@Miami Heat

Trade Machine Special // Bleacher Report Stream Ep. 535

Trade Machine Special // Bleacher Report Stream Ep. 535

hello everybody Welcome to our Miami Heat Bleacher Report stream I’m your host R Carlo Navas with me today is my producer and co-founder of our podcast Miami Heat Brian go how’s it going we’re F we haven’t done one of these in in a couple months I love being back on bleach report doing these streams I love being back on bleach report and it’s been a minute I mean the heat loss in the first round to the Celtics after losing Jimmy Butler in the playing game against the Sixers went down with a knee injury Miami really down a lot of men Terry Rosier didn’t play that series Hae Hawkins Jr went down later in that series they had tons of injuries you know a lot of guys were playing all nicked up and the heat did not make it out of that series they did get a win shout out to spull tr Tyler Heroes incredible game two performance and Bam really for really playing a a tough series through out but Boston o absolutely overwhelmed an already depleted uh Team so Brian that brings us to the off season you know we’ve had some time to ruminate to marinate to kind of reflect on what has gone wrong for this team over the years do they need to improve kind of we saw what they look like what a post Jimmy Butler Miami Heat team could look like it it did not Inspire the biggest uh it did not Inspire confidence at least to me how did you view them without Jimmy because I think that’s an interesting precursor to what we’re going to talk about today which is acquiring that next player to take them over the top um I don’t know part of me thinks that making all these deep playoff runs that you know at some point it kind of gets tiring just an entire um runup to to the playoffs trying to even just get a a playoff seed and then beyond that obviously just just trying to get to you know the like basically last three of the last four years they’ve been the Easter Conference Finals two of them in the finals so like for them they they know the process of how to play well in the finals when everyone’s healthy but that’s also been part of our issues it’s just Health but I think part of it’s just like you know just a grind it’s not always fun and and we saw it during the big three or you know during that that year four um when you have a lot of the same guys on the same team you know the core itself together it just it just kind of um gets I think part I think part of reason why we’re doing a stream is like we want to make Trad so that we can kind of shake up the roster to to kind of bring in new New pieces new new shiny toys to spark more of that um interest because if you think back to it when we got Jimmy Butler that first year I felt like that was like a a bright spark into this new era of Heat basketball that we’ve been enjoying over these last five years since Jimmy’s arrived and I think now we’re kind of in that period where we kind of need that spark again and I think with these trades that we’re going to talk about I think the heat can do something in the offseason to bring back you know some of that you know newness that this roster desperately needs so I think people in chat think that we’re advocating to trade Jimmy I don’t think Brian or I have ever done that and that’s not what we’re going to do today and I saw somebody in chat say bro why do these losers keep mocking Jimmy trades somebody else said don’t piss me off hav Jimmy’s retiring yeah I’m not that’s not a conversation that I’m interested in having but that was me I didn’t write that my comment where I said a post Jimmy Butler world would be when he retires I I fully believe that he’s going to retire member of the Miami Heat I think the heat will eventually give him the contract that he feels like he deserves I don’t think they’re going to make the same mistakes like they did with dway Wade in the past I think that the heat are negotiating and they’re kind of using tactics to negotiate um you know contract which is typical team stuff but I I don’t think that Jimmy’s leaving I think he’s going to retire a member of the heat he’s just you know know he’s on the he’s on the the back end of 30 and I think for sure a world wi tires and it’s bam plus whoever else certainly you have to think about that and I think the next guy you want to acquire I think you want him to kind of split the timelines between like competing right now and giving Jimmy the best chance to win and also a guy that Bam’s gonna want to play with you know after Jimmy retires and Jimmy’s like okay I’m gonna go make coffee in Argentina or something you know you need that guy that’s going to be with bam because I mean Bam’s really the other Cornerstone of the franchise so I don’t want chat to think that I think think Jimmy’s leaving I I think he’s going to stay I think they’re going to figure it out we don’t want him to leave to be honest I mean that’s all he’s not going anywhere bro you saw that bad boy ad we have way too much big face merch I’m wearing an Alo hat for God’s sake I made big face coffee today I buy the big face coffee I made Espress I bought a shot glass of big face for my espresso like I’m fully I’m financially invested in uh in Jimmy s so I’m not worried about that but I I do think that the heat are going to have to try to find some moves to kind of help out the roster to help them compete now because what you can’t have is a guy of Jimmy’s Talent who we don’t know how many years of elite elite basketball that he has left and they got to do something to help them contend to compete you got to give that guy I think Brian if there’s anybody in the history of the Miami Heat that never won a title that you want them to have won a title I I think Jimmy is number one Far and Away on that list like if it wasn’t for Alonzo winning in 2006 I would definitely say it would be Alonzo but definitely it’s Jimmy now number one I think Goron Goron would probably be second at my list I think Bam’s probably second but oh that’s true I’m assuming bam GOI third Bam’s got way too much life in his career um GOI retired without winning a title and I think that sucks because he really should have won in 2020 anyways let’s move on let’s let’s start break down some trades obviously the one I think the Heat fans really want to see this off season probably number one under their wish list we’ll start off with it is it going to be a trade for Jonathan Mitchell um So currently on the fanso count um gonna go ahead and put Donovan Mitchell’s contract up on here he’s a 35 point4 million contract um he would be um being traded to Miami Miami is currently a projected almost second apron team but definitely over first apron so there’s new trade rules with the CBA that kicked in this year part of trade rules um rely on Miami now sending out basically 100% matching contracts we can no longer trade um contracts and get back a player 110% of what they were making so in a way we basically can’t get a player making more money than this money we’re sending out long short short long way of saying it um so basically if Mi wants to trade for Donovan Mitchell we got to send out 35.4 million out so what contracts do Mii have that we can trade match that 35.4 million what we do have is Tyler Hero’s 29 million if we do send that we’re basically left with about 6.4 in change so ways that M me can get there there’s a couple I actually um have this out in a tweet that I’ll be posting and also a story I’ll be dropping on my soon during the offseason but essentially mind me can go about it a few different ways uh with hero salary I think definitely what what needs to come next is the negotiation between whether you trade haime hakz or niiko yovic um personally if if I had to choose one of two I would trade Hae Hawkins First just because I think the having that front Court fit next to Bam is more important than keeping a more of like a six-man bench player for still having Jimmy and a roster and ha Hawkin as much as I love him I think he’s the one that most likely could go and obviously he he’d be a nice piece for Cleveland to get back in his train along with hero you know he just made um First Team all rookie this season so I think he would be the contract so that’s an additional three .6 so now with about a minimum contract that you need to include onto this trade to make it um trade eligible my has a couple of them the only issue is that some of them have player options so you do see Josh Richardson on here he has a player option you have Thomas Bryant um Heywood heith is a restricted free agent so unrestricted free agent sorry and so he’s not able to be traded unless we did a sign in trade and I don’t really project that to happen um the other candidate is Orlando Robinson I think he’s interesting um he actually has a contract that’s non- guaranteed Mii could actually trade him but in order to trade him make his salary uh work in a trade match they would have to guarantee his salary for that entire season next year um which is possible it might be also that Cleveland might want him or they can also just wave him after the fact or trade him later on if they if they ever wanted to so let’s maybe add Orlando Robinson because he I think is the most guaranteed player to at least be on the roster by July 1 you send that out it is a perfect trade match Miami would be gting Donovan Mitchell for Tyler hero Haim Hawk is earing Robinson I did not include any draft picks we could go back and adjust it if You’ like there has to be draft Equity going to Cleveland maybe go do that real quick finish how many potential picks Brian do they have do the Heat have to trade because they had to trade one that has some protection to for the Lowry Rosier trade earlier this year how many potential first round picks specifically first do they have to move there’s a way for them to get to three it requires putting in some language picks that they’ be trading out in the Years 2028 and 2030 um person actually know it be 2029 2031 sorry they don’t even have 2031 on here because it’s technically not trade eligible until the draft once the Draft starts then you can start trading seven years in the future but since Miami still has that 2024 pick they haven’t selected you can’t even trade 2031 but um Mii currently has up to three say that because of the language the way that they would do is they would have to trade 2024 pick at the draft it’s not something they can trade now and and then at the draft that the Cleveland Cavaliers have the pick already like no we have to basically make the pick pick for them we’re selecting for the Cavaliers and then basically after you select the pick that’s when they can trade it um reason for as a stepping rule they traded um they didn’t traded but they had a pick that it’s currently um being sent down 2026 potentially to OKC no 2025 to OKC and if Miami somehow misses the playoffs they get to keep that pick but if they make the playoffs and NOC gets that pick that’s the reason why they can’t trade 2024 totally unprotected right now um so let’s just go ahead and send that out we we’ll put it on here trade to Cavaliers then they also have so 2026 isn’t trade eligible because that is one that could go to OKC so this is kind of inaccurate this is one of the reasons why I kind of like lean some times away from this as like the full truth because it’s not I guess I guess ultimately like what matters is that they can trade you know the the contracts of of consequence are hero and hakz and three up to three first round picks probably I I think it’s unlikely they can get to three I I think usually when there’s a lot of they can so they can it’s just that they just sounds complicated I think more often put in writing that that’s that the the first round which would have to be 2029 2031 that they would be um because Miami has that Charlotte pick sent out that’s possibly going to be either conveyed in 2027 or 2028 depending on whenever OKC gets their pick um and if Mii misses the playoffs what Mii could do is basically say hey whoever or Cleveland if we’re going to make this trade know that if we don’t give you the pick in 2029 then 2030 you can get our first round pick and if we somehow um basically it would just be every two years because that stepping rule you basically get a first round pick so mind me put in stipulation that once again in 2030 if we haven’t given you that pick then in 20 or 2031 if you haven’t given you that pick in 2032 you’ll get that pick it’s just way for my to put it in there Bobby marks explained it way better in his piece um but let’s just for name sake we’ll do Bobby let’s just say Bobby marks but okay we have cosign by Bobby Mark he said three first round pick so that’s that’s the way mommy would have to do it it’s just weird way that they would have to put language in there saying every two years from when Mommy has a first round pick that they could trade it so in actuality this really should say 2029 2031 but we’re just going to leave it the way it is sounds good okay so that’s that’s epic let’s let’s talk a little bit about how Mitchell would fit on the heat so we have this the the all their draft stuff hero hawz and and Lando if Brian you can kind of change unshare your so that we can have a conversation about about kind of Mitchell here so I think ultimately the heat issue is they have no consistent half court Creator on offense and really their their transition offense has been lacking a ton um you know they they need something they need a player that can help them get to the rim some they don’t really have a lot of Rim pressure I think dragic was the last guy that was consistent L getting downhill I think Jimmy in the regular season is a more pullup guy and I think he he is a consistent Rim presence for them but they need kind of more especially out of the Guard spot and maybe a little bit more out of the wing I think Mitchell kind of gives you that as a shooter off of pull-ups can play off of handoffs I think Miami is a team that really really really likes to use their bigs and pick and roll uh he also do a lot of inverted pick and roll with Jimmy Butler as a ball handler and I think a guy like Mitchell in that screen and roll provides not just a guy that can flare out and then attack that close out if they trap Jimmy there’s a lot of things that Miami could do with kind of a really capable scoring guard I think you see some of it with hero and I think you’ve seen some of it with Rosier but I think old like dragas in the bubble I think is kind of like the best version of that guy that Butler’s had and you kind of saw how like he a guy like that just relieves so much of your offense when so much of it is focused on Jimmy because they’re not going to they’re not going to have like this you know incredible offense that they’re going to be like number one or number two in the league like they’re just not going to have enough guys to do that but I think you just got to get to like eight 10 to eight you know what I mean I I agree I mean basically I think the issue with the Heats offense is some nights they have good shooting Nights from three and then their offense looks Elite but there’s plenty of nights where they have these runs where they just go three four five minute stretches without a single basket or a field goal uh made and if they don’t get to the free throw line enough then like that also plays a part in it too um pretty much I think what we’re looking for out of Donovan Mitchell it’s not just a half court creation but also just like the baskets to like St these spells where they just don’t have anybody like willing to to make a basket for those long stretches so kind of like the relief points is what they need and drage gave you that in the bubble that was his his bread and butter the the entire time it was just him being able to give you those baskets especially at the end of the shot clocks when there was nothing um really to to be made out of whatever set they were running you know he was able to get you sometimes that pull up three that sometimes he was able to give you just something off the catch and shoot if if he was just somehow open in the top of the key especially um that was like his um main spot and then also he was just able to just attack the paint and and draw attention at least of two two players so that you can you know kind of pass it to an open man and I think um with Donovan Mitchell one of the things we also would like to see is maybe more of that Twan game with him and Bam um if we can see that he’s a legitimate pick and roll partner he needs a better person that can give him that ball in the short roll and we haven’t had that really I mean low sort of gave him that maybe the first year but they kind of went away from it I feel like you need someone more like that again L offense I see a lot of dissonance in in in here on the Bleacher Report chat where people are saying hey we should shouldn’t trade JJJ not three players and not three picks we trade Triple J I’ll cry U other people just want heroon um and other people saying like hey they need they need a trade they need to trade they need to do something they cannot waste Jimmy’s you know prime years and I think that there is like this dissonance between the fan base of like we like these guys we like these young guys they finally have these young guys also like we got to help Jimmy and I think that that’s kind of the the position that the organization’s in and it’s going to be a tough pill to swallow because any guy that you’re getting in a trade you are overpaying for right when you’re acquiring these guys via trade when they’re at the height of their value you know when they’re at their best you’re going to overpay it’s going to be something like it’s three picks and all those guys for Donovan Mitchell worth it probably not but you’re gonna have to take that swing and you’re kind of have to hope that you hit on an undrafted guy a second round pick or two to fill out the rest of your team a minimum guy that that’s willing to take less money and that’s the situation heater in it’s not ideal they have a lot of big contracts they have Robinson they have hero they have bam they have Jimmy they’ve been really close and at this point they have maxed out especially with the new CBA rules Brian they’ve maxed out what they can do how they can improve their roster just by adding and not by trading and subtracting and this is kind of where they’re at and some people are like I’d rather trade yic over hakz like it’s fine one of those guys has to go whether you hakz probably has more value I wouldn’t say probably I think for sure has more value than a guy like yic and some maybe a team demands yeah but one of those guys has to go if you’re going to make one of these traits I mean yeah you everything you said was on point basically if Mami wants to make any improvements to rosters your your base left because you don’t really have a mid-level exception you can spend or if you do it’s barely worth anything it’s like five million that they can spend which is nothing you might as well just um use that the midlevel veteran mid level on a on a veteran that’s making over I don’t know 10 years experience and it’s it’s basically like a million dollar difference between what Mii could offer in a mid level and and a vet minimum and that’s basically mi’s left with us they have a bunch of vet minimums that they can offer or they can just resign their own guys and honestly that might be the case that they’re going to have to deal with unless they make a trade like they that might be all they can do this offseason and people will be like oh they’re running it back or maybe they’re running back worse because they might be losing Caleb and Haywood again like they lost gab and Max last year um but in all actuality like Miami is up against second apron to the point where there’s so many limitations that they need to somehow one make their payroll a little cheaper or at least spread out some of the contracts that they have with some of their top salaries her being one of them Duncan to um and Terry but also like they just don’t have um any vehicles that they can use to go be players in the free agent market so any guys that you guys might want they are free agents that are available unless they’re able to sign for vet minimum it’s it’s really hard to even um get in a room in a meeting with them to try to pitch them to come Miami and it’s not like they can just do a signning trade because they’re already over to First apron they’d be triggered at the Hard cap at the first apron and Miami’s way too above it right now to even get into those conversations so everything you said is 100% correct and it’s why like this situation that they’re in is super not enviable I think they’ve done a pretty good job considering all that’s happened but it’s clear that they’re just not good enough right now and I see Chad asking for we and we’ll do other trades we can do Ingram and we could do Lori mark and we could do those three today so Brian if you want to fire up the trade maion let’s do bi and then we’ll do lii but you know the thing also is it’s like you’re going to have to Super overpay for those guys because you know you these teams don’t want hero right like Tyler herro who’s a good player who’s on a pretty sizable contract I don’t think it’s a bad contract I think it’s like a neutral contract and I just think when you have these guys that are desirable around the league like Ingram and like lari maradan you know you got to give like real stuff that teams want you know if you’re the Pelicans you’re like okay like we were pretty good last year before Zion got hurt and I know he always gets hurt but like they they were playing legitimately really good basketball and they they could have made a little bit of a run like they need some positive feedback kind of coming back to their roster so Brian what what what potentially could have move a deal for Brandon Ingram look like that is both desirable to the Pelicans and palatable for Miami well in the same situation Brandon Ingram’s basically making exact same money that Donathan Mitchell is that’s why one of the potential trades that the Cavaliers might get in in potential trade talks that they might be you know trying to see what’s what’s in the market for them as they would try to monitor what Miami’s offer is compared to the rest of the league it there’s a simple trade match for them that they could just trade Donovan Mitch for Brandon mgam straight up and that trade match would work for them too so the same guys same three guys we could use in the same trade here unless you want to try to make it a little more interesting we can I can show you one route that Miami could take to make it slightly more interesting for them um and maybe even keep one of the young guys um let’s let’s go ahead and do it so I think for sure her would have to go just his contract is in that sweet spot where M needs to move him in order to bring in a guy making 30 second could they do it with Duncan I because I think I think Robinson might just be more attractive to you want to try doing with Duncan I don’t know and and Chad I want your opinion on this you know I don’t want to Homer like what do you guys think do you think not what you guys want because I know a lot of fans are like it’s just trade Heroes contract longer like J like what do you guys think like is is more palatable to the Pelicans like I think Duncan Robinson fits really well in them I would hate to lose Duncan I’ve been on I’d rather keep Robinson over Tyler herro because I think the fit is better even though I think Tyler herro is a better basketball player but I think Duncan kind of fits Miami’s needs more so I’m curious what chat thinks but Brian let’s do it with Duncan and then we’ll do one with hero kind of see like how how that affects the trade yeah so Duncan’s making 19.4 if you do the math on 36 you’re looking at around 16.6 million Miami still needs to send out in order to trade match so that 16.6 they don’t have many contracts in that area that’s that’s the issue other salary is there bigger contracts so I don’t D steals too small sort this could you do Duncan and hero I I I don’t really if we would have to get something we have to get another player back I’ll come back to that I actually want to try something else m is able to trade kale Martin they are able to they would have to sign and trade him out either to New Orleans or to a third team or he can opt in to his contract and M can agree to an extended trade which is slightly different than a signed trade wouldn’t hard cap the Pelicans that might be more pable to both Martin and also to the Pelicans so that’s one way Miami could somehow use um kale Martin 7.1 million in this deal but even with that 7.1 you’re still 9.5 is send out you’re GNA have to start sending out definitely one of Hae um potentially Kevin Love but Kevin Love also has a v in um contract so he could actually veto trade if he wanted to if he doesn’t one I think hak is probably hak is is number but again now you’re getting into like is that that we’re sending out multiple guys because like you’re saying we have we don’t have the contracts to kind of make it important rotation players and we’re still left with 5.9 you know 5.9 we can do if if Josh Richardson’s Ops in he can go that’s another three now you’re down to 2.9 anybody else making 2.9 Thomas br’s making 2.8 very close I don’t know if that would go through but we can try let’s try see if it goes through it does okay okay so just barely that that would be one way to do it with that’s a lot of guys on the RO it’s just a lot of guys so which I you have to replace them all with minimums too yeah so that’s probably obviously not really realistic what it look if it’s Duncan and Tyler hero does New Orleans have a bad contract so maybe you go Duncan hero maybe ticks and New Orleans gives you a bad deal back yeah let’s go Duncan hero um I’m trying to see so for Miami we be setting at 48.4 for New Orleans since they’re also going to be a second APR team before a trade and they’re also dealing with um they got s out equal salary right they have to send out equal salary as well so we’re looking at 48.4 minus the 36 12.4 they got a guy making 12.4 they had Larry n making 11.2 maybe that might might be interested in because I don’t think they’ be willing to trade herb Jones and and no way and Ingram no um I think Larry n could be a potential guy he might be a good falling out of the rot yeah falling out of the rotation for them so and he’s also expiring so Miami might be more um more interested in that because that’s money they can take off the books after next season but see like you look at you look at you’re still looking at what go ahead you look at this construction and I just don’t know why New Orleans does this yeah I agree and it’s kind of like I like the idea of Brandon Ingram on the heat I just I look at these potential deals and I go why would why and if you use Rosier or whoever like I just why why do they want any of these guys you know what I mean like if you’re giving them hero like I think a team that needs Hero has to be a team like the Clippers before they got Harden you know what I mean like I really need a guard that can score right like those kinds of teams I think are the ones that are going to want guy like Tyler hero I don’t really think New Orleans is kind of in the business for that they already have McCollum you know who is a guy who scores in a lot of similar ways to Hero off the pull-up not really get to the rim pull up threes uh you know kind of run your offense kind of guy in a pinch but not I just don’t I just don’t see a world for that I agree um let’s try to do lry Mark in yeah no we’ll do Larry market right next but I think to finish this trade off just to make it trade eligible um with with the pieces that we have in here so Duncan Hero trying to get back Ingram and Lance least a 1.2 million or at least um New Orleans is 1.2 million short to make this trade match they had three guys that they could send on different types of minimums they have Jose Alvarado on the team option they do have they will not who they will not move I don’t think they would move um EJ Liddell is option I don’t know I mean he’s just a minimum guy at this point and then they also have Jeremiah Robinson Earl these other guys are Capal that means they’re all free agents so they would have to resign them and they wouldn’t be able to trade them without assign tra they’re not even options so those are the three guys you’re left with let’s just go with the guy that’s going to be on a onee and go ahead and hit try trade there we go there’s your trade with hero and Robinson going out obviously not including picks but we already talked about the three first round picks so M decides to trade three first round picks in this trade they could or they can maybe just send one like you said maybe the Pelicans might want to send one if they want to do a salary dump in this trade let’s go ahead and try a different one different team we were saying the Jazz right from marinan yeah all right so Marin’s making 18 he’s also extension eligible that’s also going to be part of this interesting trade because I don’t know if Miami would trade for him it send a whole L unless they knew he would resign um let’s just say his 18 million contract is all they’re going to be left with trading for so I’ve heard I I’ve I’ve done some reporting I do know Utah likes their hero okay I have heard that to um there was Rumblings that they were interested in getting Tyler hero for first for at least one first round pick maybe two back when L was trying to get Damen ler and they were trying to send him off to 13 they they like him so that’s a guy that they that they believe in and I don’t I don’t know how they feel about Colin seon and their future but for sure hero is a guy that I could see there long term okay so I do think that I do think so that that’s pretty close to the to the figure right yeah they’re actually so for the Jazz they over to C team um they have different trade um stuff I have to I have to look it up real but maybe we also just play around and see what that ballpark number is but right now they’re 18 setting up 19 so basically there’s $18 million difference that they they would have um to make this trade match I think it’s like 7.5 if I’m not mistaken so let me let me try a trade match real quick I don’t think it’s going to go through oh actually does okay never mind so I I think this is another scenario where you you kind of do hero and two first I don’t know if that’s enough to get marketed it might be I mean they really like hero and they were willing to give two picks but at some point so maybe hero and two picks or hero pick might be able to get that done Market in a really good player I think it’s a hand and glove fit for Miami I think that you see how good Kevin Love is in Miami system and I think a guy like like Markin I think can give you a lot of that maybe not the passing chops and the veteran knowhow of Kevin Love but I think kind of the shooting the pick and Pop I think Miami really I think what’s what we’ve kind of seen with love is that Miami desperately needs a pick and pop element particularly with Jimmy I mean a lot of people talk about how how helps bam I think love helps Jimmy a lot because you give got kind of that variance in pick and roll and I think it’s important you want five out when you have a guy like Butler kind of attacking whether Butler puts a guard in the pick and roll and puts Kevin Love at the strong side corner you know now that helpman you know has to either stay attached to love or he’s laid and you can kind of man at where the help comes from because love is such a good shooter you could put him at the wing instead of the strong side corner you could put a guard in the strong side corner so if that does come it’s a guard not a big and that guy has to come help the nail instead of the the weak side so I think there’s a lot that benefits Miami by having a guy at that size we can shoot the ball obviously you know he can create offense on his own does it need to be kind of fed he’s not just a lob guy he has a very polished game I think I really like it um part reason trade Works actually is not really a trade match at all I mean that is part of it but it’s mostly because the Jazz actually had $3.4 million cat space so they able to absorb the rest of hero with their cat space fact we could just trade hero to the Jazz and it still be a trade because they had that 30 million cat space so that’s why it works U so I mean may maybe some some of this could be hero and yic and a pick I’m sure that they’ll be and that’s actually that’s actually a l more palatable if you’re the heat sending yic out if you’re taking back Lowry because you just you know you kind of get a guy back at that position anyway um yeah you know and maybe you can save yourself a pick that you can then flip later for a wing or another guard because I do think think that M does have a bit of a log Jam at guard and I think that that kind of deal also paves the way for Duncan Robinson to start so you could have a potential lineup of dun Robinson Terry Rosier Jimmy Butler lri marinin bam out ofo and I think that’s like a really balanced offensive lineup I think that they’ll have some questions on defense but I think bam is so good and air post are so good that they just turn out top 10 defenses regardless of who’s on they can get guys to compete and then when we get to the playoffs we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it I’m sure at the deadline they can add a guy or two so I think those are kind of the guys that are going to be talked about I think lri I think Mitchell is probably not gonna happen for the Heat and I think we kind of saw that those trades don’t make sense I could see a world where they can get in you think so I think there’s a possibility still I don’t for Cleveland I don’t really know I think that all if he accepts the extension not that’s really the whole issue and we’ll we’ll find out some well maybe not a whole decision but at least some sort of way that Mitchell might be leading if he would even want to entertain an extension now or wait till he becomes a free agent next season to resign with them because there is a way for him to make more money um just by waiting a whole year I mean he gets an extra year of salary basically so I think that might be the possibility like hey I I don’t want to sign extension now but hey I might still resign with you if you wait for me to be a free agent just let me play off the last year my deal um it’s possible um and I think in that scenario then if you’re Cleveland are you gonna risk him leaving and not getting anything back in return they’ve done that before so we’ll see and if you’re Miami maybe you don’t want to give Jimmy that extension because you could be a cat space team next season if he just let him walk they’ve done that before so that’s kind of those are kind of the options um that Miami has and that you know they’re going to kind of be looking they’re going to be looking at this offseason so it was kind of listen it was fun to chop it up with you Brian it was fun to chop it up with Bleacher Report chat I think that kind of those are the big three Deals that you know are going to be kind of talked about throughout the offseason I’m sure that if there’s something new that comes up we will be back live here to discuss and break down any kind of potential things um if you want more of us if you enjoyed the offerings here Brian and I do a podcast Miami heatbeat you can catch us on YouTube on Spotify on Apple music on Twitch Miami heatbeat our draft coverage starts today we have a our draft Beats Special where uh a lot you know our draft heads on staff they are going to break down and look at every nook and cranny of draft prospects and kind of get you ready um if Miami uses that pick and doesn’t trade it so we’re GNA have you covered as we said if they trade the pick like Brian and I just said now or if they’re going to keep the pick and where they can potentially we go so check us out tonight 7M live on myam heatbeat and catch us around we’ll be here all off season we’ll probably do some postgame coverage on some of the Celtic Mavericks games because we’re massive hater Brian who do you before we get out of here who do you have in the finals we have Mavericks versus the Boston Celtics I’m going team Luca all day uh especially because of his relationship with drage that’s the guy I’m rooting for also I just really don’t like the Celtics um we have a history of them um we we we can go more in depth in our actual podcast but just just plain and simple we don’t want Boston to win a championship over Miami and any season so yeah just I I need I don’t know if the Mavs can do it I think Boston especially if they get porzingis back and if they’re kind of healthier um chat’s asking about Durant I don’t a new a brand new owner for the Phoenix Suns is not trading Kevin Durant I just I don’t even I think that’s worth entertaining I I just that guy that guy literally his first order of business when he bought the team they sent everything to get him so not getting rid of him there’s no package mommy could send that would make it even yeah that would even make them like listen to the conversation they’re going to need a blue chip Prospect to kind of and the owner would have to accept a trade anyway like you’re saying it’s not even James Jones gonna accept that tra it’s gonna go to owner if the owner says no we’re not trading him we not trading so yeah so check us out there love you guys thank you for the support chat you’re fun see you’re kind of warming up to us in the beginning you guys were mad at us and then I think you realize that we’re not so bad we’re not listen we’re we’re not so bad you guys were a little you a little trepid at first but we’re not we want you him to get help we want him to win talk we appreciate y’all rocking with us and we’ll see y’all next time peace out Jesus for

Giancarlo and Brian Goins do a live Bleacher Report Stream to discuss

• Donovan Mitchell Trade Framework
• How the Heat can trade for Lauri
• Is Brandon Ingram realistic?
• Why Jimmy butler is staying

And more!


  1. Such a great idea to trade 2 young guys who together average 31pts & multiple first round picks for a small guy who is 4 years older who averages 26.6 pts 👎

    Kinda like the Suns trading Mikal Bridges & Cam Johnson for KD😂😂 they went from the finals to swept 🧹 in the first round

  2. For 2025 the perfect season would be to get 2 rookies who could start and win playoff games against the best team in the league and get the leading scorer from another team…. OH WAIT…

  3. Donovan might be better but I think I’d prefer going for Lauri and keeping Jaquez and Jovic.
    He’s a better fit and would give us more size which we definitely need.


  4. Donovan might be better but I think I’d prefer going for Lauri and keeping Jaquez and Jovic.
    He’s a better fit and would give us more size which we definitely need.


  5. Trade suggestions they need to investigate:

    Troy Brown Jr.,and #5
    Rui Hachimura ,Gabe Vincent , and #17
    Alex Caruso,Pat Williams,and # 11
    Marcus Smart and #9
    Herb Jones/Trey Murphy
    Top FA targets :

    Andre Drummond
    Naji Marshall
    Tim Hardaway Jr.
    Doug McDermott
    Jonas Valuchinas
    Kelly Oubre
    Buddy Heild
    Yuta Watanabe
    Kyle Anderson
    Malik Monk

    24-25 Roster

    1.Terry ,Gabe ,and Wright
    3.Murphy,McDermott, Brown Jr.

  6. Any1 thinking we need to pay Jimmy more money don’t want to win .. this team will be exactly the same next year if Jimmy is granted that giant contract. Jimmy is on his last legs and u fools in the comments are talking about pay him a max when he’s playing damn 60 games

  7. As much as I find all these trade rumors and scenarios interesting and fun. But I think the heat really can realistically trade for anyone that will move the needle. We don’t have the “assets” to do that. We may have to play the long game and try to draft and develop well. Let jimmy play out here his contract and go from there a few years from now. We took out swing a few years ago and it didn’t end in a championship. It was a hell of a ride but we fell short.

  8. I think the Heat can make this trade without trading the 15th pick unless Zach Edey gets drafted before 15th then I would rather the Heat keep the pick.

  9. Kevin Durant hasn't done shit since leaving the Warriors so overrated and I hate the Mavericks since 2006 and the Heat have a much worse history with Dallas.

  10. My trade idea is:

    Tyler, Terry, Duncan , and Orlando Robinson to the Bulls
    Lavine, Caruso, and Vucevic to the Heat

    I think the Bulls accept to get off the contracts they hate (Lavine and Vucevic). Maybe the Bulls would get a third team involved to get more positional diversity in their return. Wouldn’t be too hard.

    If we get Mitchell, we still need to go out and get a point of attack defender like Caruso, still need a back up center like Vucevic. Mitchell is better than Lavine, but not by that much. Lavine at his best is right there with him.

    I think it’s the best move to fix multiple needs and you actually get about 2 million off the books.

  11. Heat should try to get Donovan for Herro, Jaime and future first round picks. If not then we go get Dejounte Murray, Lauri Markkanen, or Malik Monk sign and trade for Herro and a future pick from Kings for Malik Monk, Caleb or Highsmith, and/or future 1st picks. Draft a big like Zach Edey or KEL'EL WARE and Hunter Sallis probably most underrated best PG in the 2nd round, Terrence Shannon Jr.,ZYON

    PULLIN, or Antonio Reeves. Zach Edey is NBA ready, great touch on offense, can pass out the double, and when you need an easy bucket. Sign Jonas in free agency. I love this teams chance with the new roster after this move. If you trade Jimmy it has to be 5 first round draft pick and 2 young players.

    Dejounte or Hunter Sallis or ZYON PULLIN Terry or Malik Monk

    Niko Jaime

    Jimmy Duncan or Terrence Shannon Jr.

    Bam Kevin Love

    Zach Edey Jonas Val or Nic Claxton

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