@Toronto Raptors



okay that’s what I want to hear that’s what I want to hear baby we brought in Zach you already know Zach is my guy I said it at the beginning of the season that’s the only pick I was I don’t want to hear about nobody else it don’t matter that’s who I believe fits best with us I know everybody like we need to get a guard from Kentucky shut up he don’t he’s not fast enough he’s not a Kim aijan he’s not Alonzo Morning nobody is those people don’t exist no more they don’t even train people like that no more y’all want this fantasy if he was the fantasy Center that you want him to be we would never get him they would do whatever it took to keep him away from us his imperfections make him perfect because he can always get better that boy different you you look at his face he there’s a lot of you’re like there’s a lot of Cartman from South Park in him like there’s there’s little bit crazy little something he’s there’s something there you like oh oh he’s yeah he’s different yeah that boy got the crazy eyes yeah there’s something about him he going yeah he’s motivated there’s a different level of motivation he tried to downplay with the no I’m just happy I would just love I would love to be I would love to be a rapor I remember driving down the street during the championship run I remember that yeah he tried to hit you with the Cal that boy is straight Chaos on the inside he want all the smoke he want all the smoke I promise you he wants all of it he wants to prove everybody wrong that wants him to be a kijah want yo he listen you do you hear what these little kids are saying these fantasy freaky zoids I want a 7 foot4 gu that can shoot from three rebound fill the lane go off the dribble do cartwheels a back flip could run a could could run a 40 and 43 could do all this ridiculous [ __ ] it makes no sense to me it may it doesn’t if he was that magnificent we wouldn’t be able to get him this guy is a two-time national Player of the Year 20 years ago he would be the number one draft pick now in this eurocentric NBA where the it’s all about entertainment and not so much about the sweet science of basketball which we all understand the $76 billion leads us to understand that I was right throughout all these years saying that they’re about entertainment Gilbert Arena’s confirmed everything I’ve been saying the last few years I’m still ahead the game bat in a TH or 850 but the reality is it’s like people don’t appreciate achievement anymore and it’s insane like you will Overlook someone who actually achieved the most at their level for someone who has the potential to be something at another level and you be like yo first of all if you wasn’t [ __ ] at this level what makes you think you’re going to be successful at the other level there’s a reason why you got to go through this level first to prove yourself you didn’t prove yourself here how do you have how do you not prove yourself here but have so much potential over there oh because the game is different really so the adversity and the mental aspect of achieving things gets lost in the process of someone having just your F your fantasy potential your fantasized potential like a person has to be something mentally emotionally and physically to achieve something at any level when you get to the NCAA level and you win two national two national play of the Year Awards back to back no gap between back to back how do you look at him and be like nah he it was too easy what that’s what you you have what do you expect you want someone to be personally successful and successful with this team well how far did this team go NCAA finals well did they win it no they ran into a better team Danny Ferry team was better you going to sit up here oh thaty he ain’t win it though what like come on be like at some point like y’all you got to call a lame a lame lame [ __ ] is lame [ __ ] like the dude did everything he supposed to do at College he got better he stayed graduated got his degree what what more no he didn’t leave one and done what like y’all celebrate the weirdest stuff that makes absolutely no sense see they’re trying to connect greatness to entertainment value they’re not the same the person that’s going to achieve success is the person that chases after success the more entertaining player has limitations way more limitations and they’re going to hinder their team wherever they go so look at all these players that you you know that you Champion that are so entertaining that you’ll invest your time and your money and watching and talking about and buying their jerseys and watch how they hinder a team the guys that want win help their team get there and they still end up having entertainment value just saying this kid has so much potential years ago 20 years ago he would be a number one draft pick 25 years ago number one draft pick 30 years ago number one draft pick now you talking about 19th 20th y’all don’t even want him cuz he ain’t a guard from Kentucky that can sho from 40 ft and nobody has proven that they can win with that like they have to be in a system that makes use of their abilities you can’t let them run rampant and do what they want to do there’s a limit the NBA is transitioning into something different I’ve been saying this for years we’re right where I said they were going to be now you still holding on to we Superstar this Superstar ding these kids is going to the g-league all these kids that y’all be caring so much about they going to the G League 75% of these kids is going to the G League the NBA is different not so much from basketball standpoint but you got them thinking entertainment and not so much the science if they understand the science of basketball they’re fine but if they’re trying to entertain you and trying to intertwine the science and the entertainment it’s going to take them a little bit longer you can only focus on one do you want to be entertaining or do you want to be a ball player do you want to show the world that you know what you’re doing you got a lot more people wanting to show the world that they can entertain us not that they know how to play I’m just saying it’s going to get back to the point where guys have to get back to winning these kids really want to win they all come from a little bit of money so money ain’t going to change them they want to win they want to learn the science of the game and someone is going to have to teach them because they don’t have entertainment value these are the kids that have been sheltered their whole life and ain’t really they ain’t got no life experience they’ve been sheltered playing basketball in their little gyms away from the world and then you know they only come out when the lights is on they don’t have any real life experience that makes the world interesting or makes them interesting to the world and when you see a kid that knows how to play basketball you try to just compare him to the entertainers you can’t listen you you you can’t you can’t compare an Entertainer to a ball player to someone who knows how to play and they’re rarely the two it takes time to have the perfect amalgamation of entertainment value and ball playing skills this dude knows how to play whether you feel like he’s entertaining or not or you know what I mean like I don’t know what people’s problem is with this dude he’s 7 foot4 and does what you need him to do oh he’s not quick he’s 7 foot4 Tim Duncan wasn’t he was how fast was he how fast was Tim Duncan I just want to know how fast was Tim Duncan how quick and how Swift and how athletic was Tim Duncan exactly he knew how to play and he was around all these guys that were fast and athletic he still was the man more championships MVPs than just about anybody from the time he played till the time he left everybody talk about how great LeBron is LeBron is great you can’t compare him to Tim Duncan Tim Duncan played in the system and did what he was supposed to do LeBron never had that he always wanted to be an army of one he would he would if he had a system to be attached to he would be undeniably the best player in the NBA ever but he wanted to do it on his own and it takes away from that possibility look at what Tim Duncan was able to achieve what pop he won fast they built fast guys they have fast guys around them like this kid don’t have to be fast everybody else got to be fast how about that we got enough fast guys on this team enough quick guys we got the a good enough approximation of speed like different varieties of speed why does he have to be the fast one everybody can’t be fast somebody has he knows how to play I would rather have him than somebody can just go up and down the court quickly give give me someone who can play and when I say quickly I’m not meaning Emanual quickly I mean someone who can move up and down the court fast I love Emanuel quickly I like him like he’s the he’s the Tyrese Maxi type of point guard that I always wanted us to have before someone twist the words up because you know how everybody run with [ __ ] but this dude Zack Edy is he can be the Tim Duncan of his era he has that potential I watch Tim Duncan at wake farest with childr and without childr there are some similarities he’s going to be able to boy at 74 like he could use that glass what y’all talking about you can mold him into Tim Duncan it’s not that hard he don’t need no talent for that it’s all skill he can even work out with Tim Duncan what are we talking Y’all Gonna Leave Me Alone talking about a two-time national Player of the Year like he’s a bum that boy is a gift he’s probably going to be drafted higher we might not get him I like DJ Burns if we don’t get him I say DJ Burns cuz that’s Zack Randolph reincarnated DJ burns from NC State the big boy that lost 45 pounds he like he would he would fit us perfectly as well but Zack Ed is my guy like ain’t no question I don’t care about if we got a first round pick or we were gonna pick first or we going to pick third or 19th [ __ ] that’s our God we can get him we going to get him I say get him make no sense not to you always want somebody that’s athletic and then when they get hurt you know why they got hurt because they didn’t know how to play because they were so athletic and they thought that was the answer when you know how to play you kind of there’s a smoothness to your game and you can avoid injuries when you really know how to play there are certain injuries that you avoid when you know what you’re doing I promise you remember that time remember that time in the 90s when guys just kept getting knee injuries and tearing their ACL and and and CL and all that exactly no it didn’t happen in the 90s or the 80s it was very rare it was very rare because guys knew what they were doing they knew exactly what they were doing how is it now that everybody gets hurt with all this technology and information everybody’s continuously getting hurt with major injuries they don’t know what they doing they don’t know how to keep the game simple they doing ways too much they forcing it major injuries happen when you’re forcing it you’re unaware of all the easy opportunities in front of you and you’re not prepared for it you don’t know what you’re doing you think your talent and your creativity is enough it’s a good enough solution to the situation man circumstances sometimes call for easy situ easy solutions but everybody’s motivated to be entertaining instead of just being keeping it simple it’s a 82 game Mar yo keep it simple for 88 to and then when you get to the playoffs you let your nuts hang that’s it stick to the fundamentals the 82 games get to the playoffs then you you add that that flare and that fire to it and you good like but everybody wants to be over entertaining during the season not understanding that listen you get more money and you get everything you want when you win winning is always going to be the end the end all of be all cuz that’s what the fans support nobody support a loser this kid has won you’re trying to tell me this just go with yo he was in college for one year he has more value no it all comes down to in the draft what teams need but the conversation is is in of in in a nature in a vein of value like other guys have more value than him when they don’t even have half of the achievements or the experience oh he been in college too long you’re supposed to go to college and stay there since when is it been cool for people I remember when it was the dumbest [ __ ] in the world to go to college for one year when dudes were afraid of doing it now all of a sudden it’s common go to college for one year and leave like [ __ ] why go to college at all you gotta you got to stay for at least two that’s for real that’s how we know if you nice or not that’s how we know if you nice your first year all right cool potential next year you lock it you solidify that because you have to learn how to play being the man because when you get to the NBA your ego is going to be took and then they saying the sooner you get to the NBA the better okay it’s better for the NBA not for you as a performer cuz you going to run into some grown men like yo shorty go over there man you going you around grown men with grown men problems and you’re yet 18 19 years old you ain’t ready for that world you ain’t ready for that difference in in age and and [ __ ] and life experience like come on be enjoy College be the king of the college campus first he was the king of the college campus he did what he was supposed to do you can’t look down on that he fits us he fits us perfectly oh but what about no it’s no what about nothing he fits perfectly Tim Duncan wasn’t fast he just had skills and he won this kid 74 oh but he’s not F he don’t have to be fast he’s just have to have skills and he has skills he has potential he’s going to be fine if we can get him I say get him we can’t get DJ Burns but I say get Zack I like the fact that we worked them out let’s see what he got let’s see him up close and and get away from all of the conversation about what he can’t do let’s see him in a positive light not to say we got to be 100% committed to the concept but we have to think in terms of we’ve been dying for a sinner for years remember all them years that people was crying for a sinner and we couldn’t have a sinner and now we get a chance to get a sinner and nobody want some cuz everybody wants a guard when 3 years ago we were begging for a sinner begging for one that was competent that could play that had a certain pedigree now we get that and y’all look at it and be like Noah that ain’t good enough y’all must man listen go ahead with that I want hear that [ __ ] that sound crazy we all been wanting the center the prayer gets answered and then you like nah I I want a guard what what you was just begging for it three years ago on your hands and knees begging pretty pretty please and now you get the center in the draft with the PED with the credentials with the pedigree with the stats and everything you want and then you look at him and say nah but he ain’t fast enough though word you know how crazy that sounds you know how the basketball guards is like what word that’s what we doing all right I got you I got you I got you the basketball guards are very fickle you get what you want and then you look a gift horse in the mouth I’m like nah that ain’t good enough I wanted word when you was just begging for something there’s so much potential in Zach Edy he’s oozing with potential his frame can get bigger Paul’s no freaky he can get stronger he can get better you talking about and the NBA is being reshaped and remolded he going to end up being King around here what you talking about and you gonna say no to that you’re supposed to be what salivating for the opportunity waiting for it like word we that’s us that’s our guy when you got all these people that want a guard like we got to get it no I want man word word so going to the F no if he would have won if he would have woned we we ain’t gonna be able to get him if he win it now you got all these dudes with no accomplishments nothing like word you know 30 years ago 25 years ago this D would be the number one draft pick period it wouldn’t even be close it wouldn’t even be no conversation but in 2024 where it’s all about the Euro entertainment and you know 76 billion deal and everybody got to have a social media and you know I guess he ain’t Ain ain’t a big enough clown for the circus for y’all to like in some cases he don’t tap dance enough he’s just a good oldfashioned ball player like it’s too easy like like to just pick this dude y’all want to complicate it and be like no you’s just but he can’t run fast and he gonna be a mismatch in there’s no defense no one’s playing defense none but when they switch off that’s what helps side is for you help them didn’t they have that same situation with Tim Duncan he won that fast was he they managed to win five championships with Tim Duncan being switched off and having to guard someone faster that sounds like the coaching that sounds like a coaching responsibility doesn’t it because pop figured it out when you watched Miami play against San Antonio and they had to switch off I don’t remember nobody talking about how big of a liability Tim Duncan was ever throughout all all those Championship runs they won what five championships with Tim Duncan guarding somebody and pick and roll and switching off and they I don’t know it worked I don’t know pop made it work trying to tell me that we can’t coach Doo can’t make it work somebody got to make it work somebody’s gonna have to make it work you do know that your that you know Victor to magnificent has the same problem right magnificent rim protector but they’re going to pull him further and further away from the basket and then they’re going to attack the perimeter and go to the basket he’s going to have the same problem you think he’s going to block every shot come on now stop it that’s that’s that’s they’re going to pull him above the three-point line run the pick and roll above the three-point line switch off and then he’s going to get blown by by everybody else like everybody else does oh but he can catch him no he can’t he can’t catch everybody these elite point guards now he ain’t catching none of them they going right by him and they finishing strong Zach is Zach is a gem in the NBA draft we have if we get a chance to get him I say draft him there is there is there is no other pick if we can’t get him then I understand he’s valuable somebody else wants him cool I’m quite sure I I believe he’s going to go higher than 19th I believe he’s going to be a lottery pick but if he ends up being 19th we got to get him and for him to be 19th would be ridiculous and I know that’s going to motivate this kid to be more than anybody believed that he could be and that’s going to work in our favor we have the right environment we have the right team and and and we’re going to keep working we still have to see what the dark o system looks like it has to be more definitive that way we can have a signature style of that we can hang out hat on even in conversation this kid helps us he has a Tim Duncan is type of vibe to him utilize that but he had there’s a fire there there’s there’s chaos there there’s Mayhem there there’s hostility there I’m we can’t pass on this kid we can’t there’s a there’s a dog there there’s a dog there don’t let don’t let how he talking I know listen there’s a rock while about behind them eyes behind that whole cool Cal deman there’s a Wala behind there we need that we need that y’all sitting over here we need another G skill player yeah all right man we don’t need none of them we need Zack Edy that’s it if we don’t get him get DJ bonds sit or DJ Burns I’m sorry the big dude from um NC State I like him he reminds he reminds me a lot of Zack Randolph let’s get that it’s one of the two tell me what you think in the comments section but I can’t believe that some people just wanted to like still want a guard like it’s crazy like why why would you want like the kid is perfect

#NBAChev #Subscribe #TorontoRaptors #NBADraft #ZachEdey #MasaiUjiri #BobbyWebster #DarkoRajakovic

Raptors take a closer look at Zach Edey, He’s our Pick..


  1. A big guy who wants to play like a big guy…..I'm sold, lol. You're right about that "look" in his eyes, Chev. I've seen it. He's a "determined" player. Relentless….

  2. %1000 agreed. he got some cray cray in him. we NEED young big man bruiser and inforcer with POTENTIAL. Zack is dat dude

  3. All I’m saying is the last time nba chev was this confident in a pick it was scottie barnes.. 🫡

  4. You know what at this point I would just let everyone talk smack about him – just makes it that much easier for the raptors to pick him up and show the world hell for the mistake they made 😈😅

  5. He moves and plays a bit like Yao Ming and he was a beast for the Rockets. If we can get him at 31 would be a steal.

  6. Why do we like to play like others? We can draft him and play bully ball. that said, I would trade Jakob if possible for a stretch big. He is my pick at 19. How is is not better than folks barely putting 10 points?

  7. I agree 100%, people hating on Edey are doing us a favour because he's a top 10 talent in this draft…

  8. We gonna have 3 picks once Bruce Brown is traded. Zach might be on this team. What Zach has over the other draft picks is FIBA experience. He has been exposed to SGA, Dort, Brooks, and Kelly O

  9. That's what I want to hear too, I've been telling this Edey haters, this is who we want to draft. I hate these fans who keep talking about who fast and athletic. STFU! This is the guy we need to take if we can get him. This is the center we've been needing! He different, he dominates the game, he's actually gonna change the game, and that's what people keep forgetting too. We going back to the big men era. Raptors will draft Edey, trust me. If you riding with me and Chev, then F–k you!

  10. We need to take him, I don't like these ops, they lame to me. Don't even know why dudes hating on him.

  11. Imma just remind everyone that Jokic was drafted with the 41st pick. If we get this guy at 31st, that could be a legendary steal.

  12. We need a center like him… Rim protection, good rebounder and a finisher around the rim. And pair him with Barnes, RJ and Quick… come on man we gotta pick him up.

  13. you do everything you can to bring edey here even if you have to trade up and trade next year pick for him he was a generational college player you dont go against history every player of his kind ended up being an all time great

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