@Miami Heat

Who is better positioned: Miami Heat or Orlando Magic? | Five on the Floor x Magic Mania crossover

Who is better positioned: Miami Heat or Orlando Magic? | Five on the Floor x Magic Mania crossover

welcome Ladi episode of five on the floor in the five reason Sports Network thanks for joining us on your favorite podcast app on Apple we recommend Apple podcast on Android Spotify or the Five Reasons YouTube channel also make sure you check out off the floor you can find a link right here in the description on the YouTube channel or the podcast feed $2.99 per month get away from Twitter the same tweets from the same five people we got more than 500 people saying the same things all the time also you get updates from us we’ve got a Draft channel on there Esports music culture and more $2.99 per month once you’re there it’s like Hotel California you will never leave also check out the great sponsors of the five Reon Sports Network includes autograph this is a new app you can download all of your heat content or your content from the Orlando Magic we’ll get into that in a second right there on the autograph app use the code five it’s free they also drop exclusive promos on there we just gave away a $500 bamat bio sign Jersey piece for 13 bucks there’ll be more this week I also do exclusive videos there so use the code five download the autograph app also check out prize picks also the code five use that to get your initial deposit matched up to $100 it is legal again in the State of Florida play their new game there you can play up to four players together their power plays they’ve got everything that they used to have on there pretty much use the code five get your initial deposit matched up to $100 at prize picks and now today’s episode on the floor ride for my dogs where here the thing you can check the score Hustle Hard couple scars we bubble frogs just like Buck Say you in trouble y check the plan got it all B y’all SE the block stop with one hand and P trust have the guts we here to bring the heat y’all can hang it up welcome to five on the Flor a daily Insider show on the Miami Heat and the NBA featuring Ethan scholet Greg sander and Alex Toledo plus others from the five reason Sports Network all right welcome back to five on the floor here’s today’s floor plan I’m Ethan scholet you can follow me at Ethan J scull and five Reon Sports we got Alex Toledo you can follow him at Tropical blanket and who are all of these guys we brought in folks from the center of the state one of them you’ll be familiar with Jonathan ramlan he’s been a host of our heat pregame show you can call him a Trader if you want it’s up to you but he’s up in the Orlando area you can follow him at Jonathan MMA and we’ve got his friends here we got Luka we got Juan we got Josh and all of us here and again if you’re watching on the YouTube channel uh you can follow Luka you got to drop the uh the Twitter handle on there so everybody put in there I put it in there all right we’ll plug it in there as we go forward here all right so we are outnumbered here today but today’s floor plan is we’re gonna address something we haven’t had to address for the Miami Heat in a long time I mean maybe since Penny and Shaq um have the heat been passed in their own State because right now uh they’re not the defend ing division Champions not that that matters the heat don’t hang division banners anymore but it does matter in Orlando because there has not been a ton of success there over recent years you kind of had again Penny and sha era you had the McGrady era uh you had whatever that was with vich and fornier although it was definitely awful for the heat because those two guys would go off on them all the time uh and now though you have a really young interesting team whereas Heat fans are freaking out about whe whether Jimmy Butler is going to be given an extension whether he’s going to be here whether or not they’re going to trade Tyler herro uh the questions in Orlando all seem to be kind of upside questions so we’re going to try to answer a question here today are the Orlando Magic better positioned over the next three years than the Miami Heat and I’ll just start here I’ll go to you first on it Jonathan because again you cover the heat as well um typically an organization with the stability of the heat with Pat Riley Andy ellisburg Eric spuler you say okay they’re just better positioned because they have those people in place like they’ll figure it out but I’m looking at this cap sheet for magic and this thing’s clean um I mean basically next year uh and again this includes player options and early terminations and all the rest of this stuff they don’t have anybody making according to uh spot Trek nobody making more than 17.4 million uh they’ve got Paulo coming off an All-Star appearance making 12.1 of course because that’s a rookie contract jayen Suggs at 9 million uh Wendell Carter Jr has been discussion about trading possibly but 11.9 million France Vagner it’s 7 million um this is what happens when you actually draft well which some of these teams in this position have not done is you get these guys on cheaper contracts do you think that the magic are better position than the heat over the next three years well before I address that I I do want to first off address some of the disrespect that you’re saying that you’re being outnumbered because uh do you have to keep in mind I am a Heat fan as well I do live in Orlando but I am a Heat fan right don’t get me wrong when it comes to that you’re hosting the magic magic media podcast though so I I have to classify you that way at least for the purpose of this but yeah no look you’re on the top line with us so if you want to take the heat perspective that’s fine you can do that this is like okay it’s like a CNN panel go ahead yeah because I do still believe that you know if this heat team when it comes to you know with let’s say this last year’s playoffs with a healthy Jimmy Butler would have made it further than this Orlando Magic team but that’s not the question the question is over the next three years but I still do think um that the Miami Heat are really well position over the next couple years because although Jimmy Butler in the contract situation uh with that is potentially going to be up in the air and there’s a little bit of uncertainty with that you have B bam at a bio locked in and regardless of the contract if if he’s worth all of the money Tyler hero is still under contract and is a major trade piece for any options there too we still have all of our draft picks hakz yovic High Smith a lot of young players as well of course not in the first round pick caliber of Apollo vano but I do still think we have a lot of great pieces um and I think over at least the next three years with the trust that we have uh typically for the front office right we’ve struck out a couple times but I still do believe that this Heat team uh is better positioned to to kind of continue the next success over the next couple years well you used the wi pronoun so I I guess uh yeah I guess we knew where you were we knew where you were going to stand here uh let me go to Juan next and then I’ll bring in Alex Juan is going to start doing some dolphin car he’s wearing a Dolphin hat here so he’s he’s kind of conflicted on all this stuff how would you answer the question yeah um you know it it’s definitely when you compare these two teams are pretty similar based on uh the records last year really just one game separating these two teams but uh when you talk about the next three years I’m looking at the payroll as well and uh the Miami Heat are definitely tied up in some some pretty hefty contracts and you know the way that sports are now it’s really about what have you done for me now and what the Orlando Magic have recently done I mean going to a game seven in their first uh appearance in the playoffs in a few years I think um with teams seeing that and wanting to maybe come to Orlando now I think uh what the NBA saw from Paulo B Caro fron Vagner and from coach Mo I think that’ll be really you know optimistic for a lot of people that are trying to find a new home in the NBA so when you look at that and then the cap space Orlando has as well you know they’ll be able to go and Target some of these big free agents for for the first time in a few seasons now so I think um when you factor in all those things I think Orlando has has a pretty good chance to be uh the best team in Florida the next three years I think what people forget is that the magic were a free agent destination at one point I’ve made this point on five on the floor before I mean I’m old so I got to go way back but the year 2000 the Miami Heat targeted two guys that ended up going to Orlando uh Pat Riley flew up to Orlando to try to convince Tracey McGrady and Grant Hill to come to Miami Miami had a ton of cap space in the year 2000 similar to what they had in 2010 they had for that summer the year 2000 they didn’t get either of them actually Tim Duncan almost ended up in Orlando that summer too uh that was talked about Jason kid possibility there was a lot of stuff going on in the year 2000 but uh he went up to try to get him he didn’t get him and then swung the deal for Eddie for Eddie Jones uh at that time to put around Lonzo morning and of course zo got sick and it never really panned out the way that they hoped for but Orlando was a free agent destination for a couple reasons one again still the no State taxs no beaches but uh a lot of NBA players like the golf uh they like that area for that reason particularly out in the suburbs and so Orlando has been attractive before uh Alex I’ll just ask you this question right now forget the next three years question would you switch rosters and payrolls with the Orlando Magic right now if I was to tell you Eric Eric spol I always give you a tough question if I was to say Eric spoler could could have the Orlando Magic roster as is going into this off season would you make that change that’s a crazy bomb yeah know he he loves doing that um and so you’re just talking about this next season I’m saying you right now I can I’m gonna put Mia over o over o orl on uh on spot Trak and do the reverse and I’m gonna put make Eric spoler the coach of that team and the team that uh that current that current roster in Orlando is gonna be playing at whatever the heck they call that thing in Miami now I think he says no I think he says no if you’re just talking about going forward though like if you were to say like you would have them for the next however many years then then you got to say yes just because of I mean the age Gap is so huge but I I think he would say no um and and you know Juan mentioned that there’s similarities between um the Heat and the magic you know not only just record-wise but you know the way they play right I think both teams are you know kind of Defense first in theory the magic were the better defense this year almost unquestionably and just are pretty strong across the board position wise I I think and then you look at Paulo’s game you know it’s not a one to one Apples to Apples comparison but there is a lot of Jimmy in his game as far as like you know he wants to run into you he wants to initiate contact he plays down on the Block um you know more often than I mean he shoots more than Jimmy does you know he he doesn’t mind shooting um but the the the mold is kind of similar there where it’s like the the the Bruiser as your your 1A and then a kind of a strong team defense like there there’s some parallels there and by the way Ethan you mentioned earlier in the show like since Shaq and Penny you completely skipped over the Dwight Howard years what was say I I know I I I did that for you D but yeah look it’s uh you know obviously the 2009 finals and if he if if Stan had played raer over Jamir Nelson they probably would have been Champions that year we all know what kind of played out there but yes I my apologies to SVG and to Dwight uh and and to that era which obviously look that was that was significant they had uh you know they they they really should have won that finals to be honest um if if you go back and and and play it back so yes I apologize for missing the Dwight Howard years and skipping right to vich but I I guess larger point I’ll go okay so luuka you weigh in on this would you switch rosters right now if you could say you’re in Orlando and you can have Jimmy Butler and Bam maabo for next season and you figure out what you’re G to do with the rest Tyler Caleb Maybe resigning maybe not Etc uh as someone who was uh Liv Liv with an avid Heat fan for a much majority of my life I would say 100% yes I would switch the rosters because the a lot of there’s a lot of I love this team they’re really nitty-gritty team but I think that we’ve seen the best from this team that we’ve had in the last couple years I really do feel like that they made it to the finals already and and that with Mickey ring that that was already a little bit questionable you know in my opinion I think they’re very lucky to be there um but you know that’s not to take away anything from their style of player or who they are as players because they are are great players and they are a very talented roster but I think this year we really have seen a couple things Tyler Hero has gotten injured in back toback playoff off runs which is a very very very very big thing you can’t be good on the floor if you’re not playing on the floor already paying him a lot of money too uh Jimmy I think the ceiling for the magic is just a lot higher going forward as well obviously you look at p b Carol you look at France Vagner you look at Mo Vagner who’s who’s honestly pretty good too and you could just look at the the amount of cap space they have and what they can do with that money I I I feel like it’s not really fair to say that their future isn’t brighter you know I mean I think that the heat definitely could have went farther in this playoff run but I just believe that the magic have a lot they have a lot more things heading in their way and that’s just the flow of basketball man it’s not to knock the Heat or anything it’s just the Heat have had their time they’ve been on the top of basketball for a long long time they’ve been to four I think I think four out of the last five finals I believe or something like that oh no two two of the last five finals but but two of the last five but but uh but then but then three Conference Finals so Josh shall I ask this question we’re talking about cap space right yeah um if I was to say to you okay the magic because we’ve had a lot of conversations about what the heat need to add uh we’ve talked about size we’ve talked about scoring athleticism um if I was to ask you what’s the perfect type of player to add to the current magic team with the money that they’re goingon to have to deploy what would you say it is I would say they need a offensive threat um you know we saw what they did on defense you know throughout the season but when it came to the playoffs these guys look very shaky on offense so I think they definitely need an offensive threat um to compliment the Paulo Wagner Brothers um and just a young talent that they have I mean they’ve got some flexibility with I think they’ve got four four free agents right now um you know I’m going with offense they they need some help in that and uh that’ll take them a little bit further than and what they did this year so is that in the back court I mean there it seemed like Suggs came on particularly defensively this year do they have enough offense in the back court or do they need uh I mean we talk about the heat needing a three LEL score that’s what Tyler has you know kind of been supposed to fill that role um but do they I mean do they need a back court scorer is that what is that what you would Target I I personally love sugs I mean he’s I’ve I’ve said this over and over he’s the heart in the soul of the team um but you’re right he does he does bring that defense but you know to win games you you do need some offensive effort um I’d say if they can I’d say go with more depth um you know that that second uh second string with Cole Anthony um add some more guys around him and uh you have a you have a a complete Team all right what we’re gonna do when we come back uh and I’ll let everybody get in again is is there a trade to be made between these teams um I’m curious if there’s anything that might make sense because yeah the heat do have a score um and luk I gotta check you out one thing just because I don’t want to throw too much hero slander out there because that tends to happen a lot uh in our Market he was healthy for the playoffs this year that wasn’t the problem he was not healthy last year and also the year before but but but I just I I I need to be fair though he was he was the only healthy guy this year him and bad really so after the regular season and he missed more games he he he did understood but he was healthy for the playoffs he was he was healthy for the playoffs I just want to be clear on that it’s just that he only really played well and he played exceptionally well in one game and not so much in the other four but yeah that’s that’s kind of where it was at all right we do want to mention another great sponsor of the five re Sports network uh if you’re looking to make a deal this is who you reach out to because in Insurance she’s the person to go to and you can find her on all of our streams she’s a huge Miami Heat fan uh she knows more than I do actually uh reach out to Lynette a a aggressive Insurance Agency insurance by car insurance life insurance renters insurance handles all of it uh just got another deal from us so we we always appreciate uh sending business over to her because we know that uh she’s going to do a great job with it 954 581 8800 that’s insurance by a Aggressive Insurance Agency again 954 581 8800 but be prepared to talk about the Heat and then she’ll get the deal done for you all right so let’s get to it um I’ll go to Jonathan on this do do you do you think that the Orlando Magic could use a player like Tyler hero I think when healthy yes I think Tyler herro and jayen Suggs would fit really well together because Jaylen Suggs is a really good three and D player he can play really well off the ball he’s an excellent secondary playmaker right I don’t think he’s a great primary but as a secondary playmaker we’ve seen him have five plus assist games during the playoffs so he’s able to have that flow in obviously with Tyler herro he’s also a guy that has you know been known to have to take some time to grow into that primary ball handler role but the he’d have been using them as that a lot and he’s you know me it whether it’s out of necessity or after the Kyle trade he was the guy that was our primary ball handler so I think a three-level threat that can score at all three levels um in the backourt next to Jaylen Suggs fits around Paulo banero we talk about his uh catch and shoot sometimes and his off the ball one of the best off the- ball three-point shooters I think really um if Tyler hero is healthy he’s one of the best fits for the Orlando Magic team because he also fits their timeline with their age and that is one of the teams that that I’ve heard linked to him over the past couple of years um you know others we mentioned Brooklyn Utah San Antonio uh but Orlando always pops back into the mix uh Juan I’ll go to you on this then uh are you uh when you look at the Magic’s uh players that that they have under contract now for next year and again we we there’s a lot of talk about uh the possibility of of uh of Isaac moving on um you know you know it does seem again Co Cole Anthony comes up from time to time as a player that they could potentially move even though he has provided some scoring punch Off the Bench uh how do how do you see this Magic roster changing this offseason oh you’re on mute I think yeah sorry about that um yeah you know you mentioned it kind of right there Cole Anthony he actually got that extension last season to where you know fans would kind of be like okay well Cole will be here for the future but I don’t think that’s uh too safe there then you talk about Wendell Carter Jr um we already paid the bulk of his contract so now um you know when you look at the rest of his deal it’s a descending deal so teams I would assume would definitely like that U when you talk about trade talks so you you talk about those players possibly bundling them up and I only mentioned those two because uh Cole Anthony and Wendell towards the second half of the season were just a little bit not not playing up to par compared to the other guys that were really carrying the load and wend Carter kind of touched on it as well he was kind of dealing with uh you know the mental side of basketball wondering if he still got it things like that but then he kind of bounced back and then Cole Anthony the consistency just isn’t there at times when you really need it especially Off the Bench that’s what he got paid for was to be that spark plug and he just didn’t see it all season long and he’ll you know you can check his press conferences he’ll even admit it himself so I think when you talk about those kind of players and uh possibly packaging them up or just looking out and and getting some free agents that really fit well with this team they’re definitely missing some more three-point shooting playmaking is huge you know PA and Ken fron Vagner were bringing up the ball for a majority of the playoffs and a lot throughout the season so I think a playmaker a three-point shooter and a rim protector are something that will really uh improve this roster Alex would Cole Anthony interest you on the heat as a backup point guard to Terry Ros here no I mean nothing against them I just think like they’ve got enough with the small cards like that’s not move I’m looking to do even if you trade Tyler like you have another spot for a guard you know it’s not any you know shade towards Cole Anthony it’s just I don’t think that’s the like the guy that I would be targeting you know he’s he’s cool you know he’s got a decent game but it’s just like you know as you guys were talking about it and you know you’re giving out uh Juan the information on on you know their contracts and stuff like I think I and I agree that Tyler would be a really nice fit in Orlando like it feels like he he it seems kind of hand in glove when you think about it because he would be their third option uh offensively probably sometimes even fourth with the way that Mo vogner can kind of take over stretches of a game like when when that guy gets going I feel like the the ball stays going to him but in general like I I think it wouldn’t be too much pressure on Tyler they need someone with that skill set I mean they just need shooting and like you mentioned like some playmaking too he’s got you know he’s not an A+ at anything but you know his shooting is damn good right and I think he can you know the other parts of his game would be helpful he wouldn’t have to be like the first or second option a nice a really good team defense around him like Jonathan mentioned the backourt partner like I think all of that makes a lot of sense and I also think like you know if if you guys disagree with me let me know but I feel like Duncan would be really really helpful for the magic as well and it’s just funny like looking at that like you know kind of Heat fans wanting to move on from some of these guys and like the magic would kill for that type of skill set right now cuz it’s just so obvious that like they need they need the the the floor spacing and guys who are real shooting threats um and so I there could be something worked out there like in theory but I don’t know what the heat would want in return from the magic not you know they’ve got good players but I I’m not sure what they would trade Tyler to the magic for now if you’re talking about like Duncan straight up for like a Wendel Carter I’m not sure they would do that either but I think that’s like an interesting kind of move because I think a lot of people feel like the heat need that extra size I don’t think not sure and I don’t think that wend would start next to Bam but I think you know um he could be the third big though yeah he could he could be the third big with uh with bam yic I think yeah exactly I think that fits it fits pretty nicely like he mentioned the descending contract is is would be really helpful for the Heats uh cap situation but I do think Duncan and his shooting is is really valuable to the Heats already anemic offense so I’m not sure they would figure something out like that and then the other thing you got to factor in with the magic is that you know you mentioned at the top their their cat being uh like so open and it’s you know that’s that’s going to come to an end at some point when all these guys get to the end of their rookie deals and they’re asking for the you know the extension or trying to get to that second deal um you know whenever it takes place I I think you know that’s the type of thing where you got to move probably one or two of those guys ahead of time because you’re not gonna probably not going to be able to afford every single one and maybe I’m wrong there because it’s not like I’ve EXT extensively like studied the magic cap that’s just like typically how it goes with these young teams that are full of rookie scale deals it’s like well you’re going to be like Paulo is going to be getting paid vogner is gonna be getting paid you know I’m sure they’re GNA pay I mean both vogner and just in general like a lot of these guys are going to get second deals so it probably makes sense for them to you know uh be an aggressive trade team this summer as well all right more parallels with the heat more parallels let’s well again yeah I mean you have to make decisions with your young players uh before they all get too expensive all right so we’ll go around here I’m going to start with Josh and Luca on this one because the most important question if you’re going to win big is whether or not you have the guy right like I mean we’re seeing that right now with LCA uh you can’t talk me into Tatum as the guy but that’s okay well the other Luca uh but but but uh but you have to have I mean you know as as someone very high up in the heat front office has always said to me you either have one of those guys or you got to go get one of those guys okay and that’s you know that that that he’d have one of those guys when he’s healthy and engaged in Jimmy Butler we’ll see perh how much longer he can play at that level so I’ll ask this question and Luka and Josh you can start on this uh is Paulo going to be one of those guys is this is this a top 10 can rise to top five player potential that can carry a team to the NBA finals is in the next again I’m not expecting it next year but let’s say a three-year window from now do you guys believe that Josh Luca either of you could start 100% yes are he’s like the only only rookie to average like 25 and five shooting at the clip that he’s shooting he Aver 216 and four this season like that like that’s sorry that’s over his entire um like regular season uh career he won Rookie of the Year like I I brought brought them to seven like I think 100% Paul B Caro is that guy and I honestly am so surprised that like he already had a lot of hype in college but I’m so surprised that he kind of like didn’t get talked about as much if this guy was playing on any other team that was not the city of Orlando people would be calling him the Messiah it’s that he is that good like so like so seriously he does it on every single level of the floor he’s great inside his passing ability has only gotten better since last year his shooting percentage has only gotten better since last year he had an All-Star team this year I I mean seriously I don’t know what else the only thing he hasn’t done is want a playoff series you know and he’s really line so much exactly no sir thank you yeah he’s like he’s really elevating like he he know and that’s that’s a thing that’s the mental side he even understands the mental side of the game because he knows that when his team is struggling he has to Pace the game he has to make those chances at the free throw line and on top of that he knows whenever to give like like Alex said earlier he knows when to give it to Mo when he’s hot or France when he’s hot you know he has that higher level thinking that that they talk that that people that players talk about you know that not a lot of players develop at such an early age so I think 100% he is the I think he’s one of the guys like he will be like by next year he’ll be arguably like top I think he might ARG honestly be arguably in the top like 20 15 range in the NBA I think I don’t think it’s crazy to say that and I think that by the by the end of next year he could really make a strong case for a top 10 because the way he’s progressing and the way he’s done with the ball you know like what he’s shown I think he really is like on that type of track I think it’s crazy to deny him that you know and to add on that yeah I 100% agree with luuka um I think just the jump he’s made you know Season to season we see it we see it on the bo two seasons two seasons that’s it exactly allar I mean and then you know this was his moment in the playoffs I mean yes they didn’t advance but we saw glimpses of what this guy can really become and uh I think next season he really takes off um to your to your question next three years NBA Finals you know it’s comes down to a team you know what’s the makeup of this team the chemistry all that but I believe Paulo can lead this team to Eastern Conference Finals and I just real quick I just want to say this is first playoff season ever 27 points per game on 8.6 rebounds four assist on 40% from the three and a 45% from the field like that’s only in seven games that’s one playoff season like as a second year player that’s insane that’s crazy I hav realiz 40% from three because I was gonna say I feel like he needs to clean up the shot a little bit more but then I was looking at percentages he went from 30 as a rookie to 34 now 40 in the first round like it’s it’s really impressive man yeah and and uh I’m not allowed to say anything nice about a Mike Miller client but I I guess I’ll I’ll say the same thing Mike hasn’t come on the show yet so until he does I’m gonna trash him um let let’s here’s my final thought and I’ll let Jonathan and Juan take us home here uh the magic are on the upward trajectory no question about that um they seem to have gotten management right you know you can have a lot of high draft picks but you can also be Detroit um it seems like in the case of Orlando they’ve drafted better uh than those teams did even though they didn’t NE except with exception of Paulo they they you know some of the picks have not been quite as high as some of the others and it seems a little bit like the Houston build in some ways uh although it seems like Houston I think fast forwarded it too much with some of their contracts last year and the van vet contract never made sense to me at the time and and I think sometimes you can Panic My overall thought is this I I’m gonna say heat because it’s always the heat because their management is proven um but and also because the hardest thing to do in this league is to be a young team that then takes the next step with the right pieces uh that that’s it it’s one thing to get from that level rebuilding to kind of good and it’s another thing to get over the top here but I’ll let Jonathan and and uh and Juan close on this next season okay uh next season uh assuming that the magic don’t make a major addition the heat don’t make a major addition who wins this division next year Jonathan I’m going to go with the magic I think they’re more committed to the regular season um I think we’re going to see a lot of growth uh towards from all their players Jaylen Suggs is GNA have a lot of growth to Luca’s point I mean Paulo had a 39-point game and a 38-point game during the playoffs right the dude is a bucket we’re gonna see him be able to put those moves on more we’re g to see a lot more growth from frons um you know they they have a you know even guys like Anthony black right guys that even haven’t started really developing yet um are still going to continue to to grow and evolv so I do think when it comes to the regular season of next season I would say the the magic get it done because more likely Jimmy’s going to take a 20 game break Tyler Hero’s probably going to miss uh a good amount of games you know well it’s just classic Miami Heat stuff that this team will you know have maybe five or six games that we play with the full roster so uh I do think the magic will you know get to that you know be higher and I do think potentially I do think they could be a 51 G 51 team next year I I do think that’s that might be a little bold but I do think they could move into that upper echelon um with the guys that they have taking those next steps yeah well the the Eastern Conference there don’t seem to be a lot of ascending teams right now so that’s that’s part of it see the the drift continues the talent drift continues to go west we’ll see if that happens um Juan your thoughts on that yeah you know I’m gonna completely agree there I think the magic uh you know when you talk about the Superstar and Pa vaner that they have uh on that rookie deal I think that is it’s it kind of works like when a an NFL team has a rookie QB you want to try to use all your assets as quick as you can while you’re on that rookie deal before it’s time to really pay him and I think that’s as as you wear as you wear a Dolphin hat uh and and we may be we may be seeing a $55 million year contract signed in the next week yeah they should have won last they should have won last year is the is is the real point they should have faded December anyway I’m sorry no no you’re good I mean that’s a that’s an excellent point but yeah I think uh the magic know where they need to improve it’s they’re not that far from being a top three team in the East and I think they understand that once they get a playmaker to really let frons and play off the ball more I mean this team would just be even that much better if they can try to get you know five to 10 more wins than they did this year I think with the moves and the assets they have I think they can put together a team that will be at least five games better than they were this year all right well you can follow all of these guys uh again we’ve expanded a little bit at five reason Sports uh they just got started but you can tell they they know the team well we even I don’t know if Jonathan does we on that podcast as well but you’ll get into that uh so check out the Magic Man podcast for now for now uh it’s on the YouTube channel so make sure you subscribe there but uh we may be releasing it on a podcast feed uh as we go forward and of course we appreciate everybody who listens to five on the floor thanks to our sponsors autograph and prize pick use the code five insurance by thanks again to Jonathan uh Juan Luca Josh of course Alex uh will be back with me because he has no choice have a good one everybody

For the first time in a long time, the Orlando Magic are defending Southeast Division champions — and they have a young roster and a clean cap sheet. Are they in better shape over the next three seasons than the Miami Heat?

Ethan Skolnick and Alex Toledo bring on the hosts of the new Magic Mania podcast, (which you can watch on Five Reasons YouTube). You can follow them on X/Twitter at @ThreePieceCombo, @jshyb_, @Wellukaa and @jd_rodriguez__),

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  1. Sadly this isn’t relevant. That being said, the magic look a lot better today. If their front office is as incompetent as ours then in a couple of years they’ll be trading everybody and starting again.

    Meanwhile this summer heat will get a couple of brick layers, media will create ton of content on our 6’2” 139 lbs guards, say this team should be third or fourth in the east, and never call Riley and his cohorts for what they’ve done.

  2. Looking at the Finals rn. Celtics added Jrue and Porzingiz, while Miami said “we’re good with a healthy Herro” LMFAO

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