@Sacramento Kings

Sam Amick on the Kings-Mike Brown extension & the Lakers’ head coaching pivot

Sam Amick on the Kings-Mike Brown extension & the Lakers’ head coaching pivot

let’s just let’s put it that way uh as we walk through the streets of Massachusetts uh with the beautiful angle looking at nice green trees it looks like it might be a little overcast there unless that’s just the way the uh the camera working from the athletic the one the Hey There He Go Sam good morning Sam good morning gentlemen I forgot you’re so picky about your camera angles Dave no I love it look I’m picky about the camera angles you don’t I wanted to compliment you by the way uh I know you work for the athletic as you know I I have a couple subscriptions there one for me one for my son I want you to pass on uh to whoever is uh in charge of this uh I don’t know if it’s Jonathan athletic the owner or whomever it may be um I wanted you to pass on I’m really enjoying the alerts asking me to grade a lot of these games that are happening in baseball and all that different stuff it’s uh I love the interaction it’s it’s amazing so give them the big thumbs up would you I will thanks for the feedback I appreciate it thanks for cing customer service uh all right uh the best part first of all I’m gonna I’m gonna jump in I love our semi like semi- routine you know walking with Sam segments so yeah I’m on the Freedom Trail man I’m out here with the tourist walk into teeny Garden but of course you hit me as I’m at like the peak of this massive Hill so if you hear a little heavy breathing you know don’t don’t judge me here yeah Sam’s working out guys yeah for those of you on the radio he’s walking we’re not uh you know anyway Sam I’m confused can you help me I think Jason is confused too um always so we thought it was gonna be JJ reic in in LA and now it appears that it’ll be Dan Hurley May maybe but we don’t know you you’re the one you’re the one with all the connections to jeie bus and the whole you know no one’s more connected to the Lakers than you are buddy over the years what the hell is going on in Los Angeles well I was hoping you would keep okay I think we’re good talking for a second there was a hot rod coming by showing off his engine so we’re good now um yeah I mean they kept it pretty quiet very quiet um and it definitely appears now out of nowhere I mean I out of nowhere from a a media public standpoint that uh that Mr Hurley is is seriously in the running and an offer has been made they uh you know are trying to convince him to make the jump to the NBA uh obviously an incredible record in college and a guy who this is what I love about the internet it takes like five seconds for people that find all the old stuff like irony of ironies there’s a great clip of JJ r interviewing Dan Hurley and and really talking about you know his philosophy and the type of stuff that would probably make you want to hire Dan Hurley over JJ reic right um so Sam am on the Freedom Trail he’s trying to talk can he hear us I think he they took his freedom because there was a little bit of a matrix there it went and then uh yeah I think Sam has now noticed he can hear us but we cannot hear him uh is that a Sam issue it is a Sam issue oh oh now he’s got to try to figure out now he’s got to do the old man thing where he F because there’s probably nothing he’s done how’s he G to mute how’s he G to mute himself it looked like he was trying to take a call oh and he muted himself I think he he it was like trying to get a call and then he like tried to ah because he’s got the airpods and Sam reach into your phone and hit mute or should I say unmute oh we just lost him all right we’re gonna re we’re gonna reconnect unless of course maybe Sam was getting breaking news right there he had to yeah that could have been Dan Hurley or JJ reic I hear the back in I hear the bloop uh there he is live from Boston Sam Amic Sam you were giving us the Tik Tok on the whole uh you I think we lost right around JJ reick interviewing uh Dan Hurley and making you want to hire Dan Hurley something like that did we is that we what happen lost him again we lost him again okay well well look hey when it breaks we’re here with the breaking news I’ll I’ll tell you this m Chris let’s do this we’ll get it shorter we’ll get it there we go s hi well more IR Environ are blame our Lakers beat Rider who called me in the middle of the segment and so so so was that so that wasn’t Dan Hurley then no Dan Hurley wasn’t calling okay all right we’re back I’m getting heckled by neighbor John and Jody so very sorry for letting y all down yeah tell them to shut up we’re doing a show we don’t want you to mute your phone again anyway so we don’t know what the hell’s going on in La no I mean I it does it seems like Dan’s the priority um they they I mean so Genie bus and Rob pinka you know it’s funny they they conducted this search differently they were not as inclusive with their own staff um you know even the bus brothers who work in the front office and other people uh that are part of the program when they hired excuse me Darin ham you know everybody kind of knew what was going on and everybody had the same talking points uh jeie and Rob went into the bunker for this one when it comes to Dan obviously chose not to let that get out and then um you know and now it does and only they know and I do Wonder like once the reporting had swung so far in JJ’s Direction because that’s every you know what everybody thought was happening was that their incentive for saying okay let’s you know let’s bring Dan’s name into the conversation but um you know we’ll see if he takes it he’s talked in the past about one to make the jump to the NBA um showed some interest and uh we’ll see what happens next you know Sam I’d be curious instinctually I I feel like just the name sounds better and that’s no shot at JJ reck he hasn’t coached yet maybe he would be great but I think Hurley makes a lot of sense but the push back I guess I would have would be how would he be different than past coaches that coached college that for whatever reason didn’t have the the same NBA success what do you think he’ll be if he is given the job as a head coach in the NBA well I mean you know the one that kind of under the radar he hasn’t won a championship but he’s pretty successful is you know Billy Donovan is a good NBA coach you know um coming out of Florida um you know obviously started off with the the rant Westbrook rout in the Thunder um you know makes his way from there so he comes to mind you know I don’t Dan I I don’t know him at all I don’t know his style all that well it did certainly get my attention that you know LeBron had tweeted some positive things about him not too long ago and you always feel like that sort of stuff matters in Laker land uh but watching these interviews um it’s he’s just he’s a pretty Dynamic guy and he’s he I mean he had me kind of wanting to run through a wall with one of the segments I saw will that work at the NBA level where you’re not motivating kids you I’m not sure Sam am of the athletic joining us live from Austin ahead of tonight’s NBA Finals game one 6 p.m Pacific uh Sam tinfoil hat on well if if JJ reck is doing his podcast and he and LeBron are besties and that was the guy and for LeBron and he’s a free agent his kids being drafted probably you also have heard that Anthony Davis allegedly has a preference for James bergo uh now they decide to go with Dan Hurley a college coach with zero NBA experience so uh maybe the Lakers found out that uh Lebron James might not be staying and are looking at a rebuild and think Dan Hurley’s the right guy as opposed to having JJ reic there with LeBron on another team you really need you need like an actual tin foil like sponsor for the show yeah I need like that that Alex Jones tin foil meme where I need that hat to put on with little yeah exactly I don’t know I’m just it’s but you I guess where I’m ser seriously going with that question is you understand the Dynamics of power more than we do within the Lakers organization is your instinct that they’ve are they talking to LeBron Andor ad about this stuff or or no LeBron I’m not sure it seems like he stayed out of it ad I think the answer is yes um and really I don’t think you know LeBron for as great as he still is is 39 and somebody put it to me and this is not a Lakers person but close to it is like they love them and they you know they’re excited that they think he’ll probably be coming back but you know there will be life you know post LeBron is L man and Anthony Davis has a lot to do with that so I don’t think LeBron’s pulling the strings on this one uh and I actually think that you know for me in my role and the stuff I enjoy doing I look forward to talking to Genie bus about this once it’s all said and done uh to find out the part that she played if I had to guess I think you know this feels like her saying damn it if we’re changing coaches again we’re gonna go big and we’re going to go big in the kind of way where we’re not doing it for a long time you know it’s funny because Pat Riley came to mind or you know it’s come up in the conversation in relation to reic where the Lakers were supposedly infatuated with reic and saw him as a possible Riley type hire well you know Dan you could I mean he’s got a lot more experience and success than Pat did you took over the Lakers as a head coach but there’s part of me that says that a few of the themes are Dynamic personality a presence um and I think you know if I had to guess she’s trying to swing big and she and Robber trying to get something done and if that’s the case too Sam I I got to believe they’re not going to stop at the coach right do you anticipate them matter what kind of flexibility they have are they going to try to add to that you you anticipate them being aggressive in free agency or in trades yeah I do I think they’re gonna go start shopping again now you know yet again as we I feel like every year talk about with the Lakers is it you know like Trey young has come up in in the media right and that just makes no sense to me like I don’t see him making them we’re not running through b um try to cross the street there um a guy like that is a is a name I don’t see him taking them to the next level so then it’s you know Donovan Mitchell Deon Murray who might it be but yes I think they’re gonna be aggressive they know I mean this window is incredibly small at this point um so I think it’ll be pretty interesting L this summer Sam Amic of the athletic walking through Boston as we speak on his way to MAV shooter and by the way way Sam Sam had communicated this earlier with shootaround happening uh we might go a little short Sam just let us know when you got to go I mean whenever whenever just say hey I got you know last question or whatever we can do that on the air also we were wondering why do you if they’re shooting around what the hell do you have to do rebound what I observe my whole job just just observing oh hey let me let me help you out oh hey Luca made that three well great pass from Kyrie oh hey this guy’s doing a jump rope there you go there’s your report I’m going to go courts side and agonize Luka and just trying to get him to yell Fons at me in anticipation of this evening speaking of speaking of unnecessary antagonization which I don’t think is a word um we have not spoken since Mike Brown got his contract wrapped up uh you and I did speak off the air about uh you know certain people involved in the negotiating party uh returning to the roost if you will and and and maybe wrapping stuff up I don’t know if that’s the case or not who knows but that whole Sam can I just say that whole thing was weird and just from your experience you have any idea why that got weird you know what I mean I do I mean it’s it’s part of it is it’s like the Lakers thing right we’re like there’s always going to be somewhat of a disconnect between what’s happening internally and what’s getting reported so that’s kind of the macro two cents I would share um but I I think the weird part what was the final number in the I mean I’ll be honest that’s like is it it’s three for I want to say 27 is that yeah it’s like three for 27 and then what Jason isn’t there bonuses that can get it up to 10 or yeah well I mean whatever the numbers were my first thought was you know we we try our best to report as much as possible but like the bonuses matter a lot you know mean like what like what are they what is it just getting the playoffs is it is it uh is do you have to win the championship all three years you know like what are the bonuses uh because that makes a big impact on the money and I do think again we’re all at least me I’m always trying to to to not necessarily tell you every transaction that’s happening but help you understand why certain things happen like Mike for sure I think was not feeling um the process when it comes to the numbers that were being given to him in relation to the market um we talked about Jamal Mosley in the past the Orlando coach who you know who had got an extension recently and I think his deal was being used as a comp I mean I know and I’m in the same boat like these guys are they all make so much money you tend to go oh get over it it’s a big deal just sign it well that’s just not how it works like you want to feel respected and if you look around the industry you’re a guy like Mike Brown who’s been a head coaching fre spots um done a lot of things in this business um you know coach some of the best players who ever played the game and has had a good run even with the teams not making the playoffs we’ve talked about like it’s you know it is no small thing to have a winning record in Sacramento so he wanted to get rewarded and I think for a minute it was not looking good yeah how shaky do you think that was Sam I mean I know that that’s part of negotiations feelings can get hurt so on and so forth but was there ever any real risk there that the that this wouldn’t happen I think there was and hopefully this there’s some serious background over here guys I’m sorry I think there was and I mean really in the days leading up to the deal getting done uh you know I remember talking at our place about it and and the handicapping that we were doing was yeah I think they might go into the season without a deal um so again over time maybe we learned more Dave you kind of alluded TOA Patronis maybe playing a part with she’s you know a big time negotiator in that space and I don’t know I don’t know what got it over the finish line but uh but I think the stuff that proceeded it was real Sam Amic joining us um well now that that’s done uh you know not to put you on the spot but just yes or no are the Kings gonna resign Malik monk uh kind of joking there by the way I was putting you on the spot and asking for a yes or no I know you don’t know but what what gut on that right now do we just lose him oh right at like the peak answer we back we back yeah we’re back here we go that was perfect timing for your feed to go out dude there’s no way to know man like you gotta know Malik’s Market you got to know what’s Orlando going to do we got tied to Detroit the other day I saw Edwards our Pistons beat writer had written about that um you can’t know you got to I mean unless you can really know if each of these teams are you know what kind of bags they G to put on the table in front of them u i mean that’s how that thing is going to unfold I don’t think he’s just you know waiting in the wing to take whatever the Kings want to offer so that that one is going to have to I think develop as free agency goes along Sam you’re and Boston for the finals um what angle what are you what are you working on there what’s kind of your approach to you you generally just don’t cover the games and the results what what are you kind of working on I mean the strategy which honestly is a lot of fun this time of the year is um you know on game night is to is to kind of work the the locker room talk to different people and basically try to find something different you know you’re right I don’t want to just write about how Luka had 35 points and the Mavs won you know in double overtime uh it’s I mean like my one of my favorite stories of the playoffs just in terms of your question about type of coverage is is H in the one we talked about I think with Aaron Gordon of the Nuggets getting Uninvited to the team dinner because they had won games after he didn’t go to dinner with his teammates and everybody got superstitious and that you know like that story came from talking to guys after the game so it’s it’s trying to find something different you I wrote about Chris Finch of the Timberwolves jumping out of his seat from the second row even though he had the torn the tell tendon and yelling at the refs and deciding that his team needed to see him kind of have a rocky moment so it’s kind of fun you look for moments um it’s funny a couple years ago this is way much TMI I guess but when the Warriors went to chase Center and the the media seats got worse my guy Anthony Slater and I started using binoculars at the game and uh I now use them everywhere because you can just pick up things just kind of looking around and at at these games and studying you know demeanor in the Huddle uh things that are getting said I mean we joked earlier about it like what am I going to do and shoot around like like that is the job is observing and picking up things and and inquiring and then trying to to get a story out of it can I give you an idea sure so you know everyone’s talking about Kyrie’s return to Boston right right and will they boo him and how hardcore and everything there but I don’t see anything about Chris as porzingis returning to Dallas and I think that’s really maybe the biggest storyline of the finals Sam oh come on we lost him again at that awesome joke I dead panned it in everything all right all right don’t worry I I I heard the joke my phone is glitching and I hate to bring our weekly visit to an abrupt end I think I am going to jump because I’m I’ve gone the wrong way and every time I look at the map I’m losing y’all so it’s uh I’m up against it here I’m sorry guys okay well think about the porzingis thing and get back to us he’s in the wrong City yeah exactly um look at uh I mean look at the pictures of porzingis at media day yesterday there was like 72 reporters around him so I think people are talking about that storyline buddy all right well that’s your opinion uh Sam Sam Amic wandering aimlessly through Boston hopefully you will read his coverage on the athletic at the athletic and stuff we’re in Medford now just turn left at the Oak Tree buddy we’ll talk to you soon take care right guys thanks

The Athletic’s Sam Amick joined The Carmichael Dave Show with Jason Ross on Thursday morning to share his thoughts on Brown’s extension, give his take on Sixth Man of the Year runner-up Malik Monk’s free agency, and much more.

Plus: Sam dives into the Los Angeles Lakers’ head coaching search following the news that UConn men’s basketball coach Dan Hurley has emerged as the top choice following weeks of speculation that JJ Redick was going to be the pick.

That and more on today’s edition of The Carmichael Dave Show with Jason Ross!

Thank you for watching. Don’t forget to hit the thumbs up and subscribe!

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0:00 Lakers pivot from JJ to Hurley in coaching search
12:40 Mike Brown gets his extension from the Kings
16:11 Will Malik Monk return to Sacramento?
17:27 NBA Finals talk

1 Comment

  1. Every week, I eagerly wait for this segment with Mr. Sam Amick, as he always provide valueable insights to many things Kings related or not. Then usually within the the first minute, I'm rudely reminded that this is the Carmichael Dave show and I'll have to tolerate his antics depends on his mood that day doing his inside-joke routine with his buddy… speaking of unnecessary antagonization…

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