@Sacramento Kings

Matt George, Locked on Kings – Next Steps For the Sacramento Kings

Matt George, Locked on Kings – Next Steps For the Sacramento Kings

Matt George with us yeah Matt you ran off to Disneyland and left us here by ourselves I don’t even remember what kind of trouble we got into last Thursday Without You Mouse took all my money and I come crawling back well they’ll do that to you that’s all right do did you have a good time are you or when was the last time you went to MC uh McDonald’s went to Disneyland uh McDonald’s far more recently than Disneyland as as DLo knows my my diet um I I think I think we went a little over a little over a year ago I’m I’m one of those classified Disney adults my wife and I we love Disney we go to Disney all the time but this is the second time we brought our son and the last time we could sneak him in while he was uh while he was free so that’s why we we we got him in before he turns three and then he costs money and I mean I’m terrified of that because just tickets for my wife and I for two days was $750 so I don’t need my uh I don’t need my son to to raise that price anymore that’s crazy yeah we’re not going for two days when we go I’ve only been to Disneyland tce tce of my life once when I was two or three because it it’s just I mean it’s in your city it’s not it’s not well that that’s the other time that I went I was actually living out there so it was easy just boom go out there and gotta pay for no uh hotel or nothing just just go there but it’s not that it’s not interesting it was actually it was it’s fine it’s it’s a really good time the best part is the the parade at the the end of the heard that’s PR dope the parade is though but man the money to get up in there is yeah the parades are during the day now you got the night shows now you got World of Color Fantasmic firework shows during the day help me out with my timeline here did this whole Mike Brown thing go to hell while you were gone yes yes everything went crazy and I checked out for I checked out for a while was trying not to follow it and then I broke my silence on the last day there because that was when the competitive offer thing came out and I said okay okay that’s that’s when all and then literally as I’m walking in my front door after driving home was when the deal was announced I’m like well I guess sorry honey I guess I’m doing a podcast now I guess I’m back to work and I recorded a 35 minute podcast without turning my microphone on so I had to do it again that was a good time that was a real good time no I went to edit it and I’m talking there’s nothing coming out I was like this might actually be my best episode I remember the days of the podcast that yeah I I remember having a few moments like that where something went wrong and you like I’ll never be able to recreate what I just did it makes you think like yeah I need to just stop doing this allio it’s it’s it’s enough to make you consider your life choices yeah for sure especially when you feel like you hit a home run and you’re like well I guess that was for me and me only yeah first episode was a banger SE second episode was hey Mike Brown got paid anyway good night yeah right right oh man that’s tough that’s tough I I’ve lived that pain my friend I have lived that pain um in now watching that from afar obviously knowing how it played out it was much a do about nothing the whole time right yeah I feel like I was in many ways I was the fish that that bit down too hard on the hook but I mean I also don’t think what I was biting down on or overreacting to was necessary to begin with right like that I mean it really was much to do about nothing I stayed consistent even when I was not happy with the process I stayed consistent with I still believe this deal is going to get done Casey you had a really good breakdown on the show at one point about why this is the best case scenario for both sides um so it just it made so much sense for this I just thought posturing especially publicly over a couple million dollars was a bad look for both sides but an especially bad look for for the Kings and look if I’m Mike Brown in Mike Brown’s camp and I’m going to try and Leverage uh the king’s history of coaching for as as big of a Payday as I could possibly get I’d call that smart right like the Kings have been atrocious with hiring and maintaining head coaches since Rick Adelman in fact like like we learned Mike Brown was the the first since Adelman to get a second contract which means 11 guys came through and not only failed to get to the postseason but failed to like keep their job uh for Beyond just their their initial agreement which is is absolutely absurd so I mean I I thought the whole thing was the circus I thought the whole thing invited back in which you’ve been working so hard as an organization the last two years to get rid of which is that kind of Kang’s Persona and that that public image of oh here’s the inability Here’s the the the that King’s Dark Cloud coming back out but ultimately they got there the deal got done and I’m happy to see it and and to be honest with you I mean we will because we do this for a and and certain fans will as well but like because the deal got done if on if they were able to sign Mal leak and couple other things or whatever nobody’s GNA remember how that week played out I don’t think you know what I mean like if if it doesn’t if nothing else is affected if free agents are signed trades are made um and that’s before we even get into the actual basketball like if they end up being a you know they start off 19 and six you know on the season like nobody’s going to remember the week that just played out if they do we’ll laugh at it we’ll be like remember when we were now look at them you know what I mean it’s content it’s what it is man and that’s why you know I say it’s it’s not sexy but it’s it’s really just it’s results based business like none of it matters unless you get the job done and the Kings got one part of the job done they they were able to sign the head coach I agree it’s a results based business but it’s also results based based on circumstance and and Sacramento’s circumstance is what it is and and Mike Brown coming in and and being the change that this organization has been looking for for almost two decades I think deserved a lot better and smoother treatment than than how these negotiations got now breaking it down in the simplest of forms if you’re an employer and your employee is asking for a raise after a regress after they regressed then like I understand if you’re trying to simplify things there’s an argument for that but I I’ve I’ve thought I just thought the way the Kings handled it was unnecessary I thought it was absurd I thought it was comical at times the fact that the negotiations got so public which I know is is the fault of both sides but especially on Mike Brown’s side I I I just didn’t think it was necessary and It ultimately just invites unnecessary criticism and unnecessary doubt and maybe it potentially has an effect on the the Malik monk negotiations if at all I’m not reporting that have no idea but you’re just inviting this unnecessary side of of everything when you could have just handled this quickly and quietly like it should have uh been done and I mean I I I think it’s it’s absolute cause for celebration for Mike to stick around he’s 100 per the right guy for the job and guys I had while I was recording that the podcast for the second time I had kind of an epiphany because oh a lot of people it’s not that deep it’s not that deep a lot of people have been saying like the one of the major arguments I saw for not bringing Mike Brown back is it’s the responsibility of the coach to build their roster or sorry build their system around the strengths of their roster right there there’s this it’s the same way there’s an argument of do you draft for tal best talent available or you draft for fit for a coach it’s do you implement your own system or do you build your system around the talent that you have on your roster um and a lot of people said Mike did not do a good enough job this past season maximizing the strengths especially on the offensive end of this roster despite the fact that somehow he turned this roster into a top 15 defense which we thought was very unlikely going into the season and it dawned on me what people were asking for Mike to do he already did he came in and adapted and implemented A system that emphasized the strengths of his roster to where he put together a team that ended the playoff drought finished as a a third seed and led the NBA in scoring it was the NBA’s best offense and exactly what he consistently said was going to happen these are teams that are they’re fun but they get to the playoffs and they typically struggle in the playoffs lo and behold he’s a first round playoff exit because they struggled offensively now he’s trying to implement the defense now he’s trying to adapt and adjust his system a little way he’s having success in the areas that he wanted to work on but the team as a whole took a step back why because the roster and the system are not exactly on the same page which I think is the ultimate goal for this off season so people who have been asking hey Mike you need to be doing a better job of emphasizing the strengths of your roster he’s already done that and it got him only so far granted adapting caused to step back but ultimately as Mike has been talking about it’s a step back to go two steps forward yeah I I would I’d be one of those guys that said like you you gota like this is what the the group that you have and to be honest with you probably the group that you’re you’re going to be trying to add to uh this off season those those guys are are offensive guys and you can’t it doesn’t mean you can’t get better on the defensive end but you can’t strip them away of what makes them special and I thought I thought to a certain degree that happened from the jump this past season and while maybe that wasn’t the intentions or anything else like that it kind of happened and put that type of energy out there and they were always searching for that energy for the rest of the season and this upcoming season I would try to get back to that I think I I’m I understand what everybody uh says about defense but I I think in the in the playoffs you got to be able to you got to be able to score and I think that’s a lot of people talk about you know this year’s playoffs I think that’s been evident to me in these playoffs because you got a team that was great in defense uh in Minnesota but they weren’t able to do anything with that defense against a team that was scoring at will and Denver for three games and when Minnesota was able to turn on their offense that’s when they were able to win the next two games the defense and it’s it’s it goes and flies in the face of conventional wisdom but to a certain degree it only gets you so far when everybody’s playing a certain level of good defense like you got to be able to score high level and have multiple guys that can score and I think that’s what mikee brown should look to leaning into and and at least not let them forget this this upcoming season see I understand that and I agree with that too I think in in Mike’s mind and I I mean I’m kind of on the fence with this but in Mike’s mind I think he believes in the modern NBA it’s easier to come up with that offense than it is to maintain sustained defense that gets you through the nights when the offense isn’t good enough and the reality is like the the Kings surprised us defensively going back to last playoffs with how they played against the Golden State Warriors they surprised all of us because remember the conversation going into the off the the postseason was here you have this defending Champion with all this loads of experience and this Kings team coming in one with no little to no playoff experience and two oh playoffs are a different Beast the physicalities at a different level can the Kings hang are they ready they proved they were except for their primary strength was pretty much Mia for the entire series outside a couple of Their Stars like they could not shoot the ball period and they’re defense is what maintain or like allowed that that that series to remain as competitive as it did and for the Kings to actually win a handful of those games the Kings did not shoot well at all over the course so it kind of feeds into both of our arguments Kenny like if the Kings shoot better you’re right they win if the Kings shoot better they don’t need to rely on the defense as much but I think Mike is aware that there are going to be times with defense being as high of a level as it is in the playoffs there are going to be times where offensively not only is the shot just not falling because it’s an off night the opposing team is refusing to allow you to to have the shot fall and you need to be able to weather that storm and and maintain that and also defensively limit the opposing team’s runs and pushes when they’re trying to put a game away or create separation facts taking the Warriors series out of the equation the year prior how much of a impact on what we saw from the Sacramento Kings on the defensive end do you think was Keon Ellis oh substantial I mean I think Keon was I’m not saying Keon was the only guy on the roster because there’s I mean dearen fox has completely bought in on the defensive end too um Davon Mitchell we know always had that element and actually kind of figured it out more on the offensive end of how to be effective so he could stay on the floor to bring the defense I thought Keon Ellis was the emergence of like this is how Mike Brown’s system this is how the offense and the defense can coexist you have this this player that works his ass off on the defensive end of the floor who not only is capable of stretching the floor and hitting threes even if that’s not his primary skill he did that at a good enough level to stay on the floor but I think and this is what excites me about next season in particular for a jump for for dear and fox is Keon Ellis and to an extent Davon Mitchell both provided Sacramento with something they have not had in dear’s entire tenure here in Sacramento someone to take the pressure off of Fox on defense Fox can still lead the league in steals when it’s the fourth quarter Fox can still guard Steph Curry or guard the opposing team’s best guard like he’s capable of doing but going back to last season not the one that just wrapped up but the one before when the Kings made the playoffs dear was the one taking the podium saying none of these top guards are guarding me and I’m guarding them every single night that was out of necessity Keon comes in and that’s no longer a necessity anymore and it’s working so I think Keon was absolutely a massive part of that but as a whole I think it was systematically Mike figuring out how to get this group to defend getting everybody to buy into a physical brand of basketball to where both Trey L and Davon Mitchell were telling the media like we’re enjoying playing this way we’re enjoying playing physical I think Mike kind of got them to buy in on that end too and then you he found guys or molded guys like Keon to to step into that role while unfortunately some guys fell back or fell out like a kind of Chris dwarte but maybe like mainly a Kevin herder so so with all of that said how important is it to you that Keon stays in that position next year particularly or specifically talking about the starting two position yeah my I think Keon what what makes Keon so great is Keon could do exactly what he’s doing in whatever role whatever minutes whatever system whatever lineup like Keon can come in and do exactly what he’s doing with the starters with the bench with a combination of the two to me if Malik monk returns going forward I think Malik monk should just start like I know how important Malik is to to that second unit and how stubborn isn’t necessarily the right word but How firm Mike was in his belief that Malik as a six-man was the best role and that still might be the best role for Malik but I want to see what the starter looks like too I just I just want to see it now if if Malik agrees to come back and resign with the Kings and he and Mike are okay with hey you’re going to continue with this role and Malik says fine I’ll take that 17 a half million and continue this role and keep kicking it here in Sacramento like if he’s fine with that then then go for it I’m of the belief that if Malik Monk’s coming back a large part of it is because there’s a starting job waiting for him but even if that’s not the negotiation even if it like I think Malik gives the Sacramento King kind of a molding of of both Kenny and my argument but this is where I kind of lean with Kenny I think you Malik impact can be felt still with the second unit by staggering your lineup and staggering your rotations you’re already doing it dearen Fox is already the first guy subbed out every single night which is crazy to talk about your number one star and your number one player is the first guy taken off the floor but that’s been Mike Brown’s rotation you can continue to do that and continue with your Malik monk minutes start the game with the two of them out there and then bring in Keon for whoever struggling defensively whoever’s Gass if you need an energy boost like I think Keon can do what he did with the starting unit at any point in the game with any pairing with any lineup yeah I agree with you yeah so the I guess the only other question I would ask is do you think that dearon and the other starters who played so well on the defensive end and who were more than willing to connect that to Keon Ellis would be able to play at that same level if he’s starting with the second unit so to speak if someone else is in that position and obviously in the scenario that you’re presenting it’s Malik monk I to be clear that’s who I was referring to as well I’m not talking about Kevin hder with right with all due respect yeah I think I truly think even if Kevin herder stays the days of Kevin herder starting I think that ship is sailed right like I think I think he’ll be given a fair chance to win win the job back in training camp but like it as of right now it is Keon’s job right we can all we’re all in agreement that’s Keon’s spot but I think Malik is good enough pre-negotiation to take that spot from him and in training camp if they give him the chance I think Malik I think the only thing holding Malik back from being the starter alog together was his role with the team not anything that he couldn’t bring to the table now Keon is a better Defender than Malik Monk Is 110% but I don’t think Malik monk starting a Keon going to the bench has that drastic of effect on the defense and if it does I would argue that the Kings still didn’t do enough the areas that truly matter which is with kind of their length and athletic athleticism on the perimeter right like hopefully it’s not we’re not having the conversation of Keon being the defensive Savior for this season going into training camp like that’s a lot to put on a player who just signed his first NBA contract and is is coming off of a high but also here’s the thing that Keon’s gonna face now more teams are aware of who he is like people know who Keon is now he’s not going to really surprise anybody the same way that the Kings didn’t surprise anybody this past season after the what they did the first year like Keon is not blindsiding anybody anymore so I think if Keon gets the job the Kings it’s a great problem to have but the Kings need to be doing more roster wise in addition to bringing back Malik monk to shore up their their wings and their defense maybe a Kyle kosma trade I have no idea what they’re looking at but they need to do a better job of improving their overall defense and the defensive capability of this roster so that Keon isn’t the guy that the kings are leaning on to go please continue to have us be a top 15 team defensive team speaking you spoke on him a little bit I wanted to ask you a question because I think we’re think we’re in agreement with this one I didn’t get a chance to listen to the episode but I did see the tweet that you had about the conversation you had with the locked on Wizards guy and a trade proposal that you feel Washington or uh the the locked on Wizards Guy believes the Washington Wizards would jump at and that’s the Kings trading Trey Lyles Davon Mitchell Chris dorte and the 13th pick for Kyle kosma two-part question not supposed to do it but two-part question number one would I would do the deal would you do the deal number two did you get a sense that if that deal was out there is there a possibility of like saving Trey and substituting him for somebody else or something like that or or would that be the only way that deal could get done hopefully this is roundabout way of of answering both your questions Casey but just to provide context like I presented two deals to um to our lockdown Wizard’s host and and when I initially and the 13th pick was involved in B deals I told him both these trades are happening on on draft night and when I mentioned number 13 like his eyes lit up immediately because from his perspective for the Washington Wizards the value of having a top two pick and another lottery pick on top of that with a team that is rebuilding in a complete rebuild mode right now in fact that’s how the conversation started I said lay it all out there like what are the Wizards doing they got to pick a path what are they doing are they rebuilding or still trying in the East and he said no we’re rebuilding and I said okay well having kozma and and Jordan p on your roster I don’t know how much that makes sense and he said well kozma one is on a team friendly contract and two kma’s kind of willing to be the number one guy on a bad team and help develop I don’t know how much I fully agree with that I’ll take his his word over the situation because I’m obviously not there in Washington I imagine kozma’s a little more compe itive than that and and wouldn’t mind trying to go somewhere where he can actually win well I wouldn’t dismiss it too much because he did resign there yeah for sure but he also I think I think it was pretty well known he resigned there after what he was initially seeking was was not available to him and and there’s Whispers and rumors too that what he was initially seeking were conversations with the Sacramento Kings right and I mean we try and connect dots and bring out our conspiracy theory boards with balls of yarn and trying to connect things there’s hesitation of the Sacramento Kings to resign Harrison Barnes all of a sudden that deal goes quiet for a while the kosma thing picks up steam and then kma goes quiet the Kings resign Harrison Barnes kma goes back to Washington I mean this guy has been connected to the Sacramento Kings for so freaking long now we’ve had this conversation so many times the question is is now the right time to pounce on it but anyway Kenny going back to your question I offered him two deals I offered him a more a better Talent package which was your pick of HB or Kevin herder to which he said Kevin herder Chris Duarte and 13 or expiring contracts which dowlo that’s something you’ve talked about on this show do the Wizards with the wi Wizards rather go a route of they take these players they get all that money free at the end of the year if they want to keep any of them that’s great unfortunately the two of the expiring contracts that the Kings have are two players that have some value to this team Trey L is one of them would hate to see him go Davon Mitchell is another one and I’ve done a complete 180 on Davon Mitchell over the last few months because early in the year I was ready for Davon Mitchell to go I thought the time was done I thought the ship would sail had sailed and he he found his role here in Sacramento and played it well so he ended up choosing that expiring deal contract it makes sense 13 was the main piece they’re getting back in the deal to send kozma over so it’s mainly the draft pick that they want so I get the sense Kenny that they might be able to find a way to not include Davon or Trey in that deal but if truly the Wizards are seeking expiring the Kings only have so many and unfortunately two of those guys have them yeah I I just I I I responded to you to the tweet and I said man I I do it immediately do it I do it for sure but I try to find a way not to have Davon and Trey La in I could get one of them out of there I’d be trying to do that but uh yeah I I think I’d do the deal if it was really right there i’ do it you as you as you laid out to me when I express my concerns about that as well you do bolster your bench in a roundabout way with Harrison Barnes you know being on the bench and at least at least in the scenario that you guys are talking about you know this could create a different set of problems but like herder’s still on the roster and and and I think we’re all in agreement he goes to your bench too so by default you have you know of course this all centers on Malik monk as well you have a you have a significantly deeper bench now you do in in in that move right there and look the crazy thing about that too is if you w to if you want to get real crazy you still got trade assets and future future first round Kevin yeah and Kevin and HB yes yeah so like because for a long time we had talked about a deal with getting Randon Ingram or something like that like HB Kevin herder we probably said 13 but like a future first something like that aside from the 13 pick you still got all those same assets that you thought maybe you could get something for to begin with so uh yeah it’s it’s it’s surprising to me how and and you know how much I just talked about how much I like Trey and Davon Mitchell no disrespect to them but how little you could get a guy for like Kyle kosma for that doesn’t seem like a lot to give up for for Kyle kman well what you just laid out Kenny is why just every pathway or brand branch of this trade that you explore and hypothetical that you explore it just makes too much sense Kyle kosman makes so much sense for what the Sacramento Kings need bolting the depth at a certain position I know kosma is not necessarily A Defensive Juggernaut but I think he’s someone that can do the job as a third or fourth option on offense for this Kings team he improves the offensive end he bolsters your your your size on the defensive end he has the contract that is Team friendly that gets lower and lower as Keegan gets paid and fox gets paid and that’s a movable contract down the line if it does not work you still have Harrison Barnes and Kevin herder here if you want to make a a trade down the line and Monty McNair talks about how important flexibility is that move gives you flexibility to financially go forward or make a big swing with picks or make a big swing with herder and Barnes or what like it just every branch of this trade or this this potential partnership or deal between Washington and Sacramento and why the Kings would Target a kosma who is a safer option over an Ingram it just makes more and more and more and more sense the more you discuss it that doesn’t mean the deal is actually going to get done again I’m having a conversation with the locked on Wizards host he knows what’s going on in Washington he’s not working with the Washington Wizards just like I’m not working for the Sacramento Kings but from our understanding and our conversation allegedly the king’s conver from the king’s perspective and the Wizard’s perspective it’s a deal that both sides would like and it’s a deal that both sides could reasonably get done without having to sacrifice or or or hurt themselves or take a step in a direction they’re not willing to go in so it just kosma to Sacramento just makes way too much sense how do you fear about the um because you both have mentioned him how do you feel about the Ingram conversations boy I I I also had a conversation I did a podcast with Jake Madison have locked on um sounds like a really good podcast by the way this this podcast that you do got going whether your mics are on or not they it sounds like a great podcast hey I have one shtick I stick with it like it plug plug plug plug plug uh in the conversation with the with the locked on Pelicans host the longer that conversation went on the more I just felt like yeah this deal just isn’t gonna just it isn’t getting done like it just it doesn’t make sense the Kings don’t have the assets to get the deal done the Pelicans aren’t as desperate to get rid of Brandon Ingram as we’d like to believe here in Sacramento to where they would accept a Sacramento package that being said like there is there is a potential for the Kings to delay as long as they possibly can and have a deal on the table for Brandon Ingram and kind of push him up against the shot clock and go okay are you really gonna go into next season with Ingram on your roster and risk having to pay him and figure that out later or this is your last chance this is your last out but Jake uh from lock on Pelicans seems to believe that the Pelicans would have no they wouldn’t be too bothered with going into the season and revisiting this conversation at or around the trade deadline and if still nothing’s there then just resigning him and and and figuring it out going forward but what also like an important part of the Brandon Ingram um conversation in comparison to the Kyle kma conversation you’re talking about two organizations that are not only in the exact same situation they have teams that they know that are good and are trying to figure out how to be great they’re two teams that are directly competing with each other for those spots like the if there’s a tier list in the west the Kings and Pelicans are on the same tier how many times the Pelicans beat Sacramento last season like we’re talking there’s the the absolute Superstar like Contender teams at the very top and then there’s that middle that both teams want to elevate themselves into or or that’s what they want their Foundation to be going into next season and they’re competing against each other to do it versus a Kings uh Wizards scenario not only are the Wizards in a completely different conference but the Wizards are in rebuild mode and are willing to get rid of talent to to open up salary and go down another path that’s not the case for for Kings so Brandon Ingram is the bigger swing I don’t see how a deal gets remotely done without Keegan Murray being involved which makes me say absolutely not I’m good I’m walking away I I I think it’s a possibility and a conversation that should and probably has been had already in Sacramento and between two teams but I don’t see a logical scenario where it actually happens at this point I’m with you man I’ve talked myself out of the Brandon Ingram thing I don’t even know if I told you that no I I’ve talked Secrets now we got okay well you you were you were in health and safety protocols and I was just left here to talk to myself and um I think I’ve just talked to myself out of that like it doesn’t out of it happening or out of you wanting the deal to happen I the it’s it you know Matt talks about the assets and all of that like it’s the not the assets that bug me it’s that the the contract yes it’s how are you going to pull this off yeah and that’s the part that I just get stuck on seems like a higher degree of difficulty significantly higher than Kyle not even the same Stratosphere it feels like or might bring him up go ahead say it I’m just I’m just saying there’s been reports out there about Zack LaVine he’s dirt go ahead Matt get your get your boy oh oh you know here’s the thing there was a time there was a time when the idea of Zack LaVine and a dear in Fox back court in Sacramento sounded exciting as hell and it’s when the Kings made an offer for LaVine while buddy hee was still here and the Bulls matched it and that that fell apart completely there are still aspects of Zack LaVine that from a entertainment standpoint I would not mind having here in Sacramento but then when you turn your brain on and you realize oh um yeah this isn’t going to work it doesn’t make sense not to mention like his value is so in the pits right now with SH like Chicago sounds like they’re gonna have to attach an asset to him just to get someone to take that deal and take that contract for the position that the Sacramento Kings are in that screams desperation to me and every indication that I’ve gotten from the organization still is that they’re not desperate yet and and again I can go right back to the comments of both Mike Brown and Monty mcira in their end of season press conference there’s no desperation here in Sacramento they want to get better they know they need to get better and they know the West is chaos but there’s a very different like the Kings and the Suns for example are in very completely different situations the suns are like we have to right now our window is closing by the second we have to Sacramento while we want them to win and while Fox and sabonis are in their pre they don’t have to throw or go crazy with an absurd move that I think a Zack LaVine trade would be to more than likely fail so it it logically there isn’t anything about Zack LaVine that that makes sense now would I want to run a fox and LaVine back court in NBA 2k hell yeah throw lobs all day Zack LaVine in real life and got to the playoffs a couple times I don’t think it’s absurd by the way I just need the deal I don’t think I don’t think the idea of him on the team is absurd I just and for him I need the deal to be perfect is it have to be perfect also what about Zack LaVine makes you think that he’s the Mike Brown guy like Mike BR mon McNair guy for that matter that too that too but again so much of this offseason is about getting Mike Brown’s philosophy and the roster to on the same page it’s not a roster overhaul but adding guys that that fit that mold Zack LaVine does not seem like that at all and not saying you guys are wrong I’m saying these guys better win some games because you say it’s not desperation mode I don’t think it is because well Mike is now signed for a while like jobs aren’t on the line or anything else like that you better make the playoffs next year like that it’s as desperate as that like this play in not making the playoffs that’s not gonna fly next year make the playoffs well you said that this team is good enough to make the playoffs I think they are you better make the playoffs next year I think you do that by getting wings not another two guard I don’t care how you do it you better do it though I like I don’t care how who you get in here I don’t I don’t care what players you get in here I don’t care if it’s LaVine if it’s Bruce brown or whatever I just know what the end result better be I think I think you care a little bit about how they do it because if they get back to the playoffs as a six seed next season with Zack LaVine on their roster and then it’s very clear they’ve hit their ceiling I think we care and now they’re stuck I think we care about they’re in the playoffs that’s what I’m asking for they’d be happy if they if they get Bruce Brown and their five seed and they’re in the playoffs I’ll be just as happy you have to make the playoffs you have to were you happy after getting eliminated by The Warriors though because we absolutely I was happy with that season we well yeah we were happy with the for sure we were H but that season’s already happened you’re talking about having that season again just getting back again yeah that’s a good starting point yeah absolutely well I mean you’re right it is a good start better than this past year that’s true Jess Jesse’s telling us the show is over so we have to go I think Jesse shows over he’s like Jess’s ready to get the hell out of here that’s for sure uh I’m actually we we’ve got a ksfm show to do and then I get to go hang out with uh Matt George at ABC 10 so yeah man check check us out NBC ABC 10 check out got it wrong you said it wrong you literally said another competitor abc1 check us out baby you know what it is let’s go check me out tonight let’s go this dude Jake your we’ll we’ll be on post game um Matt well waiting for months to be able to do that we’ll see you tomorrow

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