draft Rob Dillingham why give up massive resources and huge contract for uh Trey young so he’s saying like hey you know just stick with you know drafting Dillingham as your point guard uh the future what do you think about that if the Spurs were to announce or in this case Adam Silver to announce the Spurs selected uh Rob dham would you be okay with that so first off shout out man I love the I love the profile name Little Mac you know that’s obviously the Mike Tyson punch out uh reference right there so love that shout out to him but the Dillingham thing I I’ve never bought into it I won’t buy into it him and Reed Shepard out of Kentucky I just don’t buy into into a lot of that he mentioned about a great defender I mean Dillingham is a very erratic Defender uh he needs to really work on a defensive game so you’re not getting a defender in Rob Dillingham what you are getting is a guy who’s he’s a bucket getter he’s very electric he can handle the ball he’s a pull-up threat he can get to the paint he’s a very good scorer but but the thing that people have to remember is that he’s very undersized he’s 6′ one and I say undersiz I don’t mean it in a bad way but for the type of player he is he’s a he’s a 6 foot one player with a 6 foot s game if that makes any sense a scorer yes a shooter yes but I feel in the NBA he’s gonna have a tough time scoring a whole lot like he did at Kentucky so I’m not buying the Rob Dillingham pick at four or eight if the Spurs trade down I’ve got Dillingham right around that 12 12 to 17 Mark right now uh the some team’s going to reach for him I’m pretty sure hopefully it’s not the Spurs but I’m really not buying it right now there’s better scorers out there uh Dalton connect who I’ve been high on is a BigTime scorer even uh Stefan Castle makes a lot more sense yeah he’s not much of a scorer right now but he does get to the basket the only thing he lacks is Dillingham shooting but he’s a better Defender so we kind of got to give way to of something but no I’m not in the I’m not on the Dillingham bandwagon wow Rudy look at that and he’s not even a dookie and you just uh smoked him right now with that uh you know at this point of the draft I’m like whoever you gets first is whoever you’re gonna get because I don’t think I I think I don’t think there’s gonna be like oh my God you missed out on this guy what were you thinking you passed him up it be like all right cool that’s what you got that’s what you got and it was ham is Dillingham uh you know there were reports recently that the Spurs were high on have him high on their draft board and whatnot but yeah uh you know you get get Dillingham great you get Dalton KCK fine you get you you know can you imagine topic can you imagine that Rudy would you be flipping tables if the Spurs selected topic I I definitely would I definitely would because as high as I was on him them drafting him at number four the injury is really really concerning and uh I think reports are coming out that it’s a it’s seriously a little more serious than uh originally thought so definitely drafting topic right now I would be really upset in fact I’m hoping uh topic actually withdraws from the draft and stays uh overseas for another year because I I don’t see him going anywhere in the lottery right now no no no I do as well but hey if it’s if dillingham’s your guy and he’s on your board everybody you never know the Spurs could get him hey we’re done talking we want to hear from you what do you think about well the Spurs reportedly trying to get number one you buying or selling that report and where do you stand with the fan comments from Dillingham to trusting the process we got to know Rudy brag about sweet the league we need to know how to subscribe all that good stuff yeah so it’s sweep the League TV on YouTube be sure to go and subscribe hit that notification button uh we normally go in in the evenings now we’re doing a lot of evening shows sometimes we do some afternoon shows as well but we’re gearing up for the ba draft we are actually G to probably do uh our go back to our roots and start covering the first round of the NBA draft live streaming with some draft analysts and also uh just giving you all the uh all the picks from one you know all the way to the end of the first round basically we may even get into some second round picks as well but yeah just go to uh YouTube search sweep the League TV subscribe hit that notification button we’re having a lot of fun again appreciate everybody for who has been joining in our grow has been unreal we just want to continue to provide the best coverage around absolutely that’s what you do subscribe right now and follow Rudy on X at sweep the league it’s a fun show trust me it’s fun every time I see him on and you know I jump in I ask some questions to the guys get the conversation going and then um it’s just fun it’s really fun and they’re very interactive and they will read your comments live as they do their thing again that’s sweep the league follow him on X sweep the league and we’ll be back tomorrow uh don’t know what we’re going to be talking about tomorrow but likely be a lot more silver and black talk probably some draft talk all that good stuff as the NBA draft years and make sure to subscribe to lock on sports today 24/7 streaming Channel only on YouTube go do that right now so for Rudy compos I am Jeff Garcia we’re going to put a loot on this episode of lock on Spurs [Music]

On this episode of Locked On Spurs, host Jeff Garcia reviews some San Antonio Spurs news focusing on NBA Draft hopeful Tidjane Salaun.

Then, Sweep The League’s Rudy Campos stops by to react to the report that the Spurs are exploring a move to trade for the No. 1 pick in the 2024 NBA Draft and review some Locked On Spurs fan comments.

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  1. Selling all day. We better not move up! We need two bites at the Apple. Our spurs never had two lottery picks in the same draft right? Let’s fill some gaps to gun for the playoffs

  2. Sell on moving up to #1. STICK AND PICK!
    Would love to get Zacharrie Risacher….
    But, more likely the Spurs wind up with Stephon Castle (possible combo guard) at 4 and perhaps Tidjane Salaun (raw, but tremendous upside, plus the French connection with Wemby) at 8. I also like Ron Holland.

  3. If we had the first pick, I would take Sarr not Risacher. But we need F/G more than Sarr. So we don't need to pay more.

  4. In my opinion Spurs want Risacher with the first pick… Why the Hawks? Probably Washington don’t want to trade. Spurs have extra picks the following years. Plus no enough space for every player.

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