@San Antonio Spurs

DeMar Derozan’s NEW Coach Pop Story Got To Me..

DeMar Derozan’s NEW Coach Pop Story Got To Me..

all right guys so it seems like we’re getting a new po ofish story every other day and I’m not going to lie to you I am absolutely loving this I want [Music] some are we having fun yet all right so let’s just be real for a minute okay it is so nice that papovich is getting his flowers now before he retires or before he’s gone and a lot of guys don’t necessarily get that opportunity right but it’s nice that papovich has been getting it it seems like he’s an exception here there’s so many people you know it could be celebrities Sports you know at athletes what whatever mind you that has inspired us that have made so much impact in the world that they’ve they live in um that is sports when it pertains to pop and it it and these guys don’t get their flowers and they don’t get the appreciation and love that they deserve and papovich I haven’t seen anything on the contrary okay and I haven’t seen anything against this so I think I can say it with a lot of confidence he seems like a genuinely good person like like seriously he just seems like a good guy and and it’s nice that he is getting um all the flowers now before he retires before he decides um uh to walk away from from the game of basketball so it it’s it’s it’s great man it’s great and this seems to be another one of those situations and demard de rosan has some things to say about Greg papovich now before we talk about this really quick big shout out to bet us um if you guys are interested at all when it pertains to betting or uh looking at any props or predictions that you might need you can head on over to bet us TV or more importantly this is probably a little bit better honestly if you go to their NBA picks and predictions page and go to that channel they have a multitude of different live streams in which they discuss upcoming predictions um might what might be some good bets some bad bets um so if you guys are interested at all you know head to the link in my description and go on and sign up for bet us um today’s sponsor or you know at the very least just check out their content over here at uh NBA picks and predictions all right so let’s go ahead and take a look at what dear Rosen had to say let me make sure my okay yeah close captions is up let’s see he’s talking to McCoy that’s that’s interesting let’s see what we got here uh we’ll do it at one yeah 1.25 that’s good that’s good [Music] questions for you that’s person you want to know one is I want I want to ask you how was it playing for Coach pop he he a legend you hear all the stories about him yeah and the another one I asked you was um as you wind down you keep talking about winding down going to your 16th season um Championship yeah does that whole oh that’s a good question I’m actually looking forward to I have not I did not pre-at this by the way um I saw this from an article saying Mar R Ro and really loved uh or he had a pop of his story I I have not pre pre-at this wait and decision the playing still that say Shady or yeah pop man pop pop is the the OG of OG pop is veto Kon pop is is is the Godfather of of this whole thing man like playing for pop was one of the most important times in my career one because he embraced me to a different level when I got traded there cuz when I got traded I wasn’t answering nobody calls pop called me and was like man I didn’t trade you I traded for you he he told this story before that first and foremost so that kind of like broke the on a whole different level and like pop like bro he he like the realest individual I ever been around in a sense man that dude is like such a caring empathetic smart like intelligent like dude Beyond like I could even like Express bro like dude did a lot of real [ __ ] for me outside of basketball that showed me a different side of life and like pop forever would be one of the realest like with it you know what I mean we see him on TV he’ll be acting serious and all this [ __ ] but pop pop is a gangster man pop pop pop is one one one thing that stood out to me I always think about when uh DeMar rosen talked about this before I think he might have said this when he was with us I I can’t quite remember um but he was talking about how pop would show them movies all the time and one movie that he showed him was like a documentary on penguins and how penguins work together and he related that to basketball he related that to life um and it seems like a lot of guys got a lot out of that so it’s it is it is nice to hear stuff like this was bro he’s special he’s special I love him to the to the death like I I wake up some mornings and Pap just text me random like love you kid yeah go do something to make you happy today you know what I mean that’s so much love what the heck you know papovich probably does this with everyone you know one thing that uh was it what’s his name I’m just kidding obviously I know his name dejonte Murray um dejonte Murray he came out he said oh yeah I still stay in contact with pop I actually believed him there I I just didn’t believe the stuff that he still stays in contact with some of our play I don’t think that I don’t think he talks to Trey Jones a regular basis okay I I I have no reason to really believe that but I did believe him when he talked about pop I mean like that’s how he talk to you what like pop pop like I I I never told this story I tell y’all this [ __ ] this some real [ __ ] this breaking news this some like real some real [ __ ] like I’ve never told nobody this story like my my pop had passed when I was playing in San Antonio appreciate it um so I had called we we were stuck in Charlotte um and I had called the GM like yo bro I’m I’m about to fly home tonight I’m about to try to get a plane out of here I got I got to get home my pops just pass right so I caught a GM I didn’t want nobody to know I didn’t want it to be all in the media bro literally bro 90 seconds later I here knock at the door bro it’s pop wow bro pop sit in the room with me and CED with me for about two hours that’s real this is what I’m talking about man like seriously he’s he’s a genuine good dude it’s so unfortunate I know he doesn’t get on social media he doesn’t care about all that stuff but it’s so unfortunate that we have fans in our fan base that really just drag this man and they and they drag them on a personal level it’s not just they can they can try to hide it behind oh it’s because the team isn’t doing well or whatnot but after all these years of success you can’t even give like the benefit of the doubt for this team or the benefit of the doubt for for this leader it it’s it’s unfortunate man with all the Championships all the wins in the world that people will still try to drag you and I mean even on a personal level it it it that that hurts man that hurts sorry sorry that this this actually make me tear up a little bit I I can’t believe I can’t believe that like you know what I mean he’s like I’m I I’m not leaving until you leave and that just showed like the person who he was you know what I mean like basketball I’m your guy now right he sat there and cried with me bro like you feel me I’ve never told nobody that story but that that’s who pop is you feel me like that’s the person pop is like even like [ __ ] from my book he wrote the four and pop and pop was hurt you know he just lost his wife not that long ago um sorry let me go back I missed the part Pop is you feel me like that’s the person pop is like even like [ __ ] from my book he wrote the forward for my book you know what I mean with no problem bro he wrote a long ass forward he was like pick and choose whatever you want from it I don’t care just you know what I mean but that’s you can tell what type of Coach it is because like a coach that could if you ever watch a coach that can yell at you a certain way right I’m talking to the Stars and then the next moment be smiling responding that’s yeah same same [ __ ] so yeah that was a little I never told that story I thought that appreciate that look authentic you already know you guys please go watch Ted lasso okay I I know that it’s a I know it’s a show you know whatever fictional but it’s it’s based on real coaches please watch Ted lasso I was watching Ted lasso and I realized I’m like this is pretty similar to papovich is philosophy when it pertains to coaching go watch that show it’s a great show man a raw we ain’t cut nothing else and what’s crazy he’ll be mad at me telling that story cuz he never want nobody he don’t want credit bro he never won credit he he sure doesn’t remember when we won in 2014 he just sat on the bench the whole time I was like dude what are you doing get up there like the camera’s all in his face and he’s like no they did it they did it I I had nothing to do with it I was just here for the show like good God I wonder if that’s working against him a little bit right like he’s he spent so much time one thing that I’ve heard that’s the dumbest thing I ever here when it comes to pop is people say oh he’s a narcissist I don’t know where they got that from does he have an ego yes if you’re great at what you do you’re going to have somewhat of a ego right you you’re going to be a little arrogant about what you do but as far as him being a narcissist I don’t know where that stem from and I don’t maybe it’s been so many years of papovich not taking credit and saying it’s just Tim Duncan that even the people that hate him have actually believed that no it’s it was only Tim Duncan that won those champions ship wild you don’t do it for the credit never you know as you wind your career down cuz we all been there right I mean it’s weird cuz you still playing a high level still but um you think you can stop him no no but [ __ ] he can’t stop me on the field so I would never I I was going ask you that earlier though you think you could tackle him right now asking hell no bro listen I’m just thinking about back of the day all right we we going to leave we going to leave it right there we’re going to leave it right there guys if you are interested at all to watch this whole thing um it is called it is on the 2510 Show demard De rosan I couldn’t watch the Raptors win that Championship uh so yeah obviously we’re not going to go over that one but um but yeah go guys go check it out uh wow that that story actually did make me make me tear up and it really shows what type of guy um papovich is so if you guys are interested please please please um uh go go check out uh the 2510 all right let’s go ahead and get out of here we’re gonna get out of here uh tell me what you thought about this I think it’s some great stuff and demard rosan every time he speaks he he he drops us with a little gem uh there I just realized that backdrop that’s kind of dope the NWA hold on all is that Snoop okay Snoop nipy okay that’s pretty cool that magic baby boy why would you why baby boy like out of all the like baby boy is a decent movie but like really baby boy I don’t know that’s weird to me that’s that’s so Random I mean I know I know takes place and oh people been asking about my cat here she is look they’ve been asking about you mxa look here she is there you go there you go she saying Hey to the people she’s saying Hey to the people she is not bothered she is not bothered she does not want to see you guys anyways uh let’s go and get out of here uh big shout out to today’s sponsor bet us bet us America’s favorite Sportsbook and Casino Live betting and Race book we’re celebrating 30 years with a historic offer a 125% sign up bonus on your first three deposits plus 10% gamblers Insurance get started today bet us where the game begins [Music] [Music] m

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I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

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  1. Clan, PoP is beloved… Why you always gotta talk about the negative. Those who speak I'll of him are most definitely in the minority. I don't care who you are, everyone has detractors and PoP is no different but that doesn't take away from his legacy.

  2. Another up-and-coming content-creator, whatslaps, made a good point regarding Pop: he's allowed to be ruthless to his players because they can sense, in their bones, that he loves them and has their best interest in mind. That matters when you're asking people to dig deep and be their best selves.

    Also Clan, for the record: Ted Lasso the character was inspired by UCLA coach John Wooden

  3. I wonder why Gregg Popovich showed a video of penguins instead of army ants to demonstrate teamwork. There's a certain furry animal whose name escapes me he could have shown videos of.

  4. Clan. Whats your cats name yo?
    Can you please just announce it on one of your posts? I’m about to not watch over this.
    Been asking for over a month bro.
    At this point it’s SUs asf you won’t tell us that kitty’s name.
    Damn bro.
    Just Cat?
    Just damn.
    Doin that kittypus dirty yo.

  5. Clan now that the draft is almost here are you going to be live-streaming it? Btw who do you want at #4 or #8 or do you want to trade them picks for the #1 pick?

  6. Clan. Whats your cats name yo?
    Can you please just announce it on one of your posts? I’m about to not watch over this.
    Been asking for over a month bro.
    At this point it’s SUs asf you won’t tell us that kitty’s name.
    Damn bro.
    Just Cat?
    Just damn.
    Doin that kittypus dirty yo.
    “I haven’t pre watched” is something you say every video 😂

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