@Toronto Raptors

Toronto Raptors Would You Rather? | Next season’s standings, this summer’s moves & NBA Finals talk

Toronto Raptors Would You Rather? | Next season’s standings, this summer’s moves & NBA Finals talk

on your Thursday episode of Locked on Raptors it’s a Toronto Raptors themed slumber party as we play a little game of w you rather related to the off season the NBA finals and so much more all coming up today thanks for hanging you are locked on Raptors your daily Toronto Raptors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hey what’s going on and welcome to another episode of Locked on Raptors part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day it is Thursday June the 6th and I’m your host sea Woodley I’ve been covering the Toronto Raptors now for 10 seasons on various platforms you can find all my work over on the hell website at Woodley Shan you can find the show on Instagram at lockon Raptors and of course you can join us the lockon Raptors Discord server the link is in the description of the podcast it’s free to join and it’s a great place to come hang out with people just like you who love the podcast like to tell me how wrong my takes are in a pleasant friendly non-toxic way it’s a great place come hang out be part of our listener family over there uh it’s where going to want to be on draft night I think it’s going to be fun we’ll do some voice Hangouts things like that and uh you know keep you entertained throughout the interminable slog that is the NBA draft uh of course you can find the show for free Weg your podcast follow subscribe rate review tell a friend always appreciate it when you support the show on the audio side of things you can also find us on YouTube just go subscribe to the lock on Raptors YouTube channel when you do that hit the notification Bell Button as well and you’ll get a heads up via push notification every single time the show is about to Premiere or go live it’s a great thing thank you in advance for doing it and supporting the show today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account use the code lockon NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply all right let’s get to it as he’s uh knocking his camera all over the place there’s an earthquake taking place in his recording room it is Jamar Hines of raptor Republic here on the show Once Again on a Thursday to uh play a little parlor game it’s just a thing we do all the time now with Jamar in the offseason when there’s no games to recap because he is of course the god of the game recap over there at Raptor Republic Jamar you ready to play some W you rather today pal how are you I was hoping that you didn’t catch the camera thing but you caught the camera I catch everything man I’m all uh I’m all right I’m all right we finally had the NBA Finals starting today uh it’s been both teams have had like a week off almost so it’s been a long been a long wait but yeah I’m ready look am I upset about a long layoff of not having to think or watch think about or watch the Boston Celtics not at all uh they’re now part of our lives for the next couple weeks hopefully the Mavericks take care of it in short order we’ll get into the Boston Celtics and the NBA finals coming up in the last segment of today’s show uh we’ve got three three would you rather situations where we were at the slumber party we’re hanging around where we got our sleeping bags and we’re now playing some would you rather with our Pals in this case the pal is Jamar and myself uh it’s just two guys sleepover it’s great super fun um but anyway Let’s uh dive on in here we got three would you rathers we’ll start with the first which is related to yesterday’s episode of the show if you haven’t listened to that go check it out where I kind of reset the situation with Bruce Brown and Gary Trent Jr and what’s going to happen with them this summer uh and so the first would you rather is inspired by their situation would you rather Jamar the Toronto Raptors finished dead last in 20242 with the best odds at the number one pick or finish seventh through 10th in the East the dreaded middle oh no the middle the playing oh my God uh what would you prefer of these two uh being dead last getting the best shot 14% chance of the number one pick and I guess Cooper flag or Ace Bailey or whoever it’s going to be or have them show some signs of promise and finish between seventh and 10th in the East next year it’s a harder Choice than you think um however the problem with that 14% chance of getting the number one overall pick um just look at the Detroit Pistons they’ve been number five and number five and number five three years in a row even know they’ve had the worst record three years in a row you could say they’ve kind of deserved it the way they’ve kind of built their team and the funniest part about them being number five this past draft is that they were actually trying to win now there’s rumors about evaluating Monty Williams one year into some Mega like what what is happening my how the mighty have fall remember when the Pistons were like uh the kings of the East during our respective childhoods wild times right yeah um damn damn damn I’m I’m like I’m like going through this in my head as we uh I’m trying to work this out in my head because they have the Raptors haven’t gone that route in a really long time in terms of just well they’ve never intentionally really gone that route where they were so bad they had the top chances of getting the number one overall pick because even when they got the first overall pick and got Andrea barani back in 06 they were supposed to be like the have like the fifth B seventh or eighth yeah yeah yeah yeah so that that’s actually really Uncharted Territory where they were just like because this team is too good to be well they have too much talent to be that bad it would have to be purposely done or it would have to have the worst injury luck of all time anyways I’m kind of rambling so shot clock man shot clock we need an answer you know what you know what and I know you’re going to disag disagree with what I’m gonna say but just to try something different just to try something different I could handle one more horrendous season if it were to get like a top top pick I could handle it I can handle I know you hate this I know you hate this but if like I’m gonna try you can’t even come up with an argument in favor of this loser brain nonsense I’m gonna take the mic now for one season for one season for one season I can handle it if it we just live through a season of them being terrible you want another one of those I understand that I understand that but considering the more recent success over the last decade and if a number one pick that they could potentially get could springb could springboard the next generation of raptor basketball that much more I think I could probably stomach it I could probably stomach it that’s all I’m saying that’s all I’m saying it took me a while to to to to come up come up with that decision but I think I can understand that side of the discussion and I know here you are with the okay you know that’s complete BS go on yeah it is it’s loser brain stuff it’s uh oh I’m not a tank person we’re the lucky special people who are going to win the draft lottery with the 14% chance we have basically a Shawn Woodley three-point shot chance of getting the draft lottery win um I just it’s they can’t be the worst team in the NBA next season hey like you’re right it would require like all kinds of horrible things happening for them to be wor which I don’t want which I don’t want but for sure it sounds like you do want it actually it sounds like you’re you’re clamoring for injuries and shutting guys not unbelievable Jamar I mean OKC was doing was starting to was doing that a couple years ago where Shay would just get shut down in January and it’s and it was cowardly and they never should have done that and it’s they have this sort of like oh the Thunder they Geniuses they did all this tanking blah blah blah they traded for Shay they didn’t tank to get Shay they traded for say I’m I’m talking about the road to get Chad who’s basically their second best player no they did not get the number one overall pick but they got the number two overall pick sure so I you don’t have to get the number one overall pick for that method to be a success especially if this draft is supposed to be stacked if it gets you like what would be the percentages of getting a top three pick if that were the case like 50% or something like that something something around there 50% to finish in the top four or whatever it is yeah okay yeah yeah it’s it’s flat odds change the calculus here man the flatten odds make it like a really tough pill to swallow to just accept being the worst team in the league for a year and I think the thing that you’re not mentioning here Jamar is the sort of cost of wasting another season of Scotty Barnes of Emanuel quickley of RJ Barrett you have these guys not great and I understand that you have these guys now with a Runway of at least three years until RJ Barrett comes up I think you need to start the ground work of building them into a competitive good team beginning this coming season and yeah maybe they’re their light on the super high-end Talent that’s going to make them a championship Contender down the line and that’s what walking before you can run though and you can trade for Championship contention Talent if you want and you know the way to get your your current players to be the level where you can go win championships is have them play meaningful basketball and learn and develop and not just kind of waste away hoping for lottery luck like the Detroit Pistons who you started your argument off with yeah and I understand this is not the route the Raptors took obviously to be a champion in 2019 I even remember the um tank for Wiggins um campaign back in like 2014 and you know sometimes you want to tank for a certain guy and that guy doesn’t even end up being a generational player that you thought he was going to be so I I totally understand it I was just in the boat of you know trying something different but you don’t have to try something different it like for what it’s worth I was thinking a lot okay so yeah whatever come on you say you’re not a takes man but uh you’re clearly trying to come up with something contrari and we’ll make you into a takes man yet you’re you’re on your way um but yeah just to kind of finish off the point finishing the playin next year I think would be a great step forward for this group it means if they finish seventh to 10th in the Eastern Conference probably that Scotty Barnes has taken another jump of some degree that Emanuel quickley is looking like the lead guard of the future and things get a whole lot easier to fill in the pieces around those guys if all of a sudden they’re looking like a a pair who can drag teams to wins who can drive positive play I I I think the value and the benefit of seeing those guys actually play a competitive season the value of seeing Darko rakovich actually like coach a team that is trying we don’t know what Darko is yet like there’s so much information to be gleaned still from this group they have now that I am not worried about the speculative oo like what if they could get Cooper flag like one team’s getting Cooper flag one team is getting Ace Bailey it’s probably not going to be you even if you do have the worst record in the NBA and so for me this is so easy seven through 10 be a playing Team be competitive make it the first step towards something better that you’re striving for and it’s not like they’re bereft of young players all of their players are young and interesting and there’s a very real chance that if you draft someone in the top part of the draft they’re not even close to as good as Scotty Barnes or manual quickly or whomever it’s just the draft is a crap shoot at the top even if next year’s top of the draft is projected to be better than this one it’s not like Cooper flag or Ace Bailey or a Victor wanyama level Prospect or anything like that maybe that would change the calculus there too but for me clearly seven to 10 is what I would rather Jamar you’re on the side of uh the tankers man disgusting stuff we’ll come back on the other side and we will uh get into our second would you rather which is related to the off season um I I totally am a fool where I said the first one was about the episode from yesterday that’s not true this next one is I’m a dumb Dum we’ll continue on my bad hosting job coming up in just one sec Today’s Show is brought to you by game time game time makes getting to the NBA finals even faster and easier maybe you’re in Boston maybe you’re in Dallas maybe you’re a Toronto basketball fan looking to travel to go watch the finals because you missed that sweet sweet feeling you can go get your ticket it’s a game time and you’re going to get the lowest price tickets for the the NBA Finals if in fact you want to go there but it’s not just the NBA Finals you can get tickets for it’s anything concerts theater 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create an account redeem thee locked in NBA for $20 off your first purchase download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed all right back at it here with Jamar Hines uh paying off my original te’s and uh segue into the first would you rather we had because I screwed up the order uh yeah yesterday on the show we talked about the offseason Bruce Brown Gary Trent Jr etc etc uh this would you rather is related to all of that again go check out yesterday’s episod if you have not yet would you rather Jamar the Raptors keep Bruce Brown and Gary Trent Jr plus sign Caleb Martin with the mid-level exception or create cap space and sign one single high-priced free agent could be anyone of you’re choosing Isaiah hartenstein Nick Claxton uh Malik Monk Is the big sexy name out there among the guard class tus Jones like after that it gets kind of slim as far as guys who are attainable who aren’t going to be max level guys but you might be able to get for 25 30 million bucks a year Jamar what is your preferred Avenue for the Raptors this summer cap space and one big free agent or you kind of play the depth game a little bit and go Brown whatever maybe you can trade for him at some point Gary Trent Jr and Caleb Martin what you got what would you rather even the big free agents you mentioned they’re not really like big free agents to me no so you’re not getting OG or Paul George or tier Pascal seak okay so then I’d rather go the first route and just resign like I mean just keep the guys you have and then still have the ability to trade Bruce Brown later on this season as opposed to just signing a guy for the sake of signing a guy that doesn’t really make sense for the team um cap wise I I would I would prioritize that if we’re like trying to do a a build up properly so this is easier for me than the first question I would yeah it’s I guess it would be the more boring uh Avenue I guess but yeah all the names you mentioned and I know I mentioned Malik monk a few podcasts ago but yeah I mean like I wouldn’t be wild about signing a guy that’s you know all right for over a 100 Mil that was just another game I was playing um so yeah I don’t know none of those names stick out to me where it’s like yeah let’s go get that guy right now he’s gonna make a massive difference to this team it feels like more so that’s a contract you might regret in a season or two and it’s been like okay if we didn’t sign him we would have X amount of money right now so yeah I would rather just keep brown and stuff and what they could do later that would be my uh guess I mean not my guess that would be my choice yeah I’m with you on this one I do think there is like a bit of a split of opinion among the fan base of like the cap space versus non-cap Space route I I I went through yesterday I just think the cap space Avenue is not really getting you a whole lot and the best things you could probably do with that cap space involve offer sheets to rfas that are by no means guaranteed to actually land you the player and end up just being kind of like extra paperwork you didn’t have to do no one needs to do extra paperwork screw admin it sucks um when it comes to the the big ufas I think they’ll one guy who would be like enough of a talent upgrade to sort of say okay that outweighs the added like depth of having Brown plus whatever you trade for him um plus Gary plus uh Caleb Martin on the team like Malik Monk Is the one guy where it’s like okay like that is a talent increase you would go in with like a quickly Monk Barrett Barnes purle starting five which would be uh absolutely horrendous on defense but probably is the backbone of like a top seven or eight offense in the NBA maybe that’s enough to convince you after watching years of very bad offensive basketball for the Toronto Rapters maybe you want to see just like a really highflying fun high octane offensive team play I could see the vision for that but the point of it being just kind of prohibitive salary cap wise going forward yeah it makes sense this summer but once you pay quickly once you’ve paid Barnes things get a little trickier and having 25 million bucks of Malik Monk on the books when he doesn’t really address the biggest core need for this team which is perimeter defense on the wing I I I just don’t know if you can really stomach that and I think the monk Barrett you know two3 combination probably ends up being one of the single worst defensive Wing combos in the NBA and so um tough for me to justify I know the brown Trent plus Caleb Martin thing is unsexy I personally am like kind of queasy about Caleb Martin but at the mid-level exception if you can get him for that like okay I think that’s probably fine maybe he he earns more than that but I also don’t think he really is that class of player necessarily and the mid- level feels about right because I think there are plenty of reasonable questions about his viability outside of Miami and going forward as he nears 30 um if you get Eastern Conference Finals Caleb Martin it’s worth it it’s it’s it’s literally just just Caleb Martin against the Celtics everyone else he’s not good against but the Celtics he is like Paul George it’s unbelievable um so yeah I mean hey you play the Celtics four times a year you get that four versions of Caleb Martin going for 35 and and scorching the Nets maybe that’s worth the money on its own because it owns the Celtics we’ll get to the Celtics in a second but um yeah the the Bruce Brown Gary Trent Junior Caleb Martin tank I think is probably the preferable option here and I do think like as much as eventually there will be a need for higher end talent I think right now this team is just in need of competent basketball players and having three good players as opposed to one I think solves that issue a little bit more than just kind of bringing in Malik Monk and hoping the bench figures itself out which like spoiler alert it probably won’t just figure itself out if your big offseason Edition is Malik Monk and not much else so um yeah it’s not sexy I know people don’t like Bruce Brown I think those people are kind of missing the point of what Bruce Brown is and why he was bad down the stretch of the season season but uh you can listen to me rant about that on yesterday’s podcast if you want to go and do that we’ll come back on the other side Jamar get into our third would you rather related to the NBA finals of course it’s got a Raptor’s angle to it as well we will get to that coming up who rounded the show in just one sec Today’s Show is brought to you by our Pals over at prize pick the single best place to play daily fantasy sports highly recommend you go check them out because it’s as fantasy sports should should be on the daily front it’s just you against the stats projections and whether a player is going to get more or less it’s that easy it’s just a quick pick and you are on your way with prize picks you could turn $10 into a ,000 in a single 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back into the Raptors and look I I don’t think I’m telling Tales out of school when I say the general basketball watching public mostly wants the Mavericks to win this finals if someone has to win personally this feels like the asteroid finals where I’d be okay if an asteroid hit and no one won and the world ended and we got you know buried under uh two years of uh you know like Fallout winter and all of that that’d be fine by me but someone’s got a win and I think most people with uh pulses who don’t live in Boston would like the Mavericks to win this series because luuk is cool and stuff even though they don’t deserve anything good either Mark Cuban etc etc with that would you rather Jamar the Boston Celtics win the NBA finals and guarantee that the Raptors get at least to at least one NBA Finals by 2030 or the Celtics lose the NBA finals and the Raptors only have a 20% chance at a finals by 2030 so uh the Celtics win winning means the Raptors will be in a finals maybe not win but they’ll be in a finals in the next five six years or the uh Celtics lose and the Raptors still have a chance of getting to one but it’s a little Slimmer much Slimmer 20% chance what do you have here and is the actual answer here the the the preferred thing is the end of the world happens instead of the Celtics winning um what you got for this would you rather so you have 100% versus 20% that’s a lot bigger than just a little a little bit sluger yeah yeah sure enough yeah um hey I will say 20% more than the chances of uh getting the first overall pick if you are the worst team in the NBA wow 6% a whole six% difference but uh okay so I’m a Celtics hater I’m a Lakers hater I’m a Utah Jazz hater this goes back to the 90s and like as a kid and obviously I was on the right track when it comes to Malone and St but that’s a whole different conversation anyway being a jazz fan just your two biggest Legends are those guys oh anyways um even though I am a hater I’m not so much a hater that I’m going to impede my own joy and success so I I think we’re going to defer on this I mean but I will rather the Celtics win the championship listen I don’t like either team so no I don’t I don’t dislike the Mavs on the same level that I dislike the Celtics but but whatever take your take your ring and if that means the Raptors are in the finals I will 100% take that I’m sorry I just will I I just like I could stomach one season of the Raptors being hor horrible if it’s going to springboard them that much more I can I can stomach one season I mean one playoffs of the Celtics finally winning their first championship since’ 08 if that means the Raptors are going to springboard back in the finals I mean I’d be hypocrite if I were if I were to go the other way so yes I’m not I’m not going to what what’s the saying cut your cut off your nose spite your face yeah sure I’m not gonna do that regarding my hate for the Celtics it’s like I can be rational here okay I mean they’ve been good for a long time anyway is it going to be that much more devastating if they finally add a ring to um all their deep playoff runs over the last half decade it’s GNA like whatever I I can take it I do think this is the most difficult would you rather I present it today um really I I think you are like you have the rational probably objectively right answer here um you know like yeah the Celtics winning the title it would suck but if the Raptors make the finals in the next few years that would ease the pain surely um I I I think a couple of things influence my feelings here just a little bit one the Raptors have a recent title so like that makes it feel a little bit easier I know it’s like further and further in the review by year but like a title in the last five years that’s still you’re you’re laughing compared to most franchises and you feel pretty good about your overall station the other thing too is like thinking about what we would miss out on discourse wise if the Celtics were to lose in these finals I don’t want to miss out on that I think it’s going to be some of the juiciest takest Bill Simmons crying into a microphonist things that you’ve ever heard and I kind of want that that does sound tempting cry it is very tempting I ultimately think I come down on the side of you as much as I really like in my heart of hearts want to be irrational here and just say screw the Celtics screw like screw my nose and my face or whatever the the idiom is um I I just like I don’t want them to win a title or feel Joy if it was pretty much any other team I would be fully on okay yeah just like it’s fine to not make the finals if you’re the Raptors or only have a 20% chance yet into the next 5 years the Celtics can’t win but because the Mavericks are so detestable as a franchise themselves like I don’t really want them to win either I think I’d probably go to the one where the Raptors have a way better shot of making a finals even though it absolutely feels like I’m stabbing myself in the heart with I thought you were going the other way I really did too honestly I came into this episode thinking I was going the other way but thinking about Mark cubin being happy also Al kind of made me feel like H okay like they’re both evils um neither is the lesser of two evils here um again go asteroid um any uh quick finals thoughts before we round it out I know people don’t tune into this for our thoughts on the Mavericks and Celtics uh in a tactical sense but uh we got a minute or two to play around with what do you got here any any any thoughts on the finals well first of all if we were to substitute a third evil into this equation I think it would be the Sixers but I think that would be more stomach a if that’s a word because Low’s on the team so it’s I was rooting for the Sixers in these playoffs frankly I I have no real problem with them so okay okay uh I know a lot of people do um in terms of the in terms of the finals in terms of the finals um I’m hoping I feel like I have a biased opinion um I’m hoping for Mavs and six like I I would be okay with that again I don’t want the Celtics to win um it’s going to be interesting to see who Luca defends and if they go at him and force him to you know because basically Luca was hiding out in that t-wolf Series where because they have less uh versatile offensive options so it’ll be interesting to see who guards LCA and if he actually has to work on that end but oh and porzingis is apparently coming back for game one so it’s it’s going to be interesting to see how how you know ready he is for this moment but you know there’s a lot of ties it’s like porzingis with Dallas uh Kyrie with uh Boston does is he gonna bring Sage before the game and you know get get that all situated again so you know there’s a there’s a lot of storylines there so I mean like it’s okay I don’t have to like every single finals matchup I don’t like this one it’s all good you know whatever it’s all good yeah we got spoiled last year with Jimmy against the Nuggets I think um that was a pretty fun finals some people didn’t even like that so some people are again babies who are wrong about things um whereas we are only right over here on this podcast yeah uh I really hope that the Mavericks win I I think I’m maybe reconsidering my original stance I don’t want Jason Tatum and his like extremely Bland style of play to be something that like everyone’s got to be like Jason Tatum now everyone’s got to be uh uh like doing bad Kobe cosplay I I don’t want that yeah and thank you for bringing that up because literally one image just popped up in my head and okay if the Celtics do win please Tatum please Tatum don’t recreate the Kobe thing don’t do that with you know the locker room and the trophy thing I remember they tried to get Paige Beckers to do this when Yukon went to the final four and she’s like no that’s Kobe like that was the correct answer towards this please do not do that I feel like he would and ID be I would take back what I said in this segment about well no I wouldn’t go that far I I’m actually doing that now that image has bummed me out so much that I’m taking it back I’m taking I would rather the Celtics lose in the ra have a 20% chance of the finals by 2030 uh it’s where’s my Mallet it’s done decision made uh yeah thank you for convincing me because that grotesque image is really it’s it’s it’s veered me way off from ever wanting to entertain a world of which I’m excited for the Celtics to win a championship gross that seems like a good way to end things feels like a perfect way to end things we will leave it there thank you so much for hanging out Jamar and indulging me in this dumb little game uh thank you audience for putting up with my total lack of ability to order the segments in the way I originally had in my head uh maybe you don’t care about that at all that’s fine too Jamar anything you want to promote for the good people out there I feel like that Inside the NBA segment where what’s it called it’s like EJ stat of the night and it’s 90% of the time it’s like presented by no one that’s kind of like me in terms of um things to push right now I have nothing so anyway if you want to follow me you can Jamar B J M rbh and then yeah I don’t have anything for you right now I don’t so these are really horrible these are really really just non-concerted like I’ve said in previous episodes where you’ve had trouble promoting yourself uh go relive the 2023 24 Raptor season via jamar’s game recaps one of the only things keeping us sane throughout that whole year was jamar’s great takes on games um yes go do that at least click on it you got to read it click on it for jamar’s sake but don’t read it but either way Jamar thanks so much for hanging out buddy everyone thank you for listening and rocking with the show we’ll be back again on Friday pal will Lou will be along for his first appearance in quite some time to uh a guy we used to record podcasts with in my kitchen on a little microphone that we shared uh way back in the day in the early early ages of lockdown Raptors uh excited to have will on the show now that we have like video and stuff that’s cool um so yeah he’ll be on tomorrow we’ll talk about the offseason at large some big picture stuff and uh catch up with our pal and then uh you know keep on checking out draft stuff lots of draft stuff from this week offseason stuff from this week it’s all there for you go check it all out support the show by following subscribing raing and reviewing etc etc we’ll talk to you again on Friday with another episode of lockdown Raptors thanks for hanging bye-bye oh that was close

In Episode 1652, Sean Woodley is joined by Jamar Hinds (Raptors Republic) to play a round of Toronto Raptors-themed Would You Rather, with conundrums about the Raptors’ place in the standings next season, the team’s offseason wheeling and dealing, and the most detestable NBA Finals matchup in a very long time. Off the top, Sean and Jamar chat about whether they’d rather the Raptors finish dead last in the NBA next season and give themselves a 14% chance at the first overall pick OR take a step forward and finish in the Play-in range of the Eastern Conference. Next, Sean and and Jamar dig into whether they’d rather see the Raptors bring back Bruce Brown and Gary Trent Jr. while signing Caleb Martin with the mid-level exception OR see them renounce Brown and Trent and use their cap space for one single high-priced free agent signing. Lastly, Sean and Jamar debate whether they’d ratehr the Celtics win the NBA Finals and guarantee the Raptors a Finals appearance by 2030, OR have the Celtics lose the finals and give the Raptors only a 20% chance at a Finals by 2030, which is a roller coaster of a segment.

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  1. It’s not a hard choice. You go for the number one pick. Even if you finish 1-2-3 last. You at worst drop to 5-6-7. That’s still the best pick since Scottie. And before that beat since jonus You can’t be so short sited. Either you do this right, or you won’t be back to contention and thrive for years. Masai traded for a trophy. That gets you one. But to be in contention for years, you need to build it the right way. Like OKc did

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